blob: 58fd3fd3e05263e238dd00ae359442faaa55bd24 [file] [log] [blame]
-- --
-- --
-- S T Y L E G --
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 1992-2015, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING3. If not, go to --
-- for a complete copy of the license. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
-- --
-- This version of the Style package implements the standard GNAT style
-- checking rules. For documentation of these rules, see comments on the
-- individual procedures.
with Atree; use Atree;
with Casing; use Casing;
with Csets; use Csets;
with Einfo; use Einfo;
with Err_Vars; use Err_Vars;
with Opt; use Opt;
with Scans; use Scans;
with Sinfo; use Sinfo;
with Sinput; use Sinput;
with Stylesw; use Stylesw;
package body Styleg is
use ASCII;
Blank_Lines : Nat := 0;
-- Counts number of empty lines seen. Reset to zero if a non-empty line
-- is encountered. Used to check for trailing blank lines in Check_EOF,
-- and for multiple blank lines.
Blank_Line_Location : Source_Ptr;
-- Remembers location of first blank line in a series. Used to issue an
-- appropriate diagnostic if subsequent blank lines or the end of file
-- is encountered.
-- Local Subprograms --
procedure Check_No_Space_After;
-- Checks that there is a non-white space character after the current
-- token, or white space followed by a comment, or the end of line.
-- Issue error message if not.
procedure Check_No_Space_Before;
-- Check that token is first token on line, or else is not preceded
-- by white space. Signal error of space not allowed if not.
procedure Check_Separate_Stmt_Lines_Cont;
-- Non-inlined continuation of Check_Separate_Stmt_Lines
function Determine_Token_Casing return Casing_Type;
-- Determine casing of current token
procedure Error_Space_Not_Allowed (S : Source_Ptr);
-- Posts an error message indicating that a space is not allowed
-- at the given source location.
procedure Error_Space_Required (S : Source_Ptr);
-- Posts an error message indicating that a space is required at
-- the given source location.
function Is_White_Space (C : Character) return Boolean;
pragma Inline (Is_White_Space);
-- Returns True for space or HT, False otherwise
-- What about VT and FF, should they return True ???
procedure Require_Following_Space;
pragma Inline (Require_Following_Space);
-- Require token to be followed by white space. Used only if in GNAT
-- style checking mode.
procedure Require_Preceding_Space;
pragma Inline (Require_Preceding_Space);
-- Require token to be preceded by white space. Used only if in GNAT
-- style checking mode.
-- Check_Abs_Or_Not --
-- In check token mode (-gnatyt), ABS/NOT must be followed by a space
procedure Check_Abs_Not is
if Style_Check_Tokens then
if Source (Scan_Ptr) > ' ' then -- ???
Error_Space_Required (Scan_Ptr);
end if;
end if;
end Check_Abs_Not;
-- Check_Apostrophe --
-- Do not allow space before or after apostrophe -- OR AFTER???
procedure Check_Apostrophe is
if Style_Check_Tokens then
end if;
end Check_Apostrophe;
-- Check_Arrow --
-- In check tokens mode (-gnatys), arrow must be surrounded by spaces,
-- except that within the argument of a Depends macro the required format
-- is =>+ rather than => +).
procedure Check_Arrow (Inside_Depends : Boolean := False) is
if Style_Check_Tokens then
if not Inside_Depends then
-- Special handling for Inside_Depends
if Source (Scan_Ptr) = ' '
and then Source (Scan_Ptr + 1) = '+'
Error_Space_Not_Allowed (Scan_Ptr);
elsif Source (Scan_Ptr) /= ' '
and then Source (Scan_Ptr) /= '+'
end if;
end if;
end if;
end Check_Arrow;
-- Check_Attribute_Name --
-- In check attribute casing mode (-gnatya), attribute names must be
-- mixed case, i.e. start with an upper case letter, and otherwise
-- lower case, except after an underline character.
