blob: 5d68b689a642d82ae78a77695466b9591967997c [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright (C) 2021-2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Contributed by Oracle.
This file is part of GNU Binutils.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston,
MA 02110-1301, USA. */
#include "config.h"
#include <unistd.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/statvfs.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <libgen.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <regex.h> /* regcomp() */
#include "util.h"
#include "libiberty.h"
#include "collctrl.h"
#include "hwcdrv.h"
//#include "hwcfuncs.h"
#define SP_GROUP_HEADER "#analyzer experiment group"
#define DD_MAXPATHLEN (MAXPATHLEN * 4) /* large, to build up data descriptor */
/* If the system doesn't provide strsignal, we get it defined in
libiberty but no declaration is supplied. */
#if !defined (HAVE_STRSIGNAL) && !defined (strsignal)
extern const char *strsignal (int);
// _SC_CPUID_MAX is not available on 2.6/2.7
#ifndef _SC_CPUID_MAX
#define _SC_CPUID_MAX 517
const char *get_fstype (char *);
Coll_Ctrl::Coll_Ctrl (int _interactive, bool _defHWC, bool _kernelHWC)
char hostname[MAXPATHLEN];
long ncpumax;
interactive = _interactive;
defHWC = _defHWC;
kernelHWC = _kernelHWC;
/* set this host's parameters */
gethostname (hostname, 1023);
node_name = strdup (hostname);
char *p = strchr (node_name, (int) '.');
if (p != NULL)
*p = 0;
default_stem = strdup ("test");
/* get CPU count and processor clock rate */
ncpumax = sysconf (_SC_CPUID_MAX);
if (ncpumax == -1)
ncpus = sysconf (_SC_NPROCESSORS_CONF);
/* add 2048 to count, since on some systems CPUID does not start at zero */
ncpumax = ncpus + 2048;
ncpus = 0;
cpu_clk_freq = 0;
// On Linux, read /proc/cpuinfo to get CPU count and clock rate
// Note that parsing is different on SPARC and x86
#if defined(sparc)
FILE *procf = fopen ("/proc/cpuinfo", "r");
if (procf != NULL)
char temp[1024];
while (fgets (temp, (int) sizeof (temp), procf) != NULL)
if (strncmp (temp, "Cpu", 3) == 0 && temp[3] != '\0'
&& strncmp ((strchr (temp + 1, 'C')) ? strchr (temp + 1, 'C')
: (temp + 4), "ClkTck", 6) == 0)
char *val = strchr (temp, ':');
if (val)
unsigned long long freq;
sscanf (val + 2, "%llx", &freq);
cpu_clk_freq = (unsigned int) (((double) freq) / 1000000.0 + 0.5);
cpu_clk_freq = 0;
fclose (procf);
#elif defined(__aarch64__)
asm volatile("mrs %0, cntfrq_el0" : "=r" (cpu_clk_freq));
FILE *procf = fopen ("/proc/cpuinfo", "r");
if (procf != NULL)
char temp[1024];
while (fgets (temp, (int) sizeof (temp), procf) != NULL)
// x86 Linux
if (strncmp (temp, "processor", 9) == 0)
else if (strncmp (temp, "cpu MHz", 7) == 0)
char *val = strchr (temp, ':');
cpu_clk_freq = val ? atoi (val + 1) : 0;
fclose (procf);
/* check resolution of system clock */
sys_resolution = sysconf (_SC_CLK_TCK);
if (sys_resolution == 0)
sys_period = 10000;
sys_period = MICROSEC / (int) sys_resolution;
/* determine memory page size and number of pages */
npages = sysconf (_SC_PHYS_PAGES);
page_size = sysconf (_SC_PAGE_SIZE);
/* set default clock parameters */
hwcprof_enabled_cnt = 0; // must be set before calling determine_profile_params();
determine_profile_params (); // inits clk_params which is used by clock profiling AND HWCs
cpc_cpuver = CPUVER_UNDEFINED;
/* set default control values */
debug_mode = 0;
java_mode = 1;
java_mode = 0;
java_default = 1;
java_path = NULL;
java_args = NULL;
njava_args = 0;
follow_mode = FOLLOW_ON;
follow_default = 1;
follow_spec_usr = NULL;
follow_spec_cmp = NULL;
prof_idle = 1;
archive_mode = strdup ("on");
pauseresume_sig = 0;
sample_sig = 0;
uinterrupt = 0;
attach_pid = 0;
time_run = 0;
start_delay = 0;
/* clear the string pointers */
uexpt_name = NULL;
expt_name = NULL;
expt_dir = NULL;
base_name = NULL;
udir_name = NULL;
store_dir = NULL;
prev_store_dir = strdup ("");
store_ptr = NULL;
expt_group = NULL;
target_name = NULL;
data_desc = NULL;
lockname = NULL;
hwc_string = NULL;
project_home = NULL;
lockfd = -1;
/* set default data collection values */
enabled = 0;
opened = 0;
clkprof_enabled = 1;
clkprof_default = 1;
for (unsigned ii = 0; ii < MAX_PICS; ii++)
memset (&hwctr[ii], 0, sizeof (Hwcentry));
hwctr[ii].reg_num = -1;
hwcprof_default = 0;
if (defHWC == true)
setup_hwc ();
hwcprof_default = 1;
else // disable the default, and reset the counters
hwcprof_enabled_cnt = 0;
synctrace_enabled = 0;
synctrace_thresh = -1;
synctrace_scope = 0;
heaptrace_enabled = 0;
heaptrace_checkenabled = 0;
iotrace_enabled = 0;
count_enabled = 0;
Iflag = 0;
Nflag = 0;
sample_period = 1;
sample_default = 1;
size_limit = 0;
nofswarn = 0;
expno = 1;
// ensure that the default name is updated
// but don't print any message
(void) preprocess_names ();
(void) update_expt_name (false, false);
/* Copy constructor */
Coll_Ctrl::Coll_Ctrl (Coll_Ctrl * cc)
uinterrupt = 0;
interactive = cc->interactive;
defHWC = cc->defHWC;
kernelHWC = cc->kernelHWC;
node_name = strdup (cc->node_name);
default_stem = strdup (cc->default_stem);
ncpus = cc->ncpus;
cpu_clk_freq = cc->cpu_clk_freq;
npages = cc->npages;
page_size = cc->page_size;
cpc_cpuver = cc->cpc_cpuver;
debug_mode = cc->debug_mode;
java_mode = cc->java_mode;
java_default = cc->java_default;
java_path = NULL;
java_args = NULL;
njava_args = 0;
follow_mode = cc->follow_mode;
follow_default = cc->follow_default;
if (cc->follow_spec_usr)
follow_spec_usr = strdup (cc->follow_spec_usr);
follow_spec_cmp = strdup (cc->follow_spec_cmp);
follow_spec_usr = NULL;
follow_spec_cmp = NULL;
archive_mode = strdup (cc->archive_mode);
pauseresume_sig = cc->pauseresume_sig;
sample_sig = cc->sample_sig;
time_run = cc->time_run;
start_delay = cc->start_delay;
clk_params = cc->clk_params;
clkprof_enabled = cc->clkprof_enabled;
clkprof_default = cc->clkprof_default;
clkprof_timer = cc->clkprof_timer;
clkprof_timer_target = cc->clkprof_timer_target;
// copy HW counter information
hwcprof_default = cc->hwcprof_default;
hwcprof_enabled_cnt = cc->hwcprof_enabled_cnt;
if (cc->hwc_string != NULL)
hwc_string = strdup (cc->hwc_string);
hwc_string = NULL;
for (int i = 0; i < hwcprof_enabled_cnt; i++)
hwcentry_dup (&hwctr[i], &(cc->hwctr[i]));
project_home = cc->project_home ? strdup (cc->project_home) : NULL;
synctrace_enabled = cc->synctrace_enabled;
synctrace_thresh = cc->synctrace_thresh;
synctrace_scope = cc->synctrace_scope;
heaptrace_enabled = cc->heaptrace_enabled;
heaptrace_checkenabled = cc->heaptrace_checkenabled;
iotrace_enabled = cc->iotrace_enabled;
count_enabled = cc->count_enabled;
Iflag = cc->Iflag;
Nflag = cc->Nflag;
sample_period = cc->sample_period;
sample_default = cc->sample_default;
size_limit = cc->size_limit;
nofswarn = cc->nofswarn;
// these will get reset during preprocess_names()
expt_name = NULL;
expt_dir = NULL;
store_dir = NULL;
base_name = NULL;
expno = 1;
// these represent user settings
expt_group = NULL;
if (cc->expt_group != NULL)
expt_group = strdup (cc->expt_group);
uexpt_name = NULL;
if (cc->uexpt_name != NULL)
uexpt_name = strdup (cc->uexpt_name);
udir_name = NULL;
if (cc->udir_name != NULL)
udir_name = strdup (cc->udir_name);
/* clear the string pointers */
prev_store_dir = strdup ("");
store_ptr = NULL;
target_name = NULL;
data_desc = NULL;
lockname = NULL;
lockfd = -1;
/* set default data collection values */
enabled = cc->enabled;
opened = 0;
nofswarn = cc->nofswarn;
sys_resolution = cc->sys_resolution;
sys_period = cc->sys_period;
// ensure that the default name is updated
(void) preprocess_names ();
(void) update_expt_name (false, false);
build_data_desc ();
Coll_Ctrl::~Coll_Ctrl ()
free (node_name);
free (expt_name);
free (expt_dir);
free (base_name);
free (udir_name);
free (store_dir);
free (store_ptr);
free (expt_group);
free (target_name);
free (data_desc);
free (lockname);
free (hwc_string);
free (project_home);
free (java_path);
hwcprof_enabled_cnt = 0;
/* set up the experiment */
char *
Coll_Ctrl::setup_experiment ()
char *ret;
if (enabled == 0)
return NULL;
build_data_desc ();
/* create the experiment directory */
ret = create_exp_dir ();
if (ret != NULL)
return ret;
/* if an experiment-group, join it */
ret = join_group ();
if (ret != NULL)
remove_exp_dir ();
return ret;
/* all is OK, return 0 */
opened = 1;
return NULL;
Coll_Ctrl::interrupt ()
uinterrupt = 1;
char *
Coll_Ctrl::enable_expt ()
if (opened == 1)
return strdup (GTXT ("Experiment is active; command ignored.\n"));
if (cpu_clk_freq == 0)
return strdup (GTXT ("Can not determine CPU clock frequency.\n"));
if (sys_resolution == 0)
return strdup (GTXT ("System clock profile resolution can not be determined.\n"));
enabled = 1;
return NULL;
/* close the experiment */
Coll_Ctrl::close_expt ()
opened = 0;
(void) update_expt_name (false, false);
/* close and delete the experiment */
Coll_Ctrl::delete_expt ()
if (opened == 0)
remove_exp_dir ();
/* The order of removing the directory and closing
* the experiment may seem unnatural, but it's not.
