blob: d81de04930055c9cfed1b1b47df80df02aaf1f88 [file] [log] [blame]
# Adds the directory containing modules which are copied during
# make install
unshift (@INC, '/tmp/parser');
use strict;
use Lexer;
use Tree;
use ParserTable;
use File::Basename;
use Data::Dumper;
# Checks if the parser is called on a file included using include
# directive in parent file.
my $isinclude = 0;
if( $ARGV[0] eq '-include' )
$isinclude = 1;
shift @ARGV;
# Stores the relative path of the file with respect to
# current working directory
$Tree::basedir = File::Basename::dirname($ARGV[0]);
# To enable debug mode, use 1 . Prints the parser stack at each
# iteration
my $debug = 0;
# Stores the list of tokens generated by lexer.
my @tokens;
my @stack = (0);
print STDERR "Parser Output\n" if $debug;
my $multiline = 0;
my $curr_tokens;
while ( @stack )
if($stack[-1] == $ParserTable::accept)
# Dump the tree to standard output.
print Dumper( $stack[-4] );
print STDERR "Complete\n";
printgraph( $stack[-4] );
recursesubdirs( $stack[-4] );
while( !@tokens )
# Calls lexer to get next tokens.
( $curr_tokens, $multiline ) = lex( $multiline );
# Continue if their is no tokens
next unless $curr_tokens;
push @tokens, @$curr_tokens;
my @curr_token = @{ $tokens[0] };
if(my $val = $ParserTable::table[ $stack[-1] ]{ $curr_token[0] })
push @stack, \@curr_token, $val;
shift @tokens;
elsif(my $val = $ParserTable::table[ $stack[-1] ]{ reduce })
my @val1 = @$val;
my @param;
for(my $i = 1; $i <= 2 * $val1[0]; $i++)
if($i%2 == 0)
$val = pop @stack;
push @param,$val;
pop @stack;
@param = reverse @param;
push @stack, $val1[1]->( @param );
push @stack, $ParserTable::table[ $stack[-2] ]{ $stack[-1]->{ name }};
die "Unexpected Token ". $curr_token[1]."\n";
print STDERR @stack, "\n" if $debug;