procedure Check_Attribute_Name (Reserved : Boolean) is
pragma Warnings (Off, Reserved);
if Style_Check_Attribute_Casing then
if Determine_Token_Casing /= Mixed_Case then
Error_Msg_SC -- CODEFIX
("(style) bad capitalization, mixed case required");
end if;
end if;
end Check_Attribute_Name;
-- Check_Binary_Operator --
-- In check token mode (-gnatyt), binary operators other than the special
-- case of exponentiation require surrounding space characters.
procedure Check_Binary_Operator is
if Style_Check_Tokens then
end if;
end Check_Binary_Operator;
-- Check_Boolean_Operator --
procedure Check_Boolean_Operator (Node : Node_Id) is
function OK_Boolean_Operand (N : Node_Id) return Boolean;
-- Returns True for simple variable, or "not X1" or "X1 and X2" or
-- "X1 or X2" where X1, X2 are recursively OK_Boolean_Operand's.
-- OK_Boolean_Operand --
function OK_Boolean_Operand (N : Node_Id) return Boolean is
if Nkind_In (N, N_Identifier, N_Expanded_Name) then
return True;
elsif Nkind (N) = N_Op_Not then
return OK_Boolean_Operand (Original_Node (Right_Opnd (N)));
elsif Nkind_In (N, N_Op_And, N_Op_Or) then
return OK_Boolean_Operand (Original_Node (Left_Opnd (N)))
and then
OK_Boolean_Operand (Original_Node (Right_Opnd (N)));
return False;
end if;
end OK_Boolean_Operand;
-- Start of processing for Check_Boolean_Operator
if Style_Check_Boolean_And_Or
and then Comes_From_Source (Node)
Orig : constant Node_Id := Original_Node (Node);
if Nkind_In (Orig, N_Op_And, N_Op_Or) then
L : constant Node_Id := Original_Node (Left_Opnd (Orig));
R : constant Node_Id := Original_Node (Right_Opnd (Orig));
-- First OK case, simple boolean constants/identifiers
if OK_Boolean_Operand (L)
and then
OK_Boolean_Operand (R)
-- Second OK case, modular types
elsif Is_Modular_Integer_Type (Etype (Node)) then
-- Third OK case, array types
elsif Is_Array_Type (Etype (Node)) then
-- Otherwise we have an error
elsif Nkind (Orig) = N_Op_And then
Error_Msg -- CODEFIX
("(style) `AND THEN` required", Sloc (Orig));
Error_Msg -- CODEFIX
("(style) `OR ELSE` required", Sloc (Orig));
end if;
end if;
end if;
end Check_Boolean_Operator;
-- Check_Box --
-- In check token mode (-gnatyt), box must be preceded by a space or by
-- a left parenthesis. Spacing checking on the surrounding tokens takes
-- care of the remaining checks.
procedure Check_Box is
if Style_Check_Tokens then
if Prev_Token /= Tok_Left_Paren then
end if;
end if;
end Check_Box;
-- Check_Colon --
-- In check token mode (-gnatyt), colon must be surrounded by spaces
procedure Check_Colon is
if Style_Check_Tokens then
end if;
end Check_Colon;
-- Check_Colon_Equal --
-- In check token mode (-gnatyt), := must be surrounded by spaces
procedure Check_Colon_Equal is
if Style_Check_Tokens then
end if;
end Check_Colon_Equal;
-- Check_Comma --
-- In check token mode (-gnatyt), comma must be either the first
-- token on a line, or be preceded by a non-blank character.
-- It must also always be followed by a blank.
procedure Check_Comma is
if Style_Check_Tokens then
if Source (Scan_Ptr) > ' ' then
Error_Space_Required (Scan_Ptr);
end if;
end if;
end Check_Comma;
-- Check_Comment --
-- In check comment mode (-gnatyc) there are several requirements on the
-- format of comments. The following are permissible comment formats:
-- 1. Any comment that is not at the start of a line, i.e. where the
-- initial minuses are not the first non-blank characters on the
-- line must have at least one blank after the second minus or a
-- special character as defined in rule 5.
-- 2. A row of all minuses of any length is permitted (see procedure
-- box above in the source of this routine).
-- 3. A comment line starting with two minuses and a space, and ending
-- with a space and two minuses. Again see the procedure title box
-- immediately above in the source.
