| # f7_c_*.o modules from libf7.c. |
| F7_C_PARTS += set_s16 set_u16 set_s32 set_u32 init |
| F7_C_PARTS += get_s16 get_u16 get_s32 get_u32 get_s64 get_u64 |
| F7_C_PARTS += lrint ldexp frexp madd_msub madd msub hypot |
| F7_C_PARTS += addsub add sub mulx mul square divx div div1 fmod sqrt cbrt |
| F7_C_PARTS += Ineg Iadd Isub Imul Idiv IRsub Isquare Ildexp Isqrt |
| F7_C_PARTS += set_float get_float get_double set_double set_pdouble |
| F7_C_PARTS += fabs neg fmin fmax minmax truncx trunc floor ceil round lround |
| F7_C_PARTS += horner logx log log10 log2 exp pow10 pow powi |
| F7_C_PARTS += sin cos tan cotan sincos sinh cosh tanh sinhcosh |
| F7_C_PARTS += asinacos asin acos atan atan2 |
| F7_C_PARTS += abscmp_msb_ge cmp cmp_abs cmp_unordered |
| |
| F7_C_PARTS += const_1 const_1_2 const_1_3 |
| F7_C_PARTS += const_pi const_ln2 const_1_ln2 const_ln10 const_1_ln10 const_sqrt2 |
| F7_C_PARTS += # const_m1 const_2 const_sqrt2 |
| |
| # f7_asm_*.o modules from libf7-asm.sx. |
| F7_ASM_PARTS += classify clr mul_mant cmp_mant set_u64 |
| F7_ASM_PARTS += copy copy_P copy_mant clr_mant_lsbs |
| F7_ASM_PARTS += addsub_mant_scaled store load |
| F7_ASM_PARTS += to_integer to_unsigned clz normalize_with_carry normalize |
| F7_ASM_PARTS += store_expo sqrt16 sqrt_approx div |
| |
| F7_ASM_PARTS += D_class |
| F7_ASM_PARTS += D_isnan D_isinf D_isfinite D_signbit D_copysign D_neg D_fabs |
| |
| F7_ASM_PARTS += call_dd call_ddd |
| |
| # Stuff that will be wrapped in f7-wraps.h (included by libf7-asm.sx) |
| # and give f7_asm_D_*.o modules. |
| g_ddd += add sub mul div |
| g_xdd_cmp += le lt ge gt ne eq unord |
| g_dx += floatunsidf floatsidf extendsfdf2 |
| g_xd += fixdfsi fixdfdi fixunsdfdi fixunsdfsi truncdfsf2 |
| |
| m_ddd += pow fmin fmax fmod hypot atan2 |
| m_ddx += ldexp frexp |
| m_dd += sqrt cbrt exp exp10 pow10 log log10 log2 sin cos tan cotan asin acos atan |
| m_dd += ceil floor trunc round sinh cosh tanh |
| m_xd += lrint lround |
| |
| # -mcall-prologues |
| CALL_PROLOGUES += divx sqrt cbrt get_double set_double logx exp exp10 pow10 |
| CALL_PROLOGUES += put_C truncx round minmax sincos tan cotan pow powi fmod |
| CALL_PROLOGUES += atan asinacos madd_msub hypot init horner sinhcosh tanh |
| |
| # -mstrict-X |
| STRICT_X += log addsub truncx ldexp exp |
| |
| # Renames used when building f7-renames.h. |
| F7F += fabs neg add sub addsub div div1 divx fmod sqrt cbrt |
| F7F += square mul mulx madd_msub madd msub hypot |
| F7F += Ineg Iadd Isub Imul Idiv IRsub Isquare Ildexp Isqrt |
| F7F += le lt gt ge ne eq cmp cmp_abs ordered unordered cmp_unordered |
| F7F += lt_impl gt_impl le_impl ge_impl eq_impl ne_impl unord_impl |
| |
| F7F += lrint ldexp frexp exp logx log log10 log2 |
| F7F += minmax fmax fmin floor ceil round lround trunc truncx |
| F7F += horner pow10 exp10 pow powi |
| F7F += sin cos tan cotan sincos sinh cosh tanh sinhcosh |
| F7F += asinacos asin acos atan atan2 |
| F7F += mul_noround sqrt16_round sqrt16_floor |
| F7F += clr_mant_lsbs abscmp_msb_ge lshrdi3 ashldi3 |
| F7F += assert |
| |
| F7F += classify |
| |
| F7F += class_inf class_nan class_number class_zero class_nonzero class_sign |
| F7F += signbit set_sign set_nan set_inf |
| F7F += is_inf is_nan is_number is_zero is_nonzero |
| F7F += clr copy copy_P copy_mant msbit is0 cmp_mant store_expo |
| F7F += abs |
| |
| F7F += set_s64 set_s32 set_s16 set_s16_impl set_u16_worker |
| F7F += set_u64 set_u32 set_u16 set_u16_impl |
| F7F += set_float set_pdouble set_double_impl set_double init_impl init |
| F7F += get_s16 get_s32 get_s64 get_float |
| F7F += get_u16 get_u32 get_u64 get_double |
| |
| F7F += set_eps set_1pow2 |
| |
| # Renames for ALIASes without own module. |
| F7F += min max exp10 |
| F7F += floatunsidf floatsidf extendsfdf2 |
| F7F += fixdfsi fixdfdi fixunsdfdi fixunsdfsi truncdfsf2 |
| |
| # Renames for f7-const.def. |
| F7F_cst += 1 2 1_2 1_3 m1 pi ln2 ln10 1_ln2 1_ln10 sqrt2 |
| |
| F7F_asm += classify |
| F7F_asm += store_expo clr copy copy_P copy_mant |
| F7F_asm += cmp_mant normalize store_expo |
| F7F_asm += set_u64 set_s64 addsub_mant_scaled mul_mant |
| F7F_asm += to_integer to_unsigned clr_mant_lsbs |
| F7F_asm += div sqrt_approx sqrt16_round sqrt16_floor |
| F7F_asm += lshrdi3 ashldi3 |
| |
| F7F_asm += class_D |
| |
| F7F_asm += call_ddd call_xdd call_ddx |
| F7F_asm += call_dd call_xd call_dx |