| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| -- -- |
| -- -- |
| -- -- |
| -- B o d y -- |
| -- -- |
| -- Copyright (C) 2004-2015, Free Software Foundation, Inc. -- |
| -- -- |
| -- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- |
| -- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- -- |
| -- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- -- |
| -- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- -- |
| -- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY -- |
| -- -- |
| -- As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted -- |
| -- additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, -- |
| -- version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. -- |
| -- -- |
| -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and -- |
| -- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program; -- |
| -- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see -- |
| -- <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. -- |
| -- -- |
| -- This unit was originally developed by Matthew J Heaney. -- |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| |
| with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation; |
| |
| with Ada.Containers.Hash_Tables.Generic_Operations; |
| pragma Elaborate_All (Ada.Containers.Hash_Tables.Generic_Operations); |
| |
| with Ada.Containers.Hash_Tables.Generic_Keys; |
| pragma Elaborate_All (Ada.Containers.Hash_Tables.Generic_Keys); |
| |
| with Ada.Containers.Helpers; use Ada.Containers.Helpers; |
| |
| with Ada.Containers.Prime_Numbers; |
| |
| with System; use type System.Address; |
| |
| package body Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Hashed_Sets is |
| |
| pragma Warnings (Off, "variable ""Busy*"" is not referenced"); |
| pragma Warnings (Off, "variable ""Lock*"" is not referenced"); |
| -- See comment in Ada.Containers.Helpers |
| |
| ----------------------- |
| -- Local Subprograms -- |
| ----------------------- |
| |
| procedure Assign (Node : Node_Access; Item : Element_Type); |
| pragma Inline (Assign); |
| |
| function Copy_Node (Source : Node_Access) return Node_Access; |
| pragma Inline (Copy_Node); |
| |
| function Equivalent_Keys |
| (Key : Element_Type; |
| Node : Node_Access) return Boolean; |
| pragma Inline (Equivalent_Keys); |
| |
| function Find_Equal_Key |
| (R_HT : Hash_Table_Type; |
| L_Node : Node_Access) return Boolean; |
| |
| function Find_Equivalent_Key |
| (R_HT : Hash_Table_Type; |
| L_Node : Node_Access) return Boolean; |
| |
| procedure Free (X : in out Node_Access); |
| |
| function Hash_Node (Node : Node_Access) return Hash_Type; |
| pragma Inline (Hash_Node); |
| |
| procedure Insert |
| (HT : in out Hash_Table_Type; |
| New_Item : Element_Type; |
| Node : out Node_Access; |
| Inserted : out Boolean); |
| |
| function Is_In |
| (HT : aliased in out Hash_Table_Type; |
| Key : Node_Access) return Boolean; |
| pragma Inline (Is_In); |
| |
| function Next (Node : Node_Access) return Node_Access; |
| pragma Inline (Next); |
| |
| function Read_Node (Stream : not null access Root_Stream_Type'Class) |
| return Node_Access; |
| pragma Inline (Read_Node); |
| |
| procedure Set_Next (Node : Node_Access; Next : Node_Access); |
| pragma Inline (Set_Next); |
| |
| function Vet (Position : Cursor) return Boolean; |
| |
| procedure Write_Node |
| (Stream : not null access Root_Stream_Type'Class; |
| Node : Node_Access); |
| pragma Inline (Write_Node); |
| |
| -------------------------- |
| -- Local Instantiations -- |
| -------------------------- |
| |
| procedure Free_Element is |
| new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation (Element_Type, Element_Access); |
| |
| package HT_Ops is new Hash_Tables.Generic_Operations |
| (HT_Types => HT_Types, |
| Hash_Node => Hash_Node, |
| Next => Next, |
| Set_Next => Set_Next, |
| Copy_Node => Copy_Node, |
| Free => Free); |
| |
| package Element_Keys is new Hash_Tables.Generic_Keys |
| (HT_Types => HT_Types, |
| Next => Next, |
| Set_Next => Set_Next, |
| Key_Type => Element_Type, |
| Hash => Hash, |
| Equivalent_Keys => Equivalent_Keys); |
| |
| function Is_Equal is |
| new HT_Ops.Generic_Equal (Find_Equal_Key); |
| |
| function Is_Equivalent is |
| new HT_Ops.Generic_Equal (Find_Equivalent_Key); |
| |
| procedure Read_Nodes is |
| new HT_Ops.Generic_Read (Read_Node); |
| |
| procedure Replace_Element is |
| new Element_Keys.Generic_Replace_Element (Hash_Node, Assign); |
| |
| procedure Write_Nodes is |
| new HT_Ops.Generic_Write (Write_Node); |
| |
| --------- |
| -- "=" -- |
| --------- |
| |
| function "=" (Left, Right : Set) return Boolean is |
| begin |
| return Is_Equal (Left.HT, Right.HT); |
| end "="; |
| |
| ------------ |
| -- Adjust -- |
| ------------ |
| |
| procedure Adjust (Container : in out Set) is |
| begin |
| HT_Ops.Adjust (Container.HT); |
| end Adjust; |
| |
| ------------ |
| -- Assign -- |
| ------------ |
| |
| procedure Assign (Node : Node_Access; Item : Element_Type) is |
| X : Element_Access := Node.Element; |
| |
| -- The element allocator may need an accessibility check in the case the |
| -- actual type is class-wide or has access discriminants (RM 4.8(10.1) |
| -- and AI12-0035). |
| |
| pragma Unsuppress (Accessibility_Check); |
| |
| begin |
| Node.Element := new Element_Type'(Item); |
| Free_Element (X); |
| end Assign; |
| |
| procedure Assign (Target : in out Set; Source : Set) is |
| begin |
| if Target'Address = Source'Address then |
| return; |
| else |
| Target.Clear; |
| Target.Union (Source); |
| end if; |
| end Assign; |
| |
| -------------- |
| -- Capacity -- |
| -------------- |
| |
| function Capacity (Container : Set) return Count_Type is |
| begin |
| return HT_Ops.Capacity (Container.HT); |
| end Capacity; |
| |
| ----------- |
| -- Clear -- |
| ----------- |
| |
| procedure Clear (Container : in out Set) is |
| begin |
| HT_Ops.Clear (Container.HT); |
| end Clear; |
| |
| ------------------------ |
| -- Constant_Reference -- |
| ------------------------ |
| |
| function Constant_Reference |
| (Container : aliased Set; |
| Position : Cursor) return Constant_Reference_Type |
| is |
| begin |
| if Checks and then Position.Container = null then |
| raise Constraint_Error with "Position cursor has no element"; |
| end if; |
| |
| if Checks and then Position.Container /= Container'Unrestricted_Access |
| then |
| raise Program_Error with |
| "Position cursor designates wrong container"; |
| end if; |
| |
| if Checks and then Position.Node.Element = null then |
| raise Program_Error with "Node has no element"; |
| end if; |
| |
| pragma Assert (Vet (Position), "bad cursor in Constant_Reference"); |
| |
| declare |
| HT : Hash_Table_Type renames Position.Container.all.HT; |
| TC : constant Tamper_Counts_Access := |
| HT.TC'Unrestricted_Access; |
| begin |
| return R : constant Constant_Reference_Type := |
| (Element => Position.Node.Element.all'Access, |
| Control => (Controlled with TC)) |
| do |
| Lock (TC.all); |
| end return; |
| end; |
| end Constant_Reference; |
| |
| -------------- |
| -- Contains -- |
| -------------- |
| |
| function Contains (Container : Set; Item : Element_Type) return Boolean is |
| begin |
| return Find (Container, Item) /= No_Element; |
| end Contains; |
| |
| ---------- |
| -- Copy -- |
| ---------- |
| |
| function Copy |
| (Source : Set; |