-- 4. A full line comment where two spaces follow the two minus signs.
-- This is the normal comment format in GNAT style, as typified by
-- the comments you are reading now.
-- 5. A full line comment where the first character after the second
-- minus is a special character, i.e. a character in the ASCII
-- range 16#21#..16#2F# or 16#3A#..16#3F#. This allows special
-- comments, such as those generated by gnatprep, or those that
-- appear in the SPARK annotation language to be accepted.
-- Note: for GNAT internal files (-gnatg switch set on for the
-- compilation), the only special sequence recognized and allowed
-- is --! as generated by gnatprep.
-- 6. In addition, the comment must be properly indented if comment
-- indentation checking is active (Style_Check_Indentation non-zero).
-- Either the start column must be a multiple of this indentation,
-- or the indentation must match that of the next non-blank line,
-- or must match the indentation of the immediately preciding line
-- if it is non-blank.
procedure Check_Comment is
S : Source_Ptr;
C : Character;
function Is_Box_Comment return Boolean;
-- Returns True if the last two characters on the line are -- which
-- characterizes a box comment (as for example follows this spec).
function Is_Special_Character (C : Character) return Boolean;
-- Determines if C is a special character (see rule 5 above)
function Same_Column_As_Next_Non_Blank_Line return Boolean;
-- Called for a full line comment. If the indentation of this comment
-- matches that of the next non-blank line in the source, then True is
-- returned, otherwise False.
function Same_Column_As_Previous_Line return Boolean;
-- Called for a full line comment. If the previous line is blank, then
-- returns False. Otherwise, if the indentation of this comment matches
-- that of the previous line in the source, then True is returned,
-- otherwise False.
-- Is_Box_Comment --
function Is_Box_Comment return Boolean is
S : Source_Ptr;
-- Do we need to worry about UTF_32 line terminators here ???
S := Scan_Ptr + 3;
while Source (S) not in Line_Terminator loop
S := S + 1;
end loop;
return Source (S - 1) = '-' and then Source (S - 2) = '-';
end Is_Box_Comment;
-- Is_Special_Character --
function Is_Special_Character (C : Character) return Boolean is
if GNAT_Mode then
return C = '!';
Character'Pos (C) in 16#21# .. 16#2F#
or else
Character'Pos (C) in 16#3A# .. 16#3F#;
end if;
end Is_Special_Character;
-- Same_Column_As_Next_Non_Blank_Line --
function Same_Column_As_Next_Non_Blank_Line return Boolean is
P : Source_Ptr;
-- Step to end of line
P := Scan_Ptr + 2;
while Source (P) not in Line_Terminator loop
P := P + 1;
end loop;
-- Step past blanks, and line terminators (UTF_32 case???)
while Source (P) <= ' ' and then Source (P) /= EOF loop
P := P + 1;
end loop;
-- Compare columns
return Get_Column_Number (Scan_Ptr) = Get_Column_Number (P);
end Same_Column_As_Next_Non_Blank_Line;
-- Same_Column_As_Previous_Line --
function Same_Column_As_Previous_Line return Boolean is
S, P : Source_Ptr;
-- Point S to start of this line, and P to start of previous line
S := Line_Start (Scan_Ptr);
P := S;
Backup_Line (P);
-- Step P to first non-blank character on line
-- If we get back to start of current line, then the previous line
-- was blank, and we always return False in that situation.
if P = S then
return False;
end if;
exit when Source (P) /= ' ' and then Source (P) /= ASCII.HT;
P := P + 1;
end loop;
-- Compare columns
return Get_Column_Number (Scan_Ptr) = Get_Column_Number (P);
end Same_Column_As_Previous_Line;
-- Start of processing for Check_Comment
-- Can never have a non-blank character preceding the first minus
if Style_Check_Comments then
if Scan_Ptr > Source_First (Current_Source_File)
and then Source (Scan_Ptr - 1) > ' '
Error_Msg_S -- CODEFIX
("(style) space required");
end if;
end if;
-- For a comment that is not at the start of the line, the only
-- requirement is that we cannot have a non-blank character after
-- the second minus sign or a special character.
