blob: f10ff039f8daeaba5469982419b34837340f6efc [file] [log] [blame]
-- --
-- --
-- S P R I N T --
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 1992-2016, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING3. If not, go to --
-- for a complete copy of the license. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
-- --
with Aspects; use Aspects;
with Atree; use Atree;
with Casing; use Casing;
with Csets; use Csets;
with Debug; use Debug;
with Einfo; use Einfo;
with Fname; use Fname;
with Lib; use Lib;
with Namet; use Namet;
with Nlists; use Nlists;
with Opt; use Opt;
with Output; use Output;
with Rtsfind; use Rtsfind;
with Sem_Eval; use Sem_Eval;
with Sem_Util; use Sem_Util;
with Sinfo; use Sinfo;
with Sinput; use Sinput;
with Sinput.D; use Sinput.D;
with Snames; use Snames;
with Stand; use Stand;
with Stringt; use Stringt;
with Uintp; use Uintp;
with Uname; use Uname;
with Urealp; use Urealp;
package body Sprint is
Current_Source_File : Source_File_Index;
-- Index of source file whose generated code is being dumped
Dump_Node : Node_Id := Empty;
-- This is set to the current node, used for printing line numbers. In
-- Debug_Generated_Code mode, Dump_Node is set to the current node
-- requiring Sloc fixup, until Set_Debug_Sloc is called to set the proper
-- value. The call clears it back to Empty.
First_Debug_Sloc : Source_Ptr;
-- Sloc of first byte of the current output file if we are generating a
-- source debug file.
Debug_Sloc : Source_Ptr;
-- Sloc of first byte of line currently being written if we are
-- generating a source debug file.
Dump_Original_Only : Boolean;
-- Set True if the -gnatdo (dump original tree) flag is set
Dump_Generated_Only : Boolean;
-- Set True if the -gnatdG (dump generated tree) debug flag is set
-- or for Print_Generated_Code (-gnatG) or Dump_Generated_Code (-gnatD).
Dump_Freeze_Null : Boolean;
-- Set True if empty freeze nodes and non-source null statements output.
-- Note that freeze nodes containing freeze actions are always output,
-- as are freeze nodes for itypes, which in general have the effect of
-- causing elaboration of the itype.
Freeze_Indent : Int := 0;
-- Keep track of freeze indent level (controls output of blank lines before
-- procedures within expression freeze actions). Relevant only if we are
-- not in Dump_Source_Text mode, since in Dump_Source_Text mode we don't
-- output these blank lines in any case.
Indent : Int := 0;
-- Number of columns for current line output indentation
Indent_Annull_Flag : Boolean := False;
-- Set True if subsequent Write_Indent call to be ignored, gets reset
-- by this call, so it is only active to suppress a single indent call.
Last_Line_Printed : Physical_Line_Number;
-- This keeps track of the physical line number of the last source line
-- that has been output. The value is only valid in Dump_Source_Text mode.
-- Operator Precedence Table --
-- This table is used to decide whether a subexpression needs to be
-- parenthesized. The rule is that if an operand of an operator (which
-- for this purpose includes AND THEN and OR ELSE) is itself an operator
-- with a lower precedence than the operator (or equal precedence if
-- appearing as the right operand), then parentheses are required.
Op_Prec : constant array (N_Subexpr) of Short_Short_Integer :=
(N_Op_And => 1,
N_Op_Or => 1,
N_Op_Xor => 1,
N_And_Then => 1,
N_Or_Else => 1,
N_In => 2,
N_Not_In => 2,
N_Op_Eq => 2,
N_Op_Ge => 2,
N_Op_Gt => 2,
N_Op_Le => 2,
N_Op_Lt => 2,
N_Op_Ne => 2,
N_Op_Add => 3,
N_Op_Concat => 3,
N_Op_Subtract => 3,
N_Op_Plus => 3,
N_Op_Minus => 3,
N_Op_Divide => 4,
N_Op_Mod => 4,
N_Op_Rem => 4,
N_Op_Multiply => 4,
N_Op_Expon => 5,
N_Op_Abs => 5,
N_Op_Not => 5,
others => 6);
procedure Sprint_Left_Opnd (N : Node_Id);
-- Print left operand of operator, parenthesizing if necessary
procedure Sprint_Right_Opnd (N : Node_Id);
-- Print right operand of operator, parenthesizing if necessary
-- Local Subprograms --
procedure Col_Check (N : Nat);
-- Check that at least N characters remain on current line, and if not,
-- then start an extra line with two characters extra indentation for
-- continuing text on the next line.
procedure Extra_Blank_Line;
-- In some situations we write extra blank lines to separate the generated
-- code to make it more readable. However, these extra blank lines are not
-- generated in Dump_Source_Text mode, since there the source text lines
-- output with preceding blank lines are quite sufficient as separators.
-- This procedure writes a blank line if Dump_Source_Text is False.
procedure Indent_Annull;
-- Causes following call to Write_Indent to be ignored. This is used when
-- a higher level node wants to stop a lower level node from starting a
-- new line, when it would otherwise be inclined to do so (e.g. the case
-- of an accept statement called from an accept alternative with a guard)
procedure Indent_Begin;
-- Increase indentation level
procedure Indent_End;
-- Decrease indentation level
procedure Print_Debug_Line (S : String);
-- Used to print output lines in Debug_Generated_Code mode (this is used
-- as the argument for a call to Set_Special_Output in package Output).
procedure Process_TFAI_RR_Flags (Nod : Node_Id);
-- Given a divide, multiplication or division node, check the flags
-- Treat_Fixed_As_Integer and Rounded_Flags, and if set, output the
-- appropriate special syntax characters (# and @).
procedure Set_Debug_Sloc;
-- If Dump_Node is non-empty, this routine sets the appropriate value
-- in its Sloc field, from the current location in the debug source file
-- that is currently being written.
procedure Sprint_And_List (List : List_Id);
-- Print the given list with items separated by vertical "and"
procedure Sprint_Aspect_Specifications
(Node : Node_Id;
Semicolon : Boolean);
-- Node is a declaration node that has aspect specifications (Has_Aspects
-- flag set True). It outputs the aspect specifications. For the case
-- of Semicolon = True, it is called after outputting the terminating
-- semicolon for the related node. The effect is to remove the semicolon
-- and print the aspect specifications followed by a terminating semicolon.
-- For the case of Semicolon False, no semicolon is removed or output, and
-- all the aspects are printed on a single line.
procedure Sprint_Bar_List (List : List_Id);
-- Print the given list with items separated by vertical bars
procedure Sprint_End_Label
(Node : Node_Id;
Default : Node_Id);
-- Print the end label for a Handled_Sequence_Of_Statements in a body.
-- If there is no end label, use the defining identifier of the enclosing
-- construct. If the end label is present, treat it as a reference to the
-- defining entity of the construct: this guarantees that it carries the
-- proper sloc information for debugging purposes.
procedure Sprint_Node_Actual (Node : Node_Id);
-- This routine prints its node argument. It is a lower level routine than
-- Sprint_Node, in that it does not bother about rewritten trees.
procedure Sprint_Node_Sloc (Node : Node_Id);
-- Like Sprint_Node, but in addition, in Debug_Generated_Code mode,
-- sets the Sloc of the current debug node to be a copy of the Sloc
-- of the sprinted node Node. Note that this is done after printing
-- Node, so that the Sloc is the proper updated value for the debug file.
procedure Update_Itype (Node : Node_Id);
-- Update the Sloc of an itype that is not attached to the tree, when
-- debugging expanded code. This routine is called from nodes whose
-- type can be an Itype, such as defining_identifiers that may be of
-- an anonymous access type, or ranges in slices.
procedure Write_Char_Sloc (C : Character);
-- Like Write_Char, except that if C is non-blank, Set_Debug_Sloc is
-- called to ensure that the current node has a proper Sloc set.
procedure Write_Condition_And_Reason (Node : Node_Id);
-- Write Condition and Reason codes of Raise_xxx_Error node
procedure Write_Corresponding_Source (S : String);
-- If S is a string with a single keyword (possibly followed by a space),
-- and if the next non-comment non-blank source line matches this keyword,
-- then output all source lines up to this matching line.
procedure Write_Discr_Specs (N : Node_Id);
-- Output discriminant specification for node, which is any of the type
-- declarations that can have discriminants.
procedure Write_Ekind (E : Entity_Id);
-- Write the String corresponding to the Ekind without "E_"
procedure Write_Id (N : Node_Id);
-- N is a node with a Chars field. This procedure writes the name that
-- will be used in the generated code associated with the name. For a
-- node with no associated entity, this is simply the Chars field. For
-- the case where there is an entity associated with the node, we print
-- the name associated with the entity (since it may have been encoded).
-- One other special case is that an entity has an active external name
-- (i.e. an external name present with no address clause), then this
-- external name is output. This procedure also deals with outputting
-- declarations of referenced itypes, if not output earlier.
function Write_Identifiers (Node : Node_Id) return Boolean;
-- Handle node where the grammar has a list of defining identifiers, but
-- the tree has a separate declaration for each identifier. Handles the
-- printing of the defining identifier, and returns True if the type and
-- initialization information is to be printed, False if it is to be
-- skipped (the latter case happens when printing defining identifiers
-- other than the first in the original tree output case).
procedure Write_Implicit_Def (E : Entity_Id);
pragma Warnings (Off, Write_Implicit_Def);
-- Write the definition of the implicit type E according to its Ekind
-- For now a debugging procedure, but might be used in the future.
procedure Write_Indent;
-- Start a new line and write indentation spacing
function Write_Indent_Identifiers (Node : Node_Id) return Boolean;
-- Like Write_Identifiers except that each new printed declaration
-- is at the start of a new line.
function Write_Indent_Identifiers_Sloc (Node : Node_Id) return Boolean;
-- Like Write_Indent_Identifiers except that in Debug_Generated_Code
-- mode, the Sloc of the current debug node is set to point to the
-- first output identifier.
procedure Write_Indent_Str (S : String);
-- Start a new line and write indent spacing followed by given string
procedure Write_Indent_Str_Sloc (S : String);
-- Like Write_Indent_Str, but in addition, in Debug_Generated_Code mode,
-- the Sloc of the current node is set to the first non-blank character
-- in the string S.
procedure Write_Itype (Typ : Entity_Id);
-- If Typ is an Itype that has not been written yet, write it. If Typ is
-- any other kind of entity or tree node, the call is ignored.
procedure Write_Name_With_Col_Check (N : Name_Id);
-- Write name (using Write_Name) with initial column check, and possible
-- initial Write_Indent (to get new line) if current line is too full.
procedure Write_Name_With_Col_Check_Sloc (N : Name_Id);
-- Like Write_Name_With_Col_Check but in addition, in Debug_Generated_Code
-- mode, sets Sloc of current debug node to first character of name.
procedure Write_Operator (N : Node_Id; S : String);
-- Like Write_Str_Sloc, used for operators, encloses the string in
-- characters {} if the Do_Overflow flag is set on the node N.
procedure Write_Param_Specs (N : Node_Id);
-- Output parameter specifications for node N (which is a subprogram, or
-- entry or entry family or access-subprogram-definition, all of which
-- have a Parameter_Specificatioons field).
procedure Write_Rewrite_Str (S : String);
-- Writes out a string (typically containing <<< or >>>}) for a node
-- created by rewriting the tree. Suppressed if we are outputting the
-- generated code only, since in this case we don't specially mark nodes
-- created by rewriting).
procedure Write_Source_Line (L : Physical_Line_Number);
-- If writing of interspersed source lines is enabled, then write the given
-- line from the source file, preceded by Eol, then an extra blank line if
-- the line has at least one blank, is not a comment and is not line one,
-- then "--" and the line number followed by period followed by text of the
-- source line (without terminating Eol). If interspersed source line
-- output not enabled, then the call has no effect.
procedure Write_Source_Lines (L : Physical_Line_Number);
-- If writing of interspersed source lines is enabled, then writes source
-- lines Last_Line_Printed + 1 .. L, and updates Last_Line_Printed. If
-- interspersed source line output not enabled, then call has no effect.
procedure Write_Str_Sloc (S : String);
-- Like Write_Str, but sets debug Sloc of current debug node to first
-- non-blank character if a current debug node is active.
procedure Write_Str_With_Col_Check (S : String);
-- Write string (using Write_Str) with initial column check, and possible
-- initial Write_Indent (to get new line) if current line is too full.
procedure Write_Str_With_Col_Check_Sloc (S : String);
-- Like Write_Str_With_Col_Check, but sets debug Sloc of current debug
-- node to first non-blank character if a current debug node is active.
procedure Write_Subprogram_Name (N : Node_Id);
-- N is the Name field of a function call or procedure statement call.
-- The effect of the call is to output the name, preceded by a $ if the
-- call is identified as an implicit call to a run time routine.
procedure Write_Uint_With_Col_Check (U : Uint; Format : UI_Format);
-- Write Uint (using UI_Write) with initial column check, and possible
-- initial Write_Indent (to get new line) if current line is too full.
-- The format parameter determines the output format (see UI_Write).
procedure Write_Uint_With_Col_Check_Sloc (U : Uint; Format : UI_Format);
-- Write Uint (using UI_Write) with initial column check, and possible
-- initial Write_Indent (to get new line) if current line is too full.
-- The format parameter determines the output format (see UI_Write).
-- In addition, in Debug_Generated_Code mode, sets the current node
-- Sloc to the first character of the output value.
procedure Write_Ureal_With_Col_Check_Sloc (U : Ureal);
-- Write Ureal (using same output format as UR_Write) with column checks
-- and a possible initial Write_Indent (to get new line) if current line
-- is too full. In addition, in Debug_Generated_Code mode, sets the
-- current node Sloc to the first character of the output value.