| Capacity : Count_Type := 0) return Set |
| is |
| C : Count_Type; |
| |
| begin |
| if Capacity < Source.Length then |
| if Checks and then Capacity /= 0 then |
| raise Capacity_Error |
| with "Requested capacity is less than Source length"; |
| end if; |
| |
| C := Source.Length; |
| else |
| C := Capacity; |
| end if; |
| |
| return Target : Set do |
| Target.Reserve_Capacity (C); |
| Target.Assign (Source); |
| end return; |
| end Copy; |
| |
| --------------- |
| -- Copy_Node -- |
| --------------- |
| |
| function Copy_Node (Source : Node_Access) return Node_Access is |
| E : Element_Access := new Element_Type'(Source.Element.all); |
| begin |
| return new Node_Type'(Element => E, Next => null); |
| exception |
| when others => |
| Free_Element (E); |
| raise; |
| end Copy_Node; |
| |
| ------------ |
| -- Delete -- |
| ------------ |
| |
| procedure Delete |
| (Container : in out Set; |
| Item : Element_Type) |
| is |
| X : Node_Access; |
| |
| begin |
| Element_Keys.Delete_Key_Sans_Free (Container.HT, Item, X); |
| |
| if Checks and then X = null then |
| raise Constraint_Error with "attempt to delete element not in set"; |
| end if; |
| |
| Free (X); |
| end Delete; |
| |
| procedure Delete |
| (Container : in out Set; |
| Position : in out Cursor) |
| is |
| begin |
| if Checks and then Position.Node = null then |
| raise Constraint_Error with "Position cursor equals No_Element"; |
| end if; |
| |
| if Checks and then Position.Node.Element = null then |
| raise Program_Error with "Position cursor is bad"; |
| end if; |
| |
| if Checks and then Position.Container /= Container'Unrestricted_Access |
| then |
| raise Program_Error with "Position cursor designates wrong set"; |
| end if; |
| |
| TC_Check (Container.HT.TC); |
| |
| pragma Assert (Vet (Position), "Position cursor is bad"); |
| |
| HT_Ops.Delete_Node_Sans_Free (Container.HT, Position.Node); |
| |
| Free (Position.Node); |
| Position.Container := null; |
| end Delete; |
| |
| ---------------- |
| -- Difference -- |
| ---------------- |
| |
| procedure Difference |
| (Target : in out Set; |
| Source : Set) |
| is |
| Src_HT : Hash_Table_Type renames Source'Unrestricted_Access.HT; |
| Tgt_Node : Node_Access; |
| |
| begin |
| if Target'Address = Source'Address then |
| Clear (Target); |
| return; |
| end if; |
| |
| if Src_HT.Length = 0 then |
| return; |
| end if; |
| |
| TC_Check (Target.HT.TC); |
| |
| if Src_HT.Length < Target.HT.Length then |
| declare |
| Src_Node : Node_Access; |
| |
| begin |
| Src_Node := HT_Ops.First (Src_HT); |
| while Src_Node /= null loop |
| Tgt_Node := Element_Keys.Find (Target.HT, Src_Node.Element.all); |
| |
| if Tgt_Node /= null then |
| HT_Ops.Delete_Node_Sans_Free (Target.HT, Tgt_Node); |
| Free (Tgt_Node); |
| end if; |
| |
| Src_Node := HT_Ops.Next (Src_HT, Src_Node); |
| end loop; |
| end; |
| |
| else |
| Tgt_Node := HT_Ops.First (Target.HT); |
| while Tgt_Node /= null loop |
| if Is_In (Src_HT, Tgt_Node) then |
| declare |
| X : Node_Access := Tgt_Node; |
| begin |
| Tgt_Node := HT_Ops.Next (Target.HT, Tgt_Node); |
| HT_Ops.Delete_Node_Sans_Free (Target.HT, X); |
| Free (X); |
| end; |
| |
| else |
| Tgt_Node := HT_Ops.Next (Target.HT, Tgt_Node); |
| end if; |
| end loop; |
| end if; |
| end Difference; |
| |
| function Difference (Left, Right : Set) return Set is |
| Left_HT : Hash_Table_Type renames Left'Unrestricted_Access.HT; |
| Right_HT : Hash_Table_Type renames Right'Unrestricted_Access.HT; |
| Buckets : HT_Types.Buckets_Access; |
| Length : Count_Type; |
| |
| begin |
| if Left'Address = Right'Address then |
| return Empty_Set; |
| end if; |
| |
| if Left.Length = 0 then |
| return Empty_Set; |
| end if; |
| |
| if Right.Length = 0 then |
| return Left; |
| end if; |
| |
| declare |
| Size : constant Hash_Type := Prime_Numbers.To_Prime (Left.Length); |
| begin |
| Buckets := HT_Ops.New_Buckets (Length => Size); |
| end; |
| |
| Length := 0; |
| |
| Iterate_Left : declare |
| procedure Process (L_Node : Node_Access); |
| |
| procedure Iterate is |
| new HT_Ops.Generic_Iteration (Process); |
| |
| ------------- |
| -- Process -- |
| ------------- |
| |
| procedure Process (L_Node : Node_Access) is |
| begin |
| if not Is_In (Right_HT, L_Node) then |
| declare |
| -- Per AI05-0022, the container implementation is required |
| -- to detect element tampering by a generic actual |
| -- subprogram, hence the use of Checked_Index instead of a |
| -- simple invocation of generic formal Hash. |
| |
| Indx : constant Hash_Type := |
| HT_Ops.Checked_Index (Left_HT, Buckets.all, L_Node); |
| |
| Bucket : Node_Access renames Buckets (Indx); |
| Src : Element_Type renames L_Node.Element.all; |
| Tgt : Element_Access := new Element_Type'(Src); |
| |
| begin |
| Bucket := new Node_Type'(Tgt, Bucket); |
| |
| exception |
| when others => |
| Free_Element (Tgt); |
| raise; |
| end; |
| |
| Length := Length + 1; |
| end if; |
| end Process; |
| |
| -- Start of processing for Iterate_Left |
| |
| begin |
| Iterate (Left.HT); |
| |
| exception |
| when others => |
| HT_Ops.Free_Hash_Table (Buckets); |
| raise; |
| end Iterate_Left; |
| |
| return (Controlled with HT => (Buckets, Length, (Busy => 0, Lock => 0))); |
| end Difference; |
| |
| ------------- |
| -- Element -- |
| ------------- |
| |
| function Element (Position : Cursor) return Element_Type is |
| begin |
| if Checks and then Position.Node = null then |
| raise Constraint_Error with "Position cursor of equals No_Element"; |
| end if; |
| |
| if Checks and then Position.Node.Element = null then |
| -- handle dangling reference |
| raise Program_Error with "Position cursor is bad"; |
| end if; |
| |
| pragma Assert (Vet (Position), "bad cursor in function Element"); |
| |
| return Position.Node.Element.all; |
| end Element; |
| |
| --------------------- |
| -- Equivalent_Sets -- |
| --------------------- |
| |
| function Equivalent_Sets (Left, Right : Set) return Boolean is |
| begin |
| return Is_Equivalent (Left.HT, Right.HT); |
| end Equivalent_Sets; |
| |
| ------------------------- |
| -- Equivalent_Elements -- |
| ------------------------- |
| |
| function Equivalent_Elements (Left, Right : Cursor) return Boolean is |
| begin |
| if Checks and then Left.Node = null then |
| raise Constraint_Error with |
| "Left cursor of Equivalent_Elements equals No_Element"; |
| end if; |
| |
| if Checks and then Right.Node = null then |
| raise Constraint_Error with |
| "Right cursor of Equivalent_Elements equals No_Element"; |
| end if; |
| |
| if Checks and then Left.Node.Element = null then |
| raise Program_Error with |
| "Left cursor of Equivalent_Elements is bad"; |
| end if; |
| |
| if Checks and then Right.Node.Element = null then |
| raise Program_Error with |
| "Right cursor of Equivalent_Elements is bad"; |
| end if; |
| |
| pragma Assert (Vet (Left), "bad Left cursor in Equivalent_Elements"); |
| pragma Assert (Vet (Right), "bad Right cursor in Equivalent_Elements"); |
| |
| -- AI05-0022 requires that a container implementation detect element |
| -- tampering by a generic actual subprogram. However, the following case |
| -- falls outside the scope of that AI. Randy Brukardt explained on the |
| -- ARG list on 2013/02/07 that: |
| |
| -- (Begin Quote): |
| -- But for an operation like "<" [the ordered set analog of |
