blob: e418657ec09593b3df30cced534ae7fc5fa032ae [file] [log] [blame]
-- --
-- --
-- S E M _ E L I M --
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- $Revision: 1.13 $
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 1997-2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
-- to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, --
-- MA 02111-1307, USA. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- It is now maintained by Ada Core Technologies Inc ( --
-- --
with Atree; use Atree;
with Einfo; use Einfo;
with Errout; use Errout;
with Namet; use Namet;
with Nlists; use Nlists;
with Sinfo; use Sinfo;
with Snames; use Snames;
with Stand; use Stand;
with Stringt; use Stringt;
with GNAT.HTable; use GNAT.HTable;
package body Sem_Elim is
No_Elimination : Boolean;
-- Set True if no Eliminate pragmas active
-- Data Structures --
-- A single pragma Eliminate is represented by the following record
type Elim_Data;
type Access_Elim_Data is access Elim_Data;
type Names is array (Nat range <>) of Name_Id;
-- Type used to represent set of names. Used for names in Unit_Name
-- and also the set of names in Argument_Types.
type Access_Names is access Names;
type Elim_Data is record
Unit_Name : Access_Names;
-- Unit name, broken down into a set of names (e.g. A.B.C is
-- represented as Name_Id values for A, B, C in sequence).
Entity_Name : Name_Id;
-- Entity name if Entity parameter if present. If no Entity parameter
-- was supplied, then Entity_Node is set to Empty, and the Entity_Name
-- field contains the last identifier name in the Unit_Name.
Entity_Scope : Access_Names;
-- Static scope of the entity within the compilation unit represented by
-- Unit_Name.
Entity_Node : Node_Id;
-- Save node of entity argument, for posting error messages. Set
-- to Empty if there is no entity argument.
Parameter_Types : Access_Names;
-- Set to set of names given for parameter types. If no parameter
-- types argument is present, this argument is set to null.
Result_Type : Name_Id;
-- Result type name if Result_Types parameter present, No_Name if not
Hash_Link : Access_Elim_Data;
-- Link for hash table use
Homonym : Access_Elim_Data;
-- Pointer to next entry with same key
end record;
-- Hash_Table --
-- Setup hash table using the Entity_Name field as the hash key
subtype Element is Elim_Data;
subtype Elmt_Ptr is Access_Elim_Data;
subtype Key is Name_Id;
type Header_Num is range 0 .. 1023;
Null_Ptr : constant Elmt_Ptr := null;
-- Hash_Subprograms --
package Hash_Subprograms is
function Equal (F1, F2 : Key) return Boolean;
pragma Inline (Equal);
function Get_Key (E : Elmt_Ptr) return Key;
pragma Inline (Get_Key);
function Hash (F : Key) return Header_Num;
pragma Inline (Hash);
function Next (E : Elmt_Ptr) return Elmt_Ptr;
pragma Inline (Next);
procedure Set_Next (E : Elmt_Ptr; Next : Elmt_Ptr);
pragma Inline (Set_Next);
end Hash_Subprograms;
package body Hash_Subprograms is
-- Equal --
function Equal (F1, F2 : Key) return Boolean is
return F1 = F2;
end Equal;
-- Get_Key --
function Get_Key (E : Elmt_Ptr) return Key is
return E.Entity_Name;
end Get_Key;
-- Hash --
function Hash (F : Key) return Header_Num is
return Header_Num (Int (F) mod 1024);
end Hash;
-- Next --
function Next (E : Elmt_Ptr) return Elmt_Ptr is
return E.Hash_Link;
end Next;
-- Set_Next --
procedure Set_Next (E : Elmt_Ptr; Next : Elmt_Ptr) is
E.Hash_Link := Next;
end Set_Next;
end Hash_Subprograms;
package Elim_Hash_Table is new Static_HTable (
Header_Num => Header_Num,
Element => Element,
Elmt_Ptr => Elmt_Ptr,
Null_Ptr => Null_Ptr,
Set_Next => Hash_Subprograms.Set_Next,
Next => Hash_Subprograms.Next,
Key => Key,
Get_Key => Hash_Subprograms.Get_Key,
Hash => Hash_Subprograms.Hash,
Equal => Hash_Subprograms.Equal);
-- Check_Eliminated --
procedure Check_Eliminated (E : Entity_Id) is
Elmt : Access_Elim_Data;
Scop : Entity_Id;
Form : Entity_Id;
if No_Elimination then
-- Elimination of objects and types is not implemented yet.
elsif Ekind (E) not in Subprogram_Kind then
end if;
Elmt := Elim_Hash_Table.Get (Chars (E));
-- Loop through homonyms for this key
while Elmt /= null loop
-- First we check that the name of the entity matches
if Elmt.Entity_Name /= Chars (E) then
goto Continue;
end if;
-- Then we need to see if the static scope matches within the
-- compilation unit.
