blob: 8711c89d0eb483b2c2aa67052f4a11cf5fff7d01 [file] [log] [blame]
-- --
-- --
-- E X P _ C H 1 1 --
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 1992-2016, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING3. If not, go to --
-- for a complete copy of the license. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
-- --
with Atree; use Atree;
with Debug; use Debug;
with Einfo; use Einfo;
with Elists; use Elists;
with Errout; use Errout;
with Exp_Ch7; use Exp_Ch7;
with Exp_Intr; use Exp_Intr;
with Exp_Util; use Exp_Util;
with Namet; use Namet;
with Nlists; use Nlists;
with Nmake; use Nmake;
with Opt; use Opt;
with Restrict; use Restrict;
with Rident; use Rident;
with Rtsfind; use Rtsfind;
with Sem; use Sem;
with Sem_Ch8; use Sem_Ch8;
with Sem_Res; use Sem_Res;
with Sem_Util; use Sem_Util;
with Sinfo; use Sinfo;
with Sinput; use Sinput;
with Snames; use Snames;
with Stand; use Stand;
with Stringt; use Stringt;
with Targparm; use Targparm;
with Tbuild; use Tbuild;
with Uintp; use Uintp;
package body Exp_Ch11 is
-- Local Subprograms --
procedure Warn_No_Exception_Propagation_Active (N : Node_Id);
-- Generates warning that pragma Restrictions (No_Exception_Propagation)
-- is in effect. Caller then generates appropriate continuation message.
-- N is the node on which the warning is placed.
procedure Warn_If_No_Propagation (N : Node_Id);
-- Called for an exception raise that is not a local raise (and thus can
-- not be optimized to a goto. Issues warning if No_Exception_Propagation
-- restriction is set. N is the node for the raise or equivalent call.
-- Expand_At_End_Handler --
-- For a handled statement sequence that has a cleanup (At_End_Proc
-- field set), an exception handler of the following form is required:
-- exception
-- when all others =>
-- cleanup call
-- raise;
-- Note: this exception handler is treated rather specially by
-- subsequent expansion in two respects:
-- The normal call to Undefer_Abort is omitted
-- The raise call does not do Defer_Abort
-- This is because the current tasking code seems to assume that
-- the call to the cleanup routine that is made from an exception
-- handler for the abort signal is called with aborts deferred.
-- This expansion is only done if we have front end exception handling.
-- If we have back end exception handling, then the AT END handler is
-- left alone, and cleanups (including the exceptional case) are handled
-- by the back end.
-- In the front end case, the exception handler described above handles
-- the exceptional case. The AT END handler is left in the generated tree
-- and the code generator (e.g. gigi) must still handle proper generation
-- of cleanup calls for the non-exceptional case.
procedure Expand_At_End_Handler (HSS : Node_Id; Blk_Id : Entity_Id) is
Clean : constant Entity_Id := Entity (At_End_Proc (HSS));
Ohandle : Node_Id;
Stmnts : List_Id;
Loc : constant Source_Ptr := No_Location;
-- Location used for expansion. We quite deliberately do not set a
-- specific source location for the expanded handler. This makes
-- sense since really the handler is not associated with specific
-- source. We used to set this to Sloc (Clean), but that caused
-- useless and annoying bouncing around of line numbers in the
-- debugger in some circumstances.
pragma Assert (Present (Clean));
pragma Assert (No (Exception_Handlers (HSS)));
-- Back end exception schemes don't need explicit handlers to
-- trigger AT-END actions on exceptional paths.
if Back_End_Exceptions then
end if;
-- Don't expand an At End handler if we have already had configurable
-- run-time violations, since likely this will just be a matter of
-- generating useless cascaded messages
if Configurable_Run_Time_Violations > 0 then
end if;
-- Don't expand an At End handler if we are not allowing exceptions
-- or if exceptions are transformed into local gotos, and never
-- propagated (No_Exception_Propagation).
if No_Exception_Handlers_Set then
end if;
if Present (Blk_Id) then
Push_Scope (Blk_Id);
end if;
Ohandle :=
Make_Others_Choice (Loc);
Set_All_Others (Ohandle);
Stmnts := New_List (
Make_Procedure_Call_Statement (Loc,
Name => New_Occurrence_Of (Clean, Loc)));
-- Generate reraise statement as last statement of AT-END handler,
-- unless we are under control of No_Exception_Propagation, in which
-- case no exception propagation is possible anyway, so we do not need
-- a reraise (the AT END handler in this case is only for normal exits
-- not for exceptional exits). Also, we flag the Reraise statement as
-- being part of an AT END handler to prevent signalling this reraise
-- as a violation of the restriction when it is not set.
if not Restriction_Active (No_Exception_Propagation) then
Rstm : constant Node_Id := Make_Raise_Statement (Loc);
Set_From_At_End (Rstm);
Append_To (Stmnts, Rstm);
end if;
Set_Exception_Handlers (HSS, New_List (
Make_Implicit_Exception_Handler (Loc,
Exception_Choices => New_List (Ohandle),
Statements => Stmnts)));
Analyze_List (Stmnts, Suppress => All_Checks);
Expand_Exception_Handlers (HSS);
if Present (Blk_Id) then
end if;
end Expand_At_End_Handler;
-- Expand_Exception_Handlers --
procedure Expand_Exception_Handlers (HSS : Node_Id) is
Handlrs : constant List_Id := Exception_Handlers (HSS);
Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (HSS);
Handler : Node_Id;
Others_Choice : Boolean;
Obj_Decl : Node_Id;
Next_Handler : Node_Id;
procedure Expand_Local_Exception_Handlers;
-- This procedure handles the expansion of exception handlers for the
-- optimization of local raise statements into goto statements.
procedure Prepend_Call_To_Handler
(Proc : RE_Id;
Args : List_Id := No_List);
-- Routine to prepend a call to the procedure referenced by Proc at
-- the start of the handler code for the current Handler.
procedure Replace_Raise_By_Goto (Raise_S : Node_Id; Goto_L1 : Node_Id);
-- Raise_S is a raise statement (possibly expanded, and possibly of the
-- form of a Raise_xxx_Error node with a condition. This procedure is
-- called to replace the raise action with the (already analyzed) goto
-- statement passed as Goto_L1. This procedure also takes care of the
-- requirement of inserting a Local_Raise call where possible.
-- Expand_Local_Exception_Handlers --
-- There are two cases for this transformation. First the case of
-- explicit raise statements. For this case, the transformation we do
-- looks like this. Right now we have for example (where L1, L2 are
-- exception labels)
-- begin
-- ...
-- raise_exception (excep1'identity); -- was raise excep1
-- ...
-- raise_exception (excep2'identity); -- was raise excep2
-- ...
-- exception
-- when excep1 =>
-- estmts1
-- when excep2 =>
-- estmts2
-- end;
-- This gets transformed into:
-- begin
-- L1 : label; -- marked Exception_Junk
-- L2 : label; -- marked Exception_Junk
-- L3 : label; -- marked Exception_Junk
-- begin -- marked Exception_Junk
-- ...
-- local_raise (excep1'address); -- was raise excep1
-- goto L1;
-- ...
-- local_raise (excep2'address); -- was raise excep2
-- goto L2;
-- ...
-- exception
-- when excep1 =>
-- goto L1;
-- when excep2 =>
-- goto L2;
-- end;
-- goto L3; -- skip handler if no raise, marked Exception_Junk
-- <<L1>> -- local excep target label, marked Exception_Junk
-- begin -- marked Exception_Junk
-- estmts1
-- end;
-- goto L3; -- marked Exception_Junk
-- <<L2>> -- marked Exception_Junk
-- begin -- marked Exception_Junk
-- estmts2
-- end;
-- goto L3; -- marked Exception_Junk
-- <<L3>> -- marked Exception_Junk
-- end;
-- Note: the reason we wrap the original statement sequence in an
-- inner block is that there may be raise statements within the
-- sequence of statements in the handlers, and we must ensure that
-- these are properly handled, and in particular, such raise statements
-- must not reenter the same exception handlers.
