blob: 21ae06bfd276fb15847866bfd751c7d4cf851ad5 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Test the Modern GNU Objective-C Runtime API.
This is test 'protocol', covering all functions starting with 'protocol'. */
/* { dg-do run } */
/* { dg-skip-if "No API#2 pre-Darwin9" { *-*-darwin[5-8]* } { "-fnext-runtime" } { "" } } */
/* { dg-xfail-run-if "Needs OBJC2 ABI" { *-*-darwin* && { lp64 && { ! objc2 } } } { "-fnext-runtime" } { "" } } */
// { dg-additional-options "-Wno-objc-root-class" }
/* To get the modern GNU Objective-C Runtime API, you include
objc/runtime.h. */
#include <objc/runtime.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
@interface MyRootClass
{ Class isa; }
+ alloc;
- init;
+ initialize;
@implementation MyRootClass
+ alloc { return class_createInstance (self, 0); }
- init { return self; }
+ initialize { return self; }
@protocol MyProtocol
- (id) variable;
@protocol MySecondProtocol
- (id) setVariable: (id)value;
@protocol MyThirdProtocol <MySecondProtocol>
- (id) setAnotherVariable: (id)value;
@interface MySubClass : MyRootClass <MyProtocol>
{ id variable_ivar; }
- (void) setVariable: (id)value;
- (id) variable;
@implementation MySubClass
- (void) setVariable: (id)value { variable_ivar = value; }
- (id) variable { return variable_ivar; }
int main ()
/* Functions are tested in alphabetical order. */
std::cout << "Testing protocol_conformsToProtocol ()...\n";
if (!protocol_conformsToProtocol (@protocol (MyProtocol),
@protocol (MyProtocol)))
abort ();
if (!protocol_conformsToProtocol (@protocol (MyThirdProtocol),
@protocol (MySecondProtocol)))
abort ();
if (protocol_conformsToProtocol (@protocol (MyProtocol),
@protocol (MySecondProtocol)))
abort ();
std::cout << "Testing protocol_copyMethodDescriptionList ()...\n";
unsigned int count;
struct objc_method_description *list;
list = protocol_copyMethodDescriptionList (@protocol (MyThirdProtocol),
YES, YES, &count);
if (count != 1)
abort ();
if (std::strcmp (sel_getName (list[0].name), "setAnotherVariable:") != 0)
abort ();
if (list[1].name != NULL && list[1].types != NULL)
abort ();
/* TODO: Test new ABI (when available). */
std::cout << "Testing protocol_copyPropertyList ()...\n";
unsigned int count;
objc_property_t *list;
list = protocol_copyPropertyList (@protocol (MyProtocol), &count);
if (count != 0 || list != NULL)
abort ();
std::cout << "Testing protocol_copyProtocolList ()...\n";
unsigned int count;
Protocol **list;
list = protocol_copyProtocolList (@protocol (MyThirdProtocol), &count);
if (count != 1)
abort ();
if (std::strcmp (protocol_getName (list[0]), "MySecondProtocol") != 0)
abort ();
if (list[1] != NULL)
abort ();
std::cout << "Testing protocol_getMethodDescription ()...\n";
struct objc_method_description description;
description = protocol_getMethodDescription (@protocol (MySecondProtocol),
@selector (setVariable:),
if ( == NULL && description.types == NULL)
abort ();
if (std::strcmp (sel_getName (, "setVariable:") != 0)
abort ();
std::cout << "Testing protocol_getName ()...\n";
if (std::strcmp (protocol_getName (@protocol (MyProtocol)), "MyProtocol") != 0)
abort ();
/* TODO: Test new ABI (when available). */
std::cout << "Testing protocol_getProperty ()...\n";
objc_property_t property;
property = protocol_getProperty (objc_getProtocol ("MyProtocol"), "someProperty",
if (property != NULL)
abort ();
std::cout << "Testing protocol_isEqual ()...\n";
if (!protocol_isEqual (@protocol (MyProtocol),
@protocol (MyProtocol)))
abort ();
if (!protocol_isEqual (@protocol (MyProtocol),
objc_getProtocol ("MyProtocol")))
abort ();
return (0);