| -- Equivalent_Elements], there is no need to "dereference" a cursor |
| -- after the call to the generic formal parameter function, so nothing |
| -- bad could happen if tampering is undetected. And the operation can |
| -- safely return a result without a problem even if an element is |
| -- deleted from the container. |
| -- (End Quote). |
| |
| return Equivalent_Elements |
| (Left.Node.Element.all, |
| Right.Node.Element.all); |
| end Equivalent_Elements; |
| |
| function Equivalent_Elements |
| (Left : Cursor; |
| Right : Element_Type) return Boolean |
| is |
| begin |
| if Checks and then Left.Node = null then |
| raise Constraint_Error with |
| "Left cursor of Equivalent_Elements equals No_Element"; |
| end if; |
| |
| if Checks and then Left.Node.Element = null then |
| raise Program_Error with |
| "Left cursor of Equivalent_Elements is bad"; |
| end if; |
| |
| pragma Assert (Vet (Left), "bad Left cursor in Equivalent_Elements"); |
| |
| return Equivalent_Elements (Left.Node.Element.all, Right); |
| end Equivalent_Elements; |
| |
| function Equivalent_Elements |
| (Left : Element_Type; |
| Right : Cursor) return Boolean |
| is |
| begin |
| if Checks and then Right.Node = null then |
| raise Constraint_Error with |
| "Right cursor of Equivalent_Elements equals No_Element"; |
| end if; |
| |
| if Checks and then Right.Node.Element = null then |
| raise Program_Error with |
| "Right cursor of Equivalent_Elements is bad"; |
| end if; |
| |
| pragma Assert (Vet (Right), "bad Right cursor in Equivalent_Elements"); |
| |
| return Equivalent_Elements (Left, Right.Node.Element.all); |
| end Equivalent_Elements; |
| |
| --------------------- |
| -- Equivalent_Keys -- |
| --------------------- |
| |
| function Equivalent_Keys |
| (Key : Element_Type; |
| Node : Node_Access) return Boolean |
| is |
| begin |
| return Equivalent_Elements (Key, Node.Element.all); |
| end Equivalent_Keys; |
| |
| ------------- |
| -- Exclude -- |
| ------------- |
| |
| procedure Exclude |
| (Container : in out Set; |
| Item : Element_Type) |
| is |
| X : Node_Access; |
| begin |
| Element_Keys.Delete_Key_Sans_Free (Container.HT, Item, X); |
| Free (X); |
| end Exclude; |
| |
| -------------- |
| -- Finalize -- |
| -------------- |
| |
| procedure Finalize (Container : in out Set) is |
| begin |
| HT_Ops.Finalize (Container.HT); |
| end Finalize; |
| |
| procedure Finalize (Object : in out Iterator) is |
| begin |
| if Object.Container /= null then |
| Unbusy (Object.Container.HT.TC); |
| end if; |
| end Finalize; |
| |
| ---------- |
| -- Find -- |
| ---------- |
| |
| function Find |
| (Container : Set; |
| Item : Element_Type) return Cursor |
| is |
| HT : Hash_Table_Type renames Container'Unrestricted_Access.HT; |
| Node : constant Node_Access := Element_Keys.Find (HT, Item); |
| begin |
| return (if Node = null then No_Element |
| else Cursor'(Container'Unrestricted_Access, Node)); |
| end Find; |
| |
| -------------------- |
| -- Find_Equal_Key -- |
| -------------------- |
| |
| function Find_Equal_Key |
| (R_HT : Hash_Table_Type; |
| L_Node : Node_Access) return Boolean |
| is |
| R_Index : constant Hash_Type := |
| Element_Keys.Index (R_HT, L_Node.Element.all); |
| |
| R_Node : Node_Access := R_HT.Buckets (R_Index); |
| |
| begin |
| loop |
| if R_Node = null then |
| return False; |
| end if; |
| |
| if L_Node.Element.all = R_Node.Element.all then |
| return True; |
| end if; |
| |
| R_Node := Next (R_Node); |
| end loop; |
| end Find_Equal_Key; |
| |
| ------------------------- |
| -- Find_Equivalent_Key -- |
| ------------------------- |
| |
| function Find_Equivalent_Key |
| (R_HT : Hash_Table_Type; |
| L_Node : Node_Access) return Boolean |
| is |
| R_Index : constant Hash_Type := |
| Element_Keys.Index (R_HT, L_Node.Element.all); |
| |
| R_Node : Node_Access := R_HT.Buckets (R_Index); |
| |
| begin |
| loop |
| if R_Node = null then |
| return False; |
| end if; |
| |
| if Equivalent_Elements (L_Node.Element.all, R_Node.Element.all) then |
| return True; |
| end if; |
| |
| R_Node := Next (R_Node); |
| end loop; |
| end Find_Equivalent_Key; |
| |
| ----------- |
| -- First -- |
| ----------- |
| |
| function First (Container : Set) return Cursor is |
| Node : constant Node_Access := HT_Ops.First (Container.HT); |
| begin |
| return (if Node = null then No_Element |
| else Cursor'(Container'Unrestricted_Access, Node)); |
| end First; |
| |
| function First (Object : Iterator) return Cursor is |
| begin |
| return Object.Container.First; |
| end First; |
| |
| ---------- |
| -- Free -- |
| ---------- |
| |
| procedure Free (X : in out Node_Access) is |
| procedure Deallocate is |
| new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation (Node_Type, Node_Access); |
| |
| begin |
| if X = null then |
| return; |
| end if; |
| |
| X.Next := X; -- detect mischief (in Vet) |
| |
| begin |
| Free_Element (X.Element); |
| |
| exception |
| when others => |
| X.Element := null; |
| Deallocate (X); |
| raise; |
| end; |
| |
| Deallocate (X); |
| end Free; |
| |
| ------------------------ |
| -- Get_Element_Access -- |
| ------------------------ |
| |
| function Get_Element_Access |
| (Position : Cursor) return not null Element_Access is |
| begin |
| return Position.Node.Element; |
| end Get_Element_Access; |
| |
| ----------------- |
| -- Has_Element -- |
| ----------------- |
| |
| function Has_Element (Position : Cursor) return Boolean is |
| begin |
| pragma Assert (Vet (Position), "bad cursor in Has_Element"); |
| return Position.Node /= null; |
| end Has_Element; |
| |
| --------------- |
| -- Hash_Node -- |
| --------------- |
| |
| function Hash_Node (Node : Node_Access) return Hash_Type is |
| begin |
| return Hash (Node.Element.all); |
| end Hash_Node; |
| |
| ------------- |
| -- Include -- |
| ------------- |
| |
| procedure Include |
| (Container : in out Set; |
| New_Item : Element_Type) |
| is |
| Position : Cursor; |
| Inserted : Boolean; |
| |
| X : Element_Access; |
| |
| begin |
| Insert (Container, New_Item, Position, Inserted); |
| |
| if not Inserted then |
| TE_Check (Container.HT.TC); |
| |
| X := Position.Node.Element; |
| |
| declare |
| -- The element allocator may need an accessibility check in the |
| -- case the actual type is class-wide or has access discriminants |
| -- (see RM 4.8(10.1) and AI12-0035). |
| |
| pragma Unsuppress (Accessibility_Check); |
| |
| begin |
| Position.Node.Element := new Element_Type'(New_Item); |
| end; |
| |
| Free_Element (X); |
| end if; |
| end Include; |
| |
| ------------ |
| -- Insert -- |
| ------------ |
| |
| procedure Insert |
| (Container : in out Set; |
| New_Item : Element_Type; |
| Position : out Cursor; |
| Inserted : out Boolean) |
| is |
| begin |
| Insert (Container.HT, New_Item, Position.Node, Inserted); |
| Position.Container := Container'Unchecked_Access; |
| end Insert; |
| |
| procedure Insert |
| (Container : in out Set; |
| New_Item : Element_Type) |
| is |
| Position : Cursor; |
| pragma Unreferenced (Position); |
| |
| Inserted : Boolean; |
| |
| begin |
| Insert (Container, New_Item, Position, Inserted); |
| |
| if Checks and then not Inserted then |
| raise Constraint_Error with |
| "attempt to insert element already in set"; |
| end if; |
| end Insert; |
| |
| procedure Insert |
| (HT : in out Hash_Table_Type; |
| New_Item : Element_Type; |
| Node : out Node_Access; |
