blob: 1738c736297c8c55b6b54bbafdeaec0c77e55c29 [file] [log] [blame]
// Special g++ Options:
// Build don't link:
// GROUPS passed old-abort
typedef unsigned long _G_clock_t;
typedef long _G_dev_t;
typedef long int _G_fpos_t;
typedef long _G_gid_t;
typedef unsigned long _G_ino_t;
typedef unsigned short _G_mode_t;
typedef short _G_nlink_t;
typedef long _G_off_t;
typedef long _G_pid_t;
typedef int _G_ptrdiff_t;
typedef int _G_sigset_t;
typedef unsigned int _G_size_t;
typedef long _G_time_t;
typedef long _G_uid_t;
typedef unsigned int _G_wchar_t;
typedef int _G_ssize_t;
typedef double * _G_va_list;
class ostream; class streambuf; class backupbuf;
extern "C" int __underflow(streambuf*);
extern "C" int __overflow(streambuf*, int);
typedef _G_off_t streamoff;
typedef _G_off_t streampos;
typedef unsigned long __fmtflags;
typedef unsigned char __iostate;
struct _ios_fields {
streambuf *_strbuf;
ostream* _tie;
int _width;
__fmtflags _flags;
_G_wchar_t _fill;
__iostate _state;
__iostate _exceptions;
int _precision;
enum state_value {
_good = 0 ,
_eof = 1 ,
_fail = 2 ,
_bad = 4 };
enum open_mode {
input = 1 ,
output = 2 ,
atend = 4 ,
append = 8 };
class ios : public _ios_fields {
typedef __fmtflags fmtflags;
typedef int iostate;
typedef int openmode;
enum io_state {
goodbit = 0 ,
eofbit = 1 ,
failbit = 2 ,
badbit = 4 };
enum open_mode {
in = 1 ,
out = 2 ,
ate = 4 ,
app = 8 ,
trunc = 16 ,
nocreate = 32 ,
noreplace = 64 ,
bin = 128 };
enum seek_dir { beg, cur, end};
enum { skipws=01, left=02, right=04, internal=010,
dec=020, oct=040, hex=0100,
showbase=0200, showpoint=0400, uppercase=01000, showpos=02000,
scientific=04000, fixed=010000, unitbuf=020000, stdio=040000,
enum {
floatfield = scientific+fixed,
adjustfield = left+right+internal
ostream* tie() const { return _tie; }
ostream* tie(ostream* val) { ostream* save=_tie; _tie=val; return save; }
_G_wchar_t fill() const { return (_G_wchar_t)_fill; }
_G_wchar_t fill(_G_wchar_t newf)
{_G_wchar_t oldf = (_G_wchar_t)_fill; _fill = (char)newf; return oldf;}
fmtflags flags() const { return _flags; }
fmtflags flags(fmtflags new_val) {
fmtflags old_val = _flags; _flags = new_val; return old_val; }
int precision() const { return _precision; }
int precision(int newp) {
unsigned short oldp = _precision; _precision = (unsigned short)newp;
return oldp; }
fmtflags setf(fmtflags val) {
fmtflags oldbits = _flags;
_flags |= val; return oldbits; }
fmtflags setf(fmtflags val, fmtflags mask) {
fmtflags oldbits = _flags;
_flags = (_flags & ~mask) | (val & mask); return oldbits; }
fmtflags unsetf(fmtflags mask) {
fmtflags oldbits = _flags & mask;
_flags &= ~mask; return oldbits; }
int width() const { return _width; }
int width(int val) { int save = _width; _width = val; return save; }
void _throw_failure() { }
streambuf* rdbuf() const { return _strbuf; }
void clear(iostate state = 0) {
_state = _strbuf ? state : state|badbit;
if (_state & _exceptions) _throw_failure(); }
void set(iostate flag) { _state |= flag;
if (_state & _exceptions) _throw_failure(); }
int good() const { return _state == 0; }
int eof() const { return _state & ios::eofbit; }
int fail() const { return _state & (ios::badbit|ios::failbit); }
int bad() const { return _state & ios::badbit; }
iostate rdstate() const { return _state; }
operator void*() const { return fail() ? (void*)0 : (void*)(-1); }
int operator!() const { return fail(); }
iostate exception(iostate enable) {
iostate old = _exceptions; _exceptions = enable;
if (_state & _exceptions) _throw_failure();
return old; }
static int sync_with_stdio(int on);
static void sync_with_stdio() { sync_with_stdio(1); }
void unset(state_value flag) { _state &= ~flag; }
void close();
int is_open();
int readable();
int writable();
ios(streambuf* sb = 0, ostream* tie = 0);
virtual ~ios();
void init(streambuf* sb) { _state=0; _strbuf=sb; }
typedef ios::seek_dir _seek_dir;
class streammarker {
friend class streambuf;
friend int __underflow(streambuf*);
struct streammarker *_next;
streambuf *_sbuf;
streampos _spos;
void set_streampos(streampos sp) { _spos = sp; }
void set_offset(int offset) { _pos = offset; _spos = (streampos)(-2); }
int _pos;
streammarker(streambuf *sb);
int saving() { return _spos == -2; }
int delta(streammarker&);
int delta();
struct __streambuf {
int _flags;
char* _gptr;
char* _egptr;
char* _eback;
char* _pbase; // ERROR - inacessible
char* _pptr; // ERROR - inacessible
char* _epptr;
char* _base;
char* _ebuf;
struct streambuf *_chain;
friend class streammarker;
char *_other_gbase;
char *_aux_limit;
char *_other_egptr;
streammarker *_markers;
unsigned short _cur_column;
char _unused;
char _shortbuf[1];
extern unsigned __adjust_column(unsigned start, const char *line, int count);
struct streambuf : private __streambuf {
friend class ios;
friend class istream;
friend class ostream;
friend class streammarker;
friend int __underflow(streambuf*);
static streambuf* _list_all;
streambuf*& xchain() { return _chain; }
void _un_link();
void _link_in();
char* gptr() const { return _gptr; }
char* pptr() const { return _pptr; }
char* egptr() const { return _egptr; }
char* epptr() const { return _epptr; }
char* pbase() const { return _pbase; }
char* eback() const { return _eback; }
char* base() const { return _base; }
char* ebuf() const { return _ebuf; }
int blen() const { return _ebuf - _base; }
void xput_char(char c) { *_pptr++ = c; }
int xflags() { return _flags; }
int xflags(int f) { int fl = _flags; _flags = f; return fl; }
void xsetflags(int f) { _flags |= f; }
void xsetflags(int f, int mask) { _flags = (_flags & ~mask) | (f & mask); }
void gbump(int n) { _gptr += n; }
void pbump(int n) { _pptr += n; }
void setb(char* b, char* eb, int a=0);
void setp(char* p, char* ep) { _pbase=_pptr=p; _epptr=ep; }
void setg(char* eb, char* g, char *eg) { _eback=eb; _gptr=g; _egptr=eg; }