-- Col_Check --
procedure Col_Check (N : Nat) is
if N + Column > Sprint_Line_Limit then
Write_Indent_Str (" ");
end if;
end Col_Check;
-- Extra_Blank_Line --
procedure Extra_Blank_Line is
if not Dump_Source_Text then
end if;
end Extra_Blank_Line;
-- Indent_Annull --
procedure Indent_Annull is
Indent_Annull_Flag := True;
end Indent_Annull;
-- Indent_Begin --
procedure Indent_Begin is
Indent := Indent + 3;
end Indent_Begin;
-- Indent_End --
procedure Indent_End is
Indent := Indent - 3;
end Indent_End;
-- pg --
procedure pg (Arg : Union_Id) is
Dump_Generated_Only := True;
Dump_Original_Only := False;
Dump_Freeze_Null := True;
Current_Source_File := No_Source_File;
if Arg in List_Range then
Sprint_Node_List (List_Id (Arg), New_Lines => True);
elsif Arg in Node_Range then
Sprint_Node (Node_Id (Arg));
end if;
end pg;
-- po --
procedure po (Arg : Union_Id) is
Dump_Generated_Only := False;
Dump_Original_Only := True;
Current_Source_File := No_Source_File;
if Arg in List_Range then
Sprint_Node_List (List_Id (Arg), New_Lines => True);
elsif Arg in Node_Range then
Sprint_Node (Node_Id (Arg));
end if;
end po;
-- Print_Debug_Line --
procedure Print_Debug_Line (S : String) is
Write_Debug_Line (S, Debug_Sloc);
end Print_Debug_Line;
-- Process_TFAI_RR_Flags --
procedure Process_TFAI_RR_Flags (Nod : Node_Id) is
if Treat_Fixed_As_Integer (Nod) then
Write_Char ('#');
end if;
if Rounded_Result (Nod) then
Write_Char ('@');
end if;
end Process_TFAI_RR_Flags;
-- ps --
procedure ps (Arg : Union_Id) is
Dump_Generated_Only := False;
Dump_Original_Only := False;
Current_Source_File := No_Source_File;
if Arg in List_Range then
Sprint_Node_List (List_Id (Arg), New_Lines => True);
elsif Arg in Node_Range then
Sprint_Node (Node_Id (Arg));
end if;
end ps;
-- Set_Debug_Sloc --
procedure Set_Debug_Sloc is
if Debug_Generated_Code and then Present (Dump_Node) then
Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (Dump_Node);
-- Do not change the location of nodes defined in package Standard
-- and nodes of pragmas scanned by Targparm.
if Loc <= Standard_Location then
-- Update the location of a node which is part of the current .dg
-- output. This situation occurs in comma separated parameter
-- declarations since each parameter references the same parameter
-- type node (ie. obj1, obj2 : <param-type>).
-- Note: This case is needed here since we cannot use the routine
-- In_Extended_Main_Code_Unit with nodes whose location is a .dg
-- file.
elsif Loc >= First_Debug_Sloc then
Set_Sloc (Dump_Node, Debug_Sloc + Source_Ptr (Column - 1));
-- Do not change the location of nodes which are not part of the
-- generated code
elsif not In_Extended_Main_Code_Unit (Loc) then
Set_Sloc (Dump_Node, Debug_Sloc + Source_Ptr (Column - 1));
end if;
-- We do not know the actual end location in the generated code and
-- it could be much closer than in the source code, so play safe.
if Nkind_In (Dump_Node, N_Case_Statement, N_If_Statement) then
Set_End_Location (Dump_Node, Debug_Sloc + Source_Ptr (Column - 1));
end if;
Dump_Node := Empty;
end if;
end Set_Debug_Sloc;
-- Source_Dump --
procedure Source_Dump is
procedure Underline;
-- Put underline under string we just printed
-- Underline --
procedure Underline is
Col : constant Int := Column;
while Col > Column loop
Write_Char ('-');
end loop;
end Underline;
-- Start of processing for Source_Dump
Dump_Generated_Only := Debug_Flag_G or
Print_Generated_Code or
Dump_Original_Only := Debug_Flag_O;
Dump_Freeze_Null := Debug_Flag_S or Debug_Flag_G;
-- Note that we turn off the tree dump flags immediately, before
-- starting the dump. This avoids generating two copies of the dump
-- if an abort occurs after printing the dump, and more importantly,
-- avoids an infinite loop if an abort occurs during the dump.
if Debug_Flag_Z then
Current_Source_File := No_Source_File;
Debug_Flag_Z := False;
Write_Str ("Source recreated from tree of Standard (spec)");
Sprint_Node (Standard_Package_Node);
end if;
if Debug_Flag_S or Dump_Generated_Only or Dump_Original_Only then
Debug_Flag_G := False;
Debug_Flag_O := False;
Debug_Flag_S := False;
First_Debug_Sloc := No_Location;
-- Dump requested units
for U in Main_Unit .. Last_Unit loop
Current_Source_File := Source_Index (U);
-- Dump all units if -gnatdf set, otherwise dump only the source
-- files that are in the extended main source. Note that, if we
-- are generating debug files, generating that of the main unit
-- has an effect on the outcome of In_Extended_Main_Source_Unit
-- because slocs are rewritten, so we also test for equality of
-- Cunit_Entity to work around this effect.
if Debug_Flag_F
or else In_Extended_Main_Source_Unit (Cunit_Entity (U))
or else Cunit_Entity (U) = Cunit_Entity (Main_Unit)
-- If we are generating debug files, setup to write them
if Debug_Generated_Code then
Set_Special_Output (Print_Debug_Line'Access);
Create_Debug_Source (Source_Index (U), Debug_Sloc);
First_Debug_Sloc := Debug_Sloc;
Write_Source_Line (1);
Last_Line_Printed := 1;
-- If this unit has the same entity as the main unit, for
-- example is the spec of a stand-alone instantiation of
-- a package and the main unit is the body, its debug file
-- will also be the same. Therefore, we need to print again
-- the main unit to have both units in the debug file.
if U /= Main_Unit
and then Cunit_Entity (U) = Cunit_Entity (Main_Unit)
Sprint_Node (Cunit (Main_Unit));
end if;
Sprint_Node (Cunit (U));
Write_Source_Lines (Last_Source_Line (Current_Source_File));
Set_Special_Output (null);
-- Normal output to standard output file
Write_Str ("Source recreated from tree for ");
Write_Unit_Name (Unit_Name (U));
Write_Source_Line (1);
Last_Line_Printed := 1;
Sprint_Node (Cunit (U));
Write_Source_Lines (Last_Source_Line (Current_Source_File));
end if;
end if;
end loop;
end if;
end Source_Dump;
-- Sprint_And_List --
procedure Sprint_And_List (List : List_Id) is
Node : Node_Id;
if Is_Non_Empty_List (List) then
Node := First (List);
Sprint_Node (Node);
Next (Node);
exit when Node = Empty;
Write_Str (" and ");
end loop;
end if;
end Sprint_And_List;
-- Sprint_Aspect_Specifications --
procedure Sprint_Aspect_Specifications
(Node : Node_Id;
Semicolon : Boolean)
AS : constant List_Id := Aspect_Specifications (Node);
A : Node_Id;
if Semicolon then
Write_Erase_Char (';');
Indent := Indent + 2;
Write_Str ("with ");
Indent := Indent + 5;
Write_Str (" with ");
end if;
A := First (AS);
Sprint_Node (Identifier (A));
if Class_Present (A) then
Write_Str ("'Class");
end if;
if Present (Expression (A)) then
Write_Str (" => ");
Sprint_Node (Expression (A));
end if;
Next (A);
exit when No (A);
Write_Char (',');
if Semicolon then
end if;
end loop;
if Semicolon then
Indent := Indent - 7;
Write_Char (';');
end if;
end Sprint_Aspect_Specifications;
-- Sprint_Bar_List --
procedure Sprint_Bar_List (List : List_Id) is
Node : Node_Id;
if Is_Non_Empty_List (List) then
Node := First (List);
Sprint_Node (Node);
Next (Node);
exit when Node = Empty;
Write_Str (" | ");
end loop;
end if;
end Sprint_Bar_List;
-- Sprint_End_Label --
procedure Sprint_End_Label
(Node : Node_Id;
Default : Node_Id)
if Present (Node)
and then Present (End_Label (Node))
and then Is_Entity_Name (End_Label (Node))
Set_Entity (End_Label (Node), Default);
-- For a function whose name is an operator, use the qualified name
-- created for the defining entity.
if Nkind (End_Label (Node)) = N_Operator_Symbol then
Set_Chars (End_Label (Node), Chars (Default));
end if;
Sprint_Node (End_Label (Node));
Sprint_Node (Default);
end if;
end Sprint_End_Label;
-- Sprint_Comma_List --
procedure Sprint_Comma_List (List : List_Id) is
Node : Node_Id;
if Is_Non_Empty_List (List) then
Node := First (List);
Sprint_Node (Node);
Next (Node);
exit when Node = Empty;
if not Is_Rewrite_Insertion (Node)
or else not Dump_Original_Only
Write_Str (", ");
end if;
end loop;
end if;
end Sprint_Comma_List;
-- Sprint_Indented_List --
procedure Sprint_Indented_List (List : List_Id) is
Sprint_Node_List (List);
end Sprint_Indented_List;
-- Sprint_Left_Opnd --
procedure Sprint_Left_Opnd (N : Node_Id) is
Opnd : constant Node_Id := Left_Opnd (N);
if Paren_Count (Opnd) /= 0
or else Op_Prec (Nkind (Opnd)) >= Op_Prec (Nkind (N))
Sprint_Node (Opnd);
Write_Char ('(');
Sprint_Node (Opnd);
Write_Char (')');
end if;
end Sprint_Left_Opnd;
-- Sprint_Node --
procedure Sprint_Node (Node : Node_Id) is
if Is_Rewrite_Insertion (Node) then
if not Dump_Original_Only then
-- For special cases of nodes that always output <<< >>>
-- do not duplicate the output at this point.
if Nkind (Node) = N_Freeze_Entity
or else Nkind (Node) = N_Freeze_Generic_Entity
or else Nkind (Node) = N_Implicit_Label_Declaration
Sprint_Node_Actual (Node);
-- Normal case where <<< >>> may be required
Write_Rewrite_Str ("<<<");
Sprint_Node_Actual (Node);
Write_Rewrite_Str (">>>");
end if;
end if;
elsif Is_Rewrite_Substitution (Node) then
-- Case of dump generated only
if Dump_Generated_Only then
Sprint_Node_Actual (Node);
-- Case of dump original only
elsif Dump_Original_Only then
Sprint_Node_Actual (Original_Node (Node));
-- Case of both being dumped
Sprint_Node_Actual (Original_Node (Node));
Write_Rewrite_Str ("<<<");
Sprint_Node_Actual (Node);
Write_Rewrite_Str (">>>");
end if;
Sprint_Node_Actual (Node);
end if;
end Sprint_Node;
-- Sprint_Node_Actual --
procedure Sprint_Node_Actual (Node : Node_Id) is
Save_Dump_Node : constant Node_Id := Dump_Node;
if Node = Empty then
end if;
for J in 1 .. Paren_Count (Node) loop
Write_Str_With_Col_Check ("(");
end loop;
-- Setup current dump node
Dump_Node := Node;
if Nkind (Node) in N_Subexpr
and then Do_Range_Check (Node)
Write_Str_With_Col_Check ("{");
end if;
-- Select print circuit based on node kind
case Nkind (Node) is
when N_Abort_Statement =>
Write_Indent_Str_Sloc ("abort ");
Sprint_Comma_List (Names (Node));
Write_Char (';');
when N_Abortable_Part =>
Write_Str_Sloc ("abort ");
Sprint_Indented_List (Statements (Node));
when N_Abstract_Subprogram_Declaration =>
Sprint_Node (Specification (Node));
Write_Str_With_Col_Check (" is ");
Write_Str_Sloc ("abstract;");
when N_Accept_Alternative =>
Sprint_Node_List (Pragmas_Before (Node));
if Present (Condition (Node)) then
Write_Indent_Str ("when ");
Sprint_Node (Condition (Node));
Write_Str (" => ");
end if;
Sprint_Node_Sloc (Accept_Statement (Node));
Sprint_Node_List (Statements (Node));
when N_Accept_Statement =>
Write_Indent_Str_Sloc ("accept ");
Write_Id (Entry_Direct_Name (Node));
if Present (Entry_Index (Node)) then
Write_Str_With_Col_Check (" (");
Sprint_Node (Entry_Index (Node));
Write_Char (')');
end if;
Write_Param_Specs (Node);
if Present (Handled_Statement_Sequence (Node)) then
Write_Str_With_Col_Check (" do");
Sprint_Node (Handled_Statement_Sequence (Node));
Write_Indent_Str ("end ");
Write_Id (Entry_Direct_Name (Node));
end if;
Write_Char (';');
when N_Access_Definition =>
-- Ada 2005 (AI-254)
if Present (Access_To_Subprogram_Definition (Node)) then
Sprint_Node (Access_To_Subprogram_Definition (Node));
-- Ada 2005 (AI-231)
if Null_Exclusion_Present (Node) then
Write_Str ("not null ");
end if;
Write_Str_With_Col_Check_Sloc ("access ");
if All_Present (Node) then
Write_Str ("all ");
elsif Constant_Present (Node) then
Write_Str ("constant ");
end if;
Sprint_Node (Subtype_Mark (Node));
end if;
when N_Access_Function_Definition =>
-- Ada 2005 (AI-231)
if Null_Exclusion_Present (Node) then
Write_Str ("not null ");
end if;
Write_Str_With_Col_Check_Sloc ("access ");
if Protected_Present (Node) then
Write_Str_With_Col_Check ("protected ");
end if;
Write_Str_With_Col_Check ("function");
Write_Param_Specs (Node);
Write_Str_With_Col_Check (" return ");
Sprint_Node (Result_Definition (Node));
when N_Access_Procedure_Definition =>
-- Ada 2005 (AI-231)
if Null_Exclusion_Present (Node) then
Write_Str ("not null ");
end if;
Write_Str_With_Col_Check_Sloc ("access ");
if Protected_Present (Node) then
Write_Str_With_Col_Check ("protected ");
end if;
Write_Str_With_Col_Check ("procedure");
Write_Param_Specs (Node);
when N_Access_To_Object_Definition =>
Write_Str_With_Col_Check_Sloc ("access ");
if All_Present (Node) then
Write_Str_With_Col_Check ("all ");
elsif Constant_Present (Node) then
Write_Str_With_Col_Check ("constant ");
end if;
-- Ada 2005 (AI-231)
if Null_Exclusion_Present (Node) then
Write_Str ("not null ");
end if;
Sprint_Node (Subtype_Indication (Node));
when N_Aggregate =>
if Null_Record_Present (Node) then
Write_Str_With_Col_Check_Sloc ("(null record)");
Write_Str_With_Col_Check_Sloc ("(");
if Present (Expressions (Node)) then
Sprint_Comma_List (Expressions (Node));
if Present (Component_Associations (Node))
and then not Is_Empty_List (Component_Associations (Node))
Write_Str (", ");
end if;
end if;
if Present (Component_Associations (Node))
and then not Is_Empty_List (Component_Associations (Node))
Nd : Node_Id;
Nd := First (Component_Associations (Node));
Sprint_Node (Nd);
Next (Nd);
exit when No (Nd);
if not Is_Rewrite_Insertion (Nd)
or else not Dump_Original_Only
Write_Str (", ");
end if;
end loop;
end if;
Write_Char (')');
end if;
when N_Allocator =>
Write_Str_With_Col_Check_Sloc ("new ");
-- Ada 2005 (AI-231)
if Null_Exclusion_Present (Node) then
Write_Str ("not null ");
end if;
Sprint_Node (Expression (Node));
if Present (Storage_Pool (Node)) then
Write_Str_With_Col_Check ("[storage_pool = ");
Sprint_Node (Storage_Pool (Node));
Write_Char (']');
end if;
when N_And_Then =>
Sprint_Left_Opnd (Node);
Write_Str_Sloc (" and then ");
Sprint_Right_Opnd (Node);
-- Note: the following code for N_Aspect_Specification is not
-- normally used, since we deal with aspects as part of a
-- declaration, but it is here in case we deliberately try
-- to print an N_Aspect_Speficiation node (e.g. from GDB).