| Inserted : out Boolean) |
| is |
| function New_Node (Next : Node_Access) return Node_Access; |
| pragma Inline (New_Node); |
| |
| procedure Local_Insert is |
| new Element_Keys.Generic_Conditional_Insert (New_Node); |
| |
| -------------- |
| -- New_Node -- |
| -------------- |
| |
| function New_Node (Next : Node_Access) return Node_Access is |
| |
| -- The element allocator may need an accessibility check in the case |
| -- the actual type is class-wide or has access discriminants (see |
| -- RM 4.8(10.1) and AI12-0035). |
| |
| pragma Unsuppress (Accessibility_Check); |
| |
| Element : Element_Access := new Element_Type'(New_Item); |
| |
| begin |
| return new Node_Type'(Element, Next); |
| |
| exception |
| when others => |
| Free_Element (Element); |
| raise; |
| end New_Node; |
| |
| -- Start of processing for Insert |
| |
| begin |
| if HT_Ops.Capacity (HT) = 0 then |
| HT_Ops.Reserve_Capacity (HT, 1); |
| end if; |
| |
| Local_Insert (HT, New_Item, Node, Inserted); |
| |
| if Inserted and then HT.Length > HT_Ops.Capacity (HT) then |
| HT_Ops.Reserve_Capacity (HT, HT.Length); |
| end if; |
| end Insert; |
| |
| ------------------ |
| -- Intersection -- |
| ------------------ |
| |
| procedure Intersection |
| (Target : in out Set; |
| Source : Set) |
| is |
| Src_HT : Hash_Table_Type renames Source'Unrestricted_Access.HT; |
| Tgt_Node : Node_Access; |
| |
| begin |
| if Target'Address = Source'Address then |
| return; |
| end if; |
| |
| if Source.Length = 0 then |
| Clear (Target); |
| return; |
| end if; |
| |
| TC_Check (Target.HT.TC); |
| |
| Tgt_Node := HT_Ops.First (Target.HT); |
| while Tgt_Node /= null loop |
| if Is_In (Src_HT, Tgt_Node) then |
| Tgt_Node := HT_Ops.Next (Target.HT, Tgt_Node); |
| |
| else |
| declare |
| X : Node_Access := Tgt_Node; |
| begin |
| Tgt_Node := HT_Ops.Next (Target.HT, Tgt_Node); |
| HT_Ops.Delete_Node_Sans_Free (Target.HT, X); |
| Free (X); |
| end; |
| end if; |
| end loop; |
| end Intersection; |
| |
| function Intersection (Left, Right : Set) return Set is |
| Left_HT : Hash_Table_Type renames Left'Unrestricted_Access.HT; |
| Right_HT : Hash_Table_Type renames Right'Unrestricted_Access.HT; |
| Buckets : HT_Types.Buckets_Access; |
| Length : Count_Type; |
| |
| begin |
| if Left'Address = Right'Address then |
| return Left; |
| end if; |
| |
| Length := Count_Type'Min (Left.Length, Right.Length); |
| |
| if Length = 0 then |
| return Empty_Set; |
| end if; |
| |
| declare |
| Size : constant Hash_Type := Prime_Numbers.To_Prime (Length); |
| begin |
| Buckets := HT_Ops.New_Buckets (Length => Size); |
| end; |
| |
| Length := 0; |
| |
| Iterate_Left : declare |
| procedure Process (L_Node : Node_Access); |
| |
| procedure Iterate is |
| new HT_Ops.Generic_Iteration (Process); |
| |
| ------------- |
| -- Process -- |
| ------------- |
| |
| procedure Process (L_Node : Node_Access) is |
| begin |
| if Is_In (Right_HT, L_Node) then |
| declare |
| -- Per AI05-0022, the container implementation is required |
| -- to detect element tampering by a generic actual |
| -- subprogram, hence the use of Checked_Index instead of a |
| -- simple invocation of generic formal Hash. |
| |
| Indx : constant Hash_Type := |
| HT_Ops.Checked_Index (Left_HT, Buckets.all, L_Node); |
| |
| Bucket : Node_Access renames Buckets (Indx); |
| |
| Src : Element_Type renames L_Node.Element.all; |
| Tgt : Element_Access := new Element_Type'(Src); |
| |
| begin |
| Bucket := new Node_Type'(Tgt, Bucket); |
| |
| exception |
| when others => |
| Free_Element (Tgt); |
| raise; |
| end; |
| |
| Length := Length + 1; |
| end if; |
| end Process; |
| |
| -- Start of processing for Iterate_Left |
| |
| begin |
| Iterate (Left.HT); |
| |
| exception |
| when others => |
| HT_Ops.Free_Hash_Table (Buckets); |
| raise; |
| end Iterate_Left; |
| |
| return (Controlled with HT => (Buckets, Length, (Busy => 0, Lock => 0))); |
| end Intersection; |
| |
| -------------- |
| -- Is_Empty -- |
| -------------- |
| |
| function Is_Empty (Container : Set) return Boolean is |
| begin |
| return Container.HT.Length = 0; |
| end Is_Empty; |
| |
| ----------- |
| -- Is_In -- |
| ----------- |
| |
| function Is_In |
| (HT : aliased in out Hash_Table_Type; |
| Key : Node_Access) return Boolean |
| is |
| begin |
| return Element_Keys.Find (HT, Key.Element.all) /= null; |
| end Is_In; |
| |
| --------------- |
| -- Is_Subset -- |
| --------------- |
| |
| function Is_Subset |
| (Subset : Set; |
| Of_Set : Set) return Boolean |
| is |
| Subset_HT : Hash_Table_Type renames Subset'Unrestricted_Access.HT; |
| Of_Set_HT : Hash_Table_Type renames Of_Set'Unrestricted_Access.HT; |
| Subset_Node : Node_Access; |
| |
| begin |
| if Subset'Address = Of_Set'Address then |
| return True; |
| end if; |
| |
| if Subset.Length > Of_Set.Length then |
| return False; |
| end if; |
| |
| Subset_Node := HT_Ops.First (Subset_HT); |
| while Subset_Node /= null loop |
| if not Is_In (Of_Set_HT, Subset_Node) then |
| return False; |
| end if; |
| |
| Subset_Node := HT_Ops.Next (Subset_HT, Subset_Node); |
| end loop; |
| |
| return True; |
| end Is_Subset; |
| |
| ------------- |
| -- Iterate -- |
| ------------- |
| |
| procedure Iterate |
| (Container : Set; |
| Process : not null access procedure (Position : Cursor)) |
| is |
| procedure Process_Node (Node : Node_Access); |
| pragma Inline (Process_Node); |
| |
| procedure Iterate is |
| new HT_Ops.Generic_Iteration (Process_Node); |
| |
| ------------------ |
| -- Process_Node -- |
| ------------------ |
| |
| procedure Process_Node (Node : Node_Access) is |
| begin |
| Process (Cursor'(Container'Unrestricted_Access, Node)); |
| end Process_Node; |
| |
| Busy : With_Busy (Container.HT.TC'Unrestricted_Access); |
| |
| -- Start of processing for Iterate |
| |
| begin |
| Iterate (Container.HT); |
| end Iterate; |
| |
| function Iterate (Container : Set) |
| return Set_Iterator_Interfaces.Forward_Iterator'Class |
| is |
| begin |
| return It : constant Iterator := |
| Iterator'(Limited_Controlled with |
| Container => Container'Unrestricted_Access) |
| do |
| Busy (Container.HT.TC'Unrestricted_Access.all); |
| end return; |
| end Iterate; |
| |
| ------------ |
| -- Length -- |
| ------------ |
| |
| function Length (Container : Set) return Count_Type is |
| begin |
| return Container.HT.Length; |
| end Length; |
| |
| ---------- |
| -- Move -- |
| ---------- |
| |
| procedure Move (Target : in out Set; Source : in out Set) is |
| begin |
| HT_Ops.Move (Target => Target.HT, Source => Source.HT); |
| end Move; |
| |
| ---------- |
| -- Next -- |
| ---------- |
| |
| function Next (Node : Node_Access) return Node_Access is |
| begin |
| return Node.Next; |
| end Next; |
| |
| function Next (Position : Cursor) return Cursor is |
| begin |
| if Position.Node = null then |
| return No_Element; |
| end if; |
| |
| if Checks and then Position.Node.Element = null then |
| raise Program_Error with "bad cursor in Next"; |
| end if; |
| |
| pragma Assert (Vet (Position), "bad cursor in Next"); |
| |
| declare |
| HT : Hash_Table_Type renames Position.Container.HT; |
| Node : constant Node_Access := HT_Ops.Next (HT, Position.Node); |
| begin |
| return (if Node = null then No_Element |
| else Cursor'(Position.Container, Node)); |
| end; |
| end Next; |
| |
| procedure Next (Position : in out Cursor) is |