if Scan_Ptr /= First_Non_Blank_Location then
if Style_Check_Comments then
if Source (Scan_Ptr + 2) > ' '
and then not Is_Special_Character (Source (Scan_Ptr + 2))
Error_Msg -- CODEFIX
("(style) space required", Scan_Ptr + 2);
end if;
end if;
-- Case of a comment that is at the start of a line
-- First check, must be in appropriately indented column
if Style_Check_Indentation /= 0 then
if Start_Column rem Style_Check_Indentation /= 0 then
if not Same_Column_As_Next_Non_Blank_Line
and then not Same_Column_As_Previous_Line
Error_Msg_S -- CODEFIX
("(style) bad column");
end if;
end if;
end if;
-- If we are not checking comments, nothing more to do
if not Style_Check_Comments then
end if;
-- Case of not followed by a blank. Usually wrong, but there are
-- some exceptions that we permit.
if Source (Scan_Ptr + 2) /= ' ' then
C := Source (Scan_Ptr + 2);
-- Case of -- all on its own on a line is OK
if C < ' ' then
end if;
-- Case of --x, x special character is OK (gnatprep/SPARK/etc.)
-- This is not permitted in internal GNAT implementation units
-- except for the case of --! as used by gnatprep output.
if Is_Special_Character (C) then
end if;
-- The only other case in which we allow a character after
-- the -- other than a space is when we have a row of minus
-- signs (case of header lines for a box comment for example).
S := Scan_Ptr + 2;
while Source (S) >= ' ' loop
if Source (S) /= '-' then
if Is_Box_Comment
or else Style_Check_Comments_Spacing = 1
Error_Space_Required (Scan_Ptr + 2);
Error_Msg -- CODEFIX
("(style) two spaces required", Scan_Ptr + 2);
end if;
end if;
S := S + 1;
end loop;
-- If we are followed by a blank, then the comment is OK if the
-- character following this blank is another blank or a format
-- effector, or if the required comment spacing is 1.
elsif Source (Scan_Ptr + 3) <= ' '
or else Style_Check_Comments_Spacing = 1
-- Here is the case where we only have one blank after the two minus
-- signs, with Style_Check_Comments_Spacing set to 2, which is an
-- error unless the line ends with two minus signs, the case of a
-- box comment.
elsif not Is_Box_Comment then
Error_Space_Required (Scan_Ptr + 3);
end if;
end if;
end Check_Comment;
-- Check_Dot_Dot --
-- In check token mode (-gnatyt), ".." must be surrounded by spaces
procedure Check_Dot_Dot is
if Style_Check_Tokens then
end if;
end Check_Dot_Dot;
-- Check_EOF --
-- In check blanks at end mode, check no blank lines precede the EOF
procedure Check_EOF is
if Style_Check_Blank_Lines then
-- We expect one blank line, from the EOF, but no more than one
if Blank_Lines = 2 then
Error_Msg -- CODEFIX
("(style) blank line not allowed at end of file",
elsif Blank_Lines >= 3 then
Error_Msg -- CODEFIX
("(style) blank lines not allowed at end of file",
end if;
end if;
end Check_EOF;
-- Check_Exponentiation_Operator --
-- No spaces are required for the ** operator in GNAT style check mode
procedure Check_Exponentiation_Operator is
end Check_Exponentiation_Operator;
-- Check_HT --
-- In check horizontal tab mode (-gnatyh), tab characters are not allowed
procedure Check_HT is
if Style_Check_Horizontal_Tabs then
Error_Msg_S -- CODEFIX
("(style) horizontal tab not allowed");
end if;
end Check_HT;
-- Check_Indentation --
-- In check indentation mode (-gnaty? for ? a digit), a new statement or
-- declaration is required to start in a column that is a multiple of the
-- indentation amount.
procedure Check_Indentation is
if Style_Check_Indentation /= 0 then
if Token_Ptr = First_Non_Blank_Location
and then Start_Column rem Style_Check_Indentation /= 0
Error_Msg_SC -- CODEFIX
("(style) bad indentation");
end if;
end if;
end Check_Indentation;
-- Check_Left_Paren --
-- In check token mode (-gnatyt), left paren must not be preceded by an
-- identifier character or digit (a separating space is required) and may
-- never be followed by a space.
