blob: e4488d9bad1b7169225cd6280995aa821fb568a1 [file] [log] [blame]
// g++ 1.37.1 bug 900511_01
// g++ fails to properly apply user-defined type conversion operators
// in cases where is it not obvious that the given conversion is
// appropriate for the context (i.e. operator and other operands)
// where the conversion should take place.
// cfront 2.0 passes this test.
struct struct_1 {
int member;
operator int ();
struct_1::operator int ()
return 0;
struct struct_2 {
int member;
operator float ();
struct_2::operator float ()
return 0.0;
struct_1 struct_1_object;
struct_2 struct_2_object;
double d;
void test ()
d = struct_2_object + struct_1_object; // OK
d = struct_1_object + struct_2_object; // gets bogus error
int main () { return 0; }