| begin |
| Position := Next (Position); |
| end Next; |
| |
| function Next |
| (Object : Iterator; |
| Position : Cursor) return Cursor |
| is |
| begin |
| if Position.Container = null then |
| return No_Element; |
| end if; |
| |
| if Checks and then Position.Container /= Object.Container then |
| raise Program_Error with |
| "Position cursor of Next designates wrong set"; |
| end if; |
| |
| return Next (Position); |
| end Next; |
| |
| ------------- |
| -- Overlap -- |
| ------------- |
| |
| function Overlap (Left, Right : Set) return Boolean is |
| Left_HT : Hash_Table_Type renames Left'Unrestricted_Access.HT; |
| Right_HT : Hash_Table_Type renames Right'Unrestricted_Access.HT; |
| Left_Node : Node_Access; |
| |
| begin |
| if Right.Length = 0 then |
| return False; |
| end if; |
| |
| if Left'Address = Right'Address then |
| return True; |
| end if; |
| |
| Left_Node := HT_Ops.First (Left_HT); |
| while Left_Node /= null loop |
| if Is_In (Right_HT, Left_Node) then |
| return True; |
| end if; |
| |
| Left_Node := HT_Ops.Next (Left_HT, Left_Node); |
| end loop; |
| |
| return False; |
| end Overlap; |
| |
| ---------------------- |
| -- Pseudo_Reference -- |
| ---------------------- |
| |
| function Pseudo_Reference |
| (Container : aliased Set'Class) return Reference_Control_Type |
| is |
| TC : constant Tamper_Counts_Access := |
| Container.HT.TC'Unrestricted_Access; |
| begin |
| return R : constant Reference_Control_Type := (Controlled with TC) do |
| Lock (TC.all); |
| end return; |
| end Pseudo_Reference; |
| |
| ------------------- |
| -- Query_Element -- |
| ------------------- |
| |
| procedure Query_Element |
| (Position : Cursor; |
| Process : not null access procedure (Element : Element_Type)) |
| is |
| begin |
| if Checks and then Position.Node = null then |
| raise Constraint_Error with |
| "Position cursor of Query_Element equals No_Element"; |
| end if; |
| |
| if Checks and then Position.Node.Element = null then |
| raise Program_Error with "bad cursor in Query_Element"; |
| end if; |
| |
| pragma Assert (Vet (Position), "bad cursor in Query_Element"); |
| |
| declare |
| HT : Hash_Table_Type renames |
| Position.Container'Unrestricted_Access.all.HT; |
| Lock : With_Lock (HT.TC'Unrestricted_Access); |
| begin |
| Process (Position.Node.Element.all); |
| end; |
| end Query_Element; |
| |
| ---------- |
| -- Read -- |
| ---------- |
| |
| procedure Read |
| (Stream : not null access Root_Stream_Type'Class; |
| Container : out Set) |
| is |
| begin |
| Read_Nodes (Stream, Container.HT); |
| end Read; |
| |
| procedure Read |
| (Stream : not null access Root_Stream_Type'Class; |
| Item : out Cursor) |
| is |
| begin |
| raise Program_Error with "attempt to stream set cursor"; |
| end Read; |
| |
| procedure Read |
| (Stream : not null access Root_Stream_Type'Class; |
| Item : out Constant_Reference_Type) |
| is |
| begin |
| raise Program_Error with "attempt to stream reference"; |
| end Read; |
| |
| --------------- |
| -- Read_Node -- |
| --------------- |
| |
| function Read_Node |
| (Stream : not null access Root_Stream_Type'Class) return Node_Access |
| is |
| X : Element_Access := new Element_Type'(Element_Type'Input (Stream)); |
| begin |
| return new Node_Type'(X, null); |
| exception |
| when others => |
| Free_Element (X); |
| raise; |
| end Read_Node; |
| |
| ------------- |
| -- Replace -- |
| ------------- |
| |
| procedure Replace |
| (Container : in out Set; |
| New_Item : Element_Type) |
| is |
| Node : constant Node_Access := |
| Element_Keys.Find (Container.HT, New_Item); |
| |
| X : Element_Access; |
| pragma Warnings (Off, X); |
| |
| begin |
| if Checks and then Node = null then |
| raise Constraint_Error with |
| "attempt to replace element not in set"; |
| end if; |
| |
| TE_Check (Container.HT.TC); |
| |
| X := Node.Element; |
| |
| declare |
| -- The element allocator may need an accessibility check in the case |
| -- the actual type is class-wide or has access discriminants (see |
| -- RM 4.8(10.1) and AI12-0035). |
| |
| pragma Unsuppress (Accessibility_Check); |
| |
| begin |
| Node.Element := new Element_Type'(New_Item); |
| end; |
| |
| Free_Element (X); |
| end Replace; |
| |
| --------------------- |
| -- Replace_Element -- |
| --------------------- |
| |
| procedure Replace_Element |
| (Container : in out Set; |
| Position : Cursor; |
| New_Item : Element_Type) |
| is |
| begin |
| if Checks and then Position.Node = null then |
| raise Constraint_Error with "Position cursor equals No_Element"; |
| end if; |
| |
| if Checks and then Position.Node.Element = null then |
| raise Program_Error with "bad cursor in Replace_Element"; |
| end if; |
| |
| if Checks and then Position.Container /= Container'Unrestricted_Access |
| then |
| raise Program_Error with |
| "Position cursor designates wrong set"; |
| end if; |
| |
| pragma Assert (Vet (Position), "bad cursor in Replace_Element"); |
| |
| Replace_Element (Container.HT, Position.Node, New_Item); |
| end Replace_Element; |
| |
| ---------------------- |
| -- Reserve_Capacity -- |
| ---------------------- |
| |
| procedure Reserve_Capacity |
| (Container : in out Set; |
| Capacity : Count_Type) |
| is |
| begin |
| HT_Ops.Reserve_Capacity (Container.HT, Capacity); |
| end Reserve_Capacity; |
| |
| -------------- |
| -- Set_Next -- |
| -------------- |
| |
| procedure Set_Next (Node : Node_Access; Next : Node_Access) is |
| begin |
| Node.Next := Next; |
| end Set_Next; |
| |
| -------------------------- |
| -- Symmetric_Difference -- |
| -------------------------- |
| |
| procedure Symmetric_Difference |
| (Target : in out Set; |
| Source : Set) |
| is |
| Tgt_HT : Hash_Table_Type renames Target.HT; |
| Src_HT : Hash_Table_Type renames Source.HT'Unrestricted_Access.all; |
| begin |
| if Target'Address = Source'Address then |
| Clear (Target); |
| return; |
| end if; |
| |
| TC_Check (Tgt_HT.TC); |
| |
| declare |
| N : constant Count_Type := Target.Length + Source.Length; |
| begin |
| if N > HT_Ops.Capacity (Tgt_HT) then |
| HT_Ops.Reserve_Capacity (Tgt_HT, N); |
| end if; |
| end; |
| |
| if Target.Length = 0 then |
| Iterate_Source_When_Empty_Target : declare |
| procedure Process (Src_Node : Node_Access); |
| |
| procedure Iterate is new HT_Ops.Generic_Iteration (Process); |
| |
| ------------- |
| -- Process -- |
| ------------- |
| |
| procedure Process (Src_Node : Node_Access) is |
| E : Element_Type renames Src_Node.Element.all; |
| B : Buckets_Type renames Tgt_HT.Buckets.all; |
| J : constant Hash_Type := Hash (E) mod B'Length; |
| N : Count_Type renames Tgt_HT.Length; |
| |
| begin |
| declare |
| X : Element_Access := new Element_Type'(E); |
| begin |
| B (J) := new Node_Type'(X, B (J)); |
| exception |
| when others => |
| Free_Element (X); |
| raise; |
| end; |
| |
| N := N + 1; |
| end Process; |
| |
| -- Per AI05-0022, the container implementation is required to |
| -- detect element tampering by a generic actual subprogram. |
| |
| Lock_Tgt : With_Lock (Tgt_HT.TC'Unrestricted_Access); |
| Lock_Src : With_Lock (Src_HT.TC'Unrestricted_Access); |
| |
| -- Start of processing for Iterate_Source_When_Empty_Target |
| |
| begin |
| Iterate (Src_HT); |
| end Iterate_Source_When_Empty_Target; |
| |
| else |
| Iterate_Source : declare |
| procedure Process (Src_Node : Node_Access); |
| |
