blob: 61164182d16d62f5ce436eb57de002e935a735b9 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Atomic 64-byte load/store instructions. */
.arch armv8.6-a+ls64
/* Single-copy Atomic 64-byte Load. */
ld64b x0, [x1]
ld64b x2, [x1]
ld64b x4, [x1]
ld64b x6, [x1]
ld64b x8, [x1]
ld64b x10, [x1]
ld64b x12, [x1]
ld64b x14, [x1]
ld64b x16, [x1]
ld64b x18, [x1]
ld64b x20, [x1]
ld64b x22, [x1]
/* Single-copy Atomic 64-byte Store without Return. */
st64b x0, [x1]
st64b x2, [x1]
st64b x4, [x1]
st64b x6, [x1]
st64b x8, [x1]
st64b x10, [x1]
st64b x12, [x1]
st64b x14, [x1]
st64b x16, [x1]
st64b x18, [x1]
st64b x20, [x1]
st64b x22, [x1]
/* Single-copy Atomic 64-byte Store with Return. */
st64bv x1, x0, [x2]
st64bv x0, x2, [x2]
st64bv x0, x4, [x2]
st64bv x0, x6, [x2]
st64bv x0, x8, [x2]
st64bv x0, x10, [x2]
st64bv x0, x12, [x2]
st64bv x0, x14, [x2]
st64bv x0, x16, [x2]
st64bv x0, x18, [x2]
st64bv x0, x20, [x2]
st64bv x0, x22, [x2]
/* Single-copy Atomic 64-byte EL0 Store with Return. */
st64bv0 x1, x0, [x2]
st64bv0 x0, x2, [x2]
st64bv0 x0, x4, [x2]
st64bv0 x0, x6, [x2]
st64bv0 x0, x8, [x2]
st64bv0 x0, x10, [x2]
st64bv0 x0, x12, [x2]
st64bv0 x0, x14, [x2]
st64bv0 x0, x16, [x2]
st64bv0 x0, x18, [x2]
st64bv0 x0, x20, [x2]
st64bv0 x0, x22, [x2]
.arch armv8-a
/* Accelerator Data system register. */
mrs x0, accdata_el1
msr accdata_el1, x0