| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| -- -- |
| -- -- |
| -- P R J -- |
| -- -- |
| -- B o d y -- |
| -- -- |
| -- Copyright (C) 2001-2016, Free Software Foundation, Inc. -- |
| -- -- |
| -- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- |
| -- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- -- |
| -- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- -- |
| -- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- -- |
| -- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY -- |
| -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License -- |
| -- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General -- |
| -- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING3. If not, go to -- |
| -- http://www.gnu.org/licenses for a complete copy of the license. -- |
| -- -- |
| -- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. -- |
| -- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. -- |
| -- -- |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| |
| with Opt; |
| with Osint; use Osint; |
| with Output; use Output; |
| with Prj.Attr; |
| with Prj.Com; |
| with Prj.Err; use Prj.Err; |
| with Snames; use Snames; |
| with Uintp; use Uintp; |
| |
| with Ada.Characters.Handling; use Ada.Characters.Handling; |
| with Ada.Containers.Ordered_Sets; |
| with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation; |
| |
| with GNAT.Case_Util; use GNAT.Case_Util; |
| with GNAT.Directory_Operations; use GNAT.Directory_Operations; |
| with GNAT.HTable; |
| |
| package body Prj is |
| |
| type Restricted_Lang; |
| type Restricted_Lang_Access is access Restricted_Lang; |
| type Restricted_Lang is record |
| Name : Name_Id; |
| Next : Restricted_Lang_Access; |
| end record; |
| |
| Restricted_Languages : Restricted_Lang_Access := null; |
| -- When null, all languages are allowed, otherwise only the languages in |
| -- the list are allowed. |
| |
| Object_Suffix : constant String := Get_Target_Object_Suffix.all; |
| -- File suffix for object files |
| |
| Initial_Buffer_Size : constant := 100; |
| -- Initial size for extensible buffer used in Add_To_Buffer |
| |
| The_Empty_String : Name_Id := No_Name; |
| The_Dot_String : Name_Id := No_Name; |
| |
| Debug_Level : Integer := 0; |
| -- Current indentation level for debug traces |
| |
| type Cst_String_Access is access constant String; |
| |
| All_Lower_Case_Image : aliased constant String := "lowercase"; |
| All_Upper_Case_Image : aliased constant String := "UPPERCASE"; |
| Mixed_Case_Image : aliased constant String := "MixedCase"; |
| |
| The_Casing_Images : constant array (Known_Casing) of Cst_String_Access := |
| (All_Lower_Case => All_Lower_Case_Image'Access, |
| All_Upper_Case => All_Upper_Case_Image'Access, |
| Mixed_Case => Mixed_Case_Image'Access); |
| |
| package Name_Id_Set is |
| new Ada.Containers.Ordered_Sets (Element_Type => Name_Id); |
| |
| procedure Free (Project : in out Project_Id); |
| -- Free memory allocated for Project |
| |
| procedure Free_List (Languages : in out Language_Ptr); |
| procedure Free_List (Source : in out Source_Id); |
| procedure Free_List (Languages : in out Language_List); |
| -- Free memory allocated for the list of languages or sources |
| |
| procedure Reset_Units_In_Table (Table : in out Units_Htable.Instance); |
| -- Resets all Units to No_Unit_Index Unit.File_Names (Spec).Unit & |
| -- Unit.File_Names (Impl).Unit in the given table. |
| |
| procedure Free_Units (Table : in out Units_Htable.Instance); |
| -- Free memory allocated for unit information in the project |
| |
| procedure Language_Changed (Iter : in out Source_Iterator); |
| procedure Project_Changed (Iter : in out Source_Iterator); |
| -- Called when a new project or language was selected for this iterator |
| |
| function Contains_ALI_Files (Dir : Path_Name_Type) return Boolean; |
| -- Return True if there is at least one ALI file in the directory Dir |
| |
| ----------------------------- |
| -- Add_Restricted_Language -- |
| ----------------------------- |
| |
| procedure Add_Restricted_Language (Name : String) is |
| N : String (1 .. Name'Length) := Name; |
| begin |
| To_Lower (N); |
| Name_Len := 0; |
| Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer (N); |
| Restricted_Languages := |
| new Restricted_Lang'(Name => Name_Find, Next => Restricted_Languages); |
| end Add_Restricted_Language; |
| |
| ------------------------------------- |
| -- Remove_All_Restricted_Languages -- |
| ------------------------------------- |
| |
| procedure Remove_All_Restricted_Languages is |
| begin |
| Restricted_Languages := null; |
| end Remove_All_Restricted_Languages; |
| |
| ------------------- |
| -- Add_To_Buffer -- |
| ------------------- |
| |
| procedure Add_To_Buffer |
| (S : String; |
| To : in out String_Access; |
| Last : in out Natural) |
| is |
| begin |
| if To = null then |
| To := new String (1 .. Initial_Buffer_Size); |
| Last := 0; |
| end if; |
| |
| -- If Buffer is too small, double its size |
| |
| while Last + S'Length > To'Last loop |
| declare |
| New_Buffer : constant String_Access := |
| new String (1 .. 2 * To'Length); |
| begin |
| New_Buffer (1 .. Last) := To (1 .. Last); |
| Free (To); |
| To := New_Buffer; |
| end; |
| end loop; |
| |
| To (Last + 1 .. Last + S'Length) := S; |
| Last := Last + S'Length; |
| end Add_To_Buffer; |
| |
| --------------------------------- |
| -- Current_Object_Path_File_Of -- |
| --------------------------------- |
| |
| function Current_Object_Path_File_Of |
| (Shared : Shared_Project_Tree_Data_Access) return Path_Name_Type |
| is |
| begin |
| return Shared.Private_Part.Current_Object_Path_File; |
| end Current_Object_Path_File_Of; |
| |
| --------------------------------- |
| -- Current_Source_Path_File_Of -- |
| --------------------------------- |
| |
| function Current_Source_Path_File_Of |
| (Shared : Shared_Project_Tree_Data_Access) |
| return Path_Name_Type is |
| begin |
| return Shared.Private_Part.Current_Source_Path_File; |
| end Current_Source_Path_File_Of; |
| |
| --------------------------- |
| -- Delete_Temporary_File -- |
| --------------------------- |
| |
| procedure Delete_Temporary_File |
| (Shared : Shared_Project_Tree_Data_Access := null; |
| Path : Path_Name_Type) |
| is |
| Dont_Care : Boolean; |
| pragma Warnings (Off, Dont_Care); |
| |
| begin |
| if not Opt.Keep_Temporary_Files then |
| if Current_Verbosity = High then |
| Write_Line ("Removing temp file: " & Get_Name_String (Path)); |
| end if; |
| |
| Delete_File (Get_Name_String (Path), Dont_Care); |
| |
| if Shared /= null then |
| for Index in |
| 1 .. Temp_Files_Table.Last (Shared.Private_Part.Temp_Files) |
| loop |
| if Shared.Private_Part.Temp_Files.Table (Index) = Path then |
| Shared.Private_Part.Temp_Files.Table (Index) := No_Path; |
| end if; |
| end loop; |
| end if; |
| end if; |
| end Delete_Temporary_File; |
| |
| ------------------------------ |
| -- Delete_Temp_Config_Files -- |
| ------------------------------ |
| |
| procedure Delete_Temp_Config_Files (Project_Tree : Project_Tree_Ref) is |
| Success : Boolean; |
| pragma Warnings (Off, Success); |
| |
| Proj : Project_List; |
| |
| begin |
| if not Opt.Keep_Temporary_Files then |
| if Project_Tree /= null then |
