| // Written in the D programming language. |
| |
| /** |
| Networking client functionality as provided by $(HTTP _curl.haxx.se/libcurl, |
| libcurl). The libcurl library must be installed on the system in order to use |
| this module. |
| |
| $(SCRIPT inhibitQuickIndex = 1;) |
| |
| $(DIVC quickindex, |
| $(TR $(TH Category) $(TH Functions) |
| ) |
| $(TR $(TDNW High level) $(TD $(MYREF download) $(MYREF upload) $(MYREF get) |
| $(MYREF post) $(MYREF put) $(MYREF del) $(MYREF options) $(MYREF trace) |
| $(MYREF connect) $(MYREF byLine) $(MYREF byChunk) |
| $(MYREF byLineAsync) $(MYREF byChunkAsync) ) |
| ) |
| $(TR $(TDNW Low level) $(TD $(MYREF HTTP) $(MYREF FTP) $(MYREF |
| SMTP) ) |
| ) |
| ) |
| ) |
| |
| Note: |
| You may need to link to the $(B curl) library, e.g. by adding $(D "libs": ["curl"]) |
| to your $(B dub.json) file if you are using $(LINK2 http://code.dlang.org, DUB). |
| |
| Windows x86 note: |
| A DMD compatible libcurl static library can be downloaded from the dlang.org |
| $(LINK2 http://dlang.org/download.html, download page). |
| |
| Compared to using libcurl directly this module allows simpler client code for |
| common uses, requires no unsafe operations, and integrates better with the rest |
| of the language. Futhermore it provides <a href="std_range.html">$(D range)</a> |
| access to protocols supported by libcurl both synchronously and asynchronously. |
| |
| A high level and a low level API are available. The high level API is built |
| entirely on top of the low level one. |
| |
| The high level API is for commonly used functionality such as HTTP/FTP get. The |
| $(LREF byLineAsync) and $(LREF byChunkAsync) provides asynchronous <a |
| href="std_range.html">$(D ranges)</a> that performs the request in another |
| thread while handling a line/chunk in the current thread. |
| |
| The low level API allows for streaming and other advanced features. |
| |
| $(BOOKTABLE Cheat Sheet, |
| $(TR $(TH Function Name) $(TH Description) |
| ) |
| $(LEADINGROW High level) |
| $(TR $(TDNW $(LREF download)) $(TD $(D |
| download("ftp.digitalmars.com/sieve.ds", "/tmp/downloaded-ftp-file")) |
| downloads file from URL to file system.) |
| ) |
| $(TR $(TDNW $(LREF upload)) $(TD $(D |
| upload("/tmp/downloaded-ftp-file", "ftp.digitalmars.com/sieve.ds");) |
| uploads file from file system to URL.) |
| ) |
| $(TR $(TDNW $(LREF get)) $(TD $(D |
| get("dlang.org")) returns a char[] containing the dlang.org web page.) |
| ) |
| $(TR $(TDNW $(LREF put)) $(TD $(D |
| put("dlang.org", "Hi")) returns a char[] containing |
| the dlang.org web page. after a HTTP PUT of "hi") |
| ) |
| $(TR $(TDNW $(LREF post)) $(TD $(D |
| post("dlang.org", "Hi")) returns a char[] containing |
| the dlang.org web page. after a HTTP POST of "hi") |
| ) |
| $(TR $(TDNW $(LREF byLine)) $(TD $(D |
| byLine("dlang.org")) returns a range of char[] containing the |
| dlang.org web page.) |
| ) |
| $(TR $(TDNW $(LREF byChunk)) $(TD $(D |
| byChunk("dlang.org", 10)) returns a range of ubyte[10] containing the |
| dlang.org web page.) |
| ) |
| $(TR $(TDNW $(LREF byLineAsync)) $(TD $(D |
| byLineAsync("dlang.org")) returns a range of char[] containing the dlang.org web |
| page asynchronously.) |
| ) |
| $(TR $(TDNW $(LREF byChunkAsync)) $(TD $(D |
| byChunkAsync("dlang.org", 10)) returns a range of ubyte[10] containing the |
| dlang.org web page asynchronously.) |
| ) |
| $(LEADINGROW Low level |
| ) |
| $(TR $(TDNW $(LREF HTTP)) $(TD $(D HTTP) struct for advanced usage)) |
| $(TR $(TDNW $(LREF FTP)) $(TD $(D FTP) struct for advanced usage)) |
| $(TR $(TDNW $(LREF SMTP)) $(TD $(D SMTP) struct for advanced usage)) |
| ) |
| |
| |
| Example: |
| --- |
| import std.net.curl, std.stdio; |
| |
| // Return a char[] containing the content specified by a URL |
| auto content = get("dlang.org"); |
| |
| // Post data and return a char[] containing the content specified by a URL |
| auto content = post("mydomain.com/here.cgi", ["name1" : "value1", "name2" : "value2"]); |
| |
| // Get content of file from ftp server |
| auto content = get("ftp.digitalmars.com/sieve.ds"); |
| |
| // Post and print out content line by line. The request is done in another thread. |
| foreach (line; byLineAsync("dlang.org", "Post data")) |
| writeln(line); |
| |
| // Get using a line range and proxy settings |
| auto client = HTTP(); |
| client.proxy = ""; |
| foreach (line; byLine("dlang.org", client)) |
| writeln(line); |
| --- |
| |
| For more control than the high level functions provide, use the low level API: |
| |
| Example: |
| --- |
| import std.net.curl, std.stdio; |
| |
| // GET with custom data receivers |
| auto http = HTTP("dlang.org"); |
| http.onReceiveHeader = |
| (in char[] key, in char[] value) { writeln(key, ": ", value); }; |
| http.onReceive = (ubyte[] data) { /+ drop +/ return data.length; }; |
| http.perform(); |
| --- |
| |
| First, an instance of the reference-counted HTTP struct is created. Then the |
| custom delegates are set. These will be called whenever the HTTP instance |
| receives a header and a data buffer, respectively. In this simple example, the |
| headers are written to stdout and the data is ignored. If the request should be |
| stopped before it has finished then return something less than data.length from |
| the onReceive callback. See $(LREF onReceiveHeader)/$(LREF onReceive) for more |
| information. Finally the HTTP request is effected by calling perform(), which is |
| synchronous. |
| |
| Source: $(PHOBOSSRC std/net/_curl.d) |
| |
| Copyright: Copyright Jonas Drewsen 2011-2012 |
| License: $(HTTP www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt, Boost License 1.0). |
| Authors: Jonas Drewsen. Some of the SMTP code contributed by Jimmy Cao. |
| |
| Credits: The functionally is based on $(HTTP _curl.haxx.se/libcurl, libcurl). |
| LibCurl is licensed under an MIT/X derivative license. |
| */ |
| /* |
| Copyright Jonas Drewsen 2011 - 2012. |
| Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. |
| (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at |
| http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) |
| */ |
| module std.net.curl; |
| |
| import core.thread; |
| import etc.c.curl; |
| import std.concurrency; |
| import std.encoding; |
| import std.exception; |
| import std.meta; |
| import std.range.primitives; |
| import std.socket : InternetAddress; |
| import std.traits; |
| import std.typecons; |
| |
| import std.internal.cstring; |
| |
| public import etc.c.curl : CurlOption; |
| |
| version (unittest) |
| { |
| // Run unit test with the PHOBOS_TEST_ALLOW_NET=1 set in order to |
| // allow net traffic |
| import std.range; |
| import std.stdio; |
| |
| import std.socket : Address, INADDR_LOOPBACK, Socket, SocketShutdown, TcpSocket; |
| |
| private struct TestServer |
| { |
| string addr() { return _addr; } |
| |
| void handle(void function(Socket s) dg) |
| { |
| tid.send(dg); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| string _addr; |
| Tid tid; |
| TcpSocket sock; |
| |
| static void loop(shared TcpSocket listener) |
| { |
| try while (true) |
| { |
| void function(Socket) handler = void; |
| try |
| handler = receiveOnly!(typeof(handler)); |
| catch (OwnerTerminated) |
| return; |
| handler((cast() listener).accept); |
| } |
| catch (Throwable e) |
| { |
| stderr.writeln(e); // Bugzilla 7018 |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| private TestServer startServer() |
| { |
| tlsInit = true; |
| auto sock = new TcpSocket; |
| sock.bind(new InternetAddress(INADDR_LOOPBACK, InternetAddress.PORT_ANY)); |
| sock.listen(1); |
| auto addr = sock.localAddress.toString(); |
| auto tid = spawn(&TestServer.loop, cast(shared) sock); |
| return TestServer(addr, tid, sock); |
| } |
| |
| __gshared TestServer server; |
| bool tlsInit; |
| |
| private ref TestServer testServer() |
| { |
| return initOnce!server(startServer()); |
| } |
| |
| static ~this() |
| { |
| // terminate server from a thread local dtor of the thread that started it, |
| // because thread_joinall is called before shared module dtors |
| if (tlsInit && server.sock) |
| { |
| server.sock.shutdown(SocketShutdown.RECEIVE); |
| server.sock.close(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| private struct Request(T) |
| { |
| string hdrs; |
| immutable(T)[] bdy; |
| } |
| |
| private Request!T recvReq(T=char)(Socket s) |
| { |
| import std.algorithm.comparison : min; |
| import std.algorithm.searching : find, canFind; |
| import std.conv : to; |
| import std.regex : ctRegex, matchFirst; |
| |
| ubyte[1024] tmp=void; |
| ubyte[] buf; |
| |
| while (true) |
| { |
| auto nbytes = s.receive(tmp[]); |
| assert(nbytes >= 0); |
| |
| immutable beg = buf.length > 3 ? buf.length - 3 : 0; |
| buf ~= tmp[0 .. nbytes]; |
| auto bdy = buf[beg .. $].find(cast(ubyte[])"\r\n\r\n"); |
| if (bdy.empty) |
| continue; |
| |
| auto hdrs = cast(string) buf[0 .. $ - bdy.length]; |
| bdy.popFrontN(4); |
| // no support for chunked transfer-encoding |
| if (auto m = hdrs.matchFirst(ctRegex!(`Content-Length: ([0-9]+)`, "i"))) |
| { |
| import std.uni : asUpperCase; |
| if (hdrs.asUpperCase.canFind("EXPECT: 100-CONTINUE")) |
| s.send(httpContinue); |
| |
| size_t remain = m.captures[1].to!size_t - bdy.length; |
| while (remain) |
| { |
| nbytes = s.receive(tmp[0 .. min(remain, $)]); |
| assert(nbytes >= 0); |
| buf ~= tmp[0 .. nbytes]; |
| remain -= nbytes; |
| } |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| assert(bdy.empty); |
| } |
| bdy = buf[hdrs.length + 4 .. $]; |
| return typeof(return)(hdrs, cast(immutable(T)[])bdy); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| private string httpOK(string msg) |
| { |
| import std.conv : to; |
| |
| return "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"~ |
| "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n"~ |
| "Content-Length: "~msg.length.to!string~"\r\n"~ |
| "\r\n"~ |
| msg; |
| } |
| |
| private string httpOK() |
| { |
| return "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"~ |
| "Content-Length: 0\r\n"~ |
| "\r\n"; |
| } |
| |
| private string httpNotFound() |
| { |
| return "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found\r\n"~ |
| "Content-Length: 0\r\n"~ |
| "\r\n"; |
| } |
| |
| private enum httpContinue = "HTTP/1.1 100 Continue\r\n\r\n"; |
| } |
| version (StdDdoc) import std.stdio; |
| |
| // Default data timeout for Protocols |
| private enum _defaultDataTimeout = dur!"minutes"(2); |
| |
| /** |
| Macros: |
| |
| $(DDOC_PARAM_ID $(DDOC_PARAM dlTotal)) |
| $(DDOC_PARAM_DESC total bytes to download) |
| ) |
| $(DDOC_PARAM_DESC currently downloaded bytes) |
| ) |
| $(DDOC_PARAM_ID $(DDOC_PARAM ulTotal)) |
| $(DDOC_PARAM_DESC total bytes to upload) |
| ) |
| $(DDOC_PARAM_DESC currently uploaded bytes) |
| ) |
| ) |
| */ |
| |
| /** Connection type used when the URL should be used to auto detect the protocol. |
| * |
| * This struct is used as placeholder for the connection parameter when calling |
| * the high level API and the connection type (HTTP/FTP) should be guessed by |
| * inspecting the URL parameter. |
| * |
| * The rules for guessing the protocol are: |
| * 1, if URL starts with ftp://, ftps:// or ftp. then FTP connection is assumed. |
| * 2, HTTP connection otherwise. |
| * |
| * Example: |
| * --- |
| * import std.net.curl; |
| * // Two requests below will do the same. |
| * string content; |
| * |
| * // Explicit connection provided |
| * content = get!HTTP("dlang.org"); |
| * |
| * // Guess connection type by looking at the URL |
| * content = get!AutoProtocol("ftp://foo.com/file"); |
| * // and since AutoProtocol is default this is the same as |
| * content = get("ftp://foo.com/file"); |
| * // and will end up detecting FTP from the url and be the same as |
| * content = get!FTP("ftp://foo.com/file"); |
| * --- |
| */ |
| struct AutoProtocol { } |
| |
| // Returns true if the url points to an FTP resource |
| private bool isFTPUrl(const(char)[] url) |
| { |
| import std.algorithm.searching : startsWith; |