* We do need to update names when we close the experiment
* (actually Coll_Ctrl object) and we can't remove anything
* after that.
close_expt ();
// Check the experiment settings for consistency. Returns NULL if OK,
// or an error message if there are invalid combinations of settings
char *
Coll_Ctrl::check_consistency ()
/* check for Java arguments, but not Java profiling */
if (java_args != NULL && java_mode == 0)
return strdup (GTXT ("Java arguments can not be set if Java profiling is not enabled.\n"));
/* if count data, no other data is allowed */
if (count_enabled != 0
&& ((clkprof_default != 1 && clkprof_enabled != 0)
|| hwcprof_enabled_cnt != 0 || synctrace_enabled != 0
|| heaptrace_enabled != 0 || iotrace_enabled != 0))
return strdup (GTXT ("Count data cannot be collected along with any other data.\n"));
/* if count data, various other options are not allowed */
if (count_enabled != 0
&& ((java_mode != 0 && java_default != 1)
|| java_args != NULL || debug_mode != 0
|| (follow_mode != 0 && follow_default != 1)
|| pauseresume_sig != 0 || sample_sig != 0
|| (sample_default != 1 && sample_period != 0) || time_run != 0))
return strdup (GTXT ("Count data cannot be collected with any of -F -S -y -l -j -J -x -t .\n"));
/* if not count data, I and N options are not allowed */
if (count_enabled == 0 && (Iflag != 0 || Nflag != 0))
return strdup (GTXT ("-I or -N can only be specified with count data.\n"));
return NULL;
char *
Coll_Ctrl::check_expt (char **warn)
char *ret;
*warn = NULL;
ret = check_consistency ();
if (ret != NULL) /* something is wrong, return the error */
return ret;
/* check for heaptrace and java -- warn that it covers native allocations only */
if (heaptrace_enabled == 1 && java_mode == 1 && java_default == 0)
*warn = strdup (GTXT ("Note: Heap profiling will only trace native allocations, not Java allocations.\n"));
/* if no profiling data selected, warn the user */
if (clkprof_enabled == 0 && hwcprof_enabled_cnt == 0 && synctrace_enabled == 0
&& heaptrace_enabled == 0 && iotrace_enabled == 0 && count_enabled == 0)
*warn = strdup (GTXT ("Warning: No function level data requested; only statistics will be collected.\n\n"));
build_data_desc ();
/* verify that the directory exists */
struct stat statbuf;
if (stat (store_dir, &statbuf) != 0)
return dbe_sprintf (GTXT ("Store directory %s is not accessible: %s\n"),
store_dir, strerror (errno));
if (access (store_dir, W_OK) != 0)
return dbe_sprintf (GTXT ("Store directory %s is not writeable: %s\n"),
store_dir, strerror (errno));
/* if an experiment-group, verify that it can be written */
ret = check_group ();
if (ret != NULL)
return ret;
return NULL;
char *
Coll_Ctrl::show (int i)
char UEbuf[4096];
UEbuf[0] = 0;
if (i == 0)
snprintf (UEbuf + strlen (UEbuf), sizeof (UEbuf) - strlen (UEbuf),
GTXT ("Collection parameters:\n"));
snprintf (UEbuf + strlen (UEbuf), sizeof (UEbuf) - strlen (UEbuf),
GTXT (" experiment enabled\n"));
if (target_name != NULL)
snprintf (UEbuf + strlen (UEbuf), sizeof (UEbuf) - strlen (UEbuf),
GTXT ("\ttarget = %s\n"), target_name);
if (uexpt_name != NULL)
snprintf (UEbuf + strlen (UEbuf), sizeof (UEbuf) - strlen (UEbuf),
GTXT ("\tuser_expt_name = %s\n"), uexpt_name);
snprintf (UEbuf + strlen (UEbuf), sizeof (UEbuf) - strlen (UEbuf),
GTXT ("\texpt_name = %s\n"),
((expt_name != NULL) ? expt_name : NTXT ("<NULL>")));
if (udir_name != NULL)
snprintf (UEbuf + strlen (UEbuf), sizeof (UEbuf) - strlen (UEbuf),
GTXT ("\tdir_name = %s\n"), udir_name);
if (expt_group != NULL)
snprintf (UEbuf + strlen (UEbuf), sizeof (UEbuf) - strlen (UEbuf),
GTXT ("\texpt_group = %s\n"), expt_group);
if (debug_mode == 1)
snprintf (UEbuf + strlen (UEbuf), sizeof (UEbuf) - strlen (UEbuf),
GTXT ("\tdebug_mode enabled\n"));
if (clkprof_enabled != 0)
snprintf (UEbuf + strlen (UEbuf), sizeof (UEbuf) - strlen (UEbuf),
GTXT ("\tclock profiling enabled, %.3f millisec.\n"),
(double) (clkprof_timer) / 1000.);
if (synctrace_enabled != 0)
if (synctrace_thresh < 0)
snprintf (UEbuf + strlen (UEbuf), sizeof (UEbuf) - strlen (UEbuf),
GTXT ("\tsynchronization tracing enabled, threshold: calibrate; "));
else if (synctrace_thresh == 0)
snprintf (UEbuf + strlen (UEbuf), sizeof (UEbuf) - strlen (UEbuf),
GTXT ("\tsynchronization tracing enabled, threshold: all; "));
snprintf (UEbuf + strlen (UEbuf), sizeof (UEbuf) - strlen (UEbuf),
GTXT ("\tsynchronization tracing enabled, threshold: %d micros.; "), synctrace_thresh);
switch (synctrace_scope)
snprintf (UEbuf + strlen (UEbuf), sizeof (UEbuf) - strlen (UEbuf),
GTXT ("Native-APIs\n"));
snprintf (UEbuf + strlen (UEbuf), sizeof (UEbuf) - strlen (UEbuf),
GTXT ("Java-APIs\n"));
snprintf (UEbuf + strlen (UEbuf), sizeof (UEbuf) - strlen (UEbuf),
GTXT ("Native- and Java-APIs\n"));
snprintf (UEbuf + strlen (UEbuf), sizeof (UEbuf) - strlen (UEbuf),
GTXT ("ERR -- unexpected synctrace_scope %d\n"), synctrace_scope);
if (hwcprof_enabled_cnt != 0)
char ctrbuf[MAXPATHLEN];
snprintf (UEbuf + strlen (UEbuf), sizeof (UEbuf) - strlen (UEbuf),
GTXT ("\thardware counter profiling%s enabled:\n"),
(hwcprof_default == 1 ? GTXT (" (default)") : ""));
for (int ii = 0; ii < hwcprof_enabled_cnt; ii++)
snprintf (UEbuf + strlen (UEbuf), sizeof (UEbuf) - strlen (UEbuf),
GTXT ("\t %u. %s\n"), ii + 1,
hwc_hwcentry_specd_string (ctrbuf, MAXPATHLEN, &hwctr[ii]));
if (heaptrace_enabled != 0)
snprintf (UEbuf + strlen (UEbuf), sizeof (UEbuf) - strlen (UEbuf),
GTXT ("\theap tracing enabled, %s\n"),
(heaptrace_checkenabled == 0 ? GTXT ("no checking") :
(heaptrace_checkenabled == 1 ? GTXT ("over/underrun checking") :
GTXT ("over/underrun checking and pattern storing"))));
if (iotrace_enabled != 0)
snprintf (UEbuf + strlen (UEbuf), sizeof (UEbuf) - strlen (UEbuf),
GTXT ("\tI/O tracing enabled\n"));
switch (count_enabled)
case 0:
case 1:
snprintf (UEbuf + strlen (UEbuf), sizeof (UEbuf) - strlen (UEbuf),
GTXT ("\tcount data enabled\n"));
case -1:
snprintf (UEbuf + strlen (UEbuf), sizeof (UEbuf) - strlen (UEbuf),
GTXT ("\tstatic count data will be generated (for a.out only)\n"));
switch (follow_mode)
snprintf (UEbuf + strlen (UEbuf), sizeof (UEbuf) - strlen (UEbuf),
GTXT ("\tdescendant processes will be followed\n"));
if (follow_spec_usr && follow_spec_cmp)
snprintf (UEbuf + strlen (UEbuf), sizeof (UEbuf) - strlen (UEbuf),
GTXT ("\texperiments will be recorded for descendant processes that match pattern '%s'\n"),
snprintf (UEbuf + strlen (UEbuf), sizeof (UEbuf) - strlen (UEbuf),
GTXT ("\tdescendant processes will all be followed\n"));
snprintf (UEbuf + strlen (UEbuf), sizeof (UEbuf) - strlen (UEbuf),
GTXT ("\tdescendant processes will not be followed\n"));
snprintf (UEbuf + strlen (UEbuf), sizeof (UEbuf) - strlen (UEbuf),
GTXT ("\tfollowing descendant processes: <UNKNOWN>\n"));
if (java_mode == 0)
snprintf (UEbuf + strlen (UEbuf), sizeof (UEbuf) - strlen (UEbuf),
GTXT ("\tjava profiling disabled\n"));
if (pauseresume_sig != 0)
const char *buf = strsignal (pauseresume_sig);
if (buf != NULL)
if (pauseresume_pause == 1)
snprintf (UEbuf + strlen (UEbuf), sizeof (UEbuf) - strlen (UEbuf),
GTXT ("\tpause-resume (delayed initialization) signal %s (%d) -- paused\n"), buf, pauseresume_sig);
snprintf (UEbuf + strlen (UEbuf), sizeof (UEbuf) - strlen (UEbuf),
GTXT ("\tpause-resume (delayed initialization) signal %s (%d)\n"), buf, pauseresume_sig);
if (pauseresume_pause == 1)
snprintf (UEbuf + strlen (UEbuf), sizeof (UEbuf) - strlen (UEbuf),
GTXT ("\tpause-resume (delayed initialization) signal %d -- paused\n"), pauseresume_sig);
snprintf (UEbuf + strlen (UEbuf), sizeof (UEbuf) - strlen (UEbuf),
GTXT ("\tpause-resume (delayed initialization) signal %d\n"), pauseresume_sig);
if (sample_sig != 0)
const char *buf = strsignal (sample_sig);
if (buf != NULL)
snprintf (UEbuf + strlen (UEbuf), sizeof (UEbuf) - strlen (UEbuf),
GTXT ("\tsample signal %s (%d)\n"), buf, sample_sig);
snprintf (UEbuf + strlen (UEbuf), sizeof (UEbuf) - strlen (UEbuf),
GTXT ("\tsample signal %d\n"), sample_sig);
if (time_run != 0 || start_delay != 0)
if (start_delay != 0)
if (time_run != 0)
snprintf (UEbuf + strlen (UEbuf), sizeof (UEbuf) - strlen (UEbuf),
GTXT ("\tdata-collection duration, %d-%d secs.\n"), start_delay, time_run);
snprintf (UEbuf + strlen (UEbuf), sizeof (UEbuf) - strlen (UEbuf),
GTXT ("\tdata-collection duration, %d- secs.\n"), start_delay);
snprintf (UEbuf + strlen (UEbuf), sizeof (UEbuf) - strlen (UEbuf),
GTXT ("\tdata-collection duration, %d secs.\n"), time_run);
if (sample_period != 0)
snprintf (UEbuf + strlen (UEbuf), sizeof (UEbuf) - strlen (UEbuf),
GTXT ("\tperiodic sampling, %d secs.\n"), sample_period);
snprintf (UEbuf + strlen (UEbuf), sizeof (UEbuf) - strlen (UEbuf),
GTXT ("\tno periodic sampling\n"));
if (size_limit != 0)
