blob: f73575707a41361fa188cde24b6a8d074fbe9549 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (C) 2023-2024 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
require allow_python_tests
load_lib gdb-python.exp
set binfile1 ${binfile}-a
set binfile2 ${binfile}-b
if {[build_executable "failed to prepare first executable" \
$binfile1 $srcfile]} {
return -1
if {[build_executable "failed to prepare second executable" \
$binfile2 $srcfile]} {
return -1
set binfile1 [gdb_remote_download host $binfile1]
set binfile2 [gdb_remote_download host $binfile2]
# Setup a Python function to listen for the executable changed event.
proc setup_exec_change_handler {} {
gdb_py_test_silent_cmd \
[multi_line \
"python" \
"def reset_state():" \
" global exec_changed_state" \
" exec_changed_state = \[0, None, None\]" \
"end" ] \
"build reset_state function" 0
gdb_py_test_silent_cmd \
[multi_line \
"python" \
"def executable_changed(event):" \
" global exec_changed_state" \
" exec_changed_state\[0\] += 1" \
" exec_changed_state\[1\] = event.progspace.executable_filename" \
" exec_changed_state\[2\] = event.reload" \
"end" ] \
"build executable_changed function" 0
gdb_test_no_output -nopass "python reset_state()"
gdb_test_no_output "python"
# Check the global Python state that is updated when the
# executable_changed event occurs, and then reset the global state.
# FILENAME is a string, the name of the new executable file. RELOAD
# is a string, which should be 'True' or 'False', and represents if
# the executable file was reloaded, or changed.
proc check_exec_change { filename_re reload testname } {
if { $filename_re ne "None" } {
set filename_re "'$filename_re'"
if { $filename_re eq "None" && $reload eq "None" } {
set count 0
} else {
set count 1
gdb_test "python print(exec_changed_state)" \
"\\\[$count, $filename_re, $reload\\\]" \
gdb_test_no_output -nopass "python reset_state()"
# Check that the executable_filename is set correctly after using the
# 'file' command.
with_test_prefix "using 'file' command" {
gdb_test "python print(gdb.current_progspace().executable_filename)" \
"None" \
"check executable_filename when no file is loaded"
gdb_test "file $binfile1" \
"Reading symbols from [string_to_regexp $binfile1]\\.\\.\\..*" \
"load first executable"
gdb_test "python print(gdb.current_progspace().executable_filename)" \
"[string_to_regexp $binfile1]" \
"check executable_filename when first executable is loaded"
check_exec_change [string_to_regexp $binfile1] False \
"check executable_changed state after first executable was loaded"
gdb_test "file $binfile2" \
"Reading symbols from [string_to_regexp $binfile2]\\.\\.\\..*" \
"load second executable" \
"Load new symbol table from .*\? .y or n. " "y"
gdb_test "python print(gdb.current_progspace().executable_filename)" \
"[string_to_regexp $binfile2]" \
"check executable_filename when second executable is loaded"
check_exec_change [string_to_regexp $binfile2] False \
"check executable_changed state after second executable was loaded"
gdb_test "python print(gdb.current_progspace().executable_filename)" \
"None" \
"check executable_filename after unloading file"
check_exec_change None False \
"check executable_changed state after unloading the executable"
# Check that the executable_filename is correctly set when we only set
# the exec-file.
with_test_prefix "using 'exec-file' command" {
gdb_test_no_output "exec-file $binfile1" \
"load first executable"
gdb_test "python print(gdb.current_progspace().executable_filename)" \
"[string_to_regexp $binfile1]" \
"check executable_filename when first executable is loaded"
check_exec_change [string_to_regexp $binfile1] False \
"check executable_changed state after first executable was loaded"
gdb_test_no_output "exec-file $binfile2" \
"load second executable"
gdb_test "python print(gdb.current_progspace().executable_filename)" \
"[string_to_regexp $binfile2]" \
"check executable_filename when second executable is loaded"
check_exec_change [string_to_regexp $binfile2] False \
"check executable_changed state after second executable was loaded"
gdb_test "exec-file" "No executable file now\\."
gdb_test "python print(gdb.current_progspace().executable_filename)" \
"None" \
"check executable_filename after unloading file"
check_exec_change None False \
"check executable_changed state after unloading the executable"
# Check that setting the symbol-file doesn't cause the
# executable_filename to be set.
with_test_prefix "using 'symbol-file' command" {
gdb_test "symbol-file $binfile1" \
"Reading symbols from [string_to_regexp $binfile1]\\.\\.\\..*" \
"load first executable"
gdb_test "python print(gdb.current_progspace().executable_filename)" \
"None" \
"check executable_filename after setting symbol-file"
check_exec_change None None \
"check executable_changed state after setting symbol-file"
# Check the executable_changed event when the executable changes on disk.
with_test_prefix "exec changes on disk" {
clean_restart $binfile1
gdb_test_no_output "shell sleep 1" \
"ensure executable is at least 1 second old"
gdb_test "shell touch ${binfile1}" "" \
"update the executable on disk"
check_exec_change [string_to_regexp $binfile1] True \
"check executable_changed state after exec changed on disk"