| import std.uni : toLower; |
| |
| return startsWith(url.toLower(), "ftp://", "ftps://", "ftp.") != 0; |
| } |
| |
| // Is true if the Conn type is a valid Curl Connection type. |
| private template isCurlConn(Conn) |
| { |
| enum auto isCurlConn = is(Conn : HTTP) || |
| is(Conn : FTP) || is(Conn : AutoProtocol); |
| } |
| |
| /** HTTP/FTP download to local file system. |
| * |
| * Params: |
| * url = resource to download |
| * saveToPath = path to store the downloaded content on local disk |
| * conn = connection to use e.g. FTP or HTTP. The default AutoProtocol will |
| * guess connection type and create a new instance for this call only. |
| * |
| * Example: |
| * ---- |
| * import std.net.curl; |
| * download("d-lang.appspot.com/testUrl2", "/tmp/downloaded-http-file"); |
| * ---- |
| */ |
| void download(Conn = AutoProtocol)(const(char)[] url, string saveToPath, Conn conn = Conn()) |
| if (isCurlConn!Conn) |
| { |
| static if (is(Conn : HTTP) || is(Conn : FTP)) |
| { |
| import std.stdio : File; |
| conn.url = url; |
| auto f = File(saveToPath, "wb"); |
| conn.onReceive = (ubyte[] data) { f.rawWrite(data); return data.length; }; |
| conn.perform(); |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| if (isFTPUrl(url)) |
| return download!FTP(url, saveToPath, FTP()); |
| else |
| return download!HTTP(url, saveToPath, HTTP()); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| @system unittest |
| { |
| import std.algorithm.searching : canFind; |
| static import std.file; |
| |
| foreach (host; [testServer.addr, "http://"~testServer.addr]) |
| { |
| testServer.handle((s) { |
| assert(s.recvReq.hdrs.canFind("GET /")); |
| s.send(httpOK("Hello world")); |
| }); |
| auto fn = std.file.deleteme; |
| scope (exit) |
| { |
| if (std.file.exists(fn)) |
| std.file.remove(fn); |
| } |
| download(host, fn); |
| assert(std.file.readText(fn) == "Hello world"); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** Upload file from local files system using the HTTP or FTP protocol. |
| * |
| * Params: |
| * loadFromPath = path load data from local disk. |
| * url = resource to upload to |
| * conn = connection to use e.g. FTP or HTTP. The default AutoProtocol will |
| * guess connection type and create a new instance for this call only. |
| * |
| * Example: |
| * ---- |
| * import std.net.curl; |
| * upload("/tmp/downloaded-ftp-file", "ftp.digitalmars.com/sieve.ds"); |
| * upload("/tmp/downloaded-http-file", "d-lang.appspot.com/testUrl2"); |
| * ---- |
| */ |
| void upload(Conn = AutoProtocol)(string loadFromPath, const(char)[] url, Conn conn = Conn()) |
| if (isCurlConn!Conn) |
| { |
| static if (is(Conn : HTTP)) |
| { |
| conn.url = url; |
| conn.method = HTTP.Method.put; |
| } |
| else static if (is(Conn : FTP)) |
| { |
| conn.url = url; |
| conn.handle.set(CurlOption.upload, 1L); |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| if (isFTPUrl(url)) |
| return upload!FTP(loadFromPath, url, FTP()); |
| else |
| return upload!HTTP(loadFromPath, url, HTTP()); |
| } |
| |
| static if (is(Conn : HTTP) || is(Conn : FTP)) |
| { |
| import std.stdio : File; |
| auto f = File(loadFromPath, "rb"); |
| conn.onSend = buf => f.rawRead(buf).length; |
| immutable sz = f.size; |
| if (sz != ulong.max) |
| conn.contentLength = sz; |
| conn.perform(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| @system unittest |
| { |
| import std.algorithm.searching : canFind; |
| static import std.file; |
| |
| foreach (host; [testServer.addr, "http://"~testServer.addr]) |
| { |
| auto fn = std.file.deleteme; |
| scope (exit) |
| { |
| if (std.file.exists(fn)) |
| std.file.remove(fn); |
| } |
| std.file.write(fn, "upload data\n"); |
| testServer.handle((s) { |
| auto req = s.recvReq; |
| assert(req.hdrs.canFind("PUT /path")); |
| assert(req.bdy.canFind("upload data")); |
| s.send(httpOK()); |
| }); |
| upload(fn, host ~ "/path"); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** HTTP/FTP get content. |
| * |
| * Params: |
| * url = resource to get |
| * conn = connection to use e.g. FTP or HTTP. The default AutoProtocol will |
| * guess connection type and create a new instance for this call only. |
| * |
| * The template parameter $(D T) specifies the type to return. Possible values |
| * are $(D char) and $(D ubyte) to return $(D char[]) or $(D ubyte[]). If asking |
| * for $(D char), content will be converted from the connection character set |
| * (specified in HTTP response headers or FTP connection properties, both ISO-8859-1 |
| * by default) to UTF-8. |
| * |
| * Example: |
| * ---- |
| * import std.net.curl; |
| * auto content = get("d-lang.appspot.com/testUrl2"); |
| * ---- |
| * |
| * Returns: |
| * A T[] range containing the content of the resource pointed to by the URL. |
| * |
| * Throws: |
| * |
| * $(D CurlException) on error. |
| * |
| * See_Also: $(LREF HTTP.Method) |
| */ |
| T[] get(Conn = AutoProtocol, T = char)(const(char)[] url, Conn conn = Conn()) |
| if ( isCurlConn!Conn && (is(T == char) || is(T == ubyte)) ) |
| { |
| static if (is(Conn : HTTP)) |
| { |
| conn.method = HTTP.Method.get; |
| return _basicHTTP!(T)(url, "", conn); |
| |
| } |
| else static if (is(Conn : FTP)) |
| { |
| return _basicFTP!(T)(url, "", conn); |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| if (isFTPUrl(url)) |
| return get!(FTP,T)(url, FTP()); |
| else |
| return get!(HTTP,T)(url, HTTP()); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| @system unittest |
| { |
| import std.algorithm.searching : canFind; |
| |
| foreach (host; [testServer.addr, "http://"~testServer.addr]) |
| { |
| testServer.handle((s) { |
| assert(s.recvReq.hdrs.canFind("GET /path")); |
| s.send(httpOK("GETRESPONSE")); |
| }); |
| auto res = get(host ~ "/path"); |
| assert(res == "GETRESPONSE"); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| |
| /** HTTP post content. |
| * |
| * Params: |
| * url = resource to post to |
| * postDict = data to send as the body of the request. An associative array |
| * of $(D string) is accepted and will be encoded using |
| * www-form-urlencoding |
| * postData = data to send as the body of the request. An array |
| * of an arbitrary type is accepted and will be cast to ubyte[] |
| * before sending it. |
| * conn = HTTP connection to use |
| * T = The template parameter $(D T) specifies the type to return. Possible values |
| * are $(D char) and $(D ubyte) to return $(D char[]) or $(D ubyte[]). If asking |
| * for $(D char), content will be converted from the connection character set |
| * (specified in HTTP response headers or FTP connection properties, both ISO-8859-1 |
| * by default) to UTF-8. |
| * |
| * Examples: |
| * ---- |
| * import std.net.curl; |
| * |
| * auto content1 = post("d-lang.appspot.com/testUrl2", ["name1" : "value1", "name2" : "value2"]); |
| * auto content2 = post("d-lang.appspot.com/testUrl2", [1,2,3,4]); |
| * ---- |
| * |
| * Returns: |
| * A T[] range containing the content of the resource pointed to by the URL. |
| * |
| * See_Also: $(LREF HTTP.Method) |
| */ |
| T[] post(T = char, PostUnit)(const(char)[] url, const(PostUnit)[] postData, HTTP conn = HTTP()) |
| if (is(T == char) || is(T == ubyte)) |
| { |
| conn.method = HTTP.Method.post; |
| return _basicHTTP!(T)(url, postData, conn); |
| } |
| |
| @system unittest |
| { |
| import std.algorithm.searching : canFind; |
| |
| foreach (host; [testServer.addr, "http://"~testServer.addr]) |
| { |
| testServer.handle((s) { |
| auto req = s.recvReq; |
| assert(req.hdrs.canFind("POST /path")); |
| assert(req.bdy.canFind("POSTBODY")); |
| s.send(httpOK("POSTRESPONSE")); |
| }); |
| auto res = post(host ~ "/path", "POSTBODY"); |
| assert(res == "POSTRESPONSE"); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| @system unittest |
| { |
| import std.algorithm.searching : canFind; |
| |
| auto data = new ubyte[](256); |
| foreach (i, ref ub; data) |
| ub = cast(ubyte) i; |
| |
| testServer.handle((s) { |
| auto req = s.recvReq!ubyte; |
| assert(req.bdy.canFind(cast(ubyte[])[0, 1, 2, 3, 4])); |
| assert(req.bdy.canFind(cast(ubyte[])[253, 254, 255])); |
| s.send(httpOK(cast(ubyte[])[17, 27, 35, 41])); |
| }); |
| auto res = post!ubyte(testServer.addr, data); |
| assert(res == cast(ubyte[])[17, 27, 35, 41]); |
| } |
| |
| /// ditto |
| T[] post(T = char)(const(char)[] url, string[string] postDict, HTTP conn = HTTP()) |
| if (is(T == char) || is(T == ubyte)) |
| { |
| import std.uri : urlEncode; |
| |
| return post(url, urlEncode(postDict), conn); |
| } |
| |
| @system unittest |
| { |
| foreach (host; [testServer.addr, "http://" ~ testServer.addr]) |
| { |
| testServer.handle((s) { |
| auto req = s.recvReq!char; |
| s.send(httpOK(req.bdy)); |
| }); |
| auto res = post(host ~ "/path", ["name1" : "value1", "name2" : "value2"]); |
| assert(res == "name1=value1&name2=value2" || res == "name2=value2&name1=value1"); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** HTTP/FTP put content. |
| * |
| * Params: |
| * url = resource to put |
| * putData = data to send as the body of the request. An array |
| * of an arbitrary type is accepted and will be cast to ubyte[] |
| * before sending it. |
| * conn = connection to use e.g. FTP or HTTP. The default AutoProtocol will |
| * guess connection type and create a new instance for this call only. |
| * |
| * The template parameter $(D T) specifies the type to return. Possible values |
| * are $(D char) and $(D ubyte) to return $(D char[]) or $(D ubyte[]). If asking |
| * for $(D char), content will be converted from the connection character set |
| * (specified in HTTP response headers or FTP connection properties, both ISO-8859-1 |
| * by default) to UTF-8. |
| * |
| * Example: |
| * ---- |
| * import std.net.curl; |
| * auto content = put("d-lang.appspot.com/testUrl2", |
| * "Putting this data"); |
| * ---- |
| * |
| * Returns: |
| * A T[] range containing the content of the resource pointed to by the URL. |
| * |
| * See_Also: $(LREF HTTP.Method) |
| */ |
| T[] put(Conn = AutoProtocol, T = char, PutUnit)(const(char)[] url, const(PutUnit)[] putData, |
| Conn conn = Conn()) |
| if ( isCurlConn!Conn && (is(T == char) || is(T == ubyte)) ) |
| { |
| static if (is(Conn : HTTP)) |
| { |
| conn.method = HTTP.Method.put; |
| return _basicHTTP!(T)(url, putData, conn); |
| } |
| else static if (is(Conn : FTP)) |
| { |
| return _basicFTP!(T)(url, putData, conn); |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| if (isFTPUrl(url)) |
| return put!(FTP,T)(url, putData, FTP()); |
| else |
| return put!(HTTP,T)(url, putData, HTTP()); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| @system unittest |
| { |
| import std.algorithm.searching : canFind; |
| |
| foreach (host; [testServer.addr, "http://"~testServer.addr]) |
| { |
| testServer.handle((s) { |
| auto req = s.recvReq; |
| assert(req.hdrs.canFind("PUT /path")); |
| assert(req.bdy.canFind("PUTBODY")); |
| s.send(httpOK("PUTRESPONSE")); |
| }); |
| auto res = put(host ~ "/path", "PUTBODY"); |
| assert(res == "PUTRESPONSE"); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| |
| /** HTTP/FTP delete content. |
| * |
| * Params: |
| * url = resource to delete |
| * conn = connection to use e.g. FTP or HTTP. The default AutoProtocol will |
| * guess connection type and create a new instance for this call only. |
| * |
| * Example: |
| * ---- |
| * import std.net.curl; |
| * del("d-lang.appspot.com/testUrl2"); |
| * ---- |
| * |
| * See_Also: $(LREF HTTP.Method) |
| */ |
| void del(Conn = AutoProtocol)(const(char)[] url, Conn conn = Conn()) |
| if (isCurlConn!Conn) |
| { |
| static if (is(Conn : HTTP)) |
| { |
| conn.method = HTTP.Method.del; |
| _basicHTTP!char(url, cast(void[]) null, conn); |
| } |
| else static if (is(Conn : FTP)) |
| { |
| import std.algorithm.searching : findSplitAfter; |
| import std.conv : text; |
| |
| auto trimmed = url.findSplitAfter("ftp://")[1]; |
| auto t = trimmed.findSplitAfter("/"); |
| enum minDomainNameLength = 3; |
| enforce!CurlException(t[0].length > minDomainNameLength, |
