blob: ccff6fc4a3cae1b8ec21d4bde1240271e6e76382 [file] [log] [blame]
-- --
-- --
-- G N A T P R E P --
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- $Revision: 1.27 $
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 1996-2001, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- It is now maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc ( --
-- --
with Ada.Characters.Handling; use Ada.Characters.Handling;
with Ada.Strings.Fixed;
with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with GNAT.Heap_Sort_G;
with GNAT.Command_Line;
with Gnatvsn;
procedure GNATprep is
pragma Ident (Gnatvsn.Gnat_Version_String);
Version_String : constant String := "$Revision: 1.27 $";
type Strptr is access String;
Usage_Error : exception;
-- Raised if a usage error is detected, causes termination of processing
-- with an appropriate error message and error exit status set.
Fatal_Error : exception;
-- Exception raised if fatal error detected
Expression_Error : exception;
-- Exception raised when an invalid boolean expression is found
-- on a preprocessor line
-- Argument Line Data --
Infile_Name : Strptr;
Outfile_Name : Strptr;
Deffile_Name : Strptr;
-- Names of files
Infile : File_Type;
Outfile : File_Type;
Deffile : File_Type;
Opt_Comment_Deleted_Lines : Boolean := False; -- Set if -c switch set
Blank_Deleted_Lines : Boolean := False; -- Set if -b switch set
List_Symbols : Boolean := False; -- Set if -s switch set
Source_Ref_Pragma : Boolean := False; -- Set if -r switch set
Undefined_Is_False : Boolean := False; -- Set if -u switch set
-- Record command line options
-- Definitions File Data --
Num_Syms : Natural := 0;
-- Number of symbols defined in definitions file
Symbols : array (0 .. 10_000) of Strptr;
Values : array (0 .. 10_000) of Strptr;
-- Symbol names and values. Note that the zero'th element is used only
-- during the call to Sort (to hold a temporary value, as required by
-- the GNAT.Heap_Sort_G interface).
-- Input File Data --
Current_File_Name : Strptr;
-- Holds name of file being read (definitions file or input file)
Line_Buffer : String (1 .. 20_000);
-- Hold one line
Line_Length : Natural;
-- Length of line in Line_Buffer
Line_Num : Natural;
-- Current input file line number
Ptr : Natural;
-- Input scan pointer for line in Line_Buffer
type Keyword is (K_Not, K_Then, K_If, K_Else, K_End, K_Elsif,
K_And, K_Or, K_Open_Paren, K_Close_Paren,
K_Defined, K_Andthen, K_Orelse, K_Equal, K_None);
-- Keywords that are recognized on preprocessor lines. K_None indicates
-- that no keyword was present.
K : Keyword;
-- Scanned keyword
Start_Sym, End_Sym : Natural;
-- First and last positions of scanned symbol
Num_Errors : Natural := 0;
-- Number of errors detected
-- Preprocessor Data --
-- The following record represents the state of an #if structure:
type PP_Rec is record
If_Line : Positive;
-- Line number for #if line
Else_Line : Natural;
-- Line number for #else line, zero = no else seen yet
Deleting : Boolean;
-- True if lines currently being deleted
Match_Seen : Boolean;
-- True if either the #if condition or one of the previously seen
-- #elsif lines was true, meaning that any future #elsif sections
-- or the #else section, is to be deleted.
end record;
PP_Depth : Natural;
-- Preprocessor #if nesting level. A value of zero means that we are
-- outside any #if structure.
PP : array (0 .. 100) of PP_Rec;
-- Stack of records showing state of #if structures. PP (1) is the
-- outer level entry, and PP (PP_Depth) is the active entry. PP (0)
-- contains a dummy entry whose Deleting flag is always set to False.
-- Subprograms --
function At_End_Of_Line return Boolean;
-- First advances Ptr using Skip_Spaces. Then returns True if Ptr is
-- either at the end of the line, or at a -- comment sequence.
procedure Error (Msg : String);
-- Post error message with given text. The line number is taken from
-- Line_Num, and the column number from Ptr.
function Eval_Condition
(Parenthesis : Natural := 0;
Do_Eval : Boolean := True)
return Boolean;
-- Eval the condition found in the current Line. The condition can
-- include any of the 'and', 'or', 'not', and parenthesis subexpressions.
