blob: 3b078c2e660f9f0f7c0bd3d6831a957a36ae765b [file] [log] [blame]
-- --
-- --
-- R T S F I N D --
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 1992-2016, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING3. If not, go to --
-- for a complete copy of the license. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
-- --
with Atree; use Atree;
with Casing; use Casing;
with Csets; use Csets;
with Debug; use Debug;
with Einfo; use Einfo;
with Elists; use Elists;
with Errout; use Errout;
with Exp_Dist; use Exp_Dist;
with Fname; use Fname;
with Fname.UF; use Fname.UF;
with Ghost; use Ghost;
with Lib; use Lib;
with Lib.Load; use Lib.Load;
with Namet; use Namet;
with Nlists; use Nlists;
with Nmake; use Nmake;
with Output; use Output;
with Opt; use Opt;
with Restrict; use Restrict;
with Sem; use Sem;
with Sem_Aux; use Sem_Aux;
with Sem_Ch7; use Sem_Ch7;
with Sem_Dist; use Sem_Dist;
with Sem_Util; use Sem_Util;
with Sinfo; use Sinfo;
with Stand; use Stand;
with Snames; use Snames;
with Tbuild; use Tbuild;
with Uname; use Uname;
package body Rtsfind is
RTE_Available_Call : Boolean := False;
-- Set True during call to RTE from RTE_Available (or from call to
-- RTE_Record_Component from RTE_Record_Component_Available). Tells
-- the called subprogram to set RTE_Is_Available to False rather than
-- generating an error message.
RTE_Is_Available : Boolean;
-- Set True by RTE_Available on entry. When RTE_Available_Call is set
-- True, set False if RTE would otherwise generate an error message.
-- Unit table --
-- The unit table has one entry for each unit included in the definition
-- of the type RTU_Id in the spec. The table entries are initialized in
-- Initialize to set the Entity field to Empty, indicating that the
-- corresponding unit has not yet been loaded. The fields are set when
-- a unit is loaded to contain the defining entity for the unit, the
-- unit name, and the unit number.
-- Note that a unit can be loaded either by a call to find an entity
-- within the unit (e.g. RTE), or by an explicit with of the unit. In
-- the latter case it is critical to make a call to Set_RTU_Loaded to
-- ensure that the entry in this table reflects the load.
-- A unit retrieved through rtsfind may end up in the context of several
-- other units, in addition to the main unit. These additional with_clauses
-- are needed to generate a proper traversal order for CodePeer. To
-- minimize somewhat the redundancy created by numerous calls to rtsfind
-- from different units, we keep track of the list of implicit with_clauses
-- already created for the current loaded unit.
type RT_Unit_Table_Record is record
Entity : Entity_Id;
Uname : Unit_Name_Type;
First_Implicit_With : Node_Id;
Unum : Unit_Number_Type;
end record;
RT_Unit_Table : array (RTU_Id) of RT_Unit_Table_Record;
-- Runtime Entity Table --
-- There is one entry in the runtime entity table for each entity that is
-- included in the definition of the RE_Id type in the spec. The entries
-- are set by Initialize_Rtsfind to contain Empty, indicating that the
-- entity has not yet been located. Once the entity is located for the
-- first time, its ID is stored in this array, so that subsequent calls
-- for the same entity can be satisfied immediately.
-- NOTE: In order to avoid conflicts between record components and subprgs
-- that have the same name (i.e. subprogram External_Tag and
-- component External_Tag of package Ada.Tags) this table is not used
-- with Record_Components.
RE_Table : array (RE_Id) of Entity_Id;
-- Generation of with_clauses --
-- When a unit is implicitly loaded as a result of a call to RTE, it is
-- necessary to create one or two implicit with_clauses. We add such
-- with_clauses to the extended main unit if needed, and also to whatever
-- unit needs them, which is not necessarily the main unit. The former
-- ensures that the object is correctly loaded by the binder. The latter
-- is necessary for CodePeer.
-- The field First_Implicit_With in the unit table record are used to
-- avoid creating duplicate with_clauses.
-- Table of Predefined RE_Id Error Messages --
-- If an attempt is made to load an entity, given an RE_Id value, and the
-- entity is not available in the current configuration, an error message
-- is given (see Entity_Not_Defined below). The general form of such an
-- error message is for example:
-- entity "System.Pack_43.Bits_43" not defined
-- The following table defines a set of RE_Id image values for which this
-- error message is specialized and replaced by specific text indicating
-- the exact message to be output. For example, in the case above, for the
-- RE_Id value RE_Bits_43, we do indeed specialize the message, and the
-- above generic message is replaced by:
-- packed component size of 43 is not supported
type CString_Ptr is access constant String;
type PRE_Id_Entry is record
Str : CString_Ptr;
-- Pointer to string with the RE_Id image. The sequence ?? may appear
-- in which case it will match any characters in the RE_Id image value.
-- This is used to avoid the need for dozens of entries for RE_Bits_??.
Msg : CString_Ptr;
-- Pointer to string with the corresponding error text. The sequence
-- ?? may appear, in which case, it is replaced by the corresponding
-- sequence ?? in the Str value (if the first ? is zero, then it is
-- omitted from the message).
end record;
Str1 : aliased constant String := "RE_BITS_??";
Str2 : aliased constant String := "RE_GET_??";
Str3 : aliased constant String := "RE_SET_??";
Str4 : aliased constant String := "RE_CALL_SIMPLE";
MsgPack : aliased constant String :=
"packed component size of ?? is not supported";
MsgRV : aliased constant String :=
"task rendezvous is not supported";
PRE_Id_Table : constant array (Natural range <>) of PRE_Id_Entry :=
(1 => (Str1'Access, MsgPack'Access),
2 => (Str2'Access, MsgPack'Access),
3 => (Str3'Access, MsgPack'Access),
4 => (Str4'Access, MsgRV'Access));
-- We will add entries to this table as we find cases where it is a good
-- idea to do so. By no means all the RE_Id values need entries, because
-- the expander often gives clear messages before it makes the Rtsfind
-- call expecting to find the entity.
