| Ddoc |
| |
| $(P Phobos is the standard runtime library that comes with the D language |
| compiler.) |
| |
| $(P Generally, the `std` namespace is used for the main modules in the |
| Phobos standard library. The `etc` namespace is used for external C/C++ |
| library bindings. The `core` namespace is used for low-level D runtime |
| functions.) |
| |
| $(P The following table is a quick reference guide for which Phobos modules to |
| use for a given category of functionality. Note that some modules may appear in |
| more than one category, as some Phobos modules are quite generic and can be |
| applied in a variety of situations.) |
| |
| $(TR |
| $(TH Modules) |
| $(TH Description) |
| ) |
| $(LEADINGROW Algorithms & ranges) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW |
| $(MREF std,algorithm)$(BR) |
| $(MREF std,range)$(BR) |
| $(MREF std,range,primitives)$(BR) |
| $(MREF std,range,interfaces)$(BR) |
| ) |
| $(TD Generic algorithms that work with $(MREF_ALTTEXT ranges, std,range) |
| of any type, including strings, arrays, and other kinds of |
| sequentially-accessed data. Algorithms include searching, |
| comparison, iteration, sorting, set operations, and mutation. |
| ) |
| ) |
| $(LEADINGROW Array manipulation) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW |
| $(MREF std,array)$(BR) |
| $(MREF std,algorithm)$(BR) |
| ) |
| $(TD Convenient operations commonly used with built-in arrays. |
| Note that many common array operations are subsets of more generic |
| algorithms that work with arbitrary ranges, so they are found in |
| `std.algorithm`. |
| ) |
| ) |
| $(LEADINGROW Containers) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW |
| $(MREF std,container,array)$(BR) |
| $(MREF std,container,binaryheap)$(BR) |
| $(MREF std,container,dlist)$(BR) |
| $(MREF std,container,rbtree)$(BR) |
| $(MREF std,container,slist)$(BR) |
| ) |
| $(TD See $(MREF_ALTTEXT std.container.*, std,container) for an |
| overview. |
| ) |
| ) |
| $(LEADINGROW Data formats) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF std,base64)) |
| $(TD Encoding / decoding Base64 format.) |
| ) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF std,csv)) |
| $(TD Read Comma Separated Values and its variants from an input range of $(CODE dchar).) |
| ) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF std,json)) |
| $(TD Read/write data in JSON format.) |
| ) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF std,xml)) |
| $(TD Read/write data in XML format.) |
| ) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF std,zip)) |
| $(TD Read/write data in the ZIP archive format.) |
| ) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF std,zlib)) |
| $(TD Compress/decompress data using the zlib library.) |
| ) |
| $(LEADINGROW Data integrity) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF std,checkedint)) |
| $(TD Checked integral types.) |
| ) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF std,digest)) |
| $(TD Compute digests such as md5, sha1 and crc32.) |
| ) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF std,digest,crc)) |
| $(TD Cyclic Redundancy Check (32-bit) implementation.) |
| ) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF std,digest,hmac)) |
| $(TD Compute HMAC digests of arbitrary data.) |
| ) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF std,digest,md)) |
| $(TD Compute MD5 hash of arbitrary data.) |
| ) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF std,digest,murmurhash)) |
| $(TD Compute MurmurHash of arbitrary data.) |
| ) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF std,digest,ripemd)) |
| $(TD Compute RIPEMD-160 hash of arbitrary data.) |
| ) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF std,digest,sha)) |
| $(TD Compute SHA1 and SHA2 hashes of arbitrary data.) |
| ) |
| $(LEADINGROW Date & time) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF std,datetime)) |
| $(TD Provides convenient access to date and time representations.) |
| ) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF core,time)) |
| $(TD Implements low-level time primitives.) |
| ) |
| $(LEADINGROW Exception handling) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF std,exception)) |
| $(TD Implements routines related to exceptions.) |
| ) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF core,exception)) |
| $(TD Defines built-in exception types and low-level |
| language hooks required by the compiler.) |
| ) |
| $(LEADINGROW External library bindings) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF etc,c,curl)) |
| $(TD Interface to libcurl C library.) |
| ) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF etc,c,odbc,sql)) |
| $(TD Interface to ODBC C library.) |
| ) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF etc,c,odbc,sqlext)) |
| ) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF etc,c,odbc,sqltypes)) |
| ) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF etc,c,odbc,sqlucode)) |
| ) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF etc,c,sqlite3)) |
| $(TD Interface to SQLite C library.) |
| ) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF etc,c,zlib)) |
| $(TD Interface to zlib C library.) |
| ) |
| $(LEADINGROW I/O & File system) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF std,file)) |
| $(TD Manipulate files and directories.) |
| ) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF std,path)) |
| $(TD Manipulate strings that represent filesystem paths.) |
| ) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF std,stdio)) |
| $(TD Perform buffered I/O.) |
| ) |
| $(LEADINGROW Interoperability) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW |
| $(MREF core,stdc,complex)$(BR) |
| $(MREF core,stdc,ctype)$(BR) |
| $(MREF core,stdc,errno)$(BR) |
| $(MREF core,stdc,fenv)$(BR) |
| $(MREF core,stdc,float_)$(BR) |
| $(MREF core,stdc,inttypes)$(BR) |
| $(MREF core,stdc,limits)$(BR) |
| $(MREF core,stdc,locale)$(BR) |
| $(MREF core,stdc,math)$(BR) |
| $(MREF core,stdc,signal)$(BR) |
| $(MREF core,stdc,stdarg)$(BR) |
| $(MREF core,stdc,stddef)$(BR) |
| $(MREF core,stdc,stdint)$(BR) |
| $(MREF core,stdc,stdio)$(BR) |
| $(MREF core,stdc,stdlib)$(BR) |
| $(MREF core,stdc,string)$(BR) |
| $(MREF core,stdc,tgmath)$(BR) |
| $(MREF core,stdc,time)$(BR) |
| $(MREF core,stdc,wchar_)$(BR) |
| $(MREF core,stdc,wctype)$(BR) |
| ) |
| $(TD |
| D bindings for standard C headers.$(BR)$(BR) |
| These are mostly undocumented, as documentation |
| for the functions these declarations provide |
| bindings to can be found on external resources. |
| ) |
| ) |
| $(LEADINGROW Memory management) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF core,memory)) |
| $(TD Control the built-in garbage collector.) |
| ) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF std,typecons)) |
| $(TD Build scoped variables and reference-counted types.) |
| ) |
| $(LEADINGROW Metaprogramming) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF core,attribute)) |
| $(TD Definitions of special attributes recognized by the compiler.) |
| ) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF core,demangle)) |
| $(TD Convert $(I mangled) D symbol identifiers to source representation.) |
| ) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF std,demangle)) |
| $(TD A simple wrapper around core.demangle.) |
| ) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF std,meta)) |
| $(TD Construct and manipulate template argument lists (aka type lists).) |
| ) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF std,traits)) |
| $(TD Extract information about types and symbols at compile time.) |
| ) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF std,typecons)) |
| $(TD Construct new, useful general purpose types.) |
| ) |
| $(LEADINGROW Multitasking) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF std,concurrency)) |
| $(TD Low level messaging API for threads.) |
| ) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF std,parallelism)) |
| $(TD High level primitives for SMP parallelism.) |
| ) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF std,process)) |
| $(TD Starting and manipulating processes.) |
| ) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF core,atomic)) |
| $(TD Basic support for lock-free concurrent programming.) |
| ) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF core,sync,barrier)) |
| $(TD Synchronize the progress of a group of threads.) |
| ) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF core,sync,condition)) |
| $(TD Synchronized condition checking.) |
| ) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF core,sync,exception)) |
| $(TD Base class for synchronization exceptions.) |
| ) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF core,sync,mutex)) |
| $(TD Mutex for mutually exclusive access.) |
| ) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF core,sync,rwmutex)) |
| $(TD Shared read access and mutually exclusive write access.) |
| ) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF core,sync,semaphore)) |
| $(TD General use synchronization semaphore.) |
| ) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF core,thread)) |
| $(TD Thread creation and management.) |
| ) |
| $(LEADINGROW Networking) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF std,socket)) |
| $(TD Socket primitives.) |
| ) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF std,net,curl)) |
| $(TD Networking client functionality as provided by libcurl.) |
| ) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF std,net,isemail)) |
| $(TD Validates an email address according to RFCs 5321, 5322 and others.) |
| ) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF std,uri)) |
| $(TD Encode and decode Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs).) |
| ) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF std,uuid)) |
| $(TD Universally-unique identifiers for resources in distributed |
| systems.) |
| ) |
| $(LEADINGROW Numeric) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF std,bigint)) |
| $(TD An arbitrary-precision integer type.) |
| ) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF std,complex)) |
| $(TD A complex number type.) |
| ) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF std,math)) |
| $(TD Elementary mathematical functions (powers, roots, trigonometry).) |
| ) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF std,mathspecial)) |
| $(TD Families of transcendental functions.) |
| ) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF std,numeric)) |
| $(TD Floating point numerics functions.) |
| ) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF std,random)) |
| $(TD Pseudo-random number generators.) |
| ) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF core,checkedint)) |
| $(TD Range-checking integral arithmetic primitives.) |
| ) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF core,math)) |
| $(TD Built-in mathematical intrinsics.) |
| ) |