-- If Line is an invalid expression, then Expression_Error is raised,
-- after an error message has been printed. Line can include 'then'
-- followed by a comment, which is automatically ignored. If Do_Eval
-- is False, then the expression is not evaluated at all, and symbols
-- are just skipped.
function Eval_Symbol (Do_Eval : Boolean) return Boolean;
-- Read and evaluate the next symbol or expression (A, A'Defined, A=...)
-- If it is followed by 'Defined or an equality test, read as many symbols
-- as needed. Do_Eval has the same meaning as in Eval_Condition
procedure Help_Page;
-- Print a help page to summarize the usage of gnatprep
function Is_Preprocessor_Line return Boolean;
-- Tests if current line is a preprocessor line, i.e. that its first
-- non-blank character is a # character. If so, then a result of True
-- is returned, and Ptr is set to point to the character following the
-- # character. If not, False is returned and Ptr is undefined.
procedure No_Junk;
-- Make sure no junk is present on a preprocessor line. Ptr points past
-- the scanned preprocessor syntax.
function OK_Identifier (S : String) return Boolean;
-- Tests if given referenced string is valid Ada identifier
function Matching_Strings (S1, S2 : String) return Boolean;
-- Check if S1 and S2 are the same string (this is a case independent
-- comparison, lower and upper case letters are considered to match).
-- Duplicate quotes in S2 are considered as a single quote ("" => ")
procedure Parse_Def_File;
-- Parse the deffile given by the user
function Scan_Keyword return Keyword;
-- Advances Ptr to end of line or next non-blank using Skip_Spaces. Then
-- attempts to scan out a recognized keyword. if a recognized keyword is
-- found, sets Ptr past it, and returns the code for the keyword, if not,
-- then Ptr is left unchanged pointing to a non-blank character or to the
-- end of the line.
function Symbol_Scanned return Boolean;
-- On entry, Start_Sym is set to the first character of an identifier
-- symbol to be scanned out. On return, End_Sym is set to the last
-- character of the identifier, and the result indicates if the scanned
-- symbol is a valid identifier (True = valid). Ptr is not changed.
procedure Skip_Spaces;
-- Skips Ptr past tabs and spaces to next non-blank, or one character
-- past the end of line.
function Variable_Index (Name : String) return Natural;
-- Returns the index of the variable in the table. If the variable is not
-- found, returns Natural'Last
-- At_End_Of_Line --
function At_End_Of_Line return Boolean is
return Ptr > Line_Length
or else
(Ptr < Line_Length and then Line_Buffer (Ptr .. Ptr + 1) = "--");
end At_End_Of_Line;
-- Error --
procedure Error (Msg : String) is
L : constant String := Natural'Image (Line_Num);
C : constant String := Natural'Image (Ptr);
Put (Standard_Error, Current_File_Name.all);
Put (Standard_Error, ':');
Put (Standard_Error, L (2 .. L'Length));
Put (Standard_Error, ':');
Put (Standard_Error, C (2 .. C'Length));
Put (Standard_Error, ": ");
Put_Line (Standard_Error, Msg);
Num_Errors := Num_Errors + 1;
end Error;
-- Eval_Condition --
function Eval_Condition
(Parenthesis : Natural := 0;
Do_Eval : Boolean := True)
return Boolean
Symbol_Is_True : Boolean := False; -- init to avoid warning
K : Keyword;
-- Find the next subexpression
K := Scan_Keyword;
case K is
when K_None =>
Symbol_Is_True := Eval_Symbol (Do_Eval);
when K_Not =>
-- Not applies to the next subexpression (either a simple
-- evaluation like A or A'Defined, or a parenthesis expression)
K := Scan_Keyword;
if K = K_Open_Paren then
Symbol_Is_True := not Eval_Condition (Parenthesis + 1, Do_Eval);
elsif K = K_None then
Symbol_Is_True := not Eval_Symbol (Do_Eval);
Ptr := Start_Sym; -- Puts the keyword back
end if;
when K_Open_Paren =>
Symbol_Is_True := Eval_Condition (Parenthesis + 1, Do_Eval);
when others =>
Ptr := Start_Sym;
Error ("invalid syntax in preprocessor line");
raise Expression_Error;
end case;
-- Do we have a compound expression with AND, OR, ...