| text("Invalid FTP URL for delete ", url)); |
| conn.url = t[0]; |
| |
| enforce!CurlException(!t[1].empty, |
| text("No filename specified to delete for URL ", url)); |
| conn.addCommand("DELE " ~ t[1]); |
| conn.perform(); |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| if (isFTPUrl(url)) |
| return del!FTP(url, FTP()); |
| else |
| return del!HTTP(url, HTTP()); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| @system unittest |
| { |
| import std.algorithm.searching : canFind; |
| |
| foreach (host; [testServer.addr, "http://"~testServer.addr]) |
| { |
| testServer.handle((s) { |
| auto req = s.recvReq; |
| assert(req.hdrs.canFind("DELETE /path")); |
| s.send(httpOK()); |
| }); |
| del(host ~ "/path"); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| |
| /** HTTP options request. |
| * |
| * Params: |
| * url = resource make a option call to |
| * conn = connection to use e.g. FTP or HTTP. The default AutoProtocol will |
| * guess connection type and create a new instance for this call only. |
| * |
| * The template parameter $(D T) specifies the type to return. Possible values |
| * are $(D char) and $(D ubyte) to return $(D char[]) or $(D ubyte[]). |
| * |
| * Example: |
| * ---- |
| * import std.net.curl; |
| * auto http = HTTP(); |
| * options("d-lang.appspot.com/testUrl2", http); |
| * writeln("Allow set to " ~ http.responseHeaders["Allow"]); |
| * ---- |
| * |
| * Returns: |
| * A T[] range containing the options of the resource pointed to by the URL. |
| * |
| * See_Also: $(LREF HTTP.Method) |
| */ |
| T[] options(T = char)(const(char)[] url, HTTP conn = HTTP()) |
| if (is(T == char) || is(T == ubyte)) |
| { |
| conn.method = HTTP.Method.options; |
| return _basicHTTP!(T)(url, null, conn); |
| } |
| |
| @system unittest |
| { |
| import std.algorithm.searching : canFind; |
| |
| testServer.handle((s) { |
| auto req = s.recvReq; |
| assert(req.hdrs.canFind("OPTIONS /path")); |
| s.send(httpOK("OPTIONSRESPONSE")); |
| }); |
| auto res = options(testServer.addr ~ "/path"); |
| assert(res == "OPTIONSRESPONSE"); |
| } |
| |
| |
| /** HTTP trace request. |
| * |
| * Params: |
| * url = resource make a trace call to |
| * conn = connection to use e.g. FTP or HTTP. The default AutoProtocol will |
| * guess connection type and create a new instance for this call only. |
| * |
| * The template parameter $(D T) specifies the type to return. Possible values |
| * are $(D char) and $(D ubyte) to return $(D char[]) or $(D ubyte[]). |
| * |
| * Example: |
| * ---- |
| * import std.net.curl; |
| * trace("d-lang.appspot.com/testUrl1"); |
| * ---- |
| * |
| * Returns: |
| * A T[] range containing the trace info of the resource pointed to by the URL. |
| * |
| * See_Also: $(LREF HTTP.Method) |
| */ |
| T[] trace(T = char)(const(char)[] url, HTTP conn = HTTP()) |
| if (is(T == char) || is(T == ubyte)) |
| { |
| conn.method = HTTP.Method.trace; |
| return _basicHTTP!(T)(url, cast(void[]) null, conn); |
| } |
| |
| @system unittest |
| { |
| import std.algorithm.searching : canFind; |
| |
| testServer.handle((s) { |
| auto req = s.recvReq; |
| assert(req.hdrs.canFind("TRACE /path")); |
| s.send(httpOK("TRACERESPONSE")); |
| }); |
| auto res = trace(testServer.addr ~ "/path"); |
| assert(res == "TRACERESPONSE"); |
| } |
| |
| |
| /** HTTP connect request. |
| * |
| * Params: |
| * url = resource make a connect to |
| * conn = HTTP connection to use |
| * |
| * The template parameter $(D T) specifies the type to return. Possible values |
| * are $(D char) and $(D ubyte) to return $(D char[]) or $(D ubyte[]). |
| * |
| * Example: |
| * ---- |
| * import std.net.curl; |
| * connect("d-lang.appspot.com/testUrl1"); |
| * ---- |
| * |
| * Returns: |
| * A T[] range containing the connect info of the resource pointed to by the URL. |
| * |
| * See_Also: $(LREF HTTP.Method) |
| */ |
| T[] connect(T = char)(const(char)[] url, HTTP conn = HTTP()) |
| if (is(T == char) || is(T == ubyte)) |
| { |
| conn.method = HTTP.Method.connect; |
| return _basicHTTP!(T)(url, cast(void[]) null, conn); |
| } |
| |
| @system unittest |
| { |
| import std.algorithm.searching : canFind; |
| |
| testServer.handle((s) { |
| auto req = s.recvReq; |
| assert(req.hdrs.canFind("CONNECT /path")); |
| s.send(httpOK("CONNECTRESPONSE")); |
| }); |
| auto res = connect(testServer.addr ~ "/path"); |
| assert(res == "CONNECTRESPONSE"); |
| } |
| |
| |
| /** HTTP patch content. |
| * |
| * Params: |
| * url = resource to patch |
| * patchData = data to send as the body of the request. An array |
| * of an arbitrary type is accepted and will be cast to ubyte[] |
| * before sending it. |
| * conn = HTTP connection to use |
| * |
| * The template parameter $(D T) specifies the type to return. Possible values |
| * are $(D char) and $(D ubyte) to return $(D char[]) or $(D ubyte[]). |
| * |
| * Example: |
| * ---- |
| * auto http = HTTP(); |
| * http.addRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json"); |
| * auto content = patch("d-lang.appspot.com/testUrl2", `{"title": "Patched Title"}`, http); |
| * ---- |
| * |
| * Returns: |
| * A T[] range containing the content of the resource pointed to by the URL. |
| * |
| * See_Also: $(LREF HTTP.Method) |
| */ |
| T[] patch(T = char, PatchUnit)(const(char)[] url, const(PatchUnit)[] patchData, |
| HTTP conn = HTTP()) |
| if (is(T == char) || is(T == ubyte)) |
| { |
| conn.method = HTTP.Method.patch; |
| return _basicHTTP!(T)(url, patchData, conn); |
| } |
| |
| @system unittest |
| { |
| import std.algorithm.searching : canFind; |
| |
| testServer.handle((s) { |
| auto req = s.recvReq; |
| assert(req.hdrs.canFind("PATCH /path")); |
| assert(req.bdy.canFind("PATCHBODY")); |
| s.send(httpOK("PATCHRESPONSE")); |
| }); |
| auto res = patch(testServer.addr ~ "/path", "PATCHBODY"); |
| assert(res == "PATCHRESPONSE"); |
| } |
| |
| |
| /* |
| * Helper function for the high level interface. |
| * |
| * It performs an HTTP request using the client which must have |
| * been setup correctly before calling this function. |
| */ |
| private auto _basicHTTP(T)(const(char)[] url, const(void)[] sendData, HTTP client) |
| { |
| import std.algorithm.comparison : min; |
| import std.format : format; |
| |
| immutable doSend = sendData !is null && |
| (client.method == HTTP.Method.post || |
| client.method == HTTP.Method.put || |
| client.method == HTTP.Method.patch); |
| |
| scope (exit) |
| { |
| client.onReceiveHeader = null; |
| client.onReceiveStatusLine = null; |
| client.onReceive = null; |
| |
| if (doSend) |
| { |
| client.onSend = null; |
| client.handle.onSeek = null; |
| client.contentLength = 0; |
| } |
| } |
| client.url = url; |
| HTTP.StatusLine statusLine; |
| import std.array : appender; |
| auto content = appender!(ubyte[])(); |
| client.onReceive = (ubyte[] data) |
| { |
| content ~= data; |
| return data.length; |
| }; |
| |
| if (doSend) |
| { |
| client.contentLength = sendData.length; |
| auto remainingData = sendData; |
| client.onSend = delegate size_t(void[] buf) |
| { |
| size_t minLen = min(buf.length, remainingData.length); |
| if (minLen == 0) return 0; |
| buf[0 .. minLen] = remainingData[0 .. minLen]; |
| remainingData = remainingData[minLen..$]; |
| return minLen; |
| }; |
| client.handle.onSeek = delegate(long offset, CurlSeekPos mode) |
| { |
| switch (mode) |
| { |
| case CurlSeekPos.set: |
| remainingData = sendData[cast(size_t) offset..$]; |
| return CurlSeek.ok; |
| default: |
| // As of curl 7.18.0, libcurl will not pass |
| // anything other than CurlSeekPos.set. |
| return CurlSeek.cantseek; |
| } |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| client.onReceiveHeader = (in char[] key, |
| in char[] value) |
| { |
| if (key == "content-length") |
| { |
| import std.conv : to; |
| content.reserve(value.to!size_t); |
| } |
| }; |
| client.onReceiveStatusLine = (HTTP.StatusLine l) { statusLine = l; }; |
| client.perform(); |
| enforce(statusLine.code / 100 == 2, new HTTPStatusException(statusLine.code, |
| format("HTTP request returned status code %d (%s)", statusLine.code, statusLine.reason))); |
| |
| return _decodeContent!T(content.data, client.p.charset); |
| } |
| |
| @system unittest |
| { |
| import std.algorithm.searching : canFind; |
| |
| testServer.handle((s) { |
| auto req = s.recvReq; |
| assert(req.hdrs.canFind("GET /path")); |
| s.send(httpNotFound()); |
| }); |
| auto e = collectException!HTTPStatusException(get(testServer.addr ~ "/path")); |
| assert(e.msg == "HTTP request returned status code 404 (Not Found)"); |
| assert(e.status == 404); |
| } |
| |
| // Bugzilla 14760 - content length must be reset after post |
| @system unittest |
| { |
| import std.algorithm.searching : canFind; |
| |
| testServer.handle((s) { |
| auto req = s.recvReq; |
| assert(req.hdrs.canFind("POST /")); |
| assert(req.bdy.canFind("POSTBODY")); |
| s.send(httpOK("POSTRESPONSE")); |
| |
| req = s.recvReq; |
| assert(req.hdrs.canFind("TRACE /")); |
| assert(req.bdy.empty); |
| s.blocking = false; |
| ubyte[6] buf = void; |
| assert(s.receive(buf[]) < 0); |
| s.send(httpOK("TRACERESPONSE")); |
| }); |
| auto http = HTTP(); |
| auto res = post(testServer.addr, "POSTBODY", http); |
| assert(res == "POSTRESPONSE"); |
| res = trace(testServer.addr, http); |
| assert(res == "TRACERESPONSE"); |
| } |
| |
| @system unittest // charset detection and transcoding to T |
| { |
| testServer.handle((s) { |
| s.send("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"~ |
| "Content-Length: 4\r\n"~ |
| "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\r\n" ~ |
| "\r\n" ~ |
| "äbc"); |
| }); |
| auto client = HTTP(); |
| auto result = _basicHTTP!char(testServer.addr, "", client); |
| assert(result == "äbc"); |
| |
| testServer.handle((s) { |
| s.send("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"~ |
| "Content-Length: 3\r\n"~ |
| "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n" ~ |
| "\r\n" ~ |
| 0xE4 ~ "bc"); |
| }); |
| client = HTTP(); |
| result = _basicHTTP!char(testServer.addr, "", client); |
| assert(result == "äbc"); |
| } |
| |
| /* |
| * Helper function for the high level interface. |
| * |
| * It performs an FTP request using the client which must have |
| * been setup correctly before calling this function. |
| */ |
| private auto _basicFTP(T)(const(char)[] url, const(void)[] sendData, FTP client) |
| { |
| import std.algorithm.comparison : min; |
| |
| scope (exit) |
| { |
| client.onReceive = null; |
| if (!sendData.empty) |
| client.onSend = null; |
| } |
| |
| ubyte[] content; |
| |
| if (client.encoding.empty) |
| client.encoding = "ISO-8859-1"; |
| |
| client.url = url; |
| client.onReceive = (ubyte[] data) |
| { |
| content ~= data; |
| return data.length; |
| }; |
| |
| if (!sendData.empty) |
| { |
| client.handle.set(CurlOption.upload, 1L); |
| client.onSend = delegate size_t(void[] buf) |
| { |
| size_t minLen = min(buf.length, sendData.length); |
| if (minLen == 0) return 0; |
| buf[0 .. minLen] = sendData[0 .. minLen]; |
| sendData = sendData[minLen..$]; |
| return minLen; |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| client.perform(); |
| |
| return _decodeContent!T(content, client.encoding); |
| } |
| |
| /* Used by _basicHTTP() and _basicFTP() to decode ubyte[] to |
| * correct string format |
| */ |
| private auto _decodeContent(T)(ubyte[] content, string encoding) |
| { |
| static if (is(T == ubyte)) |
| { |
| return content; |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| import std.format : format; |
| |
| // Optimally just return the utf8 encoded content |
| if (encoding == "UTF-8") |
| return cast(char[])(content); |
| |
| // The content has to be re-encoded to utf8 |
| auto scheme = EncodingScheme.create(encoding); |
| enforce!CurlException(scheme !is null, |
| format("Unknown encoding '%s'", encoding)); |
| |
| auto strInfo = decodeString(content, scheme); |
| enforce!CurlException(strInfo[0] != size_t.max, |
| format("Invalid encoding sequence for encoding '%s'", |
| encoding)); |
