blob: 5704c3f9520929c3c51e0cab37863910c3a3fed2 [file] [log] [blame]
// g++ 1.37.1 bug 900519_06
// g++ allows the type given in an invocation of operator new to be a
// reference type.
// Since pointers to reference types are illegal, the required return type
// from such an invocation (of operator new) is illegal, and thus (it seems)
// the entire call to new should be treated as being illegal.
typedef int& int_ref;
void test (int n)
new int&; // ERROR - missed
new int_ref; // ERROR - missed
new int&[n]; // ERROR - missed
new int_ref[n]; // ERROR - missed
new int&[3]; // ERROR - missed
new int_ref[3]; // ERROR - missed
int main () { return 0; }