| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| -- -- |
| -- -- |
| -- G N A T . S O C K E T S . T H I N _ C O M M O N -- |
| -- -- |
| -- S p e c -- |
| -- -- |
| -- Copyright (C) 2008-2016, AdaCore -- |
| -- -- |
| -- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- |
| -- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- -- |
| -- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- -- |
| -- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- -- |
| -- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY -- |
| -- -- |
| -- As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted -- |
| -- additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, -- |
| -- version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. -- |
| -- -- |
| -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and -- |
| -- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program; -- |
| -- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see -- |
| -- <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. -- |
| -- -- |
| -- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. -- |
| -- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. -- |
| -- -- |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| |
| -- This is the target-independent part of the thin sockets mapping. |
| -- This package should not be directly with'ed by an applications program. |
| |
| with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion; |
| |
| with Interfaces.C; |
| with Interfaces.C.Pointers; |
| |
| package GNAT.Sockets.Thin_Common is |
| |
| package C renames Interfaces.C; |
| |
| Success : constant C.int := 0; |
| Failure : constant C.int := -1; |
| |
| type time_t is |
| range -2 ** (8 * SOSC.SIZEOF_tv_sec - 1) |
| .. 2 ** (8 * SOSC.SIZEOF_tv_sec - 1) - 1; |
| for time_t'Size use 8 * SOSC.SIZEOF_tv_sec; |
| pragma Convention (C, time_t); |
| |
| type suseconds_t is |
| range -2 ** (8 * SOSC.SIZEOF_tv_usec - 1) |
| .. 2 ** (8 * SOSC.SIZEOF_tv_usec - 1) - 1; |
| for suseconds_t'Size use 8 * SOSC.SIZEOF_tv_usec; |
| pragma Convention (C, suseconds_t); |
| |
| type Timeval is record |
| Tv_Sec : time_t; |
| Tv_Usec : suseconds_t; |
| end record; |
| pragma Convention (C, Timeval); |
| |
| type Timeval_Access is access all Timeval; |
| pragma Convention (C, Timeval_Access); |
| |
| Immediat : constant Timeval := (0, 0); |
| |
| ------------------------------------------- |
| -- Mapping tables to low level constants -- |
| ------------------------------------------- |
| |
| Families : constant array (Family_Type) of C.int := |
| (Family_Inet => SOSC.AF_INET, |
| Family_Inet6 => SOSC.AF_INET6); |
| |
| Lengths : constant array (Family_Type) of C.unsigned_char := |
| (Family_Inet => SOSC.SIZEOF_sockaddr_in, |
| Family_Inet6 => SOSC.SIZEOF_sockaddr_in6); |
| |
| ---------------------------- |
| -- Generic socket address -- |
| ---------------------------- |
| |
| -- Common header |
| |
| -- All socket address types (struct sockaddr, struct sockaddr_storage, |
| -- and protocol specific address types) start with the same 2-byte header, |
| -- which is either a length and a family (one byte each) or just a two-byte |
| -- family. The following unchecked union describes the two possible layouts |
| -- and is meant to be constrained with SOSC.Have_Sockaddr_Len. |
| |
| type Sockaddr_Length_And_Family |
| (Has_Sockaddr_Len : Boolean := False) |
| is record |
| case Has_Sockaddr_Len is |
| when True => |
| Length : C.unsigned_char; |
| Char_Family : C.unsigned_char; |
| |
| when False => |
| Short_Family : C.unsigned_short; |
