blob: 6fdf02fdfe16db312d707a391a0c8d7900f40f6a [file] [log] [blame]
-- --
-- --
-- U I N T P --
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 1992-2016, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- --
-- As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted --
-- additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception, --
-- version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. --
-- --
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and --
-- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program; --
-- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see --
-- <>. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
-- --
with Output; use Output;
with Tree_IO; use Tree_IO;
with GNAT.HTable; use GNAT.HTable;
package body Uintp is
-- Local Declarations --
Uint_Int_First : Uint := Uint_0;
-- Uint value containing Int'First value, set by Initialize. The initial
-- value of Uint_0 is used for an assertion check that ensures that this
-- value is not used before it is initialized. This value is used in the
-- UI_Is_In_Int_Range predicate, and it is right that this is a host value,
-- since the issue is host representation of integer values.
Uint_Int_Last : Uint;
-- Uint value containing Int'Last value set by Initialize
UI_Power_2 : array (Int range 0 .. 64) of Uint;
-- This table is used to memoize exponentiations by powers of 2. The Nth
-- entry, if set, contains the Uint value 2 ** N. Initially UI_Power_2_Set
-- is zero and only the 0'th entry is set, the invariant being that all
-- entries in the range 0 .. UI_Power_2_Set are initialized.
UI_Power_2_Set : Nat;
-- Number of entries set in UI_Power_2;
UI_Power_10 : array (Int range 0 .. 64) of Uint;
-- This table is used to memoize exponentiations by powers of 10 in the
-- same manner as described above for UI_Power_2.
UI_Power_10_Set : Nat;
-- Number of entries set in UI_Power_10;
Uints_Min : Uint;
Udigits_Min : Int;
-- These values are used to make sure that the mark/release mechanism does
-- not destroy values saved in the U_Power tables or in the hash table used
-- by UI_From_Int. Whenever an entry is made in either of these tables,
-- Uints_Min and Udigits_Min are updated to protect the entry, and Release
-- never cuts back beyond these minimum values.
Int_0 : constant Int := 0;
Int_1 : constant Int := 1;
Int_2 : constant Int := 2;
-- These values are used in some cases where the use of numeric literals
-- would cause ambiguities (integer vs Uint).
-- UI_From_Int Hash Table --
-- UI_From_Int uses a hash table to avoid duplicating entries and wasting
-- storage. This is particularly important for complex cases of back
-- annotation.
subtype Hnum is Nat range 0 .. 1022;
function Hash_Num (F : Int) return Hnum;
-- Hashing function
package UI_Ints is new Simple_HTable (
Header_Num => Hnum,
Element => Uint,
No_Element => No_Uint,
Key => Int,
Hash => Hash_Num,
Equal => "=");
-- Local Subprograms --
function Direct (U : Uint) return Boolean;
pragma Inline (Direct);
-- Returns True if U is represented directly
function Direct_Val (U : Uint) return Int;
-- U is a Uint for is represented directly. The returned result is the
-- value represented.
function GCD (Jin, Kin : Int) return Int;
-- Compute GCD of two integers. Assumes that Jin >= Kin >= 0
procedure Image_Out
(Input : Uint;
To_Buffer : Boolean;
Format : UI_Format);
-- Common processing for UI_Image and UI_Write, To_Buffer is set True for
-- UI_Image, and false for UI_Write, and Format is copied from the Format
-- parameter to UI_Image or UI_Write.
procedure Init_Operand (UI : Uint; Vec : out UI_Vector);
pragma Inline (Init_Operand);
-- This procedure puts the value of UI into the vector in canonical
-- multiple precision format. The parameter should be of the correct size
-- as determined by a previous call to N_Digits (UI). The first digit of
-- Vec contains the sign, all other digits are always non-negative. Note
-- that the input may be directly represented, and in this case Vec will
-- contain the corresponding one or two digit value. The low bound of Vec
-- is always 1.
function Least_Sig_Digit (Arg : Uint) return Int;
pragma Inline (Least_Sig_Digit);
-- Returns the Least Significant Digit of Arg quickly. When the given Uint
-- is less than 2**15, the value returned is the input value, in this case
-- the result may be negative. It is expected that any use will mask off
-- unnecessary bits. This is used for finding Arg mod B where B is a power
-- of two. Hence the actual base is irrelevant as long as it is a power of
-- two.
procedure Most_Sig_2_Digits
(Left : Uint;
Right : Uint;
Left_Hat : out Int;
Right_Hat : out Int);
-- Returns leading two significant digits from the given pair of Uint's.
-- Mathematically: returns Left / (Base ** K) and Right / (Base ** K) where
-- K is as small as possible S.T. Right_Hat < Base * Base. It is required
-- that Left > Right for the algorithm to work.
function N_Digits (Input : Uint) return Int;
pragma Inline (N_Digits);
-- Returns number of "digits" in a Uint
procedure UI_Div_Rem
(Left, Right : Uint;
Quotient : out Uint;
Remainder : out Uint;
Discard_Quotient : Boolean := False;
Discard_Remainder : Boolean := False);
-- Compute Euclidean division of Left by Right. If Discard_Quotient is
-- False then the quotient is returned in Quotient (otherwise Quotient is
-- set to No_Uint). If Discard_Remainder is False, then the remainder is
-- returned in Remainder (otherwise Remainder is set to No_Uint).
-- If Discard_Quotient is True, Quotient is set to No_Uint
-- If Discard_Remainder is True, Remainder is set to No_Uint
-- Direct --
function Direct (U : Uint) return Boolean is
return Int (U) <= Int (Uint_Direct_Last);
end Direct;
-- Direct_Val --
function Direct_Val (U : Uint) return Int is
pragma Assert (Direct (U));
return Int (U) - Int (Uint_Direct_Bias);
end Direct_Val;
-- GCD --
function GCD (Jin, Kin : Int) return Int is
J, K, Tmp : Int;
pragma Assert (Jin >= Kin);
pragma Assert (Kin >= Int_0);
J := Jin;
K := Kin;
while K /= Uint_0 loop
Tmp := J mod K;
J := K;
K := Tmp;
end loop;
return J;
end GCD;
-- Hash_Num --
function Hash_Num (F : Int) return Hnum is
return Types."mod" (F, Hnum'Range_Length);
end Hash_Num;
-- Image_Out --
procedure Image_Out
(Input : Uint;
To_Buffer : Boolean;
Format : UI_Format)
Marks : constant Uintp.Save_Mark := Uintp.Mark;
Base : Uint;
Ainput : Uint;
Digs_Output : Natural := 0;
-- Counts digits output. In hex mode, but not in decimal mode, we
-- put an underline after every four hex digits that are output.