K := Scan_Keyword;
case K is
when K_None =>
if not At_End_Of_Line then
Error ("Invalid Syntax at end of line");
raise Expression_Error;
end if;
if Parenthesis /= 0 then
Error ("Unmatched opening parenthesis");
raise Expression_Error;
end if;
return Symbol_Is_True;
when K_Then =>
if Parenthesis /= 0 then
Error ("Unmatched opening parenthesis");
raise Expression_Error;
end if;
return Symbol_Is_True;
when K_Close_Paren =>
if Parenthesis = 0 then
Error ("Unmatched closing parenthesis");
raise Expression_Error;
end if;
return Symbol_Is_True;
when K_And =>
return Symbol_Is_True and Eval_Condition (Parenthesis, Do_Eval);
when K_Andthen =>
if not Symbol_Is_True then
-- Just skip the symbols for the remaining part
Symbol_Is_True := Eval_Condition (Parenthesis, False);
return False;
return Eval_Condition (Parenthesis, Do_Eval);
end if;
when K_Or =>
return Symbol_Is_True or Eval_Condition (Parenthesis, Do_Eval);
when K_Orelse =>
if Symbol_Is_True then
-- Just skip the symbols for the remaining part
Symbol_Is_True := Eval_Condition (Parenthesis, False);
return True;
return Eval_Condition (Parenthesis, Do_Eval);
end if;
when others =>
Error ("invalid syntax in preprocessor line");
raise Expression_Error;
end case;
end Eval_Condition;
-- Eval_Symbol --
function Eval_Symbol (Do_Eval : Boolean) return Boolean is
Sym : constant String := Line_Buffer (Start_Sym .. End_Sym);
K : Keyword;
Index : Natural;
Symbol_Defined : Boolean := False;
Symbol_Is_True : Boolean := False;
-- Read the symbol
Start_Sym := Ptr;
if not Symbol_Scanned then
Error ("invalid symbol name");
raise Expression_Error;
end if;
Ptr := End_Sym + 1;
-- Test if we have a simple test (A) or a more complicated one
-- (A'Defined)
K := Scan_Keyword;
if K /= K_Defined and then K /= K_Equal then
Ptr := Start_Sym; -- Puts the keyword back
end if;
Index := Variable_Index (Sym);
case K is
when K_Defined =>
Symbol_Defined := Index /= Natural'Last;
Symbol_Is_True := Symbol_Defined;
when K_Equal =>
-- Read the second part of the statement
Start_Sym := Ptr;
if not Symbol_Scanned
and then End_Sym < Start_Sym
Error ("No right part for the equality test");
raise Expression_Error;
end if;
Ptr := End_Sym + 1;
-- If the variable was not found
if Do_Eval then
if Index = Natural'Last then
if not Undefined_Is_False then
Error ("symbol name """ & Sym &
""" is not defined in definitions file");
end if;
Right : constant String
:= Line_Buffer (Start_Sym .. End_Sym);
Index_R : Natural;
if Right (Right'First) = '"' then
Symbol_Is_True :=
(Values (Index).all,
Right (Right'First + 1 .. Right'Last - 1));
Index_R := Variable_Index (Right);
if Index_R = Natural'Last then
Error ("Variable " & Right & " in test is "
& "not defined");
raise Expression_Error;
Symbol_Is_True :=
Matching_Strings (Values (Index).all,
Values (Index_R).all);
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
when others =>
if Index = Natural'Last then
Symbol_Defined := False;
if Do_Eval and then not Symbol_Defined then
if Undefined_Is_False then
Symbol_Defined := True;
Symbol_Is_True := False;
("symbol name """ & Sym &
""" is not defined in definitions file");
end if;
end if;
elsif not Do_Eval then
Symbol_Is_True := True;
elsif Matching_Strings (Values (Index).all, "True") then
Symbol_Is_True := True;
