blob: 0a98f716e620fa37045bfa670606e12164b1aeac [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright (C) 2021-2024 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Contributed by Oracle.
This file is part of GNU Binutils.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston,
MA 02110-1301, USA. */
/* This file describes the data structures used to control
* data collection; it is used by various commands in the MPMT
* tree, and is also shared with dbx. Care should be taken
* to ensure that both the mpmt and dbx builds continue.
* To remove any APIs or change any enum cases:
* 1. Make the changes in mpmt, and preserve the old APIs
* as scaffolding and any old enum values as #defines.
* 2. Add the new APIs and new cases to dbx, remove the
* old ones.
* 3. Remove the old API scaffolding and enum values here
#ifndef _COLLCTRL_H
#define _COLLCTRL_H
#include "hwcentry.h"
#include "cc_libcollector.h"
/* class */
typedef struct {
int min;
int res;
int max;
int hival;
int normval;
int lowval;
} clk_params_t;
#define PROFINT_HIGH 997
#define PROFINT_NORM 10007
#define PROFINT_LOW 100003
#define PROFINT_MIN 500
#define PROFINT_MAX 1000000
class Coll_Ctrl {
/* _interactive is 1 for dbx, 0 for collect */
Coll_Ctrl(int _interactive = 0, bool _defHWC = false, bool _kernelHWC = false);
Coll_Ctrl(Coll_Ctrl *cc); /* constructor for duplicate */
char *check_expt(char **); /* check the experiment directory */
char *setup_experiment(); /* set up the experiment directory, etc. */
void close_expt();
void interrupt(); /* the user interrupts experiment */
void delete_expt();
/* enable/disable the experiment */
char *enable_expt();
void disable_expt() { enabled = 0; };
int isenabled() { return enabled; };
/* check for active experiment */
int isopened() { return opened; };
/* set the parameters for clock-profiling */
void set_clk_params(int min, int res, int max, int hi, int norm, int lo);
char *set_clkprof(const char *valptr, char **warn);
char *reset_clkprof(int val); /* called if profiler must reset value */
int get_clk_min() { return clk_params.min; };
int get_clk_max() { return clk_params.max; };
int get_clk_res() { return clk_params.res; };
int get_clkprof_mode() { return clkprof_enabled; };
int get_clkprof_timer() { return clkprof_timer; };
/* set the parameters for synchronization tracing */
char *set_synctrace(const char *valptr);
int get_synctrace_mode() { return synctrace_enabled; };
int get_synctrace_thresh() { return synctrace_thresh; };
int get_synctrace_scope() { return synctrace_scope; };
/* set the parameters for heap tracing */
char *set_heaptrace(const char *);
char *get_heaptrace_mode() { return heaptrace_mode; };
/* set the parameters for I/O tracing */
char *set_iotrace(const char *);
int get_iotrace_mode() { return iotrace_enabled; };
/* set the parameters for HW counting */
void setup_hwc();
char *set_hwcstring(const char *str, char **warn);
char *add_hwcstring(const char *str, char **warn);
char *add_default_hwcstring(const char *str, char **warn, bool add, bool forKernel = false);
void set_hwcdefault();
void disable_hwc();
int get_hwc_cnt() { return hwcprof_enabled_cnt; };
int get_hwc_mode() { return hwcprof_enabled_cnt ? 1 : 0; };
char *get_hwc_string() { return hwc_string; };
Hwcentry *
get_hwc_entry (int n)
if (n < 0 || n >= hwcprof_enabled_cnt)
return 0;
return &hwctr[n];
void hwcentry_dup (Hwcentry *, Hwcentry *);
char *get_hwc_counter (int n) { return get_hwc_entry (n)->name; };
/* set the parameters for count data */
char *set_count (const char *);
int get_count () { return count_enabled; };
void set_Iflag () { Iflag = 1; };
void set_Nflag () { Nflag = 1; };
/* set time interval for attach with dbx timed collection */
/* also used for er_kernel */
char *set_time_run (const char *);
int get_time_run (void) { return time_run; };
int get_start_delay (void) { return start_delay; };
/* set pid for attach with dbx to collect data */
char *set_attach_pid (char *);
int get_attach_pid (void) { return attach_pid; };
/* set java mode, "on" = yes; "off" = no; anthing else implies
* yes, and is the path to the java to use
* java_mode is returned as zero for off, one for on
* java_default is returned as zero for explicitly set, one for defaulted on
char *set_java_mode (const char *);
int get_java_mode () { return java_mode; };
int get_java_default () { return java_default; };
/* setting Java path explicitly */
char *set_java_path (const char *);
char *get_java_path () { return java_path; };
