blob: a2bfda8063088efb7bd2b929855612ed712aedd7 [file] [log] [blame]
-- --
-- --
-- G N A T L I N K --
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 1996-2016, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING3. If not, go to --
-- for a complete copy of the license. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
-- --
-- Gnatlink usage: please consult the gnat documentation
with ALI; use ALI;
with Csets;
with Gnatvsn; use Gnatvsn;
with Indepsw; use Indepsw;
with Namet; use Namet;
with Opt;
with Osint; use Osint;
with Output; use Output;
with Snames;
with Switch; use Switch;
with System; use System;
with Table;
with Targparm; use Targparm;
with Types;
with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line;
with Ada.Exceptions; use Ada.Exceptions;
with System.OS_Lib; use System.OS_Lib;
with System.CRTL;
with Interfaces.C_Streams; use Interfaces.C_Streams;
with Interfaces.C.Strings; use Interfaces.C.Strings;
procedure Gnatlink is
pragma Ident (Gnatvsn.Gnat_Static_Version_String);
Shared_Libgcc_String : constant String := "-shared-libgcc";
Shared_Libgcc : constant String_Access :=
new String'(Shared_Libgcc_String);
-- Used to invoke gcc when the binder is invoked with -shared
Static_Libgcc_String : constant String := "-static-libgcc";
Static_Libgcc : constant String_Access :=
new String'(Static_Libgcc_String);
-- Used to invoke gcc when shared libs are not used
package Gcc_Linker_Options is new Table.Table (
Table_Component_Type => String_Access,
Table_Index_Type => Integer,
Table_Low_Bound => 1,
Table_Initial => 20,
Table_Increment => 100,
Table_Name => "Gnatlink.Gcc_Linker_Options");
-- Comments needed ???
package Libpath is new Table.Table (
Table_Component_Type => Character,
Table_Index_Type => Integer,
Table_Low_Bound => 1,
Table_Initial => 4096,
Table_Increment => 100,
Table_Name => "Gnatlink.Libpath");
-- Comments needed ???
package Linker_Options is new Table.Table (
Table_Component_Type => String_Access,
Table_Index_Type => Integer,
Table_Low_Bound => 1,
Table_Initial => 20,
Table_Increment => 100,
Table_Name => "Gnatlink.Linker_Options");
-- Comments needed ???
package Linker_Objects is new Table.Table (
Table_Component_Type => String_Access,
Table_Index_Type => Integer,
Table_Low_Bound => 1,
Table_Initial => 20,
Table_Increment => 100,
Table_Name => "Gnatlink.Linker_Objects");
-- This table collects the objects file to be passed to the linker. In the
-- case where the linker command line is too long then programs objects
-- are put on the Response_File_Objects table. Note that the binder object
-- file and the user's objects remain in this table. This is very
-- important because on the GNU linker command line the -L switch is not
-- used to look for objects files but -L switch is used to look for
-- objects listed in the response file. This is not a problem with the
-- applications objects as they are specified with a full name.
package Response_File_Objects is new Table.Table (
Table_Component_Type => String_Access,
Table_Index_Type => Integer,
Table_Low_Bound => 1,
Table_Initial => 20,
Table_Increment => 100,
Table_Name => "Gnatlink.Response_File_Objects");
-- This table collects the objects file that are to be put in the response
-- file. Only application objects are collected there (see details in
-- Linker_Objects table comments)
package Binder_Options_From_ALI is new Table.Table (
Table_Component_Type => String_Access,
Table_Index_Type => Integer,
Table_Low_Bound => 1, -- equals low bound of Argument_List for Spawn
Table_Initial => 20,
Table_Increment => 100,
Table_Name => "Gnatlink.Binder_Options_From_ALI");
-- This table collects the switches from the ALI file of the main
-- subprogram.
package Binder_Options is new Table.Table (
Table_Component_Type => String_Access,
Table_Index_Type => Integer,
Table_Low_Bound => 1, -- equals low bound of Argument_List for Spawn
Table_Initial => 20,
Table_Increment => 100,
Table_Name => "Gnatlink.Binder_Options");
-- This table collects the arguments to be passed to compile the binder
-- generated file.
Gcc : String_Access := Program_Name ("gcc", "gnatlink");
Read_Mode : constant String := "r" & ASCII.NUL;
Begin_Info : constant String := "-- BEGIN Object file/option list";
End_Info : constant String := "-- END Object file/option list ";
Gcc_Path : String_Access;
Linker_Path : String_Access;
Output_File_Name : String_Access;
Ali_File_Name : String_Access;
Binder_Spec_Src_File : String_Access;
Binder_Body_Src_File : String_Access;
Binder_Ali_File : String_Access;
Binder_Obj_File : String_Access;
Base_Command_Name : String_Access;
Target_Debuggable_Suffix : String_Access;
Tname : Temp_File_Name;
Tname_FD : File_Descriptor := Invalid_FD;
-- Temporary file used by linker to pass list of object files on
-- certain systems with limitations on size of arguments.
Debug_Flag_Present : Boolean := False;
Verbose_Mode : Boolean := False;
Very_Verbose_Mode : Boolean := False;
Standard_Gcc : Boolean := True;
Compile_Bind_File : Boolean := True;
-- Set to False if bind file is not to be compiled
Create_Map_File : Boolean := False;
-- Set to True by switch -M. The map file name is derived from
-- the ALI file name (mainprog.ali =>
Object_List_File_Supported : Boolean;
for Object_List_File_Supported'Size use Character'Size;
pragma Import
(C, Object_List_File_Supported, "__gnat_objlist_file_supported");
-- Predicate indicating whether the linker has an option whereby the
-- names of object files can be passed to the linker in a file.
Object_File_Option_Ptr : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr;
pragma Import (C, Object_File_Option_Ptr, "__gnat_object_file_option");
-- Pointer to a string representing the linker option which specifies
-- the response file.