elsif Matching_Strings (Values (Index).all, "False") then
Symbol_Is_True := False;
Error ("symbol value is not True or False");
Symbol_Is_True := False;
end if;
end case;
return Symbol_Is_True;
end Eval_Symbol;
-- Help_Page --
procedure Help_Page is
Put_Line (Standard_Error,
"GNAT Preprocessor Version " &
Version_String (12 .. 15) &
" Copyright 1996-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.");
Put_Line (Standard_Error,
"Usage: gnatprep [-bcrsu] [-Dsymbol=value] infile " &
"outfile [deffile]");
New_Line (Standard_Error);
Put_Line (Standard_Error, " infile Name of the input file");
Put_Line (Standard_Error, " outfile Name of the output file");
Put_Line (Standard_Error, " deffile Name of the definition file");
New_Line (Standard_Error);
Put_Line (Standard_Error, "gnatprep switches:");
Put_Line (Standard_Error, " -b Replace preprocessor lines by " &
"blank lines");
Put_Line (Standard_Error, " -c Keep preprocessor lines as comments");
Put_Line (Standard_Error, " -D Associate symbol with value");
Put_Line (Standard_Error, " -r Generate Source_Reference pragma");
Put_Line (Standard_Error, " -s Print a sorted list of symbol names " &
"and values");
Put_Line (Standard_Error, " -u Treat undefined symbols as FALSE");
New_Line (Standard_Error);
end Help_Page;
-- Is_Preprocessor_Line --
function Is_Preprocessor_Line return Boolean is
Ptr := 1;
while Ptr <= Line_Length loop
if Line_Buffer (Ptr) = '#' then
Ptr := Ptr + 1;
return True;
elsif Line_Buffer (Ptr) > ' ' then
return False;
Ptr := Ptr + 1;
end if;
end loop;
return False;
end Is_Preprocessor_Line;
-- Matching_Strings --
function Matching_Strings (S1, S2 : String) return Boolean is
S2_Index : Integer := S2'First;
for S1_Index in S1'Range loop
if To_Upper (S1 (S1_Index)) /= To_Upper (S2 (S2_Index)) then
return False;
if S2 (S2_Index) = '"'
and then S2_Index < S2'Last
and then S2 (S2_Index + 1) = '"'
S2_Index := S2_Index + 2;
S2_Index := S2_Index + 1;
end if;
-- If S2 was too short then
if S2_Index > S2'Last and then S1_Index < S1'Last then
return False;
end if;
end if;
end loop;
return S2_Index = S2'Last + 1;
end Matching_Strings;
-- No_Junk --
procedure No_Junk is
if Ptr = Line_Length
or else (Ptr < Line_Length
and then Line_Buffer (Ptr .. Ptr + 1) /= "--")
Error ("extraneous text on preprocessor line ignored");
end if;
end No_Junk;
-- OK_Identifier --
function OK_Identifier (S : String) return Boolean is
P : Natural := S'First;
if S'Length /= 0 and then S (P) = Character'Val (39) then -- '''
P := P + 1;
end if;
if S'Length = 0
or else not Is_Letter (S (P))
return False;
while P <= S'Last loop
if Is_Letter (S (P)) or Is_Digit (S (P)) then
elsif S (P) = '_'
and then P < S'Last
and then S (P + 1) /= '_'
return False;
end if;
P := P + 1;
end loop;
return True;
end if;
end OK_Identifier;
-- Parse_Def_File --
procedure Parse_Def_File is
Open (Deffile, In_File, Deffile_Name.all);
Line_Num := 0;
Current_File_Name := Deffile_Name;
-- Loop through lines in symbol definitions file
while not End_Of_File (Deffile) loop
Get_Line (Deffile, Line_Buffer, Line_Length);
Line_Num := Line_Num + 1;
Ptr := 1;
if Ptr > Line_Length
or else (Ptr < Line_Length
and then
Line_Buffer (Ptr .. Ptr + 1) = "--")
goto Continue;
end if;
Start_Sym := Ptr;
if not Symbol_Scanned then