-- If the restriction No_Exception_Propagation is in effect, then we
-- can omit the exception handlers.
-- begin
-- L1 : label; -- marked Exception_Junk
-- L2 : label; -- marked Exception_Junk
-- L3 : label; -- marked Exception_Junk
-- begin -- marked Exception_Junk
-- ...
-- local_raise (excep1'address); -- was raise excep1
-- goto L1;
-- ...
-- local_raise (excep2'address); -- was raise excep2
-- goto L2;
-- ...
-- end;
-- goto L3; -- skip handler if no raise, marked Exception_Junk
-- <<L1>> -- local excep target label, marked Exception_Junk
-- begin -- marked Exception_Junk
-- estmts1
-- end;
-- goto L3; -- marked Exception_Junk
-- <<L2>> -- marked Exception_Junk
-- begin -- marked Exception_Junk
-- estmts2
-- end;
-- <<L3>> -- marked Exception_Junk
-- end;
-- The second case is for exceptions generated by the back end in one
-- of three situations:
-- 1. Front end generates N_Raise_xxx_Error node
-- 2. Front end sets Do_xxx_Check flag in subexpression node
-- 3. Back end detects a situation where an exception is appropriate
-- In all these cases, the current processing in gigi is to generate a
-- call to the appropriate Rcheck_xx routine (where xx encodes both the
-- exception message and the exception to be raised, Constraint_Error,
-- Program_Error, or Storage_Error.
-- We could handle some subcases of 1 using the same front end expansion
-- into gotos, but even for case 1, we can't handle all cases, since
-- generating gotos in the middle of expressions is not possible (it's
-- possible at the gigi/gcc level, but not at the level of the GNAT
-- tree).
-- In any case, it seems easier to have a scheme which handles all three
-- cases in a uniform manner. So here is how we proceed in this case.
-- This procedure detects all handlers for these three exceptions,
-- Constraint_Error, Program_Error and Storage_Error (including WHEN
-- OTHERS handlers that cover one or more of these cases).
-- If the handler meets the requirements for being the target of a local
-- raise, then the front end does the expansion described previously,
-- creating a label to be used as a goto target to raise the exception.
-- However, no attempt is made in the front end to convert any related
-- raise statements into gotos, e.g. all N_Raise_xxx_Error nodes are
-- left unchanged and passed to the back end.
-- Instead, the front end generates three nodes
-- N_Push_Constraint_Error_Label
-- N_Push_Program_Error_Label
-- N_Push_Storage_Error_Label
-- The Push node is generated at the start of the statements
-- covered by the handler, and has as a parameter the label to be
-- used as the raise target.
-- N_Pop_Constraint_Error_Label
-- N_Pop_Program_Error_Label
-- N_Pop_Storage_Error_Label
-- The Pop node is generated at the end of the covered statements
-- and undoes the effect of the preceding corresponding Push node.
-- In the case where the handler does NOT meet the requirements, the
-- front end will still generate the Push and Pop nodes, but the label
-- field in the Push node will be empty signifying that for this region
-- of code, no optimization is possible.
-- These Push/Pop nodes are inhibited if No_Exception_Handlers is set
-- since they are useless in this case, and in CodePeer mode, where
-- they serve no purpose and can intefere with the analysis.
-- The back end must maintain three stacks, one for each exception case,
-- the Push node pushes an entry onto the corresponding stack, and Pop
-- node pops off the entry. Then instead of calling Rcheck_nn, if the
-- corresponding top stack entry has an non-empty label, a goto is
-- generated. This goto should be preceded by a call to Local_Raise as
-- described above.
-- An example of this transformation is as follows, given:
-- declare
-- A : Integer range 1 .. 10;
-- begin
-- A := B + C;
-- exception
-- when Constraint_Error =>
-- estmts
-- end;
-- gets transformed to:
-- declare
-- A : Integer range 1 .. 10;
-- begin
-- L1 : label;
-- L2 : label;
-- begin
-- %push_constraint_error_label (L1)
-- R1b : constant long_long_integer := long_long_integer?(b) +
-- long_long_integer?(c);
-- [constraint_error when
-- not (R1b in -16#8000_0000# .. 16#7FFF_FFFF#)
-- "overflow check failed"]
-- a := integer?(R1b);
-- %pop_constraint_error_Label
-- exception
-- ...
-- when constraint_error =>
-- goto L1;
-- end;
-- goto L2; -- skip handler when exception not raised
-- <<L1>> -- target label for local exception
-- estmts
-- <<L2>>
-- end;
-- Note: the generated labels and goto statements all have the flag
-- Exception_Junk set True, so that Sem_Ch6.Check_Returns will ignore
-- this generated exception stuff when checking for missing return
-- statements (see circuitry in Check_Statement_Sequence).
-- Note: All of the processing described above occurs only if
-- restriction No_Exception_Propagation applies or debug flag .g is
-- enabled.
CE_Locally_Handled : Boolean := False;
SE_Locally_Handled : Boolean := False;
PE_Locally_Handled : Boolean := False;
-- These three flags indicate whether a handler for the corresponding
-- exception (CE=Constraint_Error, SE=Storage_Error, PE=Program_Error)
-- is present. If so the switch is set to True, the Exception_Label
-- field of the corresponding handler is set, and appropriate Push
-- and Pop nodes are inserted into the code.
Local_Expansion_Required : Boolean := False;
-- Set True if we have at least one handler requiring local raise
-- expansion as described above.
procedure Expand_Local_Exception_Handlers is
procedure Add_Exception_Label (H : Node_Id);
-- H is an exception handler. First check for an Exception_Label
-- already allocated for H. If none, allocate one, set the field in
-- the handler node, add the label declaration, and set the flag
-- Local_Expansion_Required. Note: if Local_Raise_Not_OK is set
-- the call has no effect and Exception_Label is left empty.
procedure Add_Label_Declaration (L : Entity_Id);
-- Add an implicit declaration of the given label to the declaration
-- list in the parent of the current sequence of handled statements.
Exc_Locally_Handled : in out Boolean;
-- Flag indicating whether a local handler for this exception
-- has already been generated.
with function Make_Push_Label (Loc : Source_Ptr) return Node_Id;
-- Function to create a Push_xxx_Label node
with function Make_Pop_Label (Loc : Source_Ptr) return Node_Id;
-- Function to create a Pop_xxx_Label node
procedure Generate_Push_Pop (H : Node_Id);
-- Common code for Generate_Push_Pop_xxx below, used to generate an
-- exception label and Push/Pop nodes for Constraint_Error,
-- Program_Error, or Storage_Error.
-- Add_Exception_Label --
procedure Add_Exception_Label (H : Node_Id) is
if No (Exception_Label (H))
and then not Local_Raise_Not_OK (H)
and then not Special_Exception_Package_Used
Local_Expansion_Required := True;
L : constant Entity_Id := Make_Temporary (Sloc (H), 'L');
Set_Exception_Label (H, L);
Add_Label_Declaration (L);
end if;
end Add_Exception_Label;
-- Add_Label_Declaration --
procedure Add_Label_Declaration (L : Entity_Id) is
P : constant Node_Id := Parent (HSS);
Decl_L : constant Node_Id :=
Make_Implicit_Label_Declaration (Loc,
Defining_Identifier => L);
if Declarations (P) = No_List then
Set_Declarations (P, Empty_List);
end if;
Append (Decl_L, Declarations (P));
Analyze (Decl_L);
end Add_Label_Declaration;
-- Generate_Push_Pop --
procedure Generate_Push_Pop (H : Node_Id) is
if Restriction_Active (No_Exception_Handlers)
or else CodePeer_Mode
end if;
if Exc_Locally_Handled then
Exc_Locally_Handled := True;
end if;
Add_Exception_Label (H);
F : constant Node_Id := First (Statements (HSS));
L : constant Node_Id := Last (Statements (HSS));
Push : constant Node_Id := Make_Push_Label (Sloc (F));
Pop : constant Node_Id := Make_Pop_Label (Sloc (L));
-- We make sure that a call to Get_Local_Raise_Call_Entity is
-- made during front end processing, so that when we need it
-- in the back end, it will already be available and loaded.