when N_Aspect_Specification =>
Sprint_Node (Identifier (Node));
Write_Str (" => ");
Sprint_Node (Expression (Node));
when N_Assignment_Statement =>
Sprint_Node (Name (Node));
Write_Str_Sloc (" := ");
Sprint_Node (Expression (Node));
Write_Char (';');
when N_Asynchronous_Select =>
Write_Indent_Str_Sloc ("select");
Sprint_Node (Triggering_Alternative (Node));
-- Note: let the printing of Abortable_Part handle outputting
-- the ABORT keyword, so that the Sloc can be set correctly.
Write_Indent_Str ("then ");
Sprint_Node (Abortable_Part (Node));
Write_Indent_Str ("end select;");
when N_At_Clause =>
Write_Indent_Str_Sloc ("for ");
Write_Id (Identifier (Node));
Write_Str_With_Col_Check (" use at ");
Sprint_Node (Expression (Node));
Write_Char (';');
when N_Attribute_Definition_Clause =>
Write_Indent_Str_Sloc ("for ");
Sprint_Node (Name (Node));
Write_Char (''');
Write_Name_With_Col_Check (Chars (Node));
Write_Str_With_Col_Check (" use ");
Sprint_Node (Expression (Node));
Write_Char (';');
when N_Attribute_Reference =>
if Is_Procedure_Attribute_Name (Attribute_Name (Node)) then
end if;
Sprint_Node (Prefix (Node));
Write_Char_Sloc (''');
Write_Name_With_Col_Check (Attribute_Name (Node));
Sprint_Paren_Comma_List (Expressions (Node));
if Is_Procedure_Attribute_Name (Attribute_Name (Node)) then
Write_Char (';');
end if;
when N_Block_Statement =>
if Present (Identifier (Node))
and then (not Has_Created_Identifier (Node)
or else not Dump_Original_Only)
Write_Rewrite_Str ("<<<");
Write_Id (Identifier (Node));
Write_Str (" : ");
Write_Rewrite_Str (">>>");
end if;
if Present (Declarations (Node)) then
Write_Str_With_Col_Check_Sloc ("declare");
Sprint_Indented_List (Declarations (Node));
end if;
Write_Str_With_Col_Check_Sloc ("begin");
Sprint_Node (Handled_Statement_Sequence (Node));
Write_Indent_Str ("end");
if Present (Identifier (Node))
and then (not Has_Created_Identifier (Node)
or else not Dump_Original_Only)
Write_Rewrite_Str ("<<<");
Write_Char (' ');
Write_Id (Identifier (Node));
Write_Rewrite_Str (">>>");
end if;
Write_Char (';');
when N_Case_Expression =>
Has_Parens : constant Boolean := Paren_Count (Node) > 0;
Alt : Node_Id;
-- The syntax for case_expression does not include parentheses,
-- but sometimes parentheses are required, so unconditionally
-- generate them here unless already present.
if not Has_Parens then
Write_Char ('(');
end if;
Write_Str_With_Col_Check_Sloc ("case ");
Sprint_Node (Expression (Node));
Write_Str_With_Col_Check (" is");
Alt := First (Alternatives (Node));
Sprint_Node (Alt);
Next (Alt);
exit when No (Alt);
Write_Char (',');
end loop;
if not Has_Parens then
Write_Char (')');
end if;
when N_Case_Expression_Alternative =>
Write_Str_With_Col_Check (" when ");
Sprint_Bar_List (Discrete_Choices (Node));
Write_Str (" => ");
Sprint_Node (Expression (Node));
when N_Case_Statement =>
Write_Indent_Str_Sloc ("case ");
Sprint_Node (Expression (Node));
Write_Str (" is");
Sprint_Indented_List (Alternatives (Node));
Write_Indent_Str ("end case;");
when N_Case_Statement_Alternative =>
Write_Indent_Str_Sloc ("when ");
Sprint_Bar_List (Discrete_Choices (Node));
Write_Str (" => ");
Sprint_Indented_List (Statements (Node));
when N_Character_Literal =>
if Column > Sprint_Line_Limit - 2 then
Write_Indent_Str (" ");
end if;
Write_Char_Sloc (''');
Write_Char_Code (UI_To_CC (Char_Literal_Value (Node)));
Write_Char (''');
when N_Code_Statement =>
Sprint_Node (Expression (Node));
Write_Char (';');
when N_Compilation_Unit =>
Sprint_Node_List (Context_Items (Node));
Sprint_Opt_Node_List (Declarations (Aux_Decls_Node (Node)));
if Private_Present (Node) then
Write_Indent_Str ("private ");
end if;
Sprint_Node_Sloc (Unit (Node));
if Present (Actions (Aux_Decls_Node (Node)))
or else
Present (Pragmas_After (Aux_Decls_Node (Node)))
end if;
Sprint_Opt_Node_List (Actions (Aux_Decls_Node (Node)));
Sprint_Opt_Node_List (Pragmas_After (Aux_Decls_Node (Node)));
when N_Compilation_Unit_Aux =>
null; -- nothing to do, never used, see above
when N_Component_Association =>
Sprint_Bar_List (Choices (Node));
Write_Str (" => ");
-- Ada 2005 (AI-287): Print the box if present
if Box_Present (Node) then
Write_Str_With_Col_Check ("<>");
Sprint_Node (Expression (Node));
end if;
when N_Iterated_Component_Association =>
Write_Str (" for ");
Write_Id (Defining_Identifier (Node));
Write_Str (" in ");
Sprint_Bar_List (Discrete_Choices (Node));
Write_Str (" => ");
Sprint_Node (Expression (Node));
when N_Component_Clause =>
Sprint_Node (Component_Name (Node));
Write_Str_Sloc (" at ");
Sprint_Node (Position (Node));
Write_Char (' ');
Write_Str_With_Col_Check ("range ");
Sprint_Node (First_Bit (Node));
Write_Str (" .. ");
Sprint_Node (Last_Bit (Node));
Write_Char (';');
when N_Component_Definition =>
-- Ada 2005 (AI-230): Access definition components
if Present (Access_Definition (Node)) then
Sprint_Node (Access_Definition (Node));
elsif Present (Subtype_Indication (Node)) then
if Aliased_Present (Node) then
Write_Str_With_Col_Check ("aliased ");
end if;
-- Ada 2005 (AI-231)
if Null_Exclusion_Present (Node) then
Write_Str (" not null ");
end if;
Sprint_Node (Subtype_Indication (Node));
Write_Str (" ??? ");
end if;
when N_Component_Declaration =>
if Write_Indent_Identifiers_Sloc (Node) then
Write_Str (" : ");
Sprint_Node (Component_Definition (Node));
if Present (Expression (Node)) then
Write_Str (" := ");
Sprint_Node (Expression (Node));
end if;
Write_Char (';');
end if;
when N_Component_List =>
if Null_Present (Node) then
Write_Indent_Str_Sloc ("null");
Write_Char (';');
Sprint_Indented_List (Component_Items (Node));
Sprint_Node (Variant_Part (Node));
end if;
when N_Compound_Statement =>
Write_Indent_Str ("do");
Sprint_Node_List (Actions (Node));
Write_Indent_Str ("end;");
when N_Conditional_Entry_Call =>
Write_Indent_Str_Sloc ("select");
Sprint_Node (Entry_Call_Alternative (Node));
Write_Indent_Str ("else");
Sprint_Indented_List (Else_Statements (Node));
Write_Indent_Str ("end select;");
when N_Constrained_Array_Definition =>
Write_Str_With_Col_Check_Sloc ("array ");
Sprint_Paren_Comma_List (Discrete_Subtype_Definitions (Node));
Write_Str (" of ");
Sprint_Node (Component_Definition (Node));
-- A contract node should not appear in the tree. It is a semantic
-- node attached to entry and [generic] subprogram entities. But we
-- still provide meaningful output, in case called from the debugger.
when N_Contract =>
P : Node_Id;
Write_Str ("N_Contract node");
Write_Indent_Str ("Pre_Post_Conditions");
P := Pre_Post_Conditions (Node);
while Present (P) loop
Sprint_Node (P);
P := Next_Pragma (P);
end loop;
Write_Indent_Str ("Contract_Test_Cases");
P := Contract_Test_Cases (Node);
while Present (P) loop
Sprint_Node (P);
P := Next_Pragma (P);
end loop;
Write_Indent_Str ("Classifications");
P := Classifications (Node);
while Present (P) loop
Sprint_Node (P);
P := Next_Pragma (P);
end loop;
when N_Decimal_Fixed_Point_Definition =>
Write_Str_With_Col_Check_Sloc (" delta ");
Sprint_Node (Delta_Expression (Node));
Write_Str_With_Col_Check ("digits ");
Sprint_Node (Digits_Expression (Node));
Sprint_Opt_Node (Real_Range_Specification (Node));
when N_Defining_Character_Literal =>
Write_Name_With_Col_Check_Sloc (Chars (Node));
when N_Defining_Identifier =>
Write_Id (Node);
when N_Defining_Operator_Symbol =>
Write_Name_With_Col_Check_Sloc (Chars (Node));
when N_Defining_Program_Unit_Name =>
Sprint_Node (Name (Node));
Write_Char ('.');
Write_Id (Defining_Identifier (Node));
when N_Delay_Alternative =>
Sprint_Node_List (Pragmas_Before (Node));
if Present (Condition (Node)) then
Write_Str_With_Col_Check ("when ");
Sprint_Node (Condition (Node));
Write_Str (" => ");
end if;
Sprint_Node_Sloc (Delay_Statement (Node));
Sprint_Node_List (Statements (Node));
when N_Delay_Relative_Statement =>
Write_Indent_Str_Sloc ("delay ");
Sprint_Node (Expression (Node));
Write_Char (';');
when N_Delay_Until_Statement =>
Write_Indent_Str_Sloc ("delay until ");
Sprint_Node (Expression (Node));
Write_Char (';');
when N_Delta_Constraint =>
Write_Str_With_Col_Check_Sloc ("delta ");
Sprint_Node (Delta_Expression (Node));
Sprint_Opt_Node (Range_Constraint (Node));
when N_Derived_Type_Definition =>
if Abstract_Present (Node) then
Write_Str_With_Col_Check ("abstract ");
end if;
Write_Str_With_Col_Check ("new ");
-- Ada 2005 (AI-231)
if Null_Exclusion_Present (Node) then
Write_Str_With_Col_Check ("not null ");
end if;
Sprint_Node (Subtype_Indication (Node));
if Present (Interface_List (Node)) then
Write_Str_With_Col_Check (" and ");
Sprint_And_List (Interface_List (Node));
Write_Str_With_Col_Check (" with ");
end if;
if Present (Record_Extension_Part (Node)) then
if No (Interface_List (Node)) then
Write_Str_With_Col_Check (" with ");
end if;
Sprint_Node (Record_Extension_Part (Node));
end if;
when N_Designator =>
Sprint_Node (Name (Node));
Write_Char_Sloc ('.');
Write_Id (Identifier (Node));
when N_Digits_Constraint =>
Write_Str_With_Col_Check_Sloc ("digits ");
Sprint_Node (Digits_Expression (Node));
Sprint_Opt_Node (Range_Constraint (Node));
when N_Discriminant_Association =>
if Present (Selector_Names (Node)) then
Sprint_Bar_List (Selector_Names (Node));
Write_Str (" => ");
end if;
Sprint_Node (Expression (Node));
when N_Discriminant_Specification =>
if Write_Identifiers (Node) then
Write_Str (" : ");
if Null_Exclusion_Present (Node) then
Write_Str ("not null ");
end if;
Sprint_Node (Discriminant_Type (Node));
if Present (Expression (Node)) then
Write_Str (" := ");
Sprint_Node (Expression (Node));
end if;
Write_Str (", ");
end if;
when N_Elsif_Part =>
Write_Indent_Str_Sloc ("elsif ");
Sprint_Node (Condition (Node));
Write_Str_With_Col_Check (" then");
Sprint_Indented_List (Then_Statements (Node));
when N_Empty =>
when N_Entry_Body =>
Write_Indent_Str_Sloc ("entry ");
Write_Id (Defining_Identifier (Node));
Sprint_Node (Entry_Body_Formal_Part (Node));
Write_Str_With_Col_Check (" is");
Sprint_Indented_List (Declarations (Node));
Write_Indent_Str ("begin");
Sprint_Node (Handled_Statement_Sequence (Node));
Write_Indent_Str ("end ");
Write_Id (Defining_Identifier (Node));
Write_Char (';');
when N_Entry_Body_Formal_Part =>
if Present (Entry_Index_Specification (Node)) then
Write_Str_With_Col_Check_Sloc (" (");
Sprint_Node (Entry_Index_Specification (Node));
Write_Char (')');
end if;
Write_Param_Specs (Node);
Write_Str_With_Col_Check_Sloc (" when ");
Sprint_Node (Condition (Node));
when N_Entry_Call_Alternative =>
Sprint_Node_List (Pragmas_Before (Node));
Sprint_Node_Sloc (Entry_Call_Statement (Node));
Sprint_Node_List (Statements (Node));
when N_Entry_Call_Statement =>
Sprint_Node_Sloc (Name (Node));
Sprint_Opt_Paren_Comma_List (Parameter_Associations (Node));
Write_Char (';');
when N_Entry_Declaration =>
Write_Indent_Str_Sloc ("entry ");
Write_Id (Defining_Identifier (Node));
if Present (Discrete_Subtype_Definition (Node)) then
Write_Str_With_Col_Check (" (");
Sprint_Node (Discrete_Subtype_Definition (Node));
Write_Char (')');
end if;
Write_Param_Specs (Node);
Write_Char (';');
when N_Entry_Index_Specification =>
Write_Str_With_Col_Check_Sloc ("for ");
Write_Id (Defining_Identifier (Node));
Write_Str_With_Col_Check (" in ");
Sprint_Node (Discrete_Subtype_Definition (Node));
when N_Enumeration_Representation_Clause =>
Write_Indent_Str_Sloc ("for ");
Write_Id (Identifier (Node));
Write_Str_With_Col_Check (" use ");
Sprint_Node (Array_Aggregate (Node));
Write_Char (';');
when N_Enumeration_Type_Definition =>
-- Skip attempt to print Literals field if it's not there and
-- we are in package Standard (case of Character, which is
-- handled specially (without an explicit literals list).