-- Local Subprograms --
function Check_CRT (E : RE_Id; Eid : Entity_Id) return Entity_Id;
-- Check entity Eid to ensure that configurable run-time restrictions are
-- met. May generate an error message (if RTE_Available_Call is false) and
-- raise RE_Not_Available if entity E does not exist (e.g. Eid is Empty).
-- Also check that entity is not overloaded.
procedure Entity_Not_Defined (Id : RE_Id);
-- Outputs error messages for an entity that is not defined in the run-time
-- library (the form of the error message is tailored for no run time or
-- configurable run time mode as required). See also table of pre-defined
-- messages for entities above (RE_Id_Messages).
function Get_Unit_Name (U_Id : RTU_Id) return Unit_Name_Type;
-- Retrieves the Unit Name given a unit id represented by its enumeration
-- value in RTU_Id.
procedure Load_Fail (S : String; U_Id : RTU_Id; Id : RE_Id);
pragma No_Return (Load_Fail);
-- Internal procedure called if we can't successfully locate or process a
-- run-time unit. The parameters give information about the error message
-- to be given. S is a reason for failing to compile the file and U_Id is
-- the unit id. RE_Id is the RE_Id originally passed to RTE. The message in
-- S is one of the following:
-- "not found"
-- "had parser errors"
-- "had semantic errors"
-- The "not found" case is treated specially in that it is considered
-- a normal situation in configurable run-time mode, and generates
-- a warning, but is otherwise ignored.
procedure Load_RTU
(U_Id : RTU_Id;
Id : RE_Id := RE_Null;
Use_Setting : Boolean := False);
-- Load the unit whose Id is given if not already loaded. The unit is
-- loaded and analyzed, and the entry in RT_Unit_Table is updated to
-- reflect the load. Use_Setting is used to indicate the initial setting
-- for the Is_Potentially_Use_Visible flag of the entity for the loaded
-- unit (if it is indeed loaded). A value of False means nothing special
-- need be done. A value of True indicates that this flag must be set to
-- True. It is needed only in the Check_Text_IO_Special_Unit procedure,
-- which may materialize an entity of Text_IO (or [Wide_]Wide_Text_IO) that
-- was previously unknown. Id is the RE_Id value of the entity which was
-- originally requested. Id is used only for error message detail, and if
-- it is RE_Null, then the attempt to output the entity name is ignored.
function Make_Unit_Name
(U : RT_Unit_Table_Record;
N : Node_Id) return Node_Id;
-- If the unit is a child unit, build fully qualified name for use in
-- With_Clause.
procedure Maybe_Add_With (U : in out RT_Unit_Table_Record);
-- If necessary, add an implicit with_clause from the current unit to the
-- one represented by U.
procedure Output_Entity_Name (Id : RE_Id; Msg : String);
-- Output continuation error message giving qualified name of entity
-- corresponding to Id, appending the string given by Msg.
function RE_Chars (E : RE_Id) return Name_Id;
-- Given a RE_Id value returns the Chars of the corresponding entity
procedure RTE_Error_Msg (Msg : String);
-- Generates a message by calling Error_Msg_N specifying Current_Error_Node
-- as the node location using the given Msg text. Special processing in the
-- case where RTE_Available_Call is set. In this case, no message is output
-- and instead RTE_Is_Available is set to False. Note that this can only be
-- used if you are sure that the message comes directly or indirectly from
-- a call to the RTE function.
-- Check_CRT --
function Check_CRT (E : RE_Id; Eid : Entity_Id) return Entity_Id is
U_Id : constant RTU_Id := RE_Unit_Table (E);
if No (Eid) then
if RTE_Available_Call then
RTE_Is_Available := False;
Entity_Not_Defined (E);
end if;
raise RE_Not_Available;
-- Entity is available
-- If in No_Run_Time mode and entity is neither in the current unit
-- nor in one of the specially permitted units, raise the exception.
if No_Run_Time_Mode
and then not OK_No_Run_Time_Unit (U_Id)
-- If the entity being referenced is defined in the current scope,
-- using it is always fine as such usage can never introduce any
-- dependency on an additional unit. The presence of this test
-- helps generating meaningful error messages for CRT violations.
and then Scope (Eid) /= Current_Scope
Entity_Not_Defined (E);
raise RE_Not_Available;
end if;
-- Check entity is not overloaded, checking for special exceptions
if Has_Homonym (Eid)
and then E /= RE_Save_Occurrence
Write_Str ("Run-time configuration error (");
Write_Str ("rtsfind entity """);
Get_Decoded_Name_String (Chars (Eid));
Set_Casing (Mixed_Case);
Write_Str (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
Write_Str (""" is overloaded)");
raise Unrecoverable_Error;
end if;
-- Otherwise entity is accessible
return Eid;
end if;
end Check_CRT;
-- Check_Text_IO_Special_Unit --
procedure Check_Text_IO_Special_Unit (Nam : Node_Id) is
Chrs : Name_Id;
type Name_Map_Type is array (Text_IO_Package_Name) of RTU_Id;
Name_Map : constant Name_Map_Type := Name_Map_Type'(
Name_Decimal_IO => Ada_Text_IO_Decimal_IO,
Name_Enumeration_IO => Ada_Text_IO_Enumeration_IO,
Name_Fixed_IO => Ada_Text_IO_Fixed_IO,
Name_Float_IO => Ada_Text_IO_Float_IO,
Name_Integer_IO => Ada_Text_IO_Integer_IO,
Name_Modular_IO => Ada_Text_IO_Modular_IO);
Wide_Name_Map : constant Name_Map_Type := Name_Map_Type'(
Name_Decimal_IO => Ada_Wide_Text_IO_Decimal_IO,
Name_Enumeration_IO => Ada_Wide_Text_IO_Enumeration_IO,
Name_Fixed_IO => Ada_Wide_Text_IO_Fixed_IO,
Name_Float_IO => Ada_Wide_Text_IO_Float_IO,
Name_Integer_IO => Ada_Wide_Text_IO_Integer_IO,
Name_Modular_IO => Ada_Wide_Text_IO_Modular_IO);
Wide_Wide_Name_Map : constant Name_Map_Type := Name_Map_Type'(
Name_Decimal_IO => Ada_Wide_Wide_Text_IO_Decimal_IO,
Name_Enumeration_IO => Ada_Wide_Wide_Text_IO_Enumeration_IO,
Name_Fixed_IO => Ada_Wide_Wide_Text_IO_Fixed_IO,
Name_Float_IO => Ada_Wide_Wide_Text_IO_Float_IO,
Name_Integer_IO => Ada_Wide_Wide_Text_IO_Integer_IO,
Name_Modular_IO => Ada_Wide_Wide_Text_IO_Modular_IO);
To_Load : RTU_Id;
-- Unit to be loaded, from one of the above maps
-- Nothing to do if name is not an identifier or a selected component
-- whose selector_name is an identifier.