Exponent : Natural := 0;
-- If the number is too long to fit in the buffer, we switch to an
-- approximate output format with an exponent. This variable records
-- the exponent value.
function Better_In_Hex return Boolean;
-- Determines if it is better to generate digits in base 16 (result
-- is true) or base 10 (result is false). The choice is purely a
-- matter of convenience and aesthetics, so it does not matter which
-- value is returned from a correctness point of view.
procedure Image_Char (C : Character);
-- Internal procedure to output one character
procedure Image_Exponent (N : Natural);
-- Output non-zero exponent. Note that we only use the exponent form in
-- the buffer case, so we know that To_Buffer is true.
procedure Image_Uint (U : Uint);
-- Internal procedure to output characters of non-negative Uint
-- Better_In_Hex --
function Better_In_Hex return Boolean is
T16 : constant Uint := Uint_2 ** Int'(16);
A : Uint;
A := UI_Abs (Input);
-- Small values up to 2**16 can always be in decimal
if A < T16 then
return False;
end if;
-- Otherwise, see if we are a power of 2 or one less than a power
-- of 2. For the moment these are the only cases printed in hex.
if A mod Uint_2 = Uint_1 then
A := A + Uint_1;
end if;
if A mod T16 /= Uint_0 then
return False;
A := A / T16;
end if;
exit when A < T16;
end loop;
while A > Uint_2 loop
if A mod Uint_2 /= Uint_0 then
return False;
A := A / Uint_2;
end if;
end loop;
return True;
end Better_In_Hex;
-- Image_Char --
procedure Image_Char (C : Character) is
if To_Buffer then
if UI_Image_Length + 6 > UI_Image_Max then
Exponent := Exponent + 1;
UI_Image_Length := UI_Image_Length + 1;
UI_Image_Buffer (UI_Image_Length) := C;
end if;
Write_Char (C);
end if;
end Image_Char;
-- Image_Exponent --
procedure Image_Exponent (N : Natural) is
if N >= 10 then
Image_Exponent (N / 10);
end if;
UI_Image_Length := UI_Image_Length + 1;
UI_Image_Buffer (UI_Image_Length) :=
Character'Val (Character'Pos ('0') + N mod 10);
end Image_Exponent;
-- Image_Uint --
procedure Image_Uint (U : Uint) is
H : constant array (Int range 0 .. 15) of Character :=
Q, R : Uint;
UI_Div_Rem (U, Base, Q, R);
if Q > Uint_0 then
Image_Uint (Q);
end if;
if Digs_Output = 4 and then Base = Uint_16 then
Image_Char ('_');
Digs_Output := 0;
end if;
Image_Char (H (UI_To_Int (R)));
Digs_Output := Digs_Output + 1;
end Image_Uint;
-- Start of processing for Image_Out
if Input = No_Uint then
Image_Char ('?');
end if;
UI_Image_Length := 0;
if Input < Uint_0 then
Image_Char ('-');
Ainput := -Input;
Ainput := Input;
end if;
if Format = Hex
or else (Format = Auto and then Better_In_Hex)
Base := Uint_16;
Image_Char ('1');
Image_Char ('6');
Image_Char ('#');
Image_Uint (Ainput);
Image_Char ('#');
Base := Uint_10;
Image_Uint (Ainput);
end if;
if Exponent /= 0 then
UI_Image_Length := UI_Image_Length + 1;
UI_Image_Buffer (UI_Image_Length) := 'E';
Image_Exponent (Exponent);
end if;
Uintp.Release (Marks);
end Image_Out;
-- Init_Operand --
procedure Init_Operand (UI : Uint; Vec : out UI_Vector) is
Loc : Int;
pragma Assert (Vec'First = Int'(1));
if Direct (UI) then
Vec (1) := Direct_Val (UI);
if Vec (1) >= Base then
Vec (2) := Vec (1) rem Base;
Vec (1) := Vec (1) / Base;
end if;
Loc := Uints.Table (UI).Loc;
for J in 1 .. Uints.Table (UI).Length loop
Vec (J) := Udigits.Table (Loc + J - 1);
end loop;
end if;
end Init_Operand;
-- Initialize --
procedure Initialize is
Uint_Int_First := UI_From_Int (Int'First);
Uint_Int_Last := UI_From_Int (Int'Last);
UI_Power_2 (0) := Uint_1;
UI_Power_2_Set := 0;
UI_Power_10 (0) := Uint_1;
UI_Power_10_Set := 0;
Uints_Min := Uints.Last;
Udigits_Min := Udigits.Last;
end Initialize;
-- Least_Sig_Digit --
function Least_Sig_Digit (Arg : Uint) return Int is
V : Int;
if Direct (Arg) then
V := Direct_Val (Arg);
if V >= Base then
V := V mod Base;
end if;
-- Note that this result may be negative
return V;
(Uints.Table (Arg).Loc + Uints.Table (Arg).Length - 1);
end if;
end Least_Sig_Digit;
-- Mark --
function Mark return Save_Mark is
return (Save_Uint => Uints.Last, Save_Udigit => Udigits.Last);
end Mark;
-- Most_Sig_2_Digits --
procedure Most_Sig_2_Digits
(Left : Uint;
Right : Uint;
Left_Hat : out Int;
Right_Hat : out Int)
pragma Assert (Left >= Right);
if Direct (Left) then
Left_Hat := Direct_Val (Left);
Right_Hat := Direct_Val (Right);
L1 : constant Int :=
Udigits.Table (Uints.Table (Left).Loc);
L2 : constant Int :=
Udigits.Table (Uints.Table (Left).Loc + 1);
-- It is not so clear what to return when Arg is negative???
Left_Hat := abs (L1) * Base + L2;
end if;
Length_L : constant Int := Uints.Table (Left).Length;
Length_R : Int;
R1 : Int;
R2 : Int;
T : Int;
if Direct (Right) then
T := Direct_Val (Left);
R1 := abs (T / Base);
R2 := T rem Base;
Length_R := 2;
R1 := abs (Udigits.Table (Uints.Table (Right).Loc));
R2 := Udigits.Table (Uints.Table (Right).Loc + 1);
Length_R := Uints.Table (Right).Length;
end if;
if Length_L = Length_R then
Right_Hat := R1 * Base + R2;
elsif Length_L = Length_R + Int_1 then
Right_Hat := R1;
Right_Hat := 0;
end if;
end Most_Sig_2_Digits;
-- N_Digits --
-- Note: N_Digits returns 1 for No_Uint
function N_Digits (Input : Uint) return Int is
if Direct (Input) then
if Direct_Val (Input) >= Base then
return 2;
return 1;
end if;
return Uints.Table (Input).Length;
end if;
end N_Digits;
-- Num_Bits --
function Num_Bits (Input : Uint) return Nat is
Bits : Nat;
Num : Nat;
-- Largest negative number has to be handled specially, since it is in
-- Int_Range, but we cannot take the absolute value.
if Input = Uint_Int_First then
return Int'Size;
-- For any other number in Int_Range, get absolute value of number
elsif UI_Is_In_Int_Range (Input) then
Num := abs (UI_To_Int (Input));
Bits := 0;
-- If not in Int_Range then initialize bit count for all low order
-- words, and set number to high order digit.