if Sloc (Node) > Standard_Location
or else Present (Literals (Node))
Sprint_Paren_Comma_List (Literals (Node));
end if;
when N_Error =>
Write_Str_With_Col_Check_Sloc ("<error>");
when N_Exception_Declaration =>
if Write_Indent_Identifiers (Node) then
Write_Str_With_Col_Check (" : ");
if Is_Statically_Allocated (Defining_Identifier (Node)) then
Write_Str_With_Col_Check ("static ");
end if;
Write_Str_Sloc ("exception");
if Present (Expression (Node)) then
Write_Str (" := ");
Sprint_Node (Expression (Node));
end if;
Write_Char (';');
end if;
when N_Exception_Handler =>
Write_Indent_Str_Sloc ("when ");
if Present (Choice_Parameter (Node)) then
Sprint_Node (Choice_Parameter (Node));
Write_Str (" : ");
end if;
Sprint_Bar_List (Exception_Choices (Node));
Write_Str (" => ");
Sprint_Indented_List (Statements (Node));
when N_Exception_Renaming_Declaration =>
Sprint_Node (Defining_Identifier (Node));
Write_Str_With_Col_Check (" : exception renames ");
Sprint_Node (Name (Node));
Write_Char (';');
when N_Exit_Statement =>
Write_Indent_Str_Sloc ("exit");
Sprint_Opt_Node (Name (Node));
if Present (Condition (Node)) then
Write_Str_With_Col_Check (" when ");
Sprint_Node (Condition (Node));
end if;
Write_Char (';');
when N_Expanded_Name =>
Sprint_Node (Prefix (Node));
Write_Char_Sloc ('.');
Sprint_Node (Selector_Name (Node));
when N_Explicit_Dereference =>
Sprint_Node (Prefix (Node));
Write_Char_Sloc ('.');
Write_Str_Sloc ("all");
when N_Expression_With_Actions =>
Write_Indent_Str_Sloc ("do ");
Sprint_Node_List (Actions (Node));
Write_Str_With_Col_Check_Sloc ("in ");
Sprint_Node (Expression (Node));
Write_Str_With_Col_Check (" end");
when N_Expression_Function =>
Sprint_Node_Sloc (Specification (Node));
Write_Str (" is");
Sprint_Node (Expression (Node));
Write_Char (';');
when N_Extended_Return_Statement =>
Write_Indent_Str_Sloc ("return ");
Sprint_Node_List (Return_Object_Declarations (Node));
if Present (Handled_Statement_Sequence (Node)) then
Write_Str_With_Col_Check (" do");
Sprint_Node (Handled_Statement_Sequence (Node));
Write_Indent_Str ("end return;");
Write_Indent_Str (";");
end if;
when N_Delta_Aggregate =>
Write_Str_With_Col_Check_Sloc ("(");
Sprint_Node (Expression (Node));
Write_Str_With_Col_Check (" with delta ");
Sprint_Comma_List (Component_Associations (Node));
Write_Char (')');
when N_Extension_Aggregate =>
Write_Str_With_Col_Check_Sloc ("(");
Sprint_Node (Ancestor_Part (Node));
Write_Str_With_Col_Check (" with ");
if Null_Record_Present (Node) then
Write_Str_With_Col_Check ("null record");
if Present (Expressions (Node)) then
Sprint_Comma_List (Expressions (Node));
if Present (Component_Associations (Node)) then
Write_Str (", ");
end if;
end if;
if Present (Component_Associations (Node)) then
Sprint_Comma_List (Component_Associations (Node));
end if;
end if;
Write_Char (')');
when N_Floating_Point_Definition =>
Write_Str_With_Col_Check_Sloc ("digits ");
Sprint_Node (Digits_Expression (Node));
Sprint_Opt_Node (Real_Range_Specification (Node));
when N_Formal_Decimal_Fixed_Point_Definition =>
Write_Str_With_Col_Check_Sloc ("delta <> digits <>");
when N_Formal_Derived_Type_Definition =>
Write_Str_With_Col_Check_Sloc ("new ");
Sprint_Node (Subtype_Mark (Node));
if Present (Interface_List (Node)) then
Write_Str_With_Col_Check (" and ");
Sprint_And_List (Interface_List (Node));
end if;
if Private_Present (Node) then
Write_Str_With_Col_Check (" with private");
end if;
when N_Formal_Abstract_Subprogram_Declaration =>
Write_Indent_Str_Sloc ("with ");
Sprint_Node (Specification (Node));
Write_Str_With_Col_Check (" is abstract");
if Box_Present (Node) then
Write_Str_With_Col_Check (" <>");
elsif Present (Default_Name (Node)) then
Write_Str_With_Col_Check (" ");
Sprint_Node (Default_Name (Node));
end if;
Write_Char (';');
when N_Formal_Concrete_Subprogram_Declaration =>
Write_Indent_Str_Sloc ("with ");
Sprint_Node (Specification (Node));
if Box_Present (Node) then
Write_Str_With_Col_Check (" is <>");
elsif Present (Default_Name (Node)) then
Write_Str_With_Col_Check (" is ");
Sprint_Node (Default_Name (Node));
end if;
Write_Char (';');
when N_Formal_Discrete_Type_Definition =>
Write_Str_With_Col_Check_Sloc ("<>");
when N_Formal_Floating_Point_Definition =>
Write_Str_With_Col_Check_Sloc ("digits <>");
when N_Formal_Modular_Type_Definition =>
Write_Str_With_Col_Check_Sloc ("mod <>");
when N_Formal_Object_Declaration =>
if Write_Indent_Identifiers (Node) then
Write_Str (" : ");
if In_Present (Node) then
Write_Str_With_Col_Check ("in ");
end if;
if Out_Present (Node) then
Write_Str_With_Col_Check ("out ");
end if;
if Present (Subtype_Mark (Node)) then
-- Ada 2005 (AI-423): Formal object with null exclusion
if Null_Exclusion_Present (Node) then
Write_Str ("not null ");
end if;
Sprint_Node (Subtype_Mark (Node));
-- Ada 2005 (AI-423): Formal object with access definition
pragma Assert (Present (Access_Definition (Node)));
Sprint_Node (Access_Definition (Node));
end if;
if Present (Default_Expression (Node)) then
Write_Str (" := ");
Sprint_Node (Default_Expression (Node));
end if;
Write_Char (';');
end if;
when N_Formal_Ordinary_Fixed_Point_Definition =>
Write_Str_With_Col_Check_Sloc ("delta <>");
when N_Formal_Package_Declaration =>
Write_Indent_Str_Sloc ("with package ");
Write_Id (Defining_Identifier (Node));
Write_Str_With_Col_Check (" is new ");
Sprint_Node (Name (Node));
Write_Str_With_Col_Check (" (<>);");
when N_Formal_Private_Type_Definition =>
if Abstract_Present (Node) then
Write_Str_With_Col_Check ("abstract ");
end if;
if Tagged_Present (Node) then
Write_Str_With_Col_Check ("tagged ");
end if;
if Limited_Present (Node) then
Write_Str_With_Col_Check ("limited ");
end if;
Write_Str_With_Col_Check_Sloc ("private");
when N_Formal_Incomplete_Type_Definition =>
if Tagged_Present (Node) then
Write_Str_With_Col_Check ("is tagged ");
end if;
when N_Formal_Signed_Integer_Type_Definition =>
Write_Str_With_Col_Check_Sloc ("range <>");
when N_Formal_Type_Declaration =>
Write_Indent_Str_Sloc ("type ");
Write_Id (Defining_Identifier (Node));
if Present (Discriminant_Specifications (Node)) then
Write_Discr_Specs (Node);
elsif Unknown_Discriminants_Present (Node) then
Write_Str_With_Col_Check ("(<>)");
end if;
if Nkind (Formal_Type_Definition (Node)) /=
Write_Str_With_Col_Check (" is ");
end if;
Sprint_Node (Formal_Type_Definition (Node));
Write_Char (';');
when N_Free_Statement =>
Write_Indent_Str_Sloc ("free ");
Sprint_Node (Expression (Node));
Write_Char (';');
when N_Freeze_Entity =>
if Dump_Original_Only then
-- A freeze node is output if it has some effect (i.e. non-empty
-- actions, or freeze node for an itype, which causes elaboration
-- of the itype), and is also always output if Dump_Freeze_Null
-- is set True.
elsif Present (Actions (Node))
or else Is_Itype (Entity (Node))
or else Dump_Freeze_Null
Write_Rewrite_Str ("<<<");
Write_Str_With_Col_Check_Sloc ("freeze ");
Write_Id (Entity (Node));
Write_Str (" [");
if No (Actions (Node)) then
Write_Char (']');
-- Output freeze actions. We increment Freeze_Indent during
-- this output to avoid generating extra blank lines before
-- any procedures included in the freeze actions.
Freeze_Indent := Freeze_Indent + 1;
Sprint_Indented_List (Actions (Node));
Freeze_Indent := Freeze_Indent - 1;
Write_Indent_Str ("]");
end if;
Write_Rewrite_Str (">>>");
end if;
when N_Freeze_Generic_Entity =>
if Dump_Original_Only then
Write_Str_With_Col_Check_Sloc ("freeze_generic ");
Write_Id (Entity (Node));
end if;
when N_Full_Type_Declaration =>
Write_Indent_Str_Sloc ("type ");
Sprint_Node (Defining_Identifier (Node));
Write_Discr_Specs (Node);
Write_Str_With_Col_Check (" is ");
Sprint_Node (Type_Definition (Node));
Write_Char (';');
when N_Function_Call =>
Write_Subprogram_Name (Name (Node));
Sprint_Opt_Paren_Comma_List (Parameter_Associations (Node));
when N_Function_Instantiation =>
Write_Indent_Str_Sloc ("function ");
Sprint_Node (Defining_Unit_Name (Node));
Write_Str_With_Col_Check (" is new ");
Sprint_Node (Name (Node));
Sprint_Opt_Paren_Comma_List (Generic_Associations (Node));
Write_Char (';');
when N_Function_Specification =>
Write_Str_With_Col_Check_Sloc ("function ");
Sprint_Node (Defining_Unit_Name (Node));
Write_Param_Specs (Node);
Write_Str_With_Col_Check (" return ");
-- Ada 2005 (AI-231)
if Nkind (Result_Definition (Node)) /= N_Access_Definition
and then Null_Exclusion_Present (Node)
Write_Str (" not null ");
end if;
Sprint_Node (Result_Definition (Node));
when N_Generic_Association =>
if Present (Selector_Name (Node)) then
Sprint_Node (Selector_Name (Node));
Write_Str (" => ");
end if;
Sprint_Node (Explicit_Generic_Actual_Parameter (Node));
when N_Generic_Function_Renaming_Declaration =>
Write_Indent_Str_Sloc ("generic function ");
Sprint_Node (Defining_Unit_Name (Node));
Write_Str_With_Col_Check (" renames ");
Sprint_Node (Name (Node));
Write_Char (';');
when N_Generic_Package_Declaration =>
Write_Indent_Str_Sloc ("generic ");
Sprint_Indented_List (Generic_Formal_Declarations (Node));
Sprint_Node (Specification (Node));
Write_Char (';');
when N_Generic_Package_Renaming_Declaration =>
Write_Indent_Str_Sloc ("generic package ");
Sprint_Node (Defining_Unit_Name (Node));
Write_Str_With_Col_Check (" renames ");
Sprint_Node (Name (Node));
Write_Char (';');
when N_Generic_Procedure_Renaming_Declaration =>
Write_Indent_Str_Sloc ("generic procedure ");
Sprint_Node (Defining_Unit_Name (Node));
Write_Str_With_Col_Check (" renames ");
Sprint_Node (Name (Node));
Write_Char (';');
when N_Generic_Subprogram_Declaration =>
Write_Indent_Str_Sloc ("generic ");
Sprint_Indented_List (Generic_Formal_Declarations (Node));
Sprint_Node (Specification (Node));
Write_Char (';');
when N_Goto_Statement =>
Write_Indent_Str_Sloc ("goto ");
Sprint_Node (Name (Node));
Write_Char (';');
if Nkind (Next (Node)) = N_Label then
end if;
when N_Handled_Sequence_Of_Statements =>
Sprint_Indented_List (Statements (Node));
if Present (Exception_Handlers (Node)) then
Write_Indent_Str ("exception");
Sprint_Node_List (Exception_Handlers (Node));
end if;
if Present (At_End_Proc (Node)) then
Write_Indent_Str ("at end");
Sprint_Node (At_End_Proc (Node));
Write_Char (';');
end if;
when N_Identifier =>
Write_Id (Node);
when N_If_Expression =>
Has_Parens : constant Boolean := Paren_Count (Node) > 0;
Condition : constant Node_Id := First (Expressions (Node));
Then_Expr : constant Node_Id := Next (Condition);
-- The syntax for if_expression does not include parentheses,
-- but sometimes parentheses are required, so unconditionally
-- generate them here unless already present.