Object_File_Option : constant String := Value (Object_File_Option_Ptr);
-- The linker option which specifies the response file as a string
Using_GNU_response_file : constant Boolean :=
Object_File_Option'Length > 0
and then Object_File_Option (Object_File_Option'Last) = '@';
-- Whether a GNU response file is used
Object_List_File_Required : Boolean := False;
-- Set to True to force generation of a response file
Shared_Libgcc_Default : Character;
for Shared_Libgcc_Default'Size use Character'Size;
pragma Import
(C, Shared_Libgcc_Default, "__gnat_shared_libgcc_default");
-- Indicates wether libgcc should be statically linked (use 'T') or
-- dynamically linked (use 'H') by default.
function Base_Name (File_Name : String) return String;
-- Return just the file name part without the extension (if present)
procedure Check_Existing_Executable (File_Name : String);
-- Delete any existing executable to avoid accidentally updating the target
-- of a symbolic link, but produce a Fatail_Error if File_Name matches any
-- of the source file names. This avoids overwriting of extensionless
-- source files by accident on systems where executables do not have
-- extensions.
procedure Delete (Name : String);
-- Wrapper to unlink as status is ignored by this application
procedure Error_Msg (Message : String);
-- Output the error or warning Message
procedure Exit_With_Error (Error : String);
-- Output Error and exit program with a fatal condition
procedure Process_Args;
-- Go through all the arguments and build option tables
procedure Process_Binder_File (Name : String);
-- Reads the binder file and extracts linker arguments
procedure Usage;
-- Display usage
procedure Write_Header;
-- Show user the program name, version and copyright
procedure Write_Usage;
-- Show user the program options
-- Base_Name --
function Base_Name (File_Name : String) return String is
Findex1 : Natural;
Findex2 : Natural;
Findex1 := File_Name'First;
-- The file might be specified by a full path name. However,
-- we want the path to be stripped away.
for J in reverse File_Name'Range loop
if Is_Directory_Separator (File_Name (J)) then
Findex1 := J + 1;
end if;
end loop;
Findex2 := File_Name'Last;
while Findex2 > Findex1 and then File_Name (Findex2) /= '.' loop
Findex2 := Findex2 - 1;
end loop;
if Findex2 = Findex1 then
Findex2 := File_Name'Last + 1;
end if;
return File_Name (Findex1 .. Findex2 - 1);
end Base_Name;
-- Check_Existing_Executable --
procedure Check_Existing_Executable (File_Name : String) is
Ename : String := File_Name;
Efile : File_Name_Type;
Sfile : File_Name_Type;
Canonical_Case_File_Name (Ename);
Name_Len := 0;
Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer (Ename);
Efile := Name_Find;
for J in Units.Table'First .. Units.Last loop
Sfile := Units.Table (J).Sfile;
if Sfile = Efile then
("executable name """ & File_Name & """ matches "
& "source file name """ & Get_Name_String (Sfile) & """");
end if;
end loop;
Delete (File_Name);
end Check_Existing_Executable;
-- Delete --
procedure Delete (Name : String) is
Status : int;
pragma Unreferenced (Status);
Status := unlink (Name'Address);
-- Is it really right to ignore an error here ???
end Delete;
-- Error_Msg --
procedure Error_Msg (Message : String) is
Write_Str (Base_Command_Name.all);
Write_Str (": ");
Write_Str (Message);
end Error_Msg;
-- Exit_With_Error --
procedure Exit_With_Error (Error : String) is
Error_Msg (Error);
Exit_Program (E_Fatal);
end Exit_With_Error;
-- Process_Args --
procedure Process_Args is
Next_Arg : Integer;
Skip_Next : Boolean := False;
-- Set to true if the next argument is to be added into the list of
-- linker's argument without parsing it.
procedure Check_Version_And_Help is new Check_Version_And_Help_G (Usage);
-- Start of processing for Process_Args
-- First, check for --version and --help
Check_Version_And_Help ("GNATLINK", "1996");
-- Loop through arguments of gnatlink command
Next_Arg := 1;
exit when Next_Arg > Argument_Count;
Process_One_Arg : declare
Arg : constant String := Argument (Next_Arg);
-- Case of argument which is a switch
-- We definitely need section by section comments here ???
if Skip_Next then
-- This argument must not be parsed, just add it to the
-- list of linker's options.
Skip_Next := False;
Linker_Options.Table (Linker_Options.Last) :=
new String'(Arg);
elsif Arg'Length /= 0 and then Arg (1) = '-' then
if Arg'Length > 4 and then Arg (2 .. 5) = "gnat" then
("invalid switch: """ & Arg & """ (gnat not needed here)");
end if;
if Arg = "-Xlinker" then
-- Next argument should be sent directly to the linker.
-- We do not want to parse it here.
Skip_Next := True;
Linker_Options.Table (Linker_Options.Last) :=
new String'(Arg);
elsif Arg (2) = 'g'
and then (Arg'Length < 5 or else Arg (2 .. 5) /= "gnat")
Debug_Flag_Present := True;
Linker_Options.Table (Linker_Options.Last) :=
new String'(Arg);
Binder_Options.Table (Binder_Options.Last) :=
Linker_Options.Table (Linker_Options.Last);
elsif Arg'Length >= 3 and then Arg (2) = 'M' then
Switches : String_List_Access;
Convert (Map_File, Arg (3 .. Arg'Last), Switches);
if Switches /= null then
for J in Switches'Range loop
Linker_Options.Table (Linker_Options.Last) :=
Switches (J);
end loop;
end if;
elsif Arg'Length = 2 then
case Arg (2) is
when 'b' =>
Linker_Options.Table (Linker_Options.Last) :=
new String'(Arg);
Binder_Options.Table (Binder_Options.Last) :=
Linker_Options.Table (Linker_Options.Last);
Next_Arg := Next_Arg + 1;
if Next_Arg > Argument_Count then
Exit_With_Error ("Missing argument for -b");
end if;
Get_Machine_Name : declare
Name_Arg : constant String_Access :=
new String'(Argument (Next_Arg));
Linker_Options.Table (Linker_Options.Last) :=
Binder_Options.Table (Binder_Options.Last) :=
end Get_Machine_Name;
when 'f' =>
if Object_List_File_Supported then
Object_List_File_Required := True;
("Object list file not supported on this target");
end if;
when 'M' =>
Create_Map_File := True;
when 'n' =>
Compile_Bind_File := False;
when 'o' =>
Next_Arg := Next_Arg + 1;
if Next_Arg > Argument_Count then
Exit_With_Error ("Missing argument for -o");
end if;
Output_File_Name :=
new String'(Executable_Name
(Argument (Next_Arg),
Only_If_No_Suffix => True));
when 'P' =>
Opt.CodePeer_Mode := True;
when 'R' =>
Opt.Run_Path_Option := False;
when 'v' =>
-- Support "double" verbose mode. Second -v
-- gets sent to the linker and binder phases.