| Proj := Project_Tree.Projects; |
| while Proj /= null loop |
| if Proj.Project.Config_File_Temp then |
| Delete_Temporary_File |
| (Project_Tree.Shared, Proj.Project.Config_File_Name); |
| |
| -- Make sure that we don't have a config file for this |
| -- project, in case there are several mains. In this case, |
| -- we will recreate another config file: we cannot reuse the |
| -- one that we just deleted. |
| |
| Proj.Project.Config_Checked := False; |
| Proj.Project.Config_File_Name := No_Path; |
| Proj.Project.Config_File_Temp := False; |
| end if; |
| |
| Proj := Proj.Next; |
| end loop; |
| end if; |
| end if; |
| end Delete_Temp_Config_Files; |
| |
| --------------------------- |
| -- Delete_All_Temp_Files -- |
| --------------------------- |
| |
| procedure Delete_All_Temp_Files |
| (Shared : Shared_Project_Tree_Data_Access) |
| is |
| Dont_Care : Boolean; |
| pragma Warnings (Off, Dont_Care); |
| |
| Path : Path_Name_Type; |
| |
| begin |
| if not Opt.Keep_Temporary_Files then |
| for Index in |
| 1 .. Temp_Files_Table.Last (Shared.Private_Part.Temp_Files) |
| loop |
| Path := Shared.Private_Part.Temp_Files.Table (Index); |
| |
| if Path /= No_Path then |
| if Current_Verbosity = High then |
| Write_Line ("Removing temp file: " |
| & Get_Name_String (Path)); |
| end if; |
| |
| Delete_File (Get_Name_String (Path), Dont_Care); |
| end if; |
| end loop; |
| |
| Temp_Files_Table.Free (Shared.Private_Part.Temp_Files); |
| Temp_Files_Table.Init (Shared.Private_Part.Temp_Files); |
| end if; |
| |
| -- If any of the environment variables ADA_PRJ_INCLUDE_FILE or |
| -- ADA_PRJ_OBJECTS_FILE has been set, then reset their value to |
| -- the empty string. |
| |
| if Shared.Private_Part.Current_Source_Path_File /= No_Path then |
| Setenv (Project_Include_Path_File, ""); |
| end if; |
| |
| if Shared.Private_Part.Current_Object_Path_File /= No_Path then |
| Setenv (Project_Objects_Path_File, ""); |
| end if; |
| end Delete_All_Temp_Files; |
| |
| --------------------- |
| -- Dependency_Name -- |
| --------------------- |
| |
| function Dependency_Name |
| (Source_File_Name : File_Name_Type; |
| Dependency : Dependency_File_Kind) return File_Name_Type |
| is |
| begin |
| case Dependency is |
| when None => |
| return No_File; |
| |
| when Makefile => |
| return Extend_Name (Source_File_Name, Makefile_Dependency_Suffix); |
| |
| when ALI_Closure |
| | ALI_File |
| => |
| return Extend_Name (Source_File_Name, ALI_Dependency_Suffix); |
| end case; |
| end Dependency_Name; |
| |
| ---------------- |
| -- Dot_String -- |
| ---------------- |
| |
| function Dot_String return Name_Id is |
| begin |
| return The_Dot_String; |
| end Dot_String; |
| |
| ---------------- |
| -- Empty_File -- |
| ---------------- |
| |
| function Empty_File return File_Name_Type is |
| begin |
| return File_Name_Type (The_Empty_String); |
| end Empty_File; |
| |
| ------------------- |
| -- Empty_Project -- |
| ------------------- |
| |
| function Empty_Project |
| (Qualifier : Project_Qualifier) return Project_Data |
| is |
| begin |
| Prj.Initialize (Tree => No_Project_Tree); |
| |
| declare |
| Data : Project_Data (Qualifier => Qualifier); |
| |
| begin |
| -- Only the fields for which no default value could be provided in |
| -- prj.ads are initialized below. |
| |
| Data.Config := Default_Project_Config; |
| return Data; |
| end; |
| end Empty_Project; |
| |
| ------------------ |
| -- Empty_String -- |
| ------------------ |
| |
| function Empty_String return Name_Id is |
| begin |
| return The_Empty_String; |
| end Empty_String; |
| |
| ------------ |
| -- Expect -- |
| ------------ |
| |
| procedure Expect (The_Token : Token_Type; Token_Image : String) is |
| begin |
| if Token /= The_Token then |
| |
| -- ??? Should pass user flags here instead |
| |
| Error_Msg (Gnatmake_Flags, Token_Image & " expected", Token_Ptr); |
| end if; |
| end Expect; |
| |
| ----------------- |
| -- Extend_Name -- |
| ----------------- |
| |
| function Extend_Name |
| (File : File_Name_Type; |
| With_Suffix : String) return File_Name_Type |
| is |
| Last : Positive; |
| |
| begin |
| Get_Name_String (File); |
| Last := Name_Len + 1; |
| |
| while Name_Len /= 0 and then Name_Buffer (Name_Len) /= '.' loop |
| Name_Len := Name_Len - 1; |
| end loop; |
| |
| if Name_Len <= 1 then |
| Name_Len := Last; |
| end if; |
| |
| for J in With_Suffix'Range loop |
| Name_Buffer (Name_Len) := With_Suffix (J); |
| Name_Len := Name_Len + 1; |
| end loop; |
| |
| Name_Len := Name_Len - 1; |
| return Name_Find; |
| end Extend_Name; |
| |
| ------------------------- |
| -- Is_Allowed_Language -- |
| ------------------------- |
| |
| function Is_Allowed_Language (Name : Name_Id) return Boolean is |
| R : Restricted_Lang_Access := Restricted_Languages; |
| Lang : constant String := Get_Name_String (Name); |
| |
| begin |
| if R = null then |
| return True; |
| |
| else |
| while R /= null loop |
| if Get_Name_String (R.Name) = Lang then |
| return True; |
| end if; |
| |
| R := R.Next; |
| end loop; |
| |
| return False; |
| end if; |
| end Is_Allowed_Language; |
| |
| --------------------- |
| -- Project_Changed -- |
| --------------------- |
| |
| procedure Project_Changed (Iter : in out Source_Iterator) is |
| begin |
| if Iter.Project /= null then |
| Iter.Language := Iter.Project.Project.Languages; |
| Language_Changed (Iter); |
| end if; |
| end Project_Changed; |
| |
| ---------------------- |
| -- Language_Changed -- |
| ---------------------- |
| |
| procedure Language_Changed (Iter : in out Source_Iterator) is |
| begin |
| Iter.Current := No_Source; |
| |
| if Iter.Language_Name /= No_Name then |
| while Iter.Language /= null |
| and then Iter.Language.Name /= Iter.Language_Name |
| loop |
| Iter.Language := Iter.Language.Next; |
| end loop; |
| end if; |
| |
| -- If there is no matching language in this project, move to next |
| |
| if Iter.Language = No_Language_Index then |
| if Iter.All_Projects then |
| loop |
| Iter.Project := Iter.Project.Next; |
| exit when Iter.Project = null |
| or else Iter.Encapsulated_Libs |
| or else not Iter.Project.From_Encapsulated_Lib; |
| end loop; |
| |
| Project_Changed (Iter); |
| else |
| Iter.Project := null; |
| end if; |
| |
| else |
| Iter.Current := Iter.Language.First_Source; |
| |
| if Iter.Current = No_Source then |
| Iter.Language := Iter.Language.Next; |
| Language_Changed (Iter); |
| |
| elsif not Iter.Locally_Removed |
| and then Iter.Current.Locally_Removed |
| then |
| Next (Iter); |
| end if; |
| end if; |
| end Language_Changed; |
| |
| --------------------- |
| -- For_Each_Source -- |
| --------------------- |
| |
| function For_Each_Source |
| (In_Tree : Project_Tree_Ref; |
| Project : Project_Id := No_Project; |
| Language : Name_Id := No_Name; |
| Encapsulated_Libs : Boolean := True; |
| Locally_Removed : Boolean := True) return Source_Iterator |
| is |
| Iter : Source_Iterator; |
| begin |
| Iter := Source_Iterator' |
| (In_Tree => In_Tree, |
| Project => In_Tree.Projects, |
| All_Projects => Project = No_Project, |
| Language_Name => Language, |
| Language => No_Language_Index, |
| Current => No_Source, |
| Encapsulated_Libs => Encapsulated_Libs, |
| Locally_Removed => Locally_Removed); |