if not Has_Parens then
Write_Char ('(');
end if;
Write_Str_With_Col_Check_Sloc ("if ");
Sprint_Node (Condition);
Write_Str_With_Col_Check (" then ");
-- Defense against junk here
if Present (Then_Expr) then
Sprint_Node (Then_Expr);
if Present (Next (Then_Expr)) then
Write_Str_With_Col_Check (" else ");
Sprint_Node (Next (Then_Expr));
end if;
end if;
if not Has_Parens then
Write_Char (')');
end if;
when N_If_Statement =>
Write_Indent_Str_Sloc ("if ");
Sprint_Node (Condition (Node));
Write_Str_With_Col_Check (" then");
Sprint_Indented_List (Then_Statements (Node));
Sprint_Opt_Node_List (Elsif_Parts (Node));
if Present (Else_Statements (Node)) then
Write_Indent_Str ("else");
Sprint_Indented_List (Else_Statements (Node));
end if;
Write_Indent_Str ("end if;");
when N_Implicit_Label_Declaration =>
if not Dump_Original_Only then
Write_Rewrite_Str ("<<<");
Write_Id (Defining_Identifier (Node));
Write_Str (" : ");
Write_Str_With_Col_Check ("label");
Write_Rewrite_Str (">>>");
end if;
when N_In =>
Sprint_Left_Opnd (Node);
Write_Str_Sloc (" in ");
if Present (Right_Opnd (Node)) then
Sprint_Right_Opnd (Node);
Sprint_Bar_List (Alternatives (Node));
end if;
when N_Incomplete_Type_Declaration =>
Write_Indent_Str_Sloc ("type ");
Write_Id (Defining_Identifier (Node));
if Present (Discriminant_Specifications (Node)) then
Write_Discr_Specs (Node);
elsif Unknown_Discriminants_Present (Node) then
Write_Str_With_Col_Check ("(<>)");
end if;
Write_Char (';');
when N_Index_Or_Discriminant_Constraint =>
Sprint_Paren_Comma_List (Constraints (Node));
when N_Indexed_Component =>
Sprint_Node_Sloc (Prefix (Node));
Sprint_Opt_Paren_Comma_List (Expressions (Node));
when N_Integer_Literal =>
if Print_In_Hex (Node) then
Write_Uint_With_Col_Check_Sloc (Intval (Node), Hex);
Write_Uint_With_Col_Check_Sloc (Intval (Node), Auto);
end if;
when N_Iteration_Scheme =>
if Present (Condition (Node)) then
Write_Str_With_Col_Check_Sloc ("while ");
Sprint_Node (Condition (Node));
Write_Str_With_Col_Check_Sloc ("for ");
if Present (Iterator_Specification (Node)) then
Sprint_Node (Iterator_Specification (Node));
Sprint_Node (Loop_Parameter_Specification (Node));
end if;
end if;
Write_Char (' ');
when N_Iterator_Specification =>
Write_Id (Defining_Identifier (Node));
if Present (Subtype_Indication (Node)) then
Write_Str_With_Col_Check (" : ");
Sprint_Node (Subtype_Indication (Node));
end if;
if Of_Present (Node) then
Write_Str_With_Col_Check (" of ");
Write_Str_With_Col_Check (" in ");
end if;
if Reverse_Present (Node) then
Write_Str_With_Col_Check ("reverse ");
end if;
Sprint_Node (Name (Node));
when N_Itype_Reference =>
Write_Indent_Str_Sloc ("reference ");
Write_Id (Itype (Node));
when N_Label =>
Write_Indent_Str_Sloc ("<<");
Write_Id (Identifier (Node));
Write_Str (">>");
when N_Loop_Parameter_Specification =>
Write_Id (Defining_Identifier (Node));
Write_Str_With_Col_Check (" in ");
if Reverse_Present (Node) then
Write_Str_With_Col_Check ("reverse ");
end if;
Sprint_Node (Discrete_Subtype_Definition (Node));
when N_Loop_Statement =>
if Present (Identifier (Node))
and then (not Has_Created_Identifier (Node)
or else not Dump_Original_Only)
Write_Rewrite_Str ("<<<");
Write_Id (Identifier (Node));
Write_Str (" : ");
Write_Rewrite_Str (">>>");
Sprint_Node (Iteration_Scheme (Node));
Write_Str_With_Col_Check_Sloc ("loop");
Sprint_Indented_List (Statements (Node));
Write_Indent_Str ("end loop ");
Write_Rewrite_Str ("<<<");
Write_Id (Identifier (Node));
Write_Rewrite_Str (">>>");
Write_Char (';');
Sprint_Node (Iteration_Scheme (Node));
Write_Str_With_Col_Check_Sloc ("loop");
Sprint_Indented_List (Statements (Node));
Write_Indent_Str ("end loop;");
end if;
when N_Mod_Clause =>
Sprint_Node_List (Pragmas_Before (Node));
Write_Str_With_Col_Check_Sloc ("at mod ");
Sprint_Node (Expression (Node));
when N_Modular_Type_Definition =>
Write_Str_With_Col_Check_Sloc ("mod ");
Sprint_Node (Expression (Node));
when N_Not_In =>
Sprint_Left_Opnd (Node);
Write_Str_Sloc (" not in ");
if Present (Right_Opnd (Node)) then
Sprint_Right_Opnd (Node);
Sprint_Bar_List (Alternatives (Node));
end if;
when N_Null =>
Write_Str_With_Col_Check_Sloc ("null");
when N_Null_Statement =>
if Comes_From_Source (Node)
or else Dump_Freeze_Null
or else not Is_List_Member (Node)
or else (No (Prev (Node)) and then No (Next (Node)))
Write_Indent_Str_Sloc ("null;");
end if;
when N_Number_Declaration =>
if Write_Indent_Identifiers (Node) then
Write_Str_With_Col_Check (" : constant ");
Write_Str (" := ");
Sprint_Node (Expression (Node));
Write_Char (';');
end if;
when N_Object_Declaration =>
if Write_Indent_Identifiers (Node) then
Def_Id : constant Entity_Id := Defining_Identifier (Node);
Write_Str_With_Col_Check (" : ");
if Is_Statically_Allocated (Def_Id) then
Write_Str_With_Col_Check ("static ");
end if;
if Aliased_Present (Node) then
Write_Str_With_Col_Check ("aliased ");
end if;
if Constant_Present (Node) then
Write_Str_With_Col_Check ("constant ");
end if;
-- Ada 2005 (AI-231)
if Null_Exclusion_Present (Node) then
Write_Str_With_Col_Check ("not null ");
end if;
-- Print type. We used to print the Object_Definition from
-- the node, but it is much more useful to print the Etype
-- of the defining identifier for the case where the nominal
-- type is an unconstrained array type. For example, this
-- will be a clear reference to the Itype with the bounds
-- in the case of a type like String. The object after
-- all is constrained, even if its nominal subtype is
-- unconstrained.
Odef : constant Node_Id := Object_Definition (Node);
if Nkind (Odef) = N_Identifier
and then Present (Etype (Odef))
and then Is_Array_Type (Etype (Odef))
and then not Is_Constrained (Etype (Odef))
and then Present (Etype (Def_Id))
Sprint_Node (Etype (Def_Id));
-- In other cases, the nominal type is fine to print
Sprint_Node (Odef);
end if;
if Present (Expression (Node))
and then Expression (Node) /= Error
Write_Str (" := ");
Sprint_Node (Expression (Node));
end if;
Write_Char (';');
-- Handle implicit importation and implicit exportation of
-- object declarations:
-- $pragma import (Convention_Id, Def_Id, "...");
-- $pragma export (Convention_Id, Def_Id, "...");
if Is_Internal (Def_Id)
and then Present (Interface_Name (Def_Id))
Write_Indent_Str_Sloc ("$pragma ");
if Is_Imported (Def_Id) then
Write_Str ("import (");
else pragma Assert (Is_Exported (Def_Id));
Write_Str ("export (");
end if;
Prefix : constant String := "Convention_";
S : constant String := Convention (Def_Id)'Img;
Name_Len := S'Last - Prefix'Last;
Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) :=
S (Prefix'Last + 1 .. S'Last);
Set_Casing (All_Lower_Case);
Write_Str (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
Write_Str (", ");
Write_Id (Def_Id);
Write_Str (", ");
(Strval (Interface_Name (Def_Id)));
Write_Str (");");
end if;
end if;
when N_Object_Renaming_Declaration =>
Sprint_Node (Defining_Identifier (Node));
Write_Str (" : ");
-- Ada 2005 (AI-230): Access renamings
if Present (Access_Definition (Node)) then
Sprint_Node (Access_Definition (Node));
elsif Present (Subtype_Mark (Node)) then
-- Ada 2005 (AI-423): Object renaming with a null exclusion
if Null_Exclusion_Present (Node) then
Write_Str ("not null ");
end if;
Sprint_Node (Subtype_Mark (Node));
Write_Str (" ??? ");
end if;
Write_Str_With_Col_Check (" renames ");
Sprint_Node (Name (Node));
Write_Char (';');
when N_Op_Abs =>
Write_Operator (Node, "abs ");
Sprint_Right_Opnd (Node);
when N_Op_Add =>
Sprint_Left_Opnd (Node);
Write_Operator (Node, " + ");
Sprint_Right_Opnd (Node);
when N_Op_And =>
Sprint_Left_Opnd (Node);
Write_Operator (Node, " and ");
Sprint_Right_Opnd (Node);
when N_Op_Concat =>
Sprint_Left_Opnd (Node);
Write_Operator (Node, " & ");
Sprint_Right_Opnd (Node);
when N_Op_Divide =>
Sprint_Left_Opnd (Node);
Write_Char (' ');
Process_TFAI_RR_Flags (Node);
Write_Operator (Node, "/ ");
Sprint_Right_Opnd (Node);
when N_Op_Eq =>
Sprint_Left_Opnd (Node);
Write_Operator (Node, " = ");
Sprint_Right_Opnd (Node);
when N_Op_Expon =>
Sprint_Left_Opnd (Node);
Write_Operator (Node, " ** ");
Sprint_Right_Opnd (Node);
when N_Op_Ge =>
Sprint_Left_Opnd (Node);
Write_Operator (Node, " >= ");
Sprint_Right_Opnd (Node);
when N_Op_Gt =>
Sprint_Left_Opnd (Node);
Write_Operator (Node, " > ");
Sprint_Right_Opnd (Node);
when N_Op_Le =>
Sprint_Left_Opnd (Node);
Write_Operator (Node, " <= ");
Sprint_Right_Opnd (Node);
when N_Op_Lt =>
Sprint_Left_Opnd (Node);
Write_Operator (Node, " < ");
Sprint_Right_Opnd (Node);
when N_Op_Minus =>
Write_Operator (Node, "-");
Sprint_Right_Opnd (Node);
when N_Op_Mod =>
Sprint_Left_Opnd (Node);
if Treat_Fixed_As_Integer (Node) then
Write_Str (" #");
end if;
Write_Operator (Node, " mod ");
Sprint_Right_Opnd (Node);
when N_Op_Multiply =>
Sprint_Left_Opnd (Node);
Write_Char (' ');
Process_TFAI_RR_Flags (Node);
Write_Operator (Node, "* ");
Sprint_Right_Opnd (Node);
when N_Op_Ne =>
Sprint_Left_Opnd (Node);
Write_Operator (Node, " /= ");
Sprint_Right_Opnd (Node);
when N_Op_Not =>
Write_Operator (Node, "not ");
Sprint_Right_Opnd (Node);
when N_Op_Or =>
Sprint_Left_Opnd (Node);
Write_Operator (Node, " or ");
Sprint_Right_Opnd (Node);
when N_Op_Plus =>
Write_Operator (Node, "+");
Sprint_Right_Opnd (Node);
when N_Op_Rem =>
Sprint_Left_Opnd (Node);
if Treat_Fixed_As_Integer (Node) then
Write_Str (" #");
end if;
Write_Operator (Node, " rem ");
Sprint_Right_Opnd (Node);
when N_Op_Shift =>
Write_Id (Node);
Write_Char ('!');
Write_Str_With_Col_Check ("(");
Sprint_Node (Left_Opnd (Node));
Write_Str (", ");
Sprint_Node (Right_Opnd (Node));
Write_Char (')');
when N_Op_Subtract =>
Sprint_Left_Opnd (Node);
Write_Operator (Node, " - ");
Sprint_Right_Opnd (Node);
when N_Op_Xor =>
Sprint_Left_Opnd (Node);
Write_Operator (Node, " xor ");
Sprint_Right_Opnd (Node);
when N_Operator_Symbol =>
Write_Name_With_Col_Check_Sloc (Chars (Node));
when N_Ordinary_Fixed_Point_Definition =>
Write_Str_With_Col_Check_Sloc ("delta ");
Sprint_Node (Delta_Expression (Node));
Sprint_Opt_Node (Real_Range_Specification (Node));
when N_Or_Else =>
Sprint_Left_Opnd (Node);
Write_Str_Sloc (" or else ");
Sprint_Right_Opnd (Node);
when N_Others_Choice =>
if All_Others (Node) then
Write_Str_With_Col_Check ("all ");
end if;
Write_Str_With_Col_Check_Sloc ("others");
when N_Package_Body =>
Write_Indent_Str_Sloc ("package body ");
Sprint_Node (Defining_Unit_Name (Node));
Write_Str (" is");
Sprint_Indented_List (Declarations (Node));
if Present (Handled_Statement_Sequence (Node)) then
Write_Indent_Str ("begin");
Sprint_Node (Handled_Statement_Sequence (Node));
end if;
Write_Indent_Str ("end ");
(Handled_Statement_Sequence (Node), Defining_Unit_Name (Node));
Write_Char (';');
when N_Package_Body_Stub =>
Write_Indent_Str_Sloc ("package body ");
Sprint_Node (Defining_Identifier (Node));
Write_Str_With_Col_Check (" is separate;");
when N_Package_Declaration =>
Sprint_Node_Sloc (Specification (Node));
Write_Char (';');
-- If this is an instantiation, get the aspects from the original
-- instantiation node.
