blob: 01597ca23ff8a08d53dc7c9c4c396083d942e7a7 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2021-2024 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <> .
# Testing GDB's implementation of LBOUND and UBOUND.
require allow_fortran_tests
standard_testfile ".F90"
load_lib fortran.exp
if {[prepare_for_testing ${testfile}.exp ${testfile} ${srcfile} \
{debug f90}]} {
return -1
# Avoid shared lib symbols.
gdb_test_no_output "set auto-solib-add off"
if ![fortran_runto_main] {
return -1
# Avoid libc symbols, in particular the 'array' type.
gdb_test_no_output "nosharedlibrary"
gdb_breakpoint [gdb_get_line_number "Test Breakpoint"]
gdb_breakpoint [gdb_get_line_number "Breakpoint before deallocate\."]
gdb_breakpoint [gdb_get_line_number "Final Breakpoint"]
set found_dealloc_breakpoint false
# We place a limit on the number of tests that can be run, just in
# case something goes wrong, and GDB gets stuck in an loop here.
set test_count 0
while { $test_count < 500 } {
with_test_prefix "test $test_count" {
incr test_count
set expected_lbound ""
set expected_ubound ""
set found_prompt false
gdb_test_multiple "continue" "continue" {
-re -wrap "! Test Breakpoint.*" {
# We stopped at the next test case.
pass $gdb_test_name
-re -wrap "! Breakpoint before deallocate.*" {
# There are no more test cases.
pass $gdb_test_name
set found_dealloc_breakpoint true
if ($found_dealloc_breakpoint) {
set expected_lbound [get_valueof "" "lb" "" "get expected lbound"]
set expected_ubound [get_valueof "" "ub" "" "get expected ubound"]
if { $expected_lbound == "" } {
error "failed to extract expected results for lbound"
if { $expected_ubound == "" } {
error "failed to extract expected results for ubound"
verbose -log "APB: Run a test here"
verbose -log "APB: Expected lbound '$expected_lbound'"
verbose -log "APB: Expected ubound '$expected_ubound'"
# We want to take a look at the line in the previous frame that
# called the current function. I couldn't find a better way of
# doing this than 'up', which will print the line, then 'down'
# again.
# I don't want to fill the log with passes for these up/down
# commands, so we don't report any. If something goes wrong then we
# should get a fail from gdb_test_multiple.
set array_name ""
set xfail_data ""
gdb_test_multiple "up" "up" {
-re "\r\n\[0-9\]+\[ \t\]+DO_TEST \\((\[^\r\n\]+)\\)\r\n$gdb_prompt $" {
set array_name $expect_out(1,string)
if { $array_name == "" } {
error "failed to extract array name"
# Check GDB can correctly print complete set of upper and
# lower bounds for an array.
set pattern [string_to_regexp " = $expected_lbound"]
gdb_test "p lbound ($array_name)" "$pattern" \
"check value of lbound ('$array_name') expression"
set pattern [string_to_regexp " = $expected_ubound"]
gdb_test "p ubound ($array_name)" "$pattern" \
"check value of ubound ('$array_name') expression"
# Now ask for each bound in turn and check it against the
# expected results.
# First ask for bound 0. This should fail, but will also tell
# us the actual bounds of the array. Thanks GDB.
set upper_dim ""
gdb_test_multiple "p lbound ($array_name, 0)" "" {
-re "\r\nLBOUND dimension must be from 1 to (\[0-9\]+)\r\n$gdb_prompt $" {
set upper_dim $expect_out(1,string)
gdb_assert { ![string eq $upper_dim ""] } \
"extracted the upper dimension value"
# Check that asking for the ubound dimension 0 gives the same
# dimension range as in the lbound case.
gdb_test_multiple "p ubound ($array_name, 0)" "" {
-re "\r\nUBOUND dimension must be from 1 to (\[0-9\]+)\r\n$gdb_prompt $" {
gdb_assert {$upper_dim == $expect_out(1,string)} \
"ubound limit matches lbound limit"
# Now ask for the upper and lower bound for each dimension in
# turn. Add these results into a string which, when complete,
# will look like the expected results seen above.
set lbound_str ""
set ubound_str ""
set prefix "("
for { set i 1 } { $i <= $upper_dim } { incr i } {
set v [get_valueof "/d" "lbound ($array_name, $i)" "???"]
set lbound_str "${lbound_str}${prefix}${v}"
set v [get_valueof "/d" "ubound ($array_name, $i)" "???"]
set ubound_str "${ubound_str}${prefix}${v}"
set prefix ", "
# Add closing parenthesis.
set lbound_str "${lbound_str})"
set ubound_str "${ubound_str})"
gdb_assert [string eq ${lbound_str} $expected_lbound] \
"lbounds match"
gdb_assert [string eq ${ubound_str} $expected_ubound] \
"ubounds match"
# Finally, check that asking for a dimension above the valid
# range gives the expected error.
set bad_dim [expr $upper_dim + 1]
gdb_test "p lbound ($array_name, $bad_dim)" \
"LBOUND dimension must be from 1 to $upper_dim" \
"check error message for lbound of dim = $bad_dim"
gdb_test "p ubound ($array_name, $bad_dim)" \
"UBOUND dimension must be from 1 to $upper_dim" \
"check error message for ubound of dim = $bad_dim"
# Move back up a frame just so we finish the test in frame 0.
gdb_test_multiple "down" "down" {
-re "\r\n$gdb_prompt $" {
# Don't issue a pass here.
gdb_assert {$found_dealloc_breakpoint} "ran all compiled in tests"
# Test the kind parameter of ubound and lbound a few times.
gdb_test "p lbound(array_1d_1bytes_overflow, 1, 1)" "= 127"
gdb_test "p lbound(array_1d_1bytes_overflow, 1, 2)" "= -129"
gdb_test "p ubound(array_1d_1bytes_overflow, 1, 1)" "= -117"
gdb_test "p lbound(array_1d_2bytes_overflow, 1, 2)" "= 32757"
gdb_test "p ubound(array_1d_2bytes_overflow, 1, 2)" "= -32766"
gdb_test "p ubound(array_1d_2bytes_overflow, 1, 4)" "= 32770"
# On 32-bit machines most compilers will complain when trying to allocate an
# array with ranges outside the 4 byte integer range. As the behavior is
# compiler implementation dependent, we do not run these test on 32 bit targets.
if {[is_64_target]} {
gdb_test "p lbound(array_1d_4bytes_overflow, 1, 4)" "= 2147483644"
gdb_test "p lbound(array_1d_4bytes_overflow, 1, 8)" "= -2147483652"
gdb_test "p ubound(array_1d_4bytes_overflow, 1, 4)" "= -2147483637"
gdb_test "p lbound(array_1d_4bytes_overflow)" "= \\(2147483644\\)"
# Ensure we reached the final breakpoint. If more tests have been added
# to the test script, and this starts failing, then the safety 'while'
# loop above might need to be increased.
gdb_continue_to_breakpoint "Final Breakpoint"
# Now for some final tests. This is mostly testing that GDB gives the
# correct errors in certain cases.
foreach var {str_1 an_int} {
foreach func {lbound ubound} {
gdb_test "p ${func} ($var)" \
"[string toupper $func] can only be applied to arrays"