procedure Check_Left_Paren is
if Style_Check_Tokens then
if Token_Ptr > Source_First (Current_Source_File)
and then Identifier_Char (Source (Token_Ptr - 1))
Error_Space_Required (Token_Ptr);
end if;
end if;
end Check_Left_Paren;
-- Check_Line_Max_Length --
-- In check max line length mode (-gnatym), the line length must
-- not exceed the permitted maximum value.
procedure Check_Line_Max_Length (Len : Nat) is
if Style_Check_Max_Line_Length then
if Len > Style_Max_Line_Length then
("(style) this line is too long",
Current_Line_Start + Source_Ptr (Style_Max_Line_Length));
end if;
end if;
end Check_Line_Max_Length;
-- Check_Line_Terminator --
-- In check blanks at end mode (-gnatyb), lines may not end with a
-- trailing space.
-- In check form feeds mode (-gnatyf), the line terminator may not
-- be either of the characters FF or VT.
-- In check DOS line terminators node (-gnatyd), the line terminator
-- must be a single LF, without a following CR.
procedure Check_Line_Terminator (Len : Nat) is
S : Source_Ptr;
L : Nat := Len;
-- Length of line (adjusted down for blanks at end of line)
-- Reset count of blank lines if first line
if Get_Logical_Line_Number (Scan_Ptr) = 1 then
Blank_Lines := 0;
end if;
-- Check FF/VT terminators
if Style_Check_Form_Feeds then
if Source (Scan_Ptr) = ASCII.FF then
Error_Msg_S -- CODEFIX
("(style) form feed not allowed");
elsif Source (Scan_Ptr) = ASCII.VT then
Error_Msg_S -- CODEFIX
("(style) vertical tab not allowed");
end if;
end if;
-- Check DOS line terminator
if Style_Check_DOS_Line_Terminator then
-- Ignore EOF, since we only get called with an EOF if it is the last
-- character in the buffer (and was therefore not in the source
-- file), since the terminating EOF is added to stop the scan.
if Source (Scan_Ptr) = EOF then
-- Bad terminator if we don't have an LF
elsif Source (Scan_Ptr) /= LF then
Error_Msg_S ("(style) incorrect line terminator");
end if;
end if;
-- Remove trailing spaces
S := Scan_Ptr;
while L > 0 and then Is_White_Space (Source (S - 1)) loop
S := S - 1;
L := L - 1;
end loop;
-- Issue message for blanks at end of line if option enabled
if Style_Check_Blanks_At_End and then L < Len then
Error_Msg -- CODEFIX
("(style) trailing spaces not permitted", S);
end if;
-- Deal with empty (blank) line
if L = 0 then
-- Increment blank line count
Blank_Lines := Blank_Lines + 1;
-- If first blank line, record location for later error message
if Blank_Lines = 1 then
Blank_Line_Location := Scan_Ptr;
end if;
-- Non-blank line, check for previous multiple blank lines
if Style_Check_Blank_Lines and then Blank_Lines > 1 then
Error_Msg -- CODEFIX
("(style) multiple blank lines", Blank_Line_Location);
end if;
-- And reset blank line count
Blank_Lines := 0;
end if;
end Check_Line_Terminator;
-- Check_Not_In --
-- In check tokens mode, only one space between NOT and IN
procedure Check_Not_In is
if Style_Check_Tokens then
if Source (Token_Ptr - 1) /= ' '
or else Token_Ptr - Prev_Token_Ptr /= 4
then -- CODEFIX?