if Is_Generic_Instance (Defining_Entity (Node))
and then Has_Aspects
(Package_Instantiation (Defining_Entity (Node)))
(Package_Instantiation (Defining_Entity (Node)),
Semicolon => True);
end if;
when N_Package_Instantiation =>
Write_Indent_Str_Sloc ("package ");
Sprint_Node (Defining_Unit_Name (Node));
Write_Str (" is new ");
Sprint_Node (Name (Node));
Sprint_Opt_Paren_Comma_List (Generic_Associations (Node));
Write_Char (';');
when N_Package_Renaming_Declaration =>
Write_Indent_Str_Sloc ("package ");
Sprint_Node (Defining_Unit_Name (Node));
Write_Str_With_Col_Check (" renames ");
Sprint_Node (Name (Node));
Write_Char (';');
when N_Package_Specification =>
Write_Str_With_Col_Check_Sloc ("package ");
Sprint_Node (Defining_Unit_Name (Node));
if Nkind (Parent (Node)) = N_Generic_Package_Declaration
and then Has_Aspects (Parent (Node))
(Parent (Node), Semicolon => False);
-- An instantiation is rewritten as a package declaration, but
-- the aspects belong to the instantiation node.
elsif Nkind (Parent (Node)) = N_Package_Declaration then
Pack : constant Entity_Id := Defining_Entity (Node);
if not Is_Generic_Instance (Pack) then
if Has_Aspects (Parent (Node)) then
(Parent (Node), Semicolon => False);
end if;
end if;
end if;
Write_Str (" is");
Sprint_Indented_List (Visible_Declarations (Node));
if Present (Private_Declarations (Node)) then
Write_Indent_Str ("private");
Sprint_Indented_List (Private_Declarations (Node));
end if;
Write_Indent_Str ("end ");
Sprint_Node (Defining_Unit_Name (Node));
when N_Parameter_Association =>
Sprint_Node_Sloc (Selector_Name (Node));
Write_Str (" => ");
Sprint_Node (Explicit_Actual_Parameter (Node));
when N_Parameter_Specification =>
if Write_Identifiers (Node) then
Write_Str (" : ");
if In_Present (Node) then
Write_Str_With_Col_Check ("in ");
end if;
if Out_Present (Node) then
Write_Str_With_Col_Check ("out ");
end if;
-- Ada 2005 (AI-231): Parameter specification may carry null
-- exclusion. Do not print it now if this is an access formal,
-- it is emitted when the access definition is displayed.
if Null_Exclusion_Present (Node)
and then Nkind (Parameter_Type (Node)) /= N_Access_Definition
Write_Str ("not null ");
end if;
if Aliased_Present (Node) then
Write_Str ("aliased ");
end if;
Sprint_Node (Parameter_Type (Node));
if Present (Expression (Node)) then
Write_Str (" := ");
Sprint_Node (Expression (Node));
end if;
Write_Str (", ");
end if;
when N_Pop_Constraint_Error_Label =>
Write_Indent_Str ("%pop_constraint_error_label");
when N_Pop_Program_Error_Label =>
Write_Indent_Str ("%pop_program_error_label");
when N_Pop_Storage_Error_Label =>
Write_Indent_Str ("%pop_storage_error_label");
when N_Private_Extension_Declaration =>
Write_Indent_Str_Sloc ("type ");
Write_Id (Defining_Identifier (Node));
if Present (Discriminant_Specifications (Node)) then
Write_Discr_Specs (Node);
elsif Unknown_Discriminants_Present (Node) then
Write_Str_With_Col_Check ("(<>)");
end if;
Write_Str_With_Col_Check (" is new ");
Sprint_Node (Subtype_Indication (Node));
if Present (Interface_List (Node)) then
Write_Str_With_Col_Check (" and ");
Sprint_And_List (Interface_List (Node));
end if;
Write_Str_With_Col_Check (" with private;");
when N_Private_Type_Declaration =>
Write_Indent_Str_Sloc ("type ");
Write_Id (Defining_Identifier (Node));
if Present (Discriminant_Specifications (Node)) then
Write_Discr_Specs (Node);
elsif Unknown_Discriminants_Present (Node) then
Write_Str_With_Col_Check ("(<>)");
end if;
Write_Str (" is ");
if Tagged_Present (Node) then
Write_Str_With_Col_Check ("tagged ");
end if;
if Limited_Present (Node) then
Write_Str_With_Col_Check ("limited ");
end if;
Write_Str_With_Col_Check ("private;");
when N_Push_Constraint_Error_Label =>
Write_Indent_Str ("%push_constraint_error_label (");
if Present (Exception_Label (Node)) then
Write_Name_With_Col_Check (Chars (Exception_Label (Node)));
end if;
Write_Str (")");
when N_Push_Program_Error_Label =>
Write_Indent_Str ("%push_program_error_label (");
if Present (Exception_Label (Node)) then
Write_Name_With_Col_Check (Chars (Exception_Label (Node)));
end if;
Write_Str (")");
when N_Push_Storage_Error_Label =>
Write_Indent_Str ("%push_storage_error_label (");
if Present (Exception_Label (Node)) then
Write_Name_With_Col_Check (Chars (Exception_Label (Node)));
end if;
Write_Str (")");
when N_Pragma =>
Write_Indent_Str_Sloc ("pragma ");
Write_Name_With_Col_Check (Pragma_Name_Unmapped (Node));
if Present (Pragma_Argument_Associations (Node)) then
(Pragma_Argument_Associations (Node));
end if;
Write_Char (';');
when N_Pragma_Argument_Association =>
if Chars (Node) /= No_Name then
Write_Name_With_Col_Check (Chars (Node));
Write_Str (" => ");
end if;
Sprint_Node (Expression (Node));
when N_Procedure_Call_Statement =>
Write_Subprogram_Name (Name (Node));
Sprint_Opt_Paren_Comma_List (Parameter_Associations (Node));
Write_Char (';');
when N_Procedure_Instantiation =>
Write_Indent_Str_Sloc ("procedure ");
Sprint_Node (Defining_Unit_Name (Node));
Write_Str_With_Col_Check (" is new ");
Sprint_Node (Name (Node));
Sprint_Opt_Paren_Comma_List (Generic_Associations (Node));
Write_Char (';');
when N_Procedure_Specification =>
Write_Str_With_Col_Check_Sloc ("procedure ");
Sprint_Node (Defining_Unit_Name (Node));
Write_Param_Specs (Node);
when N_Protected_Body =>
Write_Indent_Str_Sloc ("protected body ");
Write_Id (Defining_Identifier (Node));
Write_Str (" is");
Sprint_Indented_List (Declarations (Node));
Write_Indent_Str ("end ");
Write_Id (Defining_Identifier (Node));
Write_Char (';');
when N_Protected_Body_Stub =>
Write_Indent_Str_Sloc ("protected body ");
Write_Id (Defining_Identifier (Node));
Write_Str_With_Col_Check (" is separate;");
when N_Protected_Definition =>
Sprint_Indented_List (Visible_Declarations (Node));
if Present (Private_Declarations (Node)) then
Write_Indent_Str ("private");
Sprint_Indented_List (Private_Declarations (Node));
end if;
Write_Indent_Str ("end ");
when N_Protected_Type_Declaration =>
Write_Indent_Str_Sloc ("protected type ");
Sprint_Node (Defining_Identifier (Node));
Write_Discr_Specs (Node);
if Present (Interface_List (Node)) then
Write_Str (" is new ");
Sprint_And_List (Interface_List (Node));
Write_Str (" with ");
Write_Str (" is");
end if;
Sprint_Node (Protected_Definition (Node));
Write_Id (Defining_Identifier (Node));
Write_Char (';');
when N_Qualified_Expression =>
Sprint_Node (Subtype_Mark (Node));
Write_Char_Sloc (''');
-- Print expression, make sure we have at least one level of
-- parentheses around the expression. For cases of qualified
-- expressions in the source, this is always the case, but
-- for generated qualifications, there may be no explicit
-- parentheses present.
if Paren_Count (Expression (Node)) /= 0 then
Sprint_Node (Expression (Node));
Write_Char ('(');
Sprint_Node (Expression (Node));
-- Odd case, for the qualified expressions used in machine
-- code the argument may be a procedure call, resulting in
-- a junk semicolon before the right parent, get rid of it.
Write_Erase_Char (';');
-- Now we can add the terminating right paren
Write_Char (')');
end if;
when N_Quantified_Expression =>
Write_Str (" for");
if All_Present (Node) then
Write_Str (" all ");
Write_Str (" some ");
end if;
if Present (Iterator_Specification (Node)) then
Sprint_Node (Iterator_Specification (Node));
Sprint_Node (Loop_Parameter_Specification (Node));
end if;
Write_Str (" => ");
Sprint_Node (Condition (Node));
when N_Raise_Expression =>
Has_Parens : constant Boolean := Paren_Count (Node) > 0;
-- The syntax for raise_expression does not include parentheses
-- but sometimes parentheses are required, so unconditionally
-- generate them here unless already present.
if not Has_Parens then
Write_Char ('(');
end if;
Write_Str_With_Col_Check_Sloc ("raise ");
Sprint_Node (Name (Node));
if Present (Expression (Node)) then
Write_Str_With_Col_Check (" with ");
Sprint_Node (Expression (Node));
end if;
if not Has_Parens then
Write_Char (')');
end if;
when N_Raise_Constraint_Error =>
-- This node can be used either as a subexpression or as a
-- statement form. The following test is a reasonably reliable
-- way to distinguish the two cases.
if Is_List_Member (Node)
and then Nkind (Parent (Node)) not in N_Subexpr
end if;
Write_Str_With_Col_Check_Sloc ("[constraint_error");
Write_Condition_And_Reason (Node);
when N_Raise_Program_Error =>
-- This node can be used either as a subexpression or as a
-- statement form. The following test is a reasonably reliable
-- way to distinguish the two cases.
if Is_List_Member (Node)
and then Nkind (Parent (Node)) not in N_Subexpr
end if;
Write_Str_With_Col_Check_Sloc ("[program_error");
Write_Condition_And_Reason (Node);
when N_Raise_Storage_Error =>
-- This node can be used either as a subexpression or as a
-- statement form. The following test is a reasonably reliable
-- way to distinguish the two cases.
if Is_List_Member (Node)
and then Nkind (Parent (Node)) not in N_Subexpr
end if;
Write_Str_With_Col_Check_Sloc ("[storage_error");
Write_Condition_And_Reason (Node);
when N_Raise_Statement =>
Write_Indent_Str_Sloc ("raise ");
Sprint_Node (Name (Node));
if Present (Expression (Node)) then
Write_Str_With_Col_Check_Sloc (" with ");
Sprint_Node (Expression (Node));
end if;
Write_Char (';');
when N_Range =>
Sprint_Node (Low_Bound (Node));
Write_Str_Sloc (" .. ");
Sprint_Node (High_Bound (Node));
Update_Itype (Node);
when N_Range_Constraint =>
Write_Str_With_Col_Check_Sloc ("range ");
Sprint_Node (Range_Expression (Node));
when N_Real_Literal =>
Write_Ureal_With_Col_Check_Sloc (Realval (Node));
when N_Real_Range_Specification =>
Write_Str_With_Col_Check_Sloc ("range ");
Sprint_Node (Low_Bound (Node));
Write_Str (" .. ");
Sprint_Node (High_Bound (Node));
when N_Record_Definition =>
if Abstract_Present (Node) then
Write_Str_With_Col_Check ("abstract ");
end if;
if Tagged_Present (Node) then
Write_Str_With_Col_Check ("tagged ");
end if;
if Limited_Present (Node) then
Write_Str_With_Col_Check ("limited ");
end if;
if Null_Present (Node) then
Write_Str_With_Col_Check_Sloc ("null record");
Write_Str_With_Col_Check_Sloc ("record");
Sprint_Node (Component_List (Node));
Write_Indent_Str ("end record");
end if;
when N_Record_Representation_Clause =>
Write_Indent_Str_Sloc ("for ");
Sprint_Node (Identifier (Node));
Write_Str_With_Col_Check (" use record ");
if Present (Mod_Clause (Node)) then
Sprint_Node (Mod_Clause (Node));
end if;
Sprint_Indented_List (Component_Clauses (Node));
Write_Indent_Str ("end record;");
when N_Reference =>
Sprint_Node (Prefix (Node));
Write_Str_With_Col_Check_Sloc ("'reference");
when N_Requeue_Statement =>
Write_Indent_Str_Sloc ("requeue ");
Sprint_Node (Name (Node));
if Abort_Present (Node) then
Write_Str_With_Col_Check (" with abort");
end if;
Write_Char (';');
-- Don't we want to print more detail???
