blob: d1673510c62b8afd684b06c3692094e6147aaab7 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Unless compiled with -DNO_OVERWRITE, this variant of s_copy allows the
* target of an assignment to appear on its right-hand side (contrary
* to the Fortran 77 Standard, but in accordance with Fortran 90),
* as in a(2:5) = a(4:7) .
#include "f2c.h"
/* assign strings: a = b */
#ifdef KR_headers
VOID s_copy(a, b, la, lb) register char *a, *b; ftnlen la, lb;
void s_copy(register char *a, register char *b, ftnlen la, ftnlen lb)
register char *aend, *bend;
aend = a + la;
if(la <= lb)
if (a <= b || a >= b + la)
while(a < aend)
*a++ = *b++;
for(b += la; a < aend; )
*--aend = *--b;
else {
bend = b + lb;
if (a <= b || a >= bend)
while(b < bend)
*a++ = *b++;
else {
a += lb;
while(b < bend)
*--a = *--bend;
a += lb;
while(a < aend)
*a++ = ' ';