char *shortbuf() { return _shortbuf; }
int in_backup() { return _flags & 0x100 ; }
char *Gbase() { return in_backup() ? _other_gbase : _eback; }
char *eGptr() { return in_backup() ? _other_egptr : _egptr; }
char *Bbase() { return in_backup() ? _eback : _other_gbase; }
char *Bptr() { return _aux_limit; }
char *eBptr() { return in_backup() ? _egptr : _other_egptr; }
char *Nbase() { return _other_gbase; }
char *eNptr() { return _other_egptr; }
int have_backup() { return _other_gbase != __null ; }
int have_markers() { return _markers != __null ; }
int _least_marker();
void switch_to_main_get_area();
void switch_to_backup_area();
void free_backup_area();
void unsave_markers();
int put_mode() { return _flags & 0x800 ; }
int switch_to_get_mode();
streambuf(int flags=0);
static int flush_all();
static void flush_all_linebuffered();
virtual int underflow() = 0;
virtual int overflow(int c = (-1) ) = 0;
virtual int doallocate();
virtual streampos seekoff(streamoff, _seek_dir, int mode=ios::in|ios::out);
virtual streampos seekpos(streampos pos, int mode = ios::in|ios::out);
int seekmark(streammarker& mark, int delta = 0);
int sputbackc(char c);
int sungetc();
virtual ~streambuf();
int unbuffered() { return _flags & 2 ? 1 : 0; }
int linebuffered() { return _flags & 0x200 ? 1 : 0; }
void unbuffered(int i)
{ if (i) _flags |= 2 ; else _flags &= ~2 ; }
void linebuffered(int i)
{ if (i) _flags |= 0x200 ; else _flags &= ~0x200 ; }
int allocate() {
if (base() || unbuffered()) return 0;
else return doallocate(); }
void allocbuf() { if (base() == __null ) doallocbuf(); }
void doallocbuf();
virtual int sync();
virtual int pbackfail(int c);
virtual streambuf* setbuf(char* p, int len);
int in_avail() { return _egptr - _gptr; }
int out_waiting() { return _pptr - _pbase; }
virtual int xsputn(const char* s, int n);
int sputn(const char* s, int n) { return xsputn(s, n); }
int padn(char pad, int n);
virtual int xsgetn(char* s, int n);
int sgetn(char* s, int n) { return xsgetn(s, n); }
int ignore(int);
virtual int get_column();
virtual int set_column(int);
long sgetline(char* buf, _G_size_t n, char delim, int putback_delim);
int sbumpc() {
if (_gptr >= _egptr && __underflow(this) == (-1) ) return (-1) ;
else return *(unsigned char*)_gptr++; }
int sgetc() {
if (_gptr >= _egptr && __underflow(this) == (-1) ) return (-1) ;
else return *(unsigned char*)_gptr; }
int snextc() {
if (_gptr >= _egptr && __underflow(this) == (-1) ) return (-1) ;
return _gptr++, sgetc(); }
int sputc(int c) {
if (_pptr >= _epptr) return __overflow(this, (unsigned char)c);
else return *_pptr++ = c, (unsigned char)c; }
void stossc() { if (_gptr < _egptr) _gptr++; }
int vscan(char const *fmt0, _G_va_list ap, ios* stream = __null );
int scan(char const *fmt0 ...);
int vform(char const *fmt0, _G_va_list ap);
int form(char const *fmt0 ...);
class backupbuf : public streambuf {
friend class streammarker;
backupbuf(int flags=0) : streambuf(flags| 0x4000 ) { }
virtual int pbackfail(int c);
virtual int underflow();
virtual int overflow(int c = (-1) );
struct __file_fields {
short _fileno;
int _blksize;
_G_fpos_t _offset;
class filebuf : public backupbuf {
struct __file_fields _fb;
void init();
static const int openprot;
filebuf(int fd);
filebuf(int fd, char* p, int len);
filebuf* attach(int fd);
filebuf* open(const char *filename, const char *mode);
filebuf* open(const char *filename, ios::openmode mode, int prot = 0664);
virtual int underflow();
virtual int overflow(int c = (-1) );
int is_open() const { return _fb._fileno >= 0; }
int fd() const { return is_open() ? _fb._fileno : (-1) ; }
filebuf* close();
virtual int doallocate();
virtual streampos seekoff(streamoff, _seek_dir, int mode=ios::in|ios::out);
virtual streambuf* setbuf(char* p, int len);
int xsputn(const char* s, int n);
int xsgetn(char* s, int n);
virtual int sync();
int is_reading() { return eback() != egptr(); }
char* cur_ptr() { return is_reading() ? gptr() : pptr(); }
char* file_ptr() { return eGptr(); }
int do_write(const char *data, int to_do);
int do_flush() { return do_write(_pbase, _pptr-_pbase); }// ERROR -
virtual _G_ssize_t sys_read(char* buf, _G_size_t size);
virtual _G_fpos_t sys_seek(_G_fpos_t, _seek_dir);
virtual _G_ssize_t sys_write(const void*, long);
virtual int sys_stat(void*);
virtual int sys_close();
inline ios::ios(streambuf* sb , ostream* tie ) {
_state = sb ? ios::goodbit : ios::badbit; _exceptions=0;
_strbuf=sb; _tie = tie; _width=0; _fill=' ';
_flags=ios::skipws|ios::dec; _precision=6; }
inline ios::~ios() {
if (!(_flags & (unsigned int)ios::dont_close)) delete _strbuf; }
class istream; class ostream;
typedef ios& (*__manip)(ios&);
typedef istream& (*__imanip)(istream&);
typedef ostream& (*__omanip)(ostream&);
extern istream& ws(istream& ins);
extern ostream& flush(ostream& outs);
extern ostream& endl(ostream& outs);
extern ostream& ends(ostream& outs);
class ostream : virtual public ios
void do_osfx();
ostream() { }
ostream(streambuf* sb, ostream* tied=__null );
int opfx() {
if (!good()) return 0; else { if (_tie) _tie->flush(); return 1;} }
void osfx() { if (flags() & (ios::unitbuf|ios::stdio))
do_osfx(); }
streambuf* ostreambuf() const { return _strbuf; }
ostream& flush();
ostream& put(char c) { _strbuf->sputc(c); return *this; }
ostream& put(unsigned char c) { return put((char)c); }
ostream& write(const char *s, int n);
ostream& write(const unsigned char *s, int n) { return write((const char*)s, n);}
ostream& put(signed char c) { return put((char)c); }
ostream& write(const signed char *s, int n) { return write((const char*)s, n);}
ostream& write(const void *s, int n) { return write((const char*)s, n);}
ostream& seekp(streampos);
ostream& seekp(streamoff, _seek_dir);
streampos tellp();
ostream& form(const char *format ...);
ostream& vform(const char *format, _G_va_list args);
ostream& operator<<(char c);