snprintf (UEbuf + strlen (UEbuf), sizeof (UEbuf) - strlen (UEbuf),
GTXT ("\texperiment size limit %d MB.\n"), size_limit);
snprintf (UEbuf + strlen (UEbuf), sizeof (UEbuf) - strlen (UEbuf),
GTXT ("\tno experiment size limit set\n"));
snprintf (UEbuf + strlen (UEbuf), sizeof (UEbuf) - strlen (UEbuf),
GTXT ("\texperiment archiving: -a %s\n"), archive_mode);
snprintf (UEbuf + strlen (UEbuf), sizeof (UEbuf) - strlen (UEbuf),
GTXT ("\tdata descriptor: \"%s\"\n"),
((data_desc != NULL) ? data_desc : NTXT ("<NULL>")));
#if 0
snprintf (UEbuf + strlen (UEbuf), sizeof (UEbuf) - strlen (UEbuf),
GTXT ("\t expt_dir: %s\n"),
((expt_dir != NULL) ? expt_dir : NTXT ("<NULL>")));
snprintf (UEbuf + strlen (UEbuf), sizeof (UEbuf) - strlen (UEbuf),
GTXT ("\t base_name: %s\n"),
((base_name != NULL) ? base_name : NTXT ("<NULL>")));
snprintf (UEbuf + strlen (UEbuf), sizeof (UEbuf) - strlen (UEbuf),
GTXT ("\t store_dir: %s\n"),
((store_dir != NULL) ? store_dir : NTXT ("<NULL>")));
snprintf (UEbuf + strlen (UEbuf), sizeof (UEbuf) - strlen (UEbuf),
GTXT ("\t store_ptr: %s\n"),
((store_ptr != NULL) ? store_ptr : NTXT ("<NULL>")));
snprintf (UEbuf + strlen (UEbuf), sizeof (UEbuf) - strlen (UEbuf),
GTXT ("\t\thost: `%s', ncpus = %d, clock frequency %d MHz.\n"),
((node_name != NULL) ? node_name : NTXT ("<NULL>")),
(int) ncpus, (int) cpu_clk_freq);
if (npages > 0)
long long memsize = ((long long) npages * (long long) page_size) / (1024 * 1024);
snprintf (UEbuf + strlen (UEbuf), sizeof (UEbuf) - strlen (UEbuf),
GTXT ("\t\tmemory: %ld pages @ %ld bytes = %lld MB.\n"),
npages, page_size, memsize);
return strdup (UEbuf);
#define MAX_COLLECT_ARGS 100
char **
Coll_Ctrl::get_collect_args ()
char buf[DD_MAXPATHLEN];
char **p;
char **argv = (char **) calloc (MAX_COLLECT_ARGS, sizeof (char *));
if (argv == NULL) // poor way of dealing with calloc failure
abort ();
p = argv;
*p++ = strdup ("collect");
if (debug_mode == 1)
*p++ = strdup ("-x");
if (clkprof_enabled != 0)
*p++ = strdup ("-p");
snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%du", clkprof_timer);
*p++ = strdup (buf);
if (hwcprof_enabled_cnt > 0)
*buf = 0;
*p++ = strdup ("-h");
for (int ii = 0; ii < hwcprof_enabled_cnt; ii++)
char*rateString = hwc_rate_string (&hwctr[ii], 1); //"1" is for temporary goldfile compatibility. TBR YXXX!!
snprintf (buf + strlen (buf), sizeof (buf) - strlen (buf),
"%s%s,%s%s", ii ? "," : "", hwctr[ii].name,
rateString ? rateString : "",
(ii + 1 < hwcprof_enabled_cnt) ? "," : "");
free (rateString);
if (strlen (buf) + 1 >= sizeof (buf))
abort ();
*p++ = strdup (buf);
if (heaptrace_enabled != 0)
*p++ = strdup ("-H");
*p++ = strdup ("on");
if (iotrace_enabled != 0)
*p++ = strdup ("-i");
*p++ = strdup ("on");
if (synctrace_enabled != 0)
*p++ = strdup ("-s");
if (synctrace_thresh < 0)
*p++ = strdup ("calibrate");
else if (synctrace_thresh == 0)
*p++ = strdup ("all");
*p++ = dbe_sprintf ("%d", synctrace_thresh);
*p++ = dbe_sprintf (",%d", synctrace_scope);
if (follow_mode != 0)
*p++ = strdup ("-F");
char * fs = get_follow_usr_spec ();
if (fs)
*p++ = strdup (fs);
switch (get_follow_mode ())
*p++ = strdup ("on");
*p++ = strdup ("all");
*p++ = strdup ("off");
*p++ = strdup ("-a");
*p++ = strdup (get_archive_mode ());
if (java_mode != 0)
*p++ = strdup ("-j");
*p++ = strdup ("on");
if (pauseresume_sig != 0)
*p++ = strdup ("-y");
*p++ = dbe_sprintf ("%d%s", pauseresume_sig,
(pauseresume_pause == 0 ? ",r" : ""));
if (sample_sig != 0)
*p++ = strdup ("-l");
*p++ = dbe_sprintf ("%d", sample_sig);
if (sample_period != 0)
*p++ = strdup ("-S");
*p++ = dbe_sprintf ("%d", sample_period);
if (size_limit != 0)
*p++ = strdup ("-L");
*p++ = dbe_sprintf ("%d", size_limit);
if (expt_group != NULL)
*p++ = strdup ("-g");
*p++ = strdup (expt_group);
if (udir_name != 0)
*p++ = strdup ("-d");
*p++ = strdup (udir_name);
if (expt_name != 0)
*p++ = strdup ("-o");
*p++ = strdup (expt_name);
if (p - argv >= MAX_COLLECT_ARGS) // argument list too small -- fatal error
abort ();
return argv;
char *
Coll_Ctrl::show_expt ()
if (enabled == 0)
return NULL;
char UEbuf[4096];
UEbuf[0] = 0;
snprintf (UEbuf + strlen (UEbuf), sizeof (UEbuf) - strlen (UEbuf),
GTXT ("Creating experiment directory %s (Process ID: %ld) ...\n"),
((store_ptr != NULL) ? store_ptr : NTXT ("<NULL>")), (long) getpid ());
char *caller = getenv ("SP_COLLECTOR_FROM_GUI"); // Collector from GUI
if (caller != NULL) // Print non-localized message
snprintf (UEbuf + strlen (UEbuf), sizeof (UEbuf) - strlen (UEbuf),
NTXT ("\nCreating experiment directory %s (Process ID: %ld) ...\n"),
((store_ptr != NULL) ? store_ptr : NTXT ("<NULL>")), (long) getpid ());
#if 0
char *fstype = get_fstype (store_dir);
if ((fstype != NULL) && (nofswarn == 0))
// only warn if clock or hwc profiling is turned on
if (clkprof_enabled || hwcprof_enabled_cnt != 0)
snprintf (UEbuf + strlen (UEbuf), sizeof (UEbuf) - strlen (UEbuf),
GTXT ("this experiment is being recorded to a file system \nof type \"%s\", which may distort the measured performance."),
return strdup (UEbuf);
Coll_Ctrl::set_clk_params (int min, int res, int max, int hi, int norm, int lo)
clk_params.min = min;
clk_params.res = res;
clk_params.max = max;
clk_params.hival = hi;
clk_params.normval = norm;
clk_params.lowval = lo;
set_clkprof_timer_target (clk_params.normval); // note: requires clk_params to be initialized!
char *
Coll_Ctrl::reset_clkprof (int val)
if (val != clkprof_timer)
// profiler has had to reset to a different value; warn user
char *msg = dbe_sprintf (
GTXT ("Warning: Clock profiling timer reset from %.3f millisec. to %.3f millisec. as required by profiling driver\n\n"),
(double) (clkprof_timer) / 1000., (double) (val) / 1000.);
adjust_clkprof_timer (val);
return msg;
return NULL;
char *
Coll_Ctrl::set_clkprof (const char *string, char** warn)
int ticks;
int nclkprof_timer;
int prevclkprof_enabled;
int prevclkprof_default;
*warn = NULL;
if (opened == 1)
return strdup (GTXT ("Experiment is active; command ignored.\n"));
/* if the first character is a +, warn user that it is no longer supported */
if (string[0] == '+')
return strdup (GTXT ("Warning: clock-based memoryspace and dataspace profiling is no longer supported\n"));
if (strcmp (string, "off") == 0)
clkprof_enabled = 0;
clkprof_default = 0;
return NULL;
else if (string == NULL || strcmp (string, "on") == 0)
nclkprof_timer = clk_params.normval;
else if (strcmp (string, "lo") == 0 || strcmp (string, "low") == 0)
nclkprof_timer = clk_params.lowval;
else if (strcmp (string, "hi") == 0 || strcmp (string, "high") == 0
|| strcmp (string, "h") == 0)
nclkprof_timer = clk_params.hival;
/* the remaining string should be a number > 0 */
char *endchar = NULL;
double dval = strtod (string, &endchar);
if (*endchar == 'm' || *endchar == 0) /* user specified milliseconds */
dval = dval * 1000.;
else if (*endchar == 'u') /* user specified microseconds */
dval = dval;
return dbe_sprintf (GTXT ("Unrecognized clock-profiling interval `%s'\n"), string);
nclkprof_timer = (int) (dval + 0.5);
// we now have the proposed value; ensure it's within limits
if (nclkprof_timer <= 0)
return dbe_sprintf (GTXT ("Unrecognized clock-profiling interval `%s'\n"), string);
// Check consistency with experiment
prevclkprof_enabled = clkprof_enabled;
prevclkprof_default = clkprof_default;
clkprof_enabled = 1;
clkprof_default = 0;
char *ret = check_consistency ();
if (ret != NULL)
clkprof_default = prevclkprof_default;
clkprof_enabled = prevclkprof_enabled;
return ret;
int ref_nclkprof_timer = nclkprof_timer;
// check for minimum value
if (nclkprof_timer < clk_params.min)
/* value too small, use minimum value, with warning */
*warn = dbe_sprintf (
GTXT ("Warning: Clock profiling at %.3f millisec. interval is not supported on this system; minimum %.3f millisec. used\n"),
(double) (nclkprof_timer) / 1000., (double) (clk_params.min) / 1000.);
nclkprof_timer = clk_params.min;
// check for maximum value
if (nclkprof_timer > clk_params.max)
*warn = dbe_sprintf (
GTXT ("Clock profiling at %.3f millisec. interval is not supported on this system; maximum %.3f millisec. used\n"),
(double) (nclkprof_timer) / 1000., (double) (clk_params.max) / 1000.);
nclkprof_timer = clk_params.max;
/* see if setting is a multiple of the period */
if (nclkprof_timer > clk_params.res)
ticks = ((nclkprof_timer / clk_params.res) * clk_params.res);
if (ticks != nclkprof_timer)
/* no, we need to reset to a multiple */
*warn = dbe_sprintf (
GTXT ("Clock profile interval rounded from %.3f to %.3f (system resolution = %.3f) millisec."),
(double) (nclkprof_timer) / 1000., (double) (ticks) / 1000.,
(double) (clk_params.res) / 1000.);
nclkprof_timer = ticks;
// limit reference "target" rate. Target rate is also used for HWCS.
