blob: c3f6c04ebfb46a08d6b62e453db8586f67ee3537 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (C) 2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008, 2010, 2011
# Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Contributed by Kelley Cook, June 2004.
# Original code from Neil Booth, May 2003.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any
# later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; see the file COPYING3. If not see
# <>.
# This Awk script reads in the option records generated from
# opt-gather.awk, combines the flags of duplicate options and generates a
# C header file.
# This program uses functions from opt-functions.awk
# Usage: awk -f opt-functions.awk -f opth-gen.awk < inputfile > options.h
n_opts = 0
n_langs = 0
n_target_save = 0
n_extra_vars = 0
n_extra_target_vars = 0
n_extra_masks = 0
n_extra_c_includes = 0
n_extra_h_includes = 0
have_save = 0;
quote = "\042"
# Collect the text and flags of each option into an array
if ($1 == "Language") {
langs[n_langs] = $2
else if ($1 == "TargetSave") {
# Make sure the declarations are put in source order
target_save_decl[n_target_save] = $2
else if ($1 == "Variable") {
extra_vars[n_extra_vars] = $2
else if ($1 == "TargetVariable") {
# Combination of TargetSave and Variable
extra_vars[n_extra_vars] = $2
var = $2
sub(" *=.*", "", var)
orig_var = var
name = var
type = var
sub("^.*[ *]", "", name)
sub(" *" name "$", "", type)
target_save_decl[n_target_save] = type " x_" name
extra_target_vars[n_extra_target_vars] = name
else if ($1 == "HeaderInclude") {
extra_h_includes[n_extra_h_includes++] = $2;
else if ($1 == "SourceInclude") {
extra_c_includes[n_extra_c_includes++] = $2;
else if ($1 == "Enum") {
props = $2
name = opt_args("Name", props)
type = opt_args("Type", props)
unknown_error = opt_args("UnknownError", props)
enum_names[n_enums] = name
enum_type[name] = type
enum_index[name] = n_enums
enum_unknown_error[name] = unknown_error
enum_help[name] = $3
else if ($1 == "EnumValue") {
props = $2
enum_name = opt_args("Enum", props)
string = opt_args("String", props)
value = opt_args("Value", props)
val_flags = "0"
val_flags = val_flags \
test_flag("Canonical", props, "| CL_ENUM_CANONICAL") \
test_flag("DriverOnly", props, "| CL_ENUM_DRIVER_ONLY")
enum_data[enum_name] = enum_data[enum_name] \
" { " quote string quote ", " value ", " val_flags \
" },\n"
else {
name = opt_args("Mask", $1)
if (name == "") {
opts[n_opts] = $1
flags[n_opts] = $2
help[n_opts] = $3
else {
extra_masks[n_extra_masks++] = name
# Dump out an enumeration into a .h file.
# Combine the flags of duplicate options.
print "/* This file is auto-generated by opth-gen.awk. */"
print ""
print "#ifndef OPTIONS_H"
print "#define OPTIONS_H"
print ""
print "#include \"flag-types.h\""
print ""
if (n_extra_h_includes > 0) {
for (i = 0; i < n_extra_h_includes; i++) {
print "#include " quote extra_h_includes[i] quote
print ""
print "#if !defined(IN_LIBGCC2) && !defined(IN_TARGET_LIBS) && !defined(IN_RTS)"
print "#ifndef GENERATOR_FILE"
print "#if !defined(GCC_DRIVER) && !defined(IN_LIBGCC2) && !defined(IN_TARGET_LIBS)"
print "struct GTY(()) gcc_options"
print "#else"
print "struct gcc_options"
print "#endif"
print "{"
print "#endif"
for (i = 0; i < n_extra_vars; i++) {
var = extra_vars[i]
sub(" *=.*", "", var)
orig_var = var
name = var
type = var
type_after = var
sub("^.*[ *]", "", name)
sub("\\[.*\\]$", "", name)
sub("\\[.*\\]$", "", type)
sub(" *" name "$", "", type)
sub("^.*" name, "", type_after)
var_seen[name] = 1
print "#ifdef GENERATOR_FILE"
print "extern " orig_var ";"
print "#else"
print " " type " x_" name type_after ";"
print "#define " name " global_options.x_" name
print "#endif"
for (i = 0; i < n_opts; i++) {
if (flag_set_p("Save", flags[i]))
have_save = 1;
name = var_name(flags[i]);
if (name == "")
if (name in var_seen)
var_seen[name] = 1;
print "#ifdef GENERATOR_FILE"
print "extern " var_type(flags[i]) name ";"
print "#else"
print " " var_type(flags[i]) "x_" name ";"
print "#define " name " global_options.x_" name
print "#endif"
for (i = 0; i < n_opts; i++) {
name = static_var(opts[i], flags[i]);
if (name != "") {
print "#ifndef GENERATOR_FILE"
print " " var_type(flags[i]) "x_" name ";"
print "#define x_" name " do_not_use"
print "#endif"
for (i = 0; i < n_opts; i++) {
if (flag_set_p("SetByCombined", flags[i])) {
print "#ifndef GENERATOR_FILE"
print " bool frontend_set_" var_name(flags[i]) ";"
print "#endif"
print "#ifndef GENERATOR_FILE"
print "};"
print "extern struct gcc_options global_options;"
print "extern const struct gcc_options global_options_init;"
print "extern struct gcc_options global_options_set;"
print "#define target_flags_explicit global_options_set.x_target_flags"
print "#endif"
print "#endif"
print ""
