| -- { dg-do compile } |
| |
| with Ada.Containers.Hashed_Maps; |
| with Ada.Text_IO; |
| |
| procedure Renaming15 is |
| use Ada.Containers; |
| |
| subtype String_T is String (1 .. 3); |
| |
| function Hash (Aircraft_Id : Integer) return Hash_Type is |
| (Hash_Type (Aircraft_Id) * (2 ** 31 - 1)); |
| function Equal (Left, Right : Integer) return Boolean is (Left = Right); |
| package Radar_Map is new Hashed_Maps (Integer, String_T, Hash, Equal); |
| |
| Radars : Radar_Map.Map; |
| |
| procedure Change_Elem_Value is |
| begin |
| for C in Radars.Iterate loop |
| declare |
| E : String_T renames Radar_Map.Element (C); |
| begin |
| E := "Xyz"; -- { dg-error "left hand side of assignment must be a variable" } |
| Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (E); |
| end; |
| end loop; |
| end Change_Elem_Value; |
| begin |
| Radars.Include (1, "jjj"); |
| Change_Elem_Value; |
| end Renaming15; |