| |
| if Project /= null then |
| while Iter.Project /= null |
| and then Iter.Project.Project /= Project |
| loop |
| Iter.Project := Iter.Project.Next; |
| end loop; |
| |
| else |
| while not Iter.Encapsulated_Libs |
| and then Iter.Project.From_Encapsulated_Lib |
| loop |
| Iter.Project := Iter.Project.Next; |
| end loop; |
| end if; |
| |
| Project_Changed (Iter); |
| |
| return Iter; |
| end For_Each_Source; |
| |
| ------------- |
| -- Element -- |
| ------------- |
| |
| function Element (Iter : Source_Iterator) return Source_Id is |
| begin |
| return Iter.Current; |
| end Element; |
| |
| ---------- |
| -- Next -- |
| ---------- |
| |
| procedure Next (Iter : in out Source_Iterator) is |
| begin |
| loop |
| Iter.Current := Iter.Current.Next_In_Lang; |
| |
| exit when Iter.Locally_Removed |
| or else Iter.Current = No_Source |
| or else not Iter.Current.Locally_Removed; |
| end loop; |
| |
| if Iter.Current = No_Source then |
| Iter.Language := Iter.Language.Next; |
| Language_Changed (Iter); |
| end if; |
| end Next; |
| |
| -------------------------------- |
| -- For_Every_Project_Imported -- |
| -------------------------------- |
| |
| procedure For_Every_Project_Imported_Context |
| (By : Project_Id; |
| Tree : Project_Tree_Ref; |
| With_State : in out State; |
| Include_Aggregated : Boolean := True; |
| Imported_First : Boolean := False) |
| is |
| use Project_Boolean_Htable; |
| |
| procedure Recursive_Check_Context |
| (Project : Project_Id; |
| Tree : Project_Tree_Ref; |
| In_Aggregate_Lib : Boolean; |
| From_Encapsulated_Lib : Boolean); |
| -- Recursively handle the project tree creating a new context for |
| -- keeping track about already handled projects. |
| |
| ----------------------------- |
| -- Recursive_Check_Context -- |
| ----------------------------- |
| |
| procedure Recursive_Check_Context |
| (Project : Project_Id; |
| Tree : Project_Tree_Ref; |
| In_Aggregate_Lib : Boolean; |
| From_Encapsulated_Lib : Boolean) |
| is |
| package Name_Id_Set is |
| new Ada.Containers.Ordered_Sets (Element_Type => Path_Name_Type); |
| |
| Seen_Name : Name_Id_Set.Set; |
| -- This set is needed to ensure that we do not handle the same |
| -- project twice in the context of aggregate libraries. |
| -- Since duplicate project names are possible in the context of |
| -- aggregated projects, we need to check the full paths. |
| |
| procedure Recursive_Check |
| (Project : Project_Id; |
| Tree : Project_Tree_Ref; |
| In_Aggregate_Lib : Boolean; |
| From_Encapsulated_Lib : Boolean); |
| -- Check if project has already been seen. If not, mark it as Seen, |
| -- Call Action, and check all its imported and aggregated projects. |
| |
| --------------------- |
| -- Recursive_Check -- |
| --------------------- |
| |
| procedure Recursive_Check |
| (Project : Project_Id; |
| Tree : Project_Tree_Ref; |
| In_Aggregate_Lib : Boolean; |
| From_Encapsulated_Lib : Boolean) |
| is |
| |
| function Has_Sources (P : Project_Id) return Boolean; |
| -- Returns True if P has sources |
| |
| function Get_From_Tree (P : Project_Id) return Project_Id; |
| -- Get project P from Tree. If P has no sources get another |
| -- instance of this project with sources. If P has sources, |
| -- returns it. |
| |
| ----------------- |
| -- Has_Sources -- |
| ----------------- |
| |
| function Has_Sources (P : Project_Id) return Boolean is |
| Lang : Language_Ptr; |
| |
| begin |
| Lang := P.Languages; |
| while Lang /= No_Language_Index loop |
| if Lang.First_Source /= No_Source then |
| return True; |
| end if; |
| |
| Lang := Lang.Next; |
| end loop; |
| |
| return False; |
| end Has_Sources; |
| |
| ------------------- |
| -- Get_From_Tree -- |
| ------------------- |
| |
| function Get_From_Tree (P : Project_Id) return Project_Id is |
| List : Project_List := Tree.Projects; |
| |
| begin |
| if not Has_Sources (P) then |
| while List /= null loop |
| if List.Project.Name = P.Name |
| and then Has_Sources (List.Project) |
| then |
| return List.Project; |
| end if; |
| |
| List := List.Next; |
| end loop; |
| end if; |
| |
| return P; |
| end Get_From_Tree; |
| |
| -- Local variables |
| |
| List : Project_List; |
| |
| -- Start of processing for Recursive_Check |
| |
| begin |
| if not Seen_Name.Contains (Project.Path.Name) then |
| |
| -- Even if a project is aggregated multiple times in an |
| -- aggregated library, we will only return it once. |
| |
| Seen_Name.Include (Project.Path.Name); |
| |
| if not Imported_First then |
| Action |
| (Get_From_Tree (Project), |
| Tree, |
| Project_Context'(In_Aggregate_Lib, From_Encapsulated_Lib), |
| With_State); |
| end if; |
| |
| -- Visit all extended projects |
| |
| if Project.Extends /= No_Project then |
| Recursive_Check |
| (Project.Extends, Tree, |
| In_Aggregate_Lib, From_Encapsulated_Lib); |
| end if; |
| |
| -- Visit all imported projects |
| |
| List := Project.Imported_Projects; |
| while List /= null loop |
| Recursive_Check |
| (List.Project, Tree, |
| In_Aggregate_Lib, |
| From_Encapsulated_Lib |
| or else Project.Standalone_Library = Encapsulated); |
| List := List.Next; |
| end loop; |
| |
| -- Visit all aggregated projects |
| |
| if Include_Aggregated |
| and then Project.Qualifier in Aggregate_Project |
| then |
| declare |
| Agg : Aggregated_Project_List; |
| |
| begin |
| Agg := Project.Aggregated_Projects; |
| while Agg /= null loop |
| pragma Assert (Agg.Project /= No_Project); |
| |
| -- For aggregated libraries, the tree must be the one |
| -- of the aggregate library. |
| |
| if Project.Qualifier = Aggregate_Library then |
| Recursive_Check |
| (Agg.Project, Tree, |
| True, |
| From_Encapsulated_Lib |
| or else |
| Project.Standalone_Library = Encapsulated); |
| |
| else |
| -- Use a new context as we want to returns the same |
| -- project in different project tree for aggregated |
| -- projects. |
| |
| Recursive_Check_Context |
| (Agg.Project, Agg.Tree, False, False); |
| end if; |
| |
| Agg := Agg.Next; |
| end loop; |
| end; |
| end if; |
| |
| if Imported_First then |
| Action |
| (Get_From_Tree (Project), |
| Tree, |
| Project_Context'(In_Aggregate_Lib, From_Encapsulated_Lib), |
| With_State); |
| end if; |
| end if; |
| end Recursive_Check; |
| |
| -- Start of processing for Recursive_Check_Context |
| |
| begin |
| Recursive_Check |
| (Project, Tree, In_Aggregate_Lib, From_Encapsulated_Lib); |
| end Recursive_Check_Context; |
| |
| -- Start of processing for For_Every_Project_Imported |
| |
| begin |
| Recursive_Check_Context |
| (Project => By, |
| Tree => Tree, |
| In_Aggregate_Lib => False, |
| From_Encapsulated_Lib => False); |
| end For_Every_Project_Imported_Context; |
| |
| procedure For_Every_Project_Imported |
| (By : Project_Id; |
| Tree : Project_Tree_Ref; |
| With_State : in out State; |
| Include_Aggregated : Boolean := True; |
| Imported_First : Boolean := False) |
| is |
| procedure Internal |
| (Project : Project_Id; |
| Tree : Project_Tree_Ref; |
| Context : Project_Context; |
| With_State : in out State); |
| -- Action wrapper for handling the context |
| |
| -------------- |
| -- Internal -- |
| -------------- |
| |
| procedure Internal |
| (Project : Project_Id; |
| Tree : Project_Tree_Ref; |
| Context : Project_Context; |