| |
| return strInfo[1]; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| alias KeepTerminator = Flag!"keepTerminator"; |
| /+ |
| struct ByLineBuffer(Char) |
| { |
| bool linePresent; |
| bool EOF; |
| Char[] buffer; |
| ubyte[] decodeRemainder; |
| |
| bool append(const(ubyte)[] data) |
| { |
| byLineBuffer ~= data; |
| } |
| |
| @property bool linePresent() |
| { |
| return byLinePresent; |
| } |
| |
| Char[] get() |
| { |
| if (!linePresent) |
| { |
| // Decode ubyte[] into Char[] until a Terminator is found. |
| // If not Terminator is found and EOF is false then raise an |
| // exception. |
| } |
| return byLineBuffer; |
| } |
| |
| } |
| ++/ |
| /** HTTP/FTP fetch content as a range of lines. |
| * |
| * A range of lines is returned when the request is complete. If the method or |
| * other request properties is to be customized then set the $(D conn) parameter |
| * with a HTTP/FTP instance that has these properties set. |
| * |
| * Example: |
| * ---- |
| * import std.net.curl, std.stdio; |
| * foreach (line; byLine("dlang.org")) |
| * writeln(line); |
| * ---- |
| * |
| * Params: |
| * url = The url to receive content from |
| * keepTerminator = $(D Yes.keepTerminator) signals that the line terminator should be |
| * returned as part of the lines in the range. |
| * terminator = The character that terminates a line |
| * conn = The connection to use e.g. HTTP or FTP. |
| * |
| * Returns: |
| * A range of Char[] with the content of the resource pointer to by the URL |
| */ |
| auto byLine(Conn = AutoProtocol, Terminator = char, Char = char) |
| (const(char)[] url, KeepTerminator keepTerminator = No.keepTerminator, |
| Terminator terminator = '\n', Conn conn = Conn()) |
| if (isCurlConn!Conn && isSomeChar!Char && isSomeChar!Terminator) |
| { |
| static struct SyncLineInputRange |
| { |
| |
| private Char[] lines; |
| private Char[] current; |
| private bool currentValid; |
| private bool keepTerminator; |
| private Terminator terminator; |
| |
| this(Char[] lines, bool kt, Terminator terminator) |
| { |
| this.lines = lines; |
| this.keepTerminator = kt; |
| this.terminator = terminator; |
| currentValid = true; |
| popFront(); |
| } |
| |
| @property @safe bool empty() |
| { |
| return !currentValid; |
| } |
| |
| @property @safe Char[] front() |
| { |
| enforce!CurlException(currentValid, "Cannot call front() on empty range"); |
| return current; |
| } |
| |
| void popFront() |
| { |
| import std.algorithm.searching : findSplitAfter, findSplit; |
| |
| enforce!CurlException(currentValid, "Cannot call popFront() on empty range"); |
| if (lines.empty) |
| { |
| currentValid = false; |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| if (keepTerminator) |
| { |
| auto r = findSplitAfter(lines, [ terminator ]); |
| if (r[0].empty) |
| { |
| current = r[1]; |
| lines = r[0]; |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| current = r[0]; |
| lines = r[1]; |
| } |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| auto r = findSplit(lines, [ terminator ]); |
| current = r[0]; |
| lines = r[2]; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| auto result = _getForRange!Char(url, conn); |
| return SyncLineInputRange(result, keepTerminator == Yes.keepTerminator, terminator); |
| } |
| |
| @system unittest |
| { |
| import std.algorithm.comparison : equal; |
| |
| foreach (host; [testServer.addr, "http://"~testServer.addr]) |
| { |
| testServer.handle((s) { |
| auto req = s.recvReq; |
| s.send(httpOK("Line1\nLine2\nLine3")); |
| }); |
| assert(byLine(host).equal(["Line1", "Line2", "Line3"])); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** HTTP/FTP fetch content as a range of chunks. |
| * |
| * A range of chunks is returned when the request is complete. If the method or |
| * other request properties is to be customized then set the $(D conn) parameter |
| * with a HTTP/FTP instance that has these properties set. |
| * |
| * Example: |
| * ---- |
| * import std.net.curl, std.stdio; |
| * foreach (chunk; byChunk("dlang.org", 100)) |
| * writeln(chunk); // chunk is ubyte[100] |
| * ---- |
| * |
| * Params: |
| * url = The url to receive content from |
| * chunkSize = The size of each chunk |
| * conn = The connection to use e.g. HTTP or FTP. |
| * |
| * Returns: |
| * A range of ubyte[chunkSize] with the content of the resource pointer to by the URL |
| */ |
| auto byChunk(Conn = AutoProtocol) |
| (const(char)[] url, size_t chunkSize = 1024, Conn conn = Conn()) |
| if (isCurlConn!(Conn)) |
| { |
| static struct SyncChunkInputRange |
| { |
| private size_t chunkSize; |
| private ubyte[] _bytes; |
| private size_t offset; |
| |
| this(ubyte[] bytes, size_t chunkSize) |
| { |
| this._bytes = bytes; |
| this.chunkSize = chunkSize; |
| } |
| |
| @property @safe auto empty() |
| { |
| return offset == _bytes.length; |
| } |
| |
| @property ubyte[] front() |
| { |
| size_t nextOffset = offset + chunkSize; |
| if (nextOffset > _bytes.length) nextOffset = _bytes.length; |
| return _bytes[offset .. nextOffset]; |
| } |
| |
| @safe void popFront() |
| { |
| offset += chunkSize; |
| if (offset > _bytes.length) offset = _bytes.length; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| auto result = _getForRange!ubyte(url, conn); |
| return SyncChunkInputRange(result, chunkSize); |
| } |
| |
| @system unittest |
| { |
| import std.algorithm.comparison : equal; |
| |
| foreach (host; [testServer.addr, "http://"~testServer.addr]) |
| { |
| testServer.handle((s) { |
| auto req = s.recvReq; |
| s.send(httpOK(cast(ubyte[])[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5])); |
| }); |
| assert(byChunk(host, 2).equal([[0, 1], [2, 3], [4, 5]])); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| private T[] _getForRange(T,Conn)(const(char)[] url, Conn conn) |
| { |
| static if (is(Conn : HTTP)) |
| { |
| conn.method = conn.method == HTTP.Method.undefined ? HTTP.Method.get : conn.method; |
| return _basicHTTP!(T)(url, null, conn); |
| } |
| else static if (is(Conn : FTP)) |
| { |
| return _basicFTP!(T)(url, null, conn); |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| if (isFTPUrl(url)) |
| return get!(FTP,T)(url, FTP()); |
| else |
| return get!(HTTP,T)(url, HTTP()); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /* |
| Main thread part of the message passing protocol used for all async |
| curl protocols. |
| */ |
| private mixin template WorkerThreadProtocol(Unit, alias units) |
| { |
| @property bool empty() |
| { |
| tryEnsureUnits(); |
| return state == State.done; |
| } |
| |
| @property Unit[] front() |
| { |
| import std.format : format; |
| tryEnsureUnits(); |
| assert(state == State.gotUnits, |
| format("Expected %s but got $s", |
| State.gotUnits, state)); |
| return units; |
| } |
| |
| void popFront() |
| { |
| import std.format : format; |
| tryEnsureUnits(); |
| assert(state == State.gotUnits, |
| format("Expected %s but got $s", |
| State.gotUnits, state)); |
| state = State.needUnits; |
| // Send to worker thread for buffer reuse |
| workerTid.send(cast(immutable(Unit)[]) units); |
| units = null; |
| } |
| |
| /** Wait for duration or until data is available and return true if data is |
| available |
| */ |
| bool wait(Duration d) |
| { |
| import std.datetime.stopwatch : StopWatch; |
| |
| if (state == State.gotUnits) |
| return true; |
| |
| enum noDur = dur!"hnsecs"(0); |
| StopWatch sw; |
| sw.start(); |
| while (state != State.gotUnits && d > noDur) |
| { |
| final switch (state) |
| { |
| case State.needUnits: |
| receiveTimeout(d, |
| (Tid origin, CurlMessage!(immutable(Unit)[]) _data) |
| { |
| if (origin != workerTid) |
| return false; |
| units = cast(Unit[]) _data.data; |
| state = State.gotUnits; |
| return true; |
| }, |
| (Tid origin, CurlMessage!bool f) |
| { |
| if (origin != workerTid) |
| return false; |
| state = state.done; |
| return true; |
| } |
| ); |
| break; |
| case State.gotUnits: return true; |
| case State.done: |
| return false; |
| } |
| d -= sw.peek(); |
| sw.reset(); |
| } |
| return state == State.gotUnits; |
| } |
| |
| enum State |
| { |
| needUnits, |
| gotUnits, |
| done |
| } |
| State state; |
| |
| void tryEnsureUnits() |
| { |
| while (true) |
| { |
| final switch (state) |
| { |
| case State.needUnits: |
| receive( |
| (Tid origin, CurlMessage!(immutable(Unit)[]) _data) |
| { |
| if (origin != workerTid) |
| return false; |
| units = cast(Unit[]) _data.data; |
| state = State.gotUnits; |
| return true; |
| }, |
| (Tid origin, CurlMessage!bool f) |
| { |
| if (origin != workerTid) |
| return false; |
| state = state.done; |
| return true; |
| } |
| ); |
| break; |
| case State.gotUnits: return; |
| case State.done: |
| return; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // @@@@BUG 15831@@@@ |
| // this should be inside byLineAsync |
| // Range that reads one line at a time asynchronously. |
| private static struct AsyncLineInputRange(Char) |
| { |
| private Char[] line; |
| mixin WorkerThreadProtocol!(Char, line); |
| |
| private Tid workerTid; |
| private State running; |
| |
| private this(Tid tid, size_t transmitBuffers, size_t bufferSize) |
| { |
| workerTid = tid; |
| state = State.needUnits; |
| |
| // Send buffers to other thread for it to use. Since no mechanism is in |
| // place for moving ownership a cast to shared is done here and casted |
| // back to non-shared in the receiving end. |
| foreach (i ; 0 .. transmitBuffers) |
| { |
| auto arr = new Char[](bufferSize); |
| workerTid.send(cast(immutable(Char[]))arr); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** HTTP/FTP fetch content as a range of lines asynchronously. |
| * |
| * A range of lines is returned immediately and the request that fetches the |
| * lines is performed in another thread. If the method or other request |
| * properties is to be customized then set the $(D conn) parameter with a |
| * HTTP/FTP instance that has these properties set. |
| * |
| * If $(D postData) is non-_null the method will be set to $(D post) for HTTP |
| * requests. |
| * |
| * The background thread will buffer up to transmitBuffers number of lines |
| * before it stops receiving data from network. When the main thread reads the |
| * lines from the range it frees up buffers and allows for the background thread |
| * to receive more data from the network. |
| * |
| * If no data is available and the main thread accesses the range it will block |
| * until data becomes available. An exception to this is the $(D wait(Duration)) method on |
| * the $(LREF AsyncLineInputRange). This method will wait at maximum for the |
| * specified duration and return true if data is available. |
| * |
| * Example: |
| * ---- |
| * import std.net.curl, std.stdio; |
| * // Get some pages in the background |
| * auto range1 = byLineAsync("www.google.com"); |
| * auto range2 = byLineAsync("www.wikipedia.org"); |
| * foreach (line; byLineAsync("dlang.org")) |
| * writeln(line); |
| * |
| * // Lines already fetched in the background and ready |
| * foreach (line; range1) writeln(line); |
| * foreach (line; range2) writeln(line); |
| * ---- |
| * |
| * ---- |
| * import std.net.curl, std.stdio; |
| * // Get a line in a background thread and wait in |
| * // main thread for 2 seconds for it to arrive. |
| * auto range3 = byLineAsync("dlang.com"); |
| * if (range3.wait(dur!"seconds"(2))) |
| * writeln(range3.front); |
| * else |
| * writeln("No line received after 2 seconds!"); |
| * ---- |
| * |
| * Params: |
| * url = The url to receive content from |
| * postData = Data to HTTP Post |
| * keepTerminator = $(D Yes.keepTerminator) signals that the line terminator should be |
| * returned as part of the lines in the range. |
| * terminator = The character that terminates a line |
| * transmitBuffers = The number of lines buffered asynchronously |
| * conn = The connection to use e.g. HTTP or FTP. |
| * |
| * Returns: |
| * A range of Char[] with the content of the resource pointer to by the |
| * URL. |
| */ |
