blob: 184cefc4d83b961cb5ab2b3e7206d448e26114dc [file] [log] [blame]
-- --
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-- S p e c --
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-- Copyright (C) 2004-2015, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- --
-- As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted --
-- additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, --
-- version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. --
-- --
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and --
-- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program; --
-- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see --
-- <>. --
-- --
-- This unit was originally developed by Matthew J Heaney. --
-- Hash_Table_Type is used to implement hashed containers. This package
-- declares hash-table operations that do not depend on keys.
with Ada.Streams;
with package HT_Types is
new Generic_Bounded_Hash_Table_Types (<>);
use HT_Types, HT_Types.Implementation;
with function Hash_Node (Node : Node_Type) return Hash_Type;
with function Next (Node : Node_Type) return Count_Type;
with procedure Set_Next
(Node : in out Node_Type;
Next : Count_Type);
package Ada.Containers.Hash_Tables.Generic_Bounded_Operations is
pragma Pure;
function Index
(Buckets : Buckets_Type;
Node : Node_Type) return Hash_Type;
pragma Inline (Index);
-- Uses the hash value of Node to compute its Buckets array index
function Index
(HT : Hash_Table_Type'Class;
Node : Node_Type) return Hash_Type;
pragma Inline (Index);
-- Uses the hash value of Node to compute its Hash_Table buckets array
-- index.
function Checked_Index
(Hash_Table : aliased in out Hash_Table_Type'Class;
Node : Count_Type) return Hash_Type;
-- Calls Index, but also locks and unlocks the container, per AI05-0022, in
-- order to detect element tampering by the generic actual Hash function.
with function Find
(HT : Hash_Table_Type'Class;
Key : Node_Type) return Boolean;
function Generic_Equal (L, R : Hash_Table_Type'Class) return Boolean;
-- Used to implement hashed container equality. For each node in hash table
-- L, it calls Find to search for an equivalent item in hash table R. If
-- Find returns False for any node then Generic_Equal terminates
-- immediately and returns False. Otherwise if Find returns True for every
-- node then Generic_Equal returns True.
procedure Clear (HT : in out Hash_Table_Type'Class);
-- Deallocates each node in hash table HT. (Note that it only deallocates
-- the nodes, not the buckets array.) Program_Error is raised if the hash
-- table is busy.
procedure Delete_Node_At_Index
(HT : in out Hash_Table_Type'Class;
Indx : Hash_Type;
X : Count_Type);
-- Delete a node whose bucket position is known. extracted from following
-- subprogram, but also used directly to remove a node whose element has
-- been modified through a key_preserving reference: in that case we cannot
-- use the value of the element precisely because the current value does
-- not correspond to the hash code that determines its bucket.
procedure Delete_Node_Sans_Free
(HT : in out Hash_Table_Type'Class;
X : Count_Type);
-- Removes node X from the hash table without deallocating the node
with procedure Set_Element (Node : in out Node_Type);
procedure Generic_Allocate
(HT : in out Hash_Table_Type'Class;
Node : out Count_Type);
-- Claim a node from the free store. Generic_Allocate first
-- calls Set_Element on the potential node, and then returns
-- the node's index as the value of the Node parameter.
procedure Free
(HT : in out Hash_Table_Type'Class;
X : Count_Type);
-- Return a node back to the free store, from where it had
-- been previously claimed via Generic_Allocate.
function First (HT : Hash_Table_Type'Class) return Count_Type;
-- Returns the head of the list in the first (lowest-index) non-empty
-- bucket.
function Next
(HT : Hash_Table_Type'Class;
Node : Count_Type) return Count_Type;
-- Returns the node that immediately follows Node. This corresponds to
-- either the next node in the same bucket, or (if Node is the last node in
-- its bucket) the head of the list in the first non-empty bucket that
-- follows.
with procedure Process (Node : Count_Type);
procedure Generic_Iteration (HT : Hash_Table_Type'Class);
-- Calls Process for each node in hash table HT
use Ada.Streams;
with procedure Write
(Stream : not null access Root_Stream_Type'Class;
Node : Node_Type);
procedure Generic_Write
(Stream : not null access Root_Stream_Type'Class;
HT : Hash_Table_Type'Class);
-- Used to implement the streaming attribute for hashed containers. It
-- calls Write for each node to write its value into Stream.
use Ada.Streams;
with function New_Node (Stream : not null access Root_Stream_Type'Class)
return Count_Type;
procedure Generic_Read
(Stream : not null access Root_Stream_Type'Class;
HT : out Hash_Table_Type'Class);
-- Used to implement the streaming attribute for hashed containers. It
-- first clears hash table HT, then populates the hash table by calling
-- New_Node for each item in Stream.
end Ada.Containers.Hash_Tables.Generic_Bounded_Operations;