Error ("invalid symbol identifier """ &
Line_Buffer (Start_Sym .. End_Sym) &
goto Continue;
end if;
Ptr := End_Sym + 1;
if Ptr >= Line_Length
or else Line_Buffer (Ptr .. Ptr + 1) /= ":="
Error ("missing "":="" in symbol definition line");
goto Continue;
end if;
Ptr := Ptr + 2;
Num_Syms := Num_Syms + 1;
Symbols (Num_Syms) := new String'(Line_Buffer (Start_Sym .. End_Sym));
Start_Sym := Ptr;
End_Sym := Ptr - 1;
if At_End_Of_Line then
elsif Line_Buffer (Start_Sym) = '"' then
End_Sym := End_Sym + 1;
End_Sym := End_Sym + 1;
if End_Sym > Line_Length then
Error ("no closing quote for string constant");
goto Continue;
elsif End_Sym < Line_Length
and then Line_Buffer (End_Sym .. End_Sym + 1) = """"""
End_Sym := End_Sym + 1;
elsif Line_Buffer (End_Sym) = '"' then
end if;
end loop;
End_Sym := Ptr - 1;
while End_Sym < Line_Length
and then (Is_Alphanumeric (Line_Buffer (End_Sym + 1))
or else
Line_Buffer (End_Sym + 1) = '_'
or else
Line_Buffer (End_Sym + 1) = '.')
End_Sym := End_Sym + 1;
end loop;
Ptr := End_Sym + 1;
if not At_End_Of_Line then
Error ("incorrect symbol value syntax");
goto Continue;
end if;
end if;
Values (Num_Syms) := new String'(Line_Buffer (Start_Sym .. End_Sym));
end loop;
-- Could not open the file
when Name_Error =>
Put_Line (Standard_Error, "cannot open " & Deffile_Name.all);
raise Fatal_Error;
end Parse_Def_File;
-- Scan_Keyword --
function Scan_Keyword return Keyword is
Kptr : constant Natural := Ptr;
Start_Sym := Ptr;
if Symbol_Scanned then
-- If the symbol was the last thing on the line, End_Sym will
-- point too far in Line_Buffer
if End_Sym > Line_Length then
End_Sym := Line_Length;
end if;
Ptr := End_Sym + 1;
Sym : constant String := Line_Buffer (Start_Sym .. End_Sym);
if Matching_Strings (Sym, "not") then
return K_Not;
elsif Matching_Strings (Sym, "then") then
return K_Then;
elsif Matching_Strings (Sym, "if") then
return K_If;
elsif Matching_Strings (Sym, "else") then
return K_Else;
elsif Matching_Strings (Sym, "end") then
return K_End;
elsif Matching_Strings (Sym, "elsif") then
return K_Elsif;
elsif Matching_Strings (Sym, "and") then
if Scan_Keyword = K_Then then
Start_Sym := Kptr;
return K_Andthen;
Ptr := Start_Sym; -- Put back the last keyword read
Start_Sym := Kptr;
return K_And;
end if;
elsif Matching_Strings (Sym, "or") then
if Scan_Keyword = K_Else then
Start_Sym := Kptr;
return K_Orelse;
Ptr := Start_Sym; -- Put back the last keyword read
Start_Sym := Kptr;
return K_Or;
end if;
elsif Matching_Strings (Sym, "'defined") then
return K_Defined;
elsif Sym = "(" then
return K_Open_Paren;
elsif Sym = ")" then
return K_Close_Paren;
elsif Sym = "=" then
return K_Equal;
end if;
end if;
Ptr := Kptr;
return K_None;
end Scan_Keyword;
-- Skip_Spaces --
procedure Skip_Spaces is
while Ptr <= Line_Length loop
if Line_Buffer (Ptr) /= ' '
and then Line_Buffer (Ptr) /= ASCII.HT
Ptr := Ptr + 1;
end if;
end loop;
end Skip_Spaces;
-- Symbol_Scanned --
function Symbol_Scanned return Boolean is
End_Sym := Start_Sym - 1;
case Line_Buffer (End_Sym + 1) is
when '(' | ')' | '=' =>
End_Sym := End_Sym + 1;
return True;
when '"' =>
End_Sym := End_Sym + 1;
while End_Sym < Line_Length loop
if Line_Buffer (End_Sym + 1) = '"' then
if End_Sym + 2 < Line_Length
and then Line_Buffer (End_Sym + 2) = '"'
End_Sym := End_Sym + 2;
end if;