| With_State : in out State) |
| is |
| pragma Unreferenced (Context); |
| begin |
| Action (Project, Tree, With_State); |
| end Internal; |
| |
| procedure For_Projects is |
| new For_Every_Project_Imported_Context (State, Internal); |
| |
| begin |
| For_Projects (By, Tree, With_State, Include_Aggregated, Imported_First); |
| end For_Every_Project_Imported; |
| |
| ----------------- |
| -- Find_Source -- |
| ----------------- |
| |
| function Find_Source |
| (In_Tree : Project_Tree_Ref; |
| Project : Project_Id; |
| In_Imported_Only : Boolean := False; |
| In_Extended_Only : Boolean := False; |
| Base_Name : File_Name_Type; |
| Index : Int := 0) return Source_Id |
| is |
| Result : Source_Id := No_Source; |
| |
| procedure Look_For_Sources |
| (Proj : Project_Id; |
| Tree : Project_Tree_Ref; |
| Src : in out Source_Id); |
| -- Look for Base_Name in the sources of Proj |
| |
| ---------------------- |
| -- Look_For_Sources -- |
| ---------------------- |
| |
| procedure Look_For_Sources |
| (Proj : Project_Id; |
| Tree : Project_Tree_Ref; |
| Src : in out Source_Id) |
| is |
| Iterator : Source_Iterator; |
| |
| begin |
| Iterator := For_Each_Source (In_Tree => Tree, Project => Proj); |
| while Element (Iterator) /= No_Source loop |
| if Element (Iterator).File = Base_Name |
| and then (Index = 0 or else Element (Iterator).Index = Index) |
| then |
| Src := Element (Iterator); |
| |
| -- If the source has been excluded, continue looking. We will |
| -- get the excluded source only if there is no other source |
| -- with the same base name that is not locally removed. |
| |
| if not Element (Iterator).Locally_Removed then |
| return; |
| end if; |
| end if; |
| |
| Next (Iterator); |
| end loop; |
| end Look_For_Sources; |
| |
| procedure For_Imported_Projects is new For_Every_Project_Imported |
| (State => Source_Id, Action => Look_For_Sources); |
| |
| Proj : Project_Id; |
| |
| -- Start of processing for Find_Source |
| |
| begin |
| if In_Extended_Only then |
| Proj := Project; |
| while Proj /= No_Project loop |
| Look_For_Sources (Proj, In_Tree, Result); |
| exit when Result /= No_Source; |
| |
| Proj := Proj.Extends; |
| end loop; |
| |
| elsif In_Imported_Only then |
| Look_For_Sources (Project, In_Tree, Result); |
| |
| if Result = No_Source then |
| For_Imported_Projects |
| (By => Project, |
| Tree => In_Tree, |
| Include_Aggregated => False, |
| With_State => Result); |
| end if; |
| |
| else |
| Look_For_Sources (No_Project, In_Tree, Result); |
| end if; |
| |
| return Result; |
| end Find_Source; |
| |
| ---------------------- |
| -- Find_All_Sources -- |
| ---------------------- |
| |
| function Find_All_Sources |
| (In_Tree : Project_Tree_Ref; |
| Project : Project_Id; |
| In_Imported_Only : Boolean := False; |
| In_Extended_Only : Boolean := False; |
| Base_Name : File_Name_Type; |
| Index : Int := 0) return Source_Ids |
| is |
| Result : Source_Ids (1 .. 1_000); |
| Last : Natural := 0; |
| |
| type Empty_State is null record; |
| No_State : Empty_State; |
| -- This is needed for the State parameter of procedure Look_For_Sources |
| -- below, because of the instantiation For_Imported_Projects of generic |
| -- procedure For_Every_Project_Imported. As procedure Look_For_Sources |
| -- does not modify parameter State, there is no need to give its type |
| -- more than one value. |
| |
| procedure Look_For_Sources |
| (Proj : Project_Id; |
| Tree : Project_Tree_Ref; |
| State : in out Empty_State); |
| -- Look for Base_Name in the sources of Proj |
| |
| ---------------------- |
| -- Look_For_Sources -- |
| ---------------------- |
| |
| procedure Look_For_Sources |
| (Proj : Project_Id; |
| Tree : Project_Tree_Ref; |
| State : in out Empty_State) |
| is |
| Iterator : Source_Iterator; |
| Src : Source_Id; |
| |
| begin |
| State := No_State; |
| |
| Iterator := For_Each_Source (In_Tree => Tree, Project => Proj); |
| while Element (Iterator) /= No_Source loop |
| if Element (Iterator).File = Base_Name |
| and then (Index = 0 |
| or else |
| (Element (Iterator).Unit /= No_Unit_Index |
| and then |
| Element (Iterator).Index = Index)) |
| then |
| Src := Element (Iterator); |
| |
| -- If the source has been excluded, continue looking. We will |
| -- get the excluded source only if there is no other source |
| -- with the same base name that is not locally removed. |
| |
| if not Element (Iterator).Locally_Removed then |
| Last := Last + 1; |
| Result (Last) := Src; |
| end if; |
| end if; |
| |
| Next (Iterator); |
| end loop; |
| end Look_For_Sources; |
| |
| procedure For_Imported_Projects is new For_Every_Project_Imported |
| (State => Empty_State, Action => Look_For_Sources); |
| |
| Proj : Project_Id; |
| |
| -- Start of processing for Find_All_Sources |
| |
| begin |
| if In_Extended_Only then |
| Proj := Project; |
| while Proj /= No_Project loop |
| Look_For_Sources (Proj, In_Tree, No_State); |
| exit when Last > 0; |
| Proj := Proj.Extends; |
| end loop; |
| |
| elsif In_Imported_Only then |
| Look_For_Sources (Project, In_Tree, No_State); |
| |
| if Last = 0 then |
| For_Imported_Projects |
| (By => Project, |
| Tree => In_Tree, |
| Include_Aggregated => False, |
| With_State => No_State); |
| end if; |
| |
| else |
| Look_For_Sources (No_Project, In_Tree, No_State); |
| end if; |
| |
| return Result (1 .. Last); |
| end Find_All_Sources; |
| |
| ---------- |
| -- Hash -- |
| ---------- |
| |
| function Hash is new GNAT.HTable.Hash (Header_Num => Header_Num); |
| -- Used in implementation of other functions Hash below |
| |
| ---------- |
| -- Hash -- |
| ---------- |
| |
| function Hash (Name : File_Name_Type) return Header_Num is |
| begin |
| return Hash (Get_Name_String (Name)); |
| end Hash; |
| |
| function Hash (Name : Name_Id) return Header_Num is |
| begin |
| return Hash (Get_Name_String (Name)); |
| end Hash; |
| |
| function Hash (Name : Path_Name_Type) return Header_Num is |
| begin |
| return Hash (Get_Name_String (Name)); |
| end Hash; |
| |
| function Hash (Project : Project_Id) return Header_Num is |
| begin |
| if Project = No_Project then |
| return Header_Num'First; |
| else |
| return Hash (Get_Name_String (Project.Name)); |
| end if; |
| end Hash; |
| |
| ----------- |
| -- Image -- |
| ----------- |
| |
| function Image (The_Casing : Casing_Type) return String is |
| begin |
| return The_Casing_Images (The_Casing).all; |
| end Image; |
| |
| ----------------------------- |
| -- Is_Standard_GNAT_Naming -- |
| ----------------------------- |
| |
| function Is_Standard_GNAT_Naming |
| (Naming : Lang_Naming_Data) return Boolean |
| is |
| begin |
| return Get_Name_String (Naming.Spec_Suffix) = ".ads" |
| and then Get_Name_String (Naming.Body_Suffix) = ".adb" |
| and then Get_Name_String (Naming.Dot_Replacement) = "-"; |
| end Is_Standard_GNAT_Naming; |
| |
| ---------------- |
| -- Initialize -- |
| ---------------- |
| |
| procedure Initialize (Tree : Project_Tree_Ref) is |
| begin |
| if The_Empty_String = No_Name then |
| Uintp.Initialize; |
| Name_Len := 0; |
| The_Empty_String := Name_Find; |
| |
| Name_Len := 1; |
| Name_Buffer (1) := '.'; |
| The_Dot_String := Name_Find; |
| |
| Prj.Attr.Initialize; |
| |
| -- Make sure that new reserved words after Ada 95 may be used as |