if Nkind (Nam) = N_Identifier then
Chrs := Chars (Nam);
elsif Nkind (Nam) = N_Selected_Component
and then Nkind (Selector_Name (Nam)) = N_Identifier
Chrs := Chars (Selector_Name (Nam));
end if;
-- Nothing to do if name is not one of the Text_IO subpackages
-- Otherwise look through loaded units, and if we find Text_IO
-- or [Wide_]Wide_Text_IO already loaded, then load the proper child.
if Chrs in Text_IO_Package_Name then
for U in Main_Unit .. Last_Unit loop
Get_Name_String (Unit_File_Name (U));
if Name_Len = 12 then
-- Here is where we do the loads if we find one of the units
-- Ada.Text_IO or Ada.[Wide_]Wide_Text_IO. An interesting
-- detail is that these units may already be used (i.e. their
-- In_Use flags may be set). Normally when the In_Use flag is
-- set, the Is_Potentially_Use_Visible flag of all entities in
-- the package is set, but the new entity we are mysteriously
-- adding was not there to have its flag set at the time. So
-- that's why we pass the extra parameter to RTU_Find, to make
-- sure the flag does get set now. Given that those generic
-- packages are in fact child units, we must indicate that
-- they are visible.
if Name_Buffer (1 .. 12) = "" then
To_Load := Name_Map (Chrs);
elsif Name_Buffer (1 .. 12) = "" then
To_Load := Wide_Name_Map (Chrs);
elsif Name_Buffer (1 .. 12) = "" then
To_Load := Wide_Wide_Name_Map (Chrs);
goto Continue;
end if;
Load_RTU (To_Load, Use_Setting => In_Use (Cunit_Entity (U)));
Set_Is_Visible_Lib_Unit (RT_Unit_Table (To_Load).Entity);
-- Prevent creation of an implicit 'with' from (for example)
-- Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Integer_IO to Ada.Text_IO.Integer_IO,
-- because these could create cycles. First check whether the
-- simple names match ("integer_io" = "integer_io"), and then
-- check whether the parent is indeed one of the
-- [[Wide_]Wide_]Text_IO packages.
if Chrs = Chars (Cunit_Entity (Current_Sem_Unit)) then
Parent_Name : constant Unit_Name_Type :=
(Unit_Name (Current_Sem_Unit));
if Parent_Name /= No_Unit_Name then
Get_Name_String (Parent_Name);
P : String renames Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len);
if P = "ada.text_io%s" or else
P = "ada.wide_text_io%s" or else
P = "ada.wide_wide_text_io%s"
goto Continue;
end if;
end if;
end if;
-- Add an implicit with clause from the current unit to the
-- [[Wide_]Wide_]Text_IO child (if necessary).
Maybe_Add_With (RT_Unit_Table (To_Load));
end if;
<<Continue>> null;
end loop;
end if;
-- Generate error message if run-time unit not available
when RE_Not_Available =>
Error_Msg_N ("& not available", Nam);
end Check_Text_IO_Special_Unit;
-- Entity_Not_Defined --
procedure Entity_Not_Defined (Id : RE_Id) is
if No_Run_Time_Mode then
-- If the error occurs when compiling the body of a predefined
-- unit for inlining purposes, the body must be illegal in this
-- mode, and there is no point in continuing.
if Is_Predefined_File_Name
(Unit_File_Name (Get_Source_Unit (Sloc (Current_Error_Node))))
("construct not allowed in no run time mode!",
raise Unrecoverable_Error;
RTE_Error_Msg ("|construct not allowed in no run time mode");
end if;
elsif Configurable_Run_Time_Mode then
RTE_Error_Msg ("|construct not allowed in this configuration>");
RTE_Error_Msg ("run-time configuration error");
end if;
-- See if this entry is to be found in the PRE_Id table that provides
-- specialized messages for some RE_Id values.
for J in PRE_Id_Table'Range loop
TStr : constant String := PRE_Id_Table (J).Str.all;
RStr : constant String := RE_Id'Image (Id);
TMsg : String := PRE_Id_Table (J).Msg.all;
LMsg : Natural := TMsg'Length;
if TStr'Length = RStr'Length then
for J in TStr'Range loop
if TStr (J) /= RStr (J) and then TStr (J) /= '?' then
goto Continue;
end if;
end loop;
for J in TMsg'First .. TMsg'Last - 1 loop
if TMsg (J) = '?' then
for K in 1 .. TStr'Last loop
if TStr (K) = '?' then
if RStr (K) = '0' then
TMsg (J) := RStr (K + 1);
TMsg (J + 1 .. LMsg - 1) := TMsg (J + 2 .. LMsg);
LMsg := LMsg - 1;
TMsg (J .. J + 1) := RStr (K .. K + 1);
end if;
end if;
end loop;
end if;
end loop;
RTE_Error_Msg (TMsg (1 .. LMsg));
end if;
<<Continue>> null;
end loop;
-- We did not find an entry in the table, so output the generic entity
-- not found message, where the name of the entity corresponds to the
-- given RE_Id value.
