package body Discr25_Pkg is | |
type Arr1 is array (Natural range <>) of Integer; | |
B : constant Boolean := N > 0; | |
type Arr2 is array (True .. B) of Integer; | |
type Obj_T (Size_Max : Natural) is record | |
A2 : Arr2; | |
A1 : Arr1 (0 .. Size_Max); | |
end record; | |
procedure Proc1 (Set : in out T) is | |
begin | |
Set := new Obj_T'(Set.all); | |
end; | |
procedure Proc2 (Obj : in out T; L : Natural) is | |
begin | |
Obj := new Obj_T (L); | |
end; | |
end Discr25_Pkg; |