Bits := Base_Bits * (Uints.Table (Input).Length - 1);
Num := abs (Udigits.Table (Uints.Table (Input).Loc));
end if;
-- Increase bit count for remaining value in Num
while Types.">" (Num, 0) loop
Num := Num / 2;
Bits := Bits + 1;
end loop;
return Bits;
end Num_Bits;
-- pid --
procedure pid (Input : Uint) is
UI_Write (Input, Decimal);
end pid;
-- pih --
procedure pih (Input : Uint) is
UI_Write (Input, Hex);
end pih;
-- Release --
procedure Release (M : Save_Mark) is
Uints.Set_Last (Uint'Max (M.Save_Uint, Uints_Min));
Udigits.Set_Last (Int'Max (M.Save_Udigit, Udigits_Min));
end Release;
-- Release_And_Save --
procedure Release_And_Save (M : Save_Mark; UI : in out Uint) is
if Direct (UI) then
Release (M);
UE_Len : constant Pos := Uints.Table (UI).Length;
UE_Loc : constant Int := Uints.Table (UI).Loc;
UD : constant Udigits.Table_Type (1 .. UE_Len) :=
Udigits.Table (UE_Loc .. UE_Loc + UE_Len - 1);
Release (M);
Uints.Append ((Length => UE_Len, Loc => Udigits.Last + 1));
UI := Uints.Last;
for J in 1 .. UE_Len loop
Udigits.Append (UD (J));
end loop;
end if;
end Release_And_Save;
procedure Release_And_Save (M : Save_Mark; UI1, UI2 : in out Uint) is
if Direct (UI1) then
Release_And_Save (M, UI2);
elsif Direct (UI2) then
Release_And_Save (M, UI1);
UE1_Len : constant Pos := Uints.Table (UI1).Length;
UE1_Loc : constant Int := Uints.Table (UI1).Loc;
UD1 : constant Udigits.Table_Type (1 .. UE1_Len) :=
Udigits.Table (UE1_Loc .. UE1_Loc + UE1_Len - 1);
UE2_Len : constant Pos := Uints.Table (UI2).Length;
UE2_Loc : constant Int := Uints.Table (UI2).Loc;
UD2 : constant Udigits.Table_Type (1 .. UE2_Len) :=
Udigits.Table (UE2_Loc .. UE2_Loc + UE2_Len - 1);
Release (M);
Uints.Append ((Length => UE1_Len, Loc => Udigits.Last + 1));
UI1 := Uints.Last;
for J in 1 .. UE1_Len loop
Udigits.Append (UD1 (J));
end loop;
Uints.Append ((Length => UE2_Len, Loc => Udigits.Last + 1));
UI2 := Uints.Last;
for J in 1 .. UE2_Len loop
Udigits.Append (UD2 (J));
end loop;
end if;
end Release_And_Save;
-- Tree_Read --
procedure Tree_Read is
Tree_Read_Int (Int (Uint_Int_First));
Tree_Read_Int (Int (Uint_Int_Last));
Tree_Read_Int (UI_Power_2_Set);
Tree_Read_Int (UI_Power_10_Set);
Tree_Read_Int (Int (Uints_Min));
Tree_Read_Int (Udigits_Min);
for J in 0 .. UI_Power_2_Set loop
Tree_Read_Int (Int (UI_Power_2 (J)));
end loop;
for J in 0 .. UI_Power_10_Set loop
Tree_Read_Int (Int (UI_Power_10 (J)));
end loop;
end Tree_Read;
-- Tree_Write --
procedure Tree_Write is
Tree_Write_Int (Int (Uint_Int_First));
Tree_Write_Int (Int (Uint_Int_Last));
Tree_Write_Int (UI_Power_2_Set);
Tree_Write_Int (UI_Power_10_Set);
Tree_Write_Int (Int (Uints_Min));
Tree_Write_Int (Udigits_Min);
for J in 0 .. UI_Power_2_Set loop
Tree_Write_Int (Int (UI_Power_2 (J)));
end loop;
for J in 0 .. UI_Power_10_Set loop
Tree_Write_Int (Int (UI_Power_10 (J)));
end loop;
end Tree_Write;
-- UI_Abs --
function UI_Abs (Right : Uint) return Uint is
if Right < Uint_0 then
return -Right;
return Right;
end if;
end UI_Abs;
-- UI_Add --
function UI_Add (Left : Int; Right : Uint) return Uint is
return UI_Add (UI_From_Int (Left), Right);
end UI_Add;
function UI_Add (Left : Uint; Right : Int) return Uint is
return UI_Add (Left, UI_From_Int (Right));
end UI_Add;
function UI_Add (Left : Uint; Right : Uint) return Uint is
-- Simple cases of direct operands and addition of zero
if Direct (Left) then
if Direct (Right) then
return UI_From_Int (Direct_Val (Left) + Direct_Val (Right));
elsif Int (Left) = Int (Uint_0) then
return Right;
end if;
elsif Direct (Right) and then Int (Right) = Int (Uint_0) then
return Left;
end if;
-- Otherwise full circuit is needed
L_Length : constant Int := N_Digits (Left);
R_Length : constant Int := N_Digits (Right);
L_Vec : UI_Vector (1 .. L_Length);
R_Vec : UI_Vector (1 .. R_Length);
Sum_Length : Int;
Tmp_Int : Int;
Carry : Int;
Borrow : Int;
X_Bigger : Boolean := False;
Y_Bigger : Boolean := False;
Result_Neg : Boolean := False;
Init_Operand (Left, L_Vec);
Init_Operand (Right, R_Vec);
-- At least one of the two operands is in multi-digit form.
-- Calculate the number of digits sufficient to hold result.
if L_Length > R_Length then
Sum_Length := L_Length + 1;
X_Bigger := True;
Sum_Length := R_Length + 1;
if R_Length > L_Length then
Y_Bigger := True;
end if;
end if;
-- Make copies of the absolute values of L_Vec and R_Vec into X and Y
-- both with lengths equal to the maximum possibly needed. This makes
-- looping over the digits much simpler.