("(style) single space must separate NOT and IN", Token_Ptr - 1);
end if;
end if;
end Check_Not_In;
-- Check_No_Space_After --
procedure Check_No_Space_After is
S : Source_Ptr;
if Is_White_Space (Source (Scan_Ptr)) then
-- Allow one or more spaces if followed by comment
S := Scan_Ptr + 1;
if Source (S) = '-' and then Source (S + 1) = '-' then
elsif Is_White_Space (Source (S)) then
S := S + 1;
end if;
end loop;
Error_Space_Not_Allowed (Scan_Ptr);
end if;
end Check_No_Space_After;
-- Check_No_Space_Before --
procedure Check_No_Space_Before is
if Token_Ptr > First_Non_Blank_Location
and then Source (Token_Ptr - 1) <= ' '
Error_Space_Not_Allowed (Token_Ptr - 1);
end if;
end Check_No_Space_Before;
-- Check_Pragma_Name --
-- In check pragma casing mode (-gnatyp), pragma names must be mixed
-- case, i.e. start with an upper case letter, and otherwise lower case,
-- except after an underline character.
procedure Check_Pragma_Name is
if Style_Check_Pragma_Casing then
if Determine_Token_Casing /= Mixed_Case then
Error_Msg_SC -- CODEFIX
("(style) bad capitalization, mixed case required");
end if;
end if;
end Check_Pragma_Name;
-- Check_Right_Paren --
-- In check token mode (-gnatyt), right paren must not be immediately
-- followed by an identifier character, and must never be preceded by
-- a space unless it is the initial non-blank character on the line.
procedure Check_Right_Paren is
if Style_Check_Tokens then
if Identifier_Char (Source (Token_Ptr + 1)) then
Error_Space_Required (Token_Ptr + 1);
end if;
end if;
end Check_Right_Paren;
-- Check_Semicolon --
-- In check token mode (-gnatyt), semicolon does not permit a preceding
-- space and a following space is required.
procedure Check_Semicolon is
if Style_Check_Tokens then
if Source (Scan_Ptr) > ' ' then
Error_Space_Required (Scan_Ptr);
end if;
end if;
end Check_Semicolon;
-- Check_Separate_Stmt_Lines --
procedure Check_Separate_Stmt_Lines is
if Style_Check_Separate_Stmt_Lines then
end if;
end Check_Separate_Stmt_Lines;
-- Check_Separate_Stmt_Lines_Cont --
procedure Check_Separate_Stmt_Lines_Cont is
S : Source_Ptr;
-- Skip past white space
S := Scan_Ptr;
while Is_White_Space (Source (S)) loop
S := S + 1;
end loop;
-- Line terminator is OK
if Source (S) in Line_Terminator then
-- Comment is OK
elsif Source (S) = '-' and then Source (S + 1) = '-' then
-- ABORT keyword is OK after THEN (THEN ABORT case)
elsif Token = Tok_Then
and then (Source (S + 0) = 'a' or else Source (S + 0) = 'A')
and then (Source (S + 1) = 'b' or else Source (S + 1) = 'B')
and then (Source (S + 2) = 'o' or else Source (S + 2) = 'O')
and then (Source (S + 3) = 'r' or else Source (S + 3) = 'R')
and then (Source (S + 4) = 't' or else Source (S + 4) = 'T')
and then (Source (S + 5) in Line_Terminator
or else Is_White_Space (Source (S + 5)))
-- PRAGMA keyword is OK after ELSE
elsif Token = Tok_Else
and then (Source (S + 0) = 'p' or else Source (S + 0) = 'P')
and then (Source (S + 1) = 'r' or else Source (S + 1) = 'R')
and then (Source (S + 2) = 'a' or else Source (S + 2) = 'A')
and then (Source (S + 3) = 'g' or else Source (S + 3) = 'G')
and then (Source (S + 4) = 'm' or else Source (S + 4) = 'M')
and then (Source (S + 5) = 'a' or else Source (S + 5) = 'A')
and then (Source (S + 6) in Line_Terminator
or else Is_White_Space (Source (S + 6)))
-- Otherwise we have the style violation we are looking for
if Token = Tok_Then then
Error_Msg -- CODEFIX
("(style) no statements may follow THEN on same line", S);
("(style) no statements may follow ELSE on same line", S);
end if;
end if;
end Check_Separate_Stmt_Lines_Cont;
-- Check_Then --
-- In check if then layout mode (-gnatyi), we expect a THEN keyword to
-- appear either on the same line as the IF, or on a separate line if
-- the IF statement extends for more than one line.