| end case; |
| end record; |
| pragma Unchecked_Union (Sockaddr_Length_And_Family); |
| pragma Convention (C, Sockaddr_Length_And_Family); |
| |
| procedure Set_Family |
| (Length_And_Family : out Sockaddr_Length_And_Family; |
| Family : Family_Type); |
| -- Set the family component to the appropriate value for Family, and also |
| -- set Length accordingly if applicable on this platform. |
| |
| type Sockaddr is record |
| Sa_Family : Sockaddr_Length_And_Family; |
| -- Address family (and address length on some platforms) |
| |
| Sa_Data : C.char_array (1 .. 14) := (others => C.nul); |
| -- Family-specific data |
| -- Note that some platforms require that all unused (reserved) bytes |
| -- in addresses be initialized to 0 (e.g. VxWorks). |
| end record; |
| pragma Convention (C, Sockaddr); |
| -- Generic socket address |
| |
| type Sockaddr_Access is access all Sockaddr; |
| pragma Convention (C, Sockaddr_Access); |
| -- Access to socket address |
| |
| ---------------------------- |
| -- AF_INET socket address -- |
| ---------------------------- |
| |
| type In_Addr is record |
| S_B1, S_B2, S_B3, S_B4 : C.unsigned_char; |
| end record; |
| for In_Addr'Alignment use C.int'Alignment; |
| pragma Convention (C, In_Addr); |
| -- IPv4 address, represented as a network-order C.int. Note that the |
| -- underlying operating system may assume that values of this type have |
| -- C.int alignment, so we need to provide a suitable alignment clause here. |
| |
| function To_In_Addr is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (C.int, In_Addr); |
| function To_Int is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (In_Addr, C.int); |
| |
| type In_Addr_Access is access all In_Addr; |
| pragma Convention (C, In_Addr_Access); |
| -- Access to internet address |
| |
| Inaddr_Any : aliased constant In_Addr := (others => 0); |
| -- Any internet address (all the interfaces) |
| |
| type In_Addr_Access_Array is array (C.size_t range <>) |
| of aliased In_Addr_Access; |
| pragma Convention (C, In_Addr_Access_Array); |
| |
| package In_Addr_Access_Pointers is new C.Pointers |
| (C.size_t, In_Addr_Access, In_Addr_Access_Array, null); |
| -- Array of internet addresses |
| |
| type Sockaddr_In is record |
| Sin_Family : Sockaddr_Length_And_Family; |
| -- Address family (and address length on some platforms) |
| |
| Sin_Port : C.unsigned_short; |
| -- Port in network byte order |
| |
| Sin_Addr : In_Addr; |
| -- IPv4 address |
| |
| Sin_Zero : C.char_array (1 .. 8) := (others => C.nul); |
| -- Padding |
| -- |
| -- Note that some platforms require that all unused (reserved) bytes |
| -- in addresses be initialized to 0 (e.g. VxWorks). |
| end record; |
| pragma Convention (C, Sockaddr_In); |
| -- Internet socket address |
| |
| type Sockaddr_In_Access is access all Sockaddr_In; |
| pragma Convention (C, Sockaddr_In_Access); |
| -- Access to internet socket address |
| |
| procedure Set_Port |
| (Sin : Sockaddr_In_Access; |
| Port : C.unsigned_short); |
| pragma Inline (Set_Port); |
| -- Set Sin.Sin_Port to Port |
| |
| procedure Set_Address |
| (Sin : Sockaddr_In_Access; |
| Address : In_Addr); |
| pragma Inline (Set_Address); |
| -- Set Sin.Sin_Addr to Address |
| |
| ------------------ |
| -- Host entries -- |
| ------------------ |
| |
| type Hostent is new |
| System.Storage_Elements.Storage_Array (1 .. SOSC.SIZEOF_struct_hostent); |
| for Hostent'Alignment use 8; |
| -- Host entry. This is an opaque type used only via the following |
| -- accessor functions, because 'struct hostent' has different layouts on |
