blob: d9488cf9b537beea566658fc5d82f68f74c2930e [file] [log] [blame]
// g++ 1.37.1 bug 900520_04
// g++ does not yet support the initialization of scalar type objects
// (including built-in arithmetic types, enum types, and pointer types)
// via constructor initialization syntax except within a call to operator
// new.
// keywords: unimplemented, syntax, initialization, scalar types
enum e_type { e_value };
typedef char *charp;
charp cp;
int global_i (1); // gets bogus error
double global_d (9.9); // gets bogus error
charp global_cp0 (cp); // gets bogus error
charp global_cp1 (0); // gets bogus error
enum e_type global_e (e_value); // gets bogus error
void func0 ()
int local_i (1); // gets bogus error
double local_d (9.9); // gets bogus error
charp local_cp0 (cp); // gets bogus error
charp local_cp1 (0); // gets bogus error
enum e_type local_e (e_value); // gets bogus error
void func1 ()
int* ip = new int (1); // gets bogus error
double* dp = new double (9.9); // gets bogus error
charp* cpp0 = new charp (cp); // gets bogus error
charp* cpp1 = new charp (0); // gets bogus error
enum e_type* ep = new e_type (e_value); // gets bogus error
int main () { return 0; }