if (ref_nclkprof_timer > PROFINT_MAX)
ref_nclkprof_timer = PROFINT_MAX;
if (ref_nclkprof_timer < PROFINT_MIN)
ref_nclkprof_timer = PROFINT_MIN;
set_clkprof_timer_target (ref_nclkprof_timer);
adjust_clkprof_timer (nclkprof_timer);
return NULL;
char *
Coll_Ctrl::set_synctrace (const char *string)
if (opened == 1)
return strdup (GTXT ("Experiment is active; command ignored.\n"));
char *comma_p = NULL;
if (string == NULL)
/* no argument provided, use default: calibrate and native */
synctrace_enabled = 1;
synctrace_thresh = -1;
synctrace_scope = SYNCSCOPE_NATIVE;
char *ret = check_consistency ();
if (ret != NULL)
synctrace_enabled = 0;
return ret;
return NULL;
char *val = strdup (string);
/* see if there's a comma in the string */
char *next = strchr (val, (int) ',');
if (next != NULL)
/* remember where the comma was */
comma_p = next;
/* set the scope based on the characters following the comma */
synctrace_scope = 0;
while (*next != 0)
if (*next == 'n')
synctrace_scope |= SYNCSCOPE_NATIVE;
else if (*next == 'j')
synctrace_scope |= SYNCSCOPE_JAVA;
return dbe_sprintf (GTXT ("Unrecognized synchronization tracing threshold `%s'\n"), string);
if (synctrace_scope == 0)
synctrace_scope = SYNCSCOPE_NATIVE;
/* clear the comma for the threshold determination */
*comma_p = 0;
else /* no ",<scope>" -- default to native and Java */
if (!strlen (val) || !strcmp (val, "calibrate") || !strcmp (val, "on"))
/* use default: calibrate and native */
synctrace_enabled = 1;
synctrace_thresh = -1;
free (val);
char *ret = check_consistency ();
if (ret != NULL)
synctrace_enabled = 0;
return ret;
return NULL;
if (strcmp (val, "off") == 0)
synctrace_enabled = 0;
free (val);
return NULL;
if (strcmp (val, "all") == 0)
/* set to record all events */
synctrace_thresh = 0;
synctrace_enabled = 1;
char *ret = check_consistency ();
free (val);
if (ret != NULL)
synctrace_enabled = 0;
return ret;
return NULL;
/* the remaining string should be a number >= 0 */
char *endchar = NULL;
int tval = (int) strtol (val, &endchar, 0);
if (*endchar != 0 || tval < 0)
free (val);
/* invalid setting */
/* restore the comma, if it was zeroed out */
if (comma_p != NULL)
*comma_p = ',';
return dbe_sprintf (GTXT ("Unrecognized synchronization tracing threshold `%s'\n"), string);
free (val);
synctrace_thresh = tval;
synctrace_enabled = 1;
return NULL;
char *
Coll_Ctrl::set_heaptrace (const char *string)
if (opened == 1)
return strdup (GTXT ("Experiment is active; command ignored.\n"));
if (string == NULL || strlen (string) == 0 || strcmp (string, "on") == 0)
heaptrace_enabled = 1;
char *ret = check_consistency ();
if (ret != NULL)
heaptrace_enabled = 0;
return ret;
return NULL;
if (strcmp (string, "off") == 0)
heaptrace_enabled = 0;
return NULL;
#if 0
if (strcmp (string, "check") == 0)
/* set to check for over/underruns */
heaptrace_checkenabled = 1;
heaptrace_enabled = 1;
return NULL;
if (strcmp (string, "clear") == 0)
/* set to check for over/underruns, and store patterns */
heaptrace_checkenabled = 2;
heaptrace_enabled = 1;
return NULL;
return dbe_sprintf (GTXT ("Unrecognized heap tracing parameter `%s'\n"), string);
char *
Coll_Ctrl::set_iotrace (const char *string)
if (opened == 1)
return strdup (GTXT ("Experiment is active; command ignored.\n"));
if (string == NULL || strlen (string) == 0 || strcmp (string, "on") == 0)
iotrace_enabled = 1;
char *ret = check_consistency ();
if (ret != NULL)
iotrace_enabled = 0;
return ret;
return NULL;
if (strcmp (string, "off") == 0)
iotrace_enabled = 0;
return NULL;
return dbe_sprintf (GTXT ("Unrecognized I/O tracing parameter `%s'\n"), string);
char *
Coll_Ctrl::set_count (const char *string)
int ret = -1;
if (opened == 1)
return strdup (GTXT ("Experiment is active; command ignored.\n"));
if (string == NULL || strlen (string) == 0 || strcmp (string, "off") == 0)
count_enabled = 0;
ret = 0;
if (strcmp (string, "on") == 0)
count_enabled = 1;
char *cret = check_consistency ();
if (cret != NULL)
count_enabled = 0;
return cret;
ret = 0;
if (strcmp (string, "static") == 0)
count_enabled = -1;
char *cret = check_consistency ();
if (cret != NULL)
count_enabled = 0;
return cret;
ret = 0;
if (ret == 0)
if (count_enabled != 0)
/* ensure that sample period is 0, if set by default */
if (sample_default == 1)
sample_period = 0;
/* ensure that clock profiling is off, if set by default */
if (clkprof_default == 1)
clkprof_default = 0;
clkprof_enabled = 0;
if (hwcprof_default == 1)
hwcprof_default = 0;
return NULL;
return dbe_sprintf (GTXT ("Unrecognized count parameter `%s'\n"), string);
char *
Coll_Ctrl::set_time_run (const char *valarg)
if (opened == 1)
return strdup (GTXT ("Experiment is active; command ignored.\n"));
if (valarg == NULL) /* invalid setting */
return strdup (GTXT ("time parameter can not be NULL\n"));
/* the string should be a number >= 0 */
int prev_start_delay = start_delay;
int prev_time_run = time_run;
const char *endchar = valarg;
char *newchar = NULL;
int val = 0;
if (*endchar != '-')
val = (int) strtol (endchar, &newchar, 0);
endchar = newchar;
if (val < 0)
return dbe_sprintf (GTXT ("Unrecognized time parameter `%s'\n"), valarg);
if (*endchar == 'm')
val = val * 60; /* convert to seconds */
else if (*endchar == 's') /* no conversion needed */
if (*endchar == 0)
time_run = val;
return NULL;
else if (*endchar != '-')
return dbe_sprintf (GTXT ("Unrecognized time parameter `%s'\n"), valarg);
/* a second number is provided */
start_delay = val;
val = (int) strtol (endchar, &newchar, 0);
endchar = newchar;
if (val < 0)
start_delay = prev_start_delay;
return dbe_sprintf (GTXT ("Unrecognized time parameter `%s'\n"), valarg);
if (*endchar == 'm')
val = val * 60; /* convert to seconds */
else if (*endchar == 's') /* no conversion needed */
if (*endchar != 0)
start_delay = prev_start_delay;
return dbe_sprintf (GTXT ("Unrecognized time parameter `%s'\n"), valarg);
time_run = val;
if (time_run != 0 && start_delay >= time_run)
start_delay = prev_start_delay;
return dbe_sprintf (GTXT ("Invalid time parameter `%s': start time must be earlier than end time\n"), valarg);
char *ret = check_consistency ();
if (ret != NULL)
start_delay = prev_start_delay;
time_run = prev_time_run;
return ret;
return NULL;
char *
Coll_Ctrl::set_attach_pid (char *valarg)
if (opened == 1)
return strdup (GTXT ("Experiment is active; command ignored.\n"));
if (valarg == NULL)
return strdup (GTXT ("Specified PID can not be NULL\n"));
/* the string should be a number corresponding to an active process' pid */
char *endchar = NULL;
int val = (int) strtol (valarg, &endchar, 0);
if (*endchar != 0 || val < 0)
return dbe_sprintf (GTXT ("Invalid process pid `%s'\n"), valarg);
int prev_attach_pid = attach_pid;
attach_pid = val;
char *ret = check_consistency ();
if (ret != NULL)
attach_pid = prev_attach_pid;
return ret;
return NULL;
Coll_Ctrl::free_hwc_fields (Hwcentry * tmpctr)
if (tmpctr->name != NULL)
free (tmpctr->name);
if (tmpctr->int_name != NULL)
free (tmpctr->int_name);
memset (tmpctr, 0, sizeof (Hwcentry));
tmpctr->reg_num = -1;
Coll_Ctrl::hwcentry_dup (Hwcentry *hnew, Hwcentry *_hwc)
*hnew = *_hwc;
if (_hwc->name != NULL)
hnew->name = strdup (_hwc->name);
hnew->name = NULL;
if (_hwc->int_name != NULL)
hnew->int_name = strdup (_hwc->int_name);
hnew->int_name = NULL;
if (_hwc->metric != NULL)
hnew->metric = strdup (_hwc->metric);
hnew->metric = NULL;
if (_hwc->short_desc != NULL)
hnew->short_desc = strdup (_hwc->short_desc);
hnew->short_desc = NULL;
if (_hwc->reg_list != NULL)
hnew->reg_list = (regno_t*) malloc (sizeof (regno_t*) * MAX_PICS);
// poor way of dealing with malloc failure
if (hnew->reg_list)
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_PICS; i++)
hnew->reg_list[i] = _hwc->reg_list[i];
if (hnew->reg_list[i] == REGNO_ANY)
// Routine to initialize the HWC tables, set up the default experiment, etc.
