blob: 85c3b634527db630cbb4cdf44a8684e13d6e53fb [file] [log] [blame]
package Opt18 is
type Cart_Axis_Type is (X, Y, Z);
type Cart_Vector_Type is array (Cart_Axis_Type) of Float;
function Mag (Item : in Cart_Vector_Type) return Float;
type Unit_Vector_Type is array (Cart_Axis_Type) of Float;
type Mag_Axis_Type is
Mag : Float;
Axis : Unit_Vector_Type;
end record;
type Unit_Quaternion_Type is record
X : Float;
Y : Float;
Z : Float;
S : Float;
end record;
function Unit_Quaternion_To_Mag_Axis (Quaternion : in Unit_Quaternion_Type)
return Mag_Axis_Type;
X_Unit : constant Unit_Vector_Type := (1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
end Opt18;