-- Doc of this extended syntax belongs in and/or
-- ???
when N_SCIL_Dispatch_Table_Tag_Init =>
Write_Indent_Str ("[N_SCIL_Dispatch_Table_Tag_Init]");
when N_SCIL_Dispatching_Call =>
Write_Indent_Str ("[N_SCIL_Dispatching_Node]");
when N_SCIL_Membership_Test =>
Write_Indent_Str ("[N_SCIL_Membership_Test]");
when N_Simple_Return_Statement =>
if Present (Expression (Node)) then
Write_Indent_Str_Sloc ("return ");
Sprint_Node (Expression (Node));
Write_Char (';');
Write_Indent_Str_Sloc ("return;");
end if;
when N_Selective_Accept =>
Write_Indent_Str_Sloc ("select");
Alt_Node : Node_Id;
Alt_Node := First (Select_Alternatives (Node));
Sprint_Node (Alt_Node);
Next (Alt_Node);
exit when No (Alt_Node);
Write_Indent_Str ("or");
end loop;
if Present (Else_Statements (Node)) then
Write_Indent_Str ("else");
Sprint_Indented_List (Else_Statements (Node));
end if;
Write_Indent_Str ("end select;");
when N_Signed_Integer_Type_Definition =>
Write_Str_With_Col_Check_Sloc ("range ");
Sprint_Node (Low_Bound (Node));
Write_Str (" .. ");
Sprint_Node (High_Bound (Node));
when N_Single_Protected_Declaration =>
Write_Indent_Str_Sloc ("protected ");
Write_Id (Defining_Identifier (Node));
Write_Str (" is");
Sprint_Node (Protected_Definition (Node));
Write_Id (Defining_Identifier (Node));
Write_Char (';');
when N_Single_Task_Declaration =>
Write_Indent_Str_Sloc ("task ");
Sprint_Node (Defining_Identifier (Node));
if Present (Task_Definition (Node)) then
Write_Str (" is");
Sprint_Node (Task_Definition (Node));
end if;
Write_Char (';');
when N_Selected_Component =>
Sprint_Node (Prefix (Node));
Write_Char_Sloc ('.');
Sprint_Node (Selector_Name (Node));
when N_Slice =>
Sprint_Node (Prefix (Node));
Write_Str_With_Col_Check (" (");
Sprint_Node (Discrete_Range (Node));
Write_Char (')');
when N_String_Literal =>
if String_Length (Strval (Node)) + Column > Sprint_Line_Limit then
Write_Indent_Str (" ");
end if;
Write_String_Table_Entry (Strval (Node));
when N_Subprogram_Body =>
-- Output extra blank line unless we are in freeze actions
if Freeze_Indent = 0 then
end if;
if Present (Corresponding_Spec (Node)) then
Sprint_Node_Sloc (Parent (Corresponding_Spec (Node)));
Sprint_Node_Sloc (Specification (Node));
end if;
Write_Str (" is");
Sprint_Indented_List (Declarations (Node));
Write_Indent_Str ("begin");
Sprint_Node (Handled_Statement_Sequence (Node));
Write_Indent_Str ("end ");
(Handled_Statement_Sequence (Node),
Defining_Unit_Name (Specification (Node)));
Write_Char (';');
if Is_List_Member (Node)
and then Present (Next (Node))
and then Nkind (Next (Node)) /= N_Subprogram_Body
end if;
when N_Subprogram_Body_Stub =>
Sprint_Node_Sloc (Specification (Node));
Write_Str_With_Col_Check (" is separate;");
when N_Subprogram_Declaration =>
Sprint_Node_Sloc (Specification (Node));
if Nkind (Specification (Node)) = N_Procedure_Specification
and then Null_Present (Specification (Node))
Write_Str_With_Col_Check (" is null");
end if;
Write_Char (';');
when N_Subprogram_Renaming_Declaration =>
Sprint_Node (Specification (Node));
Write_Str_With_Col_Check_Sloc (" renames ");
Sprint_Node (Name (Node));
Write_Char (';');
when N_Subtype_Declaration =>
Write_Indent_Str_Sloc ("subtype ");
Sprint_Node (Defining_Identifier (Node));
Write_Str (" is ");
-- Ada 2005 (AI-231)
if Null_Exclusion_Present (Node) then
Write_Str ("not null ");
end if;
Sprint_Node (Subtype_Indication (Node));
Write_Char (';');
when N_Subtype_Indication =>
Sprint_Node_Sloc (Subtype_Mark (Node));
Write_Char (' ');
Sprint_Node (Constraint (Node));
when N_Subunit =>
Write_Indent_Str_Sloc ("separate (");
Sprint_Node (Name (Node));
Write_Char (')');
Sprint_Node (Proper_Body (Node));
when N_Target_Name =>
Write_Char ('@');
when N_Task_Body =>
Write_Indent_Str_Sloc ("task body ");
Write_Id (Defining_Identifier (Node));
Write_Str (" is");
Sprint_Indented_List (Declarations (Node));
Write_Indent_Str ("begin");
Sprint_Node (Handled_Statement_Sequence (Node));
Write_Indent_Str ("end ");
(Handled_Statement_Sequence (Node), Defining_Identifier (Node));
Write_Char (';');
when N_Task_Body_Stub =>
Write_Indent_Str_Sloc ("task body ");
Write_Id (Defining_Identifier (Node));
Write_Str_With_Col_Check (" is separate;");
when N_Task_Definition =>
Sprint_Indented_List (Visible_Declarations (Node));
if Present (Private_Declarations (Node)) then
Write_Indent_Str ("private");
Sprint_Indented_List (Private_Declarations (Node));
end if;
Write_Indent_Str ("end ");
Sprint_End_Label (Node, Defining_Identifier (Parent (Node)));
when N_Task_Type_Declaration =>
Write_Indent_Str_Sloc ("task type ");
Sprint_Node (Defining_Identifier (Node));
Write_Discr_Specs (Node);
if Present (Interface_List (Node)) then
Write_Str (" is new ");
Sprint_And_List (Interface_List (Node));
end if;
if Present (Task_Definition (Node)) then
if No (Interface_List (Node)) then
Write_Str (" is");
Write_Str (" with ");
end if;
Sprint_Node (Task_Definition (Node));
end if;
Write_Char (';');
when N_Terminate_Alternative =>
Sprint_Node_List (Pragmas_Before (Node));
if Present (Condition (Node)) then
Write_Str_With_Col_Check ("when ");
Sprint_Node (Condition (Node));
Write_Str (" => ");
end if;
Write_Str_With_Col_Check_Sloc ("terminate;");
Sprint_Node_List (Pragmas_After (Node));
when N_Timed_Entry_Call =>
Write_Indent_Str_Sloc ("select");
Sprint_Node (Entry_Call_Alternative (Node));
Write_Indent_Str ("or");
Sprint_Node (Delay_Alternative (Node));
Write_Indent_Str ("end select;");
when N_Triggering_Alternative =>
Sprint_Node_List (Pragmas_Before (Node));
Sprint_Node_Sloc (Triggering_Statement (Node));
Sprint_Node_List (Statements (Node));
when N_Type_Conversion =>
Sprint_Node (Subtype_Mark (Node));
Col_Check (4);
if Conversion_OK (Node) then
Write_Char ('?');
end if;
if Float_Truncate (Node) then
Write_Char ('^');
end if;
if Rounded_Result (Node) then
Write_Char ('@');
end if;
Write_Char ('(');
Sprint_Node (Expression (Node));
Write_Char (')');
when N_Unchecked_Expression =>
Col_Check (10);
Write_Str ("`(");
Sprint_Node_Sloc (Expression (Node));
Write_Char (')');
when N_Unchecked_Type_Conversion =>
Sprint_Node (Subtype_Mark (Node));
Write_Char ('!');
Write_Str_With_Col_Check ("(");
Sprint_Node_Sloc (Expression (Node));
Write_Char (')');
when N_Unconstrained_Array_Definition =>
Write_Str_With_Col_Check_Sloc ("array (");
Node1 : Node_Id;
Node1 := First (Subtype_Marks (Node));
Sprint_Node (Node1);
Write_Str_With_Col_Check (" range <>");
Next (Node1);
exit when Node1 = Empty;
Write_Str (", ");
end loop;
Write_Str (") of ");
Sprint_Node (Component_Definition (Node));
when N_Unused_At_Start | N_Unused_At_End =>
Write_Indent_Str ("***** Error, unused node encountered *****");
when N_Use_Package_Clause =>
Write_Indent_Str_Sloc ("use ");
Sprint_Comma_List (Names (Node));
Write_Char (';');
when N_Use_Type_Clause =>
Write_Indent_Str_Sloc ("use type ");
Sprint_Comma_List (Subtype_Marks (Node));
Write_Char (';');
when N_Validate_Unchecked_Conversion =>
Write_Indent_Str_Sloc ("validate unchecked_conversion (");
Sprint_Node (Source_Type (Node));
Write_Str (", ");
Sprint_Node (Target_Type (Node));
Write_Str (");");
when N_Variant =>
Write_Indent_Str_Sloc ("when ");
Sprint_Bar_List (Discrete_Choices (Node));
Write_Str (" => ");
Sprint_Node (Component_List (Node));
when N_Variant_Part =>
Write_Indent_Str_Sloc ("case ");
Sprint_Node (Name (Node));
Write_Str (" is ");
Sprint_Indented_List (Variants (Node));
Write_Indent_Str ("end case");
when N_With_Clause =>
-- Special test, if we are dumping the original tree only,
-- then we want to eliminate the bogus with clauses that
-- correspond to the non-existent children of Text_IO.
if Dump_Original_Only
and then Is_Text_IO_Special_Unit (Name (Node))
-- Normal case, output the with clause
if First_Name (Node) or else not Dump_Original_Only then
-- Ada 2005 (AI-50217): Print limited with_clauses
if Private_Present (Node) and Limited_Present (Node) then
Write_Indent_Str ("limited private with ");
elsif Private_Present (Node) then
Write_Indent_Str ("private with ");
elsif Limited_Present (Node) then
Write_Indent_Str ("limited with ");
Write_Indent_Str ("with ");
end if;
Write_Str (", ");
end if;
Sprint_Node_Sloc (Name (Node));
if Last_Name (Node) or else not Dump_Original_Only then
Write_Char (';');
end if;
end if;
end case;
-- Print aspects, except for special case of package declaration,
-- where the aspects are printed inside the package specification.
if Has_Aspects (Node)
and then not Nkind_In (Node, N_Package_Declaration,
Sprint_Aspect_Specifications (Node, Semicolon => True);
end if;
if Nkind (Node) in N_Subexpr
and then Do_Range_Check (Node)
Write_Str ("}");
end if;
for J in 1 .. Paren_Count (Node) loop
Write_Char (')');
end loop;
Dump_Node := Save_Dump_Node;
end Sprint_Node_Actual;
-- Sprint_Node_List --
procedure Sprint_Node_List (List : List_Id; New_Lines : Boolean := False) is
Node : Node_Id;
if Is_Non_Empty_List (List) then
Node := First (List);
Sprint_Node (Node);
Next (Node);
exit when Node = Empty;
end loop;
end if;
if New_Lines and then Column /= 1 then
end if;
end Sprint_Node_List;
-- Sprint_Node_Sloc --
procedure Sprint_Node_Sloc (Node : Node_Id) is
Sprint_Node (Node);
if Debug_Generated_Code and then Present (Dump_Node) then
Set_Sloc (Dump_Node, Sloc (Node));
Dump_Node := Empty;
end if;
end Sprint_Node_Sloc;
-- Sprint_Opt_Node --
procedure Sprint_Opt_Node (Node : Node_Id) is
if Present (Node) then
Write_Char (' ');
Sprint_Node (Node);
end if;
end Sprint_Opt_Node;
-- Sprint_Opt_Node_List --
procedure Sprint_Opt_Node_List (List : List_Id) is
if Present (List) then
Sprint_Node_List (List);
end if;
end Sprint_Opt_Node_List;
-- Sprint_Opt_Paren_Comma_List --
procedure Sprint_Opt_Paren_Comma_List (List : List_Id) is
if Is_Non_Empty_List (List) then
Write_Char (' ');
Sprint_Paren_Comma_List (List);
end if;
end Sprint_Opt_Paren_Comma_List;
-- Sprint_Paren_Comma_List --
procedure Sprint_Paren_Comma_List (List : List_Id) is
N : Node_Id;
Node_Exists : Boolean := False;
if Is_Non_Empty_List (List) then
if Dump_Original_Only then
N := First (List);
while Present (N) loop
if not Is_Rewrite_Insertion (N) then
Node_Exists := True;
end if;
Next (N);
end loop;
if not Node_Exists then
end if;
end if;
Write_Str_With_Col_Check ("(");
Sprint_Comma_List (List);
Write_Char (')');
end if;
end Sprint_Paren_Comma_List;
-- Sprint_Right_Opnd --
procedure Sprint_Right_Opnd (N : Node_Id) is
Opnd : constant Node_Id := Right_Opnd (N);
if Paren_Count (Opnd) /= 0
or else Op_Prec (Nkind (Opnd)) > Op_Prec (Nkind (N))
Sprint_Node (Opnd);
Write_Char ('(');
Sprint_Node (Opnd);
Write_Char (')');
end if;
end Sprint_Right_Opnd;
-- Update_Itype --
procedure Update_Itype (Node : Node_Id) is
if Present (Etype (Node))
and then Is_Itype (Etype (Node))
and then Debug_Generated_Code
Set_Sloc (Etype (Node), Sloc (Node));
end if;
end Update_Itype;
-- Write_Char_Sloc --
procedure Write_Char_Sloc (C : Character) is
if Debug_Generated_Code and then C /= ' ' then
end if;
Write_Char (C);
end Write_Char_Sloc;
-- Write_Condition_And_Reason --
procedure Write_Condition_And_Reason (Node : Node_Id) is
Cond : constant Node_Id := Condition (Node);
Image : constant String := RT_Exception_Code'Image
(UI_To_Int (Reason (Node))));
if Present (Cond) then
-- If condition is a single entity, or NOT with a single entity,
-- output all on one line, since it will likely fit just fine.