Discard_Node (Get_Local_Raise_Call_Entity);
-- Prepare and insert Push and Pop nodes
Set_Exception_Label (Push, Exception_Label (H));
Insert_Before (F, Push);
Set_Analyzed (Push);
Insert_After (L, Pop);
Set_Analyzed (Pop);
end Generate_Push_Pop;
-- Local declarations
Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (HSS);
Stmts : List_Id := No_List;
Choice : Node_Id;
Excep : Entity_Id;
procedure Generate_Push_Pop_For_Constraint_Error is
new Generate_Push_Pop
(Exc_Locally_Handled => CE_Locally_Handled,
Make_Push_Label => Make_Push_Constraint_Error_Label,
Make_Pop_Label => Make_Pop_Constraint_Error_Label);
-- If no Push/Pop has been generated for CE yet, then set the flag
-- CE_Locally_Handled, allocate an Exception_Label for handler H (if
-- not already done), and generate Push/Pop nodes for the exception
-- label at the start and end of the statements of HSS.
procedure Generate_Push_Pop_For_Program_Error is
new Generate_Push_Pop
(Exc_Locally_Handled => PE_Locally_Handled,
Make_Push_Label => Make_Push_Program_Error_Label,
Make_Pop_Label => Make_Pop_Program_Error_Label);
-- If no Push/Pop has been generated for PE yet, then set the flag
-- PE_Locally_Handled, allocate an Exception_Label for handler H (if
-- not already done), and generate Push/Pop nodes for the exception
-- label at the start and end of the statements of HSS.
procedure Generate_Push_Pop_For_Storage_Error is
new Generate_Push_Pop
(Exc_Locally_Handled => SE_Locally_Handled,
Make_Push_Label => Make_Push_Storage_Error_Label,
Make_Pop_Label => Make_Pop_Storage_Error_Label);
-- If no Push/Pop has been generated for SE yet, then set the flag
-- SE_Locally_Handled, allocate an Exception_Label for handler H (if
-- not already done), and generate Push/Pop nodes for the exception
-- label at the start and end of the statements of HSS.
-- Start of processing for Expand_Local_Exception_Handlers
-- No processing if all exception handlers will get removed
if Debug_Flag_Dot_X then
end if;
-- See for each handler if we have any local raises to expand
Handler := First_Non_Pragma (Handlrs);
while Present (Handler) loop
-- Note, we do not test Local_Raise_Not_OK here, because in the
-- case of Push/Pop generation we want to generate push with a
-- null label. The Add_Exception_Label routine has no effect if
-- Local_Raise_Not_OK is set, so this works as required.
if Present (Local_Raise_Statements (Handler)) then
Add_Exception_Label (Handler);
end if;
-- If we are doing local raise to goto optimization (restriction
-- No_Exception_Propagation set or debug flag .g set), then check
-- to see if handler handles CE, PE, SE and if so generate the
-- appropriate push/pop sequence for the back end.
if (Debug_Flag_Dot_G
or else Restriction_Active (No_Exception_Propagation))
and then Has_Local_Raise (Handler)
Choice := First (Exception_Choices (Handler));
while Present (Choice) loop
if Nkind (Choice) = N_Others_Choice
and then not All_Others (Choice)
Generate_Push_Pop_For_Constraint_Error (Handler);
Generate_Push_Pop_For_Program_Error (Handler);
Generate_Push_Pop_For_Storage_Error (Handler);
elsif Is_Entity_Name (Choice) then
Excep := Get_Renamed_Entity (Entity (Choice));
if Excep = Standard_Constraint_Error then
Generate_Push_Pop_For_Constraint_Error (Handler);
elsif Excep = Standard_Program_Error then
Generate_Push_Pop_For_Program_Error (Handler);
elsif Excep = Standard_Storage_Error then
Generate_Push_Pop_For_Storage_Error (Handler);
end if;
end if;
Next (Choice);
end loop;
end if;
Next_Non_Pragma (Handler);
end loop;
-- Nothing to do if no handlers requiring the goto transformation
if not (Local_Expansion_Required) then
end if;
-- Prepare to do the transformation
-- L3 is the label to exit the HSS
L3_Dent : constant Entity_Id := Make_Temporary (Loc, 'L');
Labl_L3 : constant Node_Id :=
Make_Label (Loc,
Identifier => New_Occurrence_Of (L3_Dent, Loc));
Blk_Stm : Node_Id;
Relmt : Elmt_Id;
Set_Exception_Junk (Labl_L3);
Add_Label_Declaration (L3_Dent);
-- Wrap existing statements and handlers in an inner block
Blk_Stm :=
Make_Block_Statement (Loc,
Handled_Statement_Sequence => Relocate_Node (HSS));
Set_Exception_Junk (Blk_Stm);
Rewrite (HSS,
Make_Handled_Sequence_Of_Statements (Loc,
Statements => New_List (Blk_Stm),
End_Label => Relocate_Node (End_Label (HSS))));
-- Set block statement as analyzed, we don't want to actually call
-- Analyze on this block, it would cause a recursion in exception
-- handler processing which would mess things up.
Set_Analyzed (Blk_Stm);
-- Now loop through the exception handlers to deal with those that
-- are targets of local raise statements.
Handler := First_Non_Pragma (Handlrs);
while Present (Handler) loop
if Present (Exception_Label (Handler)) then
-- This handler needs the goto expansion
Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (Handler);
-- L1 is the start label for this handler
L1_Dent : constant Entity_Id := Exception_Label (Handler);
Labl_L1 : constant Node_Id :=
Make_Label (Loc,
Identifier =>
New_Occurrence_Of (L1_Dent, Loc));
-- Jump to L1 to be used as replacement for the original
-- handler (used in the case where exception propagation
-- may still occur).
Name_L1 : constant Node_Id :=
New_Occurrence_Of (L1_Dent, Loc);
Goto_L1 : constant Node_Id :=
Make_Goto_Statement (Loc,
Name => Name_L1);
-- Jump to L3 to be used at the end of handler
Name_L3 : constant Node_Id :=
New_Occurrence_Of (L3_Dent, Loc);
Goto_L3 : constant Node_Id :=
Make_Goto_Statement (Loc,
Name => Name_L3);
H_Stmts : constant List_Id := Statements (Handler);
Set_Exception_Junk (Labl_L1);
Set_Exception_Junk (Goto_L3);
-- Note: we do NOT set Exception_Junk in Goto_L1, since
-- this is a real transfer of control that we want the
-- Sem_Ch6.Check_Returns procedure to recognize properly.
-- Replace handler by a goto L1. We can mark this as
-- analyzed since it is fully formed, and we don't
-- want it going through any further checks. We save
-- the last statement location in the goto L1 node for
-- the benefit of Sem_Ch6.Check_Returns.
Set_Statements (Handler, New_List (Goto_L1));
Set_Analyzed (Goto_L1);
Set_Etype (Name_L1, Standard_Void_Type);
-- Now replace all the raise statements by goto L1
if Present (Local_Raise_Statements (Handler)) then
Relmt := First_Elmt (Local_Raise_Statements (Handler));
while Present (Relmt) loop
Raise_S : constant Node_Id := Node (Relmt);
RLoc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (Raise_S);
Name_L1 : constant Node_Id :=
New_Occurrence_Of (L1_Dent, Loc);
Goto_L1 : constant Node_Id :=
Make_Goto_Statement (RLoc,
Name => Name_L1);
-- Replace raise by goto L1
Set_Analyzed (Goto_L1);
Set_Etype (Name_L1, Standard_Void_Type);
Replace_Raise_By_Goto (Raise_S, Goto_L1);
Next_Elmt (Relmt);
end loop;
end if;
-- Add a goto L3 at end of statement list in block. The
-- first time, this is what skips over the exception
-- handlers in the normal case. Subsequent times, it
-- terminates the execution of the previous handler code,
-- and skips subsequent handlers.