/* set additional arguments for Java invocation */
char *set_java_args (char *);
char *get_java_args () { return java_args; };
int get_java_arg_cnt () { return njava_args; };
/* set load-object archive mode, 0 = no; other = yes */
char *set_archive_mode (const char *);
char *get_archive_mode () { return archive_mode; };
/* set follow-descendants mode, 0 = no; other = yes */
char *set_follow_mode (const char *);
Follow_type get_follow_mode () { return follow_mode; };
int get_follow_default () { return follow_default; };
char *get_follow_usr_spec () { return follow_spec_usr; };
char *get_follow_cmp_spec () { return follow_spec_cmp; };
/* set profile idle cpus mode, 1 = no; 0 = yes */
char *set_prof_idle (const char *);
int get_prof_idle () { return prof_idle; };
/* set debug more, 1 = yes; other = no */
/* if set, target will be set to halt at exit from exec */
char *set_debug_mode (int);
int get_debug_mode () { return debug_mode; };
/* find a signal from a string */
int find_sig (const char *);
/* find a signal name from a signal value */
char *find_signal_name (int signal);
/* set the pauseresume (delayed initialization) signal */
char *set_pauseresume_signal (int, int);
int get_pauseresume_signal () { return pauseresume_sig; };
int get_pauseresume_pause () { return pauseresume_pause; };
/* set the sample signal */
char *set_sample_signal (int);
int get_sample_signal () { return sample_sig; };
/* set the periodic sampling */
char *set_sample_period (const char *);
int get_sample_period (void) { return sample_period; };
/* set experiment size limit */
char *set_size_limit (const char *);
int get_size_limit (void) { return size_limit; };
/* naming methods */
/* set the target executable name */
int set_target (char *);
char *get_target () { return target_name; };
/* set the experiment name */
void set_default_stem (const char *);
char *set_expt (const char *, char **, bool);
char *get_expt () { return expt_name; };
/* set the experiment directory */
char *set_directory (char *, char **);
char *get_directory () { return udir_name ? udir_name : store_dir; };
/* return the real experiment ptr file name */
char *get_experiment () { return store_ptr; };
char *update_expt_name (bool verbose = true, bool ckonly = false, bool newname = false);
/* remove the experiment */
void remove_exp_dir ();
/* return the data descriptor */
char *
get_data_desc ()
return data_desc;
/* set the experiment group */
char *set_group (char *);
char *get_group () { return expt_group; };
/* return the experiment settings as a string */
char *show (int); /* full show */
char *show_expt (); /* short form */
/* return an argv array to compose a "collect" command from settings */
char **get_collect_args ();
/* determine characteristics of system */
char *get_node_name () { return node_name; };
long get_ncpus () { return ncpus; };
int get_cpu_clk_freq () { return cpu_clk_freq; };
/* disable warning about non-local filesystems */
void set_nofswarn () { nofswarn = 1; };
//========== Special functions to communicate with the Collector GUI ==========//
char *get (char *); /* get control's value */
char *set (char *, const char *); /* set control's value */
char *unset (char *); /* reset control's value to its default */
void set_project_home (char *);
int interactive; /* 1 - dbx, 0 - collect */
bool defHWC; /* true if default HWC experiment should be run */
bool kernelHWC; /* T if default HWC counters are for kernel profiling */
int opened; /* T if an experiment is opened */
int enabled; /* T if an experiment is enabled */
volatile int uinterrupt; /* set if interrupt from user */
/* experiment/machine characteristics */
char *node_name; /* name of machine on which experiment is run */
long ncpus; /* number of online CPUs */
int cpu_clk_freq; /* chip clock (MHz.), as reported from processor_info */
long sys_resolution; /* system clock resolution */
int sample_period; /* period for sampling, seconds */
int sample_default; /* if period for sampling set by default */
int size_limit; /* experiment size limit, MB */
long npages; /* number of pages configured */
long page_size; /* size of system page */
clk_params_t clk_params;
/* user specification of name */
/* user may specify both uexpt_name and udir_name
* if uexpt_name is absolute path, udir_name is ignored, with warning
* otherwise, udir_name is prepended to uexpt_name
* if uexpt_name is of the form: <dir>/, where nnn is numeric,
* nnn will be reset to one greater than the the highest experiment
* with a name of the same form.
