blob: 4b556a73b06d864970c1a1dbe8ca66a08dcc4026 [file] [log] [blame]
! Copyright 2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
! the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
! (at your option) any later version.
! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
! GNU General Public License for more details.
! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
! along with this program. If not, see <>.
! Start of test program.
program test
! Things to perform tests on.
integer, target :: array_1d (1:10) = 0
integer, target :: array_2d (1:4, 1:3) = 0
integer :: an_integer = 0
real :: a_real = 0.0
integer, pointer :: array_1d_p (:) => null ()
integer, pointer :: array_2d_p (:,:) => null ()
integer, allocatable :: allocatable_array_1d (:)
integer, allocatable :: allocatable_array_2d (:,:)
! Loop counters.
integer :: s1, s2
! The start of the tests.
call test_size (size (array_1d))
call test_size (size (array_1d, 1))
do s1=1, SIZE (array_1d, 1), 1
call test_size (size (array_1d (1:10:s1)))
call test_size (size (array_1d (1:10:s1), 1))
call test_size (size (array_1d (10:1:-s1)))
call test_size (size (array_1d (10:1:-s1), 1))
end do
do s2=1, SIZE (array_2d, 2), 1
do s1=1, SIZE (array_2d, 1), 1
call test_size (size (array_2d (1:4:s1, 1:3:s2)))
call test_size (size (array_2d (4:1:-s1, 1:3:s2)))
call test_size (size (array_2d (1:4:s1, 3:1:-s2)))
call test_size (size (array_2d (4:1:-s1, 3:1:-s2)))
call test_size (size (array_2d (1:4:s1, 1:3:s2), 1))
call test_size (size (array_2d (4:1:-s1, 1:3:s2), 1))
call test_size (size (array_2d (1:4:s1, 3:1:-s2), 1))
call test_size (size (array_2d (4:1:-s1, 3:1:-s2), 1))
call test_size (size (array_2d (1:4:s1, 1:3:s2), 2))
call test_size (size (array_2d (4:1:-s1, 1:3:s2), 2))
call test_size (size (array_2d (1:4:s1, 3:1:-s2), 2))
call test_size (size (array_2d (4:1:-s1, 3:1:-s2), 2))
end do
end do
allocate (allocatable_array_1d (-10:-5))
call test_size (size (allocatable_array_1d))
do s1=1, SIZE (allocatable_array_1d, 1), 1
call test_size (size (allocatable_array_1d (-10:-5:s1)))
call test_size (size (allocatable_array_1d (-5:-10:-s1)))
call test_size (size (allocatable_array_1d (-10:-5:s1), 1))
call test_size (size (allocatable_array_1d (-5:-10:-s1), 1))
end do
allocate (allocatable_array_2d (-3:3, 8:12))
do s2=1, SIZE (allocatable_array_2d, 2), 1
do s1=1, SIZE (allocatable_array_2d, 1), 1
call test_size (size (allocatable_array_2d (-3:3:s1, 8:12:s2)))
call test_size (size (allocatable_array_2d (3:-3:-s1, 8:12:s2)))
call test_size (size (allocatable_array_2d (-3:3:s1, 12:8:-s2)))
call test_size (size (allocatable_array_2d (3:-3:-s1, 12:8:-s2)))
call test_size (size (allocatable_array_2d (-3:3:s1, 8:12:s2), 1))
call test_size (size (allocatable_array_2d (3:-3:-s1, 8:12:s2), 2))
call test_size (size (allocatable_array_2d (-3:3:s1, 12:8:-s2), 1))
call test_size (size (allocatable_array_2d (3:-3:-s1, 12:8:-s2), 2))
end do
end do
array_1d_p => array_1d
call test_size (size (array_1d_p))
call test_size (size (array_1d_p, 1))
array_2d_p => array_2d
call test_size (size (array_2d_p))
call test_size (size (array_2d_p, 1))
call test_size (size (array_2d_p, 2))
deallocate (allocatable_array_1d)
deallocate (allocatable_array_2d)
array_1d_p => null ()
array_2d_p => null ()
print *, "" ! Final Breakpoint
print *, an_integer
print *, a_real
print *, associated (array_1d_p)
print *, associated (array_2d_p)
print *, allocated (allocatable_array_1d)
print *, allocated (allocatable_array_2d)
subroutine test_size (answer)
integer :: answer
print *,answer ! Test Breakpoint
end subroutine test_size
end program test