Coll_Ctrl::setup_hwc ()
static bool is_hwc_setup = false;
if (is_hwc_setup == true)
// try to set the default counters
is_hwc_setup = true;
set_hwcdefault ();
Coll_Ctrl::clkprof_timer_2_hwcentry_min_time (int target_clkprof_usec)
hrtime_t hwc_nanosec;
if (target_clkprof_usec == clk_params.normval)
hwc_nanosec = HWCTIME_ON;
else if (target_clkprof_usec == clk_params.lowval)
hwc_nanosec = HWCTIME_LO;
else if (target_clkprof_usec == clk_params.hival)
hwc_nanosec = HWCTIME_HI;
hwc_nanosec = 1000LL * target_clkprof_usec; // nanoseconds
return hwc_nanosec;
Coll_Ctrl::set_clkprof_timer_target (int microseconds)
clkprof_timer = microseconds;
clkprof_timer_target = microseconds;
hrtime_t hwc_min_time_nanosec = clkprof_timer_2_hwcentry_min_time (microseconds);
for (int ii = 0; ii < hwcprof_enabled_cnt; ii++)
hwctr[ii].min_time_default = hwc_min_time_nanosec;
hwc_update_val (&hwctr[ii]);
Coll_Ctrl::adjust_clkprof_timer (int use)
clkprof_timer = use;
/* set HWC counter set from a string */
char * /* return an error string */
Coll_Ctrl::set_hwcstring (const char *string, char **warnmsg)
*warnmsg = NULL;
if (string == NULL || strcmp (string, "off") == 0)
hwcprof_enabled_cnt = 0;
return NULL;
setup_hwc ();
int old_cnt = hwcprof_enabled_cnt;
int old_hwcprof_default = hwcprof_default;
/* reset any previous count to zero */
hwcprof_enabled_cnt = 0;
char *ret = add_hwcstring (string, warnmsg);
if (ret != NULL)
// restore previous setting
hwcprof_enabled_cnt = old_cnt;
hwcprof_default = old_hwcprof_default;
return ret;
/* add additional HWC counters to counter set from string */
char * /* return an error string */
Coll_Ctrl::add_hwcstring (const char *string, char **warnmsg)
*warnmsg = NULL;
if (string == NULL || strcmp (string, "off") == 0)
hwcprof_enabled_cnt = 0;
return NULL;
setup_hwc ();
int rc = 0;
int old_cnt = hwcprof_enabled_cnt;
int prev_cnt = hwcprof_enabled_cnt;
// int old_hwcprof_default = hwcprof_default;
char UEbuf[MAXPATHLEN * 5];
int UEsz;
Hwcentry tmpctr[MAX_PICS];
Hwcentry * ctrtable[MAX_PICS];
char *emsg;
char *wmsg;
UEbuf[0] = 0;
UEsz = sizeof (UEbuf);
if (opened == 1)
return strdup (GTXT ("Experiment is active; command ignored.\n"));
if (hwcprof_default == 0)
/* Copy the counters already defined */
for (int ii = 0; ii < prev_cnt; ii++)
tmpctr[ii] = hwctr[ii];
else /* the previously-defined counters were defaulted; don't copy them */
prev_cnt = 0;
/* look up the CPU version */
cpc_cpuver = hwc_get_cpc_cpuver ();
if (string && *string)
/* lookup counters */
/* set up a pointer array */
for (unsigned ii = 0; ii < MAX_PICS; ii++)
ctrtable[ii] = &tmpctr[ii];
hrtime_t global_min_time = clkprof_timer_2_hwcentry_min_time (clkprof_timer_target);
rc = hwc_lookup (kernelHWC, global_min_time, string, &ctrtable[prev_cnt], MAX_PICS - prev_cnt, &emsg, &wmsg);
if (wmsg != NULL)
*warnmsg = wmsg;
if (rc < 0)
return emsg;
/* set count for sum of old and new counters */
rc = rc + prev_cnt;
/* even though the actual hwctr[] array is not updated, we can check consistency */
char *ret = check_consistency ();
if (ret != NULL)
hwcprof_enabled_cnt = old_cnt;
return ret;
/* finally, validate the full counter set */
emsg = hwc_validate_ctrs (kernelHWC, ctrtable, rc);
if (emsg != NULL)
hwcprof_enabled_cnt = old_cnt;
return emsg;
/* success, update real counters and the string for them */
/* turn off the default */
hwcprof_default = 0;
hwcprof_enabled_cnt = rc;
free (hwc_string);
for (int ii = 0; ii < hwcprof_enabled_cnt; ii++)
/* shallow copy of new counters */
hwctr[ii] = tmpctr[ii];
char *rateString = hwc_rate_string (&hwctr[ii], 0);
snprintf (UEbuf + strlen (UEbuf), UEsz - strlen (UEbuf),
NTXT (",%s,%s"), hwctr[ii].name,
rateString ? rateString : "");
free (rateString);
/* now duplicate that string, skipping the leading comma */
hwc_string = strdup (&UEbuf[1]);
return NULL;
/* add default HWC counters to counter set with resolution (on, hi, or lo) */
/* Note that the resultion will also be used to set the clock-profiling default */
char * /* return an error string */
Coll_Ctrl::add_default_hwcstring (const char *resolution, char **warnmsg, bool add, bool forKernel)
setup_hwc ();
*warnmsg = NULL;
char *def_string = hwc_get_default_cntrs2 (forKernel, 1);
if (def_string == NULL)
/* no string defined, format and return an error message */
char cpuname[128];
hwc_get_cpuname (cpuname, sizeof (cpuname));
return dbe_sprintf (GTXT ("No default HW counter set is defined for %s\n"), cpuname);
int len = strlen (def_string);
if (len == 0)
/* string zero-length, meaning default counters can't be used */
char cpuname[128];
hwc_get_cpuname (cpuname, sizeof (cpuname));
return dbe_sprintf (GTXT ("HW counter set for %s cannot be loaded on this system\n"), cpuname);
/* allocate return string */
int retsize = 2 * len + 10;
char *ret = (char *) malloc (retsize);
if (ret == NULL)
return strdup (GTXT ("internal error formating HW counter set; malloc failed\n"));
*ret = 0;
char *retp = ret;
char *stringp = def_string;
int first = 1;
char *hwc_defaultx = strdup (def_string);
/* now massage the string in order to insert resolution for each counter */
for (;;)
/* find the next comma */
char * next;
char *nextp;
if (first == 1)
nextp = stringp;
nextp = stringp + 1;
first = 0;
if ((next = strchr (nextp, (int) ',')) != NULL)
if (next == nextp)
/* next counter is zero-length -- invalid string */
char cpuname[128];
hwc_get_cpuname (cpuname, sizeof (cpuname));
free (ret);
ret = dbe_sprintf (GTXT ("HW counter set for %s, \"%s\", format error\n"), cpuname, hwc_defaultx);
free (hwc_defaultx);
return ret;
/* another field found */
*next = 0;
char nextc = *(next + 1);
if ((nextc == 0) || (nextc == ','))
/* either ,, between fields, or string ends in comma */
/* append the string */
strncat (retp, stringp, (retsize - strlen (retp) - 1));
strncat (retp, ",", (retsize - strlen (retp) - 1));
strncat (retp, resolution, (retsize - strlen (retp) - 1));
if (nextc == 0) /* string ended in comma; we're done */
/* string had only one comma between counter names; that's not valid */
char cpuname[128];
hwc_get_cpuname (cpuname, sizeof (cpuname));
free (ret);
ret = dbe_sprintf (GTXT ("HW counter set for %s, \"%s\", format error\n"), cpuname, hwc_defaultx);
free (hwc_defaultx);
return ret;
/* string had ,, between fields; move to next field */
stringp = next + 1;
if (* (stringp + 1) == 0) /* name ended in ,, -- we're done */
/* no comma found, add the last counter and the comma and resolution */
strncat (retp, stringp, (retsize - strlen (retp) - 1));
strncat (retp, ",", (retsize - strlen (retp) - 1));
strncat (retp, resolution, (retsize - strlen (retp) - 1));
/* we have now formatted the new string, with resolution inserted */
char *ccret;
if (add == true)
ccret = add_hwcstring (ret, warnmsg);
ccret = set_hwcstring (ret, warnmsg);
free (hwc_defaultx);
free (ret);
/* now set the clock-profiling timer, if on by default */
if (clkprof_default == 1)
if (strcmp (resolution, NTXT ("on")) == 0)
set_clkprof_timer_target (clk_params.normval);
else if (strcmp (resolution, NTXT ("lo")) == 0)
set_clkprof_timer_target (clk_params.lowval);
else if (strcmp (resolution, NTXT ("hi")) == 0)
set_clkprof_timer_target (clk_params.hival);
return ccret;
Coll_Ctrl::set_hwcdefault ()
char *string = hwc_get_default_cntrs2 (kernelHWC, 1);
if (string != NULL)
if (strlen (string) == 0)
hwcprof_default = 0;
char * warnmsg = NULL;
char *ccret = add_hwcstring (string, &warnmsg);
if (ccret != NULL)
#if 0
/* set string to zero-length so that it won't be used again */
hwc_set_default_cntrs (kernelHWC, NTXT (""));
hwcprof_default = 0;
hwcprof_default = 1;
free (string);
hwcprof_default = 0;
Coll_Ctrl::disable_hwc ()
hwcprof_enabled_cnt = 0;
hwcprof_default = 0;
free (hwc_string);
hwc_string = NULL;
char *
Coll_Ctrl::set_sample_period (const char *string)
int val;
if (opened == 1)
return strdup (GTXT ("Experiment is active; command ignored.\n"));
if (string == NULL || strcmp (string, "on") == 0)
val = 1;
else if (strcmp (string, "off") == 0)
val = 0;
/* string should be a number > 0 */
char *endchar = NULL;
val = (int) strtol (string, &endchar, 0);
if (*endchar != 0 || val <= 0)
return dbe_sprintf (GTXT ("Unrecognized sample period `%s'\n"), string);
/* set that value */
int prev_sample_period = sample_period;
sample_period = val;
char *ret = check_consistency ();
if (ret != NULL)
sample_period = prev_sample_period;
return ret;
sample_default = 0;
return NULL;
char *
Coll_Ctrl::set_size_limit (const char *string)
if (opened == 1)
return strdup (GTXT ("Experiment is active; command ignored.\n"));
if (string == NULL || strlen (string) == 0
|| strcmp (string, "unlimited") == 0 || strcmp (string, "none") == 0)
size_limit = 0;
return NULL;
/* string should be a number >0; 0 is an error */
char *endchar = NULL;
int val = (int) strtol (string, &endchar, 0);
if (*endchar != 0 || val <= 0)
return dbe_sprintf (GTXT ("Unrecognized size limit `%s'\n"), string);
size_limit = val;
return 0;
Coll_Ctrl::build_data_desc ()
char spec[DD_MAXPATHLEN];
spec[0] = 0;
// Put sample sig before clock profiling. Dbx uses PROF
// for that purpose and we want it to be processed first.
