blob: 6eb144d2edde266a318e496c2914171bfcb5ed15 [file] [log] [blame]
# Triggered by --with-libf7=math or --with-libf7=math-symbols
# We provide weak double wrappers for functions specified in math.h,
# but with __ prepended to the symbol name used for the double function.
# For example we provide double __sin (double) but neither sin nor sinl.
# To get weak symbols according to math.h, t-libf7-math-symbols has to
# be used which is triggered by --with-libf7=math-symbols.
# __sin, ...
F7_ASM_WRAPS_m_dd += $(m_dd)
# __pow, __fmin, ...
F7_ASM_WRAPS_m_ddd += $(m_ddd)
# __ldexp, ...
F7_ASM_WRAPS_m_ddx += $(m_ddx)
# __lrint, ...
F7_ASM_WRAPS_m_xd += $(m_xd)