| $(LEADINGROW Paradigms) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF std,functional)) |
| $(TD Functions that manipulate other functions.) |
| ) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF std,algorithm)) |
| $(TD Generic algorithms for processing sequences.) |
| ) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF std,signals)) |
| $(TD Signal-and-slots framework for event-driven programming.) |
| ) |
| $(LEADINGROW Runtime utilities) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF1 object)) |
| $(TD Core language definitions. Automatically imported.) |
| ) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF std,getopt)) |
| $(TD Parsing of command-line arguments.) |
| ) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF std,compiler)) |
| $(TD Host compiler vendor string and language version.) |
| ) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF std,system)) |
| $(TD Runtime environment, such as OS type and endianness.) |
| ) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF core,cpuid)) |
| $(TD Capabilities of the CPU the program is running on.) |
| ) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF core,memory)) |
| $(TD Control the built-in garbage collector.) |
| ) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF core,runtime)) |
| $(TD Control and configure the D runtime.) |
| ) |
| $(LEADINGROW String manipulation) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF std,string)) |
| $(TD Algorithms that work specifically with strings.) |
| ) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF std,array)) |
| $(TD Manipulate builtin arrays.) |
| ) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF std,algorithm)) |
| $(TD Generic algorithms for processing sequences.) |
| ) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF std,uni)) |
| $(TD Fundamental Unicode algorithms and data structures.) |
| ) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF std,utf)) |
| $(TD Encode and decode UTF-8, UTF-16 and UTF-32 strings.) |
| ) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF std,format)) |
| $(TD Format data into strings.) |
| ) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF std,path)) |
| $(TD Manipulate strings that represent filesystem paths.) |
| ) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF std,regex)) |
| $(TD Regular expressions.) |
| ) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF std,ascii)) |
| $(TD Routines specific to the ASCII subset of Unicode.) |
| ) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF std,encoding)) |
| $(TD Handle and transcode between various text encodings.) |
| ) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF std,windows,charset)) |
| $(TD Windows specific character set support.) |
| ) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF std,outbuffer)) |
| $(TD Serialize data to $(CODE ubyte) arrays.) |
| ) |
| $(LEADINGROW Type manipulations) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF std,conv)) |
| $(TD Convert types from one type to another.) |
| ) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF std,typecons)) |
| $(TD Type constructors for scoped variables, ref counted types, etc.) |
| ) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF std,bitmanip)) |
| $(TD High level bit level manipulation, bit arrays, bit fields.) |
| ) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF std,variant)) |
| $(TD Dynamically-typed variable that can hold a value of any type.) |
| ) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF core,bitop)) |
| $(TD Low level bit manipulation.) |
| ) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF std,sumtype)) |
| $(TD Type-safe discriminated union.) |
| ) |
| $(LEADINGROW Vector programming) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW $(MREF core,simd)) |
| $(TD SIMD intrinsics) |
| ) |
| |
| $(LEADINGROW Undocumented modules (intentionally omitted).) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW |
| $(MREF core,sync,config)$(BR) |
| $(MREF std,container,util)$(BR) |
| $(MREF std,regex,internal,backtracking)$(BR) |
| $(MREF std,regex,internal,generator)$(BR) |
| $(MREF std,regex,internal,ir)$(BR) |
| $(MREF std,regex,internal,kickstart)$(BR) |
| $(MREF std,regex,internal,parser)$(BR) |
| $(MREF std,regex,internal,tests)$(BR) |
| $(MREF std,regex,internal,thompson)$(BR) |
| ) |
| $(TD |
| Internal modules. |
| ) |
| ) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW |
| $(MREF core,vararg)$(BR) |
| $(MREF std,c,fenv)$(BR) |
| $(MREF std,c,linux,linux)$(BR) |
| $(MREF std,c,linux,socket)$(BR) |
| $(MREF std,c,locale)$(BR) |
| $(MREF std,c,math)$(BR) |
| $(MREF std,c,process)$(BR) |
| $(MREF std,c,stdarg)$(BR) |
| $(MREF std,c,stddef)$(BR) |
| $(MREF std,c,stdio)$(BR) |
| $(MREF std,c,stdlib)$(BR) |
| $(MREF std,c,string)$(BR) |
| $(MREF std,c,time)$(BR) |
| $(MREF std,c,wcharh)$(BR) |
| $(MREF std,stdint)$(BR) |
| ) |
| $(TDN |
| Redirect modules. |
| ) |
| ) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW |
| $(MREF std,mmfile)$(BR) |
| $(MREF std,typetuple)$(BR) |
| ) |
| $(TD |
| Deprecated modules. |
| ) |
| ) |
| $(TR |
| $(TDNW |
| $(MREF std,experimental,logger)$(BR) |
| $(MREF std,experimental,logger,core)$(BR) |
| $(MREF std,experimental,logger,filelogger)$(BR) |
| $(MREF std,experimental,logger,multilogger)$(BR) |
| $(MREF std,experimental,logger,nulllogger)$(BR) |
| ) |
| $(TD |
| Experimental modules. |
| ) |
| ) |
| ) |
| ) |
| |
| Macros: |
| TITLE=Phobos Runtime Library |
| _= |