if (project_home)
snprintf (spec + strlen (spec), sizeof (spec) - strlen (spec), "P:%s;", project_home);
if (sample_sig != 0)
snprintf (spec + strlen (spec), sizeof (spec) - strlen (spec), "g:%d;", sample_sig);
if (pauseresume_sig != 0)
snprintf (spec + strlen (spec), sizeof (spec) - strlen (spec), "d:%d%s;", pauseresume_sig,
(pauseresume_pause == 1 ? "p" : ""));
if (clkprof_enabled == 1)
snprintf (spec + strlen (spec), sizeof (spec) - strlen (spec), "p:%d;", clkprof_timer);
if (synctrace_enabled == 1)
snprintf (spec + strlen (spec), sizeof (spec) - strlen (spec), "s:%d,%d;", synctrace_thresh, synctrace_scope);
if (heaptrace_enabled == 1)
snprintf (spec + strlen (spec), sizeof (spec) - strlen (spec), "H:%d;", heaptrace_checkenabled);
if (iotrace_enabled == 1)
snprintf (spec + strlen (spec), sizeof (spec) - strlen (spec), "i:;");
if (hwcprof_enabled_cnt > 0)
snprintf (spec + strlen (spec), sizeof (spec) - strlen (spec), "h:%s",
(hwcprof_default == true) ? "*" : "");
for (int ii = 0; ii < hwcprof_enabled_cnt; ii++)
/* min_time is a "new" field.
* To help process_data_descriptor() in hwcfuncs.c parse
* the HWC portion of this string -- specifically, to
* recognize min_time when it's present and skip over
* when it's not -- we prepend 'm' to the min_time value.
* When we no longer worry about, say, an old dbx
* writing this string and a new libcollector looking for
* the min_time field, the 'm' character can be
* removed and process_data_descriptor() simplified.
hrtime_t min_time = hwctr[ii].min_time;
if (min_time == HWCTIME_TBD)
// user did not specify any value for overflow rate
min_time = hwctr[ii].min_time_default;
snprintf (spec + strlen (spec), sizeof (spec) - strlen (spec),
"%s%s:%s:%d:%d:m%lld:%d:%d:0x%x", ii ? "," : "",
strcmp (hwctr[ii].name, hwctr[ii].int_name) ? hwctr[ii].name : "",
hwctr[ii].int_name, hwctr[ii].reg_num, hwctr[ii].val,
min_time, ii, /*tag*/ hwctr[ii].timecvt, hwctr[ii].memop);
snprintf (spec + strlen (spec), sizeof (spec) - strlen (spec), ";");
if ((time_run != 0) || (start_delay != 0))
if (start_delay != 0)
snprintf (spec + strlen (spec), sizeof (spec) - strlen (spec), "t:%d:%d;", start_delay, time_run);
snprintf (spec + strlen (spec), sizeof (spec) - strlen (spec), "t:%d;", time_run);
if (sample_period != 0)
snprintf (spec + strlen (spec), sizeof (spec) - strlen (spec), "S:%d;",
if (size_limit != 0)
snprintf (spec + strlen (spec), sizeof (spec) - strlen (spec), "L:%d;",
if (java_mode != 0)
snprintf (spec + strlen (spec), sizeof (spec) - strlen (spec), "j:%d;", (int) java_mode);
if (follow_mode != FOLLOW_NONE)
snprintf (spec + strlen (spec), sizeof (spec) - strlen (spec), "F:%d;", (int) follow_mode);
snprintf (spec + strlen (spec), sizeof (spec) - strlen (spec), "a:%s;", archive_mode);
if (strlen (spec) + 1 >= sizeof (spec))
abort ();
free (data_desc);
data_desc = strdup (spec);
char *
Coll_Ctrl::check_group ()
char group_file[MAXPATHLEN];
if (expt_group == NULL)
return NULL;
// Is the group an relative path, with a store directory set?
if ((expt_group[0] == '/') || ((udir_name == NULL) || (udir_name[0] == '0')))
snprintf (group_file, sizeof (group_file), "%s", expt_group);
else // relative path, store directory; make group_file in that directory
snprintf (group_file, sizeof (group_file), "%s/%s", udir_name, expt_group);
// See if we can write the group file
int ret = access (group_file, W_OK);
if (ret != 0)
if (errno == ENOENT)
char *stmp = group_file;
char *dir = dirname (stmp);
ret = access (dir, W_OK);
if (ret != 0) // group file does not exist;
return dbe_sprintf (GTXT ("Directory (%s) for group file %s is not writeable: %s\n"),
dir, group_file, strerror (errno));
return dbe_sprintf (GTXT ("Group file %s is not writeable: %s\n"),
group_file, strerror (errno));
return NULL;
char *
Coll_Ctrl::join_group ()
int tries = 0;
int groupfd;
FILE *file;
char group_file[MAXPATHLEN];
struct stat statbuf;
struct flock flockbuf;
flockbuf.l_type = F_WRLCK;
flockbuf.l_whence = SEEK_SET;
flockbuf.l_start = 0;
flockbuf.l_len = 0;
if (expt_group == NULL)
return NULL;
// Is the group an relative path, with a store directory set?
if (expt_group[0] == '/' || udir_name == NULL || udir_name[0] == '0')
snprintf (group_file, sizeof (group_file), "%s", expt_group);
else // relative path, store directory; make group_file in that directory
snprintf (group_file, sizeof (group_file), "%s/%s", udir_name, expt_group);
for (;;)
// try to open the group file
while ((groupfd = open (group_file, O_RDWR)) >= 0)
if (uinterrupt == 1)
close (groupfd);
return strdup (GTXT ("user interrupt\n"));
// it's opened, now lock it
if (fcntl (groupfd, F_SETLK, &flockbuf) != -1)
// we got the lock; check the file size
if (fstat (groupfd, &statbuf) != 0)
// can't stat the file -- give up
close (groupfd);
return dbe_sprintf (GTXT ("Can't fstat group file %s\n"), group_file);
if (statbuf.st_size == 0)
// size is zero: we got the lock just as someone
// else created the group file
// close the file and release the lock; try again
close (groupfd);
// size is non-zero, add our record
file = fdopen (groupfd, "a");
if (file == NULL)
close (groupfd);
return dbe_sprintf (GTXT ("Can't access group file %s\n"), group_file);
if (fprintf (file, "%s\n", store_ptr) <= 0)
fclose (file);
return dbe_sprintf (GTXT ("Can't update group file %s\n"), group_file);
// close the file, releasing our lock
fclose (file);
return NULL;
// can't get the lock, close the file and try again
close (groupfd);
if (uinterrupt == 1)
return strdup (GTXT ("user interrupt\n"));
if (tries == 11900)
return dbe_sprintf (GTXT ("Timed out: waiting for group file %s\n"), group_file);
#if 0
if (tries % 500 == 0)
USR_WARN (GTXT ("Waiting for group file %s . . ."), group_file);
usleep (10000U);
// If the error was not that the file did not exist, report it
if (errno != ENOENT)
return dbe_sprintf (GTXT ("Can't open group file %s: %s\n"),
group_file, strerror (errno));
// the file did not exist, try to create it
groupfd = open (group_file, O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_RDWR, 0666);
if (groupfd < 0)
// we could not create the file
if (errno == EEXIST)
return dbe_sprintf (GTXT ("Can't create group file %s: %s\n"),
group_file, strerror (errno));
// we created the group file, now lock it, waiting for the lock
while (fcntl (groupfd, F_SETLKW, &flockbuf) == -1)
// we created the file, but couldn't lock it
if (errno != EINTR)
return dbe_sprintf (GTXT ("Unable to lock group file %s\n"), group_file);
// we created and locked the file, write to it
file = fdopen (groupfd, "a");
if (file == NULL)
close (groupfd);
return dbe_sprintf (GTXT ("Can't access group file %s\n"), group_file);
// write the header line
if (fprintf (file, "%s\n", SP_GROUP_HEADER) <= 0)
fclose (file);
return dbe_sprintf (GTXT ("Can't initialize group file %s\n"), group_file);
if (fprintf (file, "%s\n", store_ptr) <= 0)
fclose (file);
return dbe_sprintf (GTXT ("Can't update group file %s\n"), group_file);
// finally, close the file, releasing the lock
fclose (file);
return NULL;
// never reached
char *
Coll_Ctrl::set_directory (char *dir, char **warn)
struct stat statbuf;
*warn = NULL;
if (opened == 1)
return strdup (GTXT ("Experiment is active; command ignored.\n"));
if (stat (dir, &statbuf) != 0)
return dbe_sprintf (GTXT ("Can't set directory `%s': %s\n"),
dir, strerror (errno));
if (!S_ISDIR (statbuf.st_mode))
return dbe_sprintf (GTXT ("Can't set directory `%s': %s\n"),
dir, strerror (ENOTDIR));
free (udir_name);
udir_name = strdup (dir);
// Process new setting
*warn = preprocess_names ();
if ((uexpt_name != NULL) || (interactive != 0))
char *ret = update_expt_name (true, true);
if (ret != NULL)
if (*warn != NULL)
char *msg = dbe_sprintf ("%s%s", *warn, ret);
free (*warn);
free (ret);
*warn = msg;
*warn = ret;
(void) update_expt_name (false, false);
return NULL; // All is OK
Coll_Ctrl::set_target (char* targetname)
free (target_name);
target_name = NULL;
if (targetname != NULL)
target_name = strdup (targetname);
return 0;
Coll_Ctrl::set_default_stem (const char* stem)
default_stem = strdup (stem);
preprocess_names ();
(void) update_expt_name (false, false); // no warnings
char *
Coll_Ctrl::set_expt (const char *ename, char **warn, bool overwriteExp)
*warn = NULL;
if (ename == NULL)
free (uexpt_name);
uexpt_name = NULL;
return NULL;
char *exptname = canonical_path(strdup(ename));
size_t i = strlen (exptname);
if (i < 4 || strcmp (&exptname[i - 3], ".er") != 0)
free (exptname);
return dbe_sprintf (GTXT ("Experiment name `%s' must end in `.er'\n"),
// Name is OK
free (uexpt_name);
uexpt_name = exptname;
preprocess_names ();
char *err = update_expt_name (true, true, overwriteExp);
if (err != NULL)
return err;
if (overwriteExp)
char *nm = dbe_sprintf ("%s/%s", store_dir, base_name);
struct stat statbuf;
char *cmd = dbe_sprintf ("/bin/rm -rf %s >/dev/null 2>&1", nm);
system (cmd);
free (cmd);
if (stat (nm, &statbuf) == 0)
return dbe_sprintf (GTXT ("Cannot remove experiment `%s'\n"), nm);
if (errno != ENOENT)
return dbe_sprintf (GTXT ("Cannot remove experiment `%s'\n"), nm);
