blob: bee64a4faec93cb1af78d4910f6480582941a432 [file] [log] [blame]
#objdump: -dr --prefix-addresses --show-raw-insn
#name: PIC
# This test is only valid on ELF based ports.
#notarget: *-*-pe *-*-wince
# VxWorks needs a special variant of this file.
#skip: *-*-vxworks*
# Test generation of PIC
.*: +file format .*arm.*
Disassembly of section .text:
00+0 <[^>]*> eb...... bl 00+. <[^>]*>
0: R_ARM_(PC24|CALL) foo.*
00+4 <[^>]*> eb...... bl 0[0123456789abcdef]+ <[^>]*>
4: R_ARM_(PLT32|CALL) foo
8: R_ARM_ABS32 sym
c: R_ARM_GOT32 sym
10: R_ARM_GOTOFF32 sym
18: R_ARM_TARGET1 foo2
1c: R_ARM_SBREL32 foo3
20: R_ARM_TARGET2 foo4