Output_Entity_Name (Id, "not defined");
end Entity_Not_Defined;
-- Get_Unit_Name --
function Get_Unit_Name (U_Id : RTU_Id) return Unit_Name_Type is
Uname_Chars : constant String := RTU_Id'Image (U_Id);
Name_Len := Uname_Chars'Length;
Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) := Uname_Chars;
Set_Casing (All_Lower_Case);
if U_Id in Ada_Child then
Name_Buffer (4) := '.';
if U_Id in Ada_Calendar_Child then
Name_Buffer (13) := '.';
elsif U_Id in Ada_Dispatching_Child then
Name_Buffer (16) := '.';
elsif U_Id in Ada_Interrupts_Child then
Name_Buffer (15) := '.';
elsif U_Id in Ada_Numerics_Child then
Name_Buffer (13) := '.';
elsif U_Id in Ada_Real_Time_Child then
Name_Buffer (14) := '.';
elsif U_Id in Ada_Streams_Child then
Name_Buffer (12) := '.';
elsif U_Id in Ada_Strings_Child then
Name_Buffer (12) := '.';
elsif U_Id in Ada_Text_IO_Child then
Name_Buffer (12) := '.';
elsif U_Id in Ada_Wide_Text_IO_Child then
Name_Buffer (17) := '.';
elsif U_Id in Ada_Wide_Wide_Text_IO_Child then
Name_Buffer (22) := '.';
end if;
elsif U_Id in Interfaces_Child then
Name_Buffer (11) := '.';
elsif U_Id in System_Child then
Name_Buffer (7) := '.';
if U_Id in System_Dim_Child then
Name_Buffer (11) := '.';
end if;
if U_Id in System_Multiprocessors_Child then
Name_Buffer (23) := '.';
end if;
if U_Id in System_Storage_Pools_Child then
Name_Buffer (21) := '.';
end if;
if U_Id in System_Strings_Child then
Name_Buffer (15) := '.';
end if;
if U_Id in System_Tasking_Child then
Name_Buffer (15) := '.';
end if;
if U_Id in System_Tasking_Restricted_Child then
Name_Buffer (26) := '.';
end if;
if U_Id in System_Tasking_Protected_Objects_Child then
Name_Buffer (33) := '.';
end if;
if U_Id in System_Tasking_Async_Delays_Child then
Name_Buffer (28) := '.';
end if;
end if;
-- Add %s at end for spec
Name_Buffer (Name_Len + 1) := '%';
Name_Buffer (Name_Len + 2) := 's';
Name_Len := Name_Len + 2;
return Name_Find;
end Get_Unit_Name;
-- Initialize --
procedure Initialize is
-- Initialize the unit table
for J in RTU_Id loop
RT_Unit_Table (J).Entity := Empty;
end loop;
for J in RE_Id loop
RE_Table (J) := Empty;
end loop;
RTE_Is_Available := False;
end Initialize;
-- Is_RTE --
function Is_RTE (Ent : Entity_Id; E : RE_Id) return Boolean is
E_Unit_Name : Unit_Name_Type;
Ent_Unit_Name : Unit_Name_Type;
S : Entity_Id;
E1 : Entity_Id;
E2 : Entity_Id;
if No (Ent) then
return False;
-- If E has already a corresponding entity, check it directly,
-- going to full views if they exist to deal with the incomplete
-- and private type cases properly.
elsif Present (RE_Table (E)) then
E1 := Ent;
if Is_Type (E1) and then Present (Full_View (E1)) then
E1 := Full_View (E1);
end if;
E2 := RE_Table (E);
if Is_Type (E2) and then Present (Full_View (E2)) then
E2 := Full_View (E2);
end if;
return E1 = E2;
end if;
-- If the unit containing E is not loaded, we already know that the
-- entity we have cannot have come from this unit.
E_Unit_Name := Get_Unit_Name (RE_Unit_Table (E));
if not Is_Loaded (E_Unit_Name) then
return False;
end if;
-- Here the unit containing the entity is loaded. We have not made
-- an explicit call to RTE to get the entity in question, but we may
-- have obtained a reference to it indirectly from some other entity
-- in the same unit, or some other unit that references it.
-- Get the defining unit of the entity
S := Scope (Ent);
if No (S) or else Ekind (S) /= E_Package then
return False;
end if;
Ent_Unit_Name := Get_Unit_Name (Unit_Declaration_Node (S));
-- If the defining unit of the entity we are testing is not the
-- unit containing E, then they cannot possibly match.
if Ent_Unit_Name /= E_Unit_Name then
return False;
end if;
-- If the units match, then compare the names (remember that no
-- overloading is permitted in entities fetched using Rtsfind).
if RE_Chars (E) = Chars (Ent) then
RE_Table (E) := Ent;
-- If front-end inlining is enabled, we may be within a body that
-- contains inlined functions, which has not been retrieved through
-- rtsfind, and therefore is not yet recorded in the RT_Unit_Table.
-- Add the unit information now, it must be fully available.