Stmts := Statements (HSS);
Insert_After (Last (Stmts), Goto_L3);
Set_Analyzed (Goto_L3);
Set_Etype (Name_L3, Standard_Void_Type);
-- Now we drop the label that marks the handler start,
-- followed by the statements of the handler.
Set_Etype (Identifier (Labl_L1), Standard_Void_Type);
Insert_After_And_Analyze (Last (Stmts), Labl_L1);
Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (First (H_Stmts));
Blk : constant Node_Id :=
Make_Block_Statement (Loc,
Handled_Statement_Sequence =>
Make_Handled_Sequence_Of_Statements (Loc,
Statements => H_Stmts));
Set_Exception_Junk (Blk);
Insert_After_And_Analyze (Last (Stmts), Blk);
-- Here if we have local raise statements but the handler is
-- not suitable for processing with a local raise. In this
-- case we have to generate possible diagnostics.
elsif Has_Local_Raise (Handler)
and then Local_Raise_Statements (Handler) /= No_Elist
Relmt := First_Elmt (Local_Raise_Statements (Handler));
while Present (Relmt) loop
Warn_If_No_Propagation (Node (Relmt));
Next_Elmt (Relmt);
end loop;
end if;
Next (Handler);
end loop;
-- Only remaining step is to drop the L3 label and we are done
Set_Etype (Identifier (Labl_L3), Standard_Void_Type);
-- If we had at least one handler, then we drop the label after
-- the last statement of that handler.
if Stmts /= No_List then
Insert_After_And_Analyze (Last (Stmts), Labl_L3);
-- Otherwise we have removed all the handlers (this results from
-- use of pragma Restrictions (No_Exception_Propagation), and we
-- drop the label at the end of the statements of the HSS.
Insert_After_And_Analyze (Last (Statements (HSS)), Labl_L3);
end if;
end Expand_Local_Exception_Handlers;
-- Prepend_Call_To_Handler --
procedure Prepend_Call_To_Handler
(Proc : RE_Id;
Args : List_Id := No_List)
Ent : constant Entity_Id := RTE (Proc);
-- If we have no Entity, then we are probably in no run time mode or
-- some weird error has occurred. In either case do nothing. Note use
-- of No_Location to hide this code from the debugger, so single
-- stepping doesn't jump back and forth.
if Present (Ent) then
Call : constant Node_Id :=
Make_Procedure_Call_Statement (No_Location,
Name => New_Occurrence_Of (RTE (Proc), No_Location),
Parameter_Associations => Args);
Prepend_To (Statements (Handler), Call);
Analyze (Call, Suppress => All_Checks);
end if;
end Prepend_Call_To_Handler;
-- Replace_Raise_By_Goto --
procedure Replace_Raise_By_Goto (Raise_S : Node_Id; Goto_L1 : Node_Id) is
Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (Raise_S);
Excep : Entity_Id;
LR : Node_Id;
Cond : Node_Id;
Orig : Node_Id;
-- If we have a null statement, it means that there is no replacement
-- needed (typically this results from a suppressed check).
if Nkind (Raise_S) = N_Null_Statement then
-- Test for Raise_xxx_Error
elsif Nkind (Raise_S) = N_Raise_Constraint_Error then
Excep := Standard_Constraint_Error;
Cond := Condition (Raise_S);
elsif Nkind (Raise_S) = N_Raise_Storage_Error then
Excep := Standard_Storage_Error;
Cond := Condition (Raise_S);
elsif Nkind (Raise_S) = N_Raise_Program_Error then
Excep := Standard_Program_Error;
Cond := Condition (Raise_S);
-- The only other possibility is a node that is or used to be a
-- simple raise statement.
Orig := Original_Node (Raise_S);
pragma Assert (Nkind (Orig) = N_Raise_Statement
and then Present (Name (Orig))
and then No (Expression (Orig)));
Excep := Entity (Name (Orig));
Cond := Empty;
end if;
-- Here Excep is the exception to raise, and Cond is the condition
-- First prepare the call to Local_Raise (excep'address).
if RTE_Available (RE_Local_Raise) then
LR :=
Make_Procedure_Call_Statement (Loc,
Name => New_Occurrence_Of (RTE (RE_Local_Raise), Loc),
Parameter_Associations => New_List (
Unchecked_Convert_To (RTE (RE_Address),
Make_Attribute_Reference (Loc,
Prefix => New_Occurrence_Of (Excep, Loc),
Attribute_Name => Name_Identity))));
-- Use null statement if Local_Raise not available
LR :=
Make_Null_Statement (Loc);
end if;
-- If there is no condition, we rewrite as
-- begin
-- Local_Raise (excep'Identity);
-- goto L1;
-- end;
if No (Cond) then
Rewrite (Raise_S,
Make_Block_Statement (Loc,
Handled_Statement_Sequence =>
Make_Handled_Sequence_Of_Statements (Loc,
Statements => New_List (LR, Goto_L1))));
Set_Exception_Junk (Raise_S);
-- If there is a condition, we rewrite as
-- if condition then
-- Local_Raise (excep'Identity);
-- goto L1;
-- end if;
Rewrite (Raise_S,
Make_If_Statement (Loc,
Condition => Cond,
Then_Statements => New_List (LR, Goto_L1)));
end if;
Analyze (Raise_S);
end Replace_Raise_By_Goto;
-- Start of processing for Expand_Exception_Handlers
-- Loop through handlers
Handler := First_Non_Pragma (Handlrs);
Handler_Loop : while Present (Handler) loop
Process_Statements_For_Controlled_Objects (Handler);
Next_Handler := Next_Non_Pragma (Handler);
-- Remove source handler if gnat debug flag .x is set
if Debug_Flag_Dot_X and then Comes_From_Source (Handler) then
Remove (Handler);
-- Remove handler if no exception propagation, generating a warning
-- if a source generated handler was not the target of a local raise.
if Restriction_Active (No_Exception_Propagation)
and then not Has_Local_Raise (Handler)
and then Comes_From_Source (Handler)
and then Warn_On_Non_Local_Exception
Warn_No_Exception_Propagation_Active (Handler);
("\?X?this handler can never be entered, "
& "and has been removed", Handler);
end if;
if No_Exception_Propagation_Active then
Remove (Handler);
-- Exception handler is active and retained and must be processed
-- If an exception occurrence is present, then we must declare
-- it and initialize it from the value stored in the TSD
-- declare
-- name : Exception_Occurrence;
-- begin
-- Save_Occurrence (name, Get_Current_Excep.all)
-- ...
-- end;
-- This expansion is only performed when using front-end
-- exceptions. Gigi will insert a call to initialize the
-- choice parameter.
if Present (Choice_Parameter (Handler))
and then (Front_End_Exceptions
or else CodePeer_Mode)
Cparm : constant Entity_Id := Choice_Parameter (Handler);
Cloc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (Cparm);
Hloc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (Handler);
Save : Node_Id;
-- Note: No_Location used to hide code from the debugger,
-- so single stepping doesn't jump back and forth.
Save :=
Make_Procedure_Call_Statement (No_Location,
Name =>
(RTE (RE_Save_Occurrence), No_Location),
Parameter_Associations => New_List (
New_Occurrence_Of (Cparm, No_Location),
Make_Explicit_Dereference (No_Location,
Prefix =>
Make_Function_Call (No_Location,
Name =>
Make_Explicit_Dereference (No_Location,
Prefix =>
(RTE (RE_Get_Current_Excep),
Mark_Rewrite_Insertion (Save);
Prepend (Save, Statements (Handler));
Obj_Decl :=
Make_Object_Declaration (Cloc,
Defining_Identifier => Cparm,
Object_Definition =>
(RTE (RE_Exception_Occurrence), Cloc));
Set_No_Initialization (Obj_Decl, True);
Rewrite (Handler,
Make_Exception_Handler (Hloc,
Choice_Parameter => Empty,
Exception_Choices => Exception_Choices (Handler),
Statements => New_List (
Make_Block_Statement (Hloc,
Declarations => New_List (Obj_Decl),
Handled_Statement_Sequence =>
Make_Handled_Sequence_Of_Statements (Hloc,
Statements => Statements (Handler))))));
-- Local raise statements can't occur, since exception
-- handlers with choice parameters are not allowed when
-- No_Exception_Propagation applies, so set attributes
-- accordingly.
