blob: d16a8f5683e34f00bcd89d46eae5b6abd785b196 [file] [log] [blame]
#objdump: -d
#name: Test of disassembler behaviour with invalid bit manipulation instructions
#source: bit-manip-invalid.s
.*: file format elf32-s12z
Disassembly of section \.text:
00000000 <\.text>:
0: 01 nop
1: 03 a5 10 04 brset\.w 4100, d4, \*\+6
5: 06
6: 01 nop
7: 01 nop
8: 03 65 12 brset d1, #4, \*\+18
b: 01 nop
c: 01 nop
d: ec 44 bclr d0, #0
f: ec 7c bclr d0, #7
11: ed 5d bset d1, #3
13: ed 7d bset d1, #7