U : RT_Unit_Table_Record
renames RT_Unit_Table (RE_Unit_Table (E));
if No (U.Entity) then
U.Entity := S;
U.Uname := E_Unit_Name;
U.Unum := Get_Source_Unit (S);
end if;
return True;
return False;
end if;
end Is_RTE;
-- Is_RTU --
function Is_RTU (Ent : Entity_Id; U : RTU_Id) return Boolean is
E : constant Entity_Id := RT_Unit_Table (U).Entity;
return Present (E) and then E = Ent;
end Is_RTU;
-- Is_Text_IO_Special_Unit --
function Is_Text_IO_Special_Unit (Nam : Node_Id) return Boolean is
Prf : Node_Id;
Sel : Node_Id;
if Nkind (Nam) /= N_Expanded_Name then
return False;
end if;
Prf := Prefix (Nam);
Sel := Selector_Name (Nam);
if Nkind (Sel) /= N_Expanded_Name
or else Nkind (Prf) /= N_Identifier
or else Chars (Prf) /= Name_Ada
return False;
end if;
Prf := Prefix (Sel);
Sel := Selector_Name (Sel);
Nkind (Prf) = N_Identifier
and then
Nam_In (Chars (Prf), Name_Text_IO,
and then Nkind (Sel) = N_Identifier
and then Chars (Sel) in Text_IO_Package_Name;
end Is_Text_IO_Special_Unit;
-- Load_Fail --
procedure Load_Fail (S : String; U_Id : RTU_Id; Id : RE_Id) is
M : String (1 .. 100);
P : Natural := 0;
-- Output header message
if Configurable_Run_Time_Mode then
RTE_Error_Msg ("construct not allowed in configurable run-time mode");
RTE_Error_Msg ("run-time library configuration error");
end if;
-- Output file name and reason string
M (1 .. 6) := "\file ";
P := 6;
(Get_File_Name (RT_Unit_Table (U_Id).Uname, Subunit => False));
M (P + 1 .. P + Name_Len) := Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len);
P := P + Name_Len;
M (P + 1) := ' ';
P := P + 1;
M (P + 1 .. P + S'Length) := S;
P := P + S'Length;
RTE_Error_Msg (M (1 .. P));
-- Output entity name
Output_Entity_Name (Id, "not available");
-- In configurable run time mode, we raise RE_Not_Available, and the
-- caller is expected to deal gracefully with this. In the case of a
-- call to RTE_Available, this exception will be caught in Rtsfind,
-- and result in a returned value of False for the call.
if Configurable_Run_Time_Mode then
raise RE_Not_Available;
-- Here we have a load failure in normal full run time mode. See if we
-- are in the context of an RTE_Available call. If so, we just raise
-- RE_Not_Available. This can happen if a unit is unavailable, which
-- happens for example in the VM case, where the run-time is not
-- complete, but we do not regard it as a configurable run-time.
-- If the caller has done an explicit call to RTE_Available, then
-- clearly the caller is prepared to deal with a result of False.
elsif RTE_Available_Call then
RTE_Is_Available := False;
raise RE_Not_Available;
-- If we are not in the context of an RTE_Available call, we are really
-- trying to load an entity that is not there, and that should never
-- happen, so in this case we signal a fatal error.
raise Unrecoverable_Error;
end if;
end Load_Fail;
-- Load_RTU --
procedure Load_RTU
(U_Id : RTU_Id;
Id : RE_Id := RE_Null;
Use_Setting : Boolean := False)
U : RT_Unit_Table_Record renames RT_Unit_Table (U_Id);
Priv_Par : constant Elist_Id := New_Elmt_List;
Lib_Unit : Node_Id;
procedure Save_Private_Visibility;
-- If the current unit is the body of child unit or the spec of a
-- private child unit, the private declarations of the parent(s) are
-- visible. If the unit to be loaded is another public sibling, its
-- compilation will affect the visibility of the common ancestors.
-- Indicate those that must be restored.
procedure Restore_Private_Visibility;
-- Restore the visibility of ancestors after compiling RTU
-- Restore_Private_Visibility --
procedure Restore_Private_Visibility is
E_Par : Elmt_Id;
E_Par := First_Elmt (Priv_Par);
while Present (E_Par) loop
if not In_Private_Part (Node (E_Par)) then
Install_Private_Declarations (Node (E_Par));
end if;
Next_Elmt (E_Par);
end loop;
end Restore_Private_Visibility;
-- Save_Private_Visibility --
procedure Save_Private_Visibility is
Par : Entity_Id;
Par := Scope (Current_Scope);
while Present (Par)
and then Par /= Standard_Standard
if Ekind (Par) = E_Package
and then Is_Compilation_Unit (Par)
and then In_Private_Part (Par)
Append_Elmt (Par, Priv_Par);
end if;
Par := Scope (Par);
end loop;
end Save_Private_Visibility;
-- Local variables
Save_Ghost_Mode : constant Ghost_Mode_Type := Ghost_Mode;
-- Start of processing for Load_RTU
-- Nothing to do if unit is already loaded
if Present (U.Entity) then
end if;
-- Provide a clean environment for the unit
Install_Ghost_Mode (None);
-- Note if secondary stack is used
if U_Id = System_Secondary_Stack then
Opt.Sec_Stack_Used := True;
end if;
-- Otherwise we need to load the unit, First build unit name
-- from the enumeration literal name in type RTU_Id.
U.Uname := Get_Unit_Name (U_Id);
U. First_Implicit_With := Empty;
-- Now do the load call, note that setting Error_Node to Empty is
-- a signal to Load_Unit that we will regard a failure to find the
-- file as a fatal error, and that it should not output any kind
-- of diagnostics, since we will take care of it here.
-- We save style checking switches and turn off style checking for
-- loading the unit, since we don't want any style checking.
Save_Style_Check : constant Boolean := Style_Check;
Style_Check := False;
U.Unum :=
(Load_Name => U.Uname,
Required => False,
Subunit => False,
Error_Node => Empty);
Style_Check := Save_Style_Check;
-- Check for bad unit load
if U.Unum = No_Unit then
Load_Fail ("not found", U_Id, Id);
elsif Fatal_Error (U.Unum) = Error_Detected then
Load_Fail ("had parser errors", U_Id, Id);
end if;
-- Make sure that the unit is analyzed
Was_Analyzed : constant Boolean :=
Analyzed (Cunit (Current_Sem_Unit));
-- Pretend that the current unit is analyzed, in case it is System
-- or some such. This allows us to put some declarations, such as
-- exceptions and packed arrays of Boolean, into System even though
-- expanding them requires System...
-- This is a bit odd but works fine. If the RTS unit does not depend
-- in any way on the current unit, then it never gets back into the
-- current unit's tree, and the change we make to the current unit
-- tree is never noticed by anyone (it is undone in a moment). That
-- is the normal situation.