Scop := Scope (E);
if Elmt.Entity_Scope /= null then
for J in reverse Elmt.Entity_Scope'Range loop
if Elmt.Entity_Scope (J) /= Chars (Scop) then
goto Continue;
end if;
Scop := Scope (Scop);
if not Is_Compilation_Unit (Scop) and then J = 1 then
goto Continue;
end if;
end loop;
end if;
-- Now see if compilation unit matches
for J in reverse Elmt.Unit_Name'Range loop
if Elmt.Unit_Name (J) /= Chars (Scop) then
goto Continue;
end if;
Scop := Scope (Scop);
if Scop /= Standard_Standard and then J = 1 then
goto Continue;
end if;
end loop;
if Scop /= Standard_Standard then
goto Continue;
end if;
-- Check for case of given entity is a library level subprogram
-- and we have the single parameter Eliminate case, a match!
if Is_Compilation_Unit (E)
and then Is_Subprogram (E)
and then No (Elmt.Entity_Node)
Set_Is_Eliminated (E);
-- Check for case of type or object with two parameter case
elsif (Is_Type (E) or else Is_Object (E))
and then Elmt.Result_Type = No_Name
and then Elmt.Parameter_Types = null
Set_Is_Eliminated (E);
-- Check for case of subprogram
elsif Ekind (E) = E_Function
or else Ekind (E) = E_Procedure
-- Two parameter case always matches
if Elmt.Result_Type = No_Name
and then Elmt.Parameter_Types = null
Set_Is_Eliminated (E);
-- Here we have a profile, so see if it matches
if Ekind (E) = E_Function then
if Chars (Etype (E)) /= Elmt.Result_Type then
goto Continue;
end if;
end if;
Form := First_Formal (E);
if No (Form) and then Elmt.Parameter_Types = null then
Set_Is_Eliminated (E);
elsif Elmt.Parameter_Types = null then
goto Continue;
for J in Elmt.Parameter_Types'Range loop
if No (Form)
or else Chars (Etype (Form)) /= Elmt.Parameter_Types (J)
goto Continue;
Next_Formal (Form);
end if;
end loop;
if Present (Form) then
goto Continue;
Set_Is_Eliminated (E);
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
<<Continue>> Elmt := Elmt.Homonym;
end loop;
end Check_Eliminated;
-- Initialize --
procedure Initialize is
No_Elimination := True;
end Initialize;
-- Process_Eliminate_Pragma --
procedure Process_Eliminate_Pragma
(Arg_Unit_Name : Node_Id;
Arg_Entity : Node_Id;
Arg_Parameter_Types : Node_Id;
Arg_Result_Type : Node_Id)
Argx_Unit_Name : Node_Id;
Argx_Entity : Node_Id;
Argx_Parameter_Types : Node_Id;
Argx_Result_Type : Node_Id;
Data : constant Access_Elim_Data := new Elim_Data;
-- Build result data here
Elmt : Access_Elim_Data;
Num_Names : Nat := 0;
-- Number of names in unit name
Lit : Node_Id;
function OK_Selected_Component (N : Node_Id) return Boolean;
-- Test if N is a selected component with all identifiers, or a
-- selected component whose selector is an operator symbol. As a
-- side effect if result is True, sets Num_Names to the number
-- of names present (identifiers and operator if any).