Set_Local_Raise_Statements (Handler, No_Elist);
Set_Local_Raise_Not_OK (Handler);
(Statements (Handler), Suppress => All_Checks);
end if;
-- For the normal case, we have to worry about the state of
-- abort deferral. Generally, we defer abort during runtime
-- handling of exceptions. When control is passed to the
-- handler, then in the normal case we undefer aborts. In
-- any case this entire handling is relevant only if aborts
-- are allowed.
if Abort_Allowed
and then not ZCX_Exceptions
-- There are some special cases in which we do not do the
-- undefer. In particular a finalization (AT END) handler
-- wants to operate with aborts still deferred.
-- We also suppress the call if this is the special handler
-- for Abort_Signal, since if we are aborting, we want to
-- keep aborts deferred (one abort is enough).
-- If abort really needs to be deferred the expander must
-- add this call explicitly, see
-- Expand_N_Asynchronous_Select.
Others_Choice :=
Nkind (First (Exception_Choices (Handler))) =
if (Others_Choice
or else Entity (First (Exception_Choices (Handler))) /=
and then not
and then
All_Others (First (Exception_Choices (Handler))))
Prepend_Call_To_Handler (RE_Abort_Undefer);
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
Handler := Next_Handler;
end loop Handler_Loop;
-- If all handlers got removed, then remove the list. Note we cannot
-- reference HSS here, since expanding local handlers may have buried
-- the handlers in an inner block.
if Is_Empty_List (Handlrs) then
Set_Exception_Handlers (Parent (Handlrs), No_List);
end if;
end Expand_Exception_Handlers;
-- Expand_N_Exception_Declaration --
-- Generates:
-- exceptE : constant String := "A.B.EXCEP"; -- static data
-- except : exception_data :=
-- (Handled_By_Other => False,
-- Lang => 'A',
-- Name_Length => exceptE'Length,
-- Full_Name => exceptE'Address,
-- HTable_Ptr => null,
-- Foreign_Data => null,
-- Raise_Hook => null);
-- (protecting test only needed if not at library level)
-- exceptF : Boolean := True -- static data
-- if exceptF then
-- exceptF := False;
-- Register_Exception (except'Unchecked_Access);
-- end if;
procedure Expand_N_Exception_Declaration (N : Node_Id) is
Id : constant Entity_Id := Defining_Identifier (N);
Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (N);
procedure Force_Static_Allocation_Of_Referenced_Objects
(Aggregate : Node_Id);
-- A specialized solution to one particular case of an ugly problem
-- The given aggregate includes an Unchecked_Conversion as one of the
-- component values. The call to Analyze_And_Resolve below ends up
-- calling Exp_Ch4.Expand_N_Unchecked_Type_Conversion, which may decide
-- to introduce a (constant) temporary and then obtain the component
-- value by evaluating the temporary.
-- In the case of an exception declared within a subprogram (or any
-- other dynamic scope), this is a bad transformation. The exception
-- object is marked as being Statically_Allocated but the temporary is
-- not. If the initial value of a Statically_Allocated declaration
-- references a dynamically allocated object, this prevents static
-- initialization of the object.
-- We cope with this here by marking the temporary Statically_Allocated.
-- It might seem cleaner to generalize this utility and then use it to
-- enforce a rule that the entities referenced in the declaration of any
-- "hoisted" (i.e., Is_Statically_Allocated and not Is_Library_Level)
-- entity must also be either Library_Level or hoisted. It turns out
-- that this would be incompatible with the current treatment of an
-- object which is local to a subprogram, subject to an Export pragma,
-- not subject to an address clause, and whose declaration contains
-- references to other local (non-hoisted) objects (e.g., in the initial
-- value expression).
function Null_String return String_Id;
-- Build a null-terminated empty string
-- Force_Static_Allocation_Of_Referenced_Objects --
procedure Force_Static_Allocation_Of_Referenced_Objects
(Aggregate : Node_Id)
function Fixup_Node (N : Node_Id) return Traverse_Result;
-- If the given node references a dynamically allocated object, then
-- correct the declaration of the object.
-- Fixup_Node --
function Fixup_Node (N : Node_Id) return Traverse_Result is
if Nkind (N) in N_Has_Entity
and then Present (Entity (N))
and then not Is_Library_Level_Entity (Entity (N))
-- Note: the following test is not needed but it seems cleaner
-- to do this test (this would be more important if procedure
-- Force_Static_Allocation_Of_Referenced_Objects recursively
-- traversed the declaration of an entity after marking it as
-- statically allocated).
and then not Is_Statically_Allocated (Entity (N))
Set_Is_Statically_Allocated (Entity (N));
end if;
return OK;
end Fixup_Node;
procedure Fixup_Tree is new Traverse_Proc (Fixup_Node);
-- Start of processing for Force_Static_Allocation_Of_Referenced_Objects
Fixup_Tree (Aggregate);
end Force_Static_Allocation_Of_Referenced_Objects;
-- Null_String --
function Null_String return String_Id is
Store_String_Char (Get_Char_Code (ASCII.NUL));
return End_String;
end Null_String;
-- Local variables
Ex_Id : Entity_Id;
Ex_Val : String_Id;
Flag_Id : Entity_Id;
L : List_Id;
-- Start of processing for Expand_N_Exception_Declaration
-- Nothing to do when generating C code
if Modify_Tree_For_C then
end if;
-- Definition of the external name: nam : constant String := "A.B.NAME";
Ex_Id :=
Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc, New_External_Name (Chars (Id), 'E'));
-- Do not generate an external name if the exception declaration is
-- subject to pragma Discard_Names. Use a null-terminated empty name
-- to ensure that Ada.Exceptions.Exception_Name functions properly.
if Global_Discard_Names or else Discard_Names (Ex_Id) then
Ex_Val := Null_String;
-- Otherwise generate the fully qualified name of the exception
Ex_Val := Fully_Qualified_Name_String (Id);
end if;
Insert_Action (N,
Make_Object_Declaration (Loc,
Defining_Identifier => Ex_Id,
Constant_Present => True,
Object_Definition => New_Occurrence_Of (Standard_String, Loc),
Expression => Make_String_Literal (Loc, Ex_Val)));
Set_Is_Statically_Allocated (Ex_Id);
-- Create the aggregate list for type Standard.Exception_Type:
-- Handled_By_Other component: False
L := Empty_List;
Append_To (L, New_Occurrence_Of (Standard_False, Loc));
-- Lang component: 'A'
Append_To (L,
Make_Character_Literal (Loc,
Chars => Name_uA,
Char_Literal_Value => UI_From_Int (Character'Pos ('A'))));
-- Name_Length component: Nam'Length
Append_To (L,
Make_Attribute_Reference (Loc,
Prefix => New_Occurrence_Of (Ex_Id, Loc),
Attribute_Name => Name_Length));
-- Full_Name component: Standard.A_Char!(Nam'Address)
-- The unchecked conversion causes capacity issues for CodePeer in some
-- cases and is never useful, so we set the Full_Name component to null
-- instead for CodePeer.
