blob: 945e404d2ec7728e1937d46132e2d070edaa1853 [file] [log] [blame]
-- { dg-do run }
procedure Pack10 is
type U16 is mod 2**16;
type U8 is mod 2**8;
type R is record
A : U16;
B : U8;
end record;
type M is array (1..2) of R;
pragma Pack (M);
-- This size clause can actually be omitted
for M'Size use 48;
type R2 is record
C : M;
D : U8;
end record;
for R2 use record
C at 0 range 0 .. 24*2-1;
end record;
My_R2 : R2;
My_R2.D := 1;
My_R2.C(2).B := 0;
if My_R2.D /=1 then
raise Program_Error;
end if;