| -- different platforms. |
| |
| type Hostent_Access is access all Hostent; |
| pragma Convention (C, Hostent_Access); |
| -- Access to host entry |
| |
| function Hostent_H_Name |
| (E : Hostent_Access) return System.Address; |
| |
| function Hostent_H_Alias |
| (E : Hostent_Access; I : C.int) return System.Address; |
| |
| function Hostent_H_Addrtype |
| (E : Hostent_Access) return C.int; |
| |
| function Hostent_H_Length |
| (E : Hostent_Access) return C.int; |
| |
| function Hostent_H_Addr |
| (E : Hostent_Access; Index : C.int) return System.Address; |
| |
| --------------------- |
| -- Service entries -- |
| --------------------- |
| |
| type Servent is new |
| System.Storage_Elements.Storage_Array (1 .. SOSC.SIZEOF_struct_servent); |
| for Servent'Alignment use 8; |
| -- Service entry. This is an opaque type used only via the following |
| -- accessor functions, because 'struct servent' has different layouts on |
| -- different platforms. |
| |
| type Servent_Access is access all Servent; |
| pragma Convention (C, Servent_Access); |
| -- Access to service entry |
| |
| function Servent_S_Name |
| (E : Servent_Access) return System.Address; |
| |
| function Servent_S_Alias |
| (E : Servent_Access; Index : C.int) return System.Address; |
| |
| function Servent_S_Port |
| (E : Servent_Access) return C.unsigned_short; |
| |
| function Servent_S_Proto |
| (E : Servent_Access) return System.Address; |
| |
| ------------------ |
| -- NetDB access -- |
| ------------------ |
| |
| -- There are three possible situations for the following NetDB access |
| -- functions: |
| -- - inherently thread safe (case of data returned in a thread specific |
| -- buffer); |
| -- - thread safe using user-provided buffer; |
| -- - thread unsafe. |
| -- |
| -- In the first and third cases, the Buf and Buflen are ignored. In the |
| -- second case, the caller must provide a buffer large enough to |
| -- accommodate the returned data. In the third case, the caller must ensure |
| -- that these functions are called within a critical section. |
| |
| function C_Gethostbyname |
| (Name : C.char_array; |
| Ret : not null access Hostent; |
| Buf : System.Address; |
| Buflen : C.int; |
| H_Errnop : not null access C.int) return C.int; |
| |
| function C_Gethostbyaddr |
| (Addr : System.Address; |
| Addr_Len : C.int; |
| Addr_Type : C.int; |
| Ret : not null access Hostent; |
| Buf : System.Address; |
| Buflen : C.int; |
| H_Errnop : not null access C.int) return C.int; |
| |
| function C_Getservbyname |
| (Name : C.char_array; |
| Proto : C.char_array; |
| Ret : not null access Servent; |
| Buf : System.Address; |
| Buflen : C.int) return C.int; |
| |
| function C_Getservbyport |
| (Port : C.int; |
| Proto : C.char_array; |
| Ret : not null access Servent; |
| Buf : System.Address; |
| Buflen : C.int) return C.int; |
| |
| ------------------------------------ |
| -- Scatter/gather vector handling -- |
| ------------------------------------ |
| |
| type Msghdr is record |
| Msg_Name : System.Address; |
| Msg_Namelen : C.unsigned; |
| Msg_Iov : System.Address; |
| Msg_Iovlen : SOSC.Msg_Iovlen_T; |
| Msg_Control : System.Address; |
| Msg_Controllen : C.size_t; |
| Msg_Flags : C.int; |
| end record; |
| pragma Convention (C, Msghdr); |
| |
| ---------------------------- |
| -- Socket sets management -- |
| ---------------------------- |
| |
| procedure Get_Socket_From_Set |
| (Set : access Fd_Set; |
| Last : access C.int; |
| Socket : access C.int); |
| -- Get last socket in Socket and remove it from the socket set. The |