| auto byLineAsync(Conn = AutoProtocol, Terminator = char, Char = char, PostUnit) |
| (const(char)[] url, const(PostUnit)[] postData, |
| KeepTerminator keepTerminator = No.keepTerminator, |
| Terminator terminator = '\n', |
| size_t transmitBuffers = 10, Conn conn = Conn()) |
| if (isCurlConn!Conn && isSomeChar!Char && isSomeChar!Terminator) |
| { |
| static if (is(Conn : AutoProtocol)) |
| { |
| if (isFTPUrl(url)) |
| return byLineAsync(url, postData, keepTerminator, |
| terminator, transmitBuffers, FTP()); |
| else |
| return byLineAsync(url, postData, keepTerminator, |
| terminator, transmitBuffers, HTTP()); |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| // 50 is just an arbitrary number for now |
| setMaxMailboxSize(thisTid, 50, OnCrowding.block); |
| auto tid = spawn(&_spawnAsync!(Conn, Char, Terminator)); |
| tid.send(thisTid); |
| tid.send(terminator); |
| tid.send(keepTerminator == Yes.keepTerminator); |
| |
| _asyncDuplicateConnection(url, conn, postData, tid); |
| |
| return AsyncLineInputRange!Char(tid, transmitBuffers, |
| Conn.defaultAsyncStringBufferSize); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// ditto |
| auto byLineAsync(Conn = AutoProtocol, Terminator = char, Char = char) |
| (const(char)[] url, KeepTerminator keepTerminator = No.keepTerminator, |
| Terminator terminator = '\n', |
| size_t transmitBuffers = 10, Conn conn = Conn()) |
| { |
| static if (is(Conn : AutoProtocol)) |
| { |
| if (isFTPUrl(url)) |
| return byLineAsync(url, cast(void[]) null, keepTerminator, |
| terminator, transmitBuffers, FTP()); |
| else |
| return byLineAsync(url, cast(void[]) null, keepTerminator, |
| terminator, transmitBuffers, HTTP()); |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| return byLineAsync(url, cast(void[]) null, keepTerminator, |
| terminator, transmitBuffers, conn); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| @system unittest |
| { |
| import std.algorithm.comparison : equal; |
| |
| foreach (host; [testServer.addr, "http://"~testServer.addr]) |
| { |
| testServer.handle((s) { |
| auto req = s.recvReq; |
| s.send(httpOK("Line1\nLine2\nLine3")); |
| }); |
| assert(byLineAsync(host).equal(["Line1", "Line2", "Line3"])); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // @@@@BUG 15831@@@@ |
| // this should be inside byLineAsync |
| // Range that reads one chunk at a time asynchronously. |
| private static struct AsyncChunkInputRange |
| { |
| private ubyte[] chunk; |
| mixin WorkerThreadProtocol!(ubyte, chunk); |
| |
| private Tid workerTid; |
| private State running; |
| |
| private this(Tid tid, size_t transmitBuffers, size_t chunkSize) |
| { |
| workerTid = tid; |
| state = State.needUnits; |
| |
| // Send buffers to other thread for it to use. Since no mechanism is in |
| // place for moving ownership a cast to shared is done here and a cast |
| // back to non-shared in the receiving end. |
| foreach (i ; 0 .. transmitBuffers) |
| { |
| ubyte[] arr = new ubyte[](chunkSize); |
| workerTid.send(cast(immutable(ubyte[]))arr); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** HTTP/FTP fetch content as a range of chunks asynchronously. |
| * |
| * A range of chunks is returned immediately and the request that fetches the |
| * chunks is performed in another thread. If the method or other request |
| * properties is to be customized then set the $(D conn) parameter with a |
| * HTTP/FTP instance that has these properties set. |
| * |
| * If $(D postData) is non-_null the method will be set to $(D post) for HTTP |
| * requests. |
| * |
| * The background thread will buffer up to transmitBuffers number of chunks |
| * before is stops receiving data from network. When the main thread reads the |
| * chunks from the range it frees up buffers and allows for the background |
| * thread to receive more data from the network. |
| * |
| * If no data is available and the main thread access the range it will block |
| * until data becomes available. An exception to this is the $(D wait(Duration)) |
| * method on the $(LREF AsyncChunkInputRange). This method will wait at maximum for the specified |
| * duration and return true if data is available. |
| * |
| * Example: |
| * ---- |
| * import std.net.curl, std.stdio; |
| * // Get some pages in the background |
| * auto range1 = byChunkAsync("www.google.com", 100); |
| * auto range2 = byChunkAsync("www.wikipedia.org"); |
| * foreach (chunk; byChunkAsync("dlang.org")) |
| * writeln(chunk); // chunk is ubyte[100] |
| * |
| * // Chunks already fetched in the background and ready |
| * foreach (chunk; range1) writeln(chunk); |
| * foreach (chunk; range2) writeln(chunk); |
| * ---- |
| * |
| * ---- |
| * import std.net.curl, std.stdio; |
| * // Get a line in a background thread and wait in |
| * // main thread for 2 seconds for it to arrive. |
| * auto range3 = byChunkAsync("dlang.com", 10); |
| * if (range3.wait(dur!"seconds"(2))) |
| * writeln(range3.front); |
| * else |
| * writeln("No chunk received after 2 seconds!"); |
| * ---- |
| * |
| * Params: |
| * url = The url to receive content from |
| * postData = Data to HTTP Post |
| * chunkSize = The size of the chunks |
| * transmitBuffers = The number of chunks buffered asynchronously |
| * conn = The connection to use e.g. HTTP or FTP. |
| * |
| * Returns: |
| * A range of ubyte[chunkSize] with the content of the resource pointer to by |
| * the URL. |
| */ |
| auto byChunkAsync(Conn = AutoProtocol, PostUnit) |
| (const(char)[] url, const(PostUnit)[] postData, |
| size_t chunkSize = 1024, size_t transmitBuffers = 10, |
| Conn conn = Conn()) |
| if (isCurlConn!(Conn)) |
| { |
| static if (is(Conn : AutoProtocol)) |
| { |
| if (isFTPUrl(url)) |
| return byChunkAsync(url, postData, chunkSize, |
| transmitBuffers, FTP()); |
| else |
| return byChunkAsync(url, postData, chunkSize, |
| transmitBuffers, HTTP()); |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| // 50 is just an arbitrary number for now |
| setMaxMailboxSize(thisTid, 50, OnCrowding.block); |
| auto tid = spawn(&_spawnAsync!(Conn, ubyte)); |
| tid.send(thisTid); |
| |
| _asyncDuplicateConnection(url, conn, postData, tid); |
| |
| return AsyncChunkInputRange(tid, transmitBuffers, chunkSize); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// ditto |
| auto byChunkAsync(Conn = AutoProtocol) |
| (const(char)[] url, |
| size_t chunkSize = 1024, size_t transmitBuffers = 10, |
| Conn conn = Conn()) |
| if (isCurlConn!(Conn)) |
| { |
| static if (is(Conn : AutoProtocol)) |
| { |
| if (isFTPUrl(url)) |
| return byChunkAsync(url, cast(void[]) null, chunkSize, |
| transmitBuffers, FTP()); |
| else |
| return byChunkAsync(url, cast(void[]) null, chunkSize, |
| transmitBuffers, HTTP()); |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| return byChunkAsync(url, cast(void[]) null, chunkSize, |
| transmitBuffers, conn); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| @system unittest |
| { |
| import std.algorithm.comparison : equal; |
| |
| foreach (host; [testServer.addr, "http://"~testServer.addr]) |
| { |
| testServer.handle((s) { |
| auto req = s.recvReq; |
| s.send(httpOK(cast(ubyte[])[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5])); |
| }); |
| assert(byChunkAsync(host, 2).equal([[0, 1], [2, 3], [4, 5]])); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| |
| /* Used by byLineAsync/byChunkAsync to duplicate an existing connection |
| * that can be used exclusively in a spawned thread. |
| */ |
| private void _asyncDuplicateConnection(Conn, PostData) |
| (const(char)[] url, Conn conn, PostData postData, Tid tid) |
| { |
| // no move semantic available in std.concurrency ie. must use casting. |
| auto connDup = conn.dup(); |
| connDup.url = url; |
| |
| static if ( is(Conn : HTTP) ) |
| { |
| connDup.p.headersOut = null; |
| connDup.method = conn.method == HTTP.Method.undefined ? |
| HTTP.Method.get : conn.method; |
| if (postData !is null) |
| { |
| if (connDup.method == HTTP.Method.put) |
| { |
| connDup.handle.set(CurlOption.infilesize_large, |
| postData.length); |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| // post |
| connDup.method = HTTP.Method.post; |
| connDup.handle.set(CurlOption.postfieldsize_large, |
| postData.length); |
| } |
| connDup.handle.set(CurlOption.copypostfields, |
| cast(void*) postData.ptr); |
| } |
| tid.send(cast(ulong) connDup.handle.handle); |
| tid.send(connDup.method); |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| enforce!CurlException(postData is null, |
| "Cannot put ftp data using byLineAsync()"); |
| tid.send(cast(ulong) connDup.handle.handle); |
| tid.send(HTTP.Method.undefined); |
| } |
| connDup.p.curl.handle = null; // make sure handle is not freed |
| } |
| |
| /* |
| Mixin template for all supported curl protocols. This is the commom |
| functionallity such as timeouts and network interface settings. This should |
| really be in the HTTP/FTP/SMTP structs but the documentation tool does not |
| support a mixin to put its doc strings where a mixin is done. Therefore docs |
| in this template is copied into each of HTTP/FTP/SMTP below. |
| */ |
| private mixin template Protocol() |
| { |
| |
| /// Value to return from $(D onSend)/$(D onReceive) delegates in order to |
| /// pause a request |
| alias requestPause = CurlReadFunc.pause; |
| |
| /// Value to return from onSend delegate in order to abort a request |
| alias requestAbort = CurlReadFunc.abort; |
| |
| static uint defaultAsyncStringBufferSize = 100; |
| |
| /** |
| The curl handle used by this connection. |
| */ |
| @property ref Curl handle() return |
| { |
| return p.curl; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| True if the instance is stopped. A stopped instance is not usable. |
| */ |
| @property bool isStopped() |
| { |
| return p.curl.stopped; |
| } |
| |
| /// Stop and invalidate this instance. |
| void shutdown() |
| { |
| p.curl.shutdown(); |
| } |
| |
| /** Set verbose. |
| This will print request information to stderr. |
| */ |
| @property void verbose(bool on) |
| { |
| p.curl.set(CurlOption.verbose, on ? 1L : 0L); |
| } |
| |
| // Connection settings |
| |
| /// Set timeout for activity on connection. |
| @property void dataTimeout(Duration d) |
| { |
| p.curl.set(CurlOption.low_speed_limit, 1); |
| p.curl.set(CurlOption.low_speed_time, d.total!"seconds"); |
| } |
| |
| /** Set maximum time an operation is allowed to take. |
| This includes dns resolution, connecting, data transfer, etc. |
| */ |
| @property void operationTimeout(Duration d) |
| { |
| p.curl.set(CurlOption.timeout_ms, d.total!"msecs"); |
| } |
| |
| /// Set timeout for connecting. |
| @property void connectTimeout(Duration d) |
| { |
| p.curl.set(CurlOption.connecttimeout_ms, d.total!"msecs"); |
| } |
| |
| // Network settings |
| |
| /** Proxy |
| * See: $(HTTP curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/curl_easy_setopt.html#CURLOPTPROXY, _proxy) |
| */ |
| @property void proxy(const(char)[] host) |
| { |
| p.curl.set(CurlOption.proxy, host); |
| } |
| |
| /** Proxy port |
| * See: $(HTTP curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/curl_easy_setopt.html#CURLOPTPROXYPORT, _proxy_port) |
| */ |
| @property void proxyPort(ushort port) |
| { |
| p.curl.set(CurlOption.proxyport, cast(long) port); |
| } |
| |
| /// Type of proxy |
| alias CurlProxy = etc.c.curl.CurlProxy; |
| |
| /** Proxy type |
| * See: $(HTTP curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/curl_easy_setopt.html#CURLOPTPROXY, _proxy_type) |
| */ |
| @property void proxyType(CurlProxy type) |
| { |
| p.curl.set(CurlOption.proxytype, cast(long) type); |
| } |
| |
| /// DNS lookup timeout. |
| @property void dnsTimeout(Duration d) |
| { |
| p.curl.set(CurlOption.dns_cache_timeout, d.total!"msecs"); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * The network interface to use in form of the the IP of the interface. |
| * |
| * Example: |
| * ---- |
| * theprotocol.netInterface = ""; |
| * theprotocol.netInterface = [ 192, 168, 1, 32 ]; |
| * ---- |
| * |