X : UI_Vector (1 .. Sum_Length);
Y : UI_Vector (1 .. Sum_Length);
Tmp_UI : UI_Vector (1 .. Sum_Length);
for J in 1 .. Sum_Length - L_Length loop
X (J) := 0;
end loop;
X (Sum_Length - L_Length + 1) := abs L_Vec (1);
for J in 2 .. L_Length loop
X (J + (Sum_Length - L_Length)) := L_Vec (J);
end loop;
for J in 1 .. Sum_Length - R_Length loop
Y (J) := 0;
end loop;
Y (Sum_Length - R_Length + 1) := abs R_Vec (1);
for J in 2 .. R_Length loop
Y (J + (Sum_Length - R_Length)) := R_Vec (J);
end loop;
if (L_Vec (1) < Int_0) = (R_Vec (1) < Int_0) then
-- Same sign so just add
Carry := 0;
for J in reverse 1 .. Sum_Length loop
Tmp_Int := X (J) + Y (J) + Carry;
if Tmp_Int >= Base then
Tmp_Int := Tmp_Int - Base;
Carry := 1;
Carry := 0;
end if;
X (J) := Tmp_Int;
end loop;
return Vector_To_Uint (X, L_Vec (1) < Int_0);
-- Find which one has bigger magnitude
if not (X_Bigger or Y_Bigger) then
for J in L_Vec'Range loop
if abs L_Vec (J) > abs R_Vec (J) then
X_Bigger := True;
elsif abs R_Vec (J) > abs L_Vec (J) then
Y_Bigger := True;
end if;
end loop;
end if;
-- If they have identical magnitude, just return 0, else swap
-- if necessary so that X had the bigger magnitude. Determine
-- if result is negative at this time.
Result_Neg := False;
if not (X_Bigger or Y_Bigger) then
return Uint_0;
elsif Y_Bigger then
if R_Vec (1) < Int_0 then
Result_Neg := True;
end if;
Tmp_UI := X;
X := Y;
Y := Tmp_UI;
if L_Vec (1) < Int_0 then
Result_Neg := True;
end if;
end if;
-- Subtract Y from the bigger X
Borrow := 0;
for J in reverse 1 .. Sum_Length loop
Tmp_Int := X (J) - Y (J) + Borrow;
if Tmp_Int < Int_0 then
Tmp_Int := Tmp_Int + Base;
Borrow := -1;
Borrow := 0;
end if;
X (J) := Tmp_Int;
end loop;
return Vector_To_Uint (X, Result_Neg);
end if;
end UI_Add;
-- UI_Decimal_Digits_Hi --
function UI_Decimal_Digits_Hi (U : Uint) return Nat is
-- The maximum value of a "digit" is 32767, which is 5 decimal digits,
-- so an N_Digit number could take up to 5 times this number of digits.
-- This is certainly too high for large numbers but it is not worth
-- worrying about.
return 5 * N_Digits (U);
end UI_Decimal_Digits_Hi;
-- UI_Decimal_Digits_Lo --
function UI_Decimal_Digits_Lo (U : Uint) return Nat is
-- The maximum value of a "digit" is 32767, which is more than four
-- decimal digits, but not a full five digits. The easily computed
-- minimum number of decimal digits is thus 1 + 4 * the number of
-- digits. This is certainly too low for large numbers but it is not
-- worth worrying about.
return 1 + 4 * (N_Digits (U) - 1);
end UI_Decimal_Digits_Lo;
-- UI_Div --
function UI_Div (Left : Int; Right : Uint) return Uint is
return UI_Div (UI_From_Int (Left), Right);
end UI_Div;
function UI_Div (Left : Uint; Right : Int) return Uint is
return UI_Div (Left, UI_From_Int (Right));
end UI_Div;
function UI_Div (Left, Right : Uint) return Uint is
Quotient : Uint;
Remainder : Uint;
pragma Warnings (Off, Remainder);
(Left, Right,
Quotient, Remainder,
Discard_Remainder => True);
return Quotient;
end UI_Div;
-- UI_Div_Rem --
procedure UI_Div_Rem
(Left, Right : Uint;
Quotient : out Uint;
Remainder : out Uint;
Discard_Quotient : Boolean := False;
Discard_Remainder : Boolean := False)
pragma Assert (Right /= Uint_0);
Quotient := No_Uint;
Remainder := No_Uint;
-- Cases where both operands are represented directly
if Direct (Left) and then Direct (Right) then
DV_Left : constant Int := Direct_Val (Left);
DV_Right : constant Int := Direct_Val (Right);
if not Discard_Quotient then
Quotient := UI_From_Int (DV_Left / DV_Right);
end if;
if not Discard_Remainder then
Remainder := UI_From_Int (DV_Left rem DV_Right);
end if;
end if;
L_Length : constant Int := N_Digits (Left);
R_Length : constant Int := N_Digits (Right);
Q_Length : constant Int := L_Length - R_Length + 1;
L_Vec : UI_Vector (1 .. L_Length);
R_Vec : UI_Vector (1 .. R_Length);
D : Int;
Remainder_I : Int;
Tmp_Divisor : Int;
Carry : Int;
Tmp_Int : Int;
Tmp_Dig : Int;
procedure UI_Div_Vector
(L_Vec : UI_Vector;
R_Int : Int;
Quotient : out UI_Vector;
Remainder : out Int);
pragma Inline (UI_Div_Vector);
-- Specialised variant for case where the divisor is a single digit
procedure UI_Div_Vector
(L_Vec : UI_Vector;
R_Int : Int;
Quotient : out UI_Vector;
Remainder : out Int)
Tmp_Int : Int;
Remainder := 0;
for J in L_Vec'Range loop
Tmp_Int := Remainder * Base + abs L_Vec (J);
Quotient (Quotient'First + J - L_Vec'First) := Tmp_Int / R_Int;
Remainder := Tmp_Int rem R_Int;
end loop;
if L_Vec (L_Vec'First) < Int_0 then
Remainder := -Remainder;
end if;
end UI_Div_Vector;
-- Start of processing for UI_Div_Rem
-- Result is zero if left operand is shorter than right
if L_Length < R_Length then
if not Discard_Quotient then
Quotient := Uint_0;
end if;
if not Discard_Remainder then
Remainder := Left;
end if;
end if;
Init_Operand (Left, L_Vec);
Init_Operand (Right, R_Vec);
-- Case of right operand is single digit. Here we can simply divide
-- each digit of the left operand by the divisor, from most to least
-- significant, carrying the remainder to the next digit (just like
-- ordinary long division by hand).
if R_Length = Int_1 then
Tmp_Divisor := abs R_Vec (1);
Quotient_V : UI_Vector (1 .. L_Length);
UI_Div_Vector (L_Vec, Tmp_Divisor, Quotient_V, Remainder_I);
if not Discard_Quotient then
Quotient :=
(Quotient_V, (L_Vec (1) < Int_0 xor R_Vec (1) < Int_0));
end if;
if not Discard_Remainder then
Remainder := UI_From_Int (Remainder_I);
end if;
end if;
-- The possible simple cases have been exhausted. Now turn to the
-- algorithm D from the section of Knuth mentioned at the top of
-- this package.
Algorithm_D : declare
Dividend : UI_Vector (1 .. L_Length + 1);
Divisor : UI_Vector (1 .. R_Length);
Quotient_V : UI_Vector (1 .. Q_Length);
Divisor_Dig1 : Int;
Divisor_Dig2 : Int;
Q_Guess : Int;
R_Guess : Int;
-- [ NORMALIZE ] (step D1 in the algorithm). First calculate the
-- scale d, and then multiply Left and Right (u and v in the book)
-- by d to get the dividend and divisor to work with.