| -- parameter Last is a maximum value of the largest socket. This hint is |
| -- used to avoid scanning very large socket sets. After a call to |
| -- Get_Socket_From_Set, Last is set back to the real largest socket in the |
| -- socket set. |
| |
| procedure Insert_Socket_In_Set |
| (Set : access Fd_Set; |
| Socket : C.int); |
| -- Insert socket in the socket set |
| |
| function Is_Socket_In_Set |
| (Set : access constant Fd_Set; |
| Socket : C.int) return C.int; |
| -- Check whether Socket is in the socket set, return a non-zero |
| -- value if it is, zero if it is not. |
| |
| procedure Last_Socket_In_Set |
| (Set : access Fd_Set; |
| Last : access C.int); |
| -- Find the largest socket in the socket set. This is needed for select(). |
| -- When Last_Socket_In_Set is called, parameter Last is a maximum value of |
| -- the largest socket. This hint is used to avoid scanning very large |
| -- socket sets. After the call, Last is set back to the real largest socket |
| -- in the socket set. |
| |
| procedure Remove_Socket_From_Set (Set : access Fd_Set; Socket : C.int); |
| -- Remove socket from the socket set |
| |
| procedure Reset_Socket_Set (Set : access Fd_Set); |
| -- Make Set empty |
| |
| ------------------------------------------ |
| -- Pairs of signalling file descriptors -- |
| ------------------------------------------ |
| |
| type Two_Ints is array (0 .. 1) of C.int; |
| pragma Convention (C, Two_Ints); |
| -- Container for two int values |
| |
| subtype Fd_Pair is Two_Ints; |
| -- Two_Ints as used for Create_Signalling_Fds: a pair of connected file |
| -- descriptors, one of which (the "read end" of the connection) being used |
| -- for reading, the other one (the "write end") being used for writing. |
| |
| Read_End : constant := 0; |
| Write_End : constant := 1; |
| -- Indexes into an Fd_Pair value providing access to each of the connected |
| -- file descriptors. |
| |
| function Inet_Pton |
| (Af : C.int; |
| Cp : System.Address; |
| Inp : System.Address) return C.int; |
| |
| function C_Ioctl |
| (Fd : C.int; |
| Req : SOSC.IOCTL_Req_T; |
| Arg : access C.int) return C.int; |
| |
| private |
| pragma Import (C, Get_Socket_From_Set, "__gnat_get_socket_from_set"); |
| pragma Import (C, Is_Socket_In_Set, "__gnat_is_socket_in_set"); |
| pragma Import (C, Last_Socket_In_Set, "__gnat_last_socket_in_set"); |
| pragma Import (C, Insert_Socket_In_Set, "__gnat_insert_socket_in_set"); |
| pragma Import (C, Remove_Socket_From_Set, "__gnat_remove_socket_from_set"); |
| pragma Import (C, Reset_Socket_Set, "__gnat_reset_socket_set"); |
| pragma Import (C, C_Ioctl, "__gnat_socket_ioctl"); |
| pragma Import (C, Inet_Pton, SOSC.Inet_Pton_Linkname); |
| |
| pragma Import (C, C_Gethostbyname, "__gnat_gethostbyname"); |
| pragma Import (C, C_Gethostbyaddr, "__gnat_gethostbyaddr"); |
| pragma Import (C, C_Getservbyname, "__gnat_getservbyname"); |
| pragma Import (C, C_Getservbyport, "__gnat_getservbyport"); |
| |
| pragma Import (C, Servent_S_Name, "__gnat_servent_s_name"); |
| pragma Import (C, Servent_S_Alias, "__gnat_servent_s_alias"); |
| pragma Import (C, Servent_S_Port, "__gnat_servent_s_port"); |
| pragma Import (C, Servent_S_Proto, "__gnat_servent_s_proto"); |
| |
| pragma Import (C, Hostent_H_Name, "__gnat_hostent_h_name"); |
| pragma Import (C, Hostent_H_Alias, "__gnat_hostent_h_alias"); |
| pragma Import (C, Hostent_H_Addrtype, "__gnat_hostent_h_addrtype"); |
| pragma Import (C, Hostent_H_Length, "__gnat_hostent_h_length"); |
| pragma Import (C, Hostent_H_Addr, "__gnat_hostent_h_addr"); |
| |
| end GNAT.Sockets.Thin_Common; |