ostream& operator<<(unsigned char c) { return (*this) << (char)c; }
ostream& operator<<(signed char c) { return (*this) << (char)c; }
ostream& operator<<(const char *s);
ostream& operator<<(const unsigned char *s)
{ return (*this) << (const char*)s; }
ostream& operator<<(const signed char *s)
{ return (*this) << (const char*)s; }
ostream& operator<<(void *p);
ostream& operator<<(int n);
ostream& operator<<(unsigned int n);
ostream& operator<<(long n);
ostream& operator<<(unsigned long n);
ostream& operator<<(long long n);
ostream& operator<<(unsigned long long n);
ostream& operator<<(short n) {return operator<<((int)n);}
ostream& operator<<(unsigned short n) {return operator<<((unsigned int)n);}
ostream& operator<<(double n);
ostream& operator<<(float n) { return operator<<((double)n); }
ostream& operator<<(__omanip func) { return (*func)(*this); }
ostream& operator<<(__manip func) {(*func)(*this); return *this;}
ostream& operator<<(streambuf*);
class istream : virtual public ios
_G_ssize_t _gcount;
int _skip_ws();
istream() { _gcount = 0; }
istream(streambuf* sb, ostream*tied=__null );
streambuf* istreambuf() const { return _strbuf; }
istream& get(char* ptr, int len, char delim = '\n');
istream& get(unsigned char* ptr, int len, char delim = '\n')
{ return get((char*)ptr, len, delim); }
istream& get(char& c);
istream& get(unsigned char& c) { return get((char&)c); }
istream& getline(char* ptr, int len, char delim = '\n');
istream& getline(unsigned char* ptr, int len, char delim = '\n')
{ return getline((char*)ptr, len, delim); }
istream& get(signed char& c) { return get((char&)c); }
istream& get(signed char* ptr, int len, char delim = '\n')
{ return get((char*)ptr, len, delim); }
istream& getline(signed char* ptr, int len, char delim = '\n')
{ return getline((char*)ptr, len, delim); }
istream& read(char *ptr, int n);
istream& read(unsigned char *ptr, int n) { return read((char*)ptr, n); }
istream& read(signed char *ptr, int n) { return read((char*)ptr, n); }
istream& read(void *ptr, int n) { return read((char*)ptr, n); }
istream& get(streambuf& sb, char delim = '\n');
istream& gets(char **s, char delim = '\n');
int ipfx(int need) {
if (!good()) { set(ios::failbit); return 0; }
if (_tie && (need == 0 || rdbuf()->in_avail() < need)) _tie->flush();
if (!need && (flags() & ios::skipws)) return _skip_ws();
return 1;
int ipfx0() {
if (!good()) { set(ios::failbit); return 0; }
if (_tie) _tie->flush();
if (flags() & ios::skipws) return _skip_ws();
return 1;
int ipfx1() {
if (!good()) { set(ios::failbit); return 0; }
if (_tie && rdbuf()->in_avail() == 0) _tie->flush();
return 1;
int get() { if (!ipfx1()) return (-1) ;
int ch = _strbuf->sbumpc();
if (ch == (-1) ) set(ios::eofbit);
return ch; }
int peek() { if (!ipfx1()) return (-1) ;
int ch = _strbuf->sgetc();
if (ch == (-1) ) set(ios::eofbit);
return ch; }
_G_ssize_t gcount() { return _gcount; }
istream& ignore(int n=1, int delim = (-1) );
istream& seekg(streampos);
istream& seekg(streamoff, _seek_dir);
streampos tellg();
istream& putback(char ch) {
if (good() && _strbuf->sputbackc(ch) == (-1) ) clear(ios::badbit);
return *this;}
istream& unget() {
if (good() && _strbuf->sungetc() == (-1) ) clear(ios::badbit);
return *this;}
istream& scan(const char *format ...);
istream& vscan(const char *format, _G_va_list args);
istream& unget(char ch) { return putback(ch); }
int skip(int i);
istream& operator>>(char*);
istream& operator>>(unsigned char* p) { return operator>>((char*)p); }
istream& operator>>(signed char*p) { return operator>>((char*)p); }
istream& operator>>(char& c);
istream& operator>>(unsigned char& c) {return operator>>((char&)c);}
istream& operator>>(signed char& c) {return operator>>((char&)c);}
istream& operator>>(int&);
istream& operator>>(long&);
istream& operator>>(long long&);
istream& operator>>(short&);
istream& operator>>(unsigned int&);
istream& operator>>(unsigned long&);
istream& operator>>(unsigned long long&);
istream& operator>>(unsigned short&);
istream& operator>>(float&);
istream& operator>>(double&);
istream& operator>>( __manip func) {(*func)(*this); return *this;}
istream& operator>>(__imanip func) { return (*func)(*this); }
istream& operator>>(streambuf*);
class iostream : public istream, public ostream
_G_ssize_t _gcount;
iostream() { _gcount = 0; }
iostream(streambuf* sb, ostream*tied=__null );
extern istream cin;
extern ostream cout, cerr, clog;
struct Iostream_init { } ;
inline ios& dec(ios& i)
{ i.setf(ios::dec, ios::dec|ios::hex|ios::oct); return i; }
inline ios& hex(ios& i)
{ i.setf(ios::hex, ios::dec|ios::hex|ios::oct); return i; }
inline ios& oct(ios& i)
{ i.setf(ios::oct, ios::dec|ios::hex|ios::oct); return i; }
extern char* form(const char*, ...);
extern char* dec(long, int=0);
extern char* dec(int, int=0);
extern char* dec(unsigned long, int=0);
extern char* dec(unsigned int, int=0);
extern char* hex(long, int=0);
extern char* hex(int, int=0);
extern char* hex(unsigned long, int=0);
extern char* hex(unsigned int, int=0);
extern char* oct(long, int=0);
extern char* oct(int, int=0);
extern char* oct(unsigned long, int=0);
extern char* oct(unsigned int, int=0);
inline istream& WS(istream& str) { return ws(str); }
typedef double *__gnuc_va_list;
extern "C" {
typedef struct {
int __cnt;
unsigned char *__ptr;
unsigned char *__base;
unsigned short __flag;
unsigned char __fileL;
unsigned char __fileH;
typedef struct {
int __cnt;
unsigned char *__ptr;
unsigned char *__base;
unsigned short __flag;
unsigned char __fileL;
unsigned char __fileH;
unsigned char *__bufendp;
unsigned char __smbuf[8 ];
typedef unsigned int size_t;
typedef long int fpos_t;
typedef double *__va_list;
extern FILE __iob[];
extern int remove(const char *);
extern int rename(const char *, const char *);
extern FILE *tmpfile(void);
extern char *tmpnam(char *);
extern int fclose(FILE *);
