blob: a3a83bab0a9444725befb2b630c7292eaec96a85 [file] [log] [blame]
-- { dg-do compile }
-- { dg-options "-gnatws" }
procedure Pack8 is
type R is record
I : Integer;
a, b : Character;
end record;
type Ar1 is array (1..4) of R;
type Ar2 is array (1..4) of R;
pragma Pack (Ar2);
type R2 is record
A : Ar2;
end record;
for R2 use record
A at 0 range 0 .. 48*4-1-1; -- { dg-error "too small" }
end record;
X : Ar1;
Y : Ar2;
Y (1) := X (1);