| -- identifiers. |
| |
| Opt.Ada_Version := Opt.Ada_95; |
| Opt.Ada_Version_Pragma := Empty; |
| |
| Set_Name_Table_Byte (Name_Project, Token_Type'Pos (Tok_Project)); |
| Set_Name_Table_Byte (Name_Extends, Token_Type'Pos (Tok_Extends)); |
| Set_Name_Table_Byte (Name_External, Token_Type'Pos (Tok_External)); |
| Set_Name_Table_Byte |
| (Name_External_As_List, Token_Type'Pos (Tok_External_As_List)); |
| end if; |
| |
| if Tree /= No_Project_Tree then |
| Reset (Tree); |
| end if; |
| end Initialize; |
| |
| ------------------ |
| -- Is_Extending -- |
| ------------------ |
| |
| function Is_Extending |
| (Extending : Project_Id; |
| Extended : Project_Id) return Boolean |
| is |
| Proj : Project_Id; |
| |
| begin |
| Proj := Extending; |
| while Proj /= No_Project loop |
| if Proj = Extended then |
| return True; |
| end if; |
| |
| Proj := Proj.Extends; |
| end loop; |
| |
| return False; |
| end Is_Extending; |
| |
| ----------------- |
| -- Object_Name -- |
| ----------------- |
| |
| function Object_Name |
| (Source_File_Name : File_Name_Type; |
| Object_File_Suffix : Name_Id := No_Name) return File_Name_Type |
| is |
| begin |
| if Object_File_Suffix = No_Name then |
| return Extend_Name |
| (Source_File_Name, Object_Suffix); |
| else |
| return Extend_Name |
| (Source_File_Name, Get_Name_String (Object_File_Suffix)); |
| end if; |
| end Object_Name; |
| |
| function Object_Name |
| (Source_File_Name : File_Name_Type; |
| Source_Index : Int; |
| Index_Separator : Character; |
| Object_File_Suffix : Name_Id := No_Name) return File_Name_Type |
| is |
| Index_Img : constant String := Source_Index'Img; |
| Last : Natural; |
| |
| begin |
| Get_Name_String (Source_File_Name); |
| |
| Last := Name_Len; |
| while Last > 1 and then Name_Buffer (Last) /= '.' loop |
| Last := Last - 1; |
| end loop; |
| |
| if Last > 1 then |
| Name_Len := Last - 1; |
| end if; |
| |
| Add_Char_To_Name_Buffer (Index_Separator); |
| Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer (Index_Img (2 .. Index_Img'Last)); |
| |
| if Object_File_Suffix = No_Name then |
| Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer (Object_Suffix); |
| else |
| Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer (Get_Name_String (Object_File_Suffix)); |
| end if; |
| |
| return Name_Find; |
| end Object_Name; |
| |
| ---------------------- |
| -- Record_Temp_File -- |
| ---------------------- |
| |
| procedure Record_Temp_File |
| (Shared : Shared_Project_Tree_Data_Access; |
| Path : Path_Name_Type) |
| is |
| begin |
| Temp_Files_Table.Append (Shared.Private_Part.Temp_Files, Path); |
| end Record_Temp_File; |
| |
| ---------- |
| -- Free -- |
| ---------- |
| |
| procedure Free (List : in out Aggregated_Project_List) is |
| procedure Unchecked_Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation |
| (Aggregated_Project, Aggregated_Project_List); |
| Tmp : Aggregated_Project_List; |
| begin |
| while List /= null loop |
| Tmp := List.Next; |
| |
| Free (List.Tree); |
| |
| Unchecked_Free (List); |
| List := Tmp; |
| end loop; |
| end Free; |
| |
| ---------------------------- |
| -- Add_Aggregated_Project -- |
| ---------------------------- |
| |
| procedure Add_Aggregated_Project |
| (Project : Project_Id; |
| Path : Path_Name_Type) |
| is |
| Aggregated : Aggregated_Project_List; |
| |
| begin |
| -- Check if the project is already in the aggregated project list. If it |
| -- is, do not add it again. |
| |
| Aggregated := Project.Aggregated_Projects; |
| while Aggregated /= null loop |
| if Path = Aggregated.Path then |
| return; |
| else |
| Aggregated := Aggregated.Next; |
| end if; |
| end loop; |
| |
| Project.Aggregated_Projects := new Aggregated_Project' |
| (Path => Path, |
| Project => No_Project, |
| Tree => null, |
| Next => Project.Aggregated_Projects); |
| end Add_Aggregated_Project; |
| |
| ---------- |
| -- Free -- |
| ---------- |
| |
| procedure Free (Project : in out Project_Id) is |
| procedure Unchecked_Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation |
| (Project_Data, Project_Id); |
| |
| begin |
| if Project /= null then |
| Free (Project.Ada_Include_Path); |
| Free (Project.Objects_Path); |
| Free (Project.Ada_Objects_Path); |
| Free (Project.Ada_Objects_Path_No_Libs); |
| Free_List (Project.Imported_Projects, Free_Project => False); |
| Free_List (Project.All_Imported_Projects, Free_Project => False); |
| Free_List (Project.Languages); |
| |
| case Project.Qualifier is |
| when Aggregate |
| | Aggregate_Library |
| => |
| Free (Project.Aggregated_Projects); |
| |
| when others => |
| null; |
| end case; |
| |
| Unchecked_Free (Project); |
| end if; |
| end Free; |
| |
| --------------- |
| -- Free_List -- |
| --------------- |
| |
| procedure Free_List (Languages : in out Language_List) is |
| procedure Unchecked_Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation |
| (Language_List_Element, Language_List); |
| Tmp : Language_List; |
| begin |
| while Languages /= null loop |
| Tmp := Languages.Next; |
| Unchecked_Free (Languages); |
| Languages := Tmp; |
| end loop; |
| end Free_List; |
| |
| --------------- |
| -- Free_List -- |
| --------------- |
| |
| procedure Free_List (Source : in out Source_Id) is |
| procedure Unchecked_Free is new |
| Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation (Source_Data, Source_Id); |
| |
| Tmp : Source_Id; |
| |
| begin |
| while Source /= No_Source loop |
| Tmp := Source.Next_In_Lang; |
| Free_List (Source.Alternate_Languages); |
| |
| if Source.Unit /= null |
| and then Source.Kind in Spec_Or_Body |
| then |
| Source.Unit.File_Names (Source.Kind) := null; |
| end if; |
| |
| Unchecked_Free (Source); |
| Source := Tmp; |
| end loop; |
| end Free_List; |
| |
| --------------- |
| -- Free_List -- |
| --------------- |
| |
| procedure Free_List |
| (List : in out Project_List; |
| Free_Project : Boolean) |
| is |
| procedure Unchecked_Free is new |
| Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation (Project_List_Element, Project_List); |
| |
| Tmp : Project_List; |
| |
| begin |
| while List /= null loop |
| Tmp := List.Next; |
| |
| if Free_Project then |
| Free (List.Project); |
| end if; |
| |
| Unchecked_Free (List); |
| List := Tmp; |
| end loop; |
| end Free_List; |
| |
| --------------- |
| -- Free_List -- |
| --------------- |
| |
| procedure Free_List (Languages : in out Language_Ptr) is |
| procedure Unchecked_Free is new |
| Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation (Language_Data, Language_Ptr); |
| |
| Tmp : Language_Ptr; |
| |
| begin |
| while Languages /= null loop |
| Tmp := Languages.Next; |
| Free_List (Languages.First_Source); |
| Unchecked_Free (Languages); |
| Languages := Tmp; |
| end loop; |
| end Free_List; |
| |
| -------------------------- |
| -- Reset_Units_In_Table -- |
| -------------------------- |
| |
| procedure Reset_Units_In_Table (Table : in out Units_Htable.Instance) is |
| Unit : Unit_Index; |
| |
| begin |
| Unit := Units_Htable.Get_First (Table); |
| while Unit /= No_Unit_Index loop |
| if Unit.File_Names (Spec) /= null then |
| Unit.File_Names (Spec).Unit := No_Unit_Index; |
| end if; |
| |
| if Unit.File_Names (Impl) /= null then |
| Unit.File_Names (Impl).Unit := No_Unit_Index; |