char *default_stem; /* default stem for experiment name */
char *uexpt_name; /* suggested experiment name */
char *expt_name; /* experiment name, after defaulting */
char *expt_dir; /* directory part of suggested experiment name */
char *base_name; /* basename of suggested experiment name */
char *udir_name; /* user name of directory for data */
char *store_dir; /* directory to contain experiment dir. */
char *prev_store_dir; /* previously set store directory */
char *store_ptr; /* experiment pointer file */
char *expt_group; /* name of experiment group, if any */
char *project_home; /* argv[0] */
char *target_name; /* target executable name */
char *data_desc; /* string describing the data to be collected */
char *lockname; /* name of directory lock file */
int lockfd; /* fd of open lock file */
int nofswarn; /* if 1, don't warn of filesystem */
int expno; /* number in <stem>.<expno>.er */
/* T if an target is to be left for debugger attach */
int debug_mode;
/* clock-profiling controls */
/* T if clock-based profiling */
int clkprof_enabled;
/* T if on by default, rather than explicit setting */
int clkprof_default;
/* value for timer, microseconds. */
int clkprof_timer; // adjusted clock profiling interval
int clkprof_timer_target; // desired clock profiling interval
/* HW counter-profiling controls */
/* >0 if HW counter-based profiling */
int hwcprof_default;
int hwcprof_enabled_cnt;
char *hwc_string;
Hwcentry hwctr[MAX_PICS];
int synctrace_enabled; /* T if synchronization tracing */
/* sync trace threshold value, microsec. */
/* if 0, record all */
/* if <0, calibrate */
int synctrace_thresh;
/* sync trace scope -- a bit mask */
/* definitions in data_pckts.h */
int synctrace_scope;
char *heaptrace_mode; /* NULL, or on, or off, or range */
int iotrace_enabled; /* T if I/O tracing */
/* count controls */
/* 1 if counting is enabled; -1 if count static is enabled */
int count_enabled;
int Iflag; /* specify bit output directory -- only with count_enabled */
int Nflag; /* specify bit library to ignore -- only with count_enabled */
/* pid, if -P <pid> is invoked for attach with dbx */
int attach_pid;
/* time_run -- non-zero if timed execution request (dbx/er_kernel) */
int time_run;
int start_delay;
/* T if Java profiling is requested */
int java_mode;
int java_default;
char *java_path;
char *java_args;
int njava_args;
/* whether/how following-descendants is requested */
Follow_type follow_mode;
int follow_default;
char *follow_spec_usr; // user's selective follow spec
char *follow_spec_cmp; // compiled selective follow spec
int prof_idle; // whether profiling idle cpus is requested
char *archive_mode; // how load-objects archiving is requested
// signals to control pause-resume (delayed initialization) and samples
int pauseresume_sig; // for pause-resume signal -- delayed initialization
int pauseresume_pause; // 1 if pauseresume and start paused; 0 if not
int sample_sig; // to trigger sample
char *report_signal_conflict (int);
char *check_consistency (); // check the experiment settings for consistency
void determine_profile_params ();
char *preprocess_names ();
char *get_exp_name (const char *);
char *create_exp_dir ();
void build_data_desc ();
char *check_group ();
char *join_group ();
void free_hwc_fields (Hwcentry *tmpctr);
// propagates clkprof_timer change to Hwcentry hwctr[]
void set_clkprof_timer_target (int microseconds);
void adjust_clkprof_timer (int microseconds);
hrtime_t clkprof_timer_2_hwcentry_min_time (int clkprof_microseconds);
#endif /* !_COLLCTRL_H */