blob: 59b860ae3cb5e0ad50b965c756802458a2b73467 [file] [log] [blame]
#name: ARMv8-M Mainline with DSP instructions (Security Extensions 1)
#source: archv8m-cmse.s
#as: -march=armv8-m.main+dsp
#objdump: -dr --prefix-addresses --show-raw-insn -M force-thumb
.*: +file format .*arm.*
Disassembly of section .text:
0+.* <[^>]*> e97f e97f sg
0+.* <[^>]*> 47a4 blxns r4
0+.* <[^>]*> 47cc blxns r9
0+.* <[^>]*> 4724 bxns r4
0+.* <[^>]*> 474c bxns r9
0+.* <[^>]*> e841 f080 tta r0, r1
0+.* <[^>]*> e849 f880 tta r8, r9
0+.* <[^>]*> e841 f0c0 ttat r0, r1
0+.* <[^>]*> e849 f8c0 ttat r8, r9