D := Base / (abs R_Vec (1) + 1);
Dividend (1) := 0;
Dividend (2) := abs L_Vec (1);
for J in 3 .. L_Length + Int_1 loop
Dividend (J) := L_Vec (J - 1);
end loop;
Divisor (1) := abs R_Vec (1);
for J in Int_2 .. R_Length loop
Divisor (J) := R_Vec (J);
end loop;
if D > Int_1 then
-- Multiply Dividend by d
Carry := 0;
for J in reverse Dividend'Range loop
Tmp_Int := Dividend (J) * D + Carry;
Dividend (J) := Tmp_Int rem Base;
Carry := Tmp_Int / Base;
end loop;
-- Multiply Divisor by d
Carry := 0;
for J in reverse Divisor'Range loop
Tmp_Int := Divisor (J) * D + Carry;
Divisor (J) := Tmp_Int rem Base;
Carry := Tmp_Int / Base;
end loop;
end if;
-- Main loop of long division algorithm
Divisor_Dig1 := Divisor (1);
Divisor_Dig2 := Divisor (2);
for J in Quotient_V'Range loop
-- [ CALCULATE Q (hat) ] (step D3 in the algorithm)
-- Note: this version of step D3 is from the original published
-- algorithm, which is known to have a bug causing overflows.
-- See:
-- and
-- The code below is the fixed version of this step.
Tmp_Int := Dividend (J) * Base + Dividend (J + 1);
-- Initial guess
Q_Guess := Tmp_Int / Divisor_Dig1;
R_Guess := Tmp_Int rem Divisor_Dig1;
-- Refine the guess
while Q_Guess >= Base
or else Divisor_Dig2 * Q_Guess >
R_Guess * Base + Dividend (J + 2)
Q_Guess := Q_Guess - 1;
R_Guess := R_Guess + Divisor_Dig1;
exit when R_Guess >= Base;
end loop;
-- [ MULTIPLY & SUBTRACT ] (step D4). Q_Guess * Divisor is
-- subtracted from the remaining dividend.
Carry := 0;
for K in reverse Divisor'Range loop
Tmp_Int := Dividend (J + K) - Q_Guess * Divisor (K) + Carry;
Tmp_Dig := Tmp_Int rem Base;
Carry := Tmp_Int / Base;
if Tmp_Dig < Int_0 then
Tmp_Dig := Tmp_Dig + Base;
Carry := Carry - 1;
end if;
Dividend (J + K) := Tmp_Dig;
end loop;
Dividend (J) := Dividend (J) + Carry;
-- [ TEST REMAINDER ] & [ ADD BACK ] (steps D5 and D6)
-- Here there is a slight difference from the book: the last
-- carry is always added in above and below (cancelling each
-- other). In fact the dividend going negative is used as
-- the test.
-- If the Dividend went negative, then Q_Guess was off by
-- one, so it is decremented, and the divisor is added back
-- into the relevant portion of the dividend.
if Dividend (J) < Int_0 then
Q_Guess := Q_Guess - 1;
Carry := 0;
for K in reverse Divisor'Range loop
Tmp_Int := Dividend (J + K) + Divisor (K) + Carry;
if Tmp_Int >= Base then
Tmp_Int := Tmp_Int - Base;
Carry := 1;
Carry := 0;
end if;
Dividend (J + K) := Tmp_Int;
end loop;
Dividend (J) := Dividend (J) + Carry;
end if;
-- Finally we can get the next quotient digit
Quotient_V (J) := Q_Guess;
end loop;
-- [ UNNORMALIZE ] (step D8)
if not Discard_Quotient then
Quotient := Vector_To_Uint
(Quotient_V, (L_Vec (1) < Int_0 xor R_Vec (1) < Int_0));
end if;
if not Discard_Remainder then
Remainder_V : UI_Vector (1 .. R_Length);
Discard_Int : Int;
pragma Warnings (Off, Discard_Int);
(Dividend (Dividend'Last - R_Length + 1 .. Dividend'Last),
Remainder_V, Discard_Int);
Remainder := Vector_To_Uint (Remainder_V, L_Vec (1) < Int_0);
end if;
end Algorithm_D;
end UI_Div_Rem;
-- UI_Eq --
function UI_Eq (Left : Int; Right : Uint) return Boolean is
return not UI_Ne (UI_From_Int (Left), Right);
end UI_Eq;
function UI_Eq (Left : Uint; Right : Int) return Boolean is
return not UI_Ne (Left, UI_From_Int (Right));
end UI_Eq;
function UI_Eq (Left : Uint; Right : Uint) return Boolean is
return not UI_Ne (Left, Right);
end UI_Eq;
-- UI_Expon --
function UI_Expon (Left : Int; Right : Uint) return Uint is
return UI_Expon (UI_From_Int (Left), Right);
end UI_Expon;
function UI_Expon (Left : Uint; Right : Int) return Uint is
return UI_Expon (Left, UI_From_Int (Right));
end UI_Expon;
function UI_Expon (Left : Int; Right : Int) return Uint is
return UI_Expon (UI_From_Int (Left), UI_From_Int (Right));
end UI_Expon;
function UI_Expon (Left : Uint; Right : Uint) return Uint is
pragma Assert (Right >= Uint_0);
-- Any value raised to power of 0 is 1
if Right = Uint_0 then
return Uint_1;
-- 0 to any positive power is 0
elsif Left = Uint_0 then
return Uint_0;
-- 1 to any power is 1
elsif Left = Uint_1 then
return Uint_1;
-- Any value raised to power of 1 is that value
elsif Right = Uint_1 then
return Left;
-- Cases which can be done by table lookup
elsif Right <= Uint_64 then
-- 2 ** N for N in 2 .. 64
if Left = Uint_2 then
Right_Int : constant Int := Direct_Val (Right);
if Right_Int > UI_Power_2_Set then
for J in UI_Power_2_Set + Int_1 .. Right_Int loop
UI_Power_2 (J) := UI_Power_2 (J - Int_1) * Int_2;
Uints_Min := Uints.Last;
Udigits_Min := Udigits.Last;
end loop;
UI_Power_2_Set := Right_Int;
end if;
return UI_Power_2 (Right_Int);
-- 10 ** N for N in 2 .. 64
elsif Left = Uint_10 then
Right_Int : constant Int := Direct_Val (Right);
if Right_Int > UI_Power_10_Set then
for J in UI_Power_10_Set + Int_1 .. Right_Int loop
UI_Power_10 (J) := UI_Power_10 (J - Int_1) * Int (10);
Uints_Min := Uints.Last;
Udigits_Min := Udigits.Last;
end loop;
UI_Power_10_Set := Right_Int;
end if;
return UI_Power_10 (Right_Int);
end if;
end if;
-- If we fall through, then we have the general case (see Knuth 4.6.3)
N : Uint := Right;
Squares : Uint := Left;
Result : Uint := Uint_1;
M : constant Uintp.Save_Mark := Uintp.Mark;
if (Least_Sig_Digit (N) mod Int_2) = Int_1 then
Result := Result * Squares;
end if;
N := N / Uint_2;
exit when N = Uint_0;
Squares := Squares * Squares;
end loop;
Uintp.Release_And_Save (M, Result);
return Result;
end UI_Expon;
-- UI_From_CC --
function UI_From_CC (Input : Char_Code) return Uint is
return UI_From_Int (Int (Input));
end UI_From_CC;
-- UI_From_Int --
function UI_From_Int (Input : Int) return Uint is
U : Uint;
if Min_Direct <= Input and then Input <= Max_Direct then
return Uint (Int (Uint_Direct_Bias) + Input);
end if;
-- If already in the hash table, return entry
U := UI_Ints.Get (Input);
if U /= No_Uint then
return U;
end if;
-- For values of larger magnitude, compute digits into a vector and call
-- Vector_To_Uint.
