blob: 02855459922d250b24dc827f6f7368f24805320a [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- sanitizer_stackdepot.cpp ------------------------------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file is shared between AddressSanitizer and ThreadSanitizer
// run-time libraries.
#include "sanitizer_stackdepot.h"
#include "sanitizer_common.h"
#include "sanitizer_hash.h"
#include "sanitizer_persistent_allocator.h"
#include "sanitizer_stackdepotbase.h"
namespace __sanitizer {
static PersistentAllocator<uptr> traceAllocator;
struct StackDepotNode {
using hash_type = u64;
hash_type stack_hash;
u32 link;
static const u32 kTabSizeLog = SANITIZER_ANDROID ? 16 : 20;
static const u32 kStackSizeBits = 16;
typedef StackTrace args_type;
bool eq(hash_type hash, const args_type &args) const {
return hash == stack_hash;
static uptr allocated();
static hash_type hash(const args_type &args) {
MurMur2Hash64Builder H(args.size * sizeof(uptr));
for (uptr i = 0; i < args.size; i++) H.add(args.trace[i]);
return H.get();
static bool is_valid(const args_type &args) {
return args.size > 0 && args.trace;
void store(u32 id, const args_type &args, hash_type hash);
args_type load(u32 id) const;
static StackDepotHandle get_handle(u32 id);
typedef StackDepotHandle handle_type;
// FIXME(dvyukov): this single reserved bit is used in TSan.
typedef StackDepotBase<StackDepotNode, 1, StackDepotNode::kTabSizeLog>
static StackDepot theDepot;
// Keep rarely accessed stack traces out of frequently access nodes to improve
// caching efficiency.
static TwoLevelMap<uptr *, StackDepot::kNodesSize1, StackDepot::kNodesSize2>
// Keep mutable data out of frequently access nodes to improve caching
// efficiency.
static TwoLevelMap<atomic_uint32_t, StackDepot::kNodesSize1,
int StackDepotHandle::use_count() const {
return atomic_load_relaxed(&useCounts[id_]);
void StackDepotHandle::inc_use_count_unsafe() {
atomic_fetch_add(&useCounts[id_], 1, memory_order_relaxed);
uptr StackDepotNode::allocated() {
return traceAllocator.allocated() + tracePtrs.MemoryUsage() +
void StackDepotNode::store(u32 id, const args_type &args, hash_type hash) {
stack_hash = hash;
uptr *stack_trace = traceAllocator.alloc(args.size + 1);
CHECK_LT(args.size, 1 << kStackSizeBits);
*stack_trace = args.size + (args.tag << kStackSizeBits);
internal_memcpy(stack_trace + 1, args.trace, args.size * sizeof(uptr));
tracePtrs[id] = stack_trace;
StackDepotNode::args_type StackDepotNode::load(u32 id) const {
const uptr *stack_trace = tracePtrs[id];
if (!stack_trace)
return {};
uptr size = *stack_trace & ((1 << kStackSizeBits) - 1);
uptr tag = *stack_trace >> kStackSizeBits;
return args_type(stack_trace + 1, size, tag);
StackDepotStats StackDepotGetStats() { return theDepot.GetStats(); }
u32 StackDepotPut(StackTrace stack) { return theDepot.Put(stack); }
StackDepotHandle StackDepotPut_WithHandle(StackTrace stack) {
return StackDepotNode::get_handle(theDepot.Put(stack));
StackTrace StackDepotGet(u32 id) {
return theDepot.Get(id);
void StackDepotLockAll() {
void StackDepotUnlockAll() {
void StackDepotPrintAll() {
StackDepotHandle StackDepotNode::get_handle(u32 id) {
return StackDepotHandle(&theDepot.nodes[id], id);
void StackDepotTestOnlyUnmap() {
} // namespace __sanitizer