# All of the optimization switches gathered together so they can be saved and restored.
# This will allow attribute((cold)) to turn on space optimization.
# Change the type of normal switches from int to unsigned char to save space.
# Also, order the structure so that pointer fields occur first, then int
# fields, and then char fields to provide the best packing.
print "#if !defined(GCC_DRIVER) && !defined(IN_LIBGCC2) && !defined(IN_TARGET_LIBS)"
print ""
print "/* Structure to save/restore optimization and target specific options. */";
print "struct GTY(()) cl_optimization";
print "{";
n_opt_char = 2;
n_opt_short = 0;
n_opt_int = 0;
n_opt_enum = 1;
n_opt_other = 0;
var_opt_char[0] = "unsigned char x_optimize";
var_opt_char[1] = "unsigned char x_optimize_size";
var_opt_enum[0] = "enum fp_contract_mode x_flag_fp_contract_mode";
for (i = 0; i < n_opts; i++) {
if (flag_set_p("Optimization", flags[i])) {
name = var_name(flags[i])
if(name == "")
if(name in var_opt_seen)
otype = var_type_struct(flags[i]);
if (otype ~ "^((un)?signed +)?int *$")
var_opt_int[n_opt_int++] = otype "x_" name;
else if (otype ~ "^((un)?signed +)?short *$")
var_opt_short[n_opt_short++] = otype "x_" name;
else if (otype ~ "^((un)?signed +)?char *$")
var_opt_char[n_opt_char++] = otype "x_" name;
else if (otype ~ ("^enum +[_" alnum "]+ *$"))
var_opt_enum[n_opt_enum++] = otype "x_" name;
var_opt_other[n_opt_other++] = otype "x_" name;
for (i = 0; i < n_opt_other; i++) {
print " " var_opt_other[i] ";";
for (i = 0; i < n_opt_int; i++) {
print " " var_opt_int[i] ";";
for (i = 0; i < n_opt_enum; i++) {
print " " var_opt_enum[i] ";";
for (i = 0; i < n_opt_short; i++) {
print " " var_opt_short[i] ";";
for (i = 0; i < n_opt_char; i++) {
print " " var_opt_char[i] ";";
print "};";
print "";
# Target and optimization save/restore/print functions.
print "/* Structure to save/restore selected target specific options. */";
print "struct GTY(()) cl_target_option";
print "{";
n_target_char = 0;
n_target_short = 0;
n_target_int = 0;
n_target_enum = 0;
n_target_other = 0;
for (i = 0; i < n_target_save; i++) {
if (target_save_decl[i] ~ "^((un)?signed +)?int +[_" alnum "]+$")
var_target_int[n_target_int++] = target_save_decl[i];
else if (target_save_decl[i] ~ "^((un)?signed +)?short +[_" alnum "]+$")
var_target_short[n_target_short++] = target_save_decl[i];
else if (target_save_decl[i] ~ "^((un)?signed +)?char +[_ " alnum "]+$")
var_target_char[n_target_char++] = target_save_decl[i];
else if (target_save_decl[i] ~ ("^enum +[_" alnum "]+ +[_" alnum "]+$")) {
var_target_enum[n_target_enum++] = target_save_decl[i];
var_target_other[n_target_other++] = target_save_decl[i];
if (have_save) {
for (i = 0; i < n_opts; i++) {
if (flag_set_p("Save", flags[i])) {
name = var_name(flags[i])
if(name == "")
name = "target_flags";
if(name in var_save_seen)
otype = var_type_struct(flags[i])
if (otype ~ "^((un)?signed +)?int *$")
var_target_int[n_target_int++] = otype "x_" name;
else if (otype ~ "^((un)?signed +)?short *$")
var_target_short[n_target_short++] = otype "x_" name;
else if (otype ~ "^((un)?signed +)?char *$")
var_target_char[n_target_char++] = otype "x_" name;
else if (otype ~ ("^enum +[_" alnum "]+ +[_" alnum "]+"))
var_target_enum[n_target_enum++] = otype "x_" name;
var_target_other[n_target_other++] = otype "x_" name;
} else {
var_target_int[n_target_int++] = "int x_target_flags";
for (i = 0; i < n_target_other; i++) {
print " " var_target_other[i] ";";
for (i = 0; i < n_target_enum; i++) {
print " " var_target_enum[i] ";";
for (i = 0; i < n_target_int; i++) {
print " " var_target_int[i] ";";
for (i = 0; i < n_target_short; i++) {
print " " var_target_short[i] ";";
for (i = 0; i < n_target_char; i++) {
print " " var_target_char[i] ";";
print "};";
print "";
print "";
print "/* Save optimization variables into a structure. */"