if Verbose_Mode then
Very_Verbose_Mode := True;
Linker_Options.Table (Linker_Options.Last) :=
new String'(Arg);
Binder_Options.Table (Binder_Options.Last) :=
Linker_Options.Table (Linker_Options.Last);
Verbose_Mode := True;
end if;
when others =>
Linker_Options.Table (Linker_Options.Last) :=
new String'(Arg);
end case;
elsif Arg (2) = 'B' then
Linker_Options.Table (Linker_Options.Last) :=
new String'(Arg);
Binder_Options.Table (Binder_Options.Last) :=
Linker_Options.Table (Linker_Options.Last);
elsif Arg'Length >= 7 and then Arg (1 .. 7) = "--LINK=" then
if Arg'Length = 7 then
Exit_With_Error ("Missing argument for --LINK=");
end if;
Linker_Path :=
System.OS_Lib.Locate_Exec_On_Path (Arg (8 .. Arg'Last));
if Linker_Path = null then
("Could not locate linker: " & Arg (8 .. Arg'Last));
end if;
elsif Arg'Length > 6 and then Arg (1 .. 6) = "--GCC=" then
Program_Args : constant Argument_List_Access :=
(Arg (7 .. Arg'Last));
if Program_Args.all (1).all /= Gcc.all then
Gcc := new String'(Program_Args.all (1).all);
Standard_Gcc := False;
end if;
-- Set appropriate flags for switches passed
for J in 2 .. Program_Args.all'Last loop
Arg : constant String := Program_Args.all (J).all;
AF : constant Integer := Arg'First;
if Arg'Length /= 0 and then Arg (AF) = '-' then
if Arg (AF + 1) = 'g'
and then (Arg'Length = 2
or else Arg (AF + 2) in '0' .. '3'
or else Arg (AF + 2 .. Arg'Last) = "coff")
Debug_Flag_Present := True;
end if;
end if;
-- Add directory to source search dirs so that
-- Get_Target_Parameters can find
if Arg (AF .. AF + 1) = "-I"
and then Arg'Length > 2
Add_Src_Search_Dir (Arg (AF + 2 .. Arg'Last));
end if;
-- Pass to gcc for compiling binder generated file
-- No use passing libraries, it will just generate
-- a warning
if not (Arg (AF .. AF + 1) = "-l"
or else Arg (AF .. AF + 1) = "-L")
Binder_Options.Table (Binder_Options.Last) :=
new String'(Arg);
end if;
-- Pass to gcc for linking program
(Gcc_Linker_Options.Last) := new String'(Arg);
end loop;
-- Send all multi-character switches not recognized as
-- a special case by gnatlink to the linker/loader stage.
Linker_Options.Table (Linker_Options.Last) :=
new String'(Arg);
end if;
-- Here if argument is a file name rather than a switch
-- If explicit ali file, capture it
if Arg'Length > 4
and then Arg (Arg'Last - 3 .. Arg'Last) = ".ali"
if Ali_File_Name = null then
Ali_File_Name := new String'(Arg);
Exit_With_Error ("cannot handle more than one ALI file");
end if;
-- If target object file, record object file
elsif Arg'Length > Get_Target_Object_Suffix.all'Length
and then Arg
(Arg'Last -
Get_Target_Object_Suffix.all'Length + 1 .. Arg'Last)
= Get_Target_Object_Suffix.all
Linker_Objects.Table (Linker_Objects.Last) :=
new String'(Arg);
-- If host object file, record object file
elsif Arg'Length > Get_Object_Suffix.all'Length
and then Arg
(Arg'Last - Get_Object_Suffix.all'Length + 1 .. Arg'Last)
= Get_Object_Suffix.all
Linker_Objects.Table (Linker_Objects.Last) :=
new String'(Arg);
-- If corresponding ali file exists, capture it
elsif Ali_File_Name = null
and then Is_Regular_File (Arg & ".ali")
Ali_File_Name := new String'(Arg & ".ali");
-- Otherwise assume this is a linker options entry, but
-- see below for interesting adjustment to this assumption.
Linker_Options.Table (Linker_Options.Last) :=
new String'(Arg);
end if;
end if;
end Process_One_Arg;
Next_Arg := Next_Arg + 1;
end loop;
-- Compile the bind file with warnings suppressed, because
-- otherwise the with of the main program may cause junk warnings.
Binder_Options.Table (Binder_Options.Last) := new String'("-gnatws");
-- If we did not get an ali file at all, and we had at least one
-- linker option, then assume that was the intended ali file after
-- all, so that we get a nicer message later on.
if Ali_File_Name = null
and then Linker_Options.Last >= Linker_Options.First
Ali_File_Name :=
new String'(Linker_Options.Table (Linker_Options.First).all
& ".ali");
end if;
end Process_Args;
-- Process_Binder_File --
procedure Process_Binder_File (Name : String) is
Fd : FILEs;
-- Binder file's descriptor
Link_Bytes : Integer := 0;
-- Projected number of bytes for the linker command line
Link_Max : Integer;
pragma Import (C, Link_Max, "__gnat_link_max");
-- Maximum number of bytes on the command line supported by the OS
-- linker. Passed this limit the response file mechanism must be used
-- if supported.
Next_Line : String (1 .. 1000);
-- Current line value
Nlast : Integer;
Nfirst : Integer;
-- Current line slice (the slice does not contain line terminator)
Last : Integer;
-- Current line last character for shared libraries (without version)
Objs_Begin : Integer := 0;
-- First object file index in Linker_Objects table
Objs_End : Integer := 0;
-- Last object file index in Linker_Objects table
Status : int;
pragma Warnings (Off, Status);
-- Used for various Interfaces.C_Streams calls
Closing_Status : Boolean;
pragma Warnings (Off, Closing_Status);
-- For call to Close
GNAT_Static : Boolean := False;
-- Save state of -static option
GNAT_Shared : Boolean := False;
-- Save state of -shared option
Xlinker_Was_Previous : Boolean := False;
-- Indicate that "-Xlinker" was the option preceding the current option.
-- If True, then the current option is never suppressed.
-- Rollback data
-- These data items are used to store current binder file context. The
-- context is composed of the file descriptor position and the current
-- line together with the slice indexes (first and last position) for
-- this line. The rollback data are used by the Store_File_Context and
-- Rollback_File_Context routines below. The file context mechanism
-- interact only with the Get_Next_Line call. For example:
-- Store_File_Context;
-- Get_Next_Line;
-- Rollback_File_Context;
-- Get_Next_Line;
-- Both Get_Next_Line calls above will read the exact same data from
-- the file. In other words, Next_Line, Nfirst and Nlast variables
-- will be set with the exact same values.
RB_File_Pos : long; -- File position
RB_Next_Line : String (1 .. 1000); -- Current line content
RB_Nlast : Integer; -- Slice last index
RB_Nfirst : Integer; -- Slice first index
Run_Path_Option_Ptr : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr;
pragma Import (C, Run_Path_Option_Ptr, "__gnat_run_path_option");
-- Pointer to string representing the native linker option which
-- specifies the path where the dynamic loader should find shared
-- libraries. Equal to null string if this system doesn't support it.
Libgcc_Subdir_Ptr : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr;
pragma Import (C, Libgcc_Subdir_Ptr, "__gnat_default_libgcc_subdir");
-- Pointer to string indicating the installation subdirectory where
-- a default shared libgcc might be found.
