blob: 2d96e3b29634a49fabef95199ba57f7deac33702 [file] [log] [blame]
@ Test file for ARM load/store instructions with pc as the base register
.syntax unified
.align 2
ldr r1, [pc, #-8]
ldr r1, [pc, r2]
ldrb r1, [pc, r2]
ldrd r0, r1, [pc, r2]
ldrh r1, [pc, r2]
ldrsb r1, [pc, r2]
ldrsh r1, [pc, r2]
pld [pc, #-8]
pld [pc, r1]
pli [pc, #-8]
pli [pc, r1]
str r1, [pc, #4]
str r1, [pc, r2]
strb r1, [pc, r2]
strd r0, r1, [pc, r2]
strh r1, [pc, r2]