| procedure Iterate is |
| new HT_Ops.Generic_Iteration (Process); |
| |
| ------------- |
| -- Process -- |
| ------------- |
| |
| procedure Process (Src_Node : Node_Access) is |
| E : Element_Type renames Src_Node.Element.all; |
| B : Buckets_Type renames Tgt_HT.Buckets.all; |
| J : constant Hash_Type := Hash (E) mod B'Length; |
| N : Count_Type renames Tgt_HT.Length; |
| |
| begin |
| if B (J) = null then |
| declare |
| X : Element_Access := new Element_Type'(E); |
| begin |
| B (J) := new Node_Type'(X, null); |
| exception |
| when others => |
| Free_Element (X); |
| raise; |
| end; |
| |
| N := N + 1; |
| |
| elsif Equivalent_Elements (E, B (J).Element.all) then |
| declare |
| X : Node_Access := B (J); |
| begin |
| B (J) := B (J).Next; |
| N := N - 1; |
| Free (X); |
| end; |
| |
| else |
| declare |
| Prev : Node_Access := B (J); |
| Curr : Node_Access := Prev.Next; |
| |
| begin |
| while Curr /= null loop |
| if Equivalent_Elements (E, Curr.Element.all) then |
| Prev.Next := Curr.Next; |
| N := N - 1; |
| Free (Curr); |
| return; |
| end if; |
| |
| Prev := Curr; |
| Curr := Prev.Next; |
| end loop; |
| |
| declare |
| X : Element_Access := new Element_Type'(E); |
| begin |
| B (J) := new Node_Type'(X, B (J)); |
| exception |
| when others => |
| Free_Element (X); |
| raise; |
| end; |
| |
| N := N + 1; |
| end; |
| end if; |
| end Process; |
| |
| -- Per AI05-0022, the container implementation is required to |
| -- detect element tampering by a generic actual subprogram. |
| |
| Lock_Tgt : With_Lock (Tgt_HT.TC'Unrestricted_Access); |
| Lock_Src : With_Lock (Src_HT.TC'Unrestricted_Access); |
| |
| -- Start of processing for Iterate_Source |
| |
| begin |
| Iterate (Src_HT); |
| end Iterate_Source; |
| end if; |
| end Symmetric_Difference; |
| |
| function Symmetric_Difference (Left, Right : Set) return Set is |
| Left_HT : Hash_Table_Type renames Left'Unrestricted_Access.HT; |
| Right_HT : Hash_Table_Type renames Right'Unrestricted_Access.HT; |
| Buckets : HT_Types.Buckets_Access; |
| Length : Count_Type; |
| |
| begin |
| if Left'Address = Right'Address then |
| return Empty_Set; |
| end if; |
| |
| if Right.Length = 0 then |
| return Left; |
| end if; |
| |
| if Left.Length = 0 then |
| return Right; |
| end if; |
| |
| declare |
| Size : constant Hash_Type := |
| Prime_Numbers.To_Prime (Left.Length + Right.Length); |
| begin |
| Buckets := HT_Ops.New_Buckets (Length => Size); |
| end; |
| |
| Length := 0; |
| |
| Iterate_Left : declare |
| procedure Process (L_Node : Node_Access); |
| |
| procedure Iterate is |
| new HT_Ops.Generic_Iteration (Process); |
| |
| ------------- |
| -- Process -- |
| ------------- |
| |
| procedure Process (L_Node : Node_Access) is |
| begin |
| if not Is_In (Right_HT, L_Node) then |
| declare |
| E : Element_Type renames L_Node.Element.all; |
| |
| -- Per AI05-0022, the container implementation is required |
| -- to detect element tampering by a generic actual |
| -- subprogram, hence the use of Checked_Index instead of a |
| -- simple invocation of generic formal Hash. |
| |
| J : constant Hash_Type := |
| HT_Ops.Checked_Index (Left_HT, Buckets.all, L_Node); |
| |
| begin |
| declare |
| X : Element_Access := new Element_Type'(E); |
| begin |
| Buckets (J) := new Node_Type'(X, Buckets (J)); |
| exception |
| when others => |
| Free_Element (X); |
| raise; |
| end; |
| |
| Length := Length + 1; |
| end; |
| end if; |
| end Process; |
| |
| -- Start of processing for Iterate_Left |
| |
| begin |
| Iterate (Left_HT); |
| exception |
| when others => |
| HT_Ops.Free_Hash_Table (Buckets); |
| raise; |
| end Iterate_Left; |
| |
| Iterate_Right : declare |
| procedure Process (R_Node : Node_Access); |
| |
| procedure Iterate is |
| new HT_Ops.Generic_Iteration (Process); |
| |
| ------------- |
| -- Process -- |
| ------------- |
| |
| procedure Process (R_Node : Node_Access) is |
| begin |
| if not Is_In (Left_HT, R_Node) then |
| declare |
| E : Element_Type renames R_Node.Element.all; |
| |
| -- Per AI05-0022, the container implementation is required |
| -- to detect element tampering by a generic actual |
| -- subprogram, hence the use of Checked_Index instead of a |
| -- simple invocation of generic formal Hash. |
| |
| J : constant Hash_Type := |
| HT_Ops.Checked_Index (Right_HT, Buckets.all, R_Node); |
| |
| begin |
| declare |
| X : Element_Access := new Element_Type'(E); |
| begin |
| Buckets (J) := new Node_Type'(X, Buckets (J)); |
| exception |
| when others => |
| Free_Element (X); |
| raise; |
| end; |
| |
| Length := Length + 1; |
| end; |
| end if; |
| end Process; |
| |
| -- Start of processing for Iterate_Right |
| |
| begin |
| Iterate (Right_HT); |
| |
| exception |
| when others => |
| HT_Ops.Free_Hash_Table (Buckets); |
| raise; |
| end Iterate_Right; |
| |
| return (Controlled with HT => (Buckets, Length, (Busy => 0, Lock => 0))); |
| end Symmetric_Difference; |
| |
| ------------ |
| -- To_Set -- |
| ------------ |
| |
| function To_Set (New_Item : Element_Type) return Set is |
| HT : Hash_Table_Type; |
| Node : Node_Access; |
| Inserted : Boolean; |
| pragma Unreferenced (Node, Inserted); |
| begin |
| Insert (HT, New_Item, Node, Inserted); |
| return Set'(Controlled with HT); |
| end To_Set; |
| |
| ----------- |
| -- Union -- |
| ----------- |
| |
| procedure Union |
| (Target : in out Set; |
| Source : Set) |
| is |
| procedure Process (Src_Node : Node_Access); |
| |
| procedure Iterate is |
| new HT_Ops.Generic_Iteration (Process); |
| |
| ------------- |
| -- Process -- |
| ------------- |
| |
| procedure Process (Src_Node : Node_Access) is |
| Src : Element_Type renames Src_Node.Element.all; |
| |
| function New_Node (Next : Node_Access) return Node_Access; |
| pragma Inline (New_Node); |
| |
| procedure Insert is |
| new Element_Keys.Generic_Conditional_Insert (New_Node); |
| |
| -------------- |
| -- New_Node -- |
| -------------- |
| |
| function New_Node (Next : Node_Access) return Node_Access is |
| Tgt : Element_Access := new Element_Type'(Src); |
| begin |
| return new Node_Type'(Tgt, Next); |
| exception |
| when others => |
| Free_Element (Tgt); |
| raise; |
| end New_Node; |
| |
| Tgt_Node : Node_Access; |
| Success : Boolean; |
| pragma Unreferenced (Tgt_Node, Success); |
| |
| -- Start of processing for Process |
| |
| begin |
| Insert (Target.HT, Src, Tgt_Node, Success); |
| end Process; |
| |
| -- Start of processing for Union |
| |
| begin |
| if Target'Address = Source'Address then |
| return; |
| end if; |
| |
| TC_Check (Target.HT.TC); |
| |
| declare |
| N : constant Count_Type := Target.Length + Source.Length; |
| begin |
| if N > HT_Ops.Capacity (Target.HT) then |
| HT_Ops.Reserve_Capacity (Target.HT, N); |
| end if; |
| end; |
| |
| Iterate (Source.HT); |
| end Union; |
| |
| function Union (Left, Right : Set) return Set is |
| Left_HT : Hash_Table_Type renames Left.HT'Unrestricted_Access.all; |
| Right_HT : Hash_Table_Type renames Right.HT'Unrestricted_Access.all; |
| Buckets : HT_Types.Buckets_Access; |
| Length : Count_Type; |
| |
| begin |
| if Left'Address = Right'Address then |
| return Left; |
| end if; |
| |
| if Right.Length = 0 then |
| return Left; |
| end if; |
| |
| if Left.Length = 0 then |
| return Right; |
| end if; |
| |
| declare |
| Size : constant Hash_Type := |
| Prime_Numbers.To_Prime (Left.Length + Right.Length); |