Object_Library_Ext_Ptr : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr;
pragma Import
(C, Object_Library_Ext_Ptr, "__gnat_object_library_extension");
-- Pointer to string specifying the default extension for
-- object libraries, e.g. Unix uses ".a".
Separate_Run_Path_Options : Boolean;
for Separate_Run_Path_Options'Size use Character'Size;
pragma Import
(C, Separate_Run_Path_Options, "__gnat_separate_run_path_options");
-- Whether separate rpath options should be emitted for each directory
procedure Get_Next_Line;
-- Read the next line from the binder file without the line
-- terminator.
function Index (S, Pattern : String) return Natural;
-- Return the last occurrence of Pattern in S, or 0 if none
procedure Store_File_Context;
-- Store current file context, Fd position and current line data.
-- The file context is stored into the rollback data above (RB_*).
-- Store_File_Context can be called at any time, only the last call
-- will be used (i.e. this routine overwrites the file context).
procedure Rollback_File_Context;
-- Restore file context from rollback data. This routine must be called
-- after Store_File_Context. The binder file context will be restored
-- with the data stored by the last Store_File_Context call.
procedure Write_RF (S : String);
-- Write a string to the response file and check if it was successful.
-- Fail the program if it was not successful (disk full).
-- Get_Next_Line --
procedure Get_Next_Line is
Fchars : chars;
Fchars := fgets (Next_Line'Address, Next_Line'Length, Fd);
if Fchars = System.Null_Address then
Exit_With_Error ("Error reading binder output");
end if;
Nfirst := Next_Line'First;
Nlast := Nfirst;
while Nlast <= Next_Line'Last
and then Next_Line (Nlast) /= ASCII.LF
and then Next_Line (Nlast) /= ASCII.CR
Nlast := Nlast + 1;
end loop;
Nlast := Nlast - 1;
end Get_Next_Line;
-- Index --
function Index (S, Pattern : String) return Natural is
Len : constant Natural := Pattern'Length;
for J in reverse S'First .. S'Last - Len + 1 loop
if Pattern = S (J .. J + Len - 1) then
return J;
end if;
end loop;
return 0;
end Index;
-- Rollback_File_Context --
procedure Rollback_File_Context is
Next_Line := RB_Next_Line;
Nfirst := RB_Nfirst;
Nlast := RB_Nlast;
Status := fseek (Fd, RB_File_Pos, Interfaces.C_Streams.SEEK_SET);
if Status = -1 then
Exit_With_Error ("Error setting file position");
end if;
end Rollback_File_Context;
-- Store_File_Context --
procedure Store_File_Context is
use type System.CRTL.long;
RB_Next_Line := Next_Line;
RB_Nfirst := Nfirst;
RB_Nlast := Nlast;
RB_File_Pos := ftell (Fd);
if RB_File_Pos = -1 then
Exit_With_Error ("Error getting file position");
end if;
end Store_File_Context;
-- Write_RF --
procedure Write_RF (S : String) is
Success : Boolean := True;
Back_Slash : constant Character := '\';
-- If a GNU response file is used, space and backslash need to be
-- escaped because they are interpreted as a string separator and
-- an escape character respectively by the underlying mechanism.
-- On the other hand, quote and double-quote are not escaped since
-- they are interpreted as string delimiters on both sides.
if Using_GNU_response_file then
for J in S'Range loop
if S (J) = ' ' or else S (J) = '\' then
if Write (Tname_FD, Back_Slash'Address, 1) /= 1 then
Success := False;
end if;
end if;
if Write (Tname_FD, S (J)'Address, 1) /= 1 then
Success := False;
end if;
end loop;
if Write (Tname_FD, S'Address, S'Length) /= S'Length then
Success := False;
end if;
end if;
if Write (Tname_FD, ASCII.LF'Address, 1) /= 1 then
Success := False;
end if;
if not Success then
Exit_With_Error ("Error generating response file: disk full");
end if;
end Write_RF;
-- Start of processing for Process_Binder_File
Fd := fopen (Name'Address, Read_Mode'Address);
if Fd = NULL_Stream then
Exit_With_Error ("Failed to open binder output");
end if;
-- Skip up to the Begin Info line
exit when Next_Line (Nfirst .. Nlast) = Begin_Info;
end loop;
-- Go to end when end line is reached (this will happen in
-- High_Integrity_Mode where no -L switches are generated)
exit when Next_Line (Nfirst .. Nlast) = End_Info;
Next_Line (Nfirst .. Nlast - 8) := Next_Line (Nfirst + 8 .. Nlast);
Nlast := Nlast - 8;
-- Go to next section when switches are reached
exit when Next_Line (1) = '-';
-- Otherwise we have another object file to collect
-- Mark the positions of first and last object files in case they
-- need to be placed with a named file on systems having linker
-- line limitations.
if Objs_Begin = 0 then
Objs_Begin := Linker_Objects.Last;
end if;
Linker_Objects.Table (Linker_Objects.Last) :=
new String'(Next_Line (Nfirst .. Nlast));
-- Nlast - Nfirst + 1, for the size, plus one for the space between
-- each arguments.
Link_Bytes := Link_Bytes + Nlast - Nfirst + 2;
end loop;
Objs_End := Linker_Objects.Last;
-- Continue to compute the Link_Bytes, the linker options are part of
-- command line length.
while Next_Line (Nfirst .. Nlast) /= End_Info loop
Link_Bytes := Link_Bytes + Nlast - Nfirst + 2;
end loop;
-- On systems that have limitations on handling very long linker lines
-- we make use of the system linker option which takes a list of object
-- file names from a file instead of the command line itself. What we do
-- is to replace the list of object files by the special linker option
-- which then reads the object file list from a file instead. The option
-- to read from a file instead of the command line is only triggered if
-- a conservative threshold is passed.
if Object_List_File_Required
or else (Object_List_File_Supported
and then Link_Bytes > Link_Max)
-- Create a temporary file containing the Ada user object files
-- needed by the link. This list is taken from the bind file and is
-- output one object per line for maximal compatibility with linkers
-- supporting this option.
Create_Temp_File (Tname_FD, Tname);
-- ??? File descriptor should be checked to not be Invalid_FD.
-- ??? Status of Write and Close operations should be checked, and
-- failure should occur if a status is wrong.
for J in Objs_Begin .. Objs_End loop
Write_RF (Linker_Objects.Table (J).all);
Response_File_Objects.Table (Response_File_Objects.Last) :=
Linker_Objects.Table (J);
end loop;
Close (Tname_FD, Closing_Status);
-- Add the special objects list file option together with the name
-- of the temporary file (removing the null character) to the objects
-- file table.
