blob: 8000be2f0a58bba62e3cbd0f5ca8f90ad2e9d5cb [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright (C) 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Contributed by Richard Henderson <>.
This file is part of GNU CC.
GNU CC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
GNU CC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with GNU CC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
/* As a special exception, if you link this library with other files,
some of which are compiled with GCC, to produce an executable,
this library does not by itself cause the resulting executable
to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
/* Locate the FDE entry for a given address, using glibc routines
to avoid register/deregister calls at DSO load/unload. */
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <link.h>
#include <bits/libc-lock.h>
#include "frame-ia64.h"
/* Initialized by crtbegin from the main application. */
extern Elf64_Ehdr *__ia64_app_header;
/* ??? A redeclaration of the lock in Perhaps this should
appear in <link.h> in a new glibc version. */
__libc_lock_define (extern, _dl_load_lock)
/* ??? _dl_load_lock is not exported from glibc 2.1, but it is
from glibc 2.2. Remove this when folks have migrated. */
#pragma weak _dl_load_lock
/* This always exists, even in a static application. */
extern struct link_map *_dl_loaded;
static fde *
find_fde_for_dso (Elf64_Addr pc, Elf64_Ehdr *ehdr)
Elf64_Phdr *phdr, *p_unwind;
long n, match;
Elf64_Addr load_base, seg_base;
fde *f_base;
size_t lo, hi;
/* Verify that we are looking at an ELF header. */
if (ehdr->e_ident[0] != 0x7f
|| ehdr->e_ident[1] != 'E'
|| ehdr->e_ident[2] != 'L'
|| ehdr->e_ident[3] != 'F'
|| ehdr->e_ident[EI_CLASS] != ELFCLASS64
|| ehdr->e_ident[EI_DATA] != ELFDATA2LSB
|| ehdr->e_machine != EM_IA_64)
abort ();
match = 0;
phdr = (Elf64_Phdr *)((char *)ehdr + ehdr->e_phoff);
load_base = (ehdr->e_type == ET_DYN ? (Elf64_Addr)ehdr : 0);
p_unwind = NULL;
/* See if PC falls into one of the loaded segments. Find the unwind
segment at the same time. */
for (n = ehdr->e_phnum; --n >= 0; phdr++)
if (phdr->p_type == PT_LOAD)
Elf64_Addr vaddr = phdr->p_vaddr + load_base;
if (pc >= vaddr && pc < vaddr + phdr->p_memsz)
match = 1;
else if (phdr->p_type == PT_IA_64_UNWIND)
p_unwind = phdr;
if (!match || !p_unwind)
return NULL;
/* Search for the FDE within the unwind segment. */
f_base = (fde *) (p_unwind->p_vaddr + load_base);
seg_base = (Elf64_Addr) ehdr;
lo = 0;
hi = p_unwind->p_memsz / sizeof (fde);
while (lo < hi)
size_t mid = (lo + hi) / 2;
fde *f = f_base + mid;
if (pc < f->start_offset + seg_base)
hi = mid;
else if (pc >= f->end_offset + seg_base)
lo = mid + 1;
return f;
return NULL;
/* Return a pointer to the FDE for the function containing PC. */
fde *
__ia64_find_fde (void *pc, void **pc_base)
fde *ret;
struct link_map *map;
/* Check the main application first, hoping that most of the user's
code is there instead of in some library. */
ret = find_fde_for_dso ((Elf64_Addr)pc, __ia64_app_header);
if (ret)
*pc_base = __ia64_app_header;
return ret;
/* Glibc is probably unique in that we can (with certain restrictions)
dynamicly load libraries into staticly linked applications. Thus
we _always_ check _dl_loaded. */
if (&_dl_load_lock)
__libc_lock_lock (_dl_load_lock);
for (map = _dl_loaded; map ; map = map->l_next)
/* Skip the main application's entry. */
if (map->l_name[0] == 0)
ret = find_fde_for_dso ((Elf64_Addr)pc, (Elf64_Ehdr *)map->l_addr);
if (ret)
if (&_dl_load_lock)
__libc_lock_unlock (_dl_load_lock);
*pc_base = (void *)(map ? map->l_addr : 0);
return ret;