| * See: $(REF InternetAddress, std,socket) |
| */ |
| @property void netInterface(const(char)[] i) |
| { |
| p.curl.set(CurlOption.intrface, i); |
| } |
| |
| /// ditto |
| @property void netInterface(const(ubyte)[4] i) |
| { |
| import std.format : format; |
| const str = format("%d.%d.%d.%d", i[0], i[1], i[2], i[3]); |
| netInterface = str; |
| } |
| |
| /// ditto |
| @property void netInterface(InternetAddress i) |
| { |
| netInterface = i.toAddrString(); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| Set the local outgoing port to use. |
| Params: |
| port = the first outgoing port number to try and use |
| */ |
| @property void localPort(ushort port) |
| { |
| p.curl.set(CurlOption.localport, cast(long) port); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| Set the no proxy flag for the specified host names. |
| Params: |
| test = a list of comma host names that do not require |
| proxy to get reached |
| */ |
| void setNoProxy(string hosts) |
| { |
| p.curl.set(CurlOption.noproxy, hosts); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| Set the local outgoing port range to use. |
| This can be used together with the localPort property. |
| Params: |
| range = if the first port is occupied then try this many |
| port number forwards |
| */ |
| @property void localPortRange(ushort range) |
| { |
| p.curl.set(CurlOption.localportrange, cast(long) range); |
| } |
| |
| /** Set the tcp no-delay socket option on or off. |
| See: $(HTTP curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/curl_easy_setopt.html#CURLOPTTCPNODELAY, nodelay) |
| */ |
| @property void tcpNoDelay(bool on) |
| { |
| p.curl.set(CurlOption.tcp_nodelay, cast(long) (on ? 1 : 0) ); |
| } |
| |
| /** Sets whether SSL peer certificates should be verified. |
| See: $(HTTP curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/curl_easy_setopt.html#CURLOPTSSLVERIFYPEER, verifypeer) |
| */ |
| @property void verifyPeer(bool on) |
| { |
| p.curl.set(CurlOption.ssl_verifypeer, on ? 1 : 0); |
| } |
| |
| /** Sets whether the host within an SSL certificate should be verified. |
| See: $(HTTP curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/curl_easy_setopt.html#CURLOPTSSLVERIFYHOST, verifypeer) |
| */ |
| @property void verifyHost(bool on) |
| { |
| p.curl.set(CurlOption.ssl_verifyhost, on ? 2 : 0); |
| } |
| |
| // Authentication settings |
| |
| /** |
| Set the user name, password and optionally domain for authentication |
| purposes. |
| |
| Some protocols may need authentication in some cases. Use this |
| function to provide credentials. |
| |
| Params: |
| username = the username |
| password = the password |
| domain = used for NTLM authentication only and is set to the NTLM domain |
| name |
| */ |
| void setAuthentication(const(char)[] username, const(char)[] password, |
| const(char)[] domain = "") |
| { |
| import std.format : format; |
| if (!domain.empty) |
| username = format("%s/%s", domain, username); |
| p.curl.set(CurlOption.userpwd, format("%s:%s", username, password)); |
| } |
| |
| @system unittest |
| { |
| import std.algorithm.searching : canFind; |
| |
| testServer.handle((s) { |
| auto req = s.recvReq; |
| assert(req.hdrs.canFind("GET /")); |
| assert(req.hdrs.canFind("Basic dXNlcjpwYXNz")); |
| s.send(httpOK()); |
| }); |
| |
| auto http = HTTP(testServer.addr); |
| http.onReceive = (ubyte[] data) { return data.length; }; |
| http.setAuthentication("user", "pass"); |
| http.perform(); |
| |
| // Bugzilla 17540 |
| http.setNoProxy("www.example.com"); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| Set the user name and password for proxy authentication. |
| |
| Params: |
| username = the username |
| password = the password |
| */ |
| void setProxyAuthentication(const(char)[] username, const(char)[] password) |
| { |
| import std.array : replace; |
| import std.format : format; |
| |
| p.curl.set(CurlOption.proxyuserpwd, |
| format("%s:%s", |
| username.replace(":", "%3A"), |
| password.replace(":", "%3A")) |
| ); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * The event handler that gets called when data is needed for sending. The |
| * length of the $(D void[]) specifies the maximum number of bytes that can |
| * be sent. |
| * |
| * Returns: |
| * The callback returns the number of elements in the buffer that have been |
| * filled and are ready to send. |
| * The special value $(D .abortRequest) can be returned in order to abort the |
| * current request. |
| * The special value $(D .pauseRequest) can be returned in order to pause the |
| * current request. |
| * |
| * Example: |
| * ---- |
| * import std.net.curl; |
| * string msg = "Hello world"; |
| * auto client = HTTP("dlang.org"); |
| * client.onSend = delegate size_t(void[] data) |
| * { |
| * auto m = cast(void[]) msg; |
| * size_t length = m.length > data.length ? data.length : m.length; |
| * if (length == 0) return 0; |
| * data[0 .. length] = m[0 .. length]; |
| * msg = msg[length..$]; |
| * return length; |
| * }; |
| * client.perform(); |
| * ---- |
| */ |
| @property void onSend(size_t delegate(void[]) callback) |
| { |
| p.curl.clear(CurlOption.postfields); // cannot specify data when using callback |
| p.curl.onSend = callback; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * The event handler that receives incoming data. Be sure to copy the |
| * incoming ubyte[] since it is not guaranteed to be valid after the |
| * callback returns. |
| * |
| * Returns: |
| * The callback returns the number of incoming bytes read. If the entire array is |
| * not read the request will abort. |
| * The special value .pauseRequest can be returned in order to pause the |
| * current request. |
| * |
| * Example: |
| * ---- |
| * import std.net.curl, std.stdio; |
| * auto client = HTTP("dlang.org"); |
| * client.onReceive = (ubyte[] data) |
| * { |
| * writeln("Got data", to!(const(char)[])(data)); |
| * return data.length; |
| * }; |
| * client.perform(); |
| * ---- |
| */ |
| @property void onReceive(size_t delegate(ubyte[]) callback) |
| { |
| p.curl.onReceive = callback; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * The event handler that gets called to inform of upload/download progress. |
| * |
| * Params: |
| * dlTotal = total bytes to download |
| * dlNow = currently downloaded bytes |
| * ulTotal = total bytes to upload |
| * ulNow = currently uploaded bytes |
| * |
| * Returns: |
| * Return 0 from the callback to signal success, return non-zero to abort |
| * transfer |
| * |
| * Example: |
| * ---- |
| * import std.net.curl, std.stdio; |
| * auto client = HTTP("dlang.org"); |
| * client.onProgress = delegate int(size_t dl, size_t dln, size_t ul, size_t ult) |
| * { |
| * writeln("Progress: downloaded ", dln, " of ", dl); |
| * writeln("Progress: uploaded ", uln, " of ", ul); |
| * }; |
| * client.perform(); |
| * ---- |
| */ |
| @property void onProgress(int delegate(size_t dlTotal, size_t dlNow, |
| size_t ulTotal, size_t ulNow) callback) |
| { |
| p.curl.onProgress = callback; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /* |
| Decode $(D ubyte[]) array using the provided EncodingScheme up to maxChars |
| Returns: Tuple of ubytes read and the $(D Char[]) characters decoded. |
| Not all ubytes are guaranteed to be read in case of decoding error. |
| */ |
| private Tuple!(size_t,Char[]) |
| decodeString(Char = char)(const(ubyte)[] data, |
| EncodingScheme scheme, |
| size_t maxChars = size_t.max) |
| { |
| Char[] res; |
| immutable startLen = data.length; |
| size_t charsDecoded = 0; |
| while (data.length && charsDecoded < maxChars) |
| { |
| immutable dchar dc = scheme.safeDecode(data); |
| if (dc == INVALID_SEQUENCE) |
| { |
| return typeof(return)(size_t.max, cast(Char[]) null); |
| } |
| charsDecoded++; |
| res ~= dc; |
| } |
| return typeof(return)(startLen-data.length, res); |
| } |
| |
| /* |
| Decode $(D ubyte[]) array using the provided $(D EncodingScheme) until a the |
| line terminator specified is found. The basesrc parameter is effectively |
| prepended to src as the first thing. |
| |
| This function is used for decoding as much of the src buffer as |
| possible until either the terminator is found or decoding fails. If |
| it fails as the last data in the src it may mean that the src buffer |
| were missing some bytes in order to represent a correct code |
| point. Upon the next call to this function more bytes have been |
| received from net and the failing bytes should be given as the |
| basesrc parameter. It is done this way to minimize data copying. |
| |
| Returns: true if a terminator was found |
| Not all ubytes are guaranteed to be read in case of decoding error. |
| any decoded chars will be inserted into dst. |
| */ |
| private bool decodeLineInto(Terminator, Char = char)(ref const(ubyte)[] basesrc, |
| ref const(ubyte)[] src, |
| ref Char[] dst, |
| EncodingScheme scheme, |
| Terminator terminator) |
| { |
| import std.algorithm.searching : endsWith; |
| |
| // if there is anything in the basesrc then try to decode that |
| // first. |
| if (basesrc.length != 0) |
| { |
| // Try to ensure 4 entries in the basesrc by copying from src. |
| immutable blen = basesrc.length; |
| immutable len = (basesrc.length + src.length) >= 4 ? |
| 4 : basesrc.length + src.length; |
| basesrc.length = len; |
| |
| immutable dchar dc = scheme.safeDecode(basesrc); |
| if (dc == INVALID_SEQUENCE) |
| { |
| enforce!CurlException(len != 4, "Invalid code sequence"); |
| return false; |
| } |
| dst ~= dc; |
| src = src[len-basesrc.length-blen .. $]; // remove used ubytes from src |
| basesrc.length = 0; |
| } |
| |
| while (src.length) |
| { |
| const lsrc = src; |
| dchar dc = scheme.safeDecode(src); |
| if (dc == INVALID_SEQUENCE) |
| { |
| if (src.empty) |
| { |
| // The invalid sequence was in the end of the src. Maybe there |
| // just need to be more bytes available so these last bytes are |
| // put back to src for later use. |
| src = lsrc; |
| return false; |
| } |
| dc = '?'; |
| } |
| dst ~= dc; |
| |
| if (dst.endsWith(terminator)) |
| return true; |
| } |
| return false; // no terminator found |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * HTTP client functionality. |
| * |
| * Example: |
| * --- |
| * import std.net.curl, std.stdio; |
| * |
| * // Get with custom data receivers |
| * auto http = HTTP("dlang.org"); |
| * http.onReceiveHeader = |
| * (in char[] key, in char[] value) { writeln(key ~ ": " ~ value); }; |
| * http.onReceive = (ubyte[] data) { /+ drop +/ return data.length; }; |
| * http.perform(); |
| * |
| * // Put with data senders |
| * auto msg = "Hello world"; |
| * http.contentLength = msg.length; |
| * http.onSend = (void[] data) |
| * { |
| * auto m = cast(void[]) msg; |
| * size_t len = m.length > data.length ? data.length : m.length; |
| * if (len == 0) return len; |
| * data[0 .. len] = m[0 .. len]; |
| * msg = msg[len..$]; |
| * return len; |
| * }; |
| * http.perform(); |
| * |
| * // Track progress |
| * http.method = HTTP.Method.get; |
| * http.url = "http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/" |
| * "5/53/Wikipedia-logo-en-big.png"; |
| * http.onReceive = (ubyte[] data) { return data.length; }; |
| * http.onProgress = (size_t dltotal, size_t dlnow, |
| * size_t ultotal, size_t ulnow) |
| * { |
| * writeln("Progress ", dltotal, ", ", dlnow, ", ", ultotal, ", ", ulnow); |
| * return 0; |
| * }; |
| * http.perform(); |
| * --- |
| * |
| * See_Also: $(_HTTP www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2616.txt, RFC2616) |
| * |
| */ |
| struct HTTP |
| { |
| mixin Protocol; |
| |
| import std.datetime.systime : SysTime; |
| |
| /// Authentication method equal to $(REF CurlAuth, etc,c,curl) |
| alias AuthMethod = CurlAuth; |
| |
| static private uint defaultMaxRedirects = 10; |
| |
| private struct Impl |
| { |
| ~this() |
| { |
| if (headersOut !is null) |
| Curl.curl.slist_free_all(headersOut); |
| if (curl.handle !is null) // work around RefCounted/emplace bug |
| curl.shutdown(); |
| } |
| Curl curl; |