End_Sym := End_Sym + 1;
end if;
end loop;
if End_Sym >= Line_Length then
Error ("Invalid string ");
raise Expression_Error;
end if;
End_Sym := End_Sym + 1;
return False;
when ''' =>
End_Sym := End_Sym + 1;
when others =>
end case;
while End_Sym < Line_Length
and then (Is_Alphanumeric (Line_Buffer (End_Sym + 1))
or else Line_Buffer (End_Sym + 1) = '_')
End_Sym := End_Sym + 1;
end loop;
return OK_Identifier (Line_Buffer (Start_Sym .. End_Sym));
end Symbol_Scanned;
-- Variable_Index --
function Variable_Index (Name : String) return Natural is
for J in 1 .. Num_Syms loop
if Matching_Strings (Symbols (J).all, Name) then
return J;
end if;
end loop;
return Natural'Last;
end Variable_Index;
-- Start of processing for GNATprep
-- Parse the switches
case GNAT.Command_Line.Getopt ("D: b c r s u") is
when ASCII.NUL =>
when 'D' =>
S : String := GNAT.Command_Line.Parameter;
Index : Natural;
Index := Ada.Strings.Fixed.Index (S, "=");
if Index = 0 then
Num_Syms := Num_Syms + 1;
Symbols (Num_Syms) := new String'(S);
Values (Num_Syms) := new String'("True");
Num_Syms := Num_Syms + 1;
Symbols (Num_Syms) := new String'(S (S'First .. Index - 1));
Values (Num_Syms) := new String'(S (Index + 1 .. S'Last));
end if;
when 'b' =>
Blank_Deleted_Lines := True;
when 'c' =>
Opt_Comment_Deleted_Lines := True;
when 'r' =>
Source_Ref_Pragma := True;
when 's' =>
List_Symbols := True;
when 'u' =>
Undefined_Is_False := True;
when others =>
raise Usage_Error;
end case;
end loop;
-- Get the file names
S : constant String := GNAT.Command_Line.Get_Argument;
exit when S'Length = 0;
if Infile_Name = null then
Infile_Name := new String'(S);
elsif Outfile_Name = null then
Outfile_Name := new String'(S);
elsif Deffile_Name = null then
Deffile_Name := new String'(S);
raise Usage_Error;
end if;
end loop;
-- Test we had all the arguments needed
if Infile_Name = null
or else Outfile_Name = null
raise Usage_Error;
end if;
if Source_Ref_Pragma and (not Opt_Comment_Deleted_Lines) then
Blank_Deleted_Lines := True;
end if;
-- Get symbol definitions
if Deffile_Name /= null then
end if;
if Num_Errors > 0 then
raise Fatal_Error;
elsif List_Symbols and then Num_Syms > 0 then
List_Symbols_Case : declare
function Lt (Op1, Op2 : Natural) return Boolean;
-- Comparison routine for sort call
procedure Move (From : Natural; To : Natural);
-- Move routine for sort call
function Lt (Op1, Op2 : Natural) return Boolean is
L1 : constant Natural := Symbols (Op1)'Length;
L2 : constant Natural := Symbols (Op2)'Length;
MinL : constant Natural := Natural'Min (L1, L2);
C1, C2 : Character;
for J in 0 .. MinL - 1 loop
C1 := To_Upper (Symbols (Op1).all (Symbols (Op1)'First + J));
C2 := To_Upper (Symbols (Op2).all (Symbols (Op2)'First + J));
if C1 < C2 then
return True;
elsif C1 > C2 then
return False;
end if;
end loop;
return L1 < L2;
end Lt;
procedure Move (From : Natural; To : Natural) is
Symbols (To) := Symbols (From);
Values (To) := Values (From);
end Move;
package Sort_Syms is new GNAT.Heap_Sort_G (Move, Lt);
Max_L : Natural;
-- Maximum length of any symbol
-- Start of processing for List_Symbols_Case
Sort_Syms.Sort (Num_Syms);
Max_L := 7;
for J in 1 .. Num_Syms loop
Max_L := Natural'Max (Max_L, Symbols (J)'Length);
end loop;
Put ("Symbol");
for J in 1 .. Max_L - 5 loop
Put (' ');
