blob: dd8ff3eeefe2ddbbb0d219bab5ae5e233ac51798 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Test the Modern GNU Objective-C Runtime API.
This is test 'sel', covering all functions starting with 'sel'. */
/* { dg-do run } */
/* { dg-skip-if "No API#2 pre-Darwin9" { *-*-darwin[5-8]* } { "-fnext-runtime" } { "" } } */
// { dg-additional-options "-Wno-objc-root-class" }
/* To get the modern GNU Objective-C Runtime API, you include
objc/runtime.h. */
#include <objc/runtime.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
@interface MyRootClass
{ Class isa; }
+ alloc;
- init;
+ initialize;
@implementation MyRootClass
+ alloc { return class_createInstance (self, 0); }
- init { return self; }
+ initialize { return self; }
@protocol MyProtocol
- (id) variable;
@protocol MySecondProtocol
- (id) setVariable: (id)value;
@interface MySubClass : MyRootClass <MyProtocol>
{ id variable_ivar; }
- (void) setVariable: (id)value;
- (id) variable;
- (void) method;
@implementation MySubClass
- (void) setVariable: (id)value { variable_ivar = value; }
- (id) variable { return variable_ivar; }
- (void) method { return; }
@interface ClassA : MyRootClass
- (id) conflictingSelectorMethod;
@implementation ClassA
- (id) conflictingSelectorMethod { return nil; }
@interface ClassB : MyRootClass
- (void) conflictingSelectorMethod;
@implementation ClassB
- (void) conflictingSelectorMethod { return; }
int main ()
/* Functions are tested in alphabetical order. */
#ifdef __GNU_LIBOBJC__
std::cout << "Testing sel_copyTypedSelectorList ()...\n";
unsigned int count;
SEL * list = sel_copyTypedSelectorList ("method", &count);
/* There should only be two, since 'method' is referenced twice,
once with types and once without (in this very test). */
if (count != 2)
abort ();
/* Check that both selectors are not-NULL, and have the correct
name. We use @selector() here, which wouldn't really be
needed, just to register a second, untyped selector with name
'method'. */
if (std::strcmp (sel_getName (list[0]), sel_getName (@selector (method))) != 0)
abort ();
if (std::strcmp (sel_getName (list[1]), sel_getName (@selector (method))) != 0)
abort ();
if (list[2] != NULL)
abort ();
std::cout << "Testing sel_getName () ...\n";
if (std::strcmp (sel_getName (@selector (variable)), "variable") != 0)
abort ();
if (std::strcmp (sel_getName (NULL), "<null selector>") != 0)
abort ();
#ifdef __GNU_LIBOBJC__
std::cout << "Testing sel_getTypeEncoding () ...\n";
/* Get a selector from a real class, so it has interesting
types. */
Method method = class_getInstanceMethod (objc_getClass ("MySubClass"),
@selector (variable));
if (std::strcmp (sel_getTypeEncoding (method_getName (method)),
method_getTypeEncoding (method)) != 0)
abort ();
if (sel_getTypeEncoding (NULL) != NULL)
abort ();
#ifdef __GNU_LIBOBJC__
std::cout << "Testing sel_getTypedSelector () ...\n";
/* First try with a selector where we know that a typed one has
been registered. */
SEL selector = sel_getTypedSelector ("variable");
if (selector == NULL)
abort ();
if (sel_getTypeEncoding (selector) == NULL)
abort ();
/* Now try a selector which was never registered. */
selector = sel_getTypedSelector ("not_registered");
if (selector != NULL)
abort ();
/* Now try registering a selector with no types. The following
line is just a way to have an unused '@selector()' expression
without the compiler complaining. */
if (@selector (registered_with_no_types) == NULL)
abort ();
/* Try getting it. Nothing should be returned because it is
untyped. */
selector = sel_getTypedSelector ("registered_with_no_types");
if (selector != NULL)
abort ();
/* Now try a selector with multiple, conflicting types. NULL
should be returned. */
selector = sel_getTypedSelector ("conflictingSelectorMethod");
if (selector != NULL)
abort ();
std::cout << "Testing sel_getUid () ...\n";
if (std::strcmp (sel_getName (sel_getUid ("myMethod")), "myMethod") != 0)
abort ();
if (sel_getUid (NULL) != NULL)
abort ();
std::cout << "Testing sel_isEqual () ...\n";
if (! sel_isEqual (@selector (setVariable:), @selector (setVariable:)))
abort ();
std::cout << "Testing sel_registerName () ...\n";
if (std::strcmp (sel_getName (sel_registerName ("myMethod")), "myMethod") != 0)
abort ();
if (sel_registerName (NULL) != NULL)
abort ();
#ifdef __GNU_LIBOBJC__
std::cout << "Testing set_registerTypedName () ...\n";
const char *types = method_getTypeEncoding (class_getInstanceMethod
(objc_getClass ("MySubClass"),
@selector (variable)));
SEL selector = sel_registerTypedName ("aMethod", types);
if (std::strcmp (sel_getName (selector), "aMethod") != 0)
abort ();
if (std::strcmp (sel_getTypeEncoding (selector), types) != 0)
abort ();
if (sel_registerTypedName (NULL, NULL) != NULL)
abort ();
if (sel_registerTypedName (NULL, types) != NULL)
abort ();
return (0);