extern int fflush(FILE *);
extern FILE *fopen(const char *, const char *);
extern FILE *freopen(const char *, const char *, FILE *);
extern void setbuf(FILE *, char *);
extern int setvbuf(FILE *, char *, int, size_t);
extern int fprintf(FILE *, const char *, ...);
extern int fscanf(FILE *, const char *,...);
extern int printf(const char *,...);
extern int scanf(const char *,...);
extern int sprintf(char *, const char *,...);
extern int sscanf(const char *, const char *,...);
extern int vprintf(const char *, __va_list);
extern int vfprintf(FILE *, const char *, __va_list);
extern int vsprintf(char *, const char *, __va_list);
extern int fgetc(FILE *);
extern char *fgets(char *, int, FILE *);
extern int fputc(int, FILE *);
extern int fputs(const char *, FILE *);
extern int getc(FILE *);
extern int getchar(void);
extern char *gets(char *);
extern int putc(int, FILE *);
extern int putchar(int);
extern int puts(const char *);
extern int ungetc(int, FILE *);
extern int fgetpos(FILE *, fpos_t *);
extern int fseek(FILE *, long int, int);
extern int fsetpos(FILE *, const fpos_t *);
extern long int ftell(FILE *);
extern void rewind(FILE *);
extern void clearerr(FILE *);
extern int feof(FILE *);
extern int ferror(FILE *);
extern void perror(const char *);
extern size_t fread(void *, size_t, size_t, FILE *);
extern size_t fwrite(const void *, size_t, size_t, FILE *);
extern int __flsbuf(unsigned char, FILE *);
extern int __filbuf(FILE *);
extern int fileno(FILE *);
extern FILE *fdopen(int, const char *);
extern int getw(FILE *);
extern int putw(int, FILE *);
extern int pclose(FILE *);
extern FILE *popen(const char *, const char *);
extern char *tempnam(const char *, const char *);
extern char *ctermid(char *);
extern char *cuserid(char *);
extern int nl_fprintf(FILE *, const char * ,...);
extern int nl_fscanf(FILE *, const char * ,...);
extern int nl_printf(const char * ,...);
extern int nl_scanf(const char * ,...);
extern int nl_sprintf(char *, const char * ,...);
extern int nl_sscanf(const char *, const char * ,...);
extern unsigned char *__bufendtab[];
extern "C" {
extern int __nl_char_size;
typedef struct {
int quot;
int rem;
} div_t;
typedef struct {
long int quot;
long int rem;
} ldiv_t;
typedef unsigned int wchar_t;
extern double atof(const char *);
extern int atoi(const char *);
extern long int atol(const char *);
extern double strtod(const char *, char **);
extern long int strtol(const char *, char **, int);
extern unsigned long int strtoul(const char *, char **, int);
extern int rand(void);
extern void srand(unsigned int);
extern int atexit(void (*) (void));
extern void exit(int);
extern char *getenv(const char *);
extern int system(const char *);
inline int abs(int d) { return (d>0)?d:-d; }
extern div_t div(int, int);
extern ldiv_t ldiv(long int, long int);
extern long int labs(long int);
extern int mblen(const char *, size_t);
extern int mbtowc(wchar_t *, const char *, size_t);
extern int wctomb(char *, wchar_t);
extern size_t mbstowcs(wchar_t *, const char *, size_t);
extern size_t wcstombs(char *, const wchar_t *, size_t);
extern void free(void *);
extern void qsort(void *, size_t, size_t, int (*)(const void *, const void *));
extern void abort(void);
extern void *bsearch(const void *, const void *, size_t, size_t, int (*) (const void *, const void *));
extern void *calloc(size_t, size_t);
extern void *malloc(size_t);
extern void *realloc(void *, size_t);
extern void setkey(const char *);
extern void lcong48( unsigned short [] );
extern double wcstod( const wchar_t *, wchar_t ** );
extern long wcstol( const wchar_t *, wchar_t **, int );
extern unsigned long wcstoul( const wchar_t *, wchar_t **, int );
extern double drand48(void);
extern double erand48(unsigned short []);
extern long jrand48(unsigned short []);
extern long lrand48(void);
extern long mrand48(void);
extern long nrand48(unsigned short []);
extern void srand48(long);
extern unsigned short *seed48(unsigned short []);
extern int putenv(const char *);
extern int clearenv(void);
extern int getopt(int, char * const [], const char *);
extern char *getpass(const char *);
extern char *optarg;
extern int optind;
extern int opterr;
struct mallinfo {
int arena;
int ordblks;
int smblks;
int hblks;
int hblkhd;
int usmblks;
int fsmblks;
int uordblks;
int fordblks;
int keepcost;
typedef struct {
unsigned int word1, word2, word3, word4;
} long_double;
extern "C" {
typedef long gid_t;
typedef long uid_t;
struct passwd {
char *pw_name;
char *pw_passwd;
uid_t pw_uid;
gid_t pw_gid;
char *pw_age;
char *pw_comment;
char *pw_gecos;
char *pw_dir;
char *pw_shell;
long pw_audid;
int pw_audflg;
extern struct passwd *getpwuid(uid_t);
extern struct passwd *getpwnam(const char *);
struct s_passwd {
char *pw_name;
char *pw_passwd;
char *pw_age;
long pw_audid;
int pw_audflg;
struct comment {
char *c_dept;
char *c_name;
char *c_acct;
char *c_bin;
extern void setpwent(void);
extern void endpwent(void);
extern struct passwd *getpwent(void);
extern struct passwd *fgetpwent(FILE *);
extern struct s_passwd *getspwent(void);
extern struct s_passwd *getspwuid(int);
extern struct s_passwd *getspwaid(int);
extern struct s_passwd *getspwnam(char *);
extern struct s_passwd *fgetspwent(FILE *);
extern int errno;
extern "C" {
extern int errno;
extern "C" {
extern void perror(const char*);
extern int sys_nerr;
extern char *sys_errlist[];
extern char *strerror (int);
extern const char *fcvt(double, size_t, int *, int *);
extern char *gcvt(double, size_t, char *);
extern char *ecvt(double, size_t, int *, int *);
extern char *nl_gcvt(double, size_t, char *, int);
extern char *_ldecvt(long_double, size_t, int *, int *);
extern char *_ldfcvt(long_double, size_t, int *, int *);
extern char *_ldgcvt(long_double, size_t, char *);
extern int getpw(int, char *);
extern long a64l(const char *);
extern char *l64a(long);