if CodePeer_Mode then
Append_To (L, Make_Null (Loc));
Append_To (L, Unchecked_Convert_To (Standard_A_Char,
Make_Attribute_Reference (Loc,
Prefix => New_Occurrence_Of (Ex_Id, Loc),
Attribute_Name => Name_Address)));
end if;
-- HTable_Ptr component: null
Append_To (L, Make_Null (Loc));
-- Foreign_Data component: null
Append_To (L, Make_Null (Loc));
-- Raise_Hook component: null
Append_To (L, Make_Null (Loc));
Set_Expression (N, Make_Aggregate (Loc, Expressions => L));
Analyze_And_Resolve (Expression (N), Etype (Id));
Force_Static_Allocation_Of_Referenced_Objects (Expression (N));
-- Register_Exception (except'Unchecked_Access);
if not No_Exception_Handlers_Set
and then not Restriction_Active (No_Exception_Registration)
L := New_List (
Make_Procedure_Call_Statement (Loc,
Name =>
New_Occurrence_Of (RTE (RE_Register_Exception), Loc),
Parameter_Associations => New_List (
Unchecked_Convert_To (RTE (RE_Exception_Data_Ptr),
Make_Attribute_Reference (Loc,
Prefix => New_Occurrence_Of (Id, Loc),
Attribute_Name => Name_Unrestricted_Access)))));
Set_Register_Exception_Call (Id, First (L));
if not Is_Library_Level_Entity (Id) then
Flag_Id :=
Make_Defining_Identifier (Loc,
Chars => New_External_Name (Chars (Id), 'F'));
Insert_Action (N,
Make_Object_Declaration (Loc,
Defining_Identifier => Flag_Id,
Object_Definition =>
New_Occurrence_Of (Standard_Boolean, Loc),
Expression =>
New_Occurrence_Of (Standard_True, Loc)));
Set_Is_Statically_Allocated (Flag_Id);
Append_To (L,
Make_Assignment_Statement (Loc,
Name => New_Occurrence_Of (Flag_Id, Loc),
Expression => New_Occurrence_Of (Standard_False, Loc)));
Insert_After_And_Analyze (N,
Make_Implicit_If_Statement (N,
Condition => New_Occurrence_Of (Flag_Id, Loc),
Then_Statements => L));
Insert_List_After_And_Analyze (N, L);
end if;
end if;
end Expand_N_Exception_Declaration;
-- Expand_N_Handled_Sequence_Of_Statements --
procedure Expand_N_Handled_Sequence_Of_Statements (N : Node_Id) is
-- Expand exception handlers
if Present (Exception_Handlers (N))
and then not Restriction_Active (No_Exception_Handlers)
Expand_Exception_Handlers (N);
end if;
-- If local exceptions are being expanded, the previous call will
-- have rewritten the construct as a block and reanalyzed it. No
-- further expansion is needed.
if Analyzed (N) then
end if;
-- Add clean up actions if required
if not Nkind_In (Parent (N), N_Package_Body,
and then not Delay_Cleanups (Current_Scope)
-- No cleanup action needed in thunks associated with interfaces
-- because they only displace the pointer to the object.
and then not Is_Thunk (Current_Scope)
Expand_Cleanup_Actions (Parent (N));
Set_First_Real_Statement (N, First (Statements (N)));
end if;
end Expand_N_Handled_Sequence_Of_Statements;
-- Expand_N_Raise_Constraint_Error --
procedure Expand_N_Raise_Constraint_Error (N : Node_Id) is
-- We adjust the condition to deal with the C/Fortran boolean case. This
-- may well not be necessary, as all such conditions are generated by
-- the expander and probably are all standard boolean, but who knows
-- what strange optimization in future may require this adjustment.
Adjust_Condition (Condition (N));
-- Now deal with possible local raise handling
Possible_Local_Raise (N, Standard_Constraint_Error);
end Expand_N_Raise_Constraint_Error;
-- Expand_N_Raise_Expression --
procedure Expand_N_Raise_Expression (N : Node_Id) is
Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (N);
Typ : constant Entity_Id := Etype (N);
RCE : Node_Id;
Possible_Local_Raise (N, Entity (Name (N)));
-- Later we must teach the back end/gigi how to deal with this, but
-- for now we will assume the type is Standard_Boolean and transform
-- the node to:
-- do
-- raise X [with string]
-- in
-- raise Constraint_Error;
-- unless the flag Convert_To_Return_False is set, in which case
-- the transformation is to:
-- do
-- return False;
-- in
-- raise Constraint_Error;
-- The raise constraint error can never be executed. It is just a dummy
-- node that can be labeled with an arbitrary type.
RCE := Make_Raise_Constraint_Error (Loc, Reason => CE_Explicit_Raise);
Set_Etype (RCE, Typ);
if Convert_To_Return_False (N) then
Rewrite (N,
Make_Expression_With_Actions (Loc,
Actions => New_List (
Make_Simple_Return_Statement (Loc,
Expression => New_Occurrence_Of (Standard_False, Loc))),
Expression => RCE));
Rewrite (N,
Make_Expression_With_Actions (Loc,
Actions => New_List (
Make_Raise_Statement (Loc,
Name => Name (N),
Expression => Expression (N))),
Expression => RCE));
end if;
Analyze_And_Resolve (N, Typ);
end Expand_N_Raise_Expression;
-- Expand_N_Raise_Program_Error --
procedure Expand_N_Raise_Program_Error (N : Node_Id) is
-- We adjust the condition to deal with the C/Fortran boolean case. This
-- may well not be necessary, as all such conditions are generated by
-- the expander and probably are all standard boolean, but who knows
-- what strange optimization in future may require this adjustment.
Adjust_Condition (Condition (N));
-- Now deal with possible local raise handling
Possible_Local_Raise (N, Standard_Program_Error);
end Expand_N_Raise_Program_Error;
-- Expand_N_Raise_Statement --
procedure Expand_N_Raise_Statement (N : Node_Id) is
Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (N);
Ehand : Node_Id;
E : Entity_Id;
Str : String_Id;
H : Node_Id;
Src : Boolean;
-- Processing for locally handled exception (exclude reraise case)
if Present (Name (N)) and then Nkind (Name (N)) = N_Identifier then
if Debug_Flag_Dot_G
or else Restriction_Active (No_Exception_Propagation)
-- If we have a local handler, then note that this is potentially
-- able to be transformed into a goto statement.
H := Find_Local_Handler (Entity (Name (N)), N);
if Present (H) then
if Local_Raise_Statements (H) = No_Elist then
Set_Local_Raise_Statements (H, New_Elmt_List);
end if;
-- Append the new entry if it is not there already. Sometimes
-- we have situations where due to reexpansion, the same node
-- is analyzed twice and would otherwise be added twice.
Append_Unique_Elmt (N, Local_Raise_Statements (H));
Set_Has_Local_Raise (H);
-- If no local handler, then generate no propagation warning
Warn_If_No_Propagation (N);
end if;
end if;
end if;
-- If a string expression is present, then the raise statement is
-- converted to a call:
-- Raise_Exception (exception-name'Identity, string);
-- and there is nothing else to do.
if Present (Expression (N)) then
-- Adjust message to deal with Prefix_Exception_Messages. We only
-- add the prefix to string literals, if the message is being
-- constructed, we assume it already deals with uniqueness.
if Prefix_Exception_Messages
and then Nkind (Expression (N)) = N_String_Literal
Buf : Bounded_String;
Add_Source_Info (Buf, Loc, Name_Enclosing_Entity);
Append (Buf, ": ");
Append (Buf, Strval (Expression (N)));
Rewrite (Expression (N), Make_String_Literal (Loc, +Buf));
Analyze_And_Resolve (Expression (N), Standard_String);
end if;
-- Avoid passing exception-name'identity in runtimes in which this
-- argument is not used. This avoids generating undefined references
-- to these exceptions when compiling with no optimization
if Configurable_Run_Time_On_Target
and then (Restriction_Active (No_Exception_Handlers)
or else
Restriction_Active (No_Exception_Propagation))
Rewrite (N,
Make_Procedure_Call_Statement (Loc,
Name => New_Occurrence_Of (RTE (RE_Raise_Exception), Loc),
Parameter_Associations => New_List (
New_Occurrence_Of (RTE (RE_Null_Id), Loc),
Expression (N))));
Rewrite (N,
Make_Procedure_Call_Statement (Loc,
Name => New_Occurrence_Of (RTE (RE_Raise_Exception), Loc),
Parameter_Associations => New_List (
Make_Attribute_Reference (Loc,
Prefix => Name (N),
Attribute_Name => Name_Identity),
Expression (N))));
end if;
Analyze (N);
end if;
-- Remaining processing is for the case where no string expression is
-- present.