print "extern void cl_optimization_save (struct cl_optimization *, struct gcc_options *);";
print "";
print "/* Restore optimization variables from a structure. */";
print "extern void cl_optimization_restore (struct gcc_options *, struct cl_optimization *);";
print "";
print "/* Print optimization variables from a structure. */";
print "extern void cl_optimization_print (FILE *, int, struct cl_optimization *);";
print "";
print "/* Save selected option variables into a structure. */"
print "extern void cl_target_option_save (struct cl_target_option *, struct gcc_options *);";
print "";
print "/* Restore selected option variables from a structure. */"
print "extern void cl_target_option_restore (struct gcc_options *, struct cl_target_option *);";
print "";
print "/* Print target option variables from a structure. */";
print "extern void cl_target_option_print (FILE *, int, struct cl_target_option *);";
print "#endif";
print "";
for (i = 0; i < n_opts; i++) {
name = opt_args("Mask", flags[i])
vname = var_name(flags[i])
mask = "MASK_"
if (vname != "") {
mask = "OPTION_MASK_"
if (name != "" && !flag_set_p("MaskExists", flags[i]))
print "#define " mask name " (1 << " masknum[vname]++ ")"
for (i = 0; i < n_extra_masks; i++) {
print "#define MASK_" extra_masks[i] " (1 << " masknum[""]++ ")"
for (var in masknum) {
if (masknum[var] > 31) {
if (var == "")
print "#error too many target masks"
print "#error too many masks for " var
print ""
for (i = 0; i < n_opts; i++) {
name = opt_args("Mask", flags[i])
vname = var_name(flags[i])
macro = "OPTION_"
mask = "OPTION_MASK_"
if (vname == "") {
vname = "target_flags"
macro = "TARGET_"
mask = "MASK_"
if (name != "" && !flag_set_p("MaskExists", flags[i]))
print "#define " macro name \
" ((" vname " & " mask name ") != 0)"
for (i = 0; i < n_extra_masks; i++) {
print "#define TARGET_" extra_masks[i] \
" ((target_flags & MASK_" extra_masks[i] ") != 0)"
print ""
for (i = 0; i < n_opts; i++) {
opt = opt_args("InverseMask", flags[i])
if (opt ~ ",") {
vname = var_name(flags[i])
macro = "OPTION_"
mask = "OPTION_MASK_"
if (vname == "") {
vname = "target_flags"
macro = "TARGET_"
mask = "MASK_"
print "#define " macro nth_arg(1, opt) \
" ((" vname " & " mask nth_arg(0, opt) ") == 0)"
print ""
for (i = 0; i < n_langs; i++) {
macros[i] = "CL_" langs[i]
gsub( "[^" alnum "_]", "X", macros[i] )
s = substr(" ", length (macros[i]))
print "#define " macros[i] s " (1 << " i ")"
print "#define CL_LANG_ALL ((1 << " n_langs ") - 1)"
print ""
print "enum opt_code"
print "{"
for (i = 0; i < n_opts; i++)
back_chain[i] = "N_OPTS";
enum_value = 0
for (i = 0; i < n_opts; i++) {
# Combine the flags of identical switches. Switches
# appear many times if they are handled by many front
# ends, for example.
while( i + 1 != n_opts && opts[i] == opts[i + 1] ) {
flags[i + 1] = flags[i] " " flags[i + 1];
len = length (opts[i]);
enum = opt_enum(opts[i])
enum_string = enum " = " enum_value ","
# Aliases do not get enumeration names.
if ((flag_set_p("Alias.*", flags[i]) \
&& !flag_set_p("SeparateAlias", flags[i])) \
|| flag_set_p("Ignore", flags[i])) {
enum_string = "/* " enum_string " */"
# If this switch takes joined arguments, back-chain all
# subsequent switches to it for which it is a prefix. If
# a later switch S is a longer prefix of a switch T, T
# will be back-chained to S in a later iteration of this
# for() loop, which is what we want.
if (flag_set_p("Joined.*", flags[i])) {
for (j = i + 1; j < n_opts; j++) {
if (substr (opts[j], 1, len) != opts[i])
back_chain[j] = enum;
s = substr(" ",
length (enum_string))
if (help[i] == "")
hlp = "0"
hlp = "N_(\"" help[i] "\")";
print " " enum_string s "/* -" opts[i] " */"
print " N_OPTS,"
print " OPT_SPECIAL_unknown,"
print " OPT_SPECIAL_ignore,"
print " OPT_SPECIAL_program_name,"
print " OPT_SPECIAL_input_file"
print "};"
print ""
print "#endif /* OPTIONS_H */"