-- OK_Selected_Component --
function OK_Selected_Component (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
if Nkind (N) = N_Identifier
or else Nkind (N) = N_Operator_Symbol
Num_Names := Num_Names + 1;
return True;
elsif Nkind (N) = N_Selected_Component then
return OK_Selected_Component (Prefix (N))
and then OK_Selected_Component (Selector_Name (N));
return False;
end if;
end OK_Selected_Component;
-- Start of processing for Process_Eliminate_Pragma
Error_Msg_Name_1 := Name_Eliminate;
-- Process Unit_Name argument
Argx_Unit_Name := Expression (Arg_Unit_Name);
if Nkind (Argx_Unit_Name) = N_Identifier then
Data.Unit_Name := new Names'(1 => Chars (Argx_Unit_Name));
Num_Names := 1;
elsif OK_Selected_Component (Argx_Unit_Name) then
Data.Unit_Name := new Names (1 .. Num_Names);
for J in reverse 2 .. Num_Names loop
Data.Unit_Name (J) := Chars (Selector_Name (Argx_Unit_Name));
Argx_Unit_Name := Prefix (Argx_Unit_Name);
end loop;
Data.Unit_Name (1) := Chars (Argx_Unit_Name);
("wrong form for Unit_Name parameter of pragma%",
end if;
-- Process Entity argument
if Present (Arg_Entity) then
Argx_Entity := Expression (Arg_Entity);
Num_Names := 0;
if Nkind (Argx_Entity) = N_Identifier
or else Nkind (Argx_Entity) = N_Operator_Symbol
Data.Entity_Name := Chars (Argx_Entity);
Data.Entity_Node := Argx_Entity;
Data.Entity_Scope := null;
elsif OK_Selected_Component (Argx_Entity) then
Data.Entity_Scope := new Names (1 .. Num_Names - 1);
Data.Entity_Name := Chars (Selector_Name (Argx_Entity));
Data.Entity_Node := Argx_Entity;
Argx_Entity := Prefix (Argx_Entity);
for J in reverse 2 .. Num_Names - 1 loop
Data.Entity_Scope (J) := Chars (Selector_Name (Argx_Entity));
Argx_Entity := Prefix (Argx_Entity);
end loop;
Data.Entity_Scope (1) := Chars (Argx_Entity);
elsif Nkind (Argx_Entity) = N_String_Literal then
String_To_Name_Buffer (Strval (Argx_Entity));
Data.Entity_Name := Name_Find;
Data.Entity_Node := Argx_Entity;
("wrong form for Entity_Argument parameter of pragma%",
end if;
Data.Entity_Node := Empty;
Data.Entity_Name := Data.Unit_Name (Num_Names);
end if;
-- Process Parameter_Types argument
if Present (Arg_Parameter_Types) then
Argx_Parameter_Types := Expression (Arg_Parameter_Types);
-- Case of one name, which looks like a parenthesized literal
-- rather than an aggregate.
if Nkind (Argx_Parameter_Types) = N_String_Literal
and then Paren_Count (Argx_Parameter_Types) = 1
String_To_Name_Buffer (Strval (Argx_Parameter_Types));
Data.Parameter_Types := new Names'(1 => Name_Find);
-- Otherwise must be an aggregate
elsif Nkind (Argx_Parameter_Types) /= N_Aggregate
or else Present (Component_Associations (Argx_Parameter_Types))
or else No (Expressions (Argx_Parameter_Types))
("Parameter_Types for pragma% must be list of string literals",
-- Here for aggregate case
Data.Parameter_Types :=
new Names
(1 .. List_Length (Expressions (Argx_Parameter_Types)));
Lit := First (Expressions (Argx_Parameter_Types));
for J in Data.Parameter_Types'Range loop
if Nkind (Lit) /= N_String_Literal then
("parameter types for pragma% must be string literals",
end if;
String_To_Name_Buffer (Strval (Lit));
Data.Parameter_Types (J) := Name_Find;
Next (Lit);
end loop;
end if;
end if;
-- Process Result_Types argument
if Present (Arg_Result_Type) then
Argx_Result_Type := Expression (Arg_Result_Type);
if Nkind (Argx_Result_Type) /= N_String_Literal then
("Result_Type argument for pragma% must be string literal",
end if;
String_To_Name_Buffer (Strval (Argx_Result_Type));
Data.Result_Type := Name_Find;
Data.Result_Type := No_Name;
end if;
-- Now link this new entry into the hash table
Elmt := Elim_Hash_Table.Get (Hash_Subprograms.Get_Key (Data));
-- If we already have an entry with this same key, then link
-- it into the chain of entries for this key.
if Elmt /= null then
Data.Homonym := Elmt.Homonym;
Elmt.Homonym := Data;
-- Otherwise create a new entry
Elim_Hash_Table.Set (Data);
end if;
No_Elimination := False;
end Process_Eliminate_Pragma;
end Sem_Elim;