-- Don't expand a raise statement that does not come from source if we
-- have already had configurable run-time violations, since most likely
-- it will be junk cascaded nonsense.
if Configurable_Run_Time_Violations > 0
and then not Comes_From_Source (N)
end if;
-- Convert explicit raise of Program_Error, Constraint_Error, and
-- Storage_Error into the corresponding raise (in High_Integrity_Mode
-- all other raises will get normal expansion and be disallowed,
-- but this is also faster in all modes). Propagate Comes_From_Source
-- flag to the new node.
if Present (Name (N)) and then Nkind (Name (N)) = N_Identifier then
Src := Comes_From_Source (N);
if Entity (Name (N)) = Standard_Constraint_Error then
Rewrite (N,
Make_Raise_Constraint_Error (Loc, Reason => CE_Explicit_Raise));
Set_Comes_From_Source (N, Src);
Analyze (N);
elsif Entity (Name (N)) = Standard_Program_Error then
Rewrite (N,
Make_Raise_Program_Error (Loc, Reason => PE_Explicit_Raise));
Set_Comes_From_Source (N, Src);
Analyze (N);
elsif Entity (Name (N)) = Standard_Storage_Error then
Rewrite (N,
Make_Raise_Storage_Error (Loc, Reason => SE_Explicit_Raise));
Set_Comes_From_Source (N, Src);
Analyze (N);
end if;
end if;
-- Case of name present, in this case we expand raise name to
-- Raise_Exception (name'Identity, location_string);
-- where location_string identifies the file/line of the raise
if Present (Name (N)) then
Id : Entity_Id := Entity (Name (N));
Buf : Bounded_String;
Build_Location_String (Buf, Loc);
-- If the exception is a renaming, use the exception that it
-- renames (which might be a predefined exception, e.g.).
if Present (Renamed_Object (Id)) then
Id := Renamed_Object (Id);
end if;
-- Build a C-compatible string in case of no exception handlers,
-- since this is what the last chance handler is expecting.
if No_Exception_Handlers_Set then
-- Generate an empty message if configuration pragma
-- Suppress_Exception_Locations is set for this unit.
if Opt.Exception_Locations_Suppressed then
Buf.Length := 0;
end if;
Append (Buf, ASCII.NUL);
end if;
if Opt.Exception_Locations_Suppressed then
Buf.Length := 0;
end if;
Str := String_From_Name_Buffer (Buf);
-- Convert raise to call to the Raise_Exception routine
Rewrite (N,
Make_Procedure_Call_Statement (Loc,
Name =>
New_Occurrence_Of (RTE (RE_Raise_Exception), Loc),
Parameter_Associations => New_List (
Make_Attribute_Reference (Loc,
Prefix => Name (N),
Attribute_Name => Name_Identity),
Make_String_Literal (Loc, Strval => Str))));
-- Case of no name present (reraise). We rewrite the raise to:
-- Reraise_Occurrence_Always (EO);
-- where EO is the current exception occurrence. If the current handler
-- does not have a choice parameter specification, then we provide one.
-- Bypass expansion to a run-time call when back-end exception
-- handling is active, unless the target is CodePeer or GNATprove.
-- In CodePeer, raising an exception is treated as an error, while in
-- GNATprove all code with exceptions falls outside the subset of
-- code which can be formally analyzed.
if not CodePeer_Mode
and then Back_End_Exceptions
end if;
-- Find innermost enclosing exception handler (there must be one,
-- since the semantics has already verified that this raise statement
-- is valid, and a raise with no arguments is only permitted in the
-- context of an exception handler.
Ehand := Parent (N);
while Nkind (Ehand) /= N_Exception_Handler loop
Ehand := Parent (Ehand);
end loop;
-- Make exception choice parameter if none present. Note that we do
-- not need to put the entity on the entity chain, since no one will
-- be referencing this entity by normal visibility methods.
if No (Choice_Parameter (Ehand)) then
E := Make_Temporary (Loc, 'E');
Set_Choice_Parameter (Ehand, E);
Set_Ekind (E, E_Variable);
Set_Etype (E, RTE (RE_Exception_Occurrence));
Set_Scope (E, Current_Scope);
end if;
-- Now rewrite the raise as a call to Reraise. A special case arises
-- if this raise statement occurs in the context of a handler for
-- all others (i.e. an at end handler). in this case we avoid
-- the call to defer abort, cleanup routines are expected to be
-- called in this case with aborts deferred.
Ech : constant Node_Id := First (Exception_Choices (Ehand));
Ent : Entity_Id;
if Nkind (Ech) = N_Others_Choice
and then All_Others (Ech)
Ent := RTE (RE_Reraise_Occurrence_No_Defer);
Ent := RTE (RE_Reraise_Occurrence_Always);
end if;
Rewrite (N,
Make_Procedure_Call_Statement (Loc,
Name => New_Occurrence_Of (Ent, Loc),
Parameter_Associations => New_List (
New_Occurrence_Of (Choice_Parameter (Ehand), Loc))));
end if;
Analyze (N);
end Expand_N_Raise_Statement;
-- Expand_N_Raise_Storage_Error --
procedure Expand_N_Raise_Storage_Error (N : Node_Id) is
-- We adjust the condition to deal with the C/Fortran boolean case. This
-- may well not be necessary, as all such conditions are generated by
-- the expander and probably are all standard boolean, but who knows
-- what strange optimization in future may require this adjustment.
Adjust_Condition (Condition (N));
-- Now deal with possible local raise handling
Possible_Local_Raise (N, Standard_Storage_Error);
end Expand_N_Raise_Storage_Error;
-- Possible_Local_Raise --
procedure Possible_Local_Raise (N : Node_Id; E : Entity_Id) is
-- Nothing to do if local raise optimization not active
if not Debug_Flag_Dot_G
and then not Restriction_Active (No_Exception_Propagation)
end if;
-- Nothing to do if original node was an explicit raise, because in
-- that case, we already generated the required warning for the raise.
if Nkind (Original_Node (N)) = N_Raise_Statement then
end if;
-- Otherwise see if we have a local handler for the exception
H : constant Node_Id := Find_Local_Handler (E, N);
-- If so, mark that it has a local raise
if Present (H) then
Set_Has_Local_Raise (H, True);
-- Otherwise, if the No_Exception_Propagation restriction is active
-- and the warning is enabled, generate the appropriate warnings.
elsif Warn_On_Non_Local_Exception
and then Restriction_Active (No_Exception_Propagation)
Warn_No_Exception_Propagation_Active (N);
if Configurable_Run_Time_Mode then
("\?X?& may call Last_Chance_Handler", N, E);
("\?X?& may result in unhandled exception", N, E);
end if;
end if;
end Possible_Local_Raise;
-- Find_Local_Handler --
function Find_Local_Handler
(Ename : Entity_Id;
Nod : Node_Id) return Node_Id
N : Node_Id;
P : Node_Id;
H : Node_Id;
C : Node_Id;
SSE : Scope_Stack_Entry renames Scope_Stack.Table (Scope_Stack.Last);
-- This is used to test for wrapped actions below
ERaise : Entity_Id;
EHandle : Entity_Id;
-- The entity Id's for the exception we are raising and handling, using
-- the renamed exception if a Renamed_Entity is present.