free (nm);
*warn = update_expt_name (true, false);
return NULL;
char *
Coll_Ctrl::set_group (char *groupname)
if (opened == 1)
return strdup (GTXT ("Experiment is active; command ignored.\n"));
if (expt_group != NULL)
free (expt_group);
expt_group = NULL;
if (groupname == NULL)
// reset the name
preprocess_names ();
(void) update_expt_name (true, false);
return NULL;
int i = (int) strlen (groupname);
if (i < 5 || strcmp (&groupname[i - 4], ".erg") != 0)
return dbe_sprintf (GTXT ("Experiment group name `%s'must end in `.erg'\n"), groupname);
expt_group = strdup (groupname);
preprocess_names ();
(void) update_expt_name (true, false);
return NULL;
char *
Coll_Ctrl::set_java_mode (const char *string)
struct stat statbuf;
if (opened == 1)
return strdup (GTXT ("Experiment is active; command ignored.\n"));
if (string == NULL || strlen (string) == 0 || strcmp (string, "on") == 0)
int prev_java_mode = java_mode;
int prev_java_default = java_default;
java_mode = 1;
java_default = 0;
char *ret = check_consistency ();
if (ret != NULL)
java_mode = prev_java_mode;
java_default = prev_java_default;
return ret;
return NULL;
return strdup (GTXT ("gprofng was built without support for profiling Java applications\n"));
if (strcmp (string, "off") == 0)
int prev_java_mode = java_mode;
int prev_java_default = java_default;
java_mode = 0;
java_default = 0;
char *ret = check_consistency ();
if (ret != NULL)
java_mode = prev_java_mode;
java_default = prev_java_default;
return ret;
free (java_path);
java_path = NULL;
return NULL;
/* any other value should be a path to Java installation directory */
if (stat (string, &statbuf) == 0)
if ((statbuf.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR)
// it's a directory -- set the Java path to it
int prev_java_mode = java_mode;
int prev_java_default = java_default;
java_mode = 1;
java_default = 0;
char *ret = check_consistency ();
if (ret != NULL)
java_mode = prev_java_mode;
java_default = prev_java_default;
return ret;
return set_java_path (string);
return dbe_sprintf (GTXT ("Java-profiling parameter is neither \"on\", nor \"off\", nor is it a directory: `%s'\n"), string);
char *
Coll_Ctrl::set_java_path (const char *string)
if (opened == 1)
return strdup (GTXT ("Experiment is active; command ignored.\n"));
free (java_path);
java_path = strdup (string);
return NULL;
char *
Coll_Ctrl::set_java_args (char *string)
char *next;
if (opened == 1)
return strdup (GTXT ("Experiment is active; command ignored.\n"));
char *prev_java_args = java_args;
if (string == NULL || strlen (string) == 0)
java_args = strdup ("");
java_args = strdup (string);
// now count the number of Java arguments
for (next = java_args; *next; next++)
if (*next == ' ' || *next == '\t')
for (++next; *next; next++)
if (*next == ' ' || *next == '\t')
if (!*next)
if (njava_args == 0)
java_args = NULL;
char *ret = check_consistency ();
if (ret != NULL)
java_args = prev_java_args;
return ret;
free (prev_java_args);
return NULL;
char *
Coll_Ctrl::set_follow_mode (const char *string)
if (opened == 1)
return strdup (GTXT ("Experiment is active; command ignored.\n"));
free (follow_spec_usr);
free (follow_spec_cmp);
follow_spec_usr = NULL;
follow_spec_cmp = NULL;
if (string == NULL || strlen (string) == 0 || strcmp (string, "all") == 0
|| strcmp (string, "on") == 0)
follow_mode = FOLLOW_ON;
follow_default = 0;
return NULL;
if (strcmp (string, "off") == 0)
follow_mode = FOLLOW_NONE;
follow_default = 0;
return NULL;
/* compile regular expression if string starts with "=" */
if (string[0] == '=' && string[1] != 0)
// user has specified a string matching specification
regex_t regex_desc;
int ercode;
const char *userspec = &string[1];
size_t newstrlen = strlen (userspec) + 3;
char * str = (char *) malloc (newstrlen);
if (str)
snprintf (str, newstrlen, "^%s$", userspec);
assert (strlen (str) == newstrlen - 1);
ercode = regcomp (&regex_desc, str, REG_EXTENDED | REG_NOSUB | REG_NEWLINE);
ercode = 1;
if (!ercode)
follow_spec_usr = strdup (string);
/* Ideally, follow_spec_cmp = [serialized regex_desc], */
/* so that libcollector wouldn't have to recompile it. */
/* For now, just copy the regular expression into follow_spec_cmp */
follow_spec_cmp = str;
follow_mode = FOLLOW_ALL;
follow_default = 0;
return NULL;
// syntax error in parsing string
#if 0
char errbuf[256];
regerror (ercode, &regex_desc, errbuf, sizeof (errbuf));
fprintf (stderr, "Coll_Ctrl::set_follow_mode: regerror()=%s\n", errbuf);
free (str);
return dbe_sprintf (GTXT ("Unrecognized follow-mode parameter `%s'\n"), string);
char *
Coll_Ctrl::set_prof_idle (const char *string)
if (opened == 1)
return strdup (GTXT ("Experiment is active; command ignored.\n"));
if (string == NULL || strlen (string) == 0 || strcmp (string, "on") == 0)
prof_idle = 1;
return NULL;
if (strcmp (string, "off") == 0)
prof_idle = 0;
return NULL;
return dbe_sprintf (GTXT ("Unrecognized profiling idle cpus parameter `%s'\n"), string);
char *
Coll_Ctrl::set_archive_mode (const char *string)
if (opened == 1)
return strdup (GTXT ("Experiment is active; command ignored.\n"));
if (string == NULL || strlen (string) == 0)
string = "on";
if (strcasecmp (string, "on") == 0 || strcasecmp (string, "off") == 0
|| strcasecmp (string, "ldobjects") == 0
|| strcasecmp (string, "usedldobjects") == 0
|| strcasecmp (string, "src") == 0 || strcasecmp (string, "usedsrc") == 0
|| strcasecmp (string, "all") == 0)
free (archive_mode);
archive_mode = strdup (string);
return NULL;
return dbe_sprintf (GTXT ("Unrecognized archive-mode parameter `%s'\n"), string);
char *
Coll_Ctrl::set_sample_signal (int value)
const char *buf;
if (opened == 1)
return strdup (GTXT ("Experiment is active; command ignored.\n"));
if (value == 0)
sample_sig = 0;
return NULL;
if (value == pauseresume_sig)
return report_signal_conflict (value);
if ((buf = strsignal (value)) != NULL)
sample_sig = value;
return dbe_sprintf (GTXT ("Invalid sample signal %d\n"), value);
return NULL;
/* find a signal by name */
Coll_Ctrl::find_sig (const char *string)
int val;
char *signame_alloc = NULL;
const char *signame;
val = -1;
if (strcmp (string, "off") == 0)
return 0;
// see if the name begins with SIG
if (strncmp (string, "SIG", 3) != 0)
// no: add it
signame_alloc = (char *) malloc (strlen (string) + 3 + 1);
if (signame_alloc == NULL)
return -1;
strcpy (signame_alloc, "SIG");
strcpy (&signame_alloc[3], string);
signame = signame_alloc;
signame = string;
/* see if the string is a number */
char *endchar = NULL;
val = (int) strtol (signame, &endchar, 0);
if (*endchar != 0)
val = strtosigno (signame);
free (signame_alloc);
if (val == SIGKILL)
return -1;
return val;
char *
Coll_Ctrl::set_pauseresume_signal (int value, int resume)
if (opened == 1)
return strdup (GTXT ("Experiment is active; command ignored.\n"));
if (value == 0)
pauseresume_sig = 0;
return NULL;
if (value == sample_sig)
return report_signal_conflict (value);
if (strsignal (value) != NULL)
pauseresume_sig = value;
pauseresume_pause = resume;
return dbe_sprintf (GTXT ("Invalid pause-resume (delayed initialization) signal %d\n"), value);
return NULL;
char *
Coll_Ctrl::report_signal_conflict (int value)
const char *xbuf = strsignal (value);
if (xbuf != NULL)
return dbe_sprintf (GTXT ("Signal %s (%d) can not be used for both sample and pause-resume (delayed initialization)\n"),
xbuf, value);
return dbe_sprintf (GTXT ("Signal %d can not be used for both sample and pause-resume (delayed initialization)\n"),
char *
Coll_Ctrl::set_debug_mode (int value)
if (opened == 1)
return strdup (GTXT ("Experiment is active; command ignored.\n"));
debug_mode = value;
return NULL;
char *
Coll_Ctrl::create_exp_dir ()
int max = 4095; // 0xFFF - can be increased if it seems too low
for (int i = 0; i < max; i++)
if (mkdir (store_ptr,
int err = errno;
if (err == EACCES)
return dbe_sprintf (GTXT ("Store directory %s is not writeable: %s\n"),
store_dir, strerror (err));
if (i + 1 >= max) // no more attempts
return dbe_sprintf (GTXT ("Unable to create directory `%s' -- %s\n%s: %d\n"),
store_ptr, strerror (err),
GTXT ("collect: Internal error: loop count achieved"),
char *ermsg = update_expt_name (false, false, true);
if (ermsg != NULL)
char *msg = dbe_sprintf (GTXT ("Unable to create directory `%s' -- %s\n"),
store_ptr, ermsg);
free (ermsg);
return msg;
return NULL; // All is OK
return dbe_sprintf (GTXT ("Unable to create directory `%s'\n"), store_ptr);
char *
Coll_Ctrl::get_exp_name (const char *stembase)
expno = 1;
return dbe_sprintf ("", stembase, expno);
char *
Coll_Ctrl::preprocess_names ()
char buf[MAXPATHLEN];
char msgbuf[MAXPATHLEN];
char *ret = NULL;
/* convert the experiment name and directory into store name/dir */
/* free the old strings */
if (store_dir != NULL)
free (store_dir);
store_dir = NULL;
if (expt_dir != NULL)
free (expt_dir);
expt_dir = NULL;
if (base_name != NULL)
free (base_name);
base_name = NULL;
if (expt_name != NULL)
free (expt_name);
expt_name = NULL;
expno = 1;
if (uexpt_name != NULL)
expt_name = strdup (uexpt_name);
// no user name -- pick a default
char *c;
char *stem;
char *stembase;