Linker_Objects.Table (Objs_Begin) :=
new String'(Object_File_Option &
Tname (Tname'First .. Tname'Last - 1));
-- The slots containing these object file names are then removed
-- from the objects table so they do not appear in the link. They are
-- removed by moving up the linker options and non-Ada object files
-- appearing after the Ada object list in the table.
N : Integer;
N := Objs_End - Objs_Begin + 1;
for J in Objs_End + 1 .. Linker_Objects.Last loop
Linker_Objects.Table (J - N + 1) := Linker_Objects.Table (J);
end loop;
Linker_Objects.Set_Last (Linker_Objects.Last - N + 1);
end if;
-- Process switches and options
if Next_Line (Nfirst .. Nlast) /= End_Info then
Xlinker_Was_Previous := False;
if Xlinker_Was_Previous
or else Next_Line (Nfirst .. Nlast) = "-Xlinker"
Linker_Options.Table (Linker_Options.Last) :=
new String'(Next_Line (Nfirst .. Nlast));
elsif Next_Line (Nfirst .. Nlast) = "-static" then
GNAT_Static := True;
elsif Next_Line (Nfirst .. Nlast) = "-shared" then
GNAT_Shared := True;
-- Add binder options only if not already set on the command line.
-- This rule is a way to control the linker options order.
if Nlast > Nfirst + 2 and then
Next_Line (Nfirst .. Nfirst + 1) = "-L"
-- Construct a library search path for use later to locate
-- static gnatlib libraries.
if Libpath.Last > 1 then
Libpath.Table (Libpath.Last) := Path_Separator;
end if;
for I in Nfirst + 2 .. Nlast loop
Libpath.Table (Libpath.Last) := Next_Line (I);
end loop;
Linker_Options.Table (Linker_Options.Last) :=
new String'(Next_Line (Nfirst .. Nlast));
elsif Next_Line (Nfirst .. Nlast) = "-lgnarl"
or else Next_Line (Nfirst .. Nlast) = "-lgnat"
or else
(1 .. Natural'Min (Nlast, 8 + Library_Version'Length)) =
Shared_Lib ("gnarl")
or else
(1 .. Natural'Min (Nlast, 7 + Library_Version'Length)) =
Shared_Lib ("gnat")
-- If it is a shared library, remove the library version.
-- We will be looking for the static version of the library
-- as it is in the same directory as the shared version.
if Next_Line (Nlast - Library_Version'Length + 1 .. Nlast) =
-- Set Last to point to last character before the
-- library version.
Last := Nlast - Library_Version'Length - 1;
Last := Nlast;
end if;
-- Given a Gnat standard library, search the library path to
-- find the library location.
-- Shouldn't we abstract a proc here, we are getting awfully
-- heavily nested ???
File_Path : String_Access;
Object_Lib_Extension : constant String :=
Value (Object_Library_Ext_Ptr);
File_Name : constant String := "lib" &
Next_Line (Nfirst + 2 .. Last) & Object_Lib_Extension;
Run_Path_Opt : constant String :=
Value (Run_Path_Option_Ptr);
GCC_Index : Natural;
Run_Path_Opt_Index : Natural := 0;
File_Path :=
Locate_Regular_File (File_Name,
String (Libpath.Table (1 .. Libpath.Last)));
if File_Path /= null then
if GNAT_Static then
-- If static gnatlib found, explicitly specify to
-- overcome possible linker default usage of shared
-- version.
Linker_Options.Table (Linker_Options.Last) :=
new String'(File_Path.all);
elsif GNAT_Shared then
if Opt.Run_Path_Option then
-- If shared gnatlib desired, add appropriate
-- system specific switch so that it can be
-- located at runtime.
if Run_Path_Opt'Length /= 0 then
-- Output the system specific linker command
-- that allows the image activator to find
-- the shared library at runtime. Also add
-- path to find, if relevant.
Path : String (1 .. File_Path'Length + 15);
Path_Last : constant Natural :=
Path (1 .. File_Path'Length) :=
-- To find the location of the shared version
-- of libgcc, we look for "gcc-lib" in the
-- path of the library. However, this
-- subdirectory is no longer present in
-- recent versions of GCC. So, we look for
-- the last subdirectory "lib" in the path.
GCC_Index :=
Index (Path (1 .. Path_Last), "gcc-lib");
if GCC_Index /= 0 then
-- The shared version of libgcc is
-- located in the parent directory.
GCC_Index := GCC_Index - 1;
GCC_Index :=
(Path (1 .. Path_Last),
if GCC_Index = 0 then
GCC_Index :=
Index (Path (1 .. Path_Last),
Directory_Separator & "lib"
& Directory_Separator);
end if;
-- If we have found a "lib" subdir in
-- the path to libgnat, the possible
-- shared libgcc of interest by default
-- is in libgcc_subdir at the same
-- level.
if GCC_Index /= 0 then
Subdir : constant String :=
Value (Libgcc_Subdir_Ptr);
(GCC_Index + 1 ..
GCC_Index + Subdir'Length) :=
GCC_Index :=
GCC_Index + Subdir'Length;
end if;
end if;
-- Look for an eventual run_path_option in
-- the linker switches.
if Separate_Run_Path_Options then
(Linker_Options.Last) :=
new String'
& File_Path
(1 .. File_Path'Length
- File_Name'Length));
if GCC_Index /= 0 then
(Linker_Options.Last) :=
new String'
& Path (1 .. GCC_Index));
end if;
for J in reverse
1 .. Linker_Options.Last
if Linker_Options.Table (J) /= null
and then
Linker_Options.Table (J)'Length
> Run_Path_Opt'Length
and then
Linker_Options.Table (J)
(1 .. Run_Path_Opt'Length) =
-- We have found an already
-- specified run_path_option:
-- we will add to this
-- switch, because only one
-- run_path_option should be
-- specified.
Run_Path_Opt_Index := J;
end if;
end loop;
-- If there is no run_path_option, we
-- need to add one.
if Run_Path_Opt_Index = 0 then
end if;
if GCC_Index = 0 then
if Run_Path_Opt_Index = 0 then
(Linker_Options.Last) :=
new String'
& File_Path
(1 .. File_Path'Length
- File_Name'Length));
(Run_Path_Opt_Index) :=
new String'
& Path_Separator
& File_Path
(1 .. File_Path'Length
- File_Name'Length));
end if;
if Run_Path_Opt_Index = 0 then
(Linker_Options.Last) :=
new String'
& File_Path
(1 .. File_Path'Length
- File_Name'Length)
& Path_Separator
& Path (1 .. GCC_Index));
(Run_Path_Opt_Index) :=
new String'
& Path_Separator
& File_Path
(1 .. File_Path'Length
- File_Name'Length)
& Path_Separator
& Path (1 .. GCC_Index));
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
-- Then we add the appropriate -l switch
Linker_Options.Table (Linker_Options.Last) :=
new String'(Next_Line (Nfirst .. Nlast));
end if;
-- If gnatlib library not found, then add it anyway in
-- case some other mechanism may find it.