| begin |
| Buckets := HT_Ops.New_Buckets (Length => Size); |
| end; |
| |
| Iterate_Left : declare |
| procedure Process (L_Node : Node_Access); |
| |
| procedure Iterate is |
| new HT_Ops.Generic_Iteration (Process); |
| |
| ------------- |
| -- Process -- |
| ------------- |
| |
| procedure Process (L_Node : Node_Access) is |
| Src : Element_Type renames L_Node.Element.all; |
| J : constant Hash_Type := Hash (Src) mod Buckets'Length; |
| Bucket : Node_Access renames Buckets (J); |
| Tgt : Element_Access := new Element_Type'(Src); |
| begin |
| Bucket := new Node_Type'(Tgt, Bucket); |
| exception |
| when others => |
| Free_Element (Tgt); |
| raise; |
| end Process; |
| |
| -- Per AI05-0022, the container implementation is required to detect |
| -- element tampering by a generic actual subprogram, hence the use of |
| -- Checked_Index instead of a simple invocation of generic formal |
| -- Hash. |
| |
| Lock_Left : With_Lock (Left_HT.TC'Unrestricted_Access); |
| |
| -- Start of processing for Iterate_Left |
| |
| begin |
| Iterate (Left_HT); |
| exception |
| when others => |
| HT_Ops.Free_Hash_Table (Buckets); |
| raise; |
| end Iterate_Left; |
| |
| Length := Left.Length; |
| |
| Iterate_Right : declare |
| procedure Process (Src_Node : Node_Access); |
| |
| procedure Iterate is |
| new HT_Ops.Generic_Iteration (Process); |
| |
| ------------- |
| -- Process -- |
| ------------- |
| |
| procedure Process (Src_Node : Node_Access) is |
| Src : Element_Type renames Src_Node.Element.all; |
| Idx : constant Hash_Type := Hash (Src) mod Buckets'Length; |
| |
| Tgt_Node : Node_Access := Buckets (Idx); |
| |
| begin |
| while Tgt_Node /= null loop |
| if Equivalent_Elements (Src, Tgt_Node.Element.all) then |
| return; |
| end if; |
| Tgt_Node := Next (Tgt_Node); |
| end loop; |
| |
| declare |
| Tgt : Element_Access := new Element_Type'(Src); |
| begin |
| Buckets (Idx) := new Node_Type'(Tgt, Buckets (Idx)); |
| exception |
| when others => |
| Free_Element (Tgt); |
| raise; |
| end; |
| |
| Length := Length + 1; |
| end Process; |
| |
| -- Per AI05-0022, the container implementation is required to detect |
| -- element tampering by a generic actual subprogram, hence the use of |
| -- Checked_Index instead of a simple invocation of generic formal |
| -- Hash. |
| |
| Lock_Left : With_Lock (Left_HT.TC'Unrestricted_Access); |
| Lock_Right : With_Lock (Right_HT.TC'Unrestricted_Access); |
| |
| -- Start of processing for Iterate_Right |
| |
| begin |
| Iterate (Right.HT); |
| exception |
| when others => |
| HT_Ops.Free_Hash_Table (Buckets); |
| raise; |
| end Iterate_Right; |
| |
| return (Controlled with HT => (Buckets, Length, (Busy => 0, Lock => 0))); |
| end Union; |
| |
| --------- |
| -- Vet -- |
| --------- |
| |
| function Vet (Position : Cursor) return Boolean is |
| begin |
| if Position.Node = null then |
| return Position.Container = null; |
| end if; |
| |
| if Position.Container = null then |
| return False; |
| end if; |
| |
| if Position.Node.Next = Position.Node then |
| return False; |
| end if; |
| |
| if Position.Node.Element = null then |
| return False; |
| end if; |
| |
| declare |
| HT : Hash_Table_Type renames Position.Container.HT; |
| X : Node_Access; |
| |
| begin |
| if HT.Length = 0 then |
| return False; |
| end if; |
| |
| if HT.Buckets = null |
| or else HT.Buckets'Length = 0 |
| then |
| return False; |
| end if; |
| |
| X := HT.Buckets (Element_Keys.Checked_Index |
| (HT, |
| Position.Node.Element.all)); |
| |
| for J in 1 .. HT.Length loop |
| if X = Position.Node then |
| return True; |
| end if; |
| |
| if X = null then |
| return False; |
| end if; |
| |
| if X = X.Next then -- to prevent unnecessary looping |
| return False; |
| end if; |
| |
| X := X.Next; |
| end loop; |
| |
| return False; |
| end; |
| end Vet; |
| |
| ----------- |
| -- Write -- |
| ----------- |
| |
| procedure Write |
| (Stream : not null access Root_Stream_Type'Class; |
| Container : Set) |
| is |
| begin |
| Write_Nodes (Stream, Container.HT); |
| end Write; |
| |
| procedure Write |
| (Stream : not null access Root_Stream_Type'Class; |
| Item : Cursor) |
| is |
| begin |
| raise Program_Error with "attempt to stream set cursor"; |
| end Write; |
| |
| procedure Write |
| (Stream : not null access Root_Stream_Type'Class; |
| Item : Constant_Reference_Type) |
| is |
| begin |
| raise Program_Error with "attempt to stream reference"; |
| end Write; |
| |
| ---------------- |
| -- Write_Node -- |
| ---------------- |
| |
| procedure Write_Node |
| (Stream : not null access Root_Stream_Type'Class; |
| Node : Node_Access) |
| is |
| begin |
| Element_Type'Output (Stream, Node.Element.all); |
| end Write_Node; |
| |
| package body Generic_Keys is |
| |
| ----------------------- |
| -- Local Subprograms -- |
| ----------------------- |
| |
| function Equivalent_Key_Node |
| (Key : Key_Type; |
| Node : Node_Access) return Boolean; |
| pragma Inline (Equivalent_Key_Node); |
| |
| -------------------------- |
| -- Local Instantiations -- |
| -------------------------- |
| |
| package Key_Keys is |
| new Hash_Tables.Generic_Keys |
| (HT_Types => HT_Types, |
| Next => Next, |
| Set_Next => Set_Next, |
| Key_Type => Key_Type, |
| Hash => Hash, |
| Equivalent_Keys => Equivalent_Key_Node); |
| |
| ------------------------ |
| -- Constant_Reference -- |
| ------------------------ |
| |
| function Constant_Reference |
| (Container : aliased Set; |
| Key : Key_Type) return Constant_Reference_Type |
| is |
| HT : Hash_Table_Type renames Container'Unrestricted_Access.HT; |
| Node : constant Node_Access := Key_Keys.Find (HT, Key); |
| |
| begin |
| if Checks and then Node = null then |
| raise Constraint_Error with "Key not in set"; |
| end if; |
| |
| if Checks and then Node.Element = null then |
| raise Program_Error with "Node has no element"; |
| end if; |
| |
| declare |
| TC : constant Tamper_Counts_Access := |
| HT.TC'Unrestricted_Access; |
| begin |
| return R : constant Constant_Reference_Type := |
| (Element => Node.Element.all'Access, |
| Control => (Controlled with TC)) |
| do |
| Lock (TC.all); |
| end return; |
| end; |
| end Constant_Reference; |
| |
| -------------- |
| -- Contains -- |
| -------------- |
| |
| function Contains |
| (Container : Set; |
| Key : Key_Type) return Boolean |
| is |
| begin |
| return Find (Container, Key) /= No_Element; |
| end Contains; |
| |
| ------------ |
| -- Delete -- |
| ------------ |
| |
| procedure Delete |
| (Container : in out Set; |
| Key : Key_Type) |
| is |
| X : Node_Access; |
| |
| begin |
| Key_Keys.Delete_Key_Sans_Free (Container.HT, Key, X); |
| |
| if Checks and then X = null then |
| raise Constraint_Error with "key not in set"; |
| end if; |
| |
| Free (X); |
| end Delete; |
| |
| ------------- |
| -- Element -- |
| ------------- |
| |
| function Element |
| (Container : Set; |
| Key : Key_Type) return Element_Type |
| is |
| HT : Hash_Table_Type renames Container'Unrestricted_Access.HT; |
| Node : constant Node_Access := Key_Keys.Find (HT, Key); |
| |
| begin |
| if Checks and then Node = null then |
| raise Constraint_Error with "key not in set"; |
| end if; |
| |
| return Node.Element.all; |
| end Element; |
| |
| ------------------------- |
| -- Equivalent_Key_Node -- |
| ------------------------- |
| |
| function Equivalent_Key_Node |