procedure Check_Then (If_Loc : Source_Ptr) is
if Style_Check_If_Then_Layout then
If_Line : constant Physical_Line_Number :=
Get_Physical_Line_Number (If_Loc);
Then_Line : constant Physical_Line_Number :=
Get_Physical_Line_Number (Token_Ptr);
if If_Line = Then_Line then
elsif Token_Ptr /= First_Non_Blank_Location then
Error_Msg_SC ("(style) misplaced THEN");
end if;
end if;
end Check_Then;
-- Check_Unary_Plus_Or_Minus --
-- In check token mode (-gnatyt), unary plus or minus must not be
-- followed by a space.
-- Annoying exception: if we have the sequence =>+ within a Depends pragma
-- or aspect, then we insist on a space rather than forbidding it.
procedure Check_Unary_Plus_Or_Minus (Inside_Depends : Boolean := False) is
if Style_Check_Tokens then
if not Inside_Depends then
end if;
end if;
end Check_Unary_Plus_Or_Minus;
-- Check_Vertical_Bar --
-- In check token mode (-gnatyt), vertical bar must be surrounded by spaces
procedure Check_Vertical_Bar is
if Style_Check_Tokens then
end if;
end Check_Vertical_Bar;
-- Check_Xtra_Parens --
procedure Check_Xtra_Parens (Loc : Source_Ptr) is
if Style_Check_Xtra_Parens then
Error_Msg -- CODEFIX
("(style) redundant parentheses", Loc);
end if;
end Check_Xtra_Parens;
-- Determine_Token_Casing --
function Determine_Token_Casing return Casing_Type is
return Determine_Casing (Source (Token_Ptr .. Scan_Ptr - 1));
end Determine_Token_Casing;
-- Error_Space_Not_Allowed --
procedure Error_Space_Not_Allowed (S : Source_Ptr) is
Error_Msg -- CODEFIX
("(style) space not allowed", S);
end Error_Space_Not_Allowed;
-- Error_Space_Required --
procedure Error_Space_Required (S : Source_Ptr) is
Error_Msg -- CODEFIX
("(style) space required", S);
end Error_Space_Required;
-- Is_White_Space --
function Is_White_Space (C : Character) return Boolean is
return C = ' ' or else C = HT;
end Is_White_Space;
-- Mode_In_Check --
function Mode_In_Check return Boolean is
return Style_Check and Style_Check_Mode_In;
end Mode_In_Check;
-- No_End_Name --
-- In check end/exit labels mode (-gnatye), always require the name of
-- a subprogram or package to be present on the END, so this is an error.
procedure No_End_Name (Name : Node_Id) is
if Style_Check_End_Labels then
Error_Msg_Node_1 := Name;
Error_Msg_SP -- CODEFIX
("(style) `END &` required");
end if;
end No_End_Name;
-- No_Exit_Name --
-- In check end/exit labels mode (-gnatye), always require the name of
-- the loop to be present on the EXIT when exiting a named loop.
procedure No_Exit_Name (Name : Node_Id) is
if Style_Check_End_Labels then
Error_Msg_Node_1 := Name;
Error_Msg_SP -- CODEFIX
("(style) `EXIT &` required");
end if;
end No_Exit_Name;
-- Non_Lower_Case_Keyword --
-- In check casing mode (-gnatyk), reserved keywords must be spelled
-- in all lower case (excluding keywords range, access, delta and digits
-- used as attribute designators).
procedure Non_Lower_Case_Keyword is
if Style_Check_Keyword_Casing then
Error_Msg_SC -- CODEFIX
("(style) reserved words must be all lower case");
end if;
end Non_Lower_Case_Keyword;
-- Require_Following_Space --
procedure Require_Following_Space is
if Source (Scan_Ptr) > ' ' then
Error_Space_Required (Scan_Ptr);
end if;
end Require_Following_Space;
-- Require_Preceding_Space --
procedure Require_Preceding_Space is
if Token_Ptr > Source_First (Current_Source_File)
and then Source (Token_Ptr - 1) > ' '
Error_Space_Required (Token_Ptr);
end if;
end Require_Preceding_Space;
end Styleg;