Linker_Options.Table (Linker_Options.Last) :=
new String'(Next_Line (Nfirst .. Nlast));
end if;
Linker_Options.Table (Linker_Options.Last) :=
new String'(Next_Line (Nfirst .. Nlast));
end if;
end if;
Xlinker_Was_Previous := Next_Line (Nfirst .. Nlast) = "-Xlinker";
exit when Next_Line (Nfirst .. Nlast) = End_Info;
Next_Line (Nfirst .. Nlast - 8) := Next_Line (Nfirst + 8 .. Nlast);
Nlast := Nlast - 8;
end loop;
end if;
-- If -shared was specified, invoke gcc with -shared-libgcc
if GNAT_Shared then
Linker_Options.Table (Linker_Options.Last) := Shared_Libgcc;
end if;
Status := fclose (Fd);
end Process_Binder_File;
-- Usage --
procedure Usage is
Write_Str ("Usage: ");
Write_Str (Base_Command_Name.all);
Write_Str (" switches mainprog.ali [non-Ada-objects] [linker-options]");
Write_Line (" mainprog.ali the ALI file of the main program");
Write_Line (" -f Force object file list to be generated");
Write_Line (" -g Compile binder source file with debug information");
Write_Line (" -n Do not compile the binder source file");
Write_Line (" -P Process files for use by CodePeer");
Write_Line (" -R Do not use a run_path_option");
Write_Line (" -v Verbose mode");
Write_Line (" -v -v Very verbose mode");
Write_Line (" -o nam Use 'nam' as the name of the executable");
Write_Line (" -b target Compile the binder source to run on target");
Write_Line (" -Bdir Load compiler executables from dir");
if Is_Supported (Map_File) then
Write_Line (" -Mmap Create map file map");
Write_Line (" -M Create map file");
end if;
Write_Line (" --GCC=comp Use comp as the compiler");
Write_Line (" --LINK=nam Use 'nam' for the linking rather than 'gcc'");
Write_Line (" [non-Ada-objects] list of non Ada object files");
Write_Line (" [linker-options] other options for the linker");
end Usage;
-- Write_Header --
procedure Write_Header is
if Verbose_Mode then
Display_Version ("GNATLINK", "1995");
end if;
end Write_Header;
-- Write_Usage --
procedure Write_Usage is
end Write_Usage;
-- Start of processing for Gnatlink
-- Add the directory where gnatlink is invoked in front of the path, if
-- gnatlink is invoked with directory information.
Command : constant String := Command_Name;
for Index in reverse Command'Range loop
if Command (Index) = Directory_Separator then
Absolute_Dir : constant String :=
(Command (Command'First .. Index));
PATH : constant String :=
Absolute_Dir &
Path_Separator &
Getenv ("PATH").all;
Setenv ("PATH", PATH);
end if;
end loop;
Base_Command_Name := new String'(Base_Name (Command_Name));
if Argument_Count = 0
or else (Verbose_Mode and then Argument_Count = 1)
Exit_Program (E_Fatal);
end if;
-- Initialize packages to be used
-- We always compile with -c
Binder_Options_From_ALI.Table (Binder_Options_From_ALI.Last) :=
new String'("-c");
if Ali_File_Name = null then
Exit_With_Error ("no ali file given for link");
end if;
if not Is_Regular_File (Ali_File_Name.all) then
Exit_With_Error (Ali_File_Name.all & " not found");
end if;
-- Read the ALI file of the main subprogram if the binder generated file
-- needs to be compiled and no --GCC= switch has been specified. Fetch the
-- back end switches from this ALI file and use these switches to compile
-- the binder generated file
if Compile_Bind_File and then Standard_Gcc then
Name_Len := Ali_File_Name'Length;
Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) := Ali_File_Name.all;
use Types;
F : constant File_Name_Type := Name_Find;
T : Text_Buffer_Ptr;
A : ALI_Id;
-- Load the ALI file
T := Read_Library_Info (F, True);
-- Read it. Note that we ignore errors, since we only want very
-- limited information from the ali file, and likely a slightly
-- wrong version will be just fine, though in normal operation
-- we don't expect this to happen.
A := Scan_ALI
Ignore_ED => False,
Err => False,
Ignore_Errors => True);
if A /= No_ALI_Id then
Index in Units.Table (ALIs.Table (A).First_Unit).First_Arg ..
Units.Table (ALIs.Table (A).First_Unit).Last_Arg
-- Do not compile with the front end switches. However, --RTS
-- is to be dealt with specially because it needs to be passed
-- to compile the file generated by the binder.
Arg : String_Ptr renames Args.Table (Index);
if not Is_Front_End_Switch (Arg.all) then
(Binder_Options_From_ALI.Last) := String_Access (Arg);
-- GNAT doesn't support GCC's multilib mechanism when it
-- is configured with --disable-libada. This means that,
-- when a multilib switch is used to request a particular
-- compilation mode, the corresponding --RTS switch must
-- also be specified. It is convenient to eliminate the
-- redundancy by keying the compilation mode on a single
-- switch, namely --RTS, and have the compiler reinstate
-- the multilib switch (see gcc-interface/lang-specs.h).
-- This switch must be passed to the driver at link time.
if Arg'Length = 5
and then Arg (Arg'First + 1 .. Arg'First + 4) = "mrtp"
(Linker_Options.Last) := String_Access (Arg);
end if;
elsif Arg'Length > 5
and then Arg (Arg'First + 2 .. Arg'First + 5) = "RTS="
(Binder_Options_From_ALI.Last) := String_Access (Arg);
-- Set the RTS_*_Path_Name variables, so that
-- the correct directories will be set when
-- Osint.Add_Default_Search_Dirs will be called later.
Opt.RTS_Src_Path_Name :=
(Arg (Arg'First + 6 .. Arg'Last), Include);
Opt.RTS_Lib_Path_Name :=
(Arg (Arg'First + 6 .. Arg'Last), Objects);
end if;
end loop;
end if;
end if;
-- Get target parameters
-- Compile the bind file with the following switches:
-- -gnatA stops reading gnat.adc, since we don't know what
-- pragmas would work, and we do not need it anyway.
-- -gnatWb allows brackets coding for wide characters
-- -gnatiw allows wide characters in identifiers. This is needed
-- because bindgen uses brackets encoding for all upper
-- half and wide characters in identifier names.
