blob: 25987776e26020a3f36536cef4f75b409c41648a [file] [log] [blame]
// Special g++ Options: -Wno-deprecated -fthis-is-variable
// GROUPS passed code-generation
// Check that the "this" pointer is zero when a method is
// called for an object pointed to by a null pointer.
// Normally, the "__builtin_new" operation which actually
// allocates objects in heap space is *not* called at the
// actual point of the "new" keyword. Rather, a check is
// made within each constructor and if the "this" pointer
// value passed in is zero, then the actual allocation of
// memory (via __builtin_new) is done at that point (i.e.
// at the very beginning of the constructor).
// A special trick allows one to subvert this mechanism.
// Specifically, if a given constructor contains a statement
// like: "this = this", then no attempt will be made to
// implicitly call __builtin_new within that constructor.
extern "C" void printf (char *, ...);
struct base {
int member;
base ();
void member_function ();
base *base_pointer_1 = 0;
base *base_pointer_2 = 0;
int errors = 0;
int main ()
//base_pointer_2 = new base();
base_pointer_1->member_function ();
if (errors)
printf ("FAIL\n");
printf ("PASS\n");
return 0;
base::base ()
this = this;
if ((int) this != 0)
void base::member_function ()
if ((int) this != 0)