| (Key : Key_Type; |
| Node : Node_Access) return Boolean is |
| begin |
| return Equivalent_Keys (Key, Generic_Keys.Key (Node.Element.all)); |
| end Equivalent_Key_Node; |
| |
| ------------- |
| -- Exclude -- |
| ------------- |
| |
| procedure Exclude |
| (Container : in out Set; |
| Key : Key_Type) |
| is |
| X : Node_Access; |
| begin |
| Key_Keys.Delete_Key_Sans_Free (Container.HT, Key, X); |
| Free (X); |
| end Exclude; |
| |
| -------------- |
| -- Finalize -- |
| -------------- |
| |
| procedure Finalize (Control : in out Reference_Control_Type) is |
| begin |
| if Control.Container /= null then |
| Impl.Reference_Control_Type (Control).Finalize; |
| |
| if Checks and then Hash (Key (Control.Old_Pos)) /= Control.Old_Hash |
| then |
| HT_Ops.Delete_Node_At_Index |
| (Control.Container.HT, Control.Index, Control.Old_Pos.Node); |
| raise Program_Error; |
| end if; |
| |
| Control.Container := null; |
| end if; |
| end Finalize; |
| |
| ---------- |
| -- Find -- |
| ---------- |
| |
| function Find |
| (Container : Set; |
| Key : Key_Type) return Cursor |
| is |
| HT : Hash_Table_Type renames Container'Unrestricted_Access.HT; |
| Node : constant Node_Access := Key_Keys.Find (HT, Key); |
| begin |
| return (if Node = null then No_Element |
| else Cursor'(Container'Unrestricted_Access, Node)); |
| end Find; |
| |
| --------- |
| -- Key -- |
| --------- |
| |
| function Key (Position : Cursor) return Key_Type is |
| begin |
| if Checks and then Position.Node = null then |
| raise Constraint_Error with |
| "Position cursor equals No_Element"; |
| end if; |
| |
| if Checks and then Position.Node.Element = null then |
| raise Program_Error with "Position cursor is bad"; |
| end if; |
| |
| pragma Assert (Vet (Position), "bad cursor in function Key"); |
| |
| return Key (Position.Node.Element.all); |
| end Key; |
| |
| ---------- |
| -- Read -- |
| ---------- |
| |
| procedure Read |
| (Stream : not null access Root_Stream_Type'Class; |
| Item : out Reference_Type) |
| is |
| begin |
| raise Program_Error with "attempt to stream reference"; |
| end Read; |
| |
| ------------------------------ |
| -- Reference_Preserving_Key -- |
| ------------------------------ |
| |
| function Reference_Preserving_Key |
| (Container : aliased in out Set; |
| Position : Cursor) return Reference_Type |
| is |
| begin |
| if Checks and then Position.Container = null then |
| raise Constraint_Error with "Position cursor has no element"; |
| end if; |
| |
| if Checks and then Position.Container /= Container'Unrestricted_Access |
| then |
| raise Program_Error with |
| "Position cursor designates wrong container"; |
| end if; |
| |
| if Checks and then Position.Node.Element = null then |
| raise Program_Error with "Node has no element"; |
| end if; |
| |
| pragma Assert |
| (Vet (Position), |
| "bad cursor in function Reference_Preserving_Key"); |
| |
| declare |
| HT : Hash_Table_Type renames Container.HT; |
| begin |
| return R : constant Reference_Type := |
| (Element => Position.Node.Element.all'Access, |
| Control => |
| (Controlled with |
| HT.TC'Unrestricted_Access, |
| Container => Container'Access, |
| Index => HT_Ops.Index (HT, Position.Node), |
| Old_Pos => Position, |
| Old_Hash => Hash (Key (Position)))) |
| do |
| Lock (HT.TC); |
| end return; |
| end; |
| end Reference_Preserving_Key; |
| |
| function Reference_Preserving_Key |
| (Container : aliased in out Set; |
| Key : Key_Type) return Reference_Type |
| is |
| Node : constant Node_Access := Key_Keys.Find (Container.HT, Key); |
| |
| begin |
| if Checks and then Node = null then |
| raise Constraint_Error with "Key not in set"; |
| end if; |
| |
| if Checks and then Node.Element = null then |
| raise Program_Error with "Node has no element"; |
| end if; |
| |
| declare |
| HT : Hash_Table_Type renames Container.HT; |
| P : constant Cursor := Find (Container, Key); |
| begin |
| return R : constant Reference_Type := |
| (Element => Node.Element.all'Access, |
| Control => |
| (Controlled with |
| HT.TC'Unrestricted_Access, |
| Container => Container'Access, |
| Index => HT_Ops.Index (HT, P.Node), |
| Old_Pos => P, |
| Old_Hash => Hash (Key))) |
| do |
| Lock (HT.TC); |
| end return; |
| end; |
| end Reference_Preserving_Key; |
| |
| ------------- |
| -- Replace -- |
| ------------- |
| |
| procedure Replace |
| (Container : in out Set; |
| Key : Key_Type; |
| New_Item : Element_Type) |
| is |
| Node : constant Node_Access := Key_Keys.Find (Container.HT, Key); |
| |
| begin |
| if Checks and then Node = null then |
| raise Constraint_Error with |
| "attempt to replace key not in set"; |
| end if; |
| |
| Replace_Element (Container.HT, Node, New_Item); |
| end Replace; |
| |
| ----------------------------------- |
| -- Update_Element_Preserving_Key -- |
| ----------------------------------- |
| |
| procedure Update_Element_Preserving_Key |
| (Container : in out Set; |
| Position : Cursor; |
| Process : not null access |
| procedure (Element : in out Element_Type)) |
| is |
| HT : Hash_Table_Type renames Container.HT; |
| Indx : Hash_Type; |
| |
| begin |
| if Checks and then Position.Node = null then |
| raise Constraint_Error with |
| "Position cursor equals No_Element"; |
| end if; |
| |
| if Checks and then |
| (Position.Node.Element = null |
| or else Position.Node.Next = Position.Node) |
| then |
| raise Program_Error with "Position cursor is bad"; |
| end if; |
| |
| if Checks and then Position.Container /= Container'Unrestricted_Access |
| then |
| raise Program_Error with |
| "Position cursor designates wrong set"; |
| end if; |
| |
| if Checks and then |
| (HT.Buckets = null |
| or else HT.Buckets'Length = 0 |
| or else HT.Length = 0) |
| then |
| raise Program_Error with "Position cursor is bad (set is empty)"; |
| end if; |
| |
| pragma Assert |
| (Vet (Position), |
| "bad cursor in Update_Element_Preserving_Key"); |
| |
| -- Per AI05-0022, the container implementation is required to detect |
| -- element tampering by a generic actual subprogram. |
| |
| declare |
| E : Element_Type renames Position.Node.Element.all; |
| K : constant Key_Type := Key (E); |
| Lock : With_Lock (HT.TC'Unrestricted_Access); |
| begin |
| Indx := HT_Ops.Index (HT, Position.Node); |
| Process (E); |
| |
| if Equivalent_Keys (K, Key (E)) then |
| return; |
| end if; |
| end; |
| |
| if HT.Buckets (Indx) = Position.Node then |
| HT.Buckets (Indx) := Position.Node.Next; |
| |
| else |
| declare |
| Prev : Node_Access := HT.Buckets (Indx); |
| |
| begin |
| while Prev.Next /= Position.Node loop |
| Prev := Prev.Next; |
| |
| if Checks and then Prev = null then |
| raise Program_Error with |
| "Position cursor is bad (node not found)"; |
| end if; |
| end loop; |
| |
| Prev.Next := Position.Node.Next; |
| end; |
| end if; |
| |
| HT.Length := HT.Length - 1; |
| |
| declare |
| X : Node_Access := Position.Node; |
| |
| begin |
| Free (X); |
| end; |
| |
| raise Program_Error with "key was modified"; |
| end Update_Element_Preserving_Key; |
| |
| ----------- |
| -- Write -- |
| ----------- |
| |
| procedure Write |
| (Stream : not null access Root_Stream_Type'Class; |
| Item : Reference_Type) |
| is |
| begin |
| raise Program_Error with "attempt to stream reference"; |
| end Write; |
| |
| end Generic_Keys; |
| |
| end Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Hashed_Sets; |