if Is_Entity_Name (Cond)
or else (Nkind (Cond) = N_Op_Not
and then Is_Entity_Name (Right_Opnd (Cond)))
Write_Str_With_Col_Check (" when ");
Sprint_Node (Cond);
Write_Char (' ');
-- Otherwise for more complex condition, multiple lines
Write_Str_With_Col_Check (" when");
Indent := Indent + 2;
Sprint_Node (Cond);
Indent := Indent - 2;
end if;
-- If no condition, just need a space (all on one line)
Write_Char (' ');
end if;
-- Write the reason
Write_Char ('"');
for J in 4 .. Image'Last loop
if Image (J) = '_' then
Write_Char (' ');
Write_Char (Fold_Lower (Image (J)));
end if;
end loop;
Write_Str ("""]");
end Write_Condition_And_Reason;
-- Write_Corresponding_Source --
procedure Write_Corresponding_Source (S : String) is
Loc : Source_Ptr;
Src : Source_Buffer_Ptr;
-- Ignore if not in dump source text mode, or if in freeze actions
if Dump_Source_Text and then Freeze_Indent = 0 then
-- Ignore null string
if S = "" then
end if;
-- Ignore space or semicolon at end of given string
if S (S'Last) = ' ' or else S (S'Last) = ';' then
Write_Corresponding_Source (S (S'First .. S'Last - 1));
end if;
-- Loop to look at next lines not yet printed in source file
for L in
Last_Line_Printed + 1 .. Last_Source_Line (Current_Source_File)
Src := Source_Text (Current_Source_File);
Loc := Line_Start (L, Current_Source_File);
-- If comment, keep looking
if Src (Loc .. Loc + 1) = "--" then
-- Search to first non-blank
while Src (Loc) not in Line_Terminator loop
-- Non-blank found
if Src (Loc) /= ' ' and then Src (Loc) /= ASCII.HT then
-- Loop through characters in string to see if we match
for J in S'Range loop
-- If mismatch, then not the case we are looking for
if Src (Loc) /= S (J) then
end if;
Loc := Loc + 1;
end loop;
-- If we fall through, string matched, if white space or
-- semicolon after the matched string, this is the case
-- we are looking for.
if Src (Loc) in Line_Terminator
or else Src (Loc) = ' '
or else Src (Loc) = ASCII.HT
or else Src (Loc) = ';'
-- So output source lines up to and including this one
Write_Source_Lines (L);
end if;
end if;
Loc := Loc + 1;
end loop;
end if;
-- Line was all blanks, or a comment line, keep looking
end loop;
end if;
end Write_Corresponding_Source;
-- Write_Discr_Specs --
procedure Write_Discr_Specs (N : Node_Id) is
Specs : List_Id;
Spec : Node_Id;
Specs := Discriminant_Specifications (N);
if Present (Specs) then
Write_Str_With_Col_Check (" (");
Spec := First (Specs);
Sprint_Node (Spec);
Next (Spec);
exit when Spec = Empty;
-- Add semicolon, unless we are printing original tree and the
-- next specification is part of a list (but not the first
-- element of that list)
if not Dump_Original_Only or else not Prev_Ids (Spec) then
Write_Str ("; ");
end if;
end loop;
Write_Char (')');
end if;
end Write_Discr_Specs;
-- Write_Ekind --
procedure Write_Ekind (E : Entity_Id) is
S : constant String := Entity_Kind'Image (Ekind (E));
Name_Len := S'Length;
Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len) := S;
Set_Casing (Mixed_Case);
Write_Str_With_Col_Check (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
end Write_Ekind;
-- Write_Id --
procedure Write_Id (N : Node_Id) is
-- Deal with outputting Itype
-- Note: if we are printing the full tree with -gnatds, then we may
-- end up picking up the Associated_Node link from a generic template
-- here which overlaps the Entity field, but as documented, Write_Itype
-- is defended against junk calls.
if Nkind (N) in N_Entity then
Write_Itype (N);
elsif Nkind (N) in N_Has_Entity then
Write_Itype (Entity (N));
end if;
-- Case of a defining identifier
if Nkind (N) = N_Defining_Identifier then
-- If defining identifier has an interface name (and no
-- address clause), then we output the interface name.
if (Is_Imported (N) or else Is_Exported (N))
and then Present (Interface_Name (N))
and then No (Address_Clause (N))
String_To_Name_Buffer (Strval (Interface_Name (N)));
Write_Str_With_Col_Check (Name_Buffer (1 .. Name_Len));
-- If no interface name (or inactive because there was
-- an address clause), then just output the Chars name.
Write_Name_With_Col_Check (Chars (N));
end if;
-- Case of selector of an expanded name where the expanded name
-- has an associated entity, output this entity. Check that the
-- entity or associated node is of the right kind, see above.
elsif Nkind (Parent (N)) = N_Expanded_Name
and then Selector_Name (Parent (N)) = N
and then Present (Entity_Or_Associated_Node (Parent (N)))
and then Nkind (Entity (Parent (N))) in N_Entity
Write_Id (Entity (Parent (N)));
-- For any other node with an associated entity, output it
elsif Nkind (N) in N_Has_Entity
and then Present (Entity_Or_Associated_Node (N))
and then Nkind (Entity_Or_Associated_Node (N)) in N_Entity
Write_Id (Entity (N));
-- All other cases, we just print the Chars field
Write_Name_With_Col_Check (Chars (N));
end if;
end Write_Id;
-- Write_Identifiers --
function Write_Identifiers (Node : Node_Id) return Boolean is
Sprint_Node (Defining_Identifier (Node));
Update_Itype (Defining_Identifier (Node));
-- The remainder of the declaration must be printed unless we are
-- printing the original tree and this is not the last identifier
not Dump_Original_Only or else not More_Ids (Node);
end Write_Identifiers;
-- Write_Implicit_Def --
procedure Write_Implicit_Def (E : Entity_Id) is
Ind : Node_Id;
case Ekind (E) is
when E_Array_Subtype =>
Write_Str_With_Col_Check ("subtype ");
Write_Id (E);
Write_Str_With_Col_Check (" is ");
Write_Id (Base_Type (E));
Write_Str_With_Col_Check (" (");
Ind := First_Index (E);
while Present (Ind) loop
Sprint_Node (Ind);
Next_Index (Ind);
if Present (Ind) then
Write_Str (", ");
end if;
end loop;
Write_Str (");");
when E_Enumeration_Subtype
| E_Signed_Integer_Subtype
Write_Str_With_Col_Check ("subtype ");
Write_Id (E);
Write_Str (" is ");
Write_Id (Etype (E));
Write_Str_With_Col_Check (" range ");
Sprint_Node (Scalar_Range (E));
Write_Str (";");
when others =>
Write_Str_With_Col_Check ("type ");
Write_Id (E);
Write_Str_With_Col_Check (" is <");
Write_Ekind (E);
Write_Str (">;");
end case;
end Write_Implicit_Def;
-- Write_Indent --
procedure Write_Indent is
Loc : constant Source_Ptr := Sloc (Dump_Node);
if Indent_Annull_Flag then
Indent_Annull_Flag := False;
-- Deal with Dump_Source_Text output. Note that we ignore implicit
-- label declarations, since they typically have the sloc of the
-- corresponding label, which really messes up the -gnatL output.
if Dump_Source_Text
and then Loc > No_Location
and then Nkind (Dump_Node) /= N_Implicit_Label_Declaration
if Get_Source_File_Index (Loc) = Current_Source_File then
(Get_Physical_Line_Number (Sloc (Dump_Node)));
end if;
end if;
for J in 1 .. Indent loop
Write_Char (' ');
end loop;
end if;
end Write_Indent;
-- Write_Indent_Identifiers --
function Write_Indent_Identifiers (Node : Node_Id) return Boolean is
-- We need to start a new line for every node, except in the case
-- where we are printing the original tree and this is not the first
-- defining identifier in the list.
if not Dump_Original_Only or else not Prev_Ids (Node) then
-- If printing original tree and this is not the first defining
-- identifier in the list, then the previous call to this procedure
-- printed only the name, and we add a comma to separate the names.
Write_Str (", ");
end if;
Sprint_Node (Defining_Identifier (Node));
-- The remainder of the declaration must be printed unless we are
-- printing the original tree and this is not the last identifier
not Dump_Original_Only or else not More_Ids (Node);
end Write_Indent_Identifiers;
-- Write_Indent_Identifiers_Sloc --
function Write_Indent_Identifiers_Sloc (Node : Node_Id) return Boolean is
-- We need to start a new line for every node, except in the case
-- where we are printing the original tree and this is not the first
-- defining identifier in the list.
if not Dump_Original_Only or else not Prev_Ids (Node) then
-- If printing original tree and this is not the first defining
-- identifier in the list, then the previous call to this procedure
-- printed only the name, and we add a comma to separate the names.
Write_Str (", ");
end if;
Sprint_Node (Defining_Identifier (Node));
-- The remainder of the declaration must be printed unless we are
-- printing the original tree and this is not the last identifier
return not Dump_Original_Only or else not More_Ids (Node);
end Write_Indent_Identifiers_Sloc;
-- Write_Indent_Str --
procedure Write_Indent_Str (S : String) is
Write_Corresponding_Source (S);
Write_Str (S);
end Write_Indent_Str;
-- Write_Indent_Str_Sloc --
procedure Write_Indent_Str_Sloc (S : String) is
Write_Corresponding_Source (S);
Write_Str_Sloc (S);
end Write_Indent_Str_Sloc;
-- Write_Itype --
procedure Write_Itype (Typ : Entity_Id) is
procedure Write_Header (T : Boolean := True);
-- Write type if T is True, subtype if T is false
-- Write_Header --
procedure Write_Header (T : Boolean := True) is
if T then
Write_Str ("[type ");
Write_Str ("[subtype ");
end if;
Write_Name_With_Col_Check (Chars (Typ));
Write_Str (" is ");
end Write_Header;
-- Start of processing for Write_Itype
if Nkind (Typ) in N_Entity
and then Is_Itype (Typ)
and then not Itype_Printed (Typ)
-- Itype to be printed
B : constant Node_Id := Etype (Typ);
X : Node_Id;
P : constant Node_Id := Parent (Typ);
S : constant Saved_Output_Buffer := Save_Output_Buffer;
-- Save current output buffer
Old_Sloc : Source_Ptr;
-- Save sloc of related node, so it is not modified when
-- printing with -gnatD.
-- Write indentation at start of line
for J in 1 .. Indent loop
Write_Char (' ');
end loop;
-- If we have a constructed declaration for the itype, print it
if Present (P)
and then Nkind (P) in N_Declaration
and then Defining_Entity (P) = Typ
-- We must set Itype_Printed true before the recursive call to
-- print the node, otherwise we get an infinite recursion.
Set_Itype_Printed (Typ, True);
-- Write the declaration enclosed in [], avoiding new line
-- at start of declaration, and semicolon at end.
-- Note: The itype may be imported from another unit, in which
-- case we do not want to modify the Sloc of the declaration.
-- Otherwise the itype may appear to be in the current unit,
-- and the back-end will reject a reference out of scope.
Write_Char ('[');
Indent_Annull_Flag := True;
Old_Sloc := Sloc (P);
Sprint_Node (P);
Set_Sloc (P, Old_Sloc);
Write_Erase_Char (';');
-- If no constructed declaration, then we have to concoct the
-- source corresponding to the type entity that we have at hand.
case Ekind (Typ) is
-- Access types and subtypes
when Access_Kind =>
Write_Header (Ekind (Typ) = E_Access_Type);
if Can_Never_Be_Null (Typ) then
Write_Str ("not null ");
end if;
Write_Str ("access ");
if Is_Access_Constant (Typ) then
Write_Str ("constant ");
end if;
Write_Id (Directly_Designated_Type (Typ));
-- Array types
when E_Array_Type =>
Write_Str ("array (");
X := First_Index (Typ);
Sprint_Node (X);
if not Is_Constrained (Typ) then
Write_Str (" range <>");
end if;
Next_Index (X);
exit when No (X);
Write_Str (", ");
end loop;
Write_Str (") of ");
X := Component_Type (Typ);
-- Preserve sloc of component type, which is defined
-- elsewhere than the itype (see comment above).
Old_Sloc := Sloc (X);
Sprint_Node (X);
Set_Sloc (X, Old_Sloc);
-- Array subtypes
-- Preserve Sloc of index subtypes, as above
when E_Array_Subtype =>
Write_Header (False);
Write_Id (Etype (Typ));
Write_Str (" (");
X := First_Index (Typ);
Old_Sloc := Sloc (X);
Sprint_Node (X);
Set_Sloc (X, Old_Sloc);
Next_Index (X);
exit when No (X);
Write_Str (", ");
end loop;
Write_Char (')');
-- Signed integer types, and modular integer subtypes,
-- and also enumeration subtypes.
when E_Enumeration_Subtype
| E_Modular_Integer_Subtype
| E_Signed_Integer_Subtype
| E_Signed_Integer_Type
Write_Header (Ekind (Typ) = E_Signed_Integer_Type);
if Ekind (Typ) = E_Signed_Integer_Type then
Write_Str ("new ");
end if;
Write_Id (B);
-- Print bounds if different from base type
L : constant Node_Id := Type_Low_Bound (Typ);
H : constant Node_Id := Type_High_Bound (Typ);
LE : Node_Id;
HE : Node_Id;
-- B can either be a scalar type, in which case the
-- declaration of Typ may constrain it with different
-- bounds, or a private type, in which case we know
-- that the declaration of Typ cannot have a scalar
-- constraint.
if Is_Scalar_Type (B) then
LE := Type_Low_Bound (B);
HE := Type_High_Bound (B);
LE := Empty;
HE := Empty;
end if;
if No (LE)
or else (True
and then Nkind (L) = N_Integer_Literal
and then Nkind (H) = N_Integer_Literal
and then Nkind (LE) = N_Integer_Literal
and then Nkind (HE) = N_Integer_Literal
and then UI_Eq (Intval (L), Intval (LE))
and then UI_Eq (Intval (H), Intval (HE)))
Write_Str (" range ");
Sprint_Node (Type_Low_Bound (Typ));
Write_Str (" .. ");
Sprint_Node (Type_High_Bound (Typ));