| curl_slist* headersOut; |
| string[string] headersIn; |
| string charset; |
| |
| /// The status line of the final sub-request in a request. |
| StatusLine status; |
| private void delegate(StatusLine) onReceiveStatusLine; |
| |
| /// The HTTP method to use. |
| Method method = Method.undefined; |
| |
| @system @property void onReceiveHeader(void delegate(in char[] key, |
| in char[] value) callback) |
| { |
| import std.algorithm.searching : startsWith; |
| import std.regex : regex, match; |
| import std.uni : toLower; |
| |
| // Wrap incoming callback in order to separate http status line from |
| // http headers. On redirected requests there may be several such |
| // status lines. The last one is the one recorded. |
| auto dg = (in char[] header) |
| { |
| import std.utf : UTFException; |
| try |
| { |
| if (header.empty) |
| { |
| // header delimiter |
| return; |
| } |
| if (header.startsWith("HTTP/")) |
| { |
| headersIn.clear(); |
| if (parseStatusLine(header, status)) |
| { |
| if (onReceiveStatusLine != null) |
| onReceiveStatusLine(status); |
| } |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| // Normal http header |
| auto m = match(cast(char[]) header, regex("(.*?): (.*)$")); |
| |
| auto fieldName = m.captures[1].toLower().idup; |
| if (fieldName == "content-type") |
| { |
| auto mct = match(cast(char[]) m.captures[2], |
| regex("charset=([^;]*)", "i")); |
| if (!mct.empty && mct.captures.length > 1) |
| charset = mct.captures[1].idup; |
| } |
| |
| if (!m.empty && callback !is null) |
| callback(fieldName, m.captures[2]); |
| headersIn[fieldName] = m.captures[2].idup; |
| } |
| catch (UTFException e) |
| { |
| //munch it - a header should be all ASCII, any "wrong UTF" is broken header |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| curl.onReceiveHeader = dg; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| private RefCounted!Impl p; |
| |
| /// Parse status line, as received from / generated by cURL. |
| private static bool parseStatusLine(in char[] header, out StatusLine status) @safe |
| { |
| import std.conv : to; |
| import std.regex : regex, match; |
| |
| const m = match(header, regex(r"^HTTP/(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))? (\d+)(?: (.*))?$")); |
| if (m.empty) |
| return false; // Invalid status line |
| else |
| { |
| status.majorVersion = to!ushort(m.captures[1]); |
| status.minorVersion = m.captures[2].length ? to!ushort(m.captures[2]) : 0; |
| status.code = to!ushort(m.captures[3]); |
| status.reason = m.captures[4].idup; |
| return true; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| @safe unittest |
| { |
| StatusLine status; |
| assert(parseStatusLine("HTTP/1.1 200 OK", status) |
| && status == StatusLine(1, 1, 200, "OK")); |
| assert(parseStatusLine("HTTP/1.0 304 Not Modified", status) |
| && status == StatusLine(1, 0, 304, "Not Modified")); |
| // The HTTP2 protocol is binary; cURL generates this fake text header. |
| assert(parseStatusLine("HTTP/2 200", status) |
| && status == StatusLine(2, 0, 200, null)); |
| } |
| |
| /** Time condition enumeration as an alias of $(REF CurlTimeCond, etc,c,curl) |
| |
| $(HTTP www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html#sec14.25, _RFC2616 Section 14.25) |
| */ |
| alias TimeCond = CurlTimeCond; |
| |
| /** |
| Constructor taking the url as parameter. |
| */ |
| static HTTP opCall(const(char)[] url) |
| { |
| HTTP http; |
| http.initialize(); |
| http.url = url; |
| return http; |
| } |
| |
| /// |
| static HTTP opCall() |
| { |
| HTTP http; |
| http.initialize(); |
| return http; |
| } |
| |
| /// |
| HTTP dup() |
| { |
| HTTP copy; |
| copy.initialize(); |
| copy.p.method = p.method; |
| curl_slist* cur = p.headersOut; |
| curl_slist* newlist = null; |
| while (cur) |
| { |
| newlist = Curl.curl.slist_append(newlist, cur.data); |
| cur = cur.next; |
| } |
| copy.p.headersOut = newlist; |
| copy.p.curl.set(CurlOption.httpheader, copy.p.headersOut); |
| copy.p.curl = p.curl.dup(); |
| copy.dataTimeout = _defaultDataTimeout; |
| copy.onReceiveHeader = null; |
| return copy; |
| } |
| |
| private void initialize() |
| { |
| p.curl.initialize(); |
| maxRedirects = HTTP.defaultMaxRedirects; |
| p.charset = "ISO-8859-1"; // Default charset defined in HTTP RFC |
| p.method = Method.undefined; |
| setUserAgent(HTTP.defaultUserAgent); |
| dataTimeout = _defaultDataTimeout; |
| onReceiveHeader = null; |
| verifyPeer = true; |
| verifyHost = true; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| Perform a http request. |
| |
| After the HTTP client has been setup and possibly assigned callbacks the |
| $(D perform()) method will start performing the request towards the |
| specified server. |
| |
| Params: |
| throwOnError = whether to throw an exception or return a CurlCode on error |
| */ |
| CurlCode perform(ThrowOnError throwOnError = Yes.throwOnError) |
| { |
| p.status.reset(); |
| |
| CurlOption opt; |
| final switch (p.method) |
| { |
| case Method.head: |
| p.curl.set(CurlOption.nobody, 1L); |
| opt = CurlOption.nobody; |
| break; |
| case Method.undefined: |
| case Method.get: |
| p.curl.set(CurlOption.httpget, 1L); |
| opt = CurlOption.httpget; |
| break; |
| case Method.post: |
| p.curl.set(CurlOption.post, 1L); |
| opt = CurlOption.post; |
| break; |
| case Method.put: |
| p.curl.set(CurlOption.upload, 1L); |
| opt = CurlOption.upload; |
| break; |
| case Method.del: |
| p.curl.set(CurlOption.customrequest, "DELETE"); |
| opt = CurlOption.customrequest; |
| break; |
| case Method.options: |
| p.curl.set(CurlOption.customrequest, "OPTIONS"); |
| opt = CurlOption.customrequest; |
| break; |
| case Method.trace: |
| p.curl.set(CurlOption.customrequest, "TRACE"); |
| opt = CurlOption.customrequest; |
| break; |
| case Method.connect: |
| p.curl.set(CurlOption.customrequest, "CONNECT"); |
| opt = CurlOption.customrequest; |
| break; |
| case Method.patch: |
| p.curl.set(CurlOption.customrequest, "PATCH"); |
| opt = CurlOption.customrequest; |
| break; |
| } |
| |
| scope (exit) p.curl.clear(opt); |
| return p.curl.perform(throwOnError); |
| } |
| |
| /// The URL to specify the location of the resource. |
| @property void url(const(char)[] url) |
| { |
| import std.algorithm.searching : startsWith; |
| import std.uni : toLower; |
| if (!startsWith(url.toLower(), "http://", "https://")) |
| url = "http://" ~ url; |
| p.curl.set(CurlOption.url, url); |
| } |
| |
| /// Set the CA certificate bundle file to use for SSL peer verification |
| @property void caInfo(const(char)[] caFile) |
| { |
| p.curl.set(CurlOption.cainfo, caFile); |
| } |
| |
| // This is a workaround for mixed in content not having its |
| // docs mixed in. |
| version (StdDdoc) |
| { |
| /// Value to return from $(D onSend)/$(D onReceive) delegates in order to |
| /// pause a request |
| alias requestPause = CurlReadFunc.pause; |
| |
| /// Value to return from onSend delegate in order to abort a request |
| alias requestAbort = CurlReadFunc.abort; |
| |
| /** |
| True if the instance is stopped. A stopped instance is not usable. |
| */ |
| @property bool isStopped(); |
| |
| /// Stop and invalidate this instance. |
| void shutdown(); |
| |
| /** Set verbose. |
| This will print request information to stderr. |
| */ |
| @property void verbose(bool on); |
| |
| // Connection settings |
| |
| /// Set timeout for activity on connection. |
| @property void dataTimeout(Duration d); |
| |
| /** Set maximum time an operation is allowed to take. |
| This includes dns resolution, connecting, data transfer, etc. |
| */ |
| @property void operationTimeout(Duration d); |
| |
| /// Set timeout for connecting. |
| @property void connectTimeout(Duration d); |
| |
| // Network settings |
| |
| /** Proxy |
| * See: $(HTTP curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/curl_easy_setopt.html#CURLOPTPROXY, _proxy) |
| */ |
| @property void proxy(const(char)[] host); |
| |
| /** Proxy port |
| * See: $(HTTP curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/curl_easy_setopt.html#CURLOPTPROXYPORT, _proxy_port) |
| */ |
| @property void proxyPort(ushort port); |
| |
| /// Type of proxy |
| alias CurlProxy = etc.c.curl.CurlProxy; |
| |
| /** Proxy type |
| * See: $(HTTP curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/curl_easy_setopt.html#CURLOPTPROXY, _proxy_type) |
| */ |
| @property void proxyType(CurlProxy type); |
| |
| /// DNS lookup timeout. |
| @property void dnsTimeout(Duration d); |
| |
| /** |
| * The network interface to use in form of the the IP of the interface. |
| * |
| * Example: |
| * ---- |
| * theprotocol.netInterface = ""; |
| * theprotocol.netInterface = [ 192, 168, 1, 32 ]; |
| * ---- |
| * |
| * See: $(REF InternetAddress, std,socket) |
| */ |
| @property void netInterface(const(char)[] i); |
| |
| /// ditto |
| @property void netInterface(const(ubyte)[4] i); |
| |
| /// ditto |
| @property void netInterface(InternetAddress i); |
| |
| /** |
| Set the local outgoing port to use. |
| Params: |
| port = the first outgoing port number to try and use |
| */ |
| @property void localPort(ushort port); |
| |
| /** |
| Set the local outgoing port range to use. |
| This can be used together with the localPort property. |
| Params: |
| range = if the first port is occupied then try this many |
| port number forwards |
| */ |
| @property void localPortRange(ushort range); |
| |
| /** Set the tcp no-delay socket option on or off. |
| See: $(HTTP curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/curl_easy_setopt.html#CURLOPTTCPNODELAY, nodelay) |
| */ |
| @property void tcpNoDelay(bool on); |
| |
| // Authentication settings |
| |
| /** |
| Set the user name, password and optionally domain for authentication |
| purposes. |
| |
| Some protocols may need authentication in some cases. Use this |
| function to provide credentials. |
| |
| Params: |
| username = the username |
| password = the password |
| domain = used for NTLM authentication only and is set to the NTLM domain |
| name |
| */ |
| void setAuthentication(const(char)[] username, const(char)[] password, |
| const(char)[] domain = ""); |
| |
| /** |
| Set the user name and password for proxy authentication. |
| |
| Params: |
| username = the username |
| password = the password |
| */ |
| void setProxyAuthentication(const(char)[] username, const(char)[] password); |
| |
| /** |
| * The event handler that gets called when data is needed for sending. The |
| * length of the $(D void[]) specifies the maximum number of bytes that can |
| * be sent. |
| * |
| * Returns: |
| * The callback returns the number of elements in the buffer that have been |
| * filled and are ready to send. |
| * The special value $(D .abortRequest) can be returned in order to abort the |
| * current request. |
| * The special value $(D .pauseRequest) can be returned in order to pause the |
| * current request. |
| * |
| * Example: |
| * ---- |
| * import std.net.curl; |
| * string msg = "Hello world"; |
| * auto client = HTTP("dlang.org"); |
| * client.onSend = delegate size_t(void[] data) |
| * { |
| * auto m = cast(void[]) msg; |
| * size_t length = m.length > data.length ? data.length : m.length; |
| * if (length == 0) return 0; |
| * data[0 .. length] = m[0 .. length]; |
| * msg = msg[length..$]; |
| * return length; |
| * }; |
| * client.perform(); |
| * ---- |
| */ |
| @property void onSend(size_t delegate(void[]) callback); |
| |
| /** |
| * The event handler that receives incoming data. Be sure to copy the |
| * incoming ubyte[] since it is not guaranteed to be valid after the |
| * callback returns. |
| * |
| * Returns: |
| * The callback returns the incoming bytes read. If not the entire array is |
| * the request will abort. |
| * The special value .pauseRequest can be returned in order to pause the |
| * current request. |
| * |
| * Example: |
| * ---- |
| * import std.net.curl, std.stdio; |
| * auto client = HTTP("dlang.org"); |
| * client.onReceive = (ubyte[] data) |
| * { |
| * writeln("Got data", to!(const(char)[])(data)); |