extern void l3tol(long *, const char *, int);
extern void ltol3(char *, const long *, int);
extern char *getmsg(int, int, int, char *, int);
extern double nl_atof(const char *, int);
extern double nl_strtod(const char *, char **, int);
extern char *ltostr(long, int);
extern char *ultostr(unsigned long, int);
extern char *ltoa(long);
extern char *ultoa(unsigned long);
extern void memorymap(int);
extern struct mallinfo mallinfo(void);
extern int mallopt(int, int);
typedef void * POINTER;
typedef FILE * FILE_PTR;
typedef void (*DISPLAYER) (POINTER obj, FILE_PTR fp, FILE_PTR errorFile) ;
typedef void (*DESTROYER) (POINTER obj, FILE_PTR errorFile) ;
typedef void (*RCOUNT_INC) (POINTER obj, FILE_PTR errorFile) ;
typedef int (*COMPARE) (POINTER obj1, POINTER obj2) ;
typedef unsigned long (*HASH_ADDR) (POINTER obj, FILE_PTR errorFile) ;
typedef unsigned long (*HASH_SKIP) (POINTER obj, FILE_PTR errorFile) ;
typedef POINTER
(*ACCESS_FCT) (POINTER target, POINTER sample, FILE_PTR errorFile) ;
typedef long dev_t;
typedef unsigned long ino_t;
typedef unsigned short mode_t;
typedef short nlink_t;
typedef long off_t;
typedef long pid_t;
typedef long time_t;
typedef int ssize_t;
typedef unsigned short __site_t;
typedef unsigned short __cnode_t;
typedef unsigned long clock_t;
typedef long key_t;
typedef unsigned short __ushort;
typedef long __daddr_t;
typedef char *__caddr_t;
typedef long __swblk_t;
typedef unsigned char u_char;
typedef unsigned short u_short;
typedef unsigned int u_int;
typedef unsigned long u_long;
typedef unsigned int uint;
typedef unsigned short ushort;
typedef __swblk_t swblk_t;
typedef __daddr_t daddr_t;
typedef __site_t site_t;
typedef __cnode_t cnode_t;
typedef __caddr_t caddr_t;
typedef long paddr_t;
typedef short cnt_t;
typedef unsigned int space_t;
typedef unsigned int prot_t;
typedef unsigned long cdno_t;
typedef unsigned short use_t;
typedef struct _physadr { int r[1]; } *physadr;
typedef struct _quad { long val[2]; } quad;
typedef short cpu_t;
typedef struct label_t {
int lbl_rp;
int lbl_sp;
int lbl_s[17];
int lbl_ss[1];
double lbl_sf[4];
} label_t;
typedef char *dm_message;
typedef long aid_t;
typedef pid_t sid_t;
typedef long fd_mask;
typedef struct fd_set {
fd_mask fds_bits[ ((( 2048 )+(( (sizeof(fd_mask) * 8) )-1))/( (sizeof(fd_mask) * 8) )) ];
} fd_set;
POINTER malloc (size_t size ) ;
POINTER calloc (size_t n , size_t size ) ;
void free (POINTER c ) ;
void mem_report (void ) ;
typedef int BOOLEAN;
typedef enum
eNoErrors = -1,
eUnknownProcessingError = 0,
eAlgorithmFailure = 100,
eAlreadyLocked = 200,
eAttCount = 300,
eAttRedefinition = 400,
eBasicMatrixError = 500,
eBadAddress = 600,
eBadAttribute = 700,
eBadFileNumber = 800,
eBadMode = 900,
eBadVersion = 1000,
eColumnError = 1100,
eConstraintError = 1200,
eLBConstraintError = 1300,
eUBConstraintError = 1400,
eDatabaseError = 1500,
eDataExists = 1600,
eDataNotFound = 1700,
eDictError = 1800,
eDiffAtt = 1900,
eDomain = 2000,
eDuplicateAtt = 2100,
eDuplicateKey = 2200,
eElementMismatch = 2300,
eEmptyAtt = 2400,
eEmptyDict = 2450,
eEmptyLink = 2500,
eEmptyQueue = 2600,
eEmptyStack = 2700,
eEntityExists = 2800,
eEntityNotFound = 2900,
eEtaComputeError = 3000,
eEtaFileError = 3100,
eEtaInverseConsistency = 3200,
eFileExists = 3300,
eFileNotFound = 3400,
eFunctionMismatch = 3500,
eFunctionNotAvailable = 3600,
eFunctionNotFound = 3700,
eFunctionTypeConflict = 3800,
eGraphError = 3900,
eIllegalBMatrixOp = 4000,
eIllegalData = 4100,
eIllegalDeletion = 4200,
eIllegalDictOp = 4300,
eIllegalEtaFileOp = 4400,
eIllegalFunctionRequest = 4500,
eIllegalFunctionType = 4600,
eIllegalGraphOp = 4700,
eIllegalGraphType = 4800,
eIllegalIndex = 4900,
eIllegalInsertion = 5000,
eIllegalListOp = 5100,
eIllegalLPTokenOp = 5200,
eIllegalLPTokenType = 5300,
eIllegalMatrixOp = 5400,
eIllegalMatrixSize = 5500,
eIllegalMatrixState = 5600,
eIllegalMatrixType = 5700,
eIllegalNBMatrixOp = 5800,
eIllegalOperation = 5900,
eIllegalOption = 6000,
eIllegalOverload = 6100,
eIllegalSeek = 6200,
eIllegalType = 6300,
eIllegalVectorOp = 6400,
eIllegalVectorType = 6500,
eIllFormedADT = 6600,
eInconsistentData = 6700,
eInternalError = 6800,
eInUse = 6900,
eInvalidArgument = 7000,
eInvalidAtt = 7100,
eInvalidData = 7200,
eInvalidIndex = 7300,
eInvalidMatrixOp = 7400,
eInvalidOperation = 7500,
eInvalidOption = 7600,
eInvalidParam = 7700,
eInvalidVectorOp = 7800,
eKeyNotFound = 7900,
eLinkNotEmpty = 8000,
eListError = 8100,
eLockAccess = 8200,
eLockExists = 8300,
eLockNotFound = 8400,
eLockReadOnly = 8500,
eLockTrunc = 8600,
eLPTokenError = 8700,
eLPTokenMisuse = 8800,
eMatrixError = 8900,
eMatrixMismatch = 9000,
eMatrixMultiplicationError = 9100,
eMissingData = 9200,
eMysteryError = 9300,
eNameTooLong = 9400,
eNeverLocked = 9500,
eNoAccess = 9600,
eNoLockReq = 9800,
eNoMoreAtt = 9900,
eNoMoreElements = 10000,
eNonBasicMatrixError = 10100,
eNonInvertibleMatrix = 10200,
eNonsenseData = 10300,
eNoSuchKey = 10400,
eNotEnoughSpace = 10500,
eNotFetched = 10600,
eNotLocked = 10700,
eNotSupported = 10800,
eNullPointer = 10900,
eNullInternalPointer = 11000,
eNullCompare = 11050,
eNullData = 11070,
eNullDestroyer = 11100,
eNullDisplayer = 11200,
eNullFunction = 11300,
eRemove = 11400,
eRoundoff = 11500,
eQueueNotEmpty = 11600,
eSparseGraphError = 11700,
eStackError = 11800,
eStackNotEmpty = 11900,
eTLRSProceduralError = 12000,
eTooManyAtt = 12100,
eTooManyLocks = 12200,
eTypeConflict = 12300,
eUnexpectedType = 12400,
eUnixError = 12500,
eVectorMismatch = 12600,
eProcessingError = 15000,
eActionKludge = 15100,
eNotImplemented = 15200,
eNotStable = 15300,
eNotReleased = 15400,
eBeingWorkedOn = 15500
} eErrorState;
extern "C" {
extern eErrorState spider_errno;
extern char err_string[];
POINTER mallocate (size_t n ) ;
size_t pagesize (void ) ;
POINTER page_mallocate (void ) ;
POINTER make_memory_token (int size , int page_cnt, const char *name) ;