-- Never any local handler if all handlers removed
if Debug_Flag_Dot_X then
return Empty;
end if;
-- Get the exception we are raising, allowing for renaming
ERaise := Get_Renamed_Entity (Ename);
-- We need to check if the node we are looking at is contained in
-- Loop to search up the tree
N := Nod;
P := Parent (N);
-- If we get to the top of the tree, or to a subprogram, task, entry,
-- protected body, or accept statement without having found a
-- matching handler, then there is no local handler.
if No (P)
or else Nkind (P) = N_Subprogram_Body
or else Nkind (P) = N_Task_Body
or else Nkind (P) = N_Protected_Body
or else Nkind (P) = N_Entry_Body
or else Nkind (P) = N_Accept_Statement
return Empty;
-- Test for handled sequence of statements with at least one
-- exception handler which might be the one we are looking for.
elsif Nkind (P) = N_Handled_Sequence_Of_Statements
and then Present (Exception_Handlers (P))
-- Before we proceed we need to check if the node N is covered
-- by the statement part of P rather than one of its exception
-- handlers (an exception handler obviously does not cover its
-- own statements).
-- This test is more delicate than might be thought. It is not
-- just a matter of checking the Statements (P), because the node
-- might be waiting to be wrapped in a transient scope, in which
-- case it will end up in the block statements, even though it
-- is not there now.
if Is_List_Member (N) then
LCN : constant List_Id := List_Containing (N);
if LCN = Statements (P)
or else
LCN = SSE.Actions_To_Be_Wrapped (Before)
or else
LCN = SSE.Actions_To_Be_Wrapped (After)
or else
LCN = SSE.Actions_To_Be_Wrapped (Cleanup)
-- Loop through exception handlers
H := First (Exception_Handlers (P));
while Present (H) loop
-- Guard against other constructs appearing in the
-- list of exception handlers.
if Nkind (H) = N_Exception_Handler then
-- Loop through choices in one handler
C := First (Exception_Choices (H));
while Present (C) loop
-- Deal with others case
if Nkind (C) = N_Others_Choice then
-- Matching others handler, but we need
-- to ensure there is no choice parameter.
-- If there is, then we don't have a local
-- handler after all (since we do not allow
-- choice parameters for local handlers).
if No (Choice_Parameter (H)) then
return H;
return Empty;
end if;
-- If not others must be entity name
elsif Nkind (C) /= N_Others_Choice then
pragma Assert (Is_Entity_Name (C));
pragma Assert (Present (Entity (C)));
-- Get exception being handled, dealing with
-- renaming.
EHandle := Get_Renamed_Entity (Entity (C));
-- If match, then check choice parameter
if ERaise = EHandle then
if No (Choice_Parameter (H)) then
return H;
return Empty;
end if;
end if;
end if;
Next (C);
end loop;
end if;
Next (H);
end loop;
end if;
end if;
end if;
N := P;
end loop;
end Find_Local_Handler;
-- Get_Local_Raise_Call_Entity --
-- Note: this is primarily provided for use by the back end in generating
-- calls to Local_Raise. But it would be too late in the back end to call
-- RTE if this actually caused a load/analyze of the unit. So what we do
-- is to ensure there is a dummy call to this function during front end
-- processing so that the unit gets loaded then, and not later.
Local_Raise_Call_Entity : Entity_Id;
Local_Raise_Call_Entity_Set : Boolean := False;
function Get_Local_Raise_Call_Entity return Entity_Id is
if not Local_Raise_Call_Entity_Set then
Local_Raise_Call_Entity_Set := True;
if RTE_Available (RE_Local_Raise) then
Local_Raise_Call_Entity := RTE (RE_Local_Raise);
Local_Raise_Call_Entity := Empty;
end if;
end if;
return Local_Raise_Call_Entity;
end Get_Local_Raise_Call_Entity;
-- Get_RT_Exception_Entity --
function Get_RT_Exception_Entity (R : RT_Exception_Code) return Entity_Id is
case Rkind (R) is
when CE_Reason => return Standard_Constraint_Error;
when PE_Reason => return Standard_Program_Error;
when SE_Reason => return Standard_Storage_Error;
end case;
end Get_RT_Exception_Entity;
-- Get_RT_Exception_Name --
procedure Get_RT_Exception_Name (Code : RT_Exception_Code) is
case Code is
when CE_Access_Check_Failed =>
Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer ("CE_Access_Check");
when CE_Access_Parameter_Is_Null =>
Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer ("CE_Null_Access_Parameter");
when CE_Discriminant_Check_Failed =>
Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer ("CE_Discriminant_Check");
when CE_Divide_By_Zero =>
Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer ("CE_Divide_By_Zero");
when CE_Explicit_Raise =>
Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer ("CE_Explicit_Raise");
when CE_Index_Check_Failed =>
Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer ("CE_Index_Check");
when CE_Invalid_Data =>
Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer ("CE_Invalid_Data");
when CE_Length_Check_Failed =>
Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer ("CE_Length_Check");
when CE_Null_Exception_Id =>
Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer ("CE_Null_Exception_Id");
when CE_Null_Not_Allowed =>
Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer ("CE_Null_Not_Allowed");
when CE_Overflow_Check_Failed =>
Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer ("CE_Overflow_Check");
when CE_Partition_Check_Failed =>
Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer ("CE_Partition_Check");
when CE_Range_Check_Failed =>
Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer ("CE_Range_Check");
when CE_Tag_Check_Failed =>
Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer ("CE_Tag_Check");
when PE_Access_Before_Elaboration =>
Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer ("PE_Access_Before_Elaboration");
when PE_Accessibility_Check_Failed =>
Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer ("PE_Accessibility_Check");
when PE_Address_Of_Intrinsic =>
Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer ("PE_Address_Of_Intrinsic");
when PE_Aliased_Parameters =>
Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer ("PE_Aliased_Parameters");
when PE_All_Guards_Closed =>
Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer ("PE_All_Guards_Closed");
when PE_Bad_Predicated_Generic_Type =>
Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer ("PE_Bad_Predicated_Generic_Type");
when PE_Current_Task_In_Entry_Body =>
Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer ("PE_Current_Task_In_Entry_Body");
when PE_Duplicated_Entry_Address =>
Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer ("PE_Duplicated_Entry_Address");
when PE_Explicit_Raise =>
Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer ("PE_Explicit_Raise");
when PE_Finalize_Raised_Exception =>
Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer ("PE_Finalize_Raised_Exception");
when PE_Implicit_Return =>
Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer ("PE_Implicit_Return");
when PE_Misaligned_Address_Value =>
Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer ("PE_Misaligned_Address_Value");
when PE_Missing_Return =>
Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer ("PE_Missing_Return");
when PE_Non_Transportable_Actual =>
Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer ("PE_Non_Transportable_Actual");
when PE_Overlaid_Controlled_Object =>
Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer ("PE_Overlaid_Controlled_Object");
when PE_Potentially_Blocking_Operation =>
Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer ("PE_Potentially_Blocking_Operation");
when PE_Stream_Operation_Not_Allowed =>
Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer ("PE_Stream_Operation_Not_Allowed");
when PE_Stubbed_Subprogram_Called =>
Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer ("PE_Stubbed_Subprogram_Called");
when PE_Unchecked_Union_Restriction =>
Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer ("PE_Unchecked_Union_Restriction");
when SE_Empty_Storage_Pool =>
Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer ("SE_Empty_Storage_Pool");
when SE_Explicit_Raise =>
Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer ("SE_Explicit_Raise");
when SE_Infinite_Recursion =>
Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer ("SE_Infinite_Recursion");
when SE_Object_Too_Large =>
Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer ("SE_Object_Too_Large");
end case;
end Get_RT_Exception_Name;
-- Warn_If_No_Propagation --
procedure Warn_If_No_Propagation (N : Node_Id) is
if Restriction_Check_Required (No_Exception_Propagation)
and then Warn_On_Non_Local_Exception
Warn_No_Exception_Propagation_Active (N);
if Configurable_Run_Time_Mode then
("\?X?Last_Chance_Handler will be called on exception", N);
("\?X?execution may raise unhandled exception", N);
end if;
end if;
end Warn_If_No_Propagation;
-- Warn_No_Exception_Propagation_Active --
procedure Warn_No_Exception_Propagation_Active (N : Node_Id) is
("?X?pragma Restrictions (No_Exception_Propagation) in effect", N);
end Warn_No_Exception_Propagation_Active;
end Exp_Ch11;