-- In addition, in CodePeer mode compile with -x adascil -gnatcC
Binder_Options_From_ALI.Table (Binder_Options_From_ALI.Last) :=
new String'("-gnatA");
Binder_Options_From_ALI.Table (Binder_Options_From_ALI.Last) :=
new String'("-gnatWb");
Binder_Options_From_ALI.Table (Binder_Options_From_ALI.Last) :=
new String'("-gnatiw");
if Opt.CodePeer_Mode then
Binder_Options_From_ALI.Table (Binder_Options_From_ALI.Last) :=
new String'("-x");
Binder_Options_From_ALI.Table (Binder_Options_From_ALI.Last) :=
new String'("adascil");
Binder_Options_From_ALI.Table (Binder_Options_From_ALI.Last) :=
new String'("-gnatcC");
end if;
-- Locate all the necessary programs and verify required files are present
Gcc_Path := System.OS_Lib.Locate_Exec_On_Path (Gcc.all);
if Gcc_Path = null then
Exit_With_Error ("Couldn't locate " & Gcc.all);
end if;
if Linker_Path = null then
Linker_Path := Gcc_Path;
end if;
Target_Debuggable_Suffix := Get_Target_Debuggable_Suffix;
-- If no output name specified, then use the base name of .ali file name
if Output_File_Name = null then
Output_File_Name :=
new String'(Base_Name (Ali_File_Name.all)
& Target_Debuggable_Suffix.all);
end if;
Linker_Options.Table (Linker_Options.Last) := new String'("-o");
Linker_Options.Table (Linker_Options.Last) :=
new String'(Output_File_Name.all);
Check_Existing_Executable (Output_File_Name.all);
-- Warn if main program is called "test", as that may be a built-in command
-- on Unix. On non-Unix systems executables have a suffix, so the warning
-- will not appear. However, do not warn in the case of a cross compiler.
-- Assume this is a cross tool if the executable name is not gnatlink.
-- Note that the executable name is also gnatlink on windows, but in that
-- case the output file name will be test.exe rather than test.
if Base_Command_Name.all = "gnatlink"
and then Output_File_Name.all = "test"
Error_Msg ("warning: executable name """ & Output_File_Name.all
& """ may conflict with shell command");
end if;
-- Special warnings for worrisome file names on windows
-- Recent versions of Windows by default cause privilege escalation if an
-- executable file name contains substrings "install", "setup", "update"
-- or "patch". A console application will typically fail to load as a
-- result, so we should warn the user.
Bad_File_Names_On_Windows : declare
FN : String := Output_File_Name.all;
procedure Check_File_Name (S : String);
-- Warn if file name has the substring S
procedure Check_File_Name (S : String) is
for J in 1 .. FN'Length - (S'Length - 1) loop
if FN (J .. J + (S'Length - 1)) = S then
("warning: executable file name """ & Output_File_Name.all
& """ contains substring """ & S & '"');
("admin privileges may be required to run this file");
end if;
end loop;
end Check_File_Name;
-- Start of processing for Bad_File_Names_On_Windows
for J in FN'Range loop
FN (J) := Csets.Fold_Lower (FN (J));
end loop;
-- For now we detect Windows by its executable suffix of .exe
if Target_Debuggable_Suffix.all = ".exe" then
Check_File_Name ("install");
Check_File_Name ("setup");
Check_File_Name ("update");
Check_File_Name ("patch");
end if;
end Bad_File_Names_On_Windows;
-- If -M switch was specified, add the switches to create the map file
if Create_Map_File then
Map_Name : constant String := Base_Name (Ali_File_Name.all) & ".map";
Switches : String_List_Access;
Convert (Map_File, Map_Name, Switches);
if Switches /= null then
for J in Switches'Range loop
Linker_Options.Table (Linker_Options.Last) := Switches (J);
end loop;
end if;
end if;
-- Perform consistency checks
-- Transform the .ali file name into the binder output file name
Make_Binder_File_Names : declare
Fname : constant String := Base_Name (Ali_File_Name.all);
Fname_Len : Integer := Fname'Length;
function Get_Maximum_File_Name_Length return Integer;
pragma Import (C, Get_Maximum_File_Name_Length,
Maximum_File_Name_Length : constant Integer :=
Bind_File_Prefix : Types.String_Ptr;
-- Contains prefix used for bind files
-- Set prefix
Bind_File_Prefix := new String'("b~");
-- If the length of the binder file becomes too long due to
-- the addition of the "b?" prefix, then truncate it.
if Maximum_File_Name_Length > 0 then
while Fname_Len >
Maximum_File_Name_Length - Bind_File_Prefix.all'Length
Fname_Len := Fname_Len - 1;
end loop;
end if;
Fnam : constant String :=
Bind_File_Prefix.all &
Fname (Fname'First .. Fname'First + Fname_Len - 1);
Binder_Spec_Src_File := new String'(Fnam & ".ads");
Binder_Body_Src_File := new String'(Fnam & ".adb");
Binder_Ali_File := new String'(Fnam & ".ali");
Binder_Obj_File := new String'(Fnam & Get_Target_Object_Suffix.all);
if Fname_Len /= Fname'Length then
Binder_Options.Table (Binder_Options.Last) := new String'("-o");
Binder_Options.Table (Binder_Options.Last) := Binder_Obj_File;
end if;
end Make_Binder_File_Names;
Process_Binder_File (Binder_Body_Src_File.all & ASCII.NUL);
-- Compile the binder file. This is fast, so we always do it, unless
-- specifically told not to by the -n switch
if Compile_Bind_File then
Bind_Step : declare
Success : Boolean;
Args : Argument_List
(1 .. Binder_Options_From_ALI.Last + Binder_Options.Last + 1);
for J in 1 .. Binder_Options_From_ALI.Last loop
Args (J) := Binder_Options_From_ALI.Table (J);
end loop;
for J in 1 .. Binder_Options.Last loop
Args (Binder_Options_From_ALI.Last + J) :=
Binder_Options.Table (J);
end loop;
-- Use the full path of the binder generated source, so that it is
-- guaranteed that the debugger will find this source, even with
Args (Args'Last) :=
new String'(Normalize_Pathname (Binder_Body_Src_File.all));
if Verbose_Mode then
Write_Str (Base_Name (Gcc_Path.all));
for J in Args'Range loop
Write_Str (" ");
Write_Str (Args (J).all);
end loop;
end if;
System.OS_Lib.Spawn (Gcc_Path.all, Args, Success);
if not Success then
Exit_Program (E_Fatal);
end if;
end Bind_Step;
end if;
-- In CodePeer mode, there's nothing left to do after the binder file has
-- been compiled.
if Opt.CodePeer_Mode then
if Tname_FD /= Invalid_FD then
Delete (Tname);
end if;
end if;
-- Now, actually link the program
Link_Step : declare
Num_Args : Natural :=
(Linker_Options.Last - Linker_Options.First + 1) +
(Gcc_Linker_Options.Last - Gcc_Linker_Options.First + 1) +
(Linker_Objects.Last - Linker_Objects.First + 1);
Stack_Op : Boolean := False;
-- Remove duplicate stack size setting from the Linker_Options table.