POINTER mem_malloc (POINTER mptr ) ;
void mem_free (POINTER mptr , POINTER obj ) ;
const char *get_double_string (char *buffer , double num ) ;
int spider_strcat (const char *proc , char *str1 , const char *str2 , int maxlen ) ;
void init_errors (void ) ;
void append_abort (const char *proc ) ;
void append_message (const char *proc , const char *msg ) ;
void set_errno (eErrorState err ) ;
void spider_perror (const char *proc , FILE_PTR errorFile ) ;
void append_not_implemented (const char *proc , int *target_errno ) ;
const char *GetBooleanString (BOOLEAN bool ) ;// ERROR - use of bool as identifier
double truncate_value (double x , double epsilon ) ;
double log2 (double x ) ;
int ceil_log2 (double x ) ;
int floor_log2 (double x ) ;
extern "C" {
extern char char80[], char128[], char160[], char512[];
extern char char1000[], char2000[];
extern char char320[];
BOOLEAN Get_EM_StderrFlag (void ) ;
void Set_EM_StderrFlag (BOOLEAN printToStderr ) ;
void CheckReleaseState (eErrorState releaseState , const char *procName, FILE_PTR errorFile ) ;
void PrintErrorString (const char *errorString , FILE_PTR errorFile ) ;
const char *get_error_header (eErrorState errorState ) ;
void print_error_header (eErrorState errorState , FILE_PTR errorFile ) ;
void PrintErrorMessage (eErrorState errorState , const char *message , FILE_PTR errorFile ) ;
extern "C" {
extern short show_increment_rcount;
extern int errno;
extern int bmk_errno;
extern int ck_errno;
extern int db_errno;
extern int dict_errno;
extern int glh_errno;
extern int graph_errno;
extern int hash_errno;
extern int link_errno;
extern int lp_errno;
extern int matrix_errno;
extern int nbmk_errno;
extern int network_errno;
extern int queue_errno;
extern int set_kernel_errno;
extern int stack_errno;
extern "C" {
const char *spider_version_string (void ) ;
int spider_version (void ) ;
const char *spider_errstring (void ) ;
void append_perror (const char *s ) ;
void unix_perror (const char *s ) ;
typedef struct node a_dict_node, * DICT_NODE;
struct node {
DICT_NODE right;
typedef struct tree a_dict, * DICT;
struct tree {
int size;
DICT_NODE header;
DICT_NODE last_accessed;
DICT_NODE list_head;
DICT_NODE list_tail;
typedef enum { PREORDER = -1, INORDER, POSTORDER } traversal_t;
extern "C" {
void dict_set_nopages (int desired_nopages ) ;
void dict_err (void ) ;
const char *traversal_string (traversal_t tr ) ;
DICT make_dictionary (COMPARE cmp ) ;
int dict_insert (POINTER item , DICT dict ) ;
int dict_delete (POINTER item , DICT dict ) ;
POINTER dict_access (POINTER item , DICT dict ) ;
POINTER dict_low (DICT dict ) ;
POINTER dict_nlow (DICT dict ) ;
POINTER dict_big (DICT dict ) ;
POINTER dict_nbig (DICT dict ) ;
POINTER dict_first (DICT dict ) ;
POINTER dict_next (DICT dict ) ;
POINTER dict_last (DICT dict ) ;
POINTER dict_prev (DICT dict ) ;
int clear_dictionary (DICT dict , DESTROYER destroy , FILE *errorFile ) ;
int dict_size (const a_dict *dict ) ;
POINTER dict_elem (int index , DICT dict ) ;
int dict_compare (DICT d1 , DICT d2 ) ;
DICT dict_copy (DICT di , COMPARE cmp ) ;
int dict_change_compare (DICT di , COMPARE cmp ) ;
int dict_height (DICT di ) ;
void dict_print_stats (FILE *fp , DICT di ) ;
void dict_print (FILE *fp , DICT di , traversal_t tr , DISPLAYER display ) ;
const char *dict_version (void ) ;
void init_dict_errors (void ) ;
const char *dict_errstring (void ) ;
void dict_append_perror (const char *s ) ;
void dict_perror (const char *s ) ;
extern int dict_errno;
typedef struct q_item {
struct q_item *next;
} a_q_item, *Q_ITEM;
typedef struct {
int rcount;
Q_ITEM first;
Q_ITEM last;
int count;
} a_queue, *QUEUE;
extern "C" {
void queue_err (void) ;
void queue_set_nopages (int desired_nopages) ;
QUEUE make_queue (void ) ;
POINTER queue_look (const a_queue * Q ) ;
POINTER queue_last (const a_queue * Q ) ;
POINTER queue_remove (QUEUE Q ) ;
int queue_append (QUEUE Q , POINTER data ) ;
int queue_size (const a_queue * Q ) ;
void queue_destroy (POINTER ptr , FILE_PTR errorFile ) ;
void IncrementQRCount (POINTER ptr , FILE_PTR errorFile ) ;
const char *queue_version (void ) ;
void init_queue_errors (void ) ;
const char *queue_errstring (void ) ;
void queue_append_perror (const char *s ) ;
void queue_perror (const char *s ) ;
extern int queue_errno;
typedef struct s_item {
struct s_item *next;
} a_s_item, *S_ITEM;
typedef struct stack {
int rcount;
S_ITEM top;
int count;
} a_stack, *STACK;
extern "C" {
void stack_err (void) ;
void stack_set_nopages (int desired_nopages) ;
STACK make_stack (void ) ;
POINTER stack_look (const a_stack * S ) ;
POINTER stack_pop (STACK S ) ;
int stack_push (STACK S , POINTER data ) ;
int stack_size (const a_stack * S ) ;
void stack_destroy (POINTER ptr , FILE_PTR errorFile ) ;
void IncrementSRCount (POINTER ptr , FILE_PTR errorFile ) ;
const char *stack_version (void ) ;
void init_stack_errors (void ) ;
const char *stack_errstring (void ) ;
void stack_append_perror (const char *s ) ;
void stack_perror (const char *s ) ;
extern int stack_errno;
typedef const char *(*STRINGER)(const void *ptr);
int default_compare(const void *p1, const void *p2);
void default_displayer(const void *ptr, FILE *fp, FILE *errorFile);
const char *default_stringer(const void *ptr);
const char *object_stringer(const void *ptr);
class object {
static long current_id;
static long next_id();
void display2(ostream &fp = cout) const;
long id;
object() { id = next_id(); }
object(const object &obj) { id = next_id(); }
virtual ~object()
if (799 >= 999 ) cout << "~object() executing..." << '\n'; ;
object & operator = (const object & obj)
return( *this );
virtual int compare(const void *p2) const;
virtual void display(ostream & fp = cout) const
operator char *() const;
ostream & operator << (ostream & fp, object & obj);
int operator < (object & obj1, object & obj2);
