blob: 4af626993aa9f0183b075defc0ac7421085fd27a [file] [log] [blame]
#source: sve-movprfx_6.s
#warning_output: sve-movprfx_6.l
#as: -march=armv8-a+sve -I$srcdir/$subdir --generate-missing-build-notes=no
#objdump: -Dr -M notes
.* file format .*
Disassembly of section .*:
0+ <.*>:
[^:]+: 2598e3e0 ptrue p0.s
[^:]+: 0420bc01 movprfx z1, z0
[^:]+: 0420bc62 movprfx z2, z3 // note: instruction opens new dependency sequence without ending previous one
[^:]+: 0497a042 neg z2.s, p0/m, z2.s // note: output register of preceding `movprfx' used as input at operand 3
[^:]+: d65f03c0 ret