| end if; |
| |
| Unit := Units_Htable.Get_Next (Table); |
| end loop; |
| end Reset_Units_In_Table; |
| |
| ---------------- |
| -- Free_Units -- |
| ---------------- |
| |
| procedure Free_Units (Table : in out Units_Htable.Instance) is |
| procedure Unchecked_Free is new |
| Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation (Unit_Data, Unit_Index); |
| |
| Unit : Unit_Index; |
| |
| begin |
| Unit := Units_Htable.Get_First (Table); |
| while Unit /= No_Unit_Index loop |
| |
| -- We cannot reset Unit.File_Names (Impl or Spec).Unit here as |
| -- Source_Data buffer is freed by the following instruction |
| -- Free_List (Tree.Projects, Free_Project => True); |
| |
| Unchecked_Free (Unit); |
| Unit := Units_Htable.Get_Next (Table); |
| end loop; |
| |
| Units_Htable.Reset (Table); |
| end Free_Units; |
| |
| ---------- |
| -- Free -- |
| ---------- |
| |
| procedure Free (Tree : in out Project_Tree_Ref) is |
| procedure Unchecked_Free is new |
| Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation |
| (Project_Tree_Data, Project_Tree_Ref); |
| |
| procedure Unchecked_Free is new |
| Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation |
| (Project_Tree_Appdata'Class, Project_Tree_Appdata_Access); |
| |
| begin |
| if Tree /= null then |
| if Tree.Is_Root_Tree then |
| Name_List_Table.Free (Tree.Shared.Name_Lists); |
| Number_List_Table.Free (Tree.Shared.Number_Lists); |
| String_Element_Table.Free (Tree.Shared.String_Elements); |
| Variable_Element_Table.Free (Tree.Shared.Variable_Elements); |
| Array_Element_Table.Free (Tree.Shared.Array_Elements); |
| Array_Table.Free (Tree.Shared.Arrays); |
| Package_Table.Free (Tree.Shared.Packages); |
| Temp_Files_Table.Free (Tree.Shared.Private_Part.Temp_Files); |
| end if; |
| |
| if Tree.Appdata /= null then |
| Free (Tree.Appdata.all); |
| Unchecked_Free (Tree.Appdata); |
| end if; |
| |
| Source_Paths_Htable.Reset (Tree.Source_Paths_HT); |
| Source_Files_Htable.Reset (Tree.Source_Files_HT); |
| |
| Reset_Units_In_Table (Tree.Units_HT); |
| Free_List (Tree.Projects, Free_Project => True); |
| Free_Units (Tree.Units_HT); |
| |
| Unchecked_Free (Tree); |
| end if; |
| end Free; |
| |
| ----------- |
| -- Reset -- |
| ----------- |
| |
| procedure Reset (Tree : Project_Tree_Ref) is |
| begin |
| -- Visible tables |
| |
| if Tree.Is_Root_Tree then |
| |
| -- We cannot use 'Access here: |
| -- "illegal attribute for discriminant-dependent component" |
| -- However, we know this is valid since Shared and Shared_Data have |
| -- the same lifetime and will always exist concurrently. |
| |
| Tree.Shared := Tree.Shared_Data'Unrestricted_Access; |
| Name_List_Table.Init (Tree.Shared.Name_Lists); |
| Number_List_Table.Init (Tree.Shared.Number_Lists); |
| String_Element_Table.Init (Tree.Shared.String_Elements); |
| Variable_Element_Table.Init (Tree.Shared.Variable_Elements); |
| Array_Element_Table.Init (Tree.Shared.Array_Elements); |
| Array_Table.Init (Tree.Shared.Arrays); |
| Package_Table.Init (Tree.Shared.Packages); |
| |
| -- Create Dot_String_List |
| |
| String_Element_Table.Append |
| (Tree.Shared.String_Elements, |
| String_Element' |
| (Value => The_Dot_String, |
| Index => 0, |
| Display_Value => The_Dot_String, |
| Location => No_Location, |
| Flag => False, |
| Next => Nil_String)); |
| Tree.Shared.Dot_String_List := |
| String_Element_Table.Last (Tree.Shared.String_Elements); |
| |
| -- Private part table |
| |
| Temp_Files_Table.Init (Tree.Shared.Private_Part.Temp_Files); |
| |
| Tree.Shared.Private_Part.Current_Source_Path_File := No_Path; |
| Tree.Shared.Private_Part.Current_Object_Path_File := No_Path; |
| end if; |
| |
| Source_Paths_Htable.Reset (Tree.Source_Paths_HT); |
| Source_Files_Htable.Reset (Tree.Source_Files_HT); |
| Replaced_Source_HTable.Reset (Tree.Replaced_Sources); |
| |
| Tree.Replaced_Source_Number := 0; |
| |
| Reset_Units_In_Table (Tree.Units_HT); |
| Free_List (Tree.Projects, Free_Project => True); |
| Free_Units (Tree.Units_HT); |
| end Reset; |
| |
| ------------------------------------- |
| -- Set_Current_Object_Path_File_Of -- |
| ------------------------------------- |
| |
| procedure Set_Current_Object_Path_File_Of |
| (Shared : Shared_Project_Tree_Data_Access; |
| To : Path_Name_Type) |
| is |
| begin |
| Shared.Private_Part.Current_Object_Path_File := To; |
| end Set_Current_Object_Path_File_Of; |
| |
| ------------------------------------- |
| -- Set_Current_Source_Path_File_Of -- |
| ------------------------------------- |
| |
| procedure Set_Current_Source_Path_File_Of |
| (Shared : Shared_Project_Tree_Data_Access; |
| To : Path_Name_Type) |
| is |
| begin |
| Shared.Private_Part.Current_Source_Path_File := To; |
| end Set_Current_Source_Path_File_Of; |
| |
| ----------------------- |
| -- Set_Path_File_Var -- |
| ----------------------- |
| |
| procedure Set_Path_File_Var (Name : String; Value : String) is |
| Host_Spec : String_Access := To_Host_File_Spec (Value); |
| begin |
| if Host_Spec = null then |
| Prj.Com.Fail |
| ("could not convert file name """ & Value & """ to host spec"); |
| else |
| Setenv (Name, Host_Spec.all); |
| Free (Host_Spec); |
| end if; |
| end Set_Path_File_Var; |
| |
| ------------------- |
| -- Switches_Name -- |
| ------------------- |
| |
| function Switches_Name |
| (Source_File_Name : File_Name_Type) return File_Name_Type |
| is |
| begin |
| return Extend_Name (Source_File_Name, Switches_Dependency_Suffix); |
| end Switches_Name; |
| |
| ----------- |
| -- Value -- |
| ----------- |
| |
| function Value (Image : String) return Casing_Type is |
| begin |
| for Casing in The_Casing_Images'Range loop |
| if To_Lower (Image) = To_Lower (The_Casing_Images (Casing).all) then |
| return Casing; |
| end if; |
| end loop; |
| |
| raise Constraint_Error; |
| end Value; |
| |
| --------------------- |
| -- Has_Ada_Sources -- |
| --------------------- |
| |
| function Has_Ada_Sources (Data : Project_Id) return Boolean is |
| Lang : Language_Ptr; |
| |
| begin |
| Lang := Data.Languages; |
| while Lang /= No_Language_Index loop |
| if Lang.Name = Name_Ada then |
| return Lang.First_Source /= No_Source; |
| end if; |
| Lang := Lang.Next; |
| end loop; |
| |
| return False; |
| end Has_Ada_Sources; |
| |
| ------------------------ |
| -- Contains_ALI_Files -- |
| ------------------------ |
| |
| function Contains_ALI_Files (Dir : Path_Name_Type) return Boolean is |
| Dir_Name : constant String := Get_Name_String (Dir); |
| Direct : Dir_Type; |
| Name : String (1 .. 1_000); |
| Last : Natural; |
| Result : Boolean := False; |
| |
| begin |
| Open (Direct, Dir_Name); |
| |
| -- For each file in the directory, check if it is an ALI file |
| |
| loop |
| Read (Direct, Name, Last); |
| exit when Last = 0; |
| Canonical_Case_File_Name (Name (1 .. Last)); |
| Result := Last >= 5 and then Name (Last - 3 .. Last) = ".ali"; |
| exit when Result; |
| end loop; |
| |
| Close (Direct); |
| return Result; |
| |
| exception |
| -- If there is any problem, close the directory if open and return True. |
| -- The library directory will be added to the path. |
| |
| when others => |
| if Is_Open (Direct) then |
| Close (Direct); |
| end if; |
| |
| return True; |
| end Contains_ALI_Files; |