int operator <= (object & obj1, object & obj2);
int operator > (object & obj1, object & obj2);
int operator >= (object & obj1, object & obj2);
int operator == (object & obj1, object & obj2);
int operator != (object & obj1, object & obj2);
void null_destroy(void *p, FILE *errorFile);
void object_destroy(void *p, FILE *errorFile);
int object_compare(const void *p1, const void *p2);
void object_display(const void *p, FILE *fp, FILE *errorFile);
class dict : public object {
class internal {
DICT di;
int errno;
COMPARE compare_f;
DISPLAYER display_f;
DESTROYER destroy_f;
STRINGER string_f;
int count;
void append_error(int expr, const char *proc)
if (expr) dict_append_perror(proc);
errno = dict_errno;
void obj_error(int expr, const char *proc, const void *obj)
if (expr) {
errno = dict_errno;
internal(COMPARE cmp, DESTROYER destroyer,
DISPLAYER displayer, STRINGER str_f)
{// ERROR - candidate for bad call
if (799 >= 800 ) cout << "Creating new dictionary..." << '\n'; ;
if (cmp == __null ) cmp = &default_compare;
if (displayer == __null ) displayer = &default_displayer;
if (str_f == __null ) str_f = &default_stringer;
compare_f = cmp;
display_f = displayer;
destroy_f = destroyer;
string_f = str_f;
di = make_dictionary(compare_f);
append_error(di == __null , "dict internal");
if (di == __null ) {
dict_perror("build dictionary");
count = 1;
if (799 >= 800 ) cout << "dict ~internal executing" << '\n'; ;
int err = clear_dictionary(di, destroy_f, (&__iob[2]) );
append_error(err, "clear dictionary");
if (err) dict_perror("dict ~internal");
free((void *)di);
};// ERROR - candidate list for bad call
internal *rep;
int & errno() { return( rep->errno ); }
COMPARE compare_f() { return( rep->compare_f ); }
DISPLAYER display_f() { return( rep->display_f ); }
DESTROYER destroy_f() { return( rep->destroy_f ); }
STRINGER string_f() { return( rep->string_f ); }
void append_error(int expr, const char *proc)
rep->append_error(expr, proc);
void obj_error(int expr, const char *proc, const void *obj)
rep->obj_error(expr, proc, obj);
static int err;
static int val;
static void *p;
if (799 >= 800 ) cout << "Default constructor executing..." << '\n'; ;
rep = new internal( &default_compare, &null_destroy,
&default_displayer, &default_stringer);// ERROR - no matching fn call
dict(COMPARE cmp,
DESTROYER destroyer = __null ,
DISPLAYER displayer = &default_displayer,
STRINGER str_f = &default_stringer)
{// ERROR - invalid type for default argument -- not expecting const
rep = new internal(cmp, destroyer, displayer, str_f);
dict(const dict &di2)
rep = di2.rep;
rep->count ++;
if (799 >= 800 ) cout << "Incrementing count to " << rep->count << '\n'; ;
dict & operator = (const dict &di2)
di2.rep->count ++;
if (799 >= 800 ) cout << "Incrementing di2 count to " << di2.rep->count << '\n'; ;
if (799 >= 800 ) cout << "Decrementing lvalue count to " << rep->count-1 << '\n'; ;
if (--rep->count <= 0) {
delete rep;
rep = di2.rep;
return( *this );
if (799 >= 800 ) cout << "~dict executing..." << '\n'; ;
if (799 >= 800 ) cout << "Decrementing dict::internal count to " << rep->count-1 << '\n'; ;
if (--rep->count <= 0) delete rep;
int insert(POINTER item)
err = dict_insert(item, rep->di);
obj_error(err, "insert", item);
return errno();
int remove(POINTER item)
err = dict_delete(item, rep->di);
obj_error(err, "remove", item);
return errno();
POINTER access(POINTER item)
p = dict_access(item, rep->di);
obj_error(p == __null , "access", item);
p = dict_low(rep->di);
append_error(p == __null , "low");
POINTER nlow()
p = dict_nlow(rep->di);
append_error(p == __null , "nlow");
p = dict_big(rep->di);
append_error(p == __null , "big");
POINTER nbig()
p = dict_nbig(rep->di);
append_error(p == __null , "nbig");
POINTER first()
p = dict_first(rep->di);
append_error(p == __null , "first");
POINTER last()
p = dict_last(rep->di);
append_error(p == __null , "last");
POINTER next()
p = dict_next(rep->di);
append_error(p == __null , "next");
POINTER prev()
p = dict_prev(rep->di);
append_error(p == __null , "prev");
int clear(DESTROYER destroy, FILE *fp = (&__iob[2]) )
err = clear_dictionary(rep->di, destroy, fp);
append_error(err, "clear");
return errno();
int clear(FILE *fp = (&__iob[2]) )
err = clear_dictionary(rep->di, rep->destroy_f, fp);
append_error(err, "clear");
return errno();
int size()
val = dict_size(rep->di);
append_error(val < 0, "size");
POINTER elem(int index)
p = dict_elem(index, rep->di);
append_error(p == __null , "elem");
int compare(dict &di2)
val = dict_compare(rep->di, di2.rep->di);
int height()
val = dict_height(rep->di);
append_error(val < 0, "height");
const char * version()
return( dict_version() );
void display(FILE *fp = (&__iob[1]) )
dict_print_stats(fp, rep->di);
void print(FILE *fp = (&__iob[1]) , traversal_t tr = INORDER)
fprintf(fp, "====== DICTIONARY (count=%d) ======\n",
dict_print(fp, rep->di, tr, rep->display_f);
void print(traversal_t tr, FILE *fp = (&__iob[1]) )
fprintf(fp, "====== DICTIONARY (count=%d) ======\n",
dict_print(fp, rep->di, tr, rep->display_f);
void error(const char *s = "class dict")
dict_errno = errno();
errno() = 0;
void error_append(const char *s = "class dict")
const char * errstring()
return( dict_errstring() );
ostream & operator << (ostream & fp, traversal_t tr);
class queue : public object {
class internal {
int errno;
DISPLAYER display_f;
DESTROYER destroy_f;
STRINGER string_f;
int count;
int swap()
QUEUE tmp = Q;
Q = Q2;
Q2 = tmp;
void append_error(int expr, const char *proc)
if (expr) queue_append_perror(proc);
errno = queue_errno;
void obj_error(int expr, const char *proc, const void *obj)
if (expr) {
errno = queue_errno;
internal(DESTROYER destroyer,
DISPLAYER displayer, STRINGER str_f)
{// ERROR - candidate for bad call
if (799 >= 800 ) cout << "Creating new queue..." << '\n'; ;
if (displayer == __null ) displayer = &default_displayer;