end loop;
Put_Line ("Value");
Put ("------");
for J in 1 .. Max_L - 5 loop
Put (' ');
end loop;
Put_Line ("------");
for J in 1 .. Num_Syms loop
Put (Symbols (J).all);
for K in 1 .. Max_L - Symbols (J)'Length + 1 loop
Put (' ');
end loop;
Put_Line (Values (J).all);
end loop;
end List_Symbols_Case;
end if;
-- Open files and initialize preprocessing
Open (Infile, In_File, Infile_Name.all);
when Name_Error =>
Put_Line (Standard_Error, "cannot open " & Infile_Name.all);
raise Fatal_Error;
Create (Outfile, Out_File, Outfile_Name.all);
when Name_Error =>
Put_Line (Standard_Error, "cannot create " & Outfile_Name.all);
raise Fatal_Error;
if Source_Ref_Pragma then
(Outfile, "pragma Source_Reference (1, """ & Infile_Name.all & """);");
end if;
Line_Num := 0;
Current_File_Name := Infile_Name;
PP_Depth := 0;
PP (0).Deleting := False;
-- Loop through lines in input file
while not End_Of_File (Infile) loop
Get_Line (Infile, Line_Buffer, Line_Length);
Line_Num := Line_Num + 1;
-- Handle preprocessor line
if Is_Preprocessor_Line then
K := Scan_Keyword;
case K is
-- If/Elsif processing
when K_If | K_Elsif =>
-- If differs from elsif only in that an initial stack entry
-- must be made for the new if range. We set the match seen
-- entry to a copy of the deleting status in the range above
-- us. If we are deleting in the range above us, then we want
-- all the branches of the nested #if to delete.
if K = K_If then
PP_Depth := PP_Depth + 1;
PP (PP_Depth) :=
(If_Line => Line_Num,
Else_Line => 0,
Deleting => False,
Match_Seen => PP (PP_Depth - 1).Deleting);
elsif PP_Depth = 0 then
Error ("no matching #if for this #elsif");
goto Output;
end if;
PP (PP_Depth).Deleting := True;
if not PP (PP_Depth).Match_Seen
and then Eval_Condition = True
-- Case of match and no match yet in this #if
PP (PP_Depth).Deleting := False;
PP (PP_Depth).Match_Seen := True;
end if;
-- Processing for #else
when K_Else =>
if PP_Depth = 0 then
Error ("no matching #if for this #else");
elsif PP (PP_Depth).Else_Line /= 0 then
Error ("duplicate #else line (previous was on line" &
Natural'Image (PP (PP_Depth).Else_Line) &
PP (PP_Depth).Else_Line := Line_Num;
PP (PP_Depth).Deleting := PP (PP_Depth).Match_Seen;
end if;
-- Process for #end
when K_End =>
if PP_Depth = 0 then
Error ("no matching #if for this #end");
if Scan_Keyword /= K_If then
Error ("expected if after #end");
Ptr := Line_Length + 1;
end if;
if Ptr > Line_Length
or else Line_Buffer (Ptr) /= ';'
Error ("missing semicolon after #end if");
Ptr := Ptr + 1;
end if;
PP_Depth := PP_Depth - 1;
end if;
when others =>
Error ("invalid preprocessor keyword syntax");
end case;
-- Handle symbol substitution
-- Substitution is not allowed in string (which we simply skip),
-- but is allowed inside character constants. The last case is
-- because there is no way to know whether the user want to
-- substitute the name of an attribute ('Min or 'Max for instance)
-- or actually meant to substitue a character ('$name' is probably
-- a character constant, but my_type'$name'Min is probably an
-- attribute, with $name=Base)
Ptr := 1;
while Ptr < Line_Length loop
exit when At_End_Of_Line;
case Line_Buffer (Ptr) is
when ''' =>
-- Two special cases here:
-- '"' => we don't want the " sign to appear as belonging
-- to a string.