| |
| -------------------------- |
| -- Get_Object_Directory -- |
| -------------------------- |
| |
| function Get_Object_Directory |
| (Project : Project_Id; |
| Including_Libraries : Boolean; |
| Only_If_Ada : Boolean := False) return Path_Name_Type |
| is |
| begin |
| if (Project.Library and then Including_Libraries) |
| or else |
| (Project.Object_Directory /= No_Path_Information |
| and then (not Including_Libraries or else not Project.Library)) |
| then |
| -- For a library project, add the library ALI directory if there is |
| -- no object directory or if the library ALI directory contains ALI |
| -- files; otherwise add the object directory. |
| |
| if Project.Library then |
| if Project.Object_Directory = No_Path_Information |
| or else |
| (Including_Libraries |
| and then |
| Contains_ALI_Files (Project.Library_ALI_Dir.Display_Name)) |
| then |
| return Project.Library_ALI_Dir.Display_Name; |
| else |
| return Project.Object_Directory.Display_Name; |
| end if; |
| |
| -- For a non-library project, add object directory if it is not a |
| -- virtual project, and if there are Ada sources in the project or |
| -- one of the projects it extends. If there are no Ada sources, |
| -- adding the object directory could disrupt the order of the |
| -- object dirs in the path. |
| |
| elsif not Project.Virtual then |
| declare |
| Add_Object_Dir : Boolean; |
| Prj : Project_Id; |
| |
| begin |
| Add_Object_Dir := not Only_If_Ada; |
| Prj := Project; |
| while not Add_Object_Dir and then Prj /= No_Project loop |
| if Has_Ada_Sources (Prj) then |
| Add_Object_Dir := True; |
| else |
| Prj := Prj.Extends; |
| end if; |
| end loop; |
| |
| if Add_Object_Dir then |
| return Project.Object_Directory.Display_Name; |
| end if; |
| end; |
| end if; |
| end if; |
| |
| return No_Path; |
| end Get_Object_Directory; |
| |
| ----------------------------------- |
| -- Ultimate_Extending_Project_Of -- |
| ----------------------------------- |
| |
| function Ultimate_Extending_Project_Of |
| (Proj : Project_Id) return Project_Id |
| is |
| Prj : Project_Id; |
| |
| begin |
| Prj := Proj; |
| while Prj /= null and then Prj.Extended_By /= No_Project loop |
| Prj := Prj.Extended_By; |
| end loop; |
| |
| return Prj; |
| end Ultimate_Extending_Project_Of; |
| |
| ----------------------------------- |
| -- Compute_All_Imported_Projects -- |
| ----------------------------------- |
| |
| procedure Compute_All_Imported_Projects |
| (Root_Project : Project_Id; |
| Tree : Project_Tree_Ref) |
| is |
| procedure Analyze_Tree |
| (Local_Root : Project_Id; |
| Local_Tree : Project_Tree_Ref; |
| Context : Project_Context); |
| -- Process Project and all its aggregated project to analyze their own |
| -- imported projects. |
| |
| ------------------ |
| -- Analyze_Tree -- |
| ------------------ |
| |
| procedure Analyze_Tree |
| (Local_Root : Project_Id; |
| Local_Tree : Project_Tree_Ref; |
| Context : Project_Context) |
| is |
| pragma Unreferenced (Local_Root); |
| |
| Project : Project_Id; |
| |
| procedure Recursive_Add |
| (Prj : Project_Id; |
| Tree : Project_Tree_Ref; |
| Context : Project_Context; |
| Dummy : in out Boolean); |
| -- Recursively add the projects imported by project Project, but not |
| -- those that are extended. |
| |
| ------------------- |
| -- Recursive_Add -- |
| ------------------- |
| |
| procedure Recursive_Add |
| (Prj : Project_Id; |
| Tree : Project_Tree_Ref; |
| Context : Project_Context; |
| Dummy : in out Boolean) |
| is |
| pragma Unreferenced (Tree); |
| |
| List : Project_List; |
| Prj2 : Project_Id; |
| |
| begin |
| -- A project is not importing itself |
| |
| Prj2 := Ultimate_Extending_Project_Of (Prj); |
| |
| if Project /= Prj2 then |
| |
| -- Check that the project is not already in the list. We know |
| -- the one passed to Recursive_Add have never been visited |
| -- before, but the one passed it are the extended projects. |
| |
| List := Project.All_Imported_Projects; |
| while List /= null loop |
| if List.Project = Prj2 then |
| return; |
| end if; |
| |
| List := List.Next; |
| end loop; |
| |
| -- Add it to the list |
| |
| Project.All_Imported_Projects := |
| new Project_List_Element' |
| (Project => Prj2, |
| From_Encapsulated_Lib => |
| Context.From_Encapsulated_Lib |
| or else Analyze_Tree.Context.From_Encapsulated_Lib, |
| Next => Project.All_Imported_Projects); |
| end if; |
| end Recursive_Add; |
| |
| procedure For_All_Projects is |
| new For_Every_Project_Imported_Context (Boolean, Recursive_Add); |
| |
| Dummy : Boolean := False; |
| List : Project_List; |
| |
| begin |
| List := Local_Tree.Projects; |
| while List /= null loop |
| Project := List.Project; |
| Free_List |
| (Project.All_Imported_Projects, Free_Project => False); |
| For_All_Projects |
| (Project, Local_Tree, Dummy, Include_Aggregated => False); |
| List := List.Next; |
| end loop; |
| end Analyze_Tree; |
| |
| procedure For_Aggregates is |
| new For_Project_And_Aggregated_Context (Analyze_Tree); |
| |
| -- Start of processing for Compute_All_Imported_Projects |
| |
| begin |
| For_Aggregates (Root_Project, Tree); |
| end Compute_All_Imported_Projects; |
| |
| ------------------- |
| -- Is_Compilable -- |
| ------------------- |
| |
| function Is_Compilable (Source : Source_Id) return Boolean is |
| begin |
| case Source.Compilable is |
| when Unknown => |
| if Source.Language.Config.Compiler_Driver /= No_File |
| and then |
| Length_Of_Name (Source.Language.Config.Compiler_Driver) /= 0 |
| and then not Source.Locally_Removed |
| and then (Source.Language.Config.Kind /= File_Based |
| or else Source.Kind /= Spec) |
| then |
| -- Do not modify Source.Compilable before the source record |
| -- has been initialized. |
| |
| if Source.Source_TS /= Empty_Time_Stamp then |
| Source.Compilable := Yes; |
| end if; |
| |
| return True; |
| |
| else |
| if Source.Source_TS /= Empty_Time_Stamp then |
| Source.Compilable := No; |
| end if; |
| |
| return False; |
| end if; |
| |
| when Yes => |
| return True; |
| |
| when No => |
| return False; |
| end case; |
| end Is_Compilable; |
| |
| ------------------------------ |
| -- Object_To_Global_Archive -- |
| ------------------------------ |
| |
| function Object_To_Global_Archive (Source : Source_Id) return Boolean is |
| begin |
| return Source.Language.Config.Kind = File_Based |
| and then Source.Kind = Impl |
| and then Source.Language.Config.Objects_Linked |
| and then Is_Compilable (Source) |
| and then Source.Language.Config.Object_Generated; |
| end Object_To_Global_Archive; |
| |
| ---------------------------- |
| -- Get_Language_From_Name -- |
| ---------------------------- |
| |
| function Get_Language_From_Name |
| (Project : Project_Id; |
| Name : String) return Language_Ptr |
| is |
| N : Name_Id; |
| Result : Language_Ptr; |
| |
| begin |
| Name_Len := Name'Length; |
| Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) := Name; |
| To_Lower (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len)); |
| N := Name_Find; |
| |
| Result := Project.Languages; |
| while Result /= No_Language_Index loop |
| if Result.Name = N then |
| return Result; |
| end if; |
| |
| Result := Result.Next; |
| end loop; |
| |
| return No_Language_Index; |