if (expt_group == NULL)
stem = strdup (default_stem);
stembase = stem;
stem = strdup (expt_group);
stem[strlen (stem) - 4] = 0;
stembase = stem;
// now remove any leading directory
for (int i = 0;; i++)
if (stem[i] == 0)
if (stem[i] == '/')
stembase = &stem[i + 1];
if (strlen (stembase) == 0)
free (stem);
stem = strdup (default_stem);
stembase = stem;
c = get_exp_name (stembase);
expt_name = c;
free (stem);
snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), NTXT ("%s"), expt_name);
if (buf[0] == '/')
// it's a full path name
if (udir_name != NULL)
snprintf (msgbuf, sizeof (msgbuf),
GTXT ("Warning: Experiment name is an absolute path; directory name %s ignored.\n"),
ret = strdup (msgbuf);
// now extract the directory and basename
int lastslash = 0;
for (int i = 0;; i++)
if (buf[i] == 0)
if (buf[i] == '/')
lastslash = i;
expt_dir = strdup (buf);
if (lastslash != 0)
base_name = strdup (&buf[lastslash + 1]);
base_name = strdup (buf);
expt_dir[lastslash] = 0;
if (expt_dir[0] == '/')
store_dir = strdup (expt_dir);
else if ((udir_name == NULL) || (udir_name[0] == 0))
if (expt_dir[0] == 0)
store_dir = strdup (".");
store_dir = strdup (expt_dir);
/* udir_name is a non-empty string */
if (expt_dir[0] == 0)
store_dir = strdup (udir_name);
snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%s/%s", udir_name, expt_dir);
store_dir = strdup (buf);
free (store_ptr);
if (strcmp (store_dir, ".") == 0)
store_ptr = strdup (base_name);
snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%s/%s", store_dir, base_name);
store_ptr = strdup (buf);
// determine the file system type
if (strcmp (store_dir, prev_store_dir) != 0)
free (prev_store_dir);
prev_store_dir = strdup (store_dir);
const char *fstype = get_fstype (store_dir);
if (interactive && enabled && (fstype != NULL) && (nofswarn == 0))
snprintf (msgbuf, sizeof (msgbuf),
GTXT ("%sExperiment directory is set to a file system of type \"%s\",\n which may distort the measured performance;\n it is preferable to record to a local disk.\n"),
(ret == NULL ? "" : ret), fstype);
free (ret);
ret = strdup (msgbuf);
return ret;
char *
Coll_Ctrl::update_expt_name (bool chgmsg, bool chkonly, bool newname)
char *ret = NULL;
struct stat statbuf;
// make sure the name ends in .er
// set count to the length of the name
int count = (int) strlen (base_name);
// this should have been checked already, so we can abort
if (count < 4 || strcmp (&base_name[count - 3], ".er") != 0)
abort ();
int pcount = count - 4;
if (!newname)
{ // check if old name can be used
char fullname[MAXPATHLEN];
snprintf (fullname, sizeof (fullname), "%s/%s", store_dir, base_name);
if (stat (fullname, &statbuf) != 0)
if (errno == ENOENT) // name does not exist, we can use it
return NULL;
else if (chkonly)
return NULL;
// current name will not work, update the name
DIR *dir;
struct dirent *dir_entry;
// see if there's a numeric field in front of the .er of the name
int digits = 0;
while (isdigit ((int) (base_name[pcount])) != 0)
if (pcount == 0) // name is of the form; don't update it
return dbe_sprintf (GTXT ("name %s is in use and cannot be updated\n"),
if (digits == 0) // name is of form (or; don't update it
return dbe_sprintf (GTXT ("name %s is in use and cannot be updated\n"),
if (base_name[pcount] != '.') // name is of form; don't update it
return dbe_sprintf (GTXT ("name %s is in use and cannot be updated\n"),
if (chkonly)
return NULL;
// save the name for a changed message
char *oldbase = strdup (base_name);
// the name is of the from; extract the value of nnn
int version = atoi (&base_name[pcount + 1]);
if (newname) // do not try to use old name
int max_version = version - 1;
// terminate the base_name string after that . yielding "prefix."
base_name[pcount + 1] = 0;
if ((dir = opendir (store_dir)) == NULL)
// ignore error -- we'll hit it again later
free (oldbase);
return NULL;
// find the maximum version in the directory
// count is the number of characters before the number
while ((dir_entry = readdir (dir)) != NULL)
count = (int) strlen (dir_entry->d_name);
if ((count < 4) || (strcmp (&dir_entry->d_name[count - 3], ".er") != 0))
// check that the name is of the form; if not, skip it
if (strncmp (base_name, dir_entry->d_name, pcount + 1) == 0)
// the "prefix." part matches, terminate the entry name before the .er
dir_entry->d_name[count - 3] = 0;
char *lastchar;
int dversion = (int) strtol (&dir_entry->d_name[pcount + 1], &lastchar, 10);
// if it did not end where the .er was, skip it
if (*lastchar != 0)
if (dversion > max_version)
max_version = dversion;
// we now have the maximum version determined
char newbase[MAXPATHLEN];
base_name[pcount + 1] = 0;
version = max_version + 1;
snprintf (newbase, sizeof (newbase), "", base_name, version);
if ((strcmp (oldbase, newbase) != 0) && chgmsg)
ret = dbe_sprintf (GTXT ("name %s is in use; changed to %s\n"),
oldbase, newbase);
free (oldbase);
free (oldbase);
free (base_name);
base_name = strdup (newbase);
// now, reset expt_name to reflect new setting
free (expt_name);
if (expt_dir[0] == 0)
expt_name = strdup (base_name);
expt_name = dbe_sprintf ("%s/%s", expt_dir, base_name);
free (store_ptr);
if (strcmp (store_dir, ".") == 0)
store_ptr = strdup (base_name);
store_ptr = dbe_sprintf ("%s/%s", store_dir, base_name);
closedir (dir);
return ret;
Coll_Ctrl::remove_exp_dir ()
if (store_ptr == NULL)
rmdir (store_ptr);
free (store_ptr);
store_ptr = NULL;
Coll_Ctrl::determine_profile_params ()
struct itimerval itimer;
struct itimerval otimer;
int period;
long nperiod;
struct sigaction act;
struct sigaction old_handler;
memset (&act, 0, sizeof (struct sigaction));
period = 997;
// set SIGPROF handler to SIG_IGN
sigemptyset (&act.sa_mask);
act.sa_handler = SIG_IGN;
act.sa_flags = SA_RESTART | SA_SIGINFO;
if (sigaction (SIGPROF, &act, &old_handler) == -1)
/* couldn't set signal */
fprintf (stderr, GTXT ("Can't set SIGPROF: %s\n"), strerror (errno));
exit (1);
// set the timer to arbitrary resolution
itimer.it_interval.tv_sec = period / MICROSEC;
itimer.it_interval.tv_usec = period % MICROSEC;
itimer.it_value = itimer.it_interval;
setitimer (ITIMER_REALPROF, &itimer, &otimer);
// now reset the timer to turn it off
itimer.it_value.tv_sec = 0;
itimer.it_value.tv_usec = 0;
if (setitimer (ITIMER_REALPROF, &itimer, &otimer) == -1) // call failed
nperiod = -1;
nperiod = otimer.it_interval.tv_sec * MICROSEC + otimer.it_interval.tv_usec;
// check the returned value: is the what we asked for?
if (period == nperiod) // arbitrary precision is OK
else if (nperiod < 10000) // hi resolution allowed, but not arbitrary precision
set_clk_params ((int) nperiod, 1000, PROFINT_MAX, 1000, 10000, 100000);
else // low resolution only allowed
set_clk_params (10000, 10000, PROFINT_MAX, 1000, 10000, 100000);
// If old handler was default, ignore it; otherwise restore it
if (old_handler.sa_handler != SIG_DFL)
act.sa_handler = old_handler.sa_handler;
if (sigaction (SIGPROF, &act, &old_handler) == -1)
/* couldn't reset signal */
fprintf (stderr, GTXT ("Can't reset SIGPROF: %s\n"), strerror (errno));
exit (1);
const char *
get_fstype (char *)
/* On Linux, statvfs() doesn't return any information that seems to indicate
the filetype. The structure statvfs does not have any field/flag that
gives this information. Comparing the fields from
unsigned long int f_fsid;
int __f_unused;
^^^^ On Solaris, this is where f_basetype is
unsigned long int f_flag;
unsigned long int f_namemax;
XXX Need to revisit this XXX
return NULL; // no NFS warning on Linux for now
//========== Special functions to communicate with the Collector GUI ==========//
/* Interface strings GUI <-> CLI */
const char *ipc_str_exp_limit = "exp_limit";
const char *ipc_str_time_limit = "time_limit";
const char *ipc_str_arch_exp = "arch_exp";
const char *ipc_str_descendant = "descendant";
const char *ipc_str_clkprof = "clkprof";
const char *ipc_str_hwcprof = "hwcprof";
const char *ipc_str_hwc2_prof = "hwc2_prof";
const char *ipc_str_javaprof = "javaprof";
const char *ipc_str_sample = "sample";
const char *ipc_str_sample_sig = "sample_sig";
const char *ipc_str_pause_resume_sig = "pause_resume_sig";
const char *ipc_str_synctrace = "synctrace";
const char *ipc_str_heaptrace = "heaptrace";
const char *ipc_str_iotrace = "iotrace";
const char *ipc_str_count = "count";
const char *ipc_str_prof_idle = "prof_idle"; // -x option
// Standard answers
const char *ipc_str_empty = "";
const char *ipc_str_on = "on";
const char *ipc_str_off = "off";
const char *ipc_str_src = "src";
const char *ipc_str_usedsrc = "usedsrc";
const char *ipc_str_usedldobjects = "usedldobjects";
const char *ipc_str_unlimited = "unlimited";
const char *ipc_str_unknown_control = "Unknown control";
const char *ipc_str_internal_error = "Internal error";
* Finds signal name
* @param signal
* @return NULL or signal name (pointer to allocated memory)
char *
Coll_Ctrl::find_signal_name (int signal)
char *str_signal = NULL;
const char *buf = strsignal (signal);
if (buf != NULL)
str_signal = strdup (buf);
return str_signal;
* Gets control's value
* @param control