| with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; |
| |
| package body Elab5_Pkg is |
| |
| -------------------------------------------------- |
| -- Call to call, instantiation, task activation -- |
| -------------------------------------------------- |
| |
| procedure Suppressed_Call_1 is |
| package Inst is new ABE_Gen; |
| T : ABE_Task; |
| begin |
| ABE_Call; |
| end Suppressed_Call_1; |
| |
| function Elaborator_1 return Boolean is |
| begin |
| pragma Warnings ("L"); |
| Suppressed_Call_1; |
| pragma Warnings ("l"); |
| return True; |
| end Elaborator_1; |
| |
| Elab_1 : constant Boolean := Elaborator_1; |
| |
| procedure Suppressed_Call_2 is |
| package Inst is new ABE_Gen; |
| T : ABE_Task; |
| begin |
| ABE_Call; |
| end Suppressed_Call_2; |
| |
| function Elaborator_2 return Boolean is |
| begin |
| Suppressed_Call_2; |
| return True; |
| end Elaborator_2; |
| |
| Elab_2 : constant Boolean := Elaborator_2; |
| |
| procedure Suppressed_Call_3 is |
| package Inst is new ABE_Gen; |
| T : ABE_Task; |
| begin |
| ABE_Call; |
| end Suppressed_Call_3; |
| |
| function Elaborator_3 return Boolean is |
| begin |
| Suppressed_Call_3; |
| return True; |
| end Elaborator_3; |
| |
| Elab_3 : constant Boolean := Elaborator_3; |
| |
| ----------------------------------------------------------- |
| -- Instantiation to call, instantiation, task activation -- |
| ----------------------------------------------------------- |
| |
| package body Suppressed_Generic is |
| procedure Force_Body is begin null; end Force_Body; |
| package Inst is new ABE_Gen; |
| T : ABE_Task; |
| begin |
| ABE_Call; |
| end Suppressed_Generic; |
| |
| function Elaborator_4 return Boolean is |
| pragma Warnings ("L"); |
| package Inst is new Suppressed_Generic; |
| pragma Warnings ("l"); |
| begin |
| return True; |
| end Elaborator_4; |
| |
| Elab_4 : constant Boolean := Elaborator_4; |
| |
| ------------------------------------------------------------- |
| -- Task activation to call, instantiation, task activation -- |
| ------------------------------------------------------------- |
| |
| task body Suppressed_Task is |
| package Inst is new ABE_Gen; |
| T : ABE_Task; |
| begin |
| ABE_Call; |
| end Suppressed_Task; |
| |
| function Elaborator_5 return Boolean is |
| pragma Warnings ("L"); |
| T : Suppressed_Task; |
| pragma Warnings ("l"); |
| begin |
| return True; |
| end Elaborator_5; |
| |
| Elab_5 : constant Boolean := Elaborator_5; |
| |
| function Elaborator_6 return Boolean is |
| T : Suppressed_Task; |
| pragma Warnings (Off, T); |
| begin |
| return True; |
| end Elaborator_6; |
| |
| Elab_6 : constant Boolean := Elaborator_6; |
| |
| procedure ABE_Call is |
| begin |
| Put_Line ("ABE_Call"); |
| end ABE_Call; |
| |
| package body ABE_Gen is |
| procedure Force_Body is begin null; end Force_Body; |
| begin |
| Put_Line ("ABE_Gen"); |
| end ABE_Gen; |
| |
| task body ABE_Task is |
| begin |
| Put_Line ("ABE_Task"); |
| end ABE_Task; |
| end Elab5_Pkg; |