-- If the RTS Unit *does* depend on the current unit, for instance,
-- when you are compiling System, then you had better have finished
-- analyzing the part of System that is depended on before you try to
-- load the RTS Unit. This means having the code in System ordered in
-- an appropriate manner.
Set_Analyzed (Cunit (Current_Sem_Unit), True);
if not Analyzed (Cunit (U.Unum)) then
-- If the unit is already loaded through a limited_with_clause,
-- the relevant entities must already be available. We do not
-- want to load and analyze the unit because this would create
-- a real semantic dependence when the purpose of the limited_with
-- is precisely to avoid such.
if From_Limited_With (Cunit_Entity (U.Unum)) then
Semantics (Cunit (U.Unum));
if Fatal_Error (U.Unum) = Error_Detected then
Load_Fail ("had semantic errors", U_Id, Id);
end if;
end if;
end if;
-- Undo the pretence
Set_Analyzed (Cunit (Current_Sem_Unit), Was_Analyzed);
Lib_Unit := Unit (Cunit (U.Unum));
U.Entity := Defining_Entity (Lib_Unit);
if Use_Setting then
Set_Is_Potentially_Use_Visible (U.Entity, True);
end if;
Restore_Ghost_Mode (Save_Ghost_Mode);
end Load_RTU;
-- Make_Unit_Name --
function Make_Unit_Name
(U : RT_Unit_Table_Record;
N : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
Nam : Node_Id;
Scop : Entity_Id;
Nam := New_Occurrence_Of (U.Entity, Standard_Location);
Scop := Scope (U.Entity);
if Nkind (N) = N_Defining_Program_Unit_Name then
while Scop /= Standard_Standard loop
Nam :=
Make_Expanded_Name (Standard_Location,
Chars => Chars (U.Entity),
Prefix => New_Occurrence_Of (Scop, Standard_Location),
Selector_Name => Nam);
Set_Entity (Nam, U.Entity);
Scop := Scope (Scop);
end loop;
end if;
return Nam;
end Make_Unit_Name;
-- Maybe_Add_With --
procedure Maybe_Add_With (U : in out RT_Unit_Table_Record) is
-- We do not need to generate a with_clause for a call issued from
-- RTE_Component_Available. However, for CodePeer, we need these
-- additional with's, because for a sequence like "if RTE_Available (X)
-- then ... RTE (X)" the RTE call fails to create some necessary with's.
if RTE_Available_Call and not Generate_SCIL then
end if;
-- Avoid creating directly self-referential with clauses
if Current_Sem_Unit = U.Unum then
end if;
-- Add the with_clause, if we have not already added an implicit with
-- for this unit to the current compilation unit.
LibUnit : constant Node_Id := Unit (Cunit (U.Unum));
Clause : Node_Id;
Withn : Node_Id;
Clause := U.First_Implicit_With;
while Present (Clause) loop
if Parent (Clause) = Cunit (Current_Sem_Unit) then
end if;
Clause := Next_Implicit_With (Clause);
end loop;
Withn :=
Make_With_Clause (Standard_Location,
Name =>
(U, Defining_Unit_Name (Specification (LibUnit))));
Set_Library_Unit (Withn, Cunit (U.Unum));
Set_Corresponding_Spec (Withn, U.Entity);
Set_First_Name (Withn, True);
Set_Implicit_With (Withn, True);
Set_Next_Implicit_With (Withn, U.First_Implicit_With);
U.First_Implicit_With := Withn;
Mark_Rewrite_Insertion (Withn);
Append (Withn, Context_Items (Cunit (Current_Sem_Unit)));
Check_Restriction_No_Dependence (Name (Withn), Current_Error_Node);
end Maybe_Add_With;
-- Output_Entity_Name --
procedure Output_Entity_Name (Id : RE_Id; Msg : String) is
M : String (1 .. 2048);
P : Natural := 0;
-- M (1 .. P) is current message to be output
RE_Image : constant String := RE_Id'Image (Id);
S : Natural;
-- RE_Image (S .. RE_Image'Last) is the name of the entity without the
-- "RE_" or "RO_XX_" prefix.
if Id = RE_Null then
end if;
M (1 .. 9) := "\entity """;
P := 9;
-- Add unit name to message, excluding %s or %b at end
Get_Name_String (Get_Unit_Name (RE_Unit_Table (Id)));
Name_Len := Name_Len - 2;
Set_Casing (Mixed_Case);
M (P + 1 .. P + Name_Len) := Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len);
P := P + Name_Len;
-- Add a qualifying period
M (P + 1) := '.';
P := P + 1;
-- Strip "RE"
if RE_Image (2) = 'E' then
S := 4;
-- Strip "RO_XX"
S := 7;
end if;
-- Add entity name and closing quote to message
Name_Len := RE_Image'Length - S + 1;
Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) := RE_Image (S .. RE_Image'Last);
Set_Casing (Mixed_Case);
M (P + 1 .. P + Name_Len) := Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len);
P := P + Name_Len;
M (P + 1) := '"';
P := P + 1;
-- Add message
M (P + 1) := ' ';
P := P + 1;
M (P + 1 .. P + Msg'Length) := Msg;
P := P + Msg'Length;
-- Output message at current error node location
RTE_Error_Msg (M (1 .. P));
end Output_Entity_Name;
-- RE_Chars --
function RE_Chars (E : RE_Id) return Name_Id is
RE_Name_Chars : constant String := RE_Id'Image (E);
-- Copy name skipping initial RE_ or RO_XX characters
if RE_Name_Chars (1 .. 2) = "RE" then
for J in 4 .. RE_Name_Chars'Last loop
Name_Buffer (J - 3) := Fold_Lower (RE_Name_Chars (J));
end loop;
Name_Len := RE_Name_Chars'Length - 3;
for J in 7 .. RE_Name_Chars'Last loop
Name_Buffer (J - 6) := Fold_Lower (RE_Name_Chars (J));
end loop;
Name_Len := RE_Name_Chars'Length - 6;
end if;
return Name_Find;
end RE_Chars;
-- RTE --
function RTE (E : RE_Id) return Entity_Id is
U_Id : constant RTU_Id := RE_Unit_Table (E);
U : RT_Unit_Table_Record renames RT_Unit_Table (U_Id);
Lib_Unit : Node_Id;
Pkg_Ent : Entity_Id;
Ename : Name_Id;
-- The following flag is used to disable front-end inlining when RTE
-- is invoked. This prevents the analysis of other runtime bodies when
-- a particular spec is loaded through Rtsfind. This is both efficient,
-- and it prevents spurious visibility conflicts between use-visible
-- user entities, and entities in run-time packages.