-- The stack setting option "-Xlinker --stack=R,C" can be found
-- in one line when set by a pragma Linker_Options or in two lines
-- ("-Xlinker" then "--stack=R,C") when set on the command line. We
-- also check for the "-Wl,--stack=R" style option.
-- We must remove the second stack setting option instance because
-- the one on the command line will always be the first one. And any
-- subsequent stack setting option will overwrite the previous one.
-- This is done especially for GNAT/NT where we set the stack size
-- for tasking programs by a pragma in the NT specific tasking
-- package System.Task_Primitives.Operations.
-- Note: This is not a FOR loop that runs from Linker_Options.First
-- to Linker_Options.Last, since operations within the loop can
-- modify the length of the table.
Clean_Link_Option_Set : declare
J : Natural;
Shared_Libgcc_Seen : Boolean := False;
Static_Libgcc_Seen : Boolean := False;
J := Linker_Options.First;
while J <= Linker_Options.Last loop
if Linker_Options.Table (J).all = "-Xlinker"
and then J < Linker_Options.Last
and then Linker_Options.Table (J + 1)'Length > 8
and then Linker_Options.Table (J + 1) (1 .. 8) = "--stack="
if Stack_Op then
Linker_Options.Table (J .. Linker_Options.Last - 2) :=
Linker_Options.Table (J + 2 .. Linker_Options.Last);
Num_Args := Num_Args - 2;
Stack_Op := True;
end if;
end if;
-- Remove duplicate -shared-libgcc switches
if Linker_Options.Table (J).all = Shared_Libgcc_String then
if Shared_Libgcc_Seen then
Linker_Options.Table (J .. Linker_Options.Last - 1) :=
Linker_Options.Table (J + 1 .. Linker_Options.Last);
Num_Args := Num_Args - 1;
Shared_Libgcc_Seen := True;
end if;
end if;
-- Remove duplicate -static-libgcc switches
if Linker_Options.Table (J).all = Static_Libgcc_String then
if Static_Libgcc_Seen then
Linker_Options.Table (J .. Linker_Options.Last - 1) :=
Linker_Options.Table (J + 1 .. Linker_Options.Last);
Num_Args := Num_Args - 1;
Static_Libgcc_Seen := True;
end if;
end if;
-- Here we just check for a canonical form that matches the
-- pragma Linker_Options set in the NT runtime.
if (Linker_Options.Table (J)'Length > 17
and then Linker_Options.Table (J) (1 .. 17) =
"-Xlinker --stack=")
or else
(Linker_Options.Table (J)'Length > 12
and then Linker_Options.Table (J) (1 .. 12) =
if Stack_Op then
Linker_Options.Table (J .. Linker_Options.Last - 1) :=
Linker_Options.Table (J + 1 .. Linker_Options.Last);
Num_Args := Num_Args - 1;
Stack_Op := True;
end if;
end if;
J := J + 1;
end loop;
if Linker_Path = Gcc_Path then
-- For systems where the default is to link statically with
-- libgcc, if gcc is not called with -shared-libgcc, call it
-- with -static-libgcc, as there are some platforms where one
-- of these two switches is compulsory to link.
-- Don't push extra switches if we already saw one.
if Shared_Libgcc_Default = 'T'
and then not Shared_Libgcc_Seen
and then not Static_Libgcc_Seen
Linker_Options.Table (Linker_Options.Last) := Static_Libgcc;
Num_Args := Num_Args + 1;
end if;
-- Likewise, the reverse.
if Shared_Libgcc_Default = 'H'
and then not Static_Libgcc_Seen
and then not Shared_Libgcc_Seen
Linker_Options.Table (Linker_Options.Last) := Shared_Libgcc;
Num_Args := Num_Args + 1;
end if;
end if;
end Clean_Link_Option_Set;
-- Prepare arguments for call to linker
Call_Linker : declare
Success : Boolean;
Args : Argument_List (1 .. Num_Args + 1);
Index : Integer := Args'First;
Args (Index) := Binder_Obj_File;
-- Add the object files and any -largs libraries
for J in Linker_Objects.First .. Linker_Objects.Last loop
Index := Index + 1;
Args (Index) := Linker_Objects.Table (J);
end loop;
-- Add the linker options from the binder file
for J in Linker_Options.First .. Linker_Options.Last loop
Index := Index + 1;
Args (Index) := Linker_Options.Table (J);
end loop;
-- Finally add the libraries from the --GCC= switch
for J in Gcc_Linker_Options.First .. Gcc_Linker_Options.Last loop
Index := Index + 1;
Args (Index) := Gcc_Linker_Options.Table (J);
end loop;
if Verbose_Mode then
Write_Str (Linker_Path.all);
for J in Args'Range loop
Write_Str (" ");
Write_Str (Args (J).all);
end loop;
-- If we are on very verbose mode (-v -v) and a response file
-- is used we display its content.
if Very_Verbose_Mode and then Tname_FD /= Invalid_FD then
Write_Str ("Response file (" &
Tname (Tname'First .. Tname'Last - 1) &
") content : ");
for J in
Response_File_Objects.First .. Response_File_Objects.Last
Write_Str (Response_File_Objects.Table (J).all);
end loop;
end if;
end if;
System.OS_Lib.Spawn (Linker_Path.all, Args, Success);
-- Delete the temporary file used in conjunction with linking if one
-- was created. See Process_Bind_File for details.
if Tname_FD /= Invalid_FD then
Delete (Tname);
end if;
if not Success then
Error_Msg ("error when calling " & Linker_Path.all);
Exit_Program (E_Fatal);
end if;
end Call_Linker;
end Link_Step;
-- Only keep the binder output file and it's associated object
-- file if compiling with the -g option. These files are only
-- useful if debugging.
if not Debug_Flag_Present then
Delete (Binder_Ali_File.all & ASCII.NUL);
Delete (Binder_Spec_Src_File.all & ASCII.NUL);
Delete (Binder_Body_Src_File.all & ASCII.NUL);
Delete (Binder_Obj_File.all & ASCII.NUL);
end if;
Exit_Program (E_Success);
when X : others =>
Write_Line (Exception_Information (X));
Exit_With_Error ("INTERNAL ERROR. Please report");
end Gnatlink;