Max_For_Int : constant := 3;
-- Base is defined so that 3 Uint digits is sufficient to hold the
-- largest possible Int value.
V : UI_Vector (1 .. Max_For_Int);
Temp_Integer : Int := Input;
for J in reverse V'Range loop
V (J) := abs (Temp_Integer rem Base);
Temp_Integer := Temp_Integer / Base;
end loop;
U := Vector_To_Uint (V, Input < Int_0);
UI_Ints.Set (Input, U);
Uints_Min := Uints.Last;
Udigits_Min := Udigits.Last;
return U;
end UI_From_Int;
-- UI_GCD --
-- Lehmer's algorithm for GCD
-- The idea is to avoid using multiple precision arithmetic wherever
-- possible, substituting Int arithmetic instead. See Knuth volume II,
-- Algorithm L (page 329).
-- We use the same notation as Knuth (U_Hat standing for the obvious)
function UI_GCD (Uin, Vin : Uint) return Uint is
U, V : Uint;
-- Copies of Uin and Vin
U_Hat, V_Hat : Int;
-- The most Significant digits of U,V
A, B, C, D, T, Q, Den1, Den2 : Int;
Tmp_UI : Uint;
Marks : constant Uintp.Save_Mark := Uintp.Mark;
Iterations : Integer := 0;
pragma Assert (Uin >= Vin);
pragma Assert (Vin >= Uint_0);
U := Uin;
V := Vin;
Iterations := Iterations + 1;
if Direct (V) then
if V = Uint_0 then
return U;
UI_From_Int (GCD (Direct_Val (V), UI_To_Int (U rem V)));
end if;
end if;
Most_Sig_2_Digits (U, V, U_Hat, V_Hat);
A := 1;
B := 0;
C := 0;
D := 1;
-- We might overflow and get division by zero here. This just
-- means we cannot take the single precision step
Den1 := V_Hat + C;
Den2 := V_Hat + D;
exit when Den1 = Int_0 or else Den2 = Int_0;
-- Compute Q, the trial quotient
Q := (U_Hat + A) / Den1;
exit when Q /= ((U_Hat + B) / Den2);
-- A single precision step Euclid step will give same answer as a
-- multiprecision one.
T := A - (Q * C);
A := C;
C := T;
T := B - (Q * D);
B := D;
D := T;
T := U_Hat - (Q * V_Hat);
U_Hat := V_Hat;
V_Hat := T;
end loop;
-- Take a multiprecision Euclid step
if B = Int_0 then
-- No single precision steps take a regular Euclid step
Tmp_UI := U rem V;
U := V;
V := Tmp_UI;
-- Use prior single precision steps to compute this Euclid step
-- For constructs such as:
-- sqrt_2: constant := 1.41421_35623_73095_04880_16887_24209_698;
-- sqrt_eps: constant long_float := long_float( 1.0 / sqrt_2)
-- ** long_float'machine_mantissa;
-- we spend 80% of our time working on this step. Perhaps we need
-- a special case Int / Uint dot product to speed things up. ???
-- Alternatively we could increase the single precision iterations
-- to handle Uint's of some small size ( <5 digits?). Then we
-- would have more iterations on small Uint. On the code above, we
-- only get 5 (on average) single precision iterations per large
-- iteration. ???
Tmp_UI := (UI_From_Int (A) * U) + (UI_From_Int (B) * V);
V := (UI_From_Int (C) * U) + (UI_From_Int (D) * V);
U := Tmp_UI;
end if;
-- If the operands are very different in magnitude, the loop will
-- generate large amounts of short-lived data, which it is worth
-- removing periodically.
if Iterations > 100 then
Release_And_Save (Marks, U, V);
Iterations := 0;
end if;
end loop;
end UI_GCD;
-- UI_Ge --
function UI_Ge (Left : Int; Right : Uint) return Boolean is
return not UI_Lt (UI_From_Int (Left), Right);
end UI_Ge;
function UI_Ge (Left : Uint; Right : Int) return Boolean is
return not UI_Lt (Left, UI_From_Int (Right));
end UI_Ge;
function UI_Ge (Left : Uint; Right : Uint) return Boolean is
return not UI_Lt (Left, Right);
end UI_Ge;
-- UI_Gt --
function UI_Gt (Left : Int; Right : Uint) return Boolean is
return UI_Lt (Right, UI_From_Int (Left));
end UI_Gt;
function UI_Gt (Left : Uint; Right : Int) return Boolean is
return UI_Lt (UI_From_Int (Right), Left);
end UI_Gt;
function UI_Gt (Left : Uint; Right : Uint) return Boolean is
return UI_Lt (Left => Right, Right => Left);
end UI_Gt;
-- UI_Image --
procedure UI_Image (Input : Uint; Format : UI_Format := Auto) is
Image_Out (Input, True, Format);
end UI_Image;
function UI_Image
(Input : Uint;
Format : UI_Format := Auto) return String
Image_Out (Input, True, Format);
return UI_Image_Buffer (1 .. UI_Image_Length);
end UI_Image;
-- UI_Is_In_Int_Range --
function UI_Is_In_Int_Range (Input : Uint) return Boolean is
-- Make sure we don't get called before Initialize
pragma Assert (Uint_Int_First /= Uint_0);
if Direct (Input) then
return True;
return Input >= Uint_Int_First
and then Input <= Uint_Int_Last;
end if;
end UI_Is_In_Int_Range;
-- UI_Le --
function UI_Le (Left : Int; Right : Uint) return Boolean is
return not UI_Lt (Right, UI_From_Int (Left));
end UI_Le;
function UI_Le (Left : Uint; Right : Int) return Boolean is
return not UI_Lt (UI_From_Int (Right), Left);
end UI_Le;
function UI_Le (Left : Uint; Right : Uint) return Boolean is
return not UI_Lt (Left => Right, Right => Left);
end UI_Le;
-- UI_Lt --
function UI_Lt (Left : Int; Right : Uint) return Boolean is
return UI_Lt (UI_From_Int (Left), Right);
end UI_Lt;
function UI_Lt (Left : Uint; Right : Int) return Boolean is
return UI_Lt (Left, UI_From_Int (Right));
end UI_Lt;
function UI_Lt (Left : Uint; Right : Uint) return Boolean is
-- Quick processing for identical arguments
if Int (Left) = Int (Right) then
return False;
-- Quick processing for both arguments directly represented