| * return data.length; |
| * }; |
| * client.perform(); |
| * ---- |
| */ |
| @property void onReceive(size_t delegate(ubyte[]) callback); |
| |
| /** |
| * Register an event handler that gets called to inform of |
| * upload/download progress. |
| * |
| * Callback_parameters: |
| * |
| * Callback_returns: Return 0 to signal success, return non-zero to |
| * abort transfer. |
| * |
| * Example: |
| * ---- |
| * import std.net.curl, std.stdio; |
| * auto client = HTTP("dlang.org"); |
| * client.onProgress = delegate int(size_t dl, size_t dln, size_t ul, size_t ult) |
| * { |
| * writeln("Progress: downloaded ", dln, " of ", dl); |
| * writeln("Progress: uploaded ", uln, " of ", ul); |
| * }; |
| * client.perform(); |
| * ---- |
| */ |
| @property void onProgress(int delegate(size_t dlTotal, size_t dlNow, |
| size_t ulTotal, size_t ulNow) callback); |
| } |
| |
| /** Clear all outgoing headers. |
| */ |
| void clearRequestHeaders() |
| { |
| if (p.headersOut !is null) |
| Curl.curl.slist_free_all(p.headersOut); |
| p.headersOut = null; |
| p.curl.clear(CurlOption.httpheader); |
| } |
| |
| /** Add a header e.g. "X-CustomField: Something is fishy". |
| * |
| * There is no remove header functionality. Do a $(LREF clearRequestHeaders) |
| * and set the needed headers instead. |
| * |
| * Example: |
| * --- |
| * import std.net.curl; |
| * auto client = HTTP(); |
| * client.addRequestHeader("X-Custom-ABC", "This is the custom value"); |
| * auto content = get("dlang.org", client); |
| * --- |
| */ |
| void addRequestHeader(const(char)[] name, const(char)[] value) |
| { |
| import std.format : format; |
| import std.uni : icmp; |
| |
| if (icmp(name, "User-Agent") == 0) |
| return setUserAgent(value); |
| string nv = format("%s: %s", name, value); |
| p.headersOut = Curl.curl.slist_append(p.headersOut, |
| nv.tempCString().buffPtr); |
| p.curl.set(CurlOption.httpheader, p.headersOut); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * The default "User-Agent" value send with a request. |
| * It has the form "Phobos-std.net.curl/$(I PHOBOS_VERSION) (libcurl/$(I CURL_VERSION))" |
| */ |
| static string defaultUserAgent() @property |
| { |
| import std.compiler : version_major, version_minor; |
| import std.format : format, sformat; |
| |
| // http://curl.haxx.se/docs/versions.html |
| enum fmt = "Phobos-std.net.curl/%d.%03d (libcurl/%d.%d.%d)"; |
| enum maxLen = fmt.length - "%d%03d%d%d%d".length + 10 + 10 + 3 + 3 + 3; |
| |
| static char[maxLen] buf = void; |
| static string userAgent; |
| |
| if (!userAgent.length) |
| { |
| auto curlVer = Curl.curl.version_info(CURLVERSION_NOW).version_num; |
| userAgent = cast(immutable) sformat( |
| buf, fmt, version_major, version_minor, |
| curlVer >> 16 & 0xFF, curlVer >> 8 & 0xFF, curlVer & 0xFF); |
| } |
| return userAgent; |
| } |
| |
| /** Set the value of the user agent request header field. |
| * |
| * By default a request has it's "User-Agent" field set to $(LREF |
| * defaultUserAgent) even if $(D setUserAgent) was never called. Pass |
| * an empty string to suppress the "User-Agent" field altogether. |
| */ |
| void setUserAgent(const(char)[] userAgent) |
| { |
| p.curl.set(CurlOption.useragent, userAgent); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Get various timings defined in $(REF CurlInfo, etc, c, curl). |
| * The value is usable only if the return value is equal to $(D etc.c.curl.CurlError.ok). |
| * |
| * Params: |
| * timing = one of the timings defined in $(REF CurlInfo, etc, c, curl). |
| * The values are: |
| * $(D etc.c.curl.CurlInfo.namelookup_time), |
| * $(D etc.c.curl.CurlInfo.connect_time), |
| * $(D etc.c.curl.CurlInfo.pretransfer_time), |
| * $(D etc.c.curl.CurlInfo.starttransfer_time), |
| * $(D etc.c.curl.CurlInfo.redirect_time), |
| * $(D etc.c.curl.CurlInfo.appconnect_time), |
| * $(D etc.c.curl.CurlInfo.total_time). |
| * val = the actual value of the inquired timing. |
| * |
| * Returns: |
| * The return code of the operation. The value stored in val |
| * should be used only if the return value is $(D etc.c.curl.CurlInfo.ok). |
| * |
| * Example: |
| * --- |
| * import std.net.curl; |
| * import etc.c.curl : CurlError, CurlInfo; |
| * |
| * auto client = HTTP("dlang.org"); |
| * client.perform(); |
| * |
| * double val; |
| * CurlCode code; |
| * |
| * code = http.getTiming(CurlInfo.namelookup_time, val); |
| * assert(code == CurlError.ok); |
| * --- |
| */ |
| CurlCode getTiming(CurlInfo timing, ref double val) |
| { |
| return p.curl.getTiming(timing, val); |
| } |
| |
| /** The headers read from a successful response. |
| * |
| */ |
| @property string[string] responseHeaders() |
| { |
| return p.headersIn; |
| } |
| |
| /// HTTP method used. |
| @property void method(Method m) |
| { |
| p.method = m; |
| } |
| |
| /// ditto |
| @property Method method() |
| { |
| return p.method; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| HTTP status line of last response. One call to perform may |
| result in several requests because of redirection. |
| */ |
| @property StatusLine statusLine() |
| { |
| return p.status; |
| } |
| |
| /// Set the active cookie string e.g. "name1=value1;name2=value2" |
| void setCookie(const(char)[] cookie) |
| { |
| p.curl.set(CurlOption.cookie, cookie); |
| } |
| |
| /// Set a file path to where a cookie jar should be read/stored. |
| void setCookieJar(const(char)[] path) |
| { |
| p.curl.set(CurlOption.cookiefile, path); |
| if (path.length) |
| p.curl.set(CurlOption.cookiejar, path); |
| } |
| |
| /// Flush cookie jar to disk. |
| void flushCookieJar() |
| { |
| p.curl.set(CurlOption.cookielist, "FLUSH"); |
| } |
| |
| /// Clear session cookies. |
| void clearSessionCookies() |
| { |
| p.curl.set(CurlOption.cookielist, "SESS"); |
| } |
| |
| /// Clear all cookies. |
| void clearAllCookies() |
| { |
| p.curl.set(CurlOption.cookielist, "ALL"); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| Set time condition on the request. |
| |
| Params: |
| cond = $(D CurlTimeCond.{none,ifmodsince,ifunmodsince,lastmod}) |
| timestamp = Timestamp for the condition |
| |
| $(HTTP www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html#sec14.25, _RFC2616 Section 14.25) |
| */ |
| void setTimeCondition(HTTP.TimeCond cond, SysTime timestamp) |
| { |
| p.curl.set(CurlOption.timecondition, cond); |
| p.curl.set(CurlOption.timevalue, timestamp.toUnixTime()); |
| } |
| |
| /** Specifying data to post when not using the onSend callback. |
| * |
| * The data is NOT copied by the library. Content-Type will default to |
| * application/octet-stream. Data is not converted or encoded by this |
| * method. |
| * |
| * Example: |
| * ---- |
| * import std.net.curl, std.stdio; |
| * auto http = HTTP("http://www.mydomain.com"); |
| * http.onReceive = (ubyte[] data) { writeln(to!(const(char)[])(data)); return data.length; }; |
| * http.postData = [1,2,3,4,5]; |
| * http.perform(); |
| * ---- |
| */ |
| @property void postData(const(void)[] data) |
| { |
| setPostData(data, "application/octet-stream"); |
| } |
| |
| /** Specifying data to post when not using the onSend callback. |
| * |
| * The data is NOT copied by the library. Content-Type will default to |
| * text/plain. Data is not converted or encoded by this method. |
| * |
| * Example: |
| * ---- |
| * import std.net.curl, std.stdio; |
| * auto http = HTTP("http://www.mydomain.com"); |
| * http.onReceive = (ubyte[] data) { writeln(to!(const(char)[])(data)); return data.length; }; |
| * http.postData = "The quick...."; |
| * http.perform(); |
| * ---- |
| */ |
| @property void postData(const(char)[] data) |
| { |
| setPostData(data, "text/plain"); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Specify data to post when not using the onSend callback, with |
| * user-specified Content-Type. |
| * Params: |
| * data = Data to post. |
| * contentType = MIME type of the data, for example, "text/plain" or |
| * "application/octet-stream". See also: |
| * $(LINK2 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_media_type, |
| * Internet media type) on Wikipedia. |
| * ----- |
| * import std.net.curl; |
| * auto http = HTTP("http://onlineform.example.com"); |
| * auto data = "app=login&username=bob&password=s00perS3kret"; |
| * http.setPostData(data, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); |
| * http.onReceive = (ubyte[] data) { return data.length; }; |
| * http.perform(); |
| * ----- |
| */ |
| void setPostData(const(void)[] data, string contentType) |
| { |
| // cannot use callback when specifying data directly so it is disabled here. |
| p.curl.clear(CurlOption.readfunction); |
| addRequestHeader("Content-Type", contentType); |
| p.curl.set(CurlOption.postfields, cast(void*) data.ptr); |
| p.curl.set(CurlOption.postfieldsize, data.length); |
| if (method == Method.undefined) |
| method = Method.post; |
| } |
| |
| @system unittest |
| { |
| import std.algorithm.searching : canFind; |
| |
| testServer.handle((s) { |
| auto req = s.recvReq!ubyte; |
| assert(req.hdrs.canFind("POST /path")); |
| assert(req.bdy.canFind(cast(ubyte[])[0, 1, 2, 3, 4])); |
| assert(req.bdy.canFind(cast(ubyte[])[253, 254, 255])); |
| s.send(httpOK(cast(ubyte[])[17, 27, 35, 41])); |
| }); |
| auto data = new ubyte[](256); |
| foreach (i, ref ub; data) |
| ub = cast(ubyte) i; |
| |
| auto http = HTTP(testServer.addr~"/path"); |
| http.postData = data; |
| ubyte[] res; |
| http.onReceive = (data) { res ~= data; return data.length; }; |
| http.perform(); |
| assert(res == cast(ubyte[])[17, 27, 35, 41]); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Set the event handler that receives incoming headers. |
| * |
| * The callback will receive a header field key, value as parameter. The |
| * $(D const(char)[]) arrays are not valid after the delegate has returned. |
| * |
| * Example: |
| * ---- |
| * import std.net.curl, std.stdio; |
| * auto http = HTTP("dlang.org"); |
| * http.onReceive = (ubyte[] data) { writeln(to!(const(char)[])(data)); return data.length; }; |
| * http.onReceiveHeader = (in char[] key, in char[] value) { writeln(key, " = ", value); }; |
| * http.perform(); |
| * ---- |
| */ |
| @property void onReceiveHeader(void delegate(in char[] key, |
| in char[] value) callback) |
| { |
| p.onReceiveHeader = callback; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| Callback for each received StatusLine. |
| |
| Notice that several callbacks can be done for each call to |
| $(D perform()) due to redirections. |
| |
| See_Also: $(LREF StatusLine) |
| */ |
| @property void onReceiveStatusLine(void delegate(StatusLine) callback) |
| { |
| p.onReceiveStatusLine = callback; |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| The content length in bytes when using request that has content |
| e.g. POST/PUT and not using chunked transfer. Is set as the |
| "Content-Length" header. Set to ulong.max to reset to chunked transfer. |
| */ |
| @property void contentLength(ulong len) |
| { |
| import std.conv : to; |
| |
| CurlOption lenOpt; |
| |
| // Force post if necessary |
| if (p.method != Method.put && p.method != Method.post && |
| p.method != Method.patch) |
| p.method = Method.post; |
| |
| if (p.method == Method.post || p.method == Method.patch) |
| lenOpt = CurlOption.postfieldsize_large; |
| else |
| lenOpt = CurlOption.infilesize_large; |
| |
| if (size_t.max != ulong.max && len == size_t.max) |
| len = ulong.max; // check size_t.max for backwards compat, turn into error |
| |
| if (len == ulong.max) |
| { |
| // HTTP 1.1 supports requests with no length header set. |
| addRequestHeader("Transfer-Encoding", "chunked"); |
| addRequestHeader("Expect", "100-continue"); |
| } |
| else |
| { |
| p.curl.set(lenOpt, to!curl_off_t(len)); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| Authentication method as specified in $(LREF AuthMethod). |
| */ |
| @property void authenticationMethod(AuthMethod authMethod) |
| { |
| p.curl.set(CurlOption.httpauth, cast(long) authMethod); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| Set