blob: 6863bb5161888f661b5be9732b0770e93a7e2b58 [file] [log] [blame]
#as: -J
#objdump: -dw
#name: i386
.*: +file format .*
Disassembly of section .text:
0+ <.*>:
[ ]*[a-f0-9]+: df e0 fnstsw %ax
[ ]*[a-f0-9]+: df e0 fnstsw %ax
[ ]*[a-f0-9]+: 9b df e0 fstsw %ax
[ ]*[a-f0-9]+: 9b df e0 fstsw %ax
[ ]*[a-f0-9]+: 66 0f be f0 movsbw %al,%si
[ ]*[a-f0-9]+: 0f be f0 movsbl %al,%esi
[ ]*[a-f0-9]+: 0f bf f0 movswl %ax,%esi
[ ]*[a-f0-9]+: 66 0f be 10 movsbw \(%eax\),%dx
[ ]*[a-f0-9]+: 66 0f be 10 movsbw \(%eax\),%dx
[ ]*[a-f0-9]+: 0f be 10 movsbl \(%eax\),%edx
[ ]*[a-f0-9]+: 0f bf 10 movswl \(%eax\),%edx
[ ]*[a-f0-9]+: 0f be 10 movsbl \(%eax\),%edx
[ ]*[a-f0-9]+: 66 0f be 10 movsbw \(%eax\),%dx
[ ]*[a-f0-9]+: 0f bf 10 movswl \(%eax\),%edx
[ ]*[a-f0-9]+: 66 0f b6 f0 movzbw %al,%si
[ ]*[a-f0-9]+: 0f b6 f0 movzbl %al,%esi
[ ]*[a-f0-9]+: 0f b7 f0 movzwl %ax,%esi
[ ]*[a-f0-9]+: 66 0f b6 10 movzbw \(%eax\),%dx
[ ]*[a-f0-9]+: 66 0f b6 10 movzbw \(%eax\),%dx
[ ]*[a-f0-9]+: 0f b6 10 movzbl \(%eax\),%edx
[ ]*[a-f0-9]+: 0f b7 10 movzwl \(%eax\),%edx
[ ]*[a-f0-9]+: 0f b6 10 movzbl \(%eax\),%edx
[ ]*[a-f0-9]+: 66 0f b6 10 movzbw \(%eax\),%dx
[ ]*[a-f0-9]+: 0f b6 10 movzbl \(%eax\),%edx
[ ]*[a-f0-9]+: 66 0f b6 10 movzbw \(%eax\),%dx
[ ]*[a-f0-9]+: 0f b7 10 movzwl \(%eax\),%edx
[ ]*[a-f0-9]+: 0f c3 00 movnti %eax,\(%eax\)
[ ]*[a-f0-9]+: 0f c3 00 movnti %eax,\(%eax\)
[ ]*[a-f0-9]+: df e0 fnstsw %ax
[ ]*[a-f0-9]+: df e0 fnstsw %ax
[ ]*[a-f0-9]+: 9b df e0 fstsw %ax
[ ]*[a-f0-9]+: 9b df e0 fstsw %ax
[ ]*[a-f0-9]+: 66 0f be f0 movsbw %al,%si
[ ]*[a-f0-9]+: 0f be f0 movsbl %al,%esi
[ ]*[a-f0-9]+: 0f bf f0 movswl %ax,%esi
[ ]*[a-f0-9]+: 0f be 10 movsbl \(%eax\),%edx
[ ]*[a-f0-9]+: 66 0f be 10 movsbw \(%eax\),%dx
[ ]*[a-f0-9]+: 0f bf 10 movswl \(%eax\),%edx
[ ]*[a-f0-9]+: 66 0f b6 f0 movzbw %al,%si
[ ]*[a-f0-9]+: 0f b6 f0 movzbl %al,%esi
[ ]*[a-f0-9]+: 0f b7 f0 movzwl %ax,%esi
[ ]*[a-f0-9]+: 0f b6 10 movzbl \(%eax\),%edx
[ ]*[a-f0-9]+: 66 0f b6 10 movzbw \(%eax\),%dx
[ ]*[a-f0-9]+: 0f b7 10 movzwl \(%eax\),%edx
[ ]*[a-f0-9]+: f3 0f 7e 0c 24 movq \(%esp\),%xmm1
[ ]*[a-f0-9]+: f3 0f 7e 0c 24 movq \(%esp\),%xmm1
[ ]*[a-f0-9]+: 66 0f d6 0c 24 movq %xmm1,\(%esp\)
[ ]*[a-f0-9]+: 66 0f d6 0c 24 movq %xmm1,\(%esp\)
[ ]*[a-f0-9]+: 66 0f be 00 movsbw \(%eax\),%ax
[ ]*[a-f0-9]+: 0f be 00 movsbl \(%eax\),%eax
[ ]*[a-f0-9]+: 0f bf 00 movswl \(%eax\),%eax
[ ]*[a-f0-9]+: 66 0f b6 00 movzbw \(%eax\),%ax
[ ]*[a-f0-9]+: 0f b6 00 movzbl \(%eax\),%eax
[ ]*[a-f0-9]+: 0f b7 00 movzwl \(%eax\),%eax
[ ]*[a-f0-9]+: 0f c3 00 movnti %eax,\(%eax\)