| end Get_Language_From_Name; |
| |
| ---------------- |
| -- Other_Part -- |
| ---------------- |
| |
| function Other_Part (Source : Source_Id) return Source_Id is |
| begin |
| if Source.Unit /= No_Unit_Index then |
| case Source.Kind is |
| when Impl => return Source.Unit.File_Names (Spec); |
| when Spec => return Source.Unit.File_Names (Impl); |
| when Sep => return No_Source; |
| end case; |
| else |
| return No_Source; |
| end if; |
| end Other_Part; |
| |
| ------------------ |
| -- Create_Flags -- |
| ------------------ |
| |
| function Create_Flags |
| (Report_Error : Error_Handler; |
| When_No_Sources : Error_Warning; |
| Require_Sources_Other_Lang : Boolean := True; |
| Allow_Duplicate_Basenames : Boolean := True; |
| Compiler_Driver_Mandatory : Boolean := False; |
| Error_On_Unknown_Language : Boolean := True; |
| Require_Obj_Dirs : Error_Warning := Error; |
| Allow_Invalid_External : Error_Warning := Error; |
| Missing_Source_Files : Error_Warning := Error; |
| Ignore_Missing_With : Boolean := False) |
| return Processing_Flags |
| is |
| begin |
| return Processing_Flags' |
| (Report_Error => Report_Error, |
| When_No_Sources => When_No_Sources, |
| Require_Sources_Other_Lang => Require_Sources_Other_Lang, |
| Allow_Duplicate_Basenames => Allow_Duplicate_Basenames, |
| Error_On_Unknown_Language => Error_On_Unknown_Language, |
| Compiler_Driver_Mandatory => Compiler_Driver_Mandatory, |
| Require_Obj_Dirs => Require_Obj_Dirs, |
| Allow_Invalid_External => Allow_Invalid_External, |
| Missing_Source_Files => Missing_Source_Files, |
| Ignore_Missing_With => Ignore_Missing_With, |
| Incomplete_Withs => False); |
| end Create_Flags; |
| |
| ------------ |
| -- Length -- |
| ------------ |
| |
| function Length |
| (Table : Name_List_Table.Instance; |
| List : Name_List_Index) return Natural |
| is |
| Count : Natural := 0; |
| Tmp : Name_List_Index; |
| |
| begin |
| Tmp := List; |
| while Tmp /= No_Name_List loop |
| Count := Count + 1; |
| Tmp := Table.Table (Tmp).Next; |
| end loop; |
| |
| return Count; |
| end Length; |
| |
| ------------------ |
| -- Debug_Output -- |
| ------------------ |
| |
| procedure Debug_Output (Str : String) is |
| begin |
| if Current_Verbosity > Default then |
| Set_Standard_Error; |
| Write_Line ((1 .. Debug_Level * 2 => ' ') & Str); |
| Set_Standard_Output; |
| end if; |
| end Debug_Output; |
| |
| ------------------ |
| -- Debug_Indent -- |
| ------------------ |
| |
| procedure Debug_Indent is |
| begin |
| if Current_Verbosity = High then |
| Set_Standard_Error; |
| Write_Str ((1 .. Debug_Level * 2 => ' ')); |
| Set_Standard_Output; |
| end if; |
| end Debug_Indent; |
| |
| ------------------ |
| -- Debug_Output -- |
| ------------------ |
| |
| procedure Debug_Output (Str : String; Str2 : Name_Id) is |
| begin |
| if Current_Verbosity > Default then |
| Debug_Indent; |
| Set_Standard_Error; |
| Write_Str (Str); |
| |
| if Str2 = No_Name then |
| Write_Line (" <no_name>"); |
| else |
| Write_Line (" """ & Get_Name_String (Str2) & '"'); |
| end if; |
| |
| Set_Standard_Output; |
| end if; |
| end Debug_Output; |
| |
| --------------------------- |
| -- Debug_Increase_Indent -- |
| --------------------------- |
| |
| procedure Debug_Increase_Indent |
| (Str : String := ""; Str2 : Name_Id := No_Name) |
| is |
| begin |
| if Str2 /= No_Name then |
| Debug_Output (Str, Str2); |
| else |
| Debug_Output (Str); |
| end if; |
| Debug_Level := Debug_Level + 1; |
| end Debug_Increase_Indent; |
| |
| --------------------------- |
| -- Debug_Decrease_Indent -- |
| --------------------------- |
| |
| procedure Debug_Decrease_Indent (Str : String := "") is |
| begin |
| if Debug_Level > 0 then |
| Debug_Level := Debug_Level - 1; |
| end if; |
| |
| if Str /= "" then |
| Debug_Output (Str); |
| end if; |
| end Debug_Decrease_Indent; |
| |
| ---------------- |
| -- Debug_Name -- |
| ---------------- |
| |
| function Debug_Name (Tree : Project_Tree_Ref) return Name_Id is |
| P : Project_List; |
| |
| begin |
| Name_Len := 0; |
| Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer ("Tree ["); |
| |
| P := Tree.Projects; |
| while P /= null loop |
| if P /= Tree.Projects then |
| Add_Char_To_Name_Buffer (','); |
| end if; |
| |
| Add_Str_To_Name_Buffer (Get_Name_String (P.Project.Name)); |
| |
| P := P.Next; |
| end loop; |
| |
| Add_Char_To_Name_Buffer (']'); |
| |
| return Name_Find; |
| end Debug_Name; |
| |
| ---------- |
| -- Free -- |
| ---------- |
| |
| procedure Free (Tree : in out Project_Tree_Appdata) is |
| pragma Unreferenced (Tree); |
| begin |
| null; |
| end Free; |
| |
| -------------------------------- |
| -- For_Project_And_Aggregated -- |
| -------------------------------- |
| |
| procedure For_Project_And_Aggregated |
| (Root_Project : Project_Id; |
| Root_Tree : Project_Tree_Ref) |
| is |
| Agg : Aggregated_Project_List; |
| |
| begin |
| Action (Root_Project, Root_Tree); |
| |
| if Root_Project.Qualifier in Aggregate_Project then |
| Agg := Root_Project.Aggregated_Projects; |
| while Agg /= null loop |
| For_Project_And_Aggregated (Agg.Project, Agg.Tree); |
| Agg := Agg.Next; |
| end loop; |
| end if; |
| end For_Project_And_Aggregated; |
| |
| ---------------------------------------- |
| -- For_Project_And_Aggregated_Context -- |
| ---------------------------------------- |
| |
| procedure For_Project_And_Aggregated_Context |
| (Root_Project : Project_Id; |
| Root_Tree : Project_Tree_Ref) |
| is |
| |
| procedure Recursive_Process |
| (Project : Project_Id; |
| Tree : Project_Tree_Ref; |
| Context : Project_Context); |
| -- Process Project and all aggregated projects recursively |
| |
| ----------------------- |
| -- Recursive_Process -- |
| ----------------------- |
| |
| procedure Recursive_Process |
| (Project : Project_Id; |
| Tree : Project_Tree_Ref; |
| Context : Project_Context) |
| is |
| Agg : Aggregated_Project_List; |
| Ctx : Project_Context; |
| |
| begin |
| Action (Project, Tree, Context); |
| |
| if Project.Qualifier in Aggregate_Project then |
| Ctx := |
| (In_Aggregate_Lib => Project.Qualifier = Aggregate_Library, |
| From_Encapsulated_Lib => |
| Context.From_Encapsulated_Lib |
| or else Project.Standalone_Library = Encapsulated); |
| |
| Agg := Project.Aggregated_Projects; |
| while Agg /= null loop |
| Recursive_Process (Agg.Project, Agg.Tree, Ctx); |
| Agg := Agg.Next; |
| end loop; |
| end if; |
| end Recursive_Process; |
| |
| -- Start of processing for For_Project_And_Aggregated_Context |
| |
| begin |
| Recursive_Process |
| (Root_Project, Root_Tree, Project_Context'(False, False)); |
| end For_Project_And_Aggregated_Context; |
| |
| ----------------------------- |
| -- Set_Ignore_Missing_With -- |
| ----------------------------- |
| |
| procedure Set_Ignore_Missing_With |
| (Flags : in out Processing_Flags; |
| Value : Boolean) |
| is |
| begin |
| Flags.Ignore_Missing_With := Value; |
| end Set_Ignore_Missing_With; |
| |
| -- Package initialization for Prj |
| |
| begin |
| -- Make sure that the standard config and user project file extensions are |
| -- compatible with canonical case file naming. |
| |
| Canonical_Case_File_Name (Config_Project_File_Extension); |
| Canonical_Case_File_Name (Project_File_Extension); |
| end Prj; |