blob: dc12c3137b93f2de2ec816b1b22ebbf55fd43e0b [file] [log] [blame]
/* Contributed by Nicola Pero <>, March 2011. */
/* Test encoding properties. */
/* { dg-do run } */
/* { dg-skip-if "No API#2 pre-Darwin9" { *-*-darwin[5-8]* } { "-fnext-runtime" } { "" } } */
#include <objc/runtime.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
@interface MyRootClass
{ Class isa; }
+ alloc;
- init;
+ initialize;
@implementation MyRootClass
+ alloc { return class_createInstance (self, 0); }
- init { return self; }
+ initialize { return self; }
@interface MySubClass : MyRootClass
char char_property;
short short_property;
int int_property;
long long_property;
float float_property;
double double_property;
int *int_pointer_property;
id propertyA;
id propertyB;
id propertyC;
id propertyD;
int propertyE;
id propertyF;
id other_variable;
@property char char_property;
@property short short_property;
@property int int_property;
@property long long_property;
@property float float_property;
@property double double_property;
@property int *int_pointer_property;
@property (assign, getter=getP, setter=setP:) id propertyA;
@property (assign) id propertyB;
@property (copy) id propertyC;
@property (retain) id propertyD;
@property (nonatomic) int propertyE;
@property (nonatomic, readonly, copy) id propertyF;
@property (assign) id propertyG;
@property (assign, readonly, getter=X) id propertyH;
@implementation MySubClass
@synthesize char_property;
@synthesize short_property;
@synthesize int_property;
@synthesize long_property;
@synthesize float_property;
@synthesize double_property;
@synthesize int_pointer_property;
@synthesize propertyA;
@synthesize propertyB;
@synthesize propertyC;
@synthesize propertyD;
@synthesize propertyE;
@synthesize propertyF;
@synthesize propertyG = other_variable;
@dynamic propertyH;
#ifdef __OBJC2__
void error (objc_property_t p)
printf ("Error - property_getAttributes (\"%s\") returns \"%s\"\n",
property_getName (p),
property_getAttributes (p));
abort ();
/* Concatenate 3 strings and return the result. */
char *concat (const char *a, const char *b, const char *c)
/* We happily leak memory here. This is a test. */
char *x = (char *)malloc (sizeof (char) * 128);
snprintf (x, 128, "%s%s%s", a, b, c);
return x;
int main (void)
#ifdef __OBJC2__
Class c = objc_getClass ("MySubClass");
objc_property_t p;
p = class_getProperty (c, "char_property");
/* Usually we expect "Tc,Vchar_property", but if a char is of
different size, it may be encoded differently than "c". */
if (strcmp (concat ("T", @encode (char), ",Vchar_property"),
property_getAttributes (p)) != 0)
error (p);
p = class_getProperty (c, "short_property");
if (strcmp (concat ("T", @encode (short), ",Vshort_property"),
property_getAttributes (p)) != 0)
error (p);
p = class_getProperty (c, "int_property");
if (strcmp (concat ("T", @encode (int), ",Vint_property"),
property_getAttributes (p)) != 0)
error (p);
p = class_getProperty (c, "long_property");
if (strcmp (concat ("T", @encode (long), ",Vlong_property"),
property_getAttributes (p)) != 0)
error (p);
p = class_getProperty (c, "float_property");
if (strcmp (concat ("T", @encode (float), ",Vfloat_property"),
property_getAttributes (p)) != 0)
error (p);
p = class_getProperty (c, "double_property");
if (strcmp (concat ("T", @encode (double), ",Vdouble_property"),
property_getAttributes (p)) != 0)
error (p);
p = class_getProperty (c, "int_pointer_property");
if (strcmp (concat ("T", @encode (int *), ",Vint_pointer_property"),
property_getAttributes (p)) != 0)
error (p);
/* Objects are always encoded as '@' hence the string does not
depend on the architecture. */
p = class_getProperty (c, "propertyA");
if (strcmp ("T@,GgetP,SsetP:,VpropertyA", property_getAttributes (p)) != 0)
error (p);
p = class_getProperty (c, "propertyB");
if (strcmp ("T@,VpropertyB", property_getAttributes (p)) != 0)
error (p);
p = class_getProperty (c, "propertyC");
if (strcmp ("T@,C,VpropertyC", property_getAttributes (p)) != 0)
error (p);
p = class_getProperty (c, "propertyD");
if (strcmp ("T@,&,VpropertyD", property_getAttributes (p)) != 0)
error (p);
p = class_getProperty (c, "propertyE");
if (strcmp (concat ("T", @encode (int), ",N,VpropertyE"),
property_getAttributes (p)) != 0)
error (p);
p = class_getProperty (c, "propertyF");
if (strcmp ("T@,R,C,N,VpropertyF", property_getAttributes (p)) != 0)
error (p);
p = class_getProperty (c, "propertyG");
if (strcmp ("T@,Vother_variable", property_getAttributes (p)) != 0)
error (p);
p = class_getProperty (c, "propertyH");
if (strcmp ("T@,R,D,GX", property_getAttributes (p)) != 0)
error (p);
return 0;