elsif Direct (Left) and then Direct (Right) then
return Int (Left) < Int (Right);
-- At least one argument is more than one digit long
L_Length : constant Int := N_Digits (Left);
R_Length : constant Int := N_Digits (Right);
L_Vec : UI_Vector (1 .. L_Length);
R_Vec : UI_Vector (1 .. R_Length);
Init_Operand (Left, L_Vec);
Init_Operand (Right, R_Vec);
if L_Vec (1) < Int_0 then
-- First argument negative, second argument non-negative
if R_Vec (1) >= Int_0 then
return True;
-- Both arguments negative
if L_Length /= R_Length then
return L_Length > R_Length;
elsif L_Vec (1) /= R_Vec (1) then
return L_Vec (1) < R_Vec (1);
for J in 2 .. L_Vec'Last loop
if L_Vec (J) /= R_Vec (J) then
return L_Vec (J) > R_Vec (J);
end if;
end loop;
return False;
end if;
end if;
-- First argument non-negative, second argument negative
if R_Vec (1) < Int_0 then
return False;
-- Both arguments non-negative
if L_Length /= R_Length then
return L_Length < R_Length;
for J in L_Vec'Range loop
if L_Vec (J) /= R_Vec (J) then
return L_Vec (J) < R_Vec (J);
end if;
end loop;
return False;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end UI_Lt;
-- UI_Max --
function UI_Max (Left : Int; Right : Uint) return Uint is
return UI_Max (UI_From_Int (Left), Right);
end UI_Max;
function UI_Max (Left : Uint; Right : Int) return Uint is
return UI_Max (Left, UI_From_Int (Right));
end UI_Max;
function UI_Max (Left : Uint; Right : Uint) return Uint is
if Left >= Right then
return Left;
return Right;
end if;
end UI_Max;
-- UI_Min --
function UI_Min (Left : Int; Right : Uint) return Uint is
return UI_Min (UI_From_Int (Left), Right);
end UI_Min;
function UI_Min (Left : Uint; Right : Int) return Uint is
return UI_Min (Left, UI_From_Int (Right));
end UI_Min;
function UI_Min (Left : Uint; Right : Uint) return Uint is
if Left <= Right then
return Left;
return Right;
end if;
end UI_Min;
-- UI_Mod --
function UI_Mod (Left : Int; Right : Uint) return Uint is
return UI_Mod (UI_From_Int (Left), Right);
end UI_Mod;
function UI_Mod (Left : Uint; Right : Int) return Uint is
return UI_Mod (Left, UI_From_Int (Right));
end UI_Mod;
function UI_Mod (Left : Uint; Right : Uint) return Uint is
Urem : constant Uint := Left rem Right;
if (Left < Uint_0) = (Right < Uint_0)
or else Urem = Uint_0
return Urem;
return Right + Urem;
end if;
end UI_Mod;
-- UI_Modular_Exponentiation --
function UI_Modular_Exponentiation
(B : Uint;
E : Uint;
Modulo : Uint) return Uint
M : constant Save_Mark := Mark;
Result : Uint := Uint_1;
Base : Uint := B;
Exponent : Uint := E;
while Exponent /= Uint_0 loop
if Least_Sig_Digit (Exponent) rem Int'(2) = Int'(1) then
Result := (Result * Base) rem Modulo;
end if;
Exponent := Exponent / Uint_2;
Base := (Base * Base) rem Modulo;
end loop;
Release_And_Save (M, Result);
return Result;
end UI_Modular_Exponentiation;
-- UI_Modular_Inverse --
function UI_Modular_Inverse (N : Uint; Modulo : Uint) return Uint is
M : constant Save_Mark := Mark;
U : Uint;
V : Uint;
Q : Uint;
R : Uint;
X : Uint;
Y : Uint;
T : Uint;
S : Int := 1;
U := Modulo;
V := N;
X := Uint_1;
Y := Uint_0;
UI_Div_Rem (U, V, Quotient => Q, Remainder => R);
U := V;
V := R;
T := X;
X := Y + Q * X;
Y := T;
S := -S;
exit when R = Uint_1;
end loop;
if S = Int'(-1) then
X := Modulo - X;
end if;
Release_And_Save (M, X);
return X;
end UI_Modular_Inverse;
-- UI_Mul --
function UI_Mul (Left : Int; Right : Uint) return Uint is
return UI_Mul (UI_From_Int (Left), Right);
end UI_Mul;
function UI_Mul (Left : Uint; Right : Int) return Uint is
return UI_Mul (Left, UI_From_Int (Right));
end UI_Mul;
function UI_Mul (Left : Uint; Right : Uint) return Uint is
-- Case where product fits in the range of a 32-bit integer
if Int (Left) <= Int (Uint_Max_Simple_Mul)
and then
Int (Right) <= Int (Uint_Max_Simple_Mul)
return UI_From_Int (Direct_Val (Left) * Direct_Val (Right));
end if;
-- Otherwise we have the general case (Algorithm M in Knuth)
L_Length : constant Int := N_Digits (Left);
R_Length : constant Int := N_Digits (Right);
L_Vec : UI_Vector (1 .. L_Length);
R_Vec : UI_Vector (1 .. R_Length);
Neg : Boolean;
Init_Operand (Left, L_Vec);
Init_Operand (Right, R_Vec);
Neg := (L_Vec (1) < Int_0) xor (R_Vec (1) < Int_0);
L_Vec (1) := abs (L_Vec (1));
R_Vec (1) := abs (R_Vec (1));
Algorithm_M : declare
Product : UI_Vector (1 .. L_Length + R_Length);
Tmp_Sum : Int;
Carry : Int;
for J in Product'Range loop
Product (J) := 0;
end loop;
for J in reverse R_Vec'Range loop
Carry := 0;
for K in reverse L_Vec'Range loop
Tmp_Sum :=
L_Vec (K) * R_Vec (J) + Product (J + K) + Carry;
Product (J + K) := Tmp_Sum rem Base;
Carry := Tmp_Sum / Base;
end loop;
Product (J) := Carry;
end loop;
return Vector_To_Uint (Product, Neg);
end Algorithm_M;
end UI_Mul;
-- UI_Ne --
function UI_Ne (Left : Int; Right : Uint) return Boolean is
return UI_Ne (UI_From_Int (Left), Right);
end UI_Ne;
function UI_Ne (Left : Uint; Right : Int) return Boolean is
return UI_Ne (Left, UI_From_Int (Right));
end UI_Ne;
function UI_Ne (Left : Uint; Right : Uint) return Boolean is
-- Quick processing for identical arguments. Note that this takes
-- care of the case of two No_Uint arguments.
