blob: 2d9d3ab15044ed4fa2f458d6372673347bf0599b [file] [log] [blame]
with Ada.Finalization;
package task_name is
type Base_Controller is
abstract new Ada.Finalization.Limited_Controlled with null record;
type Extended_Controller is
abstract new Base_Controller with private;
type Task_Object (Controller : access Extended_Controller'Class) is
limited private;
type String_Access is access string;
type Extended_Controller is
abstract new Base_Controller with record
Thread : aliased Task_Object (Extended_Controller'Access);
Name : String_Access := new string'("the_name_of_the_task");
end record;
task type Task_Object (Controller : access Extended_Controller'Class) is pragma Task_Name (Controller.Name.all);
end Task_Object;