blob: 81bea9ef7f1850329d6b140d3497a0d269dbd0b1 [file] [log] [blame]
// g++ 1.36.1 bug 900211_04
// g++ fails to flag as errors attempts to compare pointer values against
// (non-zero) integer values;
// Since implicit conversions of pointer to integers (or vise versa) are
// illegal, these comparisons are also illegal.
// Cfront 2.0 passes this test.
// keywords: comparison operators, pointer types, integral types
int result;
int i;
char *p;
void function ()
result = i == p; /* ERROR - caught by g++ */
result = i != p; /* ERROR - caught by g++ */
result = i > p; /* ERROR - missed */
result = i < p; /* ERROR - missed */
result = i >= p; /* ERROR - missed */
result = i <= p; /* ERROR - missed */
int main () { return 0; }