if Int (Left) = Int (Right) then
return False;
end if;
-- See if left operand directly represented
if Direct (Left) then
-- If right operand directly represented then compare
if Direct (Right) then
return Int (Left) /= Int (Right);
-- Left operand directly represented, right not, must be unequal
return True;
end if;
-- Right operand directly represented, left not, must be unequal
elsif Direct (Right) then
return True;
end if;
-- Otherwise both multi-word, do comparison
Size : constant Int := N_Digits (Left);
Left_Loc : Int;
Right_Loc : Int;
if Size /= N_Digits (Right) then
return True;
end if;
Left_Loc := Uints.Table (Left).Loc;
Right_Loc := Uints.Table (Right).Loc;
for J in Int_0 .. Size - Int_1 loop
if Udigits.Table (Left_Loc + J) /=
Udigits.Table (Right_Loc + J)
return True;
end if;
end loop;
return False;
end UI_Ne;
-- UI_Negate --
function UI_Negate (Right : Uint) return Uint is
-- Case where input is directly represented. Note that since the range
-- of Direct values is non-symmetrical, the result may not be directly
-- represented, this is taken care of in UI_From_Int.
if Direct (Right) then
return UI_From_Int (-Direct_Val (Right));
-- Full processing for multi-digit case. Note that we cannot just copy
-- the value to the end of the table negating the first digit, since the
-- range of Direct values is non-symmetrical, so we can have a negative
-- value that is not Direct whose negation can be represented directly.
R_Length : constant Int := N_Digits (Right);
R_Vec : UI_Vector (1 .. R_Length);
Neg : Boolean;
Init_Operand (Right, R_Vec);
Neg := R_Vec (1) > Int_0;
R_Vec (1) := abs R_Vec (1);
return Vector_To_Uint (R_Vec, Neg);
end if;
end UI_Negate;
-- UI_Rem --
function UI_Rem (Left : Int; Right : Uint) return Uint is
return UI_Rem (UI_From_Int (Left), Right);
end UI_Rem;
function UI_Rem (Left : Uint; Right : Int) return Uint is
return UI_Rem (Left, UI_From_Int (Right));
end UI_Rem;
function UI_Rem (Left, Right : Uint) return Uint is
Remainder : Uint;
Quotient : Uint;
pragma Warnings (Off, Quotient);
pragma Assert (Right /= Uint_0);
if Direct (Right) and then Direct (Left) then
return UI_From_Int (Direct_Val (Left) rem Direct_Val (Right));
(Left, Right, Quotient, Remainder, Discard_Quotient => True);
return Remainder;
end if;
end UI_Rem;
-- UI_Sub --
function UI_Sub (Left : Int; Right : Uint) return Uint is
return UI_Add (Left, -Right);
end UI_Sub;
function UI_Sub (Left : Uint; Right : Int) return Uint is
return UI_Add (Left, -Right);
end UI_Sub;
function UI_Sub (Left : Uint; Right : Uint) return Uint is
if Direct (Left) and then Direct (Right) then
return UI_From_Int (Direct_Val (Left) - Direct_Val (Right));
return UI_Add (Left, -Right);
end if;
end UI_Sub;
-- UI_To_CC --
function UI_To_CC (Input : Uint) return Char_Code is
if Direct (Input) then
return Char_Code (Direct_Val (Input));
-- Case of input is more than one digit
In_Length : constant Int := N_Digits (Input);
In_Vec : UI_Vector (1 .. In_Length);
Ret_CC : Char_Code;
Init_Operand (Input, In_Vec);
-- We assume value is positive
Ret_CC := 0;
for Idx in In_Vec'Range loop
Ret_CC := Ret_CC * Char_Code (Base) +
Char_Code (abs In_Vec (Idx));
end loop;
return Ret_CC;
end if;
end UI_To_CC;
-- UI_To_Int --
function UI_To_Int (Input : Uint) return Int is
pragma Assert (Input /= No_Uint);
if Direct (Input) then
return Direct_Val (Input);
-- Case of input is more than one digit
In_Length : constant Int := N_Digits (Input);
In_Vec : UI_Vector (1 .. In_Length);
Ret_Int : Int;
-- Uints of more than one digit could be outside the range for
-- Ints. Caller should have checked for this if not certain.
-- Constraint_Error to attempt to convert from value outside
-- Int'Range.
if not UI_Is_In_Int_Range (Input) then
raise Constraint_Error;
end if;
-- Otherwise, proceed ahead, we are OK
Init_Operand (Input, In_Vec);
Ret_Int := 0;
-- Calculate -|Input| and then negates if value is positive. This
-- handles our current definition of Int (based on 2s complement).
-- Is it secure enough???
for Idx in In_Vec'Range loop
Ret_Int := Ret_Int * Base - abs In_Vec (Idx);
end loop;
if In_Vec (1) < Int_0 then
return Ret_Int;
return -Ret_Int;
end if;
end if;
end UI_To_Int;
-- UI_Write --
procedure UI_Write (Input : Uint; Format : UI_Format := Auto) is
Image_Out (Input, False, Format);
end UI_Write;
-- Vector_To_Uint --
function Vector_To_Uint
(In_Vec : UI_Vector;
Negative : Boolean)
return Uint
Size : Int;
Val : Int;
-- The vector can contain leading zeros. These are not stored in the
-- table, so loop through the vector looking for first non-zero digit
for J in In_Vec'Range loop
if In_Vec (J) /= Int_0 then
-- The length of the value is the length of the rest of the vector
Size := In_Vec'Last - J + 1;
-- One digit value can always be represented directly
if Size = Int_1 then
if Negative then
return Uint (Int (Uint_Direct_Bias) - In_Vec (J));
return Uint (Int (Uint_Direct_Bias) + In_Vec (J));
end if;
-- Positive two digit values may be in direct representation range
elsif Size = Int_2 and then not Negative then
Val := In_Vec (J) * Base + In_Vec (J + 1);
if Val <= Max_Direct then
return Uint (Int (Uint_Direct_Bias) + Val);
end if;
end if;
-- The value is outside the direct representation range and must
-- therefore be stored in the table. Expand the table to contain
-- the count and digits. The index of the new table entry will be
-- returned as the result.
Uints.Append ((Length => Size, Loc => Udigits.Last + 1));
if Negative then
Val := -In_Vec (J);
Val := +In_Vec (J);
end if;
Udigits.Append (Val);
for K in 2 .. Size loop
Udigits.Append (In_Vec (J + K - 1));
end loop;
return Uints.Last;
end if;
end loop;
-- Dropped through loop only if vector contained all zeros
return Uint_0;
end Vector_To_Uint;
end Uintp;