if (str_f == __null ) str_f = &default_stringer;
display_f = displayer;
destroy_f = destroyer;
string_f = str_f;
Q = make_queue();
append_error(Q == __null , "queue internal");
errno = queue_errno;
if (Q == __null ) {
queue_perror("build queue");
Q2 = make_queue();
append_error(Q2 == __null , "queue internal");
if (Q2 == __null ) {
queue_perror("build second queue");
count = 1;
if (799 >= 800 ) cout << "queue ~internal executing" << '\n'; ;
while ((p = queue_remove(Q)) != __null ) {
if (destroy_f != __null ) {
(*destroy_f)((POINTER)&p, (&__iob[2]) );
queue_errno = 0;
queue_destroy((POINTER)&Q, (&__iob[2]) );
if (queue_errno) {
queue_perror("queue ~internal");
queue_errno = 0;
queue_destroy((POINTER)&Q2, (&__iob[2]) );
if (queue_errno) {
queue_perror("queue ~internal");
};// ERROR - list of candidates for bad call
internal *rep;
int & errno() { return( rep->errno ); }
DISPLAYER display_f() { return( rep->display_f ); }
DESTROYER destroy_f() { return( rep->destroy_f ); }
STRINGER string_f() { return( rep->string_f ); }
void append_error(int expr, const char *proc)
rep->append_error(expr, proc);
void obj_error(int expr, const char *proc, const void *obj)
rep->obj_error(expr, proc, obj);
static int err;
static int val;
static void *p;
if (799 >= 800 ) cout << "Default constructor executing..." << '\n'; ;
rep = new internal( &null_destroy,
&default_displayer, &default_stringer);// ERROR - no matching fn for call
queue(DESTROYER destroyer = __null ,
DISPLAYER displayer = &default_displayer,
STRINGER str_f = &default_stringer)
{// ERROR - invalid type for default argument -- not expecting const
rep = new internal(destroyer, displayer, str_f);
queue(const queue &Q2)
rep = Q2.rep;
rep->count ++;
if (799 >= 800 ) cout << "Incrementing count to " << rep->count << '\n'; ;
queue & operator = (const queue &Q2)
Q2.rep->count ++;
if (799 >= 800 ) cout << "Incrementing Q2 count to " << Q2.rep->count << '\n'; ;
if (799 >= 800 ) cout << "Decrementing lvalue count to " << rep->count-1 << '\n'; ;
if (--rep->count <= 0) {
delete rep;
rep = Q2.rep;
return( *this );
if (799 >= 800 ) cout << "~queue executing..." << '\n'; ;
if (799 >= 800 ) cout << "Decrementing queue::internal count to " << rep->count-1 << '\n'; ;
if (--rep->count <= 0) delete rep;
void error(const char *s = "class queue")
queue_errno = errno();
errno() = 0;
void error_append(const char *s = "class queue")
const char * errstring()
return( queue_errstring() );
int append(POINTER item)
err = queue_append(rep->Q, (POINTER)item);
obj_error(err, "append", item);
return errno();
POINTER remove()
p = queue_remove(rep->Q);
append_error(p == __null , "remove");
p = queue_look(rep->Q);
append_error(p == __null , "look");
p = queue_last(rep->Q);
append_error(p == __null , "last");
int size()
val = queue_size(rep->Q);
append_error(val < 0, "size");
const char * version()
return( queue_version() );
void display(FILE *fp = (&__iob[1]) )
int i = 1;
fprintf(fp, "====== QUEUE DISPLAY (size %d) ======\n",
while (ptr = remove()) {
err = queue_append(rep->Q2, ptr);
if (err) {
obj_error(err, "append", ptr);
fprintf(fp, "[%d] ", i++);
(*rep->display_f)(ptr, fp, (&__iob[2]) );
long object::current_id = 0;
long object::next_id()
return( ++current_id );
void object::display2(ostream & fp) const
fp << "object #" << id;
ostream & operator << (ostream & fp, object & obj)
int object::compare(const void *p2) const
const object & z2 = *(const object *) p2;
if (799 >= 1000 ) cout << "*** object::compare " << *this << " with " << z2 << '\n'; ;
return( id - );
int operator < (object & obj1, object & obj2)
if ( &obj2 ) < 0) return(1);
else return(0);
int operator <= (object & obj1, object & obj2)
if ( &obj2 ) <= 0) return(1);
else return(0);
int operator > (object & obj1, object & obj2)
if ( &obj2 ) > 0) return(1);
else return(0);
int operator >= (object & obj1, object & obj2)
if ( &obj2 ) >= 0) return(1);
else return(0);
int operator == (object & obj1, object & obj2)
if ( &obj2 ) == 0) return(1);
else return(0);
int operator != (object & obj1, object & obj2)
if ( &obj2 ) != 0) return(1);
else return(0);
void null_destroy(void *p, FILE *errorFile)
int object_compare(const void *p1, const void *p2)
const object *obj1 = (const object *) p1;
if (799 >= 1000 ) cout << "*** Comparing " << *obj1 << " to address " << long(p2) << '\n'; ;
return( obj1->compare(p2) );
void object_display(const void *p, FILE *fp, FILE *errorFile)
cout << *(object *)p << '\n';
void object_destroy(void *p, FILE *errorFile)
object **pObj = (object **)p;
object *obj = *pObj;
if (obj == __null ) {
if (799 >= 10 ) cout << "+ object_destroy: NIL object passed in" << '\n'; ;
if (799 >= 998 ) cout << "+ object_destroy: delete obj:" << '\n'; ;
if (799 >= 998 ) cout << *obj << '\n'; ;
if (799 >= 998 ) cout << "====================================================" << '\n'; ;
delete obj;
*pObj = __null ;
int default_compare(const void *p1, const void *p2)
long L1 = long(p1);
long L2 = long(p2);
if (799 >= 1000 ) cout << "+ default_compare " << long(p1) << ',' << long(p2) << '\n'; ;
if (L1 < L2) return(-1);
else if (L1 > L2) return(1);
else return(0);
const char * default_stringer(const void *ptr)
static char buf[100];
sprintf(buf, "ADDRESS %lu", (unsigned long)ptr);
void default_displayer(const void *ptr, FILE *fp, FILE *errorFile)
fprintf(fp, "%s\n", default_stringer(ptr));
object::operator char *() const
const int max = 10;
const int maxChar = 16;
static char buf[max][maxChar];
static int index = 0;
char *s = buf[index++ % max];
sprintf(s, "object #%d", id);
const char * object_stringer(const void *ptr)
object & obj = *(object *)ptr;
return((char *)obj);
int dict::err;
int dict::val;
POINTER dict::p;
ostream & operator << (ostream & fp, traversal_t tr)
fp << traversal_string(tr);
int queue::err;
int queue::val;
POINTER queue::p;