-- '$' => this is obviously not a substitution, just skip it
if Ptr < Line_Length - 1
and then Line_Buffer (Ptr + 1) = '"'
Ptr := Ptr + 2;
elsif Ptr < Line_Length - 2
and then Line_Buffer (Ptr + 1 .. Ptr + 2) = "$'"
Ptr := Ptr + 2;
end if;
when '"' =>
-- The special case of "" inside the string is easy to
-- handle: just ignore them. The second one will be seen
-- as the beginning of a second string
Ptr := Ptr + 1;
while Ptr < Line_Length
and then Line_Buffer (Ptr) /= '"'
Ptr := Ptr + 1;
end loop;
when '$' =>
-- $ found, so scan out possible following symbol
Start_Sym := Ptr + 1;
if Symbol_Scanned then
-- Look up symbol in table and if found do replacement
for J in 1 .. Num_Syms loop
if Matching_Strings
(Symbols (J).all, Line_Buffer (Start_Sym .. End_Sym))
OldL : constant Positive :=
End_Sym - Start_Sym + 2;
NewL : constant Positive := Values (J)'Length;
AdjL : constant Integer := NewL - OldL;
NewP : constant Positive := Ptr + NewL - 1;
Line_Buffer (NewP + 1 .. Line_Length + AdjL) :=
Line_Buffer (End_Sym + 1 .. Line_Length);
Line_Buffer (Ptr .. NewP) := Values (J).all;
Ptr := NewP;
Line_Length := Line_Length + AdjL;
end if;
end loop;
end if;
when others =>
end case;
Ptr := Ptr + 1;
end loop;
end if;
-- Here after dealing with preprocessor line, output current line
if Is_Preprocessor_Line or else PP (PP_Depth).Deleting then
if Blank_Deleted_Lines then
New_Line (Outfile);
elsif Opt_Comment_Deleted_Lines then
if Line_Length = 0 then
Put_Line (Outfile, "--!");
Put (Outfile, "--! ");
Put_Line (Outfile, Line_Buffer (1 .. Line_Length));
end if;
end if;
Put_Line (Outfile, Line_Buffer (1 .. Line_Length));
end if;
end loop;
for J in 1 .. PP_Depth loop
Error ("no matching #end for #if at line" &
Natural'Image (PP (J).If_Line));
end loop;
if Num_Errors = 0 then
Close (Outfile);
Set_Exit_Status (0);
Delete (Outfile);
Set_Exit_Status (1);
end if;
when Usage_Error =>
Set_Exit_Status (1);
when GNAT.Command_Line.Invalid_Parameter =>
Put_Line (Standard_Error, "No parameter given for -"
& GNAT.Command_Line.Full_Switch);
Set_Exit_Status (1);
when GNAT.Command_Line.Invalid_Switch =>
Put_Line (Standard_Error, "Invalid Switch: -"
& GNAT.Command_Line.Full_Switch);
Set_Exit_Status (1);
when Fatal_Error =>
Set_Exit_Status (1);
when Expression_Error =>
Set_Exit_Status (1);
end GNATprep;