Save_Front_End_Inlining : Boolean;
procedure Check_RPC;
-- Reject programs that make use of distribution features not supported
-- on the current target. Also check that the PCS is compatible with the
-- code generator version. On such targets (Vxworks, others?) we provide
-- a minimal body for System.Rpc that only supplies an implementation of
-- Partition_Id.
function Find_Local_Entity (E : RE_Id) return Entity_Id;
-- This function is used when entity E is in this compilation's main
-- unit. It gets the value from the already compiled declaration.
-- Check_RPC --
procedure Check_RPC is
-- Bypass this check if debug flag -gnatdR set
if Debug_Flag_RR then
end if;
-- Otherwise we need the check if we are going after one of the
-- critical entities in System.RPC / System.Partition_Interface.
if E = RE_Do_Rpc
or else
E = RE_Do_Apc
or else
E = RE_Params_Stream_Type
or else
E = RE_Request_Access
-- If generating RCI stubs, check that we have a real PCS
if (Distribution_Stub_Mode = Generate_Receiver_Stub_Body
or else
Distribution_Stub_Mode = Generate_Caller_Stub_Body)
and then Get_PCS_Name = Name_No_DSA
Write_Str ("distribution feature not supported");
raise Unrecoverable_Error;
-- In all cases, check Exp_Dist and System.Partition_Interface
-- consistency.
elsif Get_PCS_Version /=
Exp_Dist.PCS_Version_Number (Get_PCS_Name)
Write_Str ("PCS version mismatch: expander ");
Write_Int (Exp_Dist.PCS_Version_Number (Get_PCS_Name));
Write_Str (", PCS (");
Write_Name (Get_PCS_Name);
Write_Str (") ");
Write_Int (Get_PCS_Version);
raise Unrecoverable_Error;
end if;
end if;
end Check_RPC;
-- Find_Local_Entity --
function Find_Local_Entity (E : RE_Id) return Entity_Id is
RE_Str : constant String := RE_Id'Image (E);
Nam : Name_Id;
Ent : Entity_Id;
Save_Nam : constant String := Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len);
-- Save name buffer and length over call
Name_Len := Natural'Max (0, RE_Str'Length - 3);
Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) :=
RE_Str (RE_Str'First + 3 .. RE_Str'Last);
Nam := Name_Find;
Ent := Entity_Id (Get_Name_Table_Int (Nam));
Name_Len := Save_Nam'Length;
Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) := Save_Nam;
return Ent;
end Find_Local_Entity;
-- Start of processing for RTE
-- Doing a rtsfind in is special, as we cannot do this
-- when compiling System itself. So if we are compiling system then
-- we should already have acquired and processed the declaration
-- of the entity. The test is to see if this compilation's main unit
-- is System. If so, return the value from the already compiled
-- declaration and otherwise do a regular find.
-- Not pleasant, but these kinds of annoying recursion scenarios when
-- writing an Ada compiler in Ada have to be broken somewhere.
if Present (Main_Unit_Entity)
and then Chars (Main_Unit_Entity) = Name_System
and then Analyzed (Main_Unit_Entity)
and then not Is_Child_Unit (Main_Unit_Entity)
return Check_CRT (E, Find_Local_Entity (E));
end if;
Save_Front_End_Inlining := Front_End_Inlining;
Front_End_Inlining := False;
-- Load unit if unit not previously loaded
if No (RE_Table (E)) then
Load_RTU (U_Id, Id => E);
Lib_Unit := Unit (Cunit (U.Unum));
-- In the subprogram case, we are all done, the entity we want
-- is the entity for the subprogram itself. Note that we do not
-- bother to check that it is the entity that was requested.
-- the only way that could fail to be the case is if runtime is
-- hopelessly misconfigured, and it isn't worth testing for this.
if Nkind (Lib_Unit) = N_Subprogram_Declaration then
RE_Table (E) := U.Entity;
-- Otherwise we must have the package case. First check package
-- entity itself (e.g. RTE_Name for System.Interrupts.Name)
pragma Assert (Nkind (Lib_Unit) = N_Package_Declaration);
Ename := RE_Chars (E);
-- First we search the package entity chain. If the package
-- only has a limited view, scan the corresponding list of
-- incomplete types.
if From_Limited_With (U.Entity) then
Pkg_Ent := First_Entity (Limited_View (U.Entity));
Pkg_Ent := First_Entity (U.Entity);
end if;
while Present (Pkg_Ent) loop
if Ename = Chars (Pkg_Ent) then
RE_Table (E) := Pkg_Ent;
goto Found;
end if;
Next_Entity (Pkg_Ent);
end loop;
-- If we did not find the entity in the package entity chain,
-- then check if the package entity itself matches. Note that
-- we do this check after searching the entity chain, since
-- the rule is that in case of ambiguity, we prefer the entity
-- defined within the package, rather than the package itself.
if Ename = Chars (U.Entity) then
RE_Table (E) := U.Entity;
end if;
-- If we didn't find the entity we want, something is wrong.
-- We just leave RE_Table (E) set to Empty and the appropriate
-- action will be taken by Check_CRT when we exit.
end if;
end if;
Maybe_Add_With (U);
Front_End_Inlining := Save_Front_End_Inlining;
return Check_CRT (E, RE_Table (E));
end RTE;
-- RTE_Available --
function RTE_Available (E : RE_Id) return Boolean is
Dummy : Entity_Id;
pragma Warnings (Off, Dummy);
Result : Boolean;
Save_RTE_Available_Call : constant Boolean := RTE_Available_Call;
Save_RTE_Is_Available : constant Boolean := RTE_Is_Available;
-- These are saved recursively because the call to load a unit
-- caused by an upper level call may perform a recursive call
-- to this routine during analysis of the corresponding unit.
RTE_Available_Call := True;
RTE_Is_Available := True;
Dummy := RTE (E);
Result := RTE_Is_Available;
RTE_Available_Call := Save_RTE_Available_Call;
RTE_Is_Available := Save_RTE_Is_Available;
return Result;
when RE_Not_Available =>
RTE_Available_Call := Save_RTE_Available_Call;
RTE_Is_Available := Save_RTE_Is_Available;
return False;
end RTE_Available;
-- RTE_Record_Component --
function RTE_Record_Component (E : RE_Id) return Entity_Id is
U_Id : constant RTU_Id := RE_Unit_Table (E);
U : RT_Unit_Table_Record renames RT_Unit_Table (U_Id);
E1 : Entity_Id;
Ename : Name_Id;
Found_E : Entity_Id;
Lib_Unit : Node_Id;
Pkg_Ent : Entity_Id;
-- The following flag is used to disable front-end inlining when
-- RTE_Record_Component is invoked. This prevents the analysis of other
-- runtime bodies when a particular spec is loaded through Rtsfind. This
-- is both efficient, and it prevents spurious visibility conflicts
-- between use-visible user entities, and entities in run-time packages.
Save_Front_End_Inlining : Boolean;
-- Note: Contrary to subprogram RTE, there is no need to do any special
-- management with package because it has no record type
-- declarations.
Save_Front_End_Inlining := Front_End_Inlining;
Front_End_Inlining := False;
-- Load unit if unit not previously loaded
if not Present (U.Entity) then
Load_RTU (U_Id, Id => E);
end if;
Lib_Unit := Unit (Cunit (U.Unum));
pragma Assert (Nkind (Lib_Unit) = N_Package_Declaration);
Ename := RE_Chars (E);
-- Search the entity in the components of record type declarations
-- found in the package entity chain.
Found_E := Empty;
Pkg_Ent := First_Entity (U.Entity);
Search : while Present (Pkg_Ent) loop
if Is_Record_Type (Pkg_Ent) then
E1 := First_Entity (Pkg_Ent);
while Present (E1) loop
if Ename = Chars (E1) then
pragma Assert (not Present (Found_E));
Found_E := E1;
end if;
Next_Entity (E1);
end loop;
end if;
Next_Entity (Pkg_Ent);
end loop Search;
-- If we didn't find the entity we want, something is wrong. The
-- appropriate action will be taken by Check_CRT when we exit.
Maybe_Add_With (U);
Front_End_Inlining := Save_Front_End_Inlining;
return Check_CRT (E, Found_E);
end RTE_Record_Component;
-- RTE_Record_Component_Available --
function RTE_Record_Component_Available (E : RE_Id) return Boolean is
Dummy : Entity_Id;
pragma Warnings (Off, Dummy);
Result : Boolean;
Save_RTE_Available_Call : constant Boolean := RTE_Available_Call;
Save_RTE_Is_Available : constant Boolean := RTE_Is_Available;
-- These are saved recursively because the call to load a unit
-- caused by an upper level call may perform a recursive call
-- to this routine during analysis of the corresponding unit.
RTE_Available_Call := True;
RTE_Is_Available := True;
Dummy := RTE_Record_Component (E);
Result := RTE_Is_Available;
RTE_Available_Call := Save_RTE_Available_Call;
RTE_Is_Available := Save_RTE_Is_Available;
return Result;
when RE_Not_Available =>
RTE_Available_Call := Save_RTE_Available_Call;
RTE_Is_Available := Save_RTE_Is_Available;
return False;
end RTE_Record_Component_Available;
-- RTE_Error_Msg --
procedure RTE_Error_Msg (Msg : String) is
if RTE_Available_Call then
RTE_Is_Available := False;
Error_Msg_N (Msg, Current_Error_Node);
-- Bump count of violations if we are in configurable run-time
-- mode and this is not a continuation message.
if Configurable_Run_Time_Mode and then Msg (Msg'First) /= '\' then
Configurable_Run_Time_Violations :=
Configurable_Run_Time_Violations + 1;
end if;
end if;
end RTE_Error_Msg;
-- RTU_Entity --
function RTU_Entity (U : RTU_Id) return Entity_Id is
return RT_Unit_Table (U).Entity;
end RTU_Entity;
-- RTU_Loaded --
function RTU_Loaded (U : RTU_Id) return Boolean is
return Present (RT_Unit_Table (U).Entity);
end RTU_Loaded;
-- Set_RTU_Loaded --
procedure Set_RTU_Loaded (N : Node_Id) is
Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (N);
Unum : constant Unit_Number_Type := Get_Source_Unit (Loc);
Uname : constant Unit_Name_Type := Unit_Name (Unum);
E : constant Entity_Id :=
Defining_Entity (Unit (Cunit (Unum)));
pragma Assert (Is_Predefined_File_Name (Unit_File_Name (Unum)));
-- Loop through entries in RTU table looking for matching entry
for U_Id in RTU_Id'Range loop
-- Here we have a match
if Get_Unit_Name (U_Id) = Uname then
U : RT_Unit_Table_Record renames RT_Unit_Table (U_Id);
-- The RT_Unit_Table entry that may need updating
-- If entry is not set, set it now, and indicate that it was
-- loaded through an explicit context clause.
if No (U.Entity) then
U := (Entity => E,
Uname => Get_Unit_Name (U_Id),
Unum => Unum,
First_Implicit_With => Empty);
end if;
end if;
end loop;
end Set_RTU_Loaded;
end Rtsfind;