blob: 050d9bf9f1c9e73df11460dd01f11372b9f11a85 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Contributed by Nicola Pero <>, November 2010. */
/* { dg-do compile } */
/* Test errors with the dot-syntax with pre/post increment and decrement. */
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <objc/objc.h>
#include <objc/runtime.h>
@interface MyRootClass
Class isa;
int count;
int a;
+ (id) initialize;
+ (id) alloc;
- (id) init;
@property (assign, readonly) int count;
- (void) setWriteOnlyCount: (int)value;
@implementation MyRootClass
+ (id) initialize { return self; }
+ (id) alloc { return class_createInstance (self, 0); }
- (id) init { return self; }
@synthesize count;
- (void) setWriteOnlyCount: (int)value
a = value;
int main (void)
MyRootClass *object = [[MyRootClass alloc] init];
object.count = 10; /* { dg-error "'readonly' property cannot be set" } */
if (object.count != 10) /* Ok */
abort ();
/* Test errors when trying to change a readonly property using
pre/post increment/decrement operators. */
object.count++; /* { dg-error "'readonly' property cannot be set" } */
++object.count; /* { dg-error "'readonly' property cannot be set" } */
object.count--; /* { dg-error "'readonly' property cannot be set" } */
--object.count; /* { dg-error "'readonly' property cannot be set" } */
/* Test errors when trying to change something using Objective-C 2.0
dot-syntax but there is a setter but no getter. */
object.writeOnlyCount = 10; /* Ok */
object.writeOnlyCount++; /* { dg-error "no .writeOnlyCount. getter found" } */
++object.writeOnlyCount; /* { dg-error "no .writeOnlyCount. getter found" } */
object.writeOnlyCount--; /* { dg-error "no .writeOnlyCount. getter found" } */
--object